Central Coast

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4,178 Comments on "Central Coast"

  1. I am concerned that ratepayers from the northern end of the council,Wyong,are being penalised unfairly Amalgamation with a more poorly performing Gosford council has resulted in less money for needed services in the north.Now we are expected to bail out the council when Wyong had no debt prior to the NSW Gov enforced amalgamation.The NSW Gov should take rrsponsibility for this disaster and put the money in to atone for their failed policy policy.

  2. We should dismantle this whe amalgamation arrangement..go back to separate councils. We were doing OK

  3. Yes easy solution get people to pay higher rates is this for real so they just going to get away with it this is a disgrace where is all the money?what team of corrupted system make me sick jail all of them xxxx ….. xxxx

  4. Terry O'BRIEN | February 24, 2021 at 1:44 pm |

    Why has the NSW government not directed action for a full-on independent high level detailed investigation of Central Coast Council’s serious, disgraceful dereliction of its duties pertaining to the professional and serious detailed accountability for the continuous and timely management of its finances including where the money was spent. As well how was the mooted increase in some rates by a publicly reported 42% calculated and by whom ?.

  5. Luke Mckinnon | February 24, 2021 at 7:00 pm |

    The change of the permit from a variation, suspension,extension to and extension only by Advent now means that if it is approved they will have to do 3D seismic before they can drill.

  6. I don’t understand how these council employees have not been prosicuted to the full extent of the law for misappropriation of our funds,they should all be in jail.I live in
    Bateau Bay and before the amalgamation Wyong council was in proffit.For god sake find more intelligent people who have a conscience and the ability to do their jobs properly. WHERE HAS ALL THE MONEY GONE???????FIND OUT!!!,DO AN AUDIT FOR THE LAST 10YEARS.ALL THE employees in the accounts department, the council board, and the auditors who obserously DID NOT do their audits properly.,as well as the mayor C.E.O..THERE HAS TO BE ACCOUNTABILITY not the attitude “I don’t work for the council now”. And also if a council employee has been dismissed for incompetency they should only be paid their weekly wage, any unused holiday leave, and accumulated sick leave if applicable, NOT A golden handshake, what kind of message is that, do a crap job and you’ll be rewarded for it,I DON’T THINK SO. Central Coast Council WAKEUP!!!!!do your jobs properly and because you CCC I now have to pay MORE for my rates probably for the next 10 to 15 years.

  7. Where did these beauocrates go to school,15 percent means 15 percent !!So some areas it’s more than 15 percent, replace one group of corrupt councilors with a corrupt beauocrate,maybe if Gosford was held by the Liberals we would get a fair deal, it’s getting to the stage of a protest, these politicians please them selves, where is that incompedent Adam Crouch, vote him out too, may as well be all labour down south

  8. What is extremely frustrating about all of this is the lack of transparency and accountability demonstrated for the people responsible for this gross negligence and incompetence as well as lack of integrity- we paid out the contract of people rather than holding them to account – BUT eh we the ratepayers will find it , if this was a corporate organisation they would have been held to account

  9. Terrigal resident | February 25, 2021 at 1:18 pm |

    Obviously disappointed that people in responsible positions could be so incompetent in their job with actual misinformation only making the whole council amalgamation a true farce.

  10. Richard Mortimore | February 25, 2021 at 2:15 pm |

    Dumb dumber dumbest

  11. Patrick Aiken | February 25, 2021 at 3:59 pm |

    It’s not 42%. Because the second part of the rate increase is 15% of the harmonised the actual rate increase will be 47%. We are once again being conned by the bureaucracy. Step 1 is for every dollar of land value add $0.28 cents which is $1:28. Then add %15 of $1:28. The answer is $1.28 x 1.15 which equals $1:47.2. That’s a total increase of $47.2% because we will pay a tax on a tax. This doesn’t include any increase in fixed charges or user pay charges such as garbage. But there is no doubt these will increase as well. Wyong residents constantly complain that Gosford ratepayers pay less. They forget that we started paying special levies long before Wyong residents. In 1996 Gosford ratepayers started paying back a loan of $54 million for infrastructure, sports amenities and to manage and purchase more Coastal Open Space System. In the last year of loan repayment we paid over $4 million dollars in levies but instead of ending the levies they were subsumed and became part of the rate base. We have been paying this for 25 years. Wyong levies started in 2014 – seven years ago. Part of the infrastructure planned for Gosford from the $54 million was $8 million for a regional library. We will never get the regional library but we are still paying for it. The current proposal for a regional library is more smoke and mirrors as the bureaucracy sets itself up for a new headquarters to replace the old Gosford Chambers that they plan to demolish. We are being reamed and Shelly Hancock is oblivious to the concerns of ratepayers with their rogue councils. Meryl you need to start with facts not the fiction fed to us by Council!

  12. Not to mention that the rig will be 30km from shore, not the 5km from shore that anti-gas people keep spouting about.

  13. Peter Campbell | February 26, 2021 at 12:06 pm |

    In regard to the forced amalgamation of the two CC Councils by NSW State Govt.This was not the only forced amalgamation by them so it would be reasonable to compare the outcome of all such amalgamations to see how CCC fared in the process.
    As much as it seemed a good idea, what cost benefit evaluations was carried out by the State Govt for their plans,how did they determine what financial and human resources would be required, what expertise did they bring to the table to assist these amalgamations.
    Hopefully the Judicial Inquiry might give us some answers to the above.

  14. Another Boarding House is proposed for our beautiful Terrigal!

    As residents of Terrigal we are very concerned about the newly proposed 12 room boarding house in our family friendly community. It is only meters away from another recently approved boarding house. We are worried about the many ways this will negatively impact our neighbourhood.
    Please join us in opposing this development application by writing your own objection letter to council before the 19th of March.

    Thank you for standing up to ensure that Terrigal remains the community that we all know and love.

  15. Anyone could have done a better job sack them all
    We all drive around and see ten blokes on a job that takes two it’s a disgrace I had a blown water main and I had too buy out of my own pocket dirt too fill only cause they didn’t come back as much as I got reference number kept ringing then they came put some dirt in one ditch not the still no turf suppose I have too buy that too and they 40% increase in rates what a joke they damage things and don’t fix it SACK THEM ALL

  16. norman walpole | February 27, 2021 at 10:26 am |

    they should rename the central coast weed city something needs to be done, there are weeds growing on all foot-paths and median strips its a disgrace, trees along terrigal drive need to be trimmed back before they fall on the traffic passing under

  17. What were you thinking??? Mountain biking and trail-building destroy wildlife habitat! Mountain biking is environmentally, socially, and medically destructive! There is no good reason to allow bicycles on any unpaved trail!

    Bicycles should not be allowed in any natural area. They are inanimate objects and have no rights. There is also no right to mountain bike. That was settled in federal court in 1996: https://mjvande.info/mtb10.htm . It’s dishonest of mountain bikers to say that they don’t have access to trails closed to bikes. They have EXACTLY the same access as everyone else — ON FOOT! Why isn’t that good enough for mountain bikers? They are all capable of walking….

    A favorite myth of mountain bikers is that mountain biking is no more harmful to wildlife, people, and the environment than hiking, and that science supports that view. Of course, it’s not true. To settle the matter once and for all, I read all of the research they cited, and wrote a review of the research on mountain biking impacts (see https://mjvande.info/scb7.htm ). I found that of the seven studies they cited, (1) all were written by mountain bikers, and (2) in every case, the authors misinterpreted their own data, in order to come to the conclusion that they favored. They also studiously avoided mentioning another scientific study (Wisdom et al) which did not favor mountain biking, and came to the opposite conclusions.

    Mountain bikers also love to build new trails – legally or illegally. Of course, trail-building destroys wildlife habitat – not just in the trail bed, but in a wide swath to both sides of the trail! E.g. grizzlies can hear a human from one mile away, and smell us from 5 miles away. Thus, a 10-mile trail represents 100 square miles of destroyed or degraded habitat, that animals are inhibited from using. Mountain biking, trail building, and trail maintenance all increase the number of people in the park, thereby preventing the animals’ full use of their habitat. See https://mjvande.info/scb9.htm for details.

    Mountain biking accelerates erosion, creates V-shaped ruts, kills small animals and plants on and next to the trail, drives wildlife and other trail users out of the area, and, worst of all, teaches kids that the rough treatment of nature is okay (it’s NOT!). What’s good about THAT?

    To see exactly what harm mountain biking does to the land, watch this 5-minute video: http://vimeo.com/48784297.

    In addition to all of this, it is extremely dangerous: https://mjvande.info/mtb_dangerous.htm .

    For more information: https://mjvande.info/mtbfaq.htm .

    The common thread among those who want more recreation in our parks is total ignorance about and disinterest in the wildlife whose homes these parks are. Yes, if humans are the only beings that matter, it is simply a conflict among humans (but even then, allowing bikes on trails harms the MAJORITY of park users — hikers and equestrians — who can no longer safely and peacefully enjoy their parks).

    The parks aren’t gymnasiums or racetracks or even human playgrounds. They are WILDLIFE HABITAT, which is precisely why they are attractive to humans. Activities such as mountain biking, that destroy habitat, violate the charter of the parks.

    Even kayaking and rafting, which give humans access to the entirety of a water body, prevent the wildlife that live there from making full use of their habitat, and should not be allowed. Of course those who think that only humans matter won’t understand what I am talking about — an indication of the sad state of our culture and educational system.

  18. I am an avid reader of the Peninsula times and others of your stable. Bit I am a first time viewer of 5@5.
    Well done. I found it very interesting to have some local highlights in video format.
    Keep up the good local work.
    Ian M Killcare

  19. Shawn Weston | February 28, 2021 at 8:45 am |

    It allows for less fortunate people who aren’t the best off financially to live near a beautiful beach.not a negative thing at all.too many people in there nice big houses and big bank accounts looking down there nose at someone who needs accommodation.doesnt have to have an impact on other people around them.just snobbery in action once again.thats all it is.

  20. stuart sallie | February 28, 2021 at 11:07 am |

    Ok so your concerned about gas rigs 30kms offshore …. what about sand dredging 5 kms offshore that both Albanese and Barilo are endorsing to use the sand for beach reclamation ….what is the destruction this will cause ??? to sea life nesting grounds and ecosystems …

    Get off your political platforms and endorse the more tangible gas platforms

    get real PEP 11 should go ahead , for JOBS, FOR COMMUNITY

  21. This disgraceful council must never be put back in Power. Administration must be continued until the next council elections.
    Why has nobody been held accountable for this mess?
    A full independent enquiry must be held. Surely this should be instigated by the Local Govt Department without the need for a petition?
    Why aren’t our local representatives fighting harder for us? Perhaps we should vote liberal next state elections so that we may get a better deal?

  22. Michael Blake | February 28, 2021 at 2:30 pm |

    As your article implied l believe we the residents and ratepayers are not being told the whole truth but are expected to pay for the incompetence with no consequences for the people who allowed this to happen. A rate rise of 42% requested by the Administrator is beyond belief! And justified as its only $8.00 per week some ratepayers on fixed income do not have that money to spare. Over 20,000 residents signed a petition to be presented in NSW Parliament but l’m not sure it will dealt with expediently by a State government that caused the problem. As a protest if all the Central Coast ratepayers only paid last years rates without any rate increase would that get a bit more traction. A State government that can brush off $250 million taxpayers dollars as ‘pork barrelling’ and that’s ok can surely wipe out the Central Coast debt.

  23. T, O'Brien | March 1, 2021 at 1:33 pm |

    Gary Smith – I fully agree with you. It won’t happen while Berigiklian is steering the sinking ship. She has publicly stated there will be no inquiry. But another disgraceful decision and a serious insult to central coast rate payers indeed. Also Misfeasance Law, which she would no nothing about has been ignored!

  24. Charles Simonds | March 1, 2021 at 2:07 pm |

    Garry Clifford of Glenning Valley makes a lot of sense when he says that C02 does not contribute to climate change. Also I have not noticed the sea level rising either what are the so called experts doing. Have they got their eyes and minds closed for some idealogical reasons? Perhaps they are afraid to go against the flow.

  25. Vince Willis | March 1, 2021 at 8:32 pm |

    And now selling off Wyong assets to pay for the debt by Gosford.

  26. Thanks for your feedback Shawn. Actually the street that the proposed boarding house corners is a street with mainly very modest homes and lots of young families and retirees, not rich snobs. The developer is not doing this to help out those in need, but to make money. The proposed building is designed to cater up to 18 people living on 1 suburban block. It will only provide 6 car spots for a building that can accommodate 18 people with potentially 18 cars, which will dramatically increase the parking issues in the street and cause much more traffic in a school zone. There was another boarding house approved only a few meters down the road which also doesn’t have enough parking for all the residents. Affordable housing is a great idea, but this is not an appropriate or safe block to build this on. Please check out gf.me/u/zkjcu9 for more information.

  27. Rachel Milne | March 3, 2021 at 10:30 pm |

    When one party does wrong and another is forced to pay for it that is the definition of evil.
    Doing wrong over the extended period of 10 years and then expecting others to pay for it is inexcusable.
    Our local government needs to find a way to pay for their mistakes without saddling its constituents with greater cost burdens. Learn to live within your means as we all have to.
    We all know that once an increased levy is imposed it will NOT be removed in the future.

  28. A J Smith | March 4, 2021 at 7:17 pm |

    Make the Administrater publish a list of where spending was made particularly the restricted funds. Wyong residents must be protected against illegal activity and forced to pay debts that do not belong to them.

  29. BrandiBradley | March 4, 2021 at 8:26 pm |

    thank you

  30. Could someone please tell me what restricted funds are. Perhaps a CCN journalist might write an article about them?

  31. Annette Thomas | March 6, 2021 at 7:00 am |

    Would have been good to have expanded details on all of the clinics and not just the ones in the former Wyong LGA. Or even a direction on locate further details at http://www…. or ring this number. As I would like information on the clinics at Gosford.

  32. Less wemans surfing

  33. Why is the coast getting a CEO from a council that is in huge debt and the previous councillors proven to be corrupt? It looks like absolutely nothing has been learned.

  34. I wish they would all stay in Sydney. It’s bad enough having to put up with them all at Xmas.

  35. Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization with offices in over forty countries and with an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.Great information thanks for sharing.

  36. No doubt the new employees of this library will be the same lazy overpaid employees that have ridden the gravy train for way to long.

    Sack them all. Let them commute to Sydney and work for a living.

  37. They shouldn’t be paid what they are paid to ‘learn on the job’.

  38. If only rate payers knew just how lazy some of these council administration staff were they would be flabbergasted. These same lazy employees are surviving the redundancies because the good staff are taking them and moving on elsewhere while we keep the useless ones that can’t get a job anyone else.

  39. David Woods | March 6, 2021 at 11:17 pm |

    The Pickets Valley (over) development will become a monument to the destruction of everything the Central Coast represents..ie a viable beautiful regional alternative to the ridiculous over development of the Greater Sydney region..when will this stop!!

  40. Good day to all Central coasters.
    In regards the the rates issue. (legal commentary on my idea would be appreciated and required before taking this action.) My proposal is. Rate payers to only pay amount paid last year.
    Submitted with a statement , Until the rate rise has been investigated and justified no further money’s due will be paid. It is inconceivable that the rate payers are left to sort out this debt. If you pay rates you need to join this cause and sign the petition.
    Take care coasties.

  41. Sidney Palmer | March 7, 2021 at 10:25 am |

    The suggestion that water costs should increase for everyone if the dam level drops below 50% is ridiculous.
    Why should those who use water carefully subsidies those who waste it???
    The equitable solution is to increase the cost of water to those who use more than the recommended daily amount.
    Use more, pay more. The more you use the more you pay.
    No brainer!!

  42. Ray Atkinson | March 7, 2021 at 5:04 pm |

    Too many unanswered questions on council financial crisis.. like how can two high profile consulting organisations give a low financial risk and then we find out we are many hundreds of dollars in debt..do we get our consulting money back and what liability do these consulting firms carry in this.. is there corruption involved.. why weren’t the residents views listened to by the administrator.. why was the questions posed by the former CEO ignored by the administrator… A public enquiry is needed to get t o the bottom of this or a stain will always hang over council

  43. Chris a walker and MTBer | March 8, 2021 at 11:59 am |

    So they support it or they urge members to oppose it? I’m confused. How about you urge your members to consider it for themselves and talk to some mountain bikers instead. The environment is important, mountain bikers are a group that on large enjoy the environment and treat it with respect. We should encourage use of the outdoors and allow where appropriate for fun and engaging trails to be created, managed and enjoyed by all. Most importantly, enough with the tribalism on both sides! If you’re just arbitrarily opposing things or other peoples viewpoints (this is aimed at both sides) you are just part of the problem and the rest of us would benefit from you disengaging yourself from the process.

  44. Brian Bell | March 9, 2021 at 11:13 am |

    The interview with former mayor Jane Smith was a very good one. Jane provided an excellent insight into the circumstances surrounding Central Coast Council. In my view Jane was correct with her commentary and analysis of the important matters (and the players involved) relating to the amalgamation, management cultures, finances, the former CEO and the political divides across the council.
    The Central Coast community would do well to listen to this interview.

  45. irene elliot | March 9, 2021 at 11:58 am |

    There is apparently a 28 day consultation regarding the closure of The Entrance library. Who are the consultants and why have residents/rate payers not be officially informed.

  46. Susie M: bushwalker, mountain bicyclist, visual artist | March 11, 2021 at 9:10 am |

    CEN, since I became aware of them via their FB page, is a highly divisive, narrow-minded group. Publishing an article like this is buying into their political narrative and outrageous claims regarding mountain bicycling. Use of the word ‘bike’ is misleading your non-cycling readers into thinking that this is about fossil-fueled motorbikes. It is not. It is about bicycles and the bicycle is the most environmentally friendly, human-powered conveyance in the world- consequently mountain bicycling is now the largest land-based outdoor recreation in the world. I fail to see how any group which is genuinely concerned about the local natural environments, climate change and the like- could so vehmently oppose anything to do with a bicycle. The image you have published is the property of CCMTB and it is completely out of context to this debate, nor is it representative of 95% those who ride mountain bicycles. Only 2% of all mountain bicyclists can ride like that, or even want to ride like that! All local riders are asking for is to be able to use their motor cars less, so that they can ride more and easily access public, difficulty graded trails to appreciate and link the vast tracts of scenic natural bush with their friends and families on their bicycles-from home. Did anyone from CEN leave their car at home today and cycle instead ?

  47. Geoff Eagar | March 12, 2021 at 6:52 am |

    I am very disappointed that the Council is considering closing The Entrance Library. The library is an important community asset that is well used by many, especially our older and less well off residents. It seems to continue the pattern of our old Wyong Shire residents being disadvantaged by the merger with Gosford that was forced on us by the State Liberal government.

  48. MARK MEREDITH | March 12, 2021 at 4:28 pm |

    Interesting, council seems to have been run by three monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. By the way it was every ones fault but mine. Just a check did she actually answer a question or just comment or make statements?

  49. The Entrance Library is closing- what next??? There is no banks left & even ATM’S are gone except one. Half of the shops are empty & the ones that are still operating only open on certain days or hours.
    The Entrance will be a ghost town soon.

  50. As a member of the East Gosford community garden I would like thank the Greater Bank for their wonderful donation,
    I know this money will be well used to fund important functions for our wonderful garden.

  51. Scott Jones | March 14, 2021 at 9:09 am |

    The council is also planning to build a desalination plant just in case there is another drought. We already have a system for pumping water to Mangrove Dam for long term storage.
    How many millions (or billions) are they planning to waste on a system that will never be used.

  52. This is a great article, really interesting to see how his dolls went from a passion to a reality. It turns out his website is: https://glamourozdolls.com.au/ for anyone interested!

    • Also, the article has made a mistake with the name of his business, it is GlamourOz Dolls

      Not GlamourDollsOz

  53. peter reid | March 15, 2021 at 3:21 pm |

    dune restoration what a joke! When this council could not manage their funds and got us in debt for $500000000 dollars

  54. Richard Wilson | March 16, 2021 at 12:56 pm |

    She blames the merger.
    She says 20 merged councils haven’t worked and have a total of $1 billion debt.
    That means the other 19 have an average OF $26,000 EACH
    Central Coast Council $500,000 DEBT.

  55. Will the market at East Gosford still go ahead regardless of the weather?
    Cheers, Lyn Watson
    Lyn.wray@icloud.com Phone 0414999941

  56. Hi there, where can we find a link to the film?

  57. Central coast certainly needs more resort, apart from Crown plaza and Raffertys there doesn’t seem to be any where of worth to go. Yes motels caravan parks which need renovating or bnbs . Look at Port Macquarie.. Port Stephens.. we are way behind the times…. jobs .. transport .. industries .. big events.. where is our visionary to bring much needed $$s to.this beautuful region??

  58. i am strongly opposed to the any project that allows mountain biking in natural areas.

    the truth is that mountain biking is an anti-environmental, destructive, industry supported, self-centered activity that creates destruction where it attempts to penetrate natural lands and the public trust. unlike the misinformation from proponents of this invasion, it is clear to see this is an industry/bike association/single-minded advocate agenda to penetrate public programs, buildings, and natural areas for self-centered gain, whether it be corporate sales, association control, or self-centered thrills, all with undue pressure/influence on local officials and at the expense of unique treasures like local parks and natural venues. it is a strategy that plays out across the nation, poisoned by the mantra of the privatized radical individual as opposed to the common good and public trust. these spaces are meant for all of the people, not the minority of a few to pursue restricted single-use narcissist adventure. open space parklands remain places of reflection and undisturbed connections with nature, among the diverse animal and plant life, terrain, and peace those things create. research nationally documents the destruction that mountain biking wreaks on the environment as well as people who want to pursue passive recreation.
    you must confront this intrusion and deny any use of the park for mountain biking or similar restricted-use disruptive activity. do you as a city want to turn every park into yet another industry-lobbied sports complex? Parks and natural environments are not gymnasiums, race tracks, sports complexes, or circus adventure rides, despite the propaganda from the industry and IMBA bike association partners, replete with their websites, consulting, and talking points, a 21st century snake-oil medicine show. do you really want the invasion of this destructive, dangerous, and restricted self-centered activity for a few with its consequent documented national history of future expansion, destruction, and danger to people (with permanent injuries and lawsuits against the city), or do you value something more: a place of reflection and connection with nature, others, and oneself, giving us our full humanity, nature’s gift to us all for generations past, present, and future.

  59. Well Mike, you would think you could at least go to the effort of typing a unique response/comment or even trying to adjust your argument to include even a slither of truth, or are grizzlies common in Australia now?

    Coast Community News – please take notice of who you are allowing input from. Considering the past events here on the Central Coast with the booby trapping of trails (incidents in Bouddi, Wyee etc), I would expect further consideration or investigation before allowing someone to spout irrational and unsubstantiated tripe such as above from both Mike and “Royal”.

    For readers perusing the comments of this article feel free to check out the below links:


    • Thank you James for pointing out that Mike was a US-based commentator who was mistakingly referring to the Californian Central Coast area. As a rule, we check for defamation and allow all comments that are on topic. We will now start checking for people’s offshore location and make an assessment to their contribution to the debate.

  60. Tony Simpson | March 23, 2021 at 7:47 pm |

    The REAL reason for this MESS is Corruption, everyone has seen it.
    Those responsible should be held accountable, Alas this festering reaches right up to HO ( Thanks Gladdy. We can only hope for a new wave at he next election The Coal ition will go the same way as The fascist trump administration, He will as I hope the likes of Barrnaby Scomo and turtle head. will be prosecuted. much in the same way as the republican party in America.
    These animals have caused so much pain, and should be punished to the full extent!

  61. Robin Thepsiri (Mrs) | March 23, 2021 at 10:57 pm |

    Apart from funding/ building support is there organisation for donated food? During the bushfires an estate agent in Point Clare acted as a depot for donated food and had it delivered by truck through connection with a particular group. Little on the media regarding evacuation centres or specific needs at hand which can be met by those not as badly effected.

  62. Mark Foxton | March 24, 2021 at 10:11 am |

    Sack them all and start the enquiry. Constituents deserve answers. Where has all the money gone? Why are my rates going up?
    We are not willing to pay for incompetence any longer.

  63. Publish the GIVIT web site

  64. We need to seriously consider and improvise street closures to make areas safer and more user friendly for Families, Visitor’s and Pedestrian traffic, This was mooted many years ago at several meetings promoted by Council with Developers and Major Land and Property Holders. Reinvestigate a pedestrian bridge across the water linking The Entrance and The Entrance North with a marine theme to attract Tourist Visitation. Investigate the implementation of New Guidelines for vacant and deteriorating Development Sites.

  65. Elizabeth Langmead | March 25, 2021 at 8:15 pm |

    I am a local, since moving here 2 years ago, The Entrance has been very disappointing and I avoid The Entrance shopping area. Empty shops, one arcade containg what was perhaps 5shops…the ceiling collapsed about 18months ago & no change, just barriers.Police in open view would be comforting as some visitors display poor behaviour. If I have visitors we go to Shelley Beach, Terrigal or Avoca. I feel safer. Artwork isnt the answer. Open shops, less alcohol, patrolling police, keep the water lake edges clean. The riadways surrounding are always stacked with rubbish, renters & short term stayers, DO NOT ring council for pickups…sort it, otherwise I go elsewhere

  66. I support PEP11 and all it will bring to the central coast economy currently in financial ruin due to the ccc financial crisis.
    Up to 400 jobs have been lost at ccc and and the positive prospects the success of pep11 will bring to the coast are huge for our local economy.
    It will provide jobs for locals and attract new locals to feed local small/large business, filling the job loss void.
    Reduce gas pricing and generate Billions of dollars for the entire Australian economy with exports.
    It is legitimately a get out of jail free card (financially), it is bailing Australia out of this COVID recession with a gas lead recovery.
    Not to mention it’s positive carbon capture storage prospects and its ability to support the on demand gas industry which massively compliments the green energy sector.
    As a coast local with from a highly qualified trade background this creates a career path that I would be passionate about and strive towards.
    I believe 90% of the people who Oppose this have not done their due diligence to research the project and what it brings to the entire economy of Australia and how it can benefit them as locals.
    They have been influenced by others with far fetched non realistic arguments to mount an argument that is almost irrelevant.
    Advent energy have gone through all the checks and balances utilising environmental scientist to ensure it is no danger to the environment.

  67. Local government is nothing more than a glorified strata manager,if your not satisfied the manager sack them.
    Parking is a big issue for all small business. Gosford council building for the city does not comply with council own parking requirements,also the the park across the league’s club I believ does not provide enough parking space for the community and tourist alike, let’s talk about the parking for the football stadium and the donnison street closure for insufficient road infrastructure.Back to the park opposite the league’s club has the engineer’s report comply to councils as per councils development control plan DCP relating to the (pmf) possible maximum flood event for that site
    As for stragistic planning Narara had neighbourhood zoning but the deptment of education purchased the site and council left Narara without facilities for the community.
    I believe all the retail shops in Gosford that have paid the parking levies for this short fall for their commercial space council should provide free parking space close to their premises,they paid for it, all somake provisions on the street for their customers without time limit. council did purchase the building opposite kibble park and used it for carparking but sold it, lost the parking and not replacing what it offered not only that council denied the community transparency and inform the community what is happening with their assets and facilities. I heard Gosford council had a n audit done and refused to release the report to the public.
    I think someone should investigate the amount of times council has been taken to the land and environment court and ask why they spent so much money on legal fees and lost.

  68. Sam Mauceri | March 26, 2021 at 12:48 pm |

    I bee leavemg at the central coast 16 years and the entrance has been neglected by the council and by the govermmt we hear they gonna do this and that at the end nothing gets done 60%of the shops all empty not a decent restaurant in there the channel all the sand has gonne on the other sides don’t if they don’t do something soon it wan’t be nothing there for the amount of visitors they get there very disappointed and I think a lots of people ebree with me it’s time to do something or the entrance will be forgotten

  69. We work closely with property managers of retail parking facilities to maximize parking revenue and ensure available and easy parking for their shoppers and tenants.

  70. Mair Preston | March 26, 2021 at 6:12 pm |

    Thanks for keep us uptodate Love the paper

  71. David Joseph DRAPER | March 26, 2021 at 7:29 pm |

    bicycles are manually propelled vehicles. Those that use them are required to wear protective headgear to ensure minimal physical injury to themselves should they be involved in a collision. Many bike riders are now blatantly using public pedestrian footpaths as well as the designated dual pedestrian cycleways and are ignoring the safety of pedestrians. who do not wear protective clothing or headgear. Perhaps the powers to be, might institute Registration of bicycles, for a minimal fee to ensure identification and evidence in prosecutions and at the same time, generate some positive control also the employment of capable law enforcement officers, to maintain that control.

  72. With you all the way!

  73. Karen Adler | March 27, 2021 at 4:56 am |

    One idea that needs to be considered from the long-term perspective is the rent-to-buy option, rather than attempting to replicate the European model [in some countries] of long-term renting which yes, has been in place in Europe for a very long time but is unlikely to work here in Australia with its very different cultural perspective on home-ownership. If the best solution aren’t contemplated and acted upon now, it will be a missed opportunity and a band-aid solution when there are better and workable solutions available.

  74. Why doesn’t the community stick together for our rights for once!
    Imagine what they’ll get away with next.

  75. Long time local | March 28, 2021 at 4:50 pm |

    All strawberries to a pig solutions. Resolve the poor shopping, parking and pathetic traffic thoroughfares before wasting more ratepayers money.

  76. Lee jansen | March 28, 2021 at 8:03 pm |

    Who cares about the entrance lets look at the whole central coast

  77. And thanks for the warning. I will read 1984 a billion years later. Big boss is listening is too much for now!

  78. John Goulton | March 29, 2021 at 11:41 am |

    Political Parties choose who runs, we only find out what they represent after the election.
    Parties could send people who don’t represent most of the electorate.
    At least Independents are known to voters and are elected on merit.
    Anyone for an Arfur Daily in Canberra?

  79. I fully support the need for women to safe in the home, work and socially but it should not become an ‘us and them’.
    Most men are supportive and caring not reflecting the stereotype portrayed.

  80. Janet Barlow | March 30, 2021 at 9:13 pm |

    The question is really how worried do we need to be about extra CO2 in the atmosphere. There are always trade-offs and we don’t know exactly Nature is up to. The lockdowns do not appear to have curtailed the rise in CO2 as we can see from the official NASA site https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/. Perhaps there is a lag factor. Does the writer think that a global dictator could turn this graph downwards?

  81. dennis barrett | March 31, 2021 at 11:16 am |

    I agree Well over due

  82. Robyn barrett | March 31, 2021 at 11:18 am |

    Got my vote

  83. When is the council going to look after the Northern part with general services and stop wasting money on fancy libraries

  84. Idk why, after all the last bank branch in The Entrance closed last year, the library is about to close and shop after shops are closing quickly. As a retired pensioner it is becoming irritable to watch every convenience taken away at the behest to make those extra dollars.

  85. There appears to be a lot of ass-covering over the Central Coast Council financial debacle. Mr Persson has done nothing to appease the ratepayers of the Central Coast, in fact he has done the opposite by trying to shift blame for the mess onto ratepayers thereby giving Mr Persson an easy fix by whacking us with an outrageous rate increase. He is most welcome to go when his term expires. Definitely a public inquiry, we need answers and we need to know all of the options available.

  86. Mair Preston | April 1, 2021 at 8:51 pm |

    Great read every week

  87. We definitely need a Public Inquiry to expose those Councillors and Exec Staff and high-end staff for the unprincipled dishonest and manipulative employees who are responsible for this $565Mil BLACK HOLE. Some people are keeping stuff close to their chest and need to be exposed and charged. This is the worst disaster in Australian History of any Council and rightly so the Ratepayers of this community are nor going to cop this till those white-collar criminals are found out.

  88. Yes, a public inquiry is needed. Not just to find blame but to reveal any positives in the actions of those who did not ‘play politics ‘.

  89. Well done. It’s heartening to read good news.

  90. Margaret McGrath | April 2, 2021 at 1:36 pm |

    Just how many times can this council go broke. Going broke is the only thing they are good at.

  91. Ray Isaacs | April 5, 2021 at 1:05 pm |

    Is there a births, deaths section for funeral notices

  92. Stephen Cassim | April 6, 2021 at 6:36 pm |

    The looney’s are now running the Asylum the cancellation of pep 11 will confirm this.Rational debate and decisions are now a thing of the past.

  93. Anthony March | April 7, 2021 at 9:19 am |

    I am eligable for a 1b vaccination Covid vaccinationand it seems to be very hard to get a booking anywhere for the vaccinationwhat is the phone number for the clinic so I can get a booking for a vaccination.

  94. Terry Kesby | April 7, 2021 at 10:50 am |

    What about the billion dollar Pacific Hwy redevelopment promised and money allocated some elections ago.
    No point in bring in more businesses and opening up more land until the road network is bought out of the 1950s.

  95. Absolutely disgusted that the 1080 program is continuing. So called “wild dogs” are in fact most case native Dingo species. We need to see an immediate ban to this cruel and inhumane practice.

  96. We have a rig close to our coast in Scarborough WA there have been no issues & no complaints. Advent are being thorough using highly skilled consultants. PEP11 needs to go ahead for all of us.

  97. i am strongly opposed to the any project that allows mountain biking in any natural area.

    the truth is that mountain biking is an anti-environmental, destructive, industry supported, self-centered activity that creates destruction where it attempts to penetrate natural lands and the public trust. unlike the misinformation from proponents of this invasion, it is clear to see this is an industry/bike association/single-minded advocate agenda to penetrate public programs, buildings, and natural areas for self-centered gain, whether it be corporate sales, association control, or self-centered thrills, all with undue pressure/influence on local officials and at the expense of unique treasures like local parks and natural venues. it is a strategy that plays out across the nation, poisoned by the mantra of the privatized radical individual as opposed to the common good and public trust. these spaces are meant for all of the people, not the minority of a few to pursue restricted single-use narcissist adventure. open space parklands remain places of reflection and undisturbed connections with nature, among the diverse animal and plant life, terrain, and peace those things create. research nationally documents the destruction that mountain biking wreaks on the environment as well as people who want to pursue passive recreation.

    despite their false p.r. promotional distortions, mountain bikers are only interested in their constant self-indulgent thrills at the expense of nature and people. it is only about themselves and their addiction, not about others, animals, birds, plant life, the environment, nature or anything beyond their myopia. it is a pathetic mutation of what makes us truly human.
    you must confront this intrusion and deny any use of the park for mountain biking or similar restricted-use disruptive activity. do you as a city want to turn every park into yet another industry-lobbied sports complex? Parks and natural environments are not gymnasiums, race tracks, sports complexes, or circus adventure rides, despite the propaganda from the industry and IMBA bike association partners, replete with their websites, consulting, and talking points, a 21st century snake-oil medicine show. do you really want the invasion of this destructive, dangerous, and restricted self-centered activity for a few with its consequent documented national history of future expansion, destruction, and danger to people (with permanent injuries and lawsuits against the city), or do you value something more: a place of reflection and connection with nature, others, and oneself, giving us our full humanity, nature’s gift to us all for generations past, present, and future.

  98. Thats ridiculos and cruel to kill/ poison the animals

  99. I support PEP11 we have a rig on our popular beach in WA which is a great site to see, there are hard working men & ladies out there. There has been no issues & no complaints. Unlock the Sydney Basin & build our Economy.

  100. Danielle Smith | April 8, 2021 at 12:39 pm |

    How do I get from this page to page 37 please

  101. I heartily agree that not only is camel racing barbaric but indicative of a very sick (mentally) society.

  102. Margaret partin | April 10, 2021 at 10:08 am |

    I just need the address so i can put it in my gps

  103. Jeff Delaney | April 10, 2021 at 2:32 pm |

    Is Wikipedia be all & end all regarding to be true & accurate. I believe it’s just like media, especially yours & that is missleading inaccurate & certainly not the complete truth or close to the truth. Critical analysed would be more towards fairness. After your organisation has been informed with true & accurate information, you neglect to inform our community (Bob Sirens a proven Tradinal Owner). It’s completely one sided manipulation for the general public to be swayed into something of a inaccurate judgement by you. I ask why?
    Please be different & print true full facts.

  104. The Central Coast from Sydney to Newcastle is not Kuring-gai Tribe ,language, or Nation the word Kuringgai has been recorded as is a place and other meanings and the Guringai People are not from the Central Coast from Sydney to Newcastle they are well recorded 1820 North of the Hunter river NSW. some people are only publishing what they like hearing.

    A review of the historical context for the use of the word ‘Guringai’http://www.aboriginalheritage.org/wp-content/uploads/Filling-a-Void-Guringai-Language-Review-2015.pdf

    7 aboriginal land Councils from Sydney to Newcastle have written a letter to the Premier NSW that the Guringai, Gringai spelt many other ways are from the North of the Hunter River.

    The Tawny Frogmouth magazine


    The Guringai, Guringay or Gringai people are the traditional custodians of the land between the Hunter and Manning Rivers, from the ocean to and including the Great Dividing Range. A saltwater people whose land extended inland as far as the salt pushed. From modern day Newcastle to Singleton, on the northern side of the Hunter, through the Barrington’s and back down the Manning to the ocean. This is traditional Gringai country. Bordering the Birripai speaking people of the north, the Awabakal people to the south and the Wannarua and Komelroi people to the west.

    Descending from one of the four traditional nations of our language group, we have continued the strong connection to our old people, our old ways, our country, our language, our stories and our kinship. Traditionally our language group encompassed the lands between the Hawkesbury and Hastings, the ocean and the mountain ranges. Our ceremonial, kinship and marriage ties would take us further into the northern and southern bordering language groups.

    The Gringai, Worimai and Biripai are language dialects of the traditional custodians. Thankfully our language is well recorded with over 6,000 words and importantly voice recordings over an extended time. From the early 1800’s to the 1970’s various recordings were taken from Port Stephens, Gresford, Taree, Port Macquarie, the upper Manning and the Barrington’s. Allowing us to re-awaken our traditional dialects and speak the language of our old people.

    Our stories lines connect us to the four corners of our language group, tying us to our surrounding nations, the country and sea. We have been fortunate to have our traditional stories passed down through the generations, in turn we are now privileged in maintaining our connection and most importantly we keep our old people alive by doing so.

    The respect and gratitude to all of our old people who have gone before us is of the utmost importance to us. For if it wasn’t for all those people playing their role’s, we wouldn’t be in the position we are in today. Being able to continue all of their amazing stories.

    We are the only, Cooringay, Guringai, Gooreeggai, Goreenggai, Gourenggai, Gingai, Gooreenggai, Gringai, Corringorri, Guringay and Goringai People.

  105. The central coast is not Kuring-gai tribe ,language , nation or sub clan. The word Kuringa-gai Kuringal is simply recorded as a place name recored from King Bungaree Son Longdick. the word also has other meanings in different tribes none reference a tribe or language name , read the story link below. Also the Guringai are well recorded 1820s North of the Hunter River from many referances and different locactions North of the Hunter River NSW.


  106. T, O'Brien | April 11, 2021 at 7:41 am |


  107. Andrew Ball | April 12, 2021 at 4:59 pm |

    Can’t wait! we will be walking on the Boardwalk the day that it opens.
    Brilliant improvement and an excellent quality easy link from the Main Beach to the Haven.

    This is a no brainer.
    Huge benefit to all locals and visitors.

    Money very well spent and what a Great investment.

    10/10, 100% Fabulous!

  108. Jeff Davison | April 13, 2021 at 12:47 pm |

    Get real council. Take a look at the UK where I enjoyed countless mountain bike trails. This isn’t destroying the tree hugging environment. More so encouraging people to use it. Two tyres on a human propelled bike is not going to destroy the lesser spotted something! Get a life.

  109. The Photo is of Kincumber Public School. What are you doing?

  110. Derek Recsei | April 14, 2021 at 6:39 am |

    We need to protect two things – our Wetlands and our Technological Future. Don’t worry, no-one will be insane enough to try to develop the Wetlands around the Airport – and in any event the State Government won’t allow it. This is an opportunity to leverage our Airport for the post-Covid flourishing of Technology and Innovation via Electric-Powered Airplanes and sophisticated Avionics design and manufacturing as well as serving our Community as a temporary base for Bushfire Surveillance Helicopters and Air Ambulances for people with life-threatening injuries.

  111. Rachel Hopkins | April 14, 2021 at 7:05 am |

    What time on Wednesday 14th April is the boardwalk at Terrigal opening?

  112. nick coroneos | April 14, 2021 at 10:04 am |

    S kidS do when caught out .Someone who disagrees is a CLIMATE DENIER .THAT DOESNT MAKE HIM WRONG DOES IT

  113. So many people are oblivious to the innate cruelty that is inflicted on these poor beings, just in the name of entertainment. They call it family fun!? What sort of brainwashing is this? Once people realise what happens to these animals to make them ‘perform’ most are horrified. We need to understand that Animals are not here for our entertainment. Its not fun for any of them. This needs to be nipped in the bud before it becomes the norm.

  114. Craig Dunlop | April 14, 2021 at 2:18 pm |

    Agree with Rachel – what time opening as 30 minutes ago it was closed.

  115. Freedom of Speech to be preserved at all costs? So, can we expect publication of Letters to the Editor from the leaders of Islamic terrorist factions, from Nazi sympathisers, from all and sundry racist groups? Surely their right to free speech must be defended at all costs – I think not Mr Pearson. In the specific case of global warming, there is no such thing as a balanced debate. A debate implies opinions. The IPCC deals with facts. In the 1890’s Arrhenius used sound physical chemical principles to demonstrate that fossil fuel combustion was inevitably creating global warming. There was no debate about his findings then. There is no debate about the issue now.

  116. David Worly | April 15, 2021 at 7:49 am |

    Why did it cost so much? I just can’t get my head around this figure.
    Sure, it looks great and I’d like to see one built going around to the bridge on Ocean View Rd, but.. $6m!

  117. Cornelis de Jong | April 15, 2021 at 9:47 am |

    6 million spend on the boardwalk at Terrigal. Why can we not spend that kind of money on The Entrance? Everytime we get heavy rain for days at Tuggerah Lakes we get flooded. We need a permanent opening at The Entrance. It will do the Lakes lots of good and clean out the system. It will bring the visitors as well.
    Please consider this for the next project.
    Thank you

  118. I hope the 48% of people who objected to the boardwalk stay away, and let the rest of the community, tourists and business owners enjoy the benefits of this great structure.

  119. The aboriginal word Kuring-gai is not a language, tribe, nation or sub clan. it is simply a place name. Taken from the son of Bungaree named Longdick-

    J. F. Mann Aboriginal names and words of the Cammeray Tribe, [between 1884-1907] – Page 1 | Transcription Tool (nsw.gov.au)

    “Gai Galie Galla or alla refer to pleasant camping places as “Kuringagai” pleasant camping place for koories.

    Aboriginal Names by J.F. Mann 1
    Australian Aborigines – A few notes on their language etc.

    Information obtained from Long Dick an influential native of the “Cammeray tribe” a son of Bungaree and Queen Gooseberry.
    Now that England has enjoyed for more than a hundred years her possessory title to Australia inquiries are being made by certain scientists and others, as to their habits and language In my journeys through this country I have remarked that the languages used by the aborigines differed in the several localities in a manner somewhat similar to that prevailing in the various counties of England: Also that place names were given in accordance with the natural formation or product of the locality; whether the items which originated the name were geological animal or vegetable.
    Some few words were in common use throughout this territory and extended into Queensland. For instance ‘Budgery’ – good, satisfactory, pretty. “Bell or Bail” a negative – “Murrum or Murry” plenty, many, great, large etc. “Bong Bong” out of sight and others. The word “Budgery” in connection with “Gar” gives a name for the beautiful miniature parakeet now so frequently seen in cages. Gar Gai Galie Galla or alla refer to pleasant camping places as “Kuringa Gai”-“Bong Bong” is suitably applied to the locality, as the River Wingeecarribee here loses itself in a swamp.
    During the 1820s Threlkeld gathered some language from Broken Bay Aborigines, identified as ‘Karree’.10 That is now recognised as representing the Cari’gal, Kari’gal or -Gari’gal group of the south Arms of Broken Bay (Pitt Water and Cowan Water).

    Then Arthur Capell in 1970 identified the language to ‘more conveniently be called Kuringgai and is the name applied use by descendants of the Broken Bay Aborigines” from 1970” to the present day.

    In 1970, A.Capell made the following comment: —Karee, or Kuringgai, is the language of the Pittwater people, and included the well-known Cammeraygal on the extreme south, along the northern shores of Port Jackson, and stretched as far north at least as Broken Bay. (1970:24).Capell gives no other justification for calling this dialect ‘Kuringgai’ than the fact that it was ‘convenient. The name Kuring-gai appears invented / applied by John Fraser 1890s, using morphemes from the Sydney language. The name was applied by A.Capell 1970,its original use, as the name of a super-language of the central NSW coastal belt, makes it ambiguous.

    A.Capell’s 1970 paper was not complete, he called it ‘this initial report’ and wrote about ‘the monograph that is intended to follow’. He had retired from the Sydney University in 1967, and was his last work on Aboriginal languages.A.Capell did not spell it Guringai

    Also the AIATIS map by Horton 1994 which shows the general locations of larger groups of people. On the back of the map it said, “NOT TO BE USED FOR NATIVE TITLE OR LAND CLAIMS and is only the opinion of the author and have used what information was available at the time, the boundaries are not accurate.

    Written by JOHN FRASER 1890 totally contradicts his later work 1892 -93 and is proof of where he got the idea from that the kuring-gai were one super tribe and “&c , of Mr Oliver’s letter”. , John Fraser said in 1892 “ “I assured myself” that the country thereabout was occupied by subtribes of the Kurring-gai.”

    Sydney Morning Herald (NSW: 1842 – 1954), Thursday 12 June 1890, page 4
    Sir, —When the municipalities of the North Shore combine and adopt the native name of their district, as Mr Oliver very fitly suggests, it is to be hoped that the spelling of the name will receive attention. For, although Cammeray is not a monstrosity like Woolloomooloo or Woollahra, yet the spelling of it might be improved. The C should give place to K, for C in English is a redundant letter, representing the sound either of K or of S, and should not be used here in our native words. The termination “eray” might, I think be written “arai,” for “ara” and “arai” are established forms in the aboriginal languages. The whole name would thus be Kamarai, which, certainly, is prettier and easier to pronounce than St Leonards. But as our blacks make the “a” and the”o” sounds to be nearly alike, the name might also be written Komaroi; to this we have a parallel in the name Kamilaroi. Mr Oliver is right as to the location of the Kamilaroi tribe. Many years ago I had the privilege of long and interesting conversations about that tribe with a gentleman who had been one of the pioneer settlers in their district 50 years ago. He could speak their language “like a native,” was called by them Charley Murruba, ” Charles the Good,” was never molested even in those days by any men of the tribe, and his property was always safe in their hands. He had often travailed the main road from Maitland to the Lower Namoi, and know the country well. The limits of the Kamilaroi dialect, he said, were then the River Gwydir on the north, on the west an irregular line drawn from Walgett, southwards through Coonabarabran and round to Scone on the Hunter, and thence east and north along the Dividing Range to the sources of the Gwydir. Beyond the Gwydir was the Ualaroi dialect, akin to the Kamilaroi, but yet considerably different from it; to the west the Wirrajery, or Wirradhuri, quite different and to the south and east the Goringai, also different from the Kamilaroi.
    I know that the Goringai tribe occupied the whole of the east coast from the Hastings and the Manning down to the Hunter, and had several subdivisions named from particular localities in their territory.
    These subdivisions correspond with the Cammeray, Cadi, Gwea, “&c, of Mr Oliver’s letter”, which were only local portions of one great tribe stretching along the coast from the Hunter, “probably” as far south as the Illawarra district. (LOL😉)
    The language of this tribe was distinct from the Kamilaroi, although, like all the Australian dialects, they had many words in common and the same root-word used in different forms or with different applications. For instance, one would say murra (hand), another would apply the word to the whole of the lower arm, including the hand; so also, mir or mil, the eye; mir, the face. The Kamilaroi says kara-ji for wizard, doctor, medicine man, but the Goringai says kara-kal. Of course, variations like these are common in all languages.
    The kal, of kara-kal, leads me on to say that cadi-gal is neither the name of a language nor of a tribe the gal or kal in this and similar names is merely a suffix equivalent to “belonging to” or ” they of,” just as we say a Sydneyite, a Londoner, an Aberdonian, an Englishman, in the local aboriginal dialect, would be called England-kal, and an Englishwoman England-kalin. Those who imagine that our aboriginal languages are only rude gibberish, are vastly mistaken. These languages or dialects are one of the unsolved problems of ethnology, but enough is known of them to prove that they have well defined principles of formation and of grammar which cannot have been the invention of mere savages.
    I am, JOHN FRASER.

    Mr Oliver’s letter did not give this “one great tribe” a name in his letter. It would seem this is how John Fraser “assured himself” it was kuringgai now claimed Guringai country.

    In John Fraser’s work 1882- 83
    “I assured myself” that the country thereabout was occupied by sub-tribes of the Kuringgai Fraser 1892 Fraser came up with the name Kuringgai to describe a people, our peoples.”
    John Fraser reported on Gringai 1882 and 1892, he noted the Gringai/Goringai, with the latter possibly being a language and the former a group, had country in the area of the Paterson and Chichester/Williams Rivers.

    John Fraser published what he said “Re-arranged, condensed, and edited” version of Edward Threlkeld’s essay” on the Aboriginal language spoken around Lake Macquarie. Ten years prior to this, Fraser had announced that: “The tribes with which I am acquainted are chiefly those of the northern half of our territory, the Gringai, the Kamilaroi, and the Ooalaroi, and to these I add a slight knowledge of the Wiradjery and Yuin tribes (1882:199-200).

  120. Mark Smith | April 19, 2021 at 8:13 am |

    In an Email, Apr 11 Peter Carroll of Hamlyn Terrace mentions the poor state of the Kariong commuter car park. The amount of rubbish, discarded computer equipment, car parts, and various other item of household junk is a disgrace.

    Who put it all there? It doesn’t walk or drive there by itself.

    It’s about time people stopped blaming Council for the disgraceful state of roadsides and started acting responsibly and disposing of rubbish in the correct manner. Yes, Council has the responsibility of cleaning up the roadside on behalf of residents but residents also have a responsibility to dispose of heir rubbish legally.

    I was told that Council was removing up to 8 tonnes of rubbish from that car park every week. That is the depressing issue. Don’t blame those that are a part of the solution. Blame those that cause the problem.

  121. Will not waste my time reading this book but the review certainly confirms my view that the Greens (and those who identify with them) and a big slice of the Labor Party are quasi-communists. Both set on the destruction of our economy.

  122. richard james twells | April 20, 2021 at 6:30 pm |

    I would like to commend council staff doing maintenance on the water front along brick wharf road.Its keep in great condition always mowed and edges trimmed, its a pleasure to walk along the walkway as many do.We are dissolutioned with the way the council has been run,but should remember the staff on the ground are doing a great job.

  123. Unlike Edgar Adams, I actually read the book “Comdrades”. A very inspirational collection of biographies that everyone who wants to make the world a better place should purchase and read. And I’m not in the Greens or the ALP.

  124. Well if they want all theses people to come to the coast. Id think water quality would be their first request.

  125. It should be noted that Bungaree a Sydney man who White people hold to the highest esteem mainly because he led the British Army against his own kind with raids on Aboriginal camps he wore a British Army Uniform insued by the British Army he was labelled a King for the nortrossities committed against Aboriginal people for the rape , pillage and Murder, Bugarees son Long Dick was speared to death by local Aboriginal people in Wyong because they coundnt get to Bunagree.Let the Truth be heard here and its unbelievable that here on the Central Coast we have Europeans trying to tell us Aboriginal people of our own Aboriginal History what a joke

  126. Joan Rudgley | April 22, 2021 at 10:42 am |

    We need a board of 6 independent individuals
    From Various areas of expertise instead of one so
    Called expert who only has the developers
    Interests in mind

  127. stephen hogeveen | April 22, 2021 at 3:46 pm |

    Council is the tier of Government closest to the people and it is only right that it should urge the next tier of Government (NSW State) to carry out the recommendations of this Report into Coal Ash.

  128. FINDINGS G.E. Ford Darkinjung Brief 2012 Chapter 9/NE Page 65-66
    C:\Documents and Settings\Geoff\My Documents\The Thesis,WPDocDrafts\-8-FINAL THESIS COPY FOR DEPOSIT\Darkinung Brief.wpd (usyd.edu.au)
    “Although Threlkeld himself did not provide an identification term, the recognition of these people for the English was provided as Wannerawa aka Wannungine, apparently to indicate ‘of the Place’ – as a response to queries to the people about who they were. [In English convention, this identification becomes the term which is used for People, used for Language and used for Country.] In the meantime, a literary man, John Fraser, took it upon himself to create a name for these indigenes (who, he wrote) ‘are gone long ago’, naming them after a cove in Lake Macquarie known to the settlers as Awa-ba the success of his 1892 book meant that Fraser’s artifice has been used ever since for northern Wannungine near the Hunter River. The farther Wannerawa had since adopted another “term proposed” for near Broken Bay as ‘Guringai’ by Arthur Capell in a “preliminary 1970 article.” ‘Guringai’ had been used by Fraser in 1892 as ‘Kuringgai’ to designate people who used the common noun kuri for man, which he appeared to have taken from the term Gringai / Gooringai used by the settlers to identify a local group of` Kattung Language people across the Hunter River at the Paterson / Allyn River tributary. ( Oh how did i not see this section!)

  129. Mark Royston | April 23, 2021 at 11:41 am |

    Story Heading
    New juice bar opens in Woy Woy?
    When it’s in Ettalong

  130. Geoffrey Ballard | April 23, 2021 at 11:52 am |

    I support the PEP 11 extension. There may or may not be gas in commercial quantity – that is to be ascertained. Even if successful I fail to see how an offshore drilling rig and undersea pipelines to bring the gas ashore will destroy marine life. Can this opposing this permit extension please provide concrete evidence?

  131. Big ambitions from a council who outsource their current parking officers under the guise of ‘community safety officers’.

    However it is a welcome relief the council is leaving the dark ages of outdated parking management and making redundant those responsible.

    Like all council directorates, they need to flush out the dead wood administration and management and bring in a changed culture to progress this area.

  132. What a bunch of (edited out)….. happy to mooch off Vic and qld for power, but don’t want to actually generate enough electricity In their own state. I can’t wait until new has rolling blackouts.


  133. Tim Underwood | April 25, 2021 at 6:37 pm |

    I am in agreement with the administrator’s advice and recommendations. How could we possibly trust the former councillors to be in charge again. I believe councils should be managed by State government appointed administrators rather than locally elected representatives. This would take the politics and vested interest out of local government.

  134. There is more to this CC council story than meets the eye. I’m sure that Persson is a straight-shooter but he is only an accountant who has been told to get the council’s books in order. He is not all that familiar with the impacts of amalgamation, which most experts acknowledge never works. Why should us residents pay for an amalgamation that was forced onto us by the state government? Especially after several audits failed to highlight the problem. The former councillors and CEO may also have been tarnished by circumstances beyond their control.

  135. I see a couple of people(Edit: names hidden) I know of. Have you seen the size of their gas stove in their house? Biggest I’ve ever seen! Where do you think the gas comes from? And they put gas stoves in every development. The rig will be 30km out. (Editors note: According to reports the rigs could be between 5 – 30km offshore)

  136. Kevin Fletcher | April 28, 2021 at 6:14 am |

    Traffic is already a problem with the road system simply not coping at peak times and heavily congested on weekends, not to mention the permanent migration of people to the area since COVID further testing the old inadequate road system that takes decades if not centuries to upgrade. More people equals more stress and congestion for the people who live in the area ! However the developers won’t care , they’ll have the money and simple move the the next community improvement project !!!

  137. Wonder where all these brave commenters are from, probably BPH shareholders, far away from the Central Coast.

  138. Some feedback from the article “Hi Jacinta. Just wanted to say thank you for the beautiful article. Dad was thrilled. He had a great day. Some people told him they were visitors from Sydney and came because they saw the article. Thank you again.”

  139. Miranda squire | April 28, 2021 at 9:29 pm |

    Really ?? ….. I think you need to look at the lawful processes with this decision … or are you alluding to Scott Morrison will be doing some form of Illegal dirty deal to railroad this for a political agenda ?? …. or is this an ‘alternative fact ‘ , or an outright lie …or perhaps you have jumped on a soapbox without doing your homework ?? Whatever the case is you may need a spatula to remove the egg from your face over these comments ..

  140. Gary Fresle | April 29, 2021 at 12:17 pm |

    So out of touch.
    PEP11 should be approved.
    Firstly you won’t see any drill rigs from shore.
    It won’t stop surfing.
    Rigs have an abundance of sea life around them.
    Offshore oil and gas companies have an excellent environmental record in Australian waters, just look at Chevron who successfully built an LNG plant on an A grade nature reserve with no environmental issues. Barrow Island has a unique habitat within a marine park and is a nesting place for turtles, no impact on the turtles.
    Approvals have been given to major oil and gas companies that financially support the Liberal party. Advent is an Australian company and to the best of my knowledge does not have any allegiance to a political party.
    PEP11, if successful would generate jobs in the Sydney/Hunter Valley and secure cheaper energy for the region which would in turn would make manufacturing cheaper and help to make Australia self sufficient. Covid has exposed the flaws in the system.

  141. “much of our lands have been high jacked by unscrupulous and greedy developers, under the guise of jobs and moving forward.”

    Agreed, an example of this is the development beside Bundeena Rd Berkeley Vale where pristine temperate rainforest bushland was destroyed to make way for another housing development, despite a vigorous campaign against the development by local residents. Extra ratepayer money for council at the cost of a rare and unique native environment. One has to wonder what Mr Persson has in mind for the rest of the coast.

  142. Zach Tuxworth | April 30, 2021 at 12:59 am |

    There are better causes than refugees such as save the children fund and world vision

  143. Hi there, the authority for this decision has been delegated to Keith Pitt, so whether the PM approves or disproves of ‘PEP11’ is definitely immaterial. What I do know is that the revival in Australia’s economy is going to be strongly underpinned by a thriving resources and manufacturing sector and a big way to add value to them would be to help them with their energy bill. This can only come with a manifold approach involving the discovery and unlocking of supply (such as Santos’s project, PEP11 to explore the Baleen prospect, etc) and also the investment in companies that provide crucial infrastructure for the sector. If Aussie Resources and Manufacturing wins, Australia wins. Let’s see some wins and support of companies who aren’t fly-by-night but, as Keith Pitt says, goes through the proper processes and the proper channels and are committed to Australia’s economic recovery.

  144. Why is every thing spent in southern part and wyong or northern part is been treated like second hand people

  145. Les Graham | May 3, 2021 at 7:48 am |

    I understand that a park/reserve known as drummer parry park is to be sold. Stop this nonsense this is our history. I see the long standing park sign has already been removed
    The property department needs to be hauled before the ICAC now follow the money and find the brown paper bags will uncover the rorts

  146. Les Graham | May 3, 2021 at 7:50 am |

    The previous comment refers to the park near rivearer rd terrigal

  147. Rob clarsen | May 6, 2021 at 5:50 pm |

    Re lay the blame at the feet of the councillors
    The amalgamation of the 2 councils was given millions of dollars to successfully do the job of amalgamation.
    It was a labor council that didn’t do the job correctly
    Stop blaming everyone in state government for the inability of the labor council to work within its means and budget.
    With the attitude you have it was always going to fail and labor was never going to take responsibility for it’s record losses. We need change and a lot of it.

  148. The Stadium along with the surrounding areas could benefit from a face lift with better use to attract community activities.
    With the heart of the Central coast stadium to remain in tact, proposals put forward should include commercial, retail which could see larger crowds and an increase to day and night time activities.

  149. The word Guringai was first recorded 1820s North of the Hunter River Port Stephens NSW, With different spellings and locations from many people all North of the Hunter River Port Stephens NSW.

    The Central Coast from Sydney to Newcastle is not Kuring-gai AkA-Guringai Tribe ,language, or Nation the word Kuringagai has been recorded as is a place name from Bungarees son Longdick. The Guringai People are not from the Central Coast from Sydney to Newcastle they are well recorded 1820s North of the Hunter river NSW. some people are only publishing what they like hearing.

    A review of the historical context for the use of the word ‘Guringai’http://www.aboriginalheritage.org/wp-content/uploads/Filling-a-Void-Guringai-Language-Review-2015.pdf

    7 aboriginal land Councils from Sydney to Newcastle have written a letter to the Premier NSW that the Guringai, Gringai spelt many other ways are from the North of the Hunter River.

    The Tawny Frogmouth magazine


    FINDINGS G.E. Ford Darkinjung Brief 2012 Chapter 9/NE Page 65-66
    C:\Documents and Settings\Geoff\My Documents\The Thesis,WPDocDrafts\-8-FINAL THESIS COPY FOR DEPOSIT\Darkinung Brief.wpd (usyd.edu.au)
    “Although Threlkeld himself did not provide an identification term, the recognition of these people for the English was provided as Wannerawa aka Wannungine, apparently to indicate ‘of the Place’ – as a response to queries to the people about who they were. [In English convention, this identification becomes the term which is used for People, used for Language and used for Country.] In the meantime, a literary man, John Fraser, took it upon himself to create a name for these indigenes (who, he wrote) ‘are gone long ago’, naming them after a cove in Lake Macquarie known to the settlers as Awa-ba the success of his 1892 book meant that Fraser’s artifice has been used ever since for northern Wannungine near the Hunter River. The farther Wannerawa had since adopted another “term proposed” for near Broken Bay as ‘Guringai’ by Arthur Capell in a “preliminary 1970 article.” ‘Guringai’ had been used by Fraser in 1892 as ‘Kuringgai’ to designate people who used the common noun kuri for man, which he appeared to have taken from the term Gringai / Gooringai used by the settlers to identify a local group of` Kattung Language people across the Hunter River at the Paterson / Allyn River tributary. ( Oh how did I not see this section!)

    J. F. Mann Aboriginal names and words of the Cammeray Tribe, [between 1884-1907] – Page 1 | Transcription Tool (nsw.gov.au)
    “Gai Galie Galla or alla refer to pleasant camping places as “Kuringagai” pleasant camping place for koories.

    Aboriginal Names by J.F. Mann 1
    Australian Aborigines – A few notes on their language etc.
    Information obtained from Long Dick an influential native of the “Cammeray tribe” a son of Bungaree and Queen Gooseberry.
    Now that England has enjoyed for more than a hundred years her possessory title to Australia inquiries are being made by certain scientists and others, as to their habits and language In my journeys through this country I have remarked that the languages used by the aborigines differed in the several localities in a manner somewhat similar to that prevailing in the various counties of England: Also that place names were given in accordance with the natural formation or product of the locality; whether the items which originated the name were geological animal or vegetable.
    Some few words were in common use throughout this territory and extended into Queensland. For instance ‘Budgery’ – good, satisfactory, pretty. “Bell or Bail” a negative – “Murrum or Murry” plenty, many, great, large etc. “Bong Bong” out of sight and others. The word “Budgery” in connection with “Gar” gives a name for the beautiful miniature parakeet now so frequently seen in cages. Gar Gai Galie Galla or alla refer to pleasant camping places as “Kuringa Gai”-“Bong Bong” is suitably applied to the locality, as the River Wingeecarribee here loses itself in a swamp.

    During the 1820s Threlkeld gathered some language from Broken Bay Aborigines, identified as ‘Karree’.10 That is now recognised as representing the Cari’gal, Kari’gal or -Gari’gal group of the south Arms of Broken Bay (Pitt Water and Cowan Water).
    Then Arthur Capell in 1970 identified the language to ‘more conveniently be called Kuringgai and is the name applied use by descendants of the Broken Bay Aborigines” from 1970” to the present day.

    In 1970, A.Capell made the following comment: —Karee, or Kuringgai, is the language of the Pittwater people, and included the well-known Cammeraygal on the extreme south, along the northern shores of Port Jackson, and stretched as far north at least as Broken Bay. (1970:24).Capell gives no other justification for calling this dialect ‘Kuringgai’ than the fact that it was ‘convenient. The name Kuring-gai appears invented / applied by John Fraser 1890s, using morphemes from the Sydney language. The name was applied by A.Capell 1970,its original use, as the name of a super-language of the central NSW coastal belt, makes it ambiguous.

    A.Capell’s 1970 paper was not complete, he called it ‘this initial report’ and wrote about ‘the monograph that is intended to follow’. He had retired from the Sydney University in 1967, and was his last work on Aboriginal languages.A.Capell did not spell it Guringai

    Also the AIATIS map by Horton 1994 which shows the general locations of larger groups of people. On the back of the map it said, “NOT TO BE USED FOR NATIVE TITLE OR LAND CLAIMS and is only the opinion of the author and have used what information was available at the time, the boundaries are not accurate.

    Written by JOHN FRASER 1890 totally contradicts his later work 1892 -93 and is proof of where he got the idea from that the kuring-gai were one super tribe and “&c , of Mr Oliver’s letter”. , John Fraser said in 1892 “ “I assured myself” that the country thereabout was occupied by subtribes of the Kurring-gai.”

    Sydney Morning Herald (NSW: 1842 – 1954), Thursday 12 June 1890, page 4
    Sir, —When the municipalities of the North Shore combine and adopt the native name of their district, as Mr Oliver very fitly suggests, it is to be hoped that the spelling of the name will receive attention. For, although Cammeray is not a monstrosity like Woolloomooloo or Woollahra, yet the spelling of it might be improved. The C should give place to K, for C in English is a redundant letter, representing the sound either of K or of S, and should not be used here in our native words. The termination “eray” might, I think be written “arai,” for “ara” and “arai” are established forms in the aboriginal languages. The whole name would thus be Kamarai, which, certainly, is prettier and easier to pronounce than St Leonards. But as our blacks make the “a” and the”o” sounds to be nearly alike, the name might also be written Komaroi; to this we have a parallel in the name Kamilaroi. Mr Oliver is right as to the location of the Kamilaroi tribe. Many years ago I had the privilege of long and interesting conversations about that tribe with a gentleman who had been one of the pioneer settlers in their district 50 years ago. He could speak their language “like a native,” was called by them Charley Murruba, ” Charles the Good,” was never molested even in those days by any men of the tribe, and his property was always safe in their hands. He had often travailed the main road from Maitland to the Lower Namoi, and know the country well. The limits of the Kamilaroi dialect, he said, were then the River Gwydir on the north, on the west an irregular line drawn from Walgett, southwards through Coonabarabran and round to Scone on the Hunter, and thence east and north along the Dividing Range to the sources of the Gwydir. Beyond the Gwydir was the Ualaroi dialect, akin to the Kamilaroi, but yet considerably different from it; to the west the Wirrajery, or Wirradhuri, quite different and to the south and east the Goringai, also different from the Kamilaroi.
    I know that the Goringai tribe occupied the whole of the east coast from the Hastings and the Manning down to the Hunter, and had several subdivisions named from particular localities in their territory.
    These subdivisions correspond with the Cammeray, Cadi, Gwea, “&c, of Mr Oliver’s letter”, which were only local portions of one great tribe stretching along the coast from the Hunter, “probably” as far south as the Illawarra district. (LOL )
    The language of this tribe was distinct from the Kamilaroi, although, like all the Australian dialects, they had many words in common and the same root-word used in different forms or with different applications. For instance, one would say murra (hand), another would apply the word to the whole of the lower arm, including the hand; so also, mir or mil, the eye; mir, the face. The Kamilaroi says kara-ji for wizard, doctor, medicine man, but the Goringai says kara-kal. Of course, variations like these are common in all languages.
    The kal, of kara-kal, leads me on to say that cadi-gal is neither the name of a language nor of a tribe the gal or kal in this and similar names is merely a suffix equivalent to “belonging to” or ” they of,” just as we say a Sydneyite, a Londoner, an Aberdonian, an Englishman, in the local aboriginal dialect, would be called England-kal, and an Englishwoman England-kalin. Those who imagine that our aboriginal languages are only rude gibberish, are vastly mistaken. These languages or dialects are one of the unsolved problems of ethnology, but enough is known of them to prove that they have well defined principles of formation and of grammar which cannot have been the invention of mere savages.
    I am, JOHN FRASER.

    Mr Oliver’s letter did not give this “one great tribe” a name in his letter. It would seem this is how John Fraser “assured himself” it was kuringgai Tribe now claimed Guringai country.

    In John Fraser’s work 1882- 83
    “I assured myself” that the country thereabout was occupied by sub-tribes of the Kuringgai Fraser 1892 Fraser came up with the name Kuringgai to describe a people, our peoples.”
    John Fraser reported on Gringai 1882 and 1892, he noted the Gringai/Goringai, with the latter possibly being a language and the former a group, had country in the area of the Paterson and Chichester/Williams Rivers.

    John Fraser published what he said “Re-arranged, condensed, and edited” version of Edward Threlkeld’s essay” on the Aboriginal language spoken around Lake Macquarie. Ten years prior to this, Fraser had announced that: “The tribes with which I am acquainted are chiefly those of the northern half of our territory, the Gringai, the Kamilaroi, and the Ooalaroi, and to these I add a slight knowledge of the Wiradjery and Yuin tribes (1882:199-200).

    Maps by R.H. Mathews – 1897-1917
    Initiation Ceremonies of Australian Tribes Author(s): R. H. Mathews Source: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 37, No. 157 (Jan., 1898), pp. 54-73 Published by: American Philosophical Society Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/983694 Accessed: 30-03-2020 09:40 UT

    No. 5. Within this area, which extends from the Hunter river almost to the Macleay, the initiation ceremonies are of the Keeparra type described by me in Journ. An/hrop. Ins/. London, Vol. xxvi, pp. 320-340. This tract of country is inhabited by the remnants of the tribes speaking different dialects, some of the most important of which are the following: Wattung, Gooreenggai, Minyowa, Molo, Kutthack, Bahree, Karrapath, Birrapee, etc. North of the Hunter river and extending along the sea coast to about Cape Hawk there is an elementary ceremony called Dhalgai,

  150. Wonderful article on homebirth thank you from Kristel at North Entrance

  151. Michael Price | May 7, 2021 at 9:26 pm |

    Thomas Booker Brisbane Water Tribe Buried Noraville Cemetary 1868 , This Needs recognition as DLALC are Ignoring Him for obviuos reasons. https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/60856287?searchTerm=noraville%20blacks&fbclid=IwAR0sXpUR_lyX4lv81J90U4ZaokChgqQJ0iphfhx2UUmO9HtzxTzYYKiCm8k

    • Matthew Ross | May 11, 2021 at 5:06 am |

      I read that and found that as i was looking for my family history a friend of mine helped me look into a few things interesting stuff few unmarked graves there

  152. Disgusted community member | May 8, 2021 at 7:53 am |

    SHAME SHAME SHAME- Guringai group frauding the community for years

    Darkinjung is a tribal group of the central coast, not just the land council, there is a documented language (and a published book on their language) and living people who claim and have been proven in court to be descendants of this tribe. Yet everyone ignores the facts and blindly follows the people who are the loudest.

    This group has lied to the community for years, claiming they are Guringai traditional owners when their claims were all a lie. They maybe descendants if bungee but he was born in broken bay south of Woy Woy not the entire central coast. He also moved to Sydney early on and his family joined him, prob why they don’t know the name of the tribe, but that just proves they have no cultural customs passed down. This groups wasn’t around before the early 2000s which suggest someone created them. It’s sad they lost connection but that doesn’t give them the right to make up tribe names, Languages and customs. The fact that they have profited for decades stating that are traditional owners and this is now becoming more Likely false, is fraud. If their claims were not proven without a doubt to be true they shouldn’t of charged for services as a traditional owner! How don’t they have any moral ethics, to be able to lie for so long, with no remorse?! Wow

    A group that for decades states their Guringai then without hesitation throws that name away and comes up with another name is so dodgy. Also looking one fb I can see they have been working hard to delete the name Guringai off all posts by organisations that used their services.

    Traditional culture can’t be created or changed now, if you don’t have info from 300 years of generational knowledge sharing from your family then be honest about that, what you have read in books or from other mob should not be passed off as your own tribal traditions. You can still be a active Aboriginal member, without lying about your cultural authority. A group that has always been openly against all other Aboriginal groups in the area and would side with gubbas instead of their own people speaks volumes!

    Stop lying to the community and be honest about your background and family knowledge!! Your actions for your own personal gain are holding our people back, how can you turn your back on your own race!!

  153. Truth Teller | May 8, 2021 at 8:32 am |

    Put your money where your mouth is!! Go to court and prove your claims to be from this area!!! All your words are just that words you have no proven authority only what you say, and after using the wrong tribal name for decades your word is worth nothing. Self identification is all you have, without court determination stating your a descendant from a tribe in this area you can’t claim to be a traditional owner.

    This group has lied to the community for years, claiming they are Guringai traditional owners when their claims were all a lie. They maybe descendants of bungee but he was born in broken bay south of Umina not the entire central coast. He also moved to Sydney early on with his family joining him, prob why they don’t know the name of the tribe, but that just proves they have no cultural customs passed down. This groups wasn’t around before the early 2000s which suggest someone created them. It’s sad they lost connection but that doesn’t give them the right to make up tribe names, Languages and customs. The fact that they have profited for decades stating they are traditional owners and this is now becoming more then likely false, is fraud. If their claims were not proven without a doubt to be true they shouldn’t of charged the community for services as a traditional owner!

    A group that for decades states their Guringai then without hesitation throws that name away and comes up with another name is so dodgy. Also looking at fb I can see they have been working hard to delete the name Guringai off all posts by organisations that used their services recently, were as a month ago there was Guringai all over these posts, further proving the dodgy operations of this group.

    Traditional culture can’t be created or changed now, if you don’t have info from years of generational knowledge sharing from your family then be honest about that, what you have read in books or from other mob should not be passed off as your own tribal traditions. You can still be a active Aboriginal member, without lying about your cultural authority. A group that has always been openly against all other Aboriginal groups in the area and would side with gubbas instead of their own people speaks volumes!

    Stop lying to the community and be honest about your background and family knowledge!! Your actions for your own personal gain are holding our people back, how can you turn your back on your own race!!

    As for the man who also commented in this article, your a very well respected community member however you have lied and profited from pretending to be Aboriginal for years, allowing schools, groups and organisations to believe your Aboriginal so they will hire you is dishonest. All you have to do is google your name and their are documents stating your a traditional Aboriginal tracker or your a Aboriginal elder/leader!! Half of the public believe your Aboriginal and this is your doing!

    Omission or failure to disclose is fraud to!!!

    I’m sure the mob that taught you these customs would be gutted to see you using this knowledge to take work of Aboriginal people to line your own pocket!! How dare you teach Aboriginal kids culture, this is a traditional, spiritual rite that you are exploiting!!

    Teaching bush tucker fine, but be honest with everyone that your not Aboriginal, even your website is misleading, instead of stating this fact clearly on all your promotional materials you use words that could be perceived as you being Aboriginal but without stating it outright. Very sneaky. You must stop using our traditional items (didgeridoo) in your tours for profit! It’s one thing to play, it’s another to use it to profit from!!

    How hard is it to be honest open accountable and transparent?? Seems to hard for this lot?

  154. Racism disguised as nature protection | May 8, 2021 at 1:34 pm |

    Just imagine how prestige, full of life and luscious land would be, if Aboriginal people were left alone instead of enslaved and killed..instead they now have to sell land for money to be able support their community who still feel the generational trauma from colonisation!! Without the money selling land provides to help, our people would be homeless, uneducated and living in poverty. The crown land the government grants to land councils are always parcels that are either controversial, unable to be developed, or zoned conservation. So the little land they do have thats able to be sold they need to sell.

    SERIOUSLY It’s your ancestors actions that created this, so really they should be blaming you all for having to sell this land!! They are only following the laws you made our mob follow and your prosecuting them for it???

    They can choose to not sell the land, but then you will see news reports about huge numbers of central coast local Aboriginals homeless and dying. Which is the better option?

    When the government bulldozed thousands of trees along with sacred sites to widen the freeway no one cared, when the new freeway in coffs harbour was bult which damaged a site and killed hundreds of trees none cared, when the golf course and homes at Wyong where developed no one cared.

    But when a land councils wants to sell land to provide funds for their people everyone has a problem!! No one is defaming the organisation that’s bulldozing the trees, that’s right cause their not an Aboriginal organisation and they are their to profit themselves, instead your blaming the organisation that are not for profit and trying to bring benefits to the community??

    When are we going to be given the same rights and opportunities as everyone else? How can so many locals not see what your doing is racism pure and simple, your treating them differently than your treating others!!

    • Note to writer. To continue to publish your comment publicly we need verification of your name and suburb. Please provide this to us for verification, you can request to have it hidden if you wish. Write a comment her or write to digital@coastcommunitynews.com.au

  155. Alfred A Arnold BE MBA former JP | May 8, 2021 at 2:26 pm |

    You have my support and that of all my local friends, As for Adom Crouch I supported him on the council inquiry but this I will not, I am totally disgusted if they want land there is plenty next door in the industrial areas.

  156. C. Private | May 9, 2021 at 6:20 pm |

    I am a self funded retiree, widowed aged 76 years old. I am in poor health, about to have another spinal operation and I am struggling financially on a very low income. Next year my income will reduce further because of losses incurred during Covid and these are continuing. I am living in my own home and pay rates of $620 per quarter. I just cannot cope with a 15% rise. This threat is causing me huge anxiety. I find it very unfair that I am being held responsible for the errors of judgement made by others.

  157. I agree with this except for calling those three structures the ugliest in Gosford. Way off. The stadium is one of the best in Australia to watch live sport, when it is full, the tax office is of good design and materiality – much better then some of the cheap apartments being built around the train station etc. It also helps bring a large number of workers into the struggling city Hopefully this future development can be realised sooner rather than later and be more than a development possibility. Linked in with the great future proposals already approved by Council or in Council currently, Gosford future is looking bright.

  158. Albert finkle | May 11, 2021 at 10:22 pm |

    When on earth will Manns Rd / Pacific highway be done? Much more needing than this road.

  159. Netanyahu occipedison | May 12, 2021 at 2:08 pm |

    So , as per usual, kick the tin down the road for another 5 years.
    WTF man.
    And 125,000 tons of plastic along the entrance and north entrance beaches and lake edge every Easter and Christmas thrown onto sand by tourists from Sydney , Melbourne , Middle East area etc
    It goes into waterways and out to sea.

  160. Alfred A Arnold BE MBA JP retired. | May 12, 2021 at 4:33 pm |

    Is this some sort of joke against the local population, who was on this committee a pack of Greens or illiterates. these lakes need two openings to the sea one now and another when we start to see the benefits, take a look at Lake Macquarie Forster lakes and every other that is open to the sea, The possibilities are endless, boating fishing marinas and best of all clean water.

  161. Martin Twist | May 12, 2021 at 11:15 pm |

    So sounds like they are going to try doing the same thing they’ve always done (dredge) and expect different results. Another $200,000 wasted.

  162. Neal Mcalpine | May 13, 2021 at 10:31 am |

    Yep another 200g wasted build the breakwall ope n budgewoi let boats in and out and watch the area boom with the new tower development it’s a winner not to mention the fishing

  163. No solution …!!!

    No plan….!!!


    No wonder there is no direction
    or accountability

    The study is complete…

    Come up with a plan..

    Generate a Scope…

    Engage and undertake the Works……

  164. This principal is allowing male teachers to stand out the front of the female bathrooms and give them the third degree. She is allowing her female staff to knock on the stalls of the bathroom and question children whilst they are toileting and she is allowing them to deny access to the bathrooms.
    Not to mention the intimidation of students by staff members and the general lack of wellbeing of the student’s in her care.
    Tumbi high school is a sinking ship and its going down fast

  165. kelvin masters | May 14, 2021 at 11:17 am |

    I remember the channel from the early 1950s.It was a sight to behold when emptying. the force was scarey. prawns galore being fished at night hundreds of lights on the water east of the old bridge. thousands of tourists

  166. What we really need is a referendum on if the citizens of the Central Coast want to continue with one Council. That is what democracy is about. The imposed larger Council is so big that it violates the basic values of democracy. This is a very important aspect of democracy that has been entirely ignored by the NSW coalition government in several other areas, the reason why it discontinued the project!. The money allocated for that purpose was then used for extensive pork barrelling!!

    The proposed referendum question should be preceded by the vital question if the citizens actually want this larger Council. My belief its that the people of this region definitely DO NOT WANT a larger Council. This is a second imposition suggesting that the NSW Government has not learnt anything from the larger Council debacle across NSW. The two questions can of course be put together as I have suggested already to the current Administrator. This would cost no extra money at all. Not putting the two questions together means that the Government has learnt nothing. The people of the Central Coast should not accept this kind of treatment and on top of that be faced with asset sales and considerably higher rates. Thus far it has been a disgraceful performance by the NSW Government.

    Klaas Woldring, Pearl Beach 4341 5170.

  167. W. Knuttle | May 17, 2021 at 9:03 pm |

    Yes i know of a self proffessed guru developer who is already taking advantage of councils reduced staff….. and the result is the ongoing suffering of the community . How will council manage this type of opportunist and protect the rights of others to enjoy their home and community without inappropriate and offensive development harrassing their amenity?

  168. Does anybody remember the 3 x 3 fuel levy that was imposed many years ago? It’s still in effect. Once a government (or council) gets a tax (rates are a tax) they NEVER let it go, this rate rise will be permanent.

  169. Great news for Gosford.

  170. Aidan Cuddington | May 20, 2021 at 9:00 am |

    The logistics of managing the system interest me. I presume other councils have such a system and that they issue permits to residents. In this age of technology (and I suspect someone else has already considered this) I would have thought one way would be to have car registration numbers linked to post codes thus stopping the exchange/lending of permits and putting the onus on the car owner to ensure their home address is updated with the RMS.

  171. Peter Reid | May 20, 2021 at 12:09 pm |

    Is MERILYN VALE a councilor or former councilos? Certainly sounds like it. It still remains, the council is in debt to the tune of over five hundred milliom dollars, and shows that the genral manager and all councilors should never be allowed to stand for council or any other position of trust again.

  172. I suggest anyone who wonders how much impact Borg Industries, will have on the environment, and everyday living for people in the area, take a trip to Oberon NSW. Belching smoke , 24/7, and constant movement by large trucks. Not just a negative impact on quality of life for existing residents, but yet another nail in the coffin, for Mt Penang Botanic Gardens. A disgracefully underfunded, neglected embarrassment. The opportunity to develop Mt Penang Gardens , as a showcase, is one that various inept councils, have let slip away….and now, it will become just a dirty little clump of greenery, surrounded by factories and heavy traffic. Adam Crouch and his ilk, obviously cannot recognise the incalculable value of our natural assets, and appear to be blind to opportunities to promote the Central Coast in a sustainable way. It makes me sad.

  173. Please credit Dreamtree Films for the photo image!

  174. I believe the state government should
    Where most of the cost of the miss management of central coast council there is no way they should of been able to spend so much money without the government knowing about it

  175. Clark McCallum | May 23, 2021 at 5:31 pm |

    “We believed that rate payers should not have paid the price for Central Coast council staff incompetence and flawed NSW Government policy.” Following on from the above, if staff incompetence is one issue, what did they spend so much on and why, do we need it and can we give it back. Also because Flawed Government Policy appears to be complicit why are the Government not legally compelled to contribute for their contribution to the costly errors.

  176. Cheryl fitzgerald | May 24, 2021 at 10:46 am |

    Congratulations John well deserved recognition regards Cheryl fitzgerald

  177. PETER PAIGE | May 24, 2021 at 6:58 pm |

    Claudia was sensational in the role of Medea.She handled the difficult speech patterns with aplomb, and captured the evil essence of the character superbly. The other members of the cast did well also, with an outstanding performance from Derek Fisher as the Messenger.

  178. Salvatore Mauceri | May 25, 2021 at 7:30 pm |

    Not only Gosford wharf all the central coast it been neglected I went at the entrance the other day and they took all the rubbish bins away big mistake the two councils merge now they are bankrupt and nothing gets done not good for tourism no good for business the entrance is becoming a complete ghost town all the banks gone the cinema gone 50% of the shops all shat down it’s a shame while council and state governments are willing of doing nothing very disappointed because this is where I live

  179. Needs to be the first building demolished in Gosford.

  180. Cecil Cotton | May 27, 2021 at 3:52 pm |

    I may be interested in Joining the group depending on its aims.
    I worked in Local Government for over 47 years in administration.

  181. David Joseph DRAPER | May 28, 2021 at 6:31 pm |

    Where are the police traffic units, none on the Peninsula obviously. Speed limits on the roads here are consistently abused.
    And: Why should there be objection to non identified speed cameras ? Only the guilty should be afraid of them.

  182. David Joseph DRAPER | May 28, 2021 at 7:01 pm |

    Well said Mr. Blackhawk, about time too but also, what about dog owners who take their animals out to walk and deliberately allow them to urinate onto the carefully tended nature strips, of their neighbors homes, on the grass, against young growing trees, bus stop poles and anywhere else they choose. Anywhere but their own back yards ?
    The City Council requires residents to maintain the nature strips adjacent to their properties. Where is the incentive ? Granted defecation is controlled by law but also, as with urination, apparently not the back scuffing of the turf afterwards.

  183. John mcbryde | May 30, 2021 at 10:25 am |

    To all dog owners If you want to be held legally Liable for unleashing your Dog- and it attacks someone! Then don’t unleash your dog.

  184. Less than 5% of the harm of a cigarette. The generous estimate by the same body who found harm in cigs in the first place. Kids still smoke. They shouldn’t do either but don’t lie to them about the facts. All of this misinformation is drawn from the propaganda campaigns in the US which are politically driven by corrupt orgs for money. Kids shouldn’t drink or do drugs either. What if an adult who smokes sees these incorrect claims and thinks “Just as bad Ill keep smoking”. Nicotine outside of cigs isn’t terribly habit forming. Look up the doco ‘You Dont know Nicotine’
    “Many e-cigarettes produce or emit vapour containing chemicals and toxins such as formaldehyde and heavy metals that can cause serious lung damage and even cancer.
    Not true.
    “Putting nicotine into your body also increases your risk of other types of addiction in later life.” Bauer said.
    Not True.
    “Nicotine can affect brain development in teens impacting their learning, concentration and mood, causing anxiety and depression.”
    Not True.

  185. You Blokes are Great Ambassadors for Formula V good luck in the future

  186. Elsie. Gulian | June 3, 2021 at 8:29 am |

    I would like to sell the following Description: BERNARD LIGNON (B. 1928) French – A jester playing a guitar Signed, on cloth, 40×28 ins. (Gouache ??). Please let me know if interested to come and inspect. I am in Ettalong Beach. Regards, Elsie.

  187. Good God… an anti-aviation male ‘Karen’ speaks up. All about fear, all about missing the point of a well-run airshow, all about me-me-me. God help us all…

  188. Bill Sutton | June 3, 2021 at 11:53 am |

    Terrific article by Georgia Lienemann re chokos
    I have white chokos which have a slight nuttier taste and easier to peele
    Tar Bill

  189. The pity is the people own the public lands and reserves on the central coast but rich developers will buy it. Then the space is gone forever. Then the people that made the decision on the council will up and leave ,there is no accountability over the CCC they don’t give a care in the world so long as they get paid. I blame this mess on the state government. Now they get what they want the central coast to be more high density living. They couldn’t care about native flora and fauna. Or especially going around trying to care about aboriginal people. How many home owners on the central coast are aboriginal or live in the trendy houses with the views or the cultural significance tied to the property… Yeah not many…

  190. The Central Coast has become the dumping ground for Sydney’s expanding population. The once pristine area is fast becoming one large Sydney suburb with no regard for native flora and fauna as the bulldozers destroy habitat. The time to stop this is now. With the Central Coast Council in disarray it is the perfect time for locals to step up and call time on the state government and their Sydney expansionist plans. All development must cease and each case opened up to review and approval in a public forum such as this news outlet. Too much of this is skulduggery and we cannot let them continue destroying what is left!

  191. Neil King | June 4, 2021 at 4:29 pm |

    My dog was recently attacked on Koolang Rd, Green Point by a blue heeler which rushed out of it’s house and with teeth bared latched onto my dog’s back. My dog was on the lead and in trying to rescue my dog, having both hands full with the lead and a shopping bag, I kicked out at the attacking dog. This resulted in my being coward punched by the dog’s owner into the road where he then continued his assault. The police and the rangers have been of no assistance.

  192. Joy Gallard | June 4, 2021 at 4:46 pm |

    Gosford has become a concrete ugly jungle. It has lost it’s personality and it is an awful shame. Most streets now are replacing houses with blocks of units and our roads are not coping with the excess cars.

  193. Some volunteers will come to Morisset, Toronto and Swansea this Saturday, and Charleston, Belmont, Cardiff on next Saturday. You may have opportunity talking to them.

  194. Jack Lloyd | June 6, 2021 at 4:11 pm |

    Good report. It looked as though the Mariners were forced into a lot of defending in the second half but the goal in extra time was a gem.

  195. Colin Bailey | June 6, 2021 at 7:45 pm |

    I hope the grant system is water tight and money was used for what it was meant to be used on.

  196. Kathy Minassian | June 7, 2021 at 10:10 am |

    If the CCC hadn’t wasted $565,000,000 and dipped into ‘restricted funds’ maybe they could have picked up the bill.

  197. Kristine Erling | June 9, 2021 at 2:46 pm |

    Want to register please

  198. Yet another case of Government incompetence and then they try to excuse their actions by calling it a clerical/typographical error, while clawing it back from Joe Worker and his family.
    Doesn’t anyone in the Government check their calculations anymore before committing them to their computer System to be actioned? Inexcusable even for the Public Service!
    Or as Leisel Tesch’s Office advised today the sooner Glady’s Berejiklian approves a Judicial Enquiry(the only type with Teeth) the better, over this and a range of other serious concerns to weed out the Cowboys at the Central Coast Council … particularly the Department Heads who I believe advised the fifteen suspended Councillors who approved all this rampant spending on lavish salaries and the like at our expense behind closed doors, sacrificing transparency and community involvement in the process!

  199. Peter Bolton | June 10, 2021 at 2:12 pm |

    I wonder if there will be any openness about council contributions or involvement that seems to be missing anywhere from the latest venture in the air. We don’t seem to see a lot of information coming from this latest administrator as the last one. Doesn’t seem to fit in with the governance of the council.

  200. Cameron Smith | June 14, 2021 at 7:40 am |

    Sack the entire Council & start again fresh with new people who have a clue
    No greenies Thanks
    Well maybe 1
    No more

  201. GAVIN PLUNKETT | June 15, 2021 at 1:46 pm |

    Regarding the Gosford water front park, I wrote to the Hunter Central coat Devepment corporation about several issues with the new water park. I did receive a reply and they are aware of the problems with the park.

  202. All for it. Bring it on.

  203. Matthew Ellis | June 17, 2021 at 1:34 pm |

    Please note that your following comment is incorrect, “His emergency management experience has ensured that the unit’s members work collaboratively to support other emergency services.” Emergency Services and response is not emergency management, it is a small component and is the equivalent of saying that all maytags are washing machines but not all washing machines are maytags. Emergency management extends well beyond emergency services and response and requires a very different skill set and base of knowledge.

  204. Karen Adler | June 18, 2021 at 12:37 am |

    Thanks Harry for the article, very nicely written and summarised. I hope you can make it along to the education forum, journalism has a major role to play in the dissemination of these alternative ways of dealing with mental health crises.

    Much appreciated, Karen

  205. Wow, what a story! Happy Birthday Eric.

  206. Please explain how lowering the barriers to entry into the teaching profession will improve teachers quality

  207. Carol Turner | June 20, 2021 at 2:14 pm |

    Such an interesting life, wonderful to read. Happy 100th Eric

  208. Greg Best’s suggestion has enormous merit. There are some other options also available that could be investigated to monetize the Buttonderry Tip that was not covered or canvassed in this interview which would see the facility remain in Council’s hands and still provide substantial funding to dissipate the Council’s debt position.

  209. Mark ellis | June 23, 2021 at 6:34 pm |

    The council and Rick hart thinkthe new park is safer, he needs to sack the people who told him that.
    The new park which no one knew about is quarter the size, next to the pub carpark and smoking area, and is closer to a major arterial road with no fence or lightning, no toilets or other aamenities and those who chose the position obviously unaware of stranger danger risk. Where perpetuators can hide behind the hedges, or the possibility of broken glass and syringes in the mulch.. were was the public consultation on the removal of this functional playground.Another failure by Central Coast Council #savePelicanPark

  210. Beth Hughes | June 24, 2021 at 2:16 pm |

    I attend each Monday. It has become an important part of my recovery process following the death of my husband. I felt isolated and lost and this get together has helped me immensely. I have met a number of very caring people and I look forward to the catch up with new friends, while enjoying a cuppa and a chat. It runs from 9.30 until 11.30 and we are very keen for more people to join us.

  211. Julie Lewis | June 24, 2021 at 5:00 pm |

    It would be interesting to know how many (if any) cases are on the Central Coast NSW, and why we’re being included in the Greater Sydney Area.

  212. Ann Hawick | June 25, 2021 at 7:57 am |

    This decision doesn’t make sense. Why put the playground on the other side of the road away from the safety and convenience of the current site. Families feel safe to allow their children to play there and many older people and handicapped people use the seating area to enjoy their fish and chips or picnic in a seated area with cover.
    This looks like another bureaucratic decision without consultation with the community. There is no feedback from the local businesses Council say they consulted. I support Leisl Tesch in this. Definitely a bad move CCC.

  213. Maureen Boys | June 25, 2021 at 10:04 am |

    Forum June 18th
    Excellent in dept letter by Bruce Hyland ( im a week late) however Bruce has hit the nail on the head
    Good on you Bruce…..common sense prevails…..
    Re” Restoring Local Democracy “(CCN No 296) by Jane Smith
    THIS person is Delusional!!

  214. Ray Pries | June 25, 2021 at 1:56 pm |

    Could you please print the web address for the Amendment for companion animal act by Greg Benson

  215. Sam Calabretta | June 25, 2021 at 10:49 pm |

    Has the council played for the new road in toukley it has dangerous pot holes and is only a few weeks old what a joke

  216. Les Rogan | June 26, 2021 at 8:38 am |

    Despite letters to ICAC and The Crimes Commission no one wanted to carry out a Formal investigation and inquiry into The activities that were orchestrated by Chief Financial Officers and Chief Executive Officers. Everyone involved from The very top levels of Government Auditors and Administrators were obviously told to just do enough to make it go away.

  217. William an | June 26, 2021 at 9:53 pm |

    Good one.

  218. Jay Wysocki | June 27, 2021 at 5:51 am |

    Toukley’s potholes are such an offense to tax payers. Shame on the council.

  219. Allen Lemon | June 27, 2021 at 6:03 am |

    Westpac closed Umina Branch years ago.WHY the OLD News?

  220. Bit confusing 5 people can visit you in your home but that would not be one of the 4 reasons for those people to leave their home?

  221. Spencer Davis | June 27, 2021 at 1:55 pm |

    Can someone please advise me? I’m 65 and have had a myriad of health conditions throughout my life including two bouts of pulmonary embolisms and consequently on one of the new blood thinners (Riborvaxoran). I very much want to be vaccinated (just as the government and premiers are asking us all to do).. My own local GP is not one of the doctors giving the Vaccine… Because of my underlying health conditions I was advised to get only the Pfizer vaccine, but after much ringing around I am unable to find ANYONE to administer it to my because I don’t fit into any of the allowable categories despite having a health report from my GP… This is causing me much anxiety. I cannot get down to Olympic Park where I believe they may be administering the Pfizer… Where can I go on the Coast to get the Pfizer vaccine ASAP?…

  222. Maggie Cox | June 28, 2021 at 1:57 pm |

    Yet another short=sighted and unpopular, taken by Central Coast Council, with no community consultation. It appears that the powers in control have taken dictatorship to heart. Until all that The Peninsula residents hold dear are torn asunder, having no thought of tradition and character of the area, as well as tourism value, this council will not stop. Residents mean nothing.

  223. Aloma Fennell | June 29, 2021 at 10:40 am |

    Excellent! congratulations to all of the women who took up a spade, I’m sorry I couldnt be there with them. The Soroptomists certainly make a difference not only to their own areas but globally. Well done, the world environment will be a better place, we trust, as a result of your work. Thank you

  224. Buks Bunnie | June 29, 2021 at 2:22 pm |

    Thanks in favor of sharing such a nice idea, article
    is good, thats why i have read it fully.

  225. Hooray for Mr Greer! Our local fauna rejoice that someone is finally trying to do something about the on-going cat menace!

  226. JanSvensson | June 30, 2021 at 3:53 pm |

    Our son is 45 year old live here on the Central Coast but cannot get his Covid-19 vaccine in Erina, the only place shown on Department of health website for Central Coast

  227. 95 residential lot subdivision at Berkeley Vale approved is absolutely disgusting. How has this been approved?
    I agree that we need to find a solution to housing shortages but at the cost of our environment is not OK, particularly our local rainforests.

    Why did the ecologists not mention in the story that the sea eagle was more than likely pushed out of its original nest by all the earthworks and activity being carried out around its nest. They also don’t mention that the sea eagle was found dead only metres from its original nest , and near its hastily made, new nest. The ecologist was informed of this and didn’t seem to care.
    This also seems like too much of a coincidence…needing a sea eagles nest moved, then the eagle miraculously disappears, but turns up dead.

    I am also wondering why council have paid tens of thousands of dollars over the years to map and regenerate this land, only to build 95 new houses on it . Seems like a waste of money, time and resources.
    I am also wondering how 95 houses , which could possibly hold on average 6 people, is also classed as low density.

    The best part though is how 95 houses won’t have any affect on the neighbouring wetlands and rainforest. So how can they guarantee there will be no chemical or water run off, no dumpings, no evasive weeds, no feral pests,and no encroachment by the landowners; just to mention a few.

  228. Eily Deasy | July 1, 2021 at 7:36 am |

    I loved “Jack’s Magic Boot’s”. Any thing that helps a child to be strong enough to believe in themselves. May be us adults need ‘Jack’s Magic Boots at times too.. Congratulations Sr Ross.

  229. The words “delicious” and “choko” do not go together!

  230. Such a shame on council and developers to put greed before natural habitat. Central Coast wis undergoing death by a thousand cuts. Sooner than we realise the entire rim will be citified.
    Council must represent the people and environment of the future as well as the greedy developers pressures right now.
    New homes for who? How much shelter is needed? Certainly not by removing shelter of other creatures.
    Despicable selfish human aggression.

  231. How are businesses like a Harley Davidson Motorcycle shop, and many other business along Manns Rd, deemed essential? Shouldn’t they be closed because going out to buy a motorcycle really isn’t essential!!

  232. Steven Cook | July 1, 2021 at 3:50 pm |

    And the “neighbourhood park” on the plans will be completed? I think not. Thanks council and the Land and environment court (what a joke) for getting rid of the bushland opposite my house which was zoned “never” to be built on. And for the ten fold increase in traffic going past my house on Bottlebrush Drive. Disgraceful

  233. Michael Blake | July 1, 2021 at 4:05 pm |

    It seems like the council is ignoring the ratepayers in the projects it wants to push through from libraries to playgrounds. Now they want to hoist a referendum regarding the amount of councillors for the Central Coast that no one requested at an expense that would be better served paying down debt. It is compulsory so how about we add the question should we deamalgamate from Wyong Council an arrangement that few people other than the State government supported

  234. Anthony Turner | July 1, 2021 at 6:21 pm |

    I didn’t know that central coast was rife with covet

  235. Such a special festival embracing all ages and community through books.

  236. Judith Smith | July 2, 2021 at 8:51 am |

    how many covid positive cases have we had on the central coast since this last outbreak started?

  237. Ossie Reinhard | July 2, 2021 at 10:42 am |

    You are reporting that in Shelly Beach and Woy Woy patrons where found in breach of Covis compliance.At Coles at Toukley, most of customers do not sign in ( no one from the Store ask them to do it) and most of people do not sanitize their hands and trolley handle.

  238. Easy put them out of business permanently take everything they own and make them homeless or make them an eat it in sandwiches until it kills them or put them in a boat and tell they are now refugees from Australia

  239. arlene craig | July 2, 2021 at 2:51 pm |

    We should not be locked down ? Know where my next vote going,

  240. Geoff Probyn | July 3, 2021 at 6:53 am |

    No permanent 15% rate rise thank you. Sell up the assets of those who were responsible for the massive debt and get rid of this Hart fellow. As if its not hard enough with all the rising costs of living with the CPI at just over 1% and now this bloke wants to make it permanent. At least let those of us living in the forgotten north get out of this rotten council and move to Lake Macquarie Council where we are better suited.

  241. Darrell Overton | July 3, 2021 at 6:54 am |

    The incident of which this lady spoke, where a woman was killed by dogs and was dubbed an “unfortunate accident” by police (with no real investigation) is all the more tragic because there has been another vicious dog attack in the same area, in the past day.
    The statistics, while horrible, only tell part of the story. One child per week is hospitalized for injuries from dog attacks. That doesn’t the number not severe enough to warrant hospitalization, but are no less emotionally traumatic. Then, when you factor in the damage done to other pets, native animals and domestic livestock, how can you not see that action must be taken.
    All pets should be micro-chipped. ALL dogs should be on a lead AND muzzled, when off private property. Pet owners should be required to carry Liability Insurance and should held financially responsible for any damage done by their animal. A cap on the number of pets allowed should be enforced. Pet owners should be required to have training before being given a license to own a pet. And, lastly, there are certain animals that should be allowed to be owned. There is no reason for a person to own a Pit Bull (pure or mixed breed). There is no reason a person should a Rottweiler or Alsatian. While I personally, have owned Rottweiler in the past, I acknowledge the risk is too great.
    I am reminded of a quote from a woman concerning her dog, which I would share. “If there weren’t laws, I would take my dog EVERYWHERE”. Pet owners cannot be trusted to do the right thing and respect others.

  242. Obviously we need another administrator. Any politician that backs this impost on already struggling Coasties should be thinking of their future rather than the ramblings of a temporarily appointed public servant. We have long memories here on the coast.

  243. Wendy Kable | July 3, 2021 at 5:48 pm |

    I hope he/she/they had a legitimate reason for being in Marrickville.

  244. Garry SMITH | July 4, 2021 at 8:03 am |

    15% rate increase should not be made permanent until suspended/sacked members of council are banned from contesting future elections.
    Any subsequent rate increases should not be allowed on top of this base increase for at least another 10 years.
    State government should be made to come clean and pay up any funds that they are liable to pay and have not done so. (e.g .waterway maintenance)

  245. Great news hopefully there will be some will be rental properties as there is such a shortage around the area

  246. Laurie Powell makes a valid point $1.75 million is a lot of ratepayers money and the value for the dollars is questionable. Do we get to see a break down of the costs? Seems to be a very big profit margin? There appears to be a bit of railroading involved. No debate a compulsory vote and outcome already decided! Rik Hart may have been through this process before at other LGAs but l’m not completely convinced he has the Central Coast best interests at heart. Where is he getting directions from? The State government? The minister for Local Government just paraphrases State government policies and neglecting the numerous Local Government Audits over several years that something was amiss. Surely the amount of Central Coast Council debt should have rung alarm bells? These Local Government Accountants and Public Servants get paid big bucks to pick up these anomalies? Perhaps they should be joining the Centerlink queue? Unless of cause it works in with the State governments amalgamation plans. No judicial inquiry that would explore the whole government processes just a low level inquiry with the outcome already decided! Democracy seems to be making way for an autocratic system and we are allowing the process by not saying anything that would rock the boat. If we go down that path as many countries have then what we get is pork barrelling on an industrial scale excepted corruption and wastage of Tax money that makes organised crime look like robbing the piggy bank! Is this the furure? It looks very grim! Under cover of Covid has allowed laws to be introduced under the public radar on State and Local levels with little or no opposition. Major Asset sales with no scrutiny dodgy deals done behind closed doors and no one is responsible if it should sell below market value. What are we getting into? Some Politicians are now at the level of door to door sales people and take kudos for dubious suspect projects. Its time we woke up!

  247. Does adam live on the coast.where Did he catch covid from

    Where has he been


  248. Maureen Boys | July 5, 2021 at 1:02 pm |

    I agree totally with Bruce Hyland . We cannot afford worthless expenditures being encouraged
    Housing is not a Local Gov,t,issue and the Administrator should stay well enough away from it.The introduction of an Affordable Housing Officer ie which was 2 yrs ago something like this had no impact anyway. Transfer that to the Govt. The council should not be touching this as its not their responsibility. More money wasted. We need to see productivity

    Administrator should be looking at saving money with less people on the roster to “help” we cannot afford them. Where possible one person should be allocated to a job per se as an example This person should be advised by a senior person that is the way it goes.

  249. Maureen Boys | July 5, 2021 at 1:03 pm |

    Bruce Hyland well said . We cannot afford worthless expenditures being encouraged
    Housing is not a Local Gov,t,issue and the Administrator should stay well enough away from it.The introduction of an Affordable Housing Officer ie which was 2 yrs ago something like this had no impact anyway. Transfer that to the Govt. The council should not be touching this as its not their responsibility. More money wasted. We need to see productivity

    Administrator should be looking at saving money with less people on the roster to “help” we cannot afford them. Where possible one person should be allocated to a job per se as an example This person should be advised by a senior person that is the way it goes.

  250. Paula Adams | July 6, 2021 at 9:51 am |

    Do aged care residents have a choice about having unvaccinated vs vaccinated staff, caring for them? If I was a resident, or had a relative in one of these facilities, I would require only vaccinated staff to enter my room. What is the point otherwise, of isolating residents from all visitors, when staff themselves are potentially carrying Covid infection into the workplace?

    • Your comment shows that you really are only parroting the narrative in mainstream media. Someone who had the jab is not less protected if people around them did not have the jab themselves. In fact, the jabs are only designed to give some protection from developing severe symptoms if and when infected AND actually developing an illness from it! What these jabs cannot do is protect from still catching it and transmitting it to others, which is precisely why it is wrong to think someone jabbed requires others to be jabbed too. Either you have the jab and may have some protection from otherwise potentially more severe symptoms if at all, or you are not. Furthermore, being tested ‘positive’ is mostly a big lie, as you should understand that the PCR-test is flawed. In Australia, and many counrtries around the world, they are conducted at cycle thresholds of 40-45, but this means you can literally find anything from nothing.
      Proof: NSW Health – https://www.pathology.health.nsw.gov.au/covid-19-info/sars-cov2-nat
      Here is a footage of Dr. Fauci over in the US who confirms this:

      And here is an New York Times article about it:

      This means, we have all been fooled to believe all these ‘cases’ are infectious or any sickness at all! Only when they conducted this test at much lower CT values or did antigen testing on all of them instead, would it have some meaning, but most likely w we would only have 1 or 2 out of each 100 alleged ‘new infections’ that are actually true.

      So think about all that before parroting the media narrative and demand experimental jabs on carers! I can tell you here and now that there will be MASS WALKOUTS of aged care workers due to this insane and unnecessary mandate to be vaxed!
      My wife just terminated her job and many others will follow, if online chatter is any indication.

  251. Melbourne anti vaxx protest organiser Monica Smit from Pakenham in Victoria, who is also anti mask, anti QR code, anti covid testing and believes covid is a hoax has been inciting anti vaxx aged care workers to protest against mandatory vaccinations in the aged care sector.

    Monica Smit organised an anti vaxx propaganda billboard truck to drive around Melbourne on Sun and Mon in an attempt to incite protesters, but her cheap stunt was a complete flop.

    Melbourne anti vaxx groups like Monica Smit’s Reignite Democracy Australia are the reason why Melbourne was plunged into extended lockdown.

    Monica Smit has set up chapters of her nuisance anti vaxx group in most states and some regional areas.

  252. Hard to “catagorically deny” the footage and imagery captured that documents their latest pollution event and the large scale of irfact that HyMix now have a PR company speaking for them indicates that there are a number of items they’re keen to avoid dealing with. Worth noting also that the EPA’s unannounced inspection on the 25 June was 4 days after the contamination spill. That is 8 tidal cycles later giving all the time HyMix need to let Mother Nature wash away the evidence. The excavation work in the sump pit allowed thousands of litres of catchment and waste water to flush straight into the same spot. HyMix rely on tardy EPA responses and the tidal flows to mask the events and that’s why they’ve been able get away with mass pollution of the creek and Broadwater relatively unchallenged since 1986. They’ll do it again before the works are completed no doubt and I’ll be sure to let you know when it happens….Thankyou for covering it Terry

  253. Ivermectin is a lice treatment!!!! 335 deaths from Covid vaccine in Australia???? Anyone looking after the elderly has a role in prevention & transmission of infectious diseases. If you can’t have the vaccine don’t work with elderly or vulnerable. Simple!

  254. Maureen Boys | July 7, 2021 at 12:21 pm |

    RE Dog attacks etc.
    Re Judi Roxburgh,s letter and Darrell Overtons reply
    It is ludicrous to learn that the 2nd largest Council in NSW HAS NO DOG LAWS WHATSOEVER.It is soul destroying to hear animals in our are region and for that matter anywhere are torn apart simply because the Local Councils won’t bring in Laws to protect animals and their owners for that matter. I don’t have time to follow up on this RE COUNCIL however Darrell Overton has spelled it all out and please READ HIS LETTER BEFORE MINE.
    I believe with respect many of the dog owners themselves need microchipping!!!. In this area there are many acreages and spaces for dogs to roam free on their owners properties
    i HAVE ALWAYS HAD DOGS AND THEY WERE WALKED ON A LEASH. I HAD GERMAN SHEPHERDS AT SEPARATE TIMES THRU MY LIFE. And happier dogs you could not meet. One went to Pmatta park weekly for training with our son when he was much younger.
    Some pet owners should never have dogs at all.They just don’t care and do as they like so with a law the Council should come and seize them and give them a heavy fine.
    They spoil if for all the dog lovers and frankly if nothing happens i will take this up and write to David Farmer or Rik Hart as a desperate follow up

  255. John D'Ugo | July 7, 2021 at 1:33 pm |

    RE: QR CODE, as of the 12th July it is mandatory that you check in and out of every retail establishment. My experience so far if you try and check in and out to more than two establishments in the same shopping centre the QR Code system does not allow you to check out of a third.
    History Thursday 1st July
    Rockdale Plaza Shopping Centre Checked in 11.22am
    Rockdale Plaza Newsagency checked in 11.24am checked out 11.27am
    Aldi Rockdale Plaza Checked in 11.28am checked out 11.52am
    Rockdale Plaza Shopping Centre QR systems did not me to check out

  256. In Berkeley Vale the council has attacked established trees and bushes on the median and roadside with a slasher. Incompetent and lazy. I guess nothing has changed at Central Coast council. Thank you for raising this issue Mr Mehan.

  257. S Burdock | July 8, 2021 at 3:51 am |

    They can not legally force vax. With a 99.8% cure rate and the numbers Covid legally does not present as a Pandemic. The word pandemic was used to legally implement lockdowns and forced vax, it is not a Pandemic, the wrong terminology for nefarious reasons!
    Why are the vaccinated in lockdown?
    How is it a pandemic, why the miss use of the description, the word pandemic?
    Where is the supporting criteria for use of the word pandemic?

  258. Hermini M | July 8, 2021 at 3:59 pm |

    I am a little confused 😬 are we allowed to visit family? My daughter had just given birth through a C section & would like to visit to help her. But not sure if the law says I could. Can someone please help with the information? Thanking you in advance 🤔

  259. The practice of public financial management is now considered critical in combating corruption, alleviating .This consultant’s report does necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned.We having regard to the report on budgetary and financial management.

  260. Hello Gina, Thank you for your letter. You are right – I should be providing contact details for those not on email. The future of our Council and region is such an important conversation that we all need to have – everybody needs to be a part of that. Postal address for Central Coast Friends of Democracy is PO Box 106 Terrigal 2260.

  261. Norm Webb | July 9, 2021 at 11:12 am |

    my wife and I were very active around the time of the companion act of 1997 lobbying environmental groups, bird clubs ect to forward submissions to the companion animal committee calling for curfews and desexing of domestic cats.
    We thought we had some chance but it soon became evident that this was not to be, when big money vested interests funded billboards all over Sydney showing a very old lady with her cats and claims that her cats would be taken from her. John Laws became very vocal on radio and print calling the minister Ernie Page a nazi. The state Liberal party opposition of the time said they would oppose many recommendations in the act if they were voted in, in
    the oncoming election. When the act went to the Legislative Council the Hon R.S.L. Jones spoke vigorously against many of the proposals that would have protected wildlife at the same time as lauding the wonders of companion animals.
    It was all to much and we were left with an act that did not protect our precious wildlife and offered no solace to those who desire to protect native birds and wildlife on their own properties.
    One of the recommendations in the white paper Companion Animals Act was that there be a education programme to
    educate the public as to the need for non compulsory curfews, desexing and other issues relating to cats and dogs. It has been 23 years since the Companion Animal Act was introduced and I have never witnessed any such adds.
    Free roaming cats have caused my wife and myself much anguish over the last 30 years that we have lived in the beautiful urban/bushland area where we live. I despair of anything positive happening in regard to curfews but live in hope.

  262. NO where on the coast can i locate Pfeizer dose 2 vaccination – super frustrating as i am over due to have it !!!!

  263. Obviously Wyong shire doesn’t exist? De-merge the council now!

    • I agree that no amalgamation appears to have been made as no funds seem to be allocated for suburbs above Wyong. Why are these renovations to sport and entertainment venues a priority when the venues may be unused for quite some time yet. Help the people of the coast with wages or invest the money to compile money so you can afford to do those jobs when they become critical.

  264. S Burdock,

    Covid vaccinations are not mandatory, except perhaps in aged care where most covid deaths happened.

    Anti vaxxers can choose not to get vaccinated but their actions are responsible for plunging Melbourne and Sydney in extended lockdown.

    Anti vaxxers claiming covid is a hoax, refusing to use hand sanitiser, refusing to stay home during lockdown, refusing to wear masks, refusing to use QR codes, using fake names and phone numbers when manually signing in, making contact tracing complicated or impossible.

    Anti vaxxers can resist covid vaccinations as much as they like, but be assured their international travelling days are well and truly over.

  265. We have no Covid cases in the lower central coast so why are we being penalised like the idiots in Sydney who refuse to stay at home?

  266. I’m moving house on Tuesday from central coast to Muswellbrook
    Do I need a permit

  267. As per usual government directives this is confusing in certain aspects.
    Are masks mandatory in open public spaces away from other people ??

  268. From what I read, generally there is no justification to why the funding is going towards areas that don’t need really need it. They are upgrades nothing more to areas where their rate payers are not wanting higher rates to pay for it.

    I still see multiple botched and unfinished infrastructure projects and those that still are not being undertaken and it is to the detriment of the whole of the central coast. Why is this funding not put to better use.

    The areas written about in this release I assume as usual is centred around the south not caring to write about the north, but if this is all the funding, then shame Central coast council you have failed again.

    I can’t believe the there is no need for funding for the old Wyong shire geographical area. The people in those areas (old Wyong shire) still pay rates higher, and where the use of those extra funds should be centred around the north not south. The parity and equality stinks Mr Parsens you did do enough to prevent future miss pending. The north pay higher rates to a council that takes it and uses it away from where it was funded.

    IF THIS IS THE WAY OF THE FUTURE FOR CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL THEN Local Representatives my question to you is….

    Can we vote on that as a referendum piece rather than reducing council members?

    If it were up for debate I know what the answer would be….

  269. Margaret McGowan | July 10, 2021 at 12:15 pm |

    I think it was a State Bicentennial Grant – they were up against Multi Arts confederqton and Mayor Harrison who wanted to build the theatre at Caroline Bay. Brian got the grant for Laycock street to be built n the block of land he had already got for them where they erected The Shed.

  270. karen rowe | July 10, 2021 at 2:38 pm |

    why are they spending money they dont have, just ask all the performing arts groups what hey want/need, this council is a total disgrace

  271. This is such an awesome idea. Well done

  272. What about old wyong council, nothing in this list at all, what is going on council

  273. Nothing for the Wyong Shire – again. Not one single thing !!! Why do I bother to pay rates, to get nothing in return. It’s just a joke

  274. Gosford staff…gone..gosford council building…going. stick to facts. Maybe work needs to be done in gosford because it needs it

  275. Sam Calabretta | July 10, 2021 at 7:11 pm |

    Nothing for the wyong Shire as usual this is a joke

  276. Mr Grant D. Smith | July 10, 2021 at 8:15 pm |

    Sorry but I thought amalgamation meant greater outcomes for all…no money north of Lisarow? We need to take some serious interest in our next council elections and make sure our elected officials are there for our local communities…otherwise we only have ourselves to blame.

  277. so the old wyong shire area misses out. AGAIN!

  278. Christopher Roberts | July 11, 2021 at 9:50 am |

    Heritage listings for these iconic trees are in place for very good reasons and should in no way be tampered with. This is pure madness and would think developers have had too much say throughout Terrigal generally.

  279. Melisa Goodwin | July 11, 2021 at 11:04 am |

    Thay shouldn’t be allowed up the central coast to live in their holiday homes. Thay should stay in their first house

  280. What happened about the enquiry into the amalgamated council. Wyong Shire misses out. Wyong Shire had the funds, Gosford Shire was in debt. Gosford Shire complain about rate rises. They were paying less than Wyong. This can be seen in suggested rates rises for the 2 Shires.

  281. Should be called Gosford and Avoca council not Central Coast council nothing spent past kariong yet they expect everyone north of Gosford to pay for it. Oh sorry that is just the norm isn’t it.

  282. Kent Baldwin | July 11, 2021 at 12:32 pm |

    I thought the council was broke.
    How about repaying all the money Gosford took from Wyong so we can get the works done which were promised to us before the amalgamation

  283. You would have to ask. Can we afford the new CEO? At almost $10,000 per week! A pay package of $517.625.00 per year! Plus expenses. Who approved this package? I am certain the ratepayers did not vote for this. In an atmosphere of austerity it is well beyond our ability to pay if we are so far in debt. The ratepayers have already been slugged a 40% increase in rates. Now that Rik Hart has that one under his belt he now wants to make the increase in rates 15% per year! He has already borrowed $100,000,000 so now we are owned by a Bank and they will be pulling the strings. This is on top of Library closures ripping up usable playgrounds with the flimsiest of excuses and now amalgamating Theatres! At an expense of $40,000! They are using weasel words to make it seem they are doing us a favour. This all appears to be a part of a plan more than likely the State government? It would suit their purpose. Bury the Public enquiry or delay it for a number of years so everyone has forgotten what it was all about. I note that Rik Hart will no longer write a piece in the Coast News only Facebook! A great number of elderly people do not have access or want a Facebook account and a great number of middle and younger people will never look at it why would they! It looks as if Rik is hiding and can’t be bothered to interact with ratepayers. Just like The Hitch-hikers Guide we advertised the demolition of Earth on Alpha Century if you can’t be bothered to look at it It is your fault! They advertised the Sale of Land in Woy Woy in the Northern Rivers!

  284. S.Gilmore | July 11, 2021 at 3:14 pm |

    Front line staff including airport drivers all should have been vacanted but no state gov rules and now central coast gets punished for doing the right thing, shut down Sydney and leve us to keep doing the right thing and have some sort of life, we always seem to cop Sydney’s problems alot longer than covid has been around!

  285. Caroline O’Dwyer | July 11, 2021 at 4:32 pm |

    This is an obscene amount to pay someone in local government. Even if it is the second largest council in NSW.
    And when the council in question is in such severe financial distress and ratepayers have to have such an increase it beggars belief.

  286. Why is everything around Gosford nothing in the wyong area we pay our rates to get things done in our area so why are we left out.

  287. fred debattista | July 11, 2021 at 8:34 pm |

    no kerning and guttering and concrete pathway along Summerland Point road along sports club.. gwandalan need pathways badly..

  288. This must only be a preliminary account of upgrades surely, what is happening in Wyong Shire, some people must be embarrassed to part Central Coast Council. Why did the Councils merge? Should never have happened thats for sure.

  289. Lynette Kenny | July 12, 2021 at 9:46 am |

    Is there a case at Toukley my mother was telephoned by my cousin saying there was

  290. No surprise. This is what happens when people try to humanize animals. Pets are animals and always will be! Undoubtedly there will be more such attacks, as pet humanization goes through the roof!

  291. gwen vidler | July 12, 2021 at 12:21 pm |

    everyone this refers to – pleases get your jab so all will gradually get back to normal

  292. scott wilson | July 12, 2021 at 2:04 pm |

    Probably due to non existent vaccine in central coast areas…
    I have tried to register in Gosford area and got message saying try again in a week as no appointments available for at least 60 days
    teacher facing students from all over Sydney and cannot get a vaccine but a co worker under 30 is getting Pfizer vaccine tomorrow??? So much for the priority lists, rollout is absolute rubbish

  293. I think one of the reasons we are in lockdown is due to the amount of people that live on the Central Coast, and work in Sydney. I just wish people would isolate so we can go back to normal, Back to work, people have paid the ultimate deficit, loosing there lives, some there business, there homes. Some have lost everything. People need to vaccinate.

  294. This may have been covered before? What about selling the Central Coast stadium. Its an expensive building and grounds to keep up the maintenance. The playing surface was recently replaced at great expense. Is it utilised to it greatest potential? Does it even cover costs? I believe the Mariners wanted to buy the stadium. So how about selling it. It is an asset that would realise urgently required funds. If we need to pay down debt this would supply a big chunk and save millions in repairs and maintenance.

  295. Jan Hardy | July 13, 2021 at 9:30 am |

    Woolworths at Warilla Grove and Mitchell’s Fruit market are NOT checking people in who don’t have a smartphone. I visited both shops yesterday and nobody even asked if I needed help. I just walked in and out.

  296. Karen Morrow | July 13, 2021 at 2:53 pm |

    There is obviously another agenda lurking here.. they think we are all just creative idiots.. but once again the community of users of the theatre , of which there are masses.. are going to “dismissed summarily” in line with the national policy of devaluing of The Arts.It is undemocratic to be made to suffer due to the past incompetencies of Gosford Council. Then again this whole process seems to whiff of an anti regional sentiment and autocracy!! Apppalling.. time to march people , time to march !!

  297. This seems to have slipped off the radar? The new Central Coast CEOs pay package of $517,000 is way over the normal salary range and no political weasel words can justify such a high remuneration.
    Let’s just get a comparison $517.000 equal to :-
    3 Politicians
    4 Doctors
    6 Nurses
    6 Police personnel
    6 Council directors
    8 Council workers
    Etc etc
    How many Senior citizens probably 25?
    How many Ratepayers to support that pay packet over 250!
    What will be the plan? Remove planning restrictions. sell off infrastructure (water and sewer) Council properties and land. Remove opposition to anything they deem a priority. Increase Rates opps! that’s already a done deal. Increase water charges – in the pipeline so to speak. Reduce Elected Councillors and increase the number of people they represent so the ratepayers have no voice. “To streamline the system ” as the catch phrase goes. Democracy by a thousand cuts leaves us with what? A State run dictatorship?

  298. jennie Otter | July 13, 2021 at 7:33 pm |

    I have 2 issues regarding only one person being able to go shopping as i would find
    that a bit difficult as I am only tiny & my partner & i always go grocery shopping
    together & we do not have a smart phone to check in to supermarkets when we go shopping
    So what are we supposed to do.

  299. irene mary franklin | July 13, 2021 at 8:10 pm |

    what happen to Gwandalan and summerland point? don’t we deserve some money to be spent on us? our roads are falling apart, and full of potholes. these are fixed and then the filling falls out as soon as a car runs over them. Are we not more important than a stadium that most of us up will never use. Tell me is this what our rates are paying for, if that is the case, I’m thinking we should stop paying our Rates. not long ago you were saying that the council was broke and had to borrow money, and now you are spending it on a stadium. these councillors who voted for this money, are in for a big shock at the elections.

  300. Can you have tradespeople in your home.g. painters?

  301. Can I travel to Wauchope NSW from Central Coast to help my daughter who is unwell and needs help with my grandchildren

  302. Patrick Anglin | July 14, 2021 at 11:22 am |

    Bloody disgusting amalgamation should never have happened we Wyong should be allowed to vote on this issue what is wrong with our Counci

  303. I am intending to fly back to Tasmania tomorrow (I am a Tasmanian residant). I have been living in the central coast on and off for 6 weeks. What shpuld I expect as far as travel restrictions?

  304. P. Hilleard | July 14, 2021 at 4:47 pm |

    Mayor Graham (passed) Wyong Council visited Summerland Pt some years ago & was quizzed about the $25.00 Enviromental Levey we paid to Wyong Council for Lake Macquarie, he firmly believed Lake Macquarie was further north & not included in his shire, this meeting was held in the Community Hall at Summerland Pt. which is about 50 feet from Lake Mac. & from where he was standing in the hall. I think that says it all. I believe he did not know where he was nor did he know that a fair percentage of the community live in residents on the shore of Lake Mac. in this suburb. Councilor Symmington did an audit & very soon after Wyong council did spend a few dollars here but it has all stopped now due to our Council having financial problems. The sooner we become included with Lake
    Mac. Council the better off all the residents will be & so will Lake Macquarie, all will benefit as Wyong Council took our money & spent it elsewhere.

  305. Ruth white | July 15, 2021 at 9:36 am |

    Am I allowed to walk exercise with one other person out doors if I wear a mask?

  306. Called being proactive?

  307. Alfred A Arnold | July 15, 2021 at 12:00 pm |


    • Thanks Alfred. In the article it points our the full detail. They are simply organising in case it goes ahead for the October Long Weekend, from October 2 to 3.

  308. Sam Nicholson | July 15, 2021 at 12:05 pm |

    It is absolutely disgusting that these people have higher salaries than the Prime Minister of this country and the Premier of this State and even more disgusting that their salaries are not tied to any benchmarks. These lurks have to stop along with other extravagant practices by these inept people. Council salaries for executives need to be pegged and the sooner that an independent body with community representatives rules on these salaries the better.

  309. Maureen Boys | July 15, 2021 at 12:29 pm |

    This letter reveals what is actually happening in council. There is no transparency whatsoever .We have been kept in the dark, even the Commissioner won’t now publish any submissions 3 weeks into inquiry. The whole “SHOW” is ludicrous , “SHROUDED IN SECRECY”….how do we get a say???……We have had our hands tied behind our back and in the beginning were told lies that it would be transparent.
    Well its time we the Ratepayers had more questions answered

    Why do we need to pay hundreds of thousands to Consultants for Water/sewerage submissions when these high level employees are earning huge money. Do they think we are fools. Jobs for the boys i say!
    There is virtually no productivity and services are cut

    I quote Terms of Reference NO 3″ Any other matter that warrants mention particularly those that may impact on effective administration of Council’s functions and responsibility or the community,s confidence in the Council being able to do so”
    Well i have no confidence whatsoever in the Council as Kevin has said and i quote “PUBLIC” INQUIRY TO BE HELD LARGELY IN SECRET”
    It’s not even the inquiry we were promised having obtained 22,500 signatures for a Judicial inquiry

    Please read Kevins letter at least twice as he is spot on.

    It’s obvious Council are “Pulling the Wool over our eyes”
    i am writing to Roslyn McCulloch her email is on the protest site on FB on Kevins post of 2 days ago….ezy peasy i suggest the Community dig in and write to her so it makes an impact.
    She could have omitted names off submissions as suggested and still published them why not????

  310. Poppygary | July 15, 2021 at 5:53 pm |

    Well as ratepayers have received a bill for 15% more to cover their Failures…
    How about staff taking a 15 % pay cut 🥱🥱🥱🥱

  311. Jan Svensson | July 17, 2021 at 9:09 am |

    Prison – Central Coast
    Why are we on the Central Coast still in lockdown,we are NOT part of Sydney, we are more then 100km away from the “hot spots” in Sydney , we are divided by a huge river and national park, we have no community Covid virus and most of us are vaccinated,some twice.
    We have now been in lockdown ( prison) for more then 3 weeks and looking at another 3 weeks.

  312. The responsibility for this debacle lies squarely with the state government. Their appointed mouthpiece Mr Hart, and his predecessor, are dodging their responsibility and trying to push financial liability onto ratepayers. The ONLY solution is for the state government to pay out the debt incurred by incompetent councillors who were ultimately overseen by the Office of Local Government and the Auditor General. Stop faffing around, pay the debt and give the Central Coast a new start – without councillors!

  313. Mariners Back To Sucking | July 20, 2021 at 2:19 am |

    They’ve gone cheap that simple Melbourne have already posted the spoon it’s on its way mariners fans buck to regular viewing mariners dead last next year with no desilva no clisby no tongyik no Kuol with the owner saying youth is their focus it’s all over

  314. They’re only going to create higher risk by having more crowded buses. I wish they’d think for at least a few minutes before pumping out anything at all for the sake of seeming competent. People taking the bus may not have the money to spend on a taxi or uber so the less fortunate take a hit again.

  315. JanSvensson | July 20, 2021 at 8:19 am |

    Wake up NSW health
    Central Coast are Not part of Sydney, we are 80km from Sydney and more then 100km from any “hot spots”,
    We are divided by a huge river and national parks, Sydney residents are not allowed here.
    We have been tested negative and have 2 shots of vaccine, we have no community spread Covid..
    How long must we endure this lockdown?

  316. Theresa Harvey | July 20, 2021 at 9:17 am |

    All they have done is make it more difficult for those people that have to travel by public transport, to get to work. And put them at greater risk due to more people having to share the same train/bus etc. Not everyone who needs to travel for work has a licence or a car. Very poor palnning and I cannot see what they are acheiving by reducing the services?

  317. The Administrator seems to be trying to push policies through by fear! If we do not do this or that we will reduce staff / services / projects etc but lumbered us with more debt of $100 million to a bank that requires its pound of flesh! No one in the community knows the finer details of the deal terms of payment, interest, period of loan or conditions and penalties imposed! If you were signing up for a mortgage you would be required to familiarise yourself with those requirements. Yet all we get is ‘Commercial in confidence ‘ and non disclosure statement. I don’t think we are being told a lot of things and the contempt in the edited reports shine through. We get a CEO that gets paid more than the premier of the State. Which ratepayer voted for that? At $517,000 it would take 250 ratepayers per year to fill his pay packet! As for restructuring the Council staff they have been through 3 restructures in the past few years they must be suffering from structural fatigue! It does not breed confidence in your workforce. As a Management tool its flawed! Every restructure looses more valuable experience. A bit of honesty would be appreciated but that is doubtful.

  318. Yes, obscene is the correct word. Also greedy, selfish, uncaring, & uncharitable to accept such renumeration in the first place. He earns more than Angela Merkel (who has mighty serious issues to deal with) It would be very intersting to find out exactly how David got to sit in that chair.

  319. Heather Tavitian | July 20, 2021 at 4:25 pm |

    How is the Central Coast part of Greater Sydney, do these politicians have any clue about the geographies of NSW.? Who makes these blanket decisions ? It’s putting small businesses out of work and all the independent tradies, (of which there are many in the Central Coast) also out of work. It’s killing the children’s education and future job prospects and imprisoning people in small apartments and in sometimes violent circumstances, when the alternative may be going out only to get (illegally) arrested by policemen “doing their job’….what kind of Australia is this? A dictatorship?

  320. Central Coast residents being punished by their southern Sydney neighbours inability to be trusted to do the right thing.

    Adam Crouch is too spineless to break with the party line, so we’re stuck here in lockdown with no cases.

    Why Gladys “pork barrelling” Beresjiklian played politics with COVID instead of learning from other states and locking down is beyond comprehension. We’ll be stuck in lockdown for months, and the Liberal voter still won’t hold them accountable and vote them out.

  321. Robyn Sampson | July 21, 2021 at 8:36 am |

    Well why is Wideline Windows at Tuggerah having their drivers car pool still working doing different jobs
    Yes …. Still doing it this week!!
    (All these drivers were in Sydney last week)
    This is not a community helping each other !!

  322. JanSvensson | July 21, 2021 at 1:16 pm |

    We completely agree with Mark that it is unnecessary to have anymore lockdown on the Central Coast.
    We are an independent region 80km from Sydney and more then 100km.from Covid hotspots.
    We are divided by a huge river and national park.
    Sydney residents are not allowed here.
    We have no community spread Covid and most are vaccinated, personally twice.

    • Teresa atkin | July 21, 2021 at 10:12 pm |

      If we are all vaccinated here, could you explain why there are currently no appointments until sept, lucky you,got two and are you forgetting we haven’t even started on our younger people’s roll out yet, and they won’t police the coast so every sydneysider would be flocking here at the weekends, and let’s see what happens when we do get an outbreak, we are all fairly safe at the moment and should think ourself lucky

  323. Coral Pearce | July 21, 2021 at 1:27 pm |

    Totally agree central coast should no be in lock down

  324. David osborne | July 21, 2021 at 1:56 pm |

    This is stupid we have not had any covid sightings on the Central Coast since and before lockdowns so enough is enough remove our lockdown and give us the freedom we deserve

  325. Shiralee A Hubbard | July 21, 2021 at 2:22 pm |

    I totally agree. If they cut off at hawksbury/Brooklyn that cuts out the old pacific hwy and the M1 if police patrolled putty road to windsor pretty much from the coast all the way up north will be protected thats of coarse if all police regions worked together. Our small buisnesses are suffering out local tradies, clubs, pups, resturants even pool cleaners and house cleaners etc. They are suffering because political craziness. Im not asking for full free living but full lockdawn is not fair. I would have no problem locking down fully if there was an outbreak or community transmission here.

  326. I don’t think the vaccine roll out has been too slow – it’s the Australian people who are too slow to go and get it in my view. Four of my relatives and two neighbours (one on each side of me) are amongst those who are taking their time to NOT go and get their vaccine – their ages are 60, 40, 47, 56, 51 and 53 so they are not the young but the mid to older generations taking their time. I personally went out and got it as soon as I could and I’ve encouraged my husband and children to do the same but a lot of Australians are just dancing with death in my view by not going to get their vaccine. There is only one of my children who is my youngest, 17, who has not been entitled to get it yet but she would and I would encourage her to get it if 17 year olds were allowed to get the vaccine – with this Delta and Delta Plus variant on the warpath I think we should take what we can and be as safe as we can.

  327. Daune Coogan | July 21, 2021 at 5:47 pm |

    I agree stop including central coast in lockdown put bordercontrols at the Hawksbury and let people get on with their lives

  328. Unfortunately the reporters at the 11am Gladys show aren’t drilling her hard enough on why we’re locked down here. If it’s just to keep our Sydney neighbours from coming here, that’s a bit of a cop-out from a lazy government who could easily implement checkpoints. Surely that’d have less of an economic impact than unnecessarily shutting down an entire economy of 300000 people? Get it together Gladys.

  329. Like myself there are no doubt many others over 70 are in the same predicament as myself which is because of chronic underlying medical conditions our treating GPs have stated that Astrazeneca vaccine is too high risk & we must have Pfizer. I need to know when it will be available for us. Are you trying to kill us to save money?

  330. I disagree. Literally thousands of Central Coast people go to Sydney every day for work and more. If we weren’t locked down, we’d have covid all over the Coast by now.

  331. If we’re not in lockdown, that’s a good thing for all of the Central Coast businesses and industries. But we need to have the roads blocked off, otherwise people think it’s a free for all and will just keep coming to the area.

  332. Cranky Bob | July 22, 2021 at 9:54 am |

    Neil you got it wrong buddy. we need lockdown lifted. we induct checkpoints (road and railway stations).

  333. Dan Humphreys | July 22, 2021 at 10:24 am |

    We are on the commuter belt between here and Sydney. It makes sense at this stage for us to be included ias Greater Sydney. Same as Wollongong.

  334. lovey dog and story keep eye on ticks snakes ect on a regular basis please and thieves

  335. Luke Evans | July 22, 2021 at 11:30 am |

    I agree with Neil. Yes, the Hawkesbury is a physical divide BUT there are no restrictions on travelling across it by road. You want to close the Pacific Highway and check every car? How could they manage that?

    I do agree, it seems unnecessary, but we are the buffer zone between the virus and the wider state. We’ll get there! Stick with it.

  336. peter fitzgerald | July 22, 2021 at 12:24 pm |

    Well if Gosford is the “Capital City” for the coast why are administrators then nominating the sale of assets from the city eg Council Chambers

  337. Maureen Boys | July 22, 2021 at 12:42 pm |

    Re Tom Colosimo letter in Forum…..
    This letter reveals much about costs Mr Persson claimed whilst as Administrator of CCCouncil doing his job
    I believe it is preposterous that he was given the top of the range Audi, what wrong with a basic car, anything less than an Audi,
    The Kooindah Waters five-star resort.Yes that’s fancy but costly

    Our council is broke to the tune of $565 million. How can we afford this money for Mr Persson as I,m sure he was paid handsomely anyway.

    Many of the Ratepayers have found not much of his work was Transparent

    And now with Mr. Hart his style is similar and seems a ‘Culture of Nose in the Trough ‘. with him and Senior Management. So after all this drama and no result due from the inquiry,yet Mr Hart is increasing the rates further in 3 yrs!!!!

  338. Neil (8:39) and what about the many that are already on the trains that got on before Warnervale, the 1000s of cars that are still heading into Sydney from Newcastle and beyond… why is that not an issue but the CC is…? We are not part of Sydney and should not be included in their lockdowns unless there is proof of cases in our community. If we followed your way of thinking, all of Australia should be in lockdown.

  339. Is the government considering taking Central Coast residents out of lockdown, as they are not effected by the virus as such ? Sandy 🦋

  340. Susan Purcell | July 22, 2021 at 3:19 pm |

    It would be great if by the 30th midnight, we have no signs of the virus Central Coast can be separated from the restrictions of greater Sydney

  341. Sam Nicholson | July 22, 2021 at 3:50 pm |

    Not only doesnt this man understand the IPART ruling but he is also dishonest. What he put to the rate payers was a one off 15% increase which it was never going to be anyway as that 15% increase flowed on to all of the following years. Having put that to ratepayers he went to IPART and got 15% per year for 3 years which adds up to a total of 45% which then flows on to the following years. This man is dishonest and we the ratepayers understand that. This man wants to maintain the largese of high paid executives who provide less to the community than nurses, teachers and emergency services personnel who are paid a fraction of what these over rated and over paid sponges are paid.

  342. I agree. Set up checkpoints both sides of Mooney bridge. ONLY ESSENTIAL WORKERS PERMITTED
    Let the coast get on with it.

  343. Geoff Heath | July 22, 2021 at 4:32 pm |

    Interesting to note Morrison and his mates had the Pfizer jab but he is still trying to offload Astra Zenica onto us oldies.

  344. David Roberts | July 22, 2021 at 4:56 pm |

    The Central Coast should have the restriction lifted as the region is spread out and not a densely habitated as Sydney.

  345. Catherine | July 22, 2021 at 5:29 pm |

    Whilst I hear and respect your points of view, please remember all the first responders working here on the Coast. Our wonderful police, firies, hospitals and medical teams,from reception through to surgeons and area command. We are also in lockdown to keep them safe, to do their jobs, which is to serve us as a community. If a covid threat is here then they are at risk, which cancels many surgeries, no access to see loved ones in hospital, and a potentially crippled medical system.
    I have a small business, down over 80% in the past 2 weeks but I’d prefer to be in lockdown than risk the alternatives. Hang in there for the first responders who are taking care of us all, right now, with our regular medical procedures & everyday emergencies.
    Stay kind to each other, follow the orders, so we can kick-ass to covid!

  346. Shiralee A Hubbard | July 22, 2021 at 7:44 pm |

    I have some advice for them help get us out of this. We should not be included in this lock down. Yes we should be taking precautions but same as lake maquarie not greater Sydney. Very dissapointed in both of you. So many businesses and people suffering.

  347. Central coast is next door to Sydney and from 2010 on, it became a sydney suburb with a lot of ‘coasties’ working in Sydney.
    3 people from a Sydney hotspot were caught in Mildura on Tuesday(20/7) They were able to drive the 1000km without being stopped. Open the coast, Sydney will sneak in.

  348. Natalie Maguire | July 22, 2021 at 9:33 pm |

    This should have been done in Sydney weeks ago.

  349. Totally agree with everything Jane Dove has stated in regards to The Fisherman’s Wharf Playground. Leave it alone Council. Wake up to yourselves you’ve already stuffed everything else up.

  350. Richard Thorley | July 23, 2021 at 6:37 am |

    Hi, I had also written to the state politicians on this some weeks ago, prior to the recent travel restrictions being within the lockdown area actually increased the risk to Central Coast residents with travel between Sydney and the Coast.
    TheCoast has an older compliant demographic, more at risk, less density, and a clear geographic boundary of national park and a river.
    I had not had any supporting responses either which was disappointing.

  351. Richard Thorley | July 23, 2021 at 9:53 am |

    Time for the Central Coast to be its own regional entity, there maybe some who commute as anywhere but this does not mean it should be part of greater Sydney. It is demographically not a metro city, does not have the benefits of a metropolitan city, is clearly geographically separated with only a few connection routes, a national park and a large river between us. Some clarity is required, either it is a regional area or if it is a metro area then let’s have the faster transport systems to make that connection real.

  352. Yes we should not be in greater Sydney there’s a big bridge that separates us we should be our own region no COVID cases up here

  353. John Salvietti | July 23, 2021 at 1:54 pm |

    There has been NO coved reports on the central coast so WHY are we locked down.
    Just maybe the parties involved might look at the next election and their chances of survival..

  354. Central Coast shouldn’t be part of Greater Sydney, our lockdown should end. There hasn’t been any cases on the Central Coast for ages. Central Coast should be our own Region.

  355. At centre Coast we don’t have any covid and we still have to be lock down because of Sydney we should be able to do more and don’t let any holiday people to come to centre Coast I work at a nursing home and its been very good and we are doing everything right

  356. We have a military that is largely kicking rocks ! Mobilize the military and have check points in the middle of the Hawksbury River bridge. Close the old pacific highway and stop people from traveling to and from the coast unless they are Essential or have permits to do so. Have these people getting tested everyday so they know immediately if they are infected. I am a business owner and although I didn’t qualify for the grant in the early stage I am feeling the drop now and can prove the loss however its outside of the requirements of the government and doesn’t count

  357. patrick riley | July 23, 2021 at 4:51 pm |

    The Lakes are most popular for the local tossers.
    We live on the waterfront and we see it every day.

  358. The reason the central coast is subject to lockdown is because thousands of people who live in the coast, work in Sydney. Thank your lucky stars there’s not been an outbreak.

  359. Fulvio Dowsent | July 23, 2021 at 5:41 pm |

    xxxx all Sydney residents trying to enter the CC LOL but I can understand the gov. logic
    if one infected person that has travelled to Syd.and back home we would be in the same boat
    Good on you Gladys

  360. We need our area to be free from lockdown, we have been fine so far and we are very careful..

  361. I think all these workers should take vaccines before they try to come back to work.

  362. Chris Thomson | July 23, 2021 at 6:23 pm |

    You have my full support we have been included in the lock down with no just cause.

  363. Col white | July 23, 2021 at 6:59 pm |

    Fortune tellers letting us know what’s happening in august

  364. Glynne Iace | July 23, 2021 at 11:07 pm |

    My family has run out of money l am helping im on the pension im 78 years old she is a hairdryer the have no money left to live on

  365. Lockdown is COMPLETE MISMANAGEMENT of covid and has no scientific basis. It only unnecessarily destroys society and causes severe impoverishment. As a doctor I’m absolutely appalled by this misguided sledgehammer approach to manage a viral outbreak with >99% survival rate.
    In fact there are safe efficacious life saving covid treatment options that can effectively end Lockdowns, yet the NSW Health is withholding it. This is a serious health blunder perpetuated from inappropriate management of a viral outbreak.
    Also healthy people wearing mask is completely useless, again not scientifically based approach. Outrageous conduct!

  366. Tom Mangan | July 24, 2021 at 7:45 am |

    As a 72 year old with fragile health I certainly understand the stress being felt by people out of jobs. What about the Coast construction industry – unions, management and owners – put together a credible Covid safe plan for getting back to work without raising Covid risks?

  367. Restrictions tighten, every time the media mention what’s open, and what’s been closed due to covid, no mention about mechanical business at all, we don’t count obviously !!!!

  368. Daavidcasey | July 24, 2021 at 9:03 am |

    Why can’t central coast be locked down by suburb north of Tuggerahis world away from Sydney

  369. Clive Anderson | July 24, 2021 at 10:20 am |

    It is quite apparent that the NSW government has been given totally the wrong information on the Delta Strain ignoring advise as to what happened overseas and treated it like the Alpha virius every new attack of these diseases needs to be addressed differently.
    It’s about time the government got real instead of a Clayton lockdown. This should of been nipped in the bud in the eastern suburbs.
    Is there a political motive in all this to blame the Federal Government
    I agree we should shut southern areas off at the Hawkesbury River and no one accept emergency services be allowed to pass there’s to many tradies and so called essential services rorting the travel system and none of this 50km nonsense

  370. Why are some real estate agents offices fully manned when other local businesses cannot open?

  371. Wade Dickens | July 24, 2021 at 10:46 am |

    Agree with the Mask comments from the doctor.The nurse who administered my vaccination said that most masks became porous after 5 minutes of you breathing into them & therefore were really only beneficial in preventing you passing something onto someone if you were sick. So,if I was sick I would be happy to wear a mask but if I’m healthy surely it’s my choice to wear one or not.What’s next.. will they be telling me to wear a red shirt on Sundays because red keeps the flies away !
    In the same way the Central Coast has so unnecessarily been smashed when Newcastle which is 70 kms up the road & probably has more people commuting to Sydney has been left untouched.
    Surely, it’s time to invest some common sense and consistency back into the thinking & decisions being made.

  372. Carolyn Richmond | July 24, 2021 at 10:57 am |

    Rules should be relaxed also for those who are fully vaccinated and have proof. Central Coast definitely needs to be excluded from Sydney lockdown. Get vaccinated please.

  373. Rules should be relaxed also for those who are fully vaccinated and have proof. Central Coast definitely needs to be excluded from Sydney lockdown. Get vaccinated please.

  374. Faye Haines | July 24, 2021 at 1:00 pm |

    Are there any benefits other than the obvious to having both injections

  375. enoughalready | July 24, 2021 at 3:20 pm |

    lock down the central coast from the haweksbury up. employ the police or army to put up a barrier and check people. enough is enough.

  376. No early release with CoVid cases on the coast and idiots protesting in their cars todsy

  377. Joseph ian Azzopardi | July 24, 2021 at 6:33 pm |

    Keep your hands of the Play ground at woy woy it’s a part of our child hood,or the people of woy woy turn on the council

  378. Ellen Christie | July 24, 2021 at 6:42 pm |

    How does this council man know that none of the 4 people infected have spread it on to to others given how highy infections the delta variant is particularly?

  379. Yes the central coast should have restrictions lifted as we are not particularly part of Sydney and far away from there maybe the lockdown lifted but with some of the restrictions that are approiate to our suburbs on the central coast

  380. Sandra Lancaster | July 24, 2021 at 9:40 pm |

    I would like to know about car pooling. I take one person to work, the only reason is they don’t have a driver’s licence.

  381. Yes things could be better one thing is coming state and federal and council elections it is up to use to make the decision to oust the lot that have lied to the public from the very start the lies on what vaccines they have acquired the priminster and premiere just can’t lie in bed straight I will not vote again for bullshit liers

  382. Cheryl Hill | July 25, 2021 at 12:02 am |

    Why oh why is the central coast part of Sydney why can’t this finish at th Hawksberry river bridge and also we need people to stop the Sydney Sixers from coming up to the central coast for weekend visits to stop the spread of this Delta virus 🦠 up here.
    Please please stop 🛑 us from being part of Sydney greater area.
    Thank you so much

  383. Stockade Meats
    Case Location:
    75 Scenic Drive, Budgewoi
    If you were at this venue at the following time[s]:

    Thursday 22 July 2021, 3:40pm to 4pm
    Then you should:

    Get tested immediately. Self-isolate until you get a negative result.

    Anyone who attended this venue is a close contact and must immediately get tested and self-isolate for 14 days regardless of the result, and call 1800 943 553 unless they have already been contacted by NSW Health.

  384. Rosemarie | July 25, 2021 at 8:40 am |

    There are side effects in all medications. Most at risk can be otc painkillers, cardiac medications, oral contraceptives, and illegal drugs. People still use them though. There is is a much smaller risk with AstraZenica shots. Get them done… ASAP.

  385. Lost part time job hours now it’s back to living on a dole check. Wait till the winter electricity bills come over the top. Fed up!

  386. Steven Rowe | July 25, 2021 at 9:55 am |

    Gladys declared a national state of emergency, well it’s not her position to do so but for the PM.
    Scomo said it had been one for two years, that’s funny why weren’t we told.
    It costs NSW 2.1 billion a week so how much the whole country, clearly this is not sustainable.
    The Federal government has completed mismanaged the whole thing, we two two tier vaccines as they wanted to do it on the cheap.
    The cost to the social and mental fabric of the community is astronomic, we are social beings.
    Unless you totally eradicate the virus then lockdowns are not going to work as it only takes ONE person to spread it.
    The only solution is to vaccinate everyone with Pfizer and even then it is still possible for people to get covid

  387. Myopiniononly | July 25, 2021 at 11:16 am |

    I support the local governments view on taking the Central Coast off the lockdown. There is no earthly reason why they can not restrict movements between Sydney and The Central Coast. If the government are not in a position to support the Jobkeeper payments again, then they would be much better off financially just locking down the Sydney and surrounding areas, thus gaining revenue from those business that have now had to close on the Central Coast due to the lock down. I would think that policing the border restrictions would be far less expensive than what they are doing now

  388. I believe because central coast have been good place strict lockdown on Sydney so no one from down there can come here plz allow to lift it for us there r businesses losing money and families struggling kids wanting to be back unschool plz consider a lift for us thks

  389. Alfred A Arnold | July 25, 2021 at 3:08 pm |

    We need a police barrier on the Hawkesbury bridges, 18 month and nothing till now, is this the start, lets pray its not.

  390. Coast girl | July 25, 2021 at 3:57 pm |

    Agree with Alfred! Let’s get serious about protecting the Central Coast.

  391. Good point have checking points to protect people that live up the coast….Maybe check number plates

  392. Bob Thompsons | July 25, 2021 at 4:32 pm |

    bull shit business are doing it hard many of them are not hiring born Australians but migrant xxxx workers and pubs and clubs are making billions in profits off sporting events even while in lockdown,

    every business has trillions of tax payers dollars hidden away given to them by liberal/ national governments in tax credits, tax write offs, tax expansion, job subsidsies and jobkeeper which they never users to hire anyone in Australia its all forigeners every xxxx time.

    many farmers are just hiring there own relatives and claim hundreds of billions in secrets payroll dividends from state governments especially here in New South Wales and over 16,000 business have not paid tax in 10 years one industry has not paid tax 40 years taxi actual owners.

    Australia public is being con over business doing it hard they are not they are being assist every down turn in the market at every election while stuff many have not even paid super to there workers or proper weekly wages and holidays in 18 years since Howard change the laws.

    Business are rolling in hidden cash flow the Morrison and business owners are not telling us truth to the majority of the public just look how they came out of the last shutdown they were able to suddenly show a surplus and business were back to normal very quickly but they still cried poor for welfare and industral law changes which were never need as far back as the days of Howard.

    Only welfare recipients and low income workers are doing it hard in this lock down and the welfare recipients who are having their job applicants knocked back daily for migrant workers from soma, fiji, New Zealand, asia nations and europe are the ones really suffering year round being put in dead end courses by their job agency not able to pay the bills on time struggle being forces to work voluntary in retail industries under these so call work placement programs not getting paid a cent getting no real life skills from it, doing 14 years a day for there welfare payment which does not cover the cost of traveling to these workplacement courses and the job locations, weekly bills and medication and leaving 150 dollars out of pocket every week in job searching cause 20 dollars does not cover the phone bill nor the internet job searches or the cost of food and drinks you need to keep you going over the course of the day while job searching.

    People who work and these policitians do not have a clue how hard it is to job search too when you are subjected to lack of public transport unable to maintain your car on welfare more or less able to get car in price jacketing environment across every industry every six months,

    already rents have gone up twice this year along with water rates and cost of electricity is not coming down gas just went up so every lies that business owners and liberal government puts out is just getting bigger by the day.

    Central coast low income earners and unemployed are the third worst hit by business con jobs on working rights, weekly wages and welfare bubble the first is outback Australia where millions are unemployed struggling to get a job on a farm which are mostly run by national mps families control by industry which Barney Joyce is making billions off in kick backs to get him re-elected each year.

    How about looking at all the hidden off shore accounts even the Australia tax commissioners and senior managers got in neighboring countries who tax system is worst than ours and protected under Britain and Chinese laws

  393. Toni Mcmurray | July 25, 2021 at 8:18 pm |

    The main reason Victoria stopped their numbers climb was to introduce travel permits and police checkpoints our MP is very naive if not implemented to protect the central coast

  394. Good call not . As they say watch this space tomorrow then sago back and read your suggestions.

  395. I love how we are part of greater Sydney when it comes to lockdown, but regional when it comes to funding. Not to mention government enquiries into our magnificent council. Hypocrites.

  396. Graham Bisset | July 26, 2021 at 10:29 am |

    Police at the top of Kariong every Friday & Saturday checking people in !!!

  397. peter killen | July 26, 2021 at 11:09 am |

    selfish irresponsible people who dont give a damn about their fellow human beings,unfortunately after seeing the abhorrent demonstration at the weekend it makes me ashamed to call any of them australian

    • For the record, this person had no connection with the protesters, they were picked up the virus as a contact of an established case. They got tested when asked and isolated when requested.

      • Yes, although they got tested too late. They were living in a household with known positive cases and still went out in the community.

  398. frank harris | July 26, 2021 at 11:16 am |

    nice to see a great improvement to this wonderful location. The view of the rear of some shops from Hudson Lane is third world

  399. Sharron Anne Merrilees | July 26, 2021 at 12:39 pm |

    I have been and got tested four time’s and not once did I get a result back from any of them. Twice at Woy Woy hospital both at the different time’s they were testing, they gave me a Sydney phone No. which I phoned they could not find my results, and the same at the other place’s I went to. Now to find out that I mightn’t be able to get vaccine either because of my age (64) I do not want AZ only Pfizer, BUT like most things to get anything you got to live in Sydney.

  400. has this ruined our chances from being exempt from Sydney’s lockdown?

  401. I find it unbelievable how many places these people visit in just a few days prior to realising they are COVID positive. This person seems to have visited over twenty businesses in three days! Don’t they know they’re supposed to limit their external shopping to essentials? Or are they just ignorant? PLEASE do your shopping on-line, we don’t want this thing to explode on the Central Coast thanks!

    • They could easily be a delivery driver. Essential work, need to go all over the place.

      And yes, they were supposed to be quarantining, but if it’s work or starve, they’re between a rock and a hard place.

  402. Bonnie Orchard | July 26, 2021 at 2:07 pm |

    Why is it that people are still allowed to come from Sydney to purchase real estate on the central coast? I know of a case of this last weekend 24th July the offer was made and accepted. WHY?..

  403. Good to see that they only left the house for shopping once a day for groceries as required….

  404. Ellen Christie | July 26, 2021 at 2:42 pm |

    don’t be pathetic there’s now covid19 cases on the coast, grin and bear it like the rest of us. I always vote labor due to my beliefs in the system, don’t blow our chances of getting in due to your greed! If I get covid19 I will die for sure and let me assure you, it wont take long!

  405. Ellen Christie | July 26, 2021 at 2:46 pm |

    Pls do not allow the central coast tradies back to work while the coast has covid19 cases floating around and it will spread, look at the list of places that are now hot spots or will be. I will die if I get covid19 and it wont take long, pls pls ensure these cases are stopped from spreading covid19 further along the coast!

  406. Kim Nixon Personal | July 26, 2021 at 3:46 pm |

    It makes no sense that this person was a household member of the others and was not in isolation and felt the need to be all over town despite being asked to stay home and only do your shopping!! Seriously!!!!!

  407. That person should be fined for going out while isolating and fined for ever venue they had entered and pay to have the venues cleaned for breaking all the rules been shopping away from your area some people are just complete idiots putting everyone in danger should be put in prison

  408. Ellen Christie | July 26, 2021 at 3:56 pm |

    And a source tells me we’ve run out of testers already at Wyong, Doyalson and Budgewoi, good going hey, is this in line with our liberal gov making sure we don’t have what we need or what?!!

  409. Ellen Christie | July 26, 2021 at 4:00 pm |

    Anyone who calls for construction ban to be lifted is as bad as the lockdown protestors and should be tested for brain activations along with covid19 tested! All the cases on the coast have primarily come from constructions sites in Syd and it should not be lifted her or Syd!

  410. Ellen Christie | July 26, 2021 at 4:12 pm |

    By the way primarily the cases to hit the Central Coast have come from construction sites, the last lot spreading fast through Charmhave, San Remo, Wyong etc, etc and guess what a reliable source has just informed me that the counsil or whoever is in charge of Covid19 supplies needs to be sacked because, yes, you guessed it we’ve run out of testers already at Wyong, Doyalson and Budgewoi, so go on worry about your pocket first before the sick and elderly on the CENTRAL COAST, Idiot, this person doesn’t deserve to fly her politics under the labor flag, why don’t you join in incompetent libs who got us into this mess to begin with hey?!!

  411. Does COVID give you lots of energy even if I wasn’t in lockdown I wouldn’t have the time or energy to visit so many places. Most irresponsible hope it doesn’t ruin our changes of coming out of the strict lockdown we are in. These people need to be given higher fines. Sent to court named and shamed

  412. Visits from Tuggerah to San Remo is definitely outside the 10km radius

  413. Deborah Tedman | July 26, 2021 at 7:05 pm |

    I don’t care what the government saying , They closed our borders we can’t ,leave ,Australia, But have you noticed. We are still allowing fiights into Australia,, , If they stop international flights entering Australia, don’t you agree , we would have a better chance of beating the virus , there are bringing the virus in , even Airlines hostesses have the virus now , pls stop all flights coming in. To Australia,, The more people we keep bringing in, the longer we suffer ,

    • If you check, anyone is free to leave Australia – it all depends on current restrictions in the country you plan to go to. Also, people who are flying in to Australia nowadays 1) go through rigorous process of obtaining travel exemption from the Australian government, 2) majority are fully vaccinated (!!!), 3) can’t board a plane without a negative COVID test and 4) all go through a 2-week hotel quarantine with 3 COVID tests taken on days 2, 6, 12 of quarantine and day 16 after quarantine release. People who arrive from overseas are a much lesser risk. Local people who should have gotten vaccinated months ago are the ones vulnerable and transmitting this deadly virus now. Australians must step it up and go get the vaccine. COVID is here to stay for years and decades; it will mutate and change. It’s up to us to protect ourselves the best way we can. Shutting Australian borders or state/territory borders won’t help. It’s pathetic.

      • Sorry Anna, but you need an exemption to leave Australia at the moment. Very hard to get…People arriving are either Aussies coming back home (which they entitled to do), business people or those immigrating here (maybe they have special skills). Yes, people should get vaccinated asap for the good of us all.

  414. Leanne Crowther | July 26, 2021 at 7:28 pm |

    I was disgusted to see those ignorant selfish people marching in Sydney! I was on the cardiac thoracic ward at North Shore Hospital where that nurse infected the ward. I overheard the nurses talking around 3.30am I was so distressed hearing this as I had just had part of my right lung removed! I told channel 7 asap! The most disappointing thing was the ward was not deep cleaned!!
    The whole time we were in lockdown! What a disgrace! People think our hospitals are safe!! Think again. I wish this was a lie but believe me it isn’t! I’m having trouble moving past this incident Time will tell.
    Please stay safe and follow the rules

  415. The quicker you get vaccinated the better, AZ is a good vaccine its better then getting covid and you will get a Pfizer booster later. I’m fully vaccinated with AZ and I feel relieved knowing my chances of dying from covid has reduced from 0 to1% and if infected passing it on to others is low.
    Let’s all get vaccinated as it’s the only way out of these lock downs and covid will weaken and die off

  416. NSW Government rules are too lax. The lockdown in Sydney should have gone hard and early, as soon as they knew the limousine driver was carrying the Delta virus. Instead we have had a spread of cases all over Sydney and a five week lockdown and counting.

  417. LIZBETH DAVIS | July 26, 2021 at 8:02 pm |


  418. all covid tests and vaccinations are covered under medicare.
    If you contract covid 19 , you are hospitalised under medicare.
    You are requested to get vaccinated in order to open the country up again.
    if affected under lockdown laws ,you can apply for payments to assist you.

    If you refuse to get vaccinated then you should register your intentions and forfeit all government help if you develop covid symptoms.
    im vaccinated with astra zenica and am almost 60 years old.
    i have not claimed any help from the government or taken out any superannuation.
    I wear a mask when out and about and have continnually signed in to all places i visited with the service nsw q.r.code, these actions have been my choices , you make your own, but do not threaten my future or my familys future by your actions.
    i grew up in europe, surrounded by disease and epidemics. As required we would get vaccinated in school as we did when we were born, in order to erradicate some horrible diseases like polio, and we all knew someone who had a terrible dissability because their parents were against vaccinations or just didnt bother.
    Wow ,,,,,i needed to get that off my chest.

  419. Its been clear to many living on the Central Coast that locked down Sydney folk flock up to their holiday homes for the weekend and then return to Sydney for the week. Repeated every weekend.
    I wrote to the local member Adam Crouch about this expressing alarm and made the point that his government was responsible for protecting the coast from Covid. What I got back was a ‘Call CrimeStoppers’ fob off. The request to use number plate recognition cameras to catch the guilty was ignored, so I wrote back and requested a response from Adam personally. Haven’t heard back since.
    Now we have Covid on the Coast. I’m hopping mad that our supposed caring Local Member knows what is going on but refuses to protect us. This is not what government is about.
    Citizens of the Sydney have been abandoned by a government which chooses to run up unimaginable long term debt rather than protect our borders and keep business and individuals in work. Its inexcusable government where our descendants will be paying the price for up to a century. If that’s the best this lot can do then they need to resign and allow a government working for all of us to take charge.
    The Central Coast deserves better.

  420. michael, you seem to be in favour or very authoritarian restrictions on peoples ability to move freely as they should be able to over something as mundane as a slightly worse version of the flu, get a grip guy.

  421. Christopher Roberts | July 27, 2021 at 9:40 am |

    Do not approve. The height limitations are there for good reasons and should not be ammended.

  422. milton alchin | July 27, 2021 at 9:43 am |

    why is the cetral coast not notified of whats happening with covet when the abc covers all other areas of naustralia . yesterday we were told of isolated spots where covit had been found but nothing at all today – the system is broken when one wants to know spots to avoid

  423. The NSW GOVT cannot be blamed for some IDIOTS who Refuse vaccinations and others who go around without a Care for others.

  424. Lynelle Esler | July 27, 2021 at 11:57 am |

    The Border Community of Albury/Wodonga gets affected when either side lockdown. Its a bit of a joke that NSW Border residents cannot go about their normal business responsibly (let’s not forget we had border checkpoints for over 4 months down here!!!) when all of the infections are occurring in or near Sydney – a 5 hour drive away. Lock down Sydney on the outskirts and let the rest of NSW continue to function with minimal impact.

  425. Keith Pitt | July 27, 2021 at 1:23 pm |

    It’s BPH. Not BHP.

    Rookie journalism.

  426. Gayl Durie | July 27, 2021 at 2:20 pm |

    What about the greenies that pretend they are independent. Jane Smith for one.

  427. Rachel Gamble | July 27, 2021 at 3:29 pm |

    I want to know why a member of a household with 5 COVID confirmed cases was out shopping at no less than 15 Central Coast outlets over Fri-Sat-Sun (and just sayin 4 were bottelos)? I hope they fine there irresponsible dumb asses for each of those 15 times.
    Only good news is they are now in a secure facility off the coast.

  428. Is a coffee shop essential but a cleaner isn’t

  429. This pandemic is here to stay and will become a part of our lives. It will change the way we live but we are resourceful and we will conquer, but it won’t happen overnight. The focus now is to get vaccinated. Personally, I would make it mandatory for everyone to get vaccinated – this is the only way to overcome this virus.

  430. Why is Adam Crouch saying the Central Coast lockdown could not be ended due to the current cases stemming from a construction worker and the possible cases from the weekend’s protests in Sydney? He has no power to open the central coast from lockdown anyway & the fact there was 172 new cases in Sydney area means it won’t happen for a while. They must love being locked down in Sydney…

  431. Beverley Stewart | July 27, 2021 at 6:29 pm |

    We all need to get vaccinated not waiting otherwise COVID 19 will just spread it is not rocket science,

  432. Leila Goodman | July 27, 2021 at 7:06 pm |

    Hi, why do we have journalists asking questions from state leaders when 80% of the time they never answer the question , just say what I can tell tell you, then waffle on about something they were not asked. Very frustrating and annoying


  433. liz graham | July 27, 2021 at 7:10 pm |

    I have a sister who has been in the fight of her life with leukemia. She has been doing well after months of gruelling chemo treatment. She has an extremely compromised immune system and now has the anxiety of knowing she is suddenly in a hotspot. 150 people from the coast attended an illegal protest in Sydney and one of the placards actually read “end the lockdown I need a haircut” REALLY!!! You absolute blockheads!! Stop Causing undo stress to people like my sister! Because of your actions innocent people could suffer…unbelievable! LG

  434. Christine | July 27, 2021 at 8:14 pm |

    I live in the southern end of Lake Macquarie & now I’m scared that the northern end of the central coast will be the newest hotspot. I too have been vaccinated with the Astrazenneca, check-in with the qr code everytime I walk into any businesses & wear a mask. The virus doesn’t know about boarders, but humans do. Please, anyone who are asked to stay home & isolate, do so.

  435. Sue Mccarthy | July 27, 2021 at 8:51 pm |

    The tradies that work on residential sites have a better chance of social distancing. Some of the high rise, a lo t of trades mingle.

  436. Central coast- and now sadly all thru San Remo , lakehaven , Tuggerah , by a family/ or few people obviously disregard to all the other people that have to stay put and suffer tight restrictions also and try and explain to their young kids as to why you can’t go back to school! That’s selfish and was shopping all about the place worth it? my kindy child was enjoying school and misses it and friends too and asks often has the virus gone yet ? Breaks my heart to even mention that’s it’s just nearby which is scary for adults let alone how kids must feel. Thanks alot

  437. Anton Hutchinson | July 28, 2021 at 7:29 am |

    Independent assessment must be on the agenda, the system is being abused from every angle. Why such a fuss to not see a health expert for assessment? Rorting is why! If you are genuine then there is no risk.

  438. Sharron Anne Merrilees | July 28, 2021 at 9:39 am |

    So because of my age 64 and do not whant The AZ vaccine, zso dose that mean I will not be able to get a jap.so what it comes down to take it or go without.One way to get rid of us.

  439. Daniel Crowther | July 28, 2021 at 10:17 am |

    Well said Peter the ratepayers have themselves to blame for lazy voting . Good candidates were cast aside .

  440. This is such fabulous news – both women are doing awesome work with their communities, wish them both well.

  441. Goodluck Central Coast residents. I sincerely hope no-body has contracted covid from the latest outbreak & from those who travelled down (out of the 10km rule) to Sydney. Please stay safe.

  442. G and L Minehan | July 28, 2021 at 11:05 am |

    We here are known as The Central Coast from all over Australia and not Sydney Central Coast.So you see it should be so easy for parliament to put it into practice.We shouldn’t have to put up with another 2 weeks of lockdown as big and small businesses around here are struggling.Some have already closed there doors as we have ran out of stock for our small home business.We can’t get stock as we drive to Sydney to pick it up.We are not allowed to drive any further than 10klm radius or for that fact shouldn’t leave home.So come on Central Coast pollys get with it so we can be a true stand alone community and get back to our own lives and not Sydney’s…..

  443. bayne bowden | July 28, 2021 at 12:32 pm |

    Fully vaccinated people on the central coast after being tested again should be allowed to travel in country nsw. It might give some incentive to non vaccinated people

  444. All this coming from Gladys not mandating mask to be worn for drivers transporting potential covid 19 positive people.
    Good thinking Gladys

  445. Monique Leon | July 28, 2021 at 3:43 pm |

    I have asked my landlord repeatedly to apply for this as my income has been affected. The owner has chosen not too, so instead I am accruing a debt. I already have a previous covid debt from the last lockdown. The owner has said that he does not qualify and has previously told me that he does not qualify for land tax benefit. I have tried to negotiate in good faith previously with this landlord, and as a result, received a termination notice instead.

  446. David Miller | July 28, 2021 at 9:12 pm |

    Who would take any notice of Linda Reynolds, after her dealings with her workers.

  447. Angela Radford | July 29, 2021 at 8:41 am |

    Not surprised at covid north of Wyong disregard for social distancing,you move away they take a step closer. Frustration!

  448. Graham Cooper | July 29, 2021 at 9:03 am |

    It good to have so much local info at my fingertips, great work folks, well done! Cheers, Graham K Cooper. Cooper and Cooper Investment Property Solutions.

  449. Anthony Allen Turner | July 29, 2021 at 11:34 am |

    If government is persisting in lock down why keep bringing people in it goes against common sense

  450. Ellen Christie | July 29, 2021 at 12:11 pm |

    It’s a bit hard to support people such as the owners of Modern Organics and Glass Onion when they attend marches in Syd amongst fools unmasked and violent during such a hard time for all of us and then come back being a threat of spreading covid19 not giving a hoot about those of us with fragile lungs who will die when they get the disease!!

    • David Savage | July 29, 2021 at 6:22 pm |

      I agree with this comment. Their actions as well as being unAustralian could be considered as negligent. If they pass on the virus to a person who unfortunately passes away, are complimentary manslaughter?

  451. Another four weeks in lockdown is too much for me I’m enjoying it as much as I can

  452. Alexander Cooper | July 29, 2021 at 12:40 pm |

    please stop playing politics, support our elected Government, State and Federal.
    Now Is the time to support and back each other to be able to lower our numbers of covid cases and increase our vaccination rate.
    A large part of the problem has been vaccine hesitancy , just go get whatever vaccine you can get and be thankful we have a
    way of protecting our population.
    The labor government is not in power and we don’t really know what they would have or would not have done.
    Dont presume!

  453. If your vaccinated you should not be locked down.
    I live in a beautiful part 9f the coast n can not go more than 10ks from my home. It is sad. No fishing or swimming. Stop people coming to Australia. It is not just return citizen’s.

  454. Alfred A Arnold | July 29, 2021 at 2:24 pm |

    Fishing is allowed. travel is not over 10 ks from home, but the fish are not biting anyway.

  455. Lyn Howells | July 29, 2021 at 2:48 pm |

    How can we be asked to support people who decided to jeopardise the health and safety of residents of the Central Coast by participating in last Saturday’s march? I hope they are punished to the full extent of the law and if there is another march this Saturday that they get the water cannons out and stop these idiots in their tracks. None of us want to be in lockdown but if they keep behaving in this manner we’ll never get out of this situation. It’s not a Government conspiracy to control us, just ask those people who’ve had Covid or lost a loved one to the disease.

  456. Re a soft border closure at the Hawkesbury
    I totally agree with the President of the Pennisula Business Chamber Matthew Wales about this
    statement. It is the only sensible thing to do.,a soft border closure to restrict Sydney from the Central Coast.It would be at the Hawkesbury Interchange.

  457. David Savage | July 29, 2021 at 6:27 pm |

    The government has been hiding the fact that Australia has not had enough vaccine since the outset. Saved money, lost lives. Poor governance and keeping it a secret with ineffective alternatives masking the truth is not acceptable by Prime Minister and National Cabinet. Time for change.

  458. Josephine | July 29, 2021 at 6:47 pm |

    Mask tosser everywhere.

  459. Anthony Turner | July 29, 2021 at 7:38 pm |

    If they didn’t know then
    what are they doing there should take it out of their salary

  460. Platitudes from politicians are not required Mr Harris. The kumbaya moment passed a long time ago, what is left now is anger. Anger at bureaucrats and politicians such as yourself and anger at the selfish drongos that threaten our lives and our livelihoods by attending pointless protests. What is need now Mr Harris is harsh penalties for those that show contempt for their community by ignoring health directives. That’s your job Mr Harris.

  461. Kay venderhorst | July 29, 2021 at 10:00 pm |

    I totally agree with Lyn Howells reply . Yes get the water cannons out to stop the idiots in their tracks .

  462. I just need to vent on those people who don’t adhere to rules. My son in law passed away 10days ago.34yrs old. 2 boys 3 and 2 and my daughter plus family. I couldn’t and I can’t visit due to lockdown rules. The quicker we adhere the quicker we all live normally.

    • My heart goes out to you & your family. Just remember there are more good people than bad in this world, we can only keep doing the right thing & be grateful for the good things in life. All the best, take care & stay safe. 😘💐

  463. My husband & I disagree regarding the 10km rule. He reads the nsw rule as being allowed to go anywhere within our central coast LGA which spans over 60 kms from north to south (Mooney Mooney to Catherine hill bay) but I interpret that we are only allowed to go 10km radius. Can anyone clarify?

  464. Margaret Lee | July 30, 2021 at 12:40 pm |

    It is unrealistic for children and parents who have orders in place to not be allowed to travel to see their other family. This is causing further mental stress to children who are already on that medicated spectrum. If we are all wearing masks wherever we are, surely we are sharing that protection and the children and parents alike can be happy to see their child(children)

  465. I am a tradie and we were all shut down, but why were some of them walking around Bunnings. I didn’t see mitre 10, clubs,a number of small businesses and the sporting fields were not open.
    Doesn’t Bunnings support the tradies. But when it comes to big business no matter what the pandemic, business and profit comes first.

  466. Christine | July 30, 2021 at 2:39 pm |

    How does someone “unwittingly” leave their lga in Sydney ( who are in lockdown) & catch a train, a bus, another bus & another train? Why did they think it was ok to travel in the first place? It just flabbergastes me! Please stay put & tell your family & friends not to come to you.

  467. Ellen Christie | July 30, 2021 at 3:53 pm |

    That’s wonderful, congratulations you beautiful people who are ensuring the homeless are looked after. There should not be homeless people in our country.

  468. I really enjoy reading CCN it helps connect with my community when we’re in lockdown. Thank you for keeping us informed.

  469. Responsible pet owners, in this case dogs, should be picking up ‘poo’ their ‘pet’ deposits on public lands e.g. shop fronts, around electricity poles, footpaths, unpaved sidewalks and even on the sand at the beach, to name a few. – A minority of dog owners, are selfish and disrespectful of their fellow citizens. Perhaps these owners should be confined to pacing their pet inside their front & back yards and leave their pet’s donations on their property for the owner’s benefit and enjoyment. Enough is enough – the problem is even worse during this COVID lockdown.

  470. I am in my sixties and in the same predicament. We are considered part of greater Sydney as far as lock down but when it comes to goods and services that we should be receiving as priority we never get them.

  471. M . Roberts | July 31, 2021 at 3:49 pm |

    Make the tosser eat what they toss

  472. wearing masks non-existent at Terminal Beach

  473. David Miller | July 31, 2021 at 9:39 pm |

    Great idea. Fully support it.

  474. If we could just please ask people from the central coast to stay away from Sydney please. Covid is not getting any better. Have you not noticed This!!!!@

  475. Would help to know where on the Central Coast this person is.
    So people can avoid infectious areas

  476. My Dr has told me that I have to hunt for it – the Gosford/Wyong Hospitals don’t have any appts and the Erina clinic phone is forever engaged – makes me so angry that this government just passes the buck, stuffing up the vaccine rollout and only putting all their eggs in one basket – and yet now they want to open up and say your problem if you can’t get vaccinated – busy juggling working and home schooling at home where we’re supposed to be but I’m also supposed to have all the time in the world to go on the hunt for a vaccine that apparently requires you to just show up at the right place at the right time – seriously!!??

  477. Hassib eljerban | August 1, 2021 at 3:29 pm |

    On the coast our problem is CEO farmer of CC Council not corona.sack him please he doesn’t deserve $500’000 period

  478. How long am I going to have to wait now for my vaccinations, as mine has now been cancelled for HSC students in Western Sydney, very frustrating I’ve been doing the right thing, not my fault our government didn’t order enough vaccines, I can’t have Az or I would.

    • Same for me I can’t have AZ and it’s impossible to get other. Even the poorest countries have a choice of 5 vaccines. France will roll out booster vaccines in September

  479. paul e steele | August 2, 2021 at 3:47 am |

    I’ll never trust CA again after they ruined a small business of a friend of mine by misrepresenting his situation which was originally caused by his shonky business partner.

  480. brian patterson | August 2, 2021 at 8:40 am |

    Forget about blaming what the government has done in the last 18 months with drought bushfires floods covid-19.
    Think about all the hand outs the Australian government give out,you don’t get this in a lot of other countries we her in Australia are very lucky.so let’s all start taking a bit of responsibility for your actions if we all done what we should have done we would be a better off.we all need to stop laying the blame and take responsibility for our auction.

    • Sorry Brian, please… the government has done sfa in real terms, but hand out money to big business and a drip for others…it is the people and the farmers that have had to bear the burden.The government was warned about the problems long before the outbreak. They were patting themselves on the back as gold standard, now they have to reap the whirlwind.Late to the party,late to the dance which will be shown in the next election. Please why are we at the back of the pack now…the vaccines they should have invested in are the mRNA type as these can be twigged to further variations.Lucky the Pfizer is of that type …but with limited qualities…all the eggs in one basket comes to mind. The astra cannot adapt form what I read. News has come to hand about a possible further variant rampant in the South America…so the efficiency of our two vaccines may be further reduced.

  481. Central coast has a poor attitude when it comes to the whole thing.
    The “this doesn’t effect me” syndrome is so prevalent in the community
    If you can seriously say that you haven’t thought in a scenario that you shouldn’t be doing
    “oh, it should be ok, we’re fine”
    then we’ll done to you
    The small minority of you wouldn’t be able to fill the north wing of Gosford stadium

  482. Trish Trumm | August 2, 2021 at 2:11 pm |

    I have always said that Australia is in a “geographical advantage” but somehow living on the Central Coast nsw for the last 26years l see no evidence of Australia taking advantage of this scenario.
    Ever hear of the saying “ you learn from other people’s situations.”
    Australia you have watched Europe’s situation and if the people in the so called power where not stupid you would of prepare from the “ get go “ ( March 2019 ..had a PLAN ) to vaccinate the country ASAP! I have lived around the world and this is the only country l have witnessed a lack of respect for people knowledge in their positions eg scientist, health, businesses. The is always an idiot that comes along and says ( l can do their job ) and here lies the serious fault line of the disaster’s we see over and over. Major back stabbing, lies , mis- information and the power is given to the uncaring idiot ????

  483. George Worrall | August 2, 2021 at 2:32 pm |

    Gladys is ‘offended’ at the question as to why vaccine is being taken from the central coast and being redistributed to Sydney since we are part of regional NSW. Does she not know that we are in lock down as part of Greater Sydney- including schools? It seems that the definition changes to her advantage-ie is funding required eg $90m+ to Hornsby and 0 to the Central Coast Why aren’t year 12 students on the Central Coast who are in lock down just as entitled vaccination as to those in Sydney. Also, if we are part of regional NSW why are we still in lockdown given the relative few cases loclly , who are in isolation.

  484. Trish Trumm | August 2, 2021 at 2:34 pm |

    Where has my comment gone ?

  485. Are the “tossers” on the Central Coast locals or visitors? This information makes a big difference to the report.

  486. George Worrall | August 3, 2021 at 8:51 am |

    This is not a federal issue. It is purely a decision by the state government. What about the locked down students on the Central Coast? Why are they less deserving? Gladys seems to have her facts mixed up when she described the Central Coast as a regional area. We have been declared as part of Greater Sydney, despite having few active cases in the community. One rule when handing out benefits-ie $90m + to Hornsby, top of the agenda for removing benefits such as vaccines. She will teach us for not being a solid liberal area.

  487. It’s a bit rich that the Coast is considered part of Sydney only when it suits the state government, other times we are a regional backwater. Where are our local politicians? Or are they made of the same stuff as the Central Coast councillors?

  488. Minnie Kell | August 3, 2021 at 11:46 am |

    I am sooooo tired of lockdown. I’m so sad for the children not being at school, the thousands of people whose businesses have suffered and the people who feel there is no hope so decide to take their own life. What a selfish weak arrogant and I compassionate person Gladys is. I will NEVER vote Liberal again ! People will decide to get vaccinated and then some won’t. Ok. Move on. The percentage of recovery of Covid is more than 98%. Better odds than some other diseases in our community. Let’s get back to living.

  489. Anthony Turner | August 3, 2021 at 2:52 pm |

    Didn’t you know that the central coast doesn’t exist especially the north

  490. Great article michael re referendum.could u send it to aca and how can we rate payers support u

  491. This is another instance of the State government overriding the Central Coast. Gladys said it was only a few vaccines l suppose 40,000 is a few but for the people with appointments to receive that jab it means rebooking both shots. The mantra is get vaccinated but they are making it very hard. She said she was offended by a journalists question was it because it was a Labor area she did not answer the question so we can assume it is. Its about time we woke up to the corruption in this Liberal party rorting millions and passing it off as pork barrelling. The premier passed the redistribution at the door of Health NSW the State government run Health NSW.

  492. So I’m guessing if Central Coast are getting their pfizer vaccines taken away, that would mean ALL other parts of Greater Sydney, that’s not in the hot zones, will be giving up their pfizer vaccines too. Or does this mean The Central Coast can now come out of lockdown. Are they in The Greater Sydney or not!

  493. Kate lawrence-haynes | August 3, 2021 at 7:38 pm |

    Once the central coast has no cases then it should be unlocked with only essential workers in and out with daily testing with the rapid tests. The central coast has been treated unfairly and if it is in lockdown then pfizer jabs should not be taken away from people there. And get the AZ rollout working better. I have had both my AZ jabs and I am in my 50s.

  494. Annonymous | August 3, 2021 at 7:45 pm |

    Application for the Business Grant was submitted 2 weeks ago and we’re still waiting for an approval and payment to come through. Wondering whether any other businesses have been paid. Don’t hear about actual payments in the media and how businesses are continuing to struggle without these payments coming through…

  495. It’d be great if they had vaccination opportunities near Bateau Bay. The 10km restriction means a lot of us can’t travel to Erina Fair, let alone Gosford/Wyong. Some also don’t want to travel that far, and after seeing how that single mother was treated by the security guard at the Imperial Centre, I’d be in the same boat. When there’s no one to look after your kids, what can you do?

  496. My rates have gone from 570 then to 690 and this year up again to 942 so over 2 years it’s increase is over 70 per cent. If this it permanent I will have to move after living at this property since 1989

  497. Have just seen stats on vaccine given around greater Sydney. However central coast stats are not included. We are only classed as greater sydney when it is cause to lock us down for weeks on end. We can not be that much of covid concern when our vaccines are taken from us in this part of “greater sydney” and given to other greater sydney suburbs. Past Hawkesbury bridge is regional not greater sydney as detailed in stats??

  498. battler aussie | August 4, 2021 at 10:23 am |

    still waiting for my application lodged the 26th july to start being processed . i have no money left , the stress is building and im trapped with no options at all , rent is due , business insurance as well and my van ran out of rego as i had to funnel the funds to be able to eat the last 2 weeks , its obvious the liberal gov is punishing small cash businesses that they will never feel like they have total control over . what if we are just doing the right thing and they driving us off the edge of a cliff from up there in their religious fantasy land where they actually believe they are better than the common man . politics is criminal ! religion fucks everything . sorry for my uneducated grammar . cbf anymore

  499. The idiots/gronks that went from the central coast to rally in Sydney have stopped us from getting out of isolation so thanks very much You fools.
    I had a woman not wearing a mask at bateau bay I thought she might have forgot so I put my hand on my face to alarm her but all I got was abuse she said she had a doctors exemption (b/s) to anyone who cannot or will not wear a mask stay home and get home delivery or get someone who will wear a mask to get some lollies because that is what she got.

  500. Toni Aldous | August 4, 2021 at 12:10 pm |

    I truly believe people must do their research before ANY drug is put into their perfectly made God given bodies!

  501. I would just like to wish my dear mum happy 85th birthsay today. I live at Lake Macquarie & only 25mins away from her & my 89 year old dad on the central coast but can’t visit them on mums birthday.

  502. Sarah. – I had 2nd astra zenaca and wife went to get hers on Monday but was told they had been re-directed to south west Sydney – wife went to Erina and got 2nd jab BUT it is worng if our allocations are being sent elsewhere. Also if our vaccination rates are so high and our covid cases are so low then Gladys LET US BE FREE!!

  503. I thought that a CEO of a council would be a caring executive of the rate payers that he his suppose to be representing, it seems to be his only concern is that he his representing himself. Has this council gone mad considering the financial difficulties it is in.

  504. Rhett Gumlwy | August 5, 2021 at 9:39 am |

    May we have a drawing of this new plan please?

  505. vincent dentamaro | August 5, 2021 at 9:29 pm |

    I remember that before the amalgamation my land rate had also water rate with it, I was paying altogether at around $1.400 per year as a pensioner. Then the Council divided the bill in 2,, one for land rate , , and one for water rate. Combining the 2 , my bill is now around $ 2000, per year, and is going up. We are getting punished for the Council mismanagement. Thank you Mr. Rik Hart .I wish I had your money to pay my bills.

  506. I feel sorry for the 2 little kids from Lake Munmorah school. I hope they’re ok & not too sick. It just goes to show that all adults need to be vaccinated against covid so children don’t get sick. We can’t even trust the silly individuals who travelled up from the Sydney metropolitan area to do as is required.

  507. covid19 has been racing through New South Wales Particularly Central Coast because of Hill Song members and Business owners who are advising workers and customers not to get tested for covid19,

    Even Job Agencies staff have been using heavily tactics and reverse Psychology nonsense telling unemployed covid19 wont affect them and they do not need to wear their masks at appointments which are now suspend and but they keep trying to risk people life’s by telling them to apply for jobs and attend interviews against the health advice and the lock down orders.

    It is no wonder we are seeing such extreme high numbers appearing in New South Wales which liberal/ nationals have managed badly from day one.

    Prime Minister and his nut job mates are not helping Australia get on top of this outbreak with their mixed messages to business and religion organisations that vote for them.

    Its time for Australia to go into full lock down and stop all movements for 4 weeks including shutting down supermarkets who are now spreading the virus in the community we need to do what China is doing shutting down everything non medical and non essential which is all forms of business itself only having military and medical on duty which is the correct approach to this pandemic as Vaccination itself will not stop the spread nor reduce it now as Delta is mutating into very deadly strain.

  508. Andrew Rowe | August 6, 2021 at 8:47 am |

    Sounds like a great idea. One house to four is good use of the limited land in Umina. I welcome our new residents to our wonderful town.

  509. Andrew Rowe | August 6, 2021 at 9:04 am |

    Attitude of drivers will not change unless they believe that their actions will be monitored. The previous situation of warning before detection just encouraged drivers to speed as they knew they’d get enough notice to temporarily slow down. All research has shown that only strict and pervasive enforcement changes and retains good behaviour. Roads are for everyone to get about safely, not to test the design limits of your vehicles.

  510. Charles Kent | August 6, 2021 at 11:47 am |

    Pfizer vaccine should be made availible to anyone over 60,
    Then we can all be vaccinated. Astra Zenica is 5 times cheaper
    To buy,thats why the government is pushing it!

    Pfizer vaccine should be made avalible to anyone over 60
    Then we can all be vaccinated

  511. Robert Daniels | August 6, 2021 at 12:40 pm |

    We live at Bateau Bay and have reported Covid Breaches 3 times i phone Crime Stoppers give all the information and they say we will pass it onto the Police but nothing happens either Crime Stoppers are not doing there JOB or the Police are not doing there JOB. When Covid really hits the Central Coast we are in Big Trouble People don.t sorry Give A Shit its Happening every Day

  512. You call crime stoppers?
    Well aren’t you a model citizen.
    Go and collect your blue ribbon.
    You should be so proud of yourself.

    • Joanne Allen | August 6, 2021 at 3:58 pm |

      Yes he should we are in this together and the more people dont do the right thing we stay in lockdown and more people die I just dont understand why people refuse to do the right thing it is not hard I am over lockdown like everyone else hope you never hzve to see anyone suffer from this virus

    • This is exactly the lame attitude that spreads COVID. Why don’t you become a model citizen you uneducated ignorant fool.

    • Anti Karen. I believe you are the irresponsible one. I do hope you don’t ever know a loved one that passes because the delta strain was given to them by someone irresponsible like yourself and those others are not taking the lockdown seriously.

  513. tired-of-trouble-makers | August 6, 2021 at 3:06 pm |

    Robert Daniels- I 100% agree with you and applaud your actions. It is really disappointing when many people like us are following and respect the rules, but other selfish people don’t care about the health of their neighbours or community. These selfish people (ie “Anti-karen-triple mask”) seem to go out of their way to cheat the system, and berate and mock good honest people doing the right thing: these selfish buggers should be ashamed of themselves. But Thankyou Robert for speaking up.

  514. Fully vaccinated Senior | August 6, 2021 at 5:04 pm |

    Well anti Karen triple mask that is what responsible citizens are supposed to do. Keep it up Robert Daniels. The sooner people take responsibility and do the right thing the sooner we will be out of this pandemic.

  515. I applaud you Robert Daniels, you have notified the authorities as these ignorant, selfish people are putting others in danger. Don’t listen to negative anti Vaxers, if they themselves get the virus I bet they would knock you down getting to the hospital. Thank you for being a good citizen.and you certainly should be proud of yourself👍Good job.

  516. Yes Robert you are a hero anti karen might not care if covid becomes full blown up hesr but I do so thank you I’m very annoyed that the police are doing nothing about it

  517. GP Shortage ! Good on you Emma ! The coast is growing yet GP, s are declining??? The coast has many elderly and retired and needs to have a doctor to trust . Not having to spend half of the day sitting in a waiting room , with flue and Covid like patients .

  518. Treva Anderson | August 6, 2021 at 7:30 pm |

    You need to mind your own business mr Daniels

  519. Mr Persson’s cynical jab at Central Coast ratepayers shows the contempt he held for our community. As he was hired by the NSW state government his inappropriate comments must be seen as endorsed by Macquarie St. Remember that when you vote. Redeem yourself Gladys by admonishing this fool you imposed upon us!

  520. Hassib eljerban | August 6, 2021 at 8:24 pm |

    Our central coast CEO farmer is a joke .please resign, people on the coast can not afford to pay you.please leave ASAP.

  521. Leanne Crowther | August 6, 2021 at 9:15 pm |

    I can’t believe how selfish the younger generation are!! They are so caught up doing selfies having mental health issues as they call it these days They can’t go and have their covid jabs! This can save lives maybe even their parents or grandparents lives! EVERY SINGLE SELFISH PERSON CAUGHT BREAKING THE RULES NEED TO BE LOCKED UP!! We can do this easily make shift lock up areas with 24 hour guards! A fine does nothing to deter these selfish idiots!!! Maybe they might wake up to themselves!! I would gladly be a guard for free!!! I might start naming and shaming people I know that don’t want any jabs cause they can’t be bothered!! Good on all the sensible people for doing the right thing!!!

  522. Ian Williams | August 7, 2021 at 7:33 am |

    I agree with Andrew completely. It is the speeding drivers at fault. Don’t speed and there is no problem.

  523. Kathy Frost | August 7, 2021 at 9:21 am |

    We all have to pull together and stop this deadly virus spreading stay at home full stop!don’t be selfish and put others lives at risk..mask up,get tested,and get vaccinations.

  524. Even the police aren’t wearing masks, therefore no one in our street is wearing masks! We are doomed!

  525. John Pastor | August 7, 2021 at 12:41 pm |

    Easy enough for him to say. The pain will be ever lasting. Nobody but nobody likes to pay taxes. Regardless of how they may be disguised. What an insular man. Unbelievable that he presided over the debacle of the former council mismanagement. I would vote for anyone that would freeze rates and reduce rates in the future

  526. What the hell is Anti Karyn Triple Mask waffling on about? I was going to say if anyone deserves to get it………….. But no, I don’t want anyone to get it. If we all just get the jab we’ll knock this pandemic over very quickly. If we have ratbag lunatics saying not to get the jab, it’s going to take a hell of a long time to beat. And if the ratbags have their way, they will get it first. Have a nice life idiots.

  527. Alf Arnold | August 7, 2021 at 4:51 pm |

    I totally agree, they need to be locked up or taken out to Lion island with a fishing line and a box of matches and self-support themselves for 4 weeks.

  528. GARY HOPPER | August 8, 2021 at 12:26 am |

    What’s the latest update about lobbying the Government for The Central Coast to be a stand alone not being part of The Greater Sydney Region.

  529. Tanya Wescombe | August 8, 2021 at 7:10 am |

    For anyone to walk around any area without wearing a mask or not social distancing nor being vaccinated is like someone driving a vehicle without a brake.

  530. David Joseph DRAPER | August 8, 2021 at 8:28 am |

    Wake up to yourself Anti Karen triple mask, or better still try to grow up, there are those on this planet who care.

  531. David Joseph DRAPER | August 8, 2021 at 8:41 am |

    Absolutely well said Grace.
    Also: Council requires home occupants to maintain the nature strips at their home frontages but allows dogs to poo and urinate on them, perhaps Council should be required to carry out the maintenance, How many dog walkers ensure that their pets (some of them seem to be dragged along like baggage) poo and urinate on their own nature strip frontages ?

  532. David Joseph DRAPER | August 8, 2021 at 9:30 am |

    Given that there has been considerable media reporting of an inquiry into the Central Coast Council and suspected defamation, that may be contained in submissions by the public, have the Police been, or are they currently involved, whereby breaches of the laws, if any, committed by council staff, are detected and documented to be produced in solid evidence, in a Court of Law

  533. For Rick and Dick on $200,000 per year $7.00 is just a coffee and donut! But for a pensioner on a fixed income it means missing out on some vital food. They keep pointing the finger at the Councillors forgetting that the State government audits Council’s and they repeatedly missed an anomaly as large as the so called Central Coast Council debt! The State government wastes that amount of money per week and laugh it off. The tally must be in to the billions. The Liberal Party beat their chests saying they are the only responsible party to money manage the State well they don’t look to flash at the moment!

  534. Kevin McEwen | August 8, 2021 at 1:59 pm |

    The “15%” rate rise ended up being a whopping 46% increase when I received my rates this week!! 46%!!
    I don’t know any business or utility that could get away with this especially in these difficult times.
    There still has been no full disclosure of how the Central Coast Council could create such a problem and why the State Department of Local Councils let this happen unaudited.
    The sheer arrogance and disregard to all ratepayers is inexcusable.

  535. My concern is high for COVID on the central coast, but their are many people for medical conditions that can’t get it. So should they be punished? Their are many reasons some people can’t get the vaccine,. I do agree if you can get it you should.

  536. Ellen Christie | August 9, 2021 at 2:18 am |

    why could that report not include how many cases in total and all the whereabouts’ isn’t it bad enough that the premier never includes us or gives out information on the no’s and locations?!!! Us residents on the central coast are having a very difficult time trying to get this information and it’s not supplied on your site on f/book either! And NSW Health is too hard to negotiate with or fathom because even there you can’t tell how many infected people on the central coast with it. Surely it wouldn’t be that hard for the council to provide this information! I’ve noticed the Premier doesn’t ever give us total cases either just the new cases, it’s pathetic!

  537. Bob Anderson | August 9, 2021 at 9:06 am |

    I’ve taken to follow Adam Crouch on Facebook, he has up-to-date figures for the coast.

  538. I think we have been very lucky here on the Central Coast but very angry at all of the idiots that went down to protest as well as the idiots from Sydney still coming up here when they know that they are now allowed…..so frustrating

  539. COVID BAD!!!!

  540. Jim Sprohar | August 9, 2021 at 10:23 am |

    What extra payments?
    Rates were frozen for 4 years by the State Govt after the merger.
    Wyong has been paying significantly more rates than Gosford has, Its only this 21/22 year the Gosford rates have been equalised.
    Not sure where you get the “Gosford has been paying more” from? As they’ve been paying less.

  541. Terry Kesby | August 9, 2021 at 12:54 pm |

    Rate equalization is about ex Gosford residents having to pay the same rates ex Wyong residents have been paying for the last 6 years. That’s why the difference is 15 to 18%.
    The councilors are not the only ones at fault in this. The CEO,CFO,the auditors and the state government department all failed in their duty.
    Is there any council amalgamation in NSW that has turned out successfully?
    I doubt it.

  542. Some very convoluted arguments here. I think the Councillors are being used as scapegoats it is very easy to point fingers. So and so is to blame but theer was a tsunami of events happening from drought to floods unprecedented bushfires and coastal erosion, navigational channels silting up. Help for the Central Coast Council was minimal. The Parliamentary Secretary blaming the CCC for all manner of things and denying any State government responsibility. Passing the buck back to council. Although the audit office of Local government missed a half billion problem on the books? The local government minister parroting the Administrators in saying CCC councillors are to blame. Because it suited the State government. They have already taken over control of planning and helicoptered in a new State government panel. So costs will go up and control of building standards go down. We have seen it in half a dozen high-rise buildings already with private certifiers signing off substandard structures.

  543. Fully agree that it is the councillors. How in the hell did we go from being in the black under the post-merger administrator to being in the red under the elected council? Given the future of the Coast demerger shouldn’t even be on the cards, we just need competent members in the council chamber.

  544. Harry Machan | August 10, 2021 at 9:17 am |

    The smoke and mirrors rates rise by council is a total deception. Proven by taking a look at the actual rating amount factored into the rates notice. A 45% increase is applied compared to last year’s rates by lifting the rate from 0.02 to 0.03 per dollar of land value set by the Valuer General. Now when council applies for permanency of this deception in a couple of years, they will also use the next land value increase to deal out a double deception hurting rate payers even more. As ratepayers we need to find a fairer system for rates that stops inflating land prices from pushing rates so high in the first place? Not sure what a new rate model would be to be fair to all, but the current system is unfair & needs to be calculated by a factor other than land value! Worth a look I think?

  545. I must agree with comments from central coast residents. We are not being provided with up to date stats!, it is also very hard to work our way through health on line sites. We are all very worried that people travelling illegally around will spread it to our beautiful communities. Premier just ignores Central Coast in her updates. Are we regional or Sydney?? They chop and change our status continually. Compared to overseas we are still very lucky, BUT FOR HOW LONG?

  546. How this people going over 5 km limited without
    Punishment ?
    Not fair for the people they obey the law .
    Do not come to my area and spread your disease .

  547. Thank heaven for citizens like you!

  548. I notice that cases and cases location are increasing in central coast but there almost nit information in this page.
    Early detection is key to keep the virus under control
    A little more information would be great so people can take action early

    Can the local government can push to get some Pfizer vaccine ?

  549. Staying at home and frustrated. | August 11, 2021 at 1:57 pm |

    So Woolworths in Gosford had a case of a person from Sydney visiting the coast. The Hunter lockdown is a result of a teenager from Sydney visiting Blacksmiths Beach for a party. The Byron/Ballina region lockdown is due to a man from Rose Bay travelling all the way up there. This is making me angry. Why can’t these people stay put. Isn’t there a way the police can check the registration number of cars travelling on the M1 to find out if they are registered in Sydney and turning them around. With today’s technology it can’t be that hard.

  550. Elise Williams | August 11, 2021 at 3:20 pm |

    So frustrating we on the Central Coast need to know how many actual Covid cases are here otherwise we gonna turn into Sydney

  551. Grant Taylor | August 11, 2021 at 3:25 pm |

    I work in Coles and I see some people still come in without Masks on and I dont even think they even QR code either so frustrating and we are here to help and serve you give a little respect to us please.

  552. Peter Andrews | August 11, 2021 at 4:26 pm |

    While the golfers in the ‘hot spots’ in Sydney can travel 5kms. to play their sport, the lawn bowlers on the Central Coast can’t even practice on their own greens. How many COVID cases have been found in the following areas closest to where we are locked up? namely : Davistown, Avoca, Wamberal (golfing no problem!), Terrigal & Bateau Bay. I suspect the answer is too insignificant to mention.

  553. Les Jackson | August 11, 2021 at 5:16 pm |

    Not every thing in life is about money.
    The Austin Butler reserve is named after a man and his family who put there life into the community. The Woy Woy soccer Club and more.

    He and his family deserve this to remain
    Les Jackson

  554. Iain Campbell | August 11, 2021 at 6:33 pm |

    People seem to forget that it is the State Government that is responsible for the mess that the Central Coast is in with regard to Council and rates. They and nobody else forced the undemocratic amalgamation of the Gosford and Wyong Councils. It is the State Government that is responsible for the ensuing financial disaster and now outrageous and unfair increase in our rates. If there was ever a case for social disobedience and refusal to pay rates it is now!

  555. Timothy Marshall | August 11, 2021 at 6:43 pm |

    I reported a person who attended the south bound servo on the m1 last week. He was from a business from wetherill park, which was a covid hot spot. I reported it to cops and to the covid police, and no one seemed to give a shit.
    That is why we are in this mess. Ignorant and arrogant people doing as they want, and the powers that be, letting them get away with it.
    If you come to this country to have a better life, live by our laws.
    If you come from a hotspot, stay there you selfish pricks, and stop putting our population at risk.
    These people should be named and shamed.

  556. Hi everyone, I’m a bit scared saying what I want to say, as I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, and don’t want people going off at me…BUT WHY IN NEWS REPORTS CHANNEL 7 I WATCHED DOESN’T MENTION BLOODY CENTRAL COAST? I understand everyone’s concerned about their local area, but we are never mentioned, and now it’s November, and I’m not blaming anyone, I just am so angry and sh..ty to work out what is actually happening up here? Can someone tell me, tell us what the heck is happening.

  557. Help from the Army would be great to be used on trains. They could check people heading north,south & west. If they don’t have ID on them,call the police & put them off the train. Also they could stopped traffic on the freeways. And maybe just maybe the parents of these teenagers can let police know when they’re not home, because they should be. Lets hope that no-one in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie & the Central Coast succumb to the virus.

  558. Elizabeth Langmead | August 12, 2021 at 4:38 am |

    The Entrance public footway, the park, the sandy open areas ON WEEKENDS are noticeably patronised by NON LOCALS. Where do these people actually come from. In family groups of 4+ enjoying picnic-like gatherings which are NOT PERMITTED. I am a local, 7minute walk to the Pelican feeding spot. I have NEVER seen the police SPOT CHECK ID’s to ensure that people arent disregarding Covid advice, STAY WITHIN YOUR LOCAL GOV AREA. Dont meet in family or friend groups and endanger yourselves and others.

  559. Do it! All the cases and exposure sites on the Central Coast have come in from Sydney.

  560. If we did everything on the central coast that Matthew Wales has suggested, it would be a far less desirable place to live (massive overdevelopment) with far fewer services available and only then to those with plenty of money

  561. there was also a case at chittaway

  562. Katrina Laird | August 12, 2021 at 8:22 am |

    What’s the point?
    You governing monkeys don’t have any excuses anymore. We can all see you for what you are… careless

  563. Federal government, state government are both responsible for the miserable handling of 2021 COVID-19 Delta strain taking hold of NSW. Did they think “she’ll be right mate” well it isn’t! Stop blaming and start doing! The public has had little faith in government for some time now – this has just made thing worse. Constant bickering and pointless name calling has led us to not trust you!

  564. The amount of cars travelling on Woy Woy Road at peak times, from Sydney metropolitan area, is a joke. There is just as much heavy traffic coming from the south, as the same as normal times. This needs to be stopped, as these people are putting the whole Central Coast at risk.

  565. This is a serious issue for the Central Coast. There are two mass vaccination hubs in Sydney, one in the Hunter, Wollongong are setting one up and one going in at Penrith, which only went into lockdown this week! We’ve been in lockdown for 7 weeks, and now announced we can’t travel out of Greater Sydney to get vaccinated. If our GP has advised Pfizer is recommended for us, where are we supposed to get it? Doses sent to Sydney haven’t appeared back on the Coast, contrary to what the Premier said at her press conference this morning. Even our public hospital COVID clinics don’t have Pfizer and aren’t taking any bookings, no clinic or GP has it and some have a recorded message on their phones or just a busy signal constantly. I feel like we have been left out in the cold with this vaccine roll out. I just hope it doesn’t cost lives.

  566. Cannot see a credible reason for the central coast to be in the same state of lockdown as sydney or even be classified as being a part of greater sydney. Covid case’s on central 0.0000475 % of population NSW govt need to lift restrictions to a reasonable level

  567. Agree with the hawkesbury checking cars and stopping them from coming to the central coast, but you must also stop the ferry from coming from Sydney,

  568. Here is a classic example of a man looking but not seeing, and being quite patronizing.

  569. Yes, The problem with our political leaders is they only practice blaming the opposition.
    So now we need them to lead & organise the vaccine roll out and this is beyond their capability.

  570. Betty Smith | August 13, 2021 at 1:15 pm |

    Good to get this information

  571. Hassib eljerban | August 13, 2021 at 3:43 pm |

    Nsw liberals blame federal liberals & visa versa about the shortages of vaccine.shame on the liberals shame.

  572. It’s not just Business Owners that are suffering. We are a low income family, my partner was laid off only 2 weeks prior to the central coast being locked down. Their is no support available and we are doing it tough.
    But Gladys did say that nobody should feel stressed as support was there. I’m still trying to find that support.

  573. Ron Patterson | August 13, 2021 at 5:35 pm |

    I totally agree with your comments. Just the other day the Belmont vaccination clinic was reported as the central coast by the news programmes .If we had a checkpoint at the Hawkesbury river bridge I agree that we wouldn’t be in this position. As much as I hate to agree with Daniel Andrew’s the ring of steel works and our premier failed in this respect trying to be everybody’s friend . Sometimes you can try to be too nice and look where it’s got us .

  574. Margaret O'Keefe | August 13, 2021 at 6:38 pm |

    I was just wondering Vic has drive through vacines in old bunnings stores why don’t we use the old bunnings site at West gos for the same up here on the coast I know they don’t own it anymore but surely gov can use it

  575. Danielle Hopkinson | August 13, 2021 at 6:45 pm |

    I am I had my phizer taken from twice I epilepsy and a disability I should have been done months ago not HSC kids close the express way and open us up

  576. This is atrocious- a 40% increase? Someone certainly needs to be held to account for the councils in the Central Coast.

  577. Jamie Hopkinson | August 13, 2021 at 6:48 pm |

    Close the m1 so we can open up and go back to work

  578. Hazel Brown | August 13, 2021 at 6:51 pm |

    I am 85 and on my own I want go back the shops & restaurant

  579. Surely if we have had both shots there is something we could do to help in our lga with volunteering to help those in need,maybe taking the pressure off those that need a rest

  580. Robert Brooks | August 13, 2021 at 7:30 pm |

    Surely this is a conflict of interest. Council staff should have job responsibilities for which they are paid. It is to be hoped that paid Council staff are not sitting down and writing a proposal to Manage the rights of the Stadium during their working hours. If this is the case they therefore must be surplus to requirements.

  581. To ensure safety of the central coast residence people must be issued with travel permits check points should be set up on the freeway the Pacific Highway trains and buses how else can we stop the spread

  582. Hassib eljerban | August 13, 2021 at 11:56 pm |

    Central coast are treated like shit by nsw & federal liberals what a disgrace.

  583. Hi this letter was exactly what I’ve been saying these last few months WHY were those road leading to the coast not have check points. Yes we are in a place where we don’t seem to belong, when Wyong and Gosford councils where seperate roads parks were better looked after and as Wyong rate were much less then they joined and what happens we are now in debt course by Gosford. This happened I feel the same with hospitals when they joined with Sydney they were in a bad state bringing our hospital in debt alse. The politision are supposed to be clever I think they are in for themselves only and the money they get now and forever after even if only a few years in office.

  584. deahnne Kinny | August 14, 2021 at 5:22 am |

    I live in Terrigal and the only thing that has changed about this congregating species is they now wear active wear Their fluffy companions have no idea of Social distanceing and if the people who are walking around in groups every weekend aren’t from Sydney iwill get a fluffy rescue dog like this entitled crew and buy them all a Coffee…

  585. Water outage map? Curious is this just smoke and mirrors. We have larger issues effecting the Central Coast and tinkering with non essential services is confusing to say the least! Rates are a bigger issue now that is a more important factor with covid lockdown a restriction to workers movements restaurants Pubs shopping centres closed no wages coming in and struggling with bills and people on limited incomes hammered with a rate increase in excess of the IPAC rate and Rik Hart fobbing it off as harmonisation. The arrogance is astounding his pay packet ($200.000 plus) has not been effected or the CEOs ($517,000) they may not evan notice an increase of 30 % unless it was added to their pay packets. If you are a pensioner it means you have to miss out on something vital such as food or Health protection payments. Step in to the real world were things are not so rosie. Flog off the Stadium l’m sure some developer could bulldoze it and build more apartments.

  586. Garry Smith | August 14, 2021 at 9:20 am |

    Yes agree with Neil of Terrigal

  587. JanSvensson | August 14, 2021 at 9:25 am |

    Who is Adam Crouch looking after Sydney or the Central Coast?

    Certainly not the Central Coast, which by the way is not part of Sydney or the Hunter .

  588. It seems to be all too hard for folks to follow the rules, they are as plain as daylight about how far and when you can leave your home, forget just fines, throw them in gaol for a spell, it is a criminal offence to bend these rules, it puts the nation at a big risk.

  589. Debra Andrews | August 14, 2021 at 12:21 pm |

    A fresh fruit and vegetable pop up has been operating in the entrance memorial park. It has been so goid to get quality fresh fruit abd vegetables but have been told today by the operator they are no longer permitted to operate due to local business complaints. There are no options to buy fruit and veg in this area other than Coles..How strange the last successful markets were closed due to the BIG business complaints who have managed to eliminate every butcher and fruitier from The Entrance. Come on Council give the little people a go and let residents have quality fresh veggies.

  590. Finally we have travel permits Terrigal should be ashamed people having picnics no social distancing it’s like a holiday everyday at Terrigal shame why don’t people listen and stay at home

  591. I have received nothing from government for 08 weeks applied jobseekers the rejected my claim even no money in bank and I had my last income of $1290.00 stolen off me by former company clean my crib and movers. They are a FRAUD. Like This latest lockdown government should stay out of the way all they done is screw people lives up on bothsides

  592. Just explain why I can’t get the Pfizer jab at 72 years old I am more than happy to line up for it but I will not get the astrazenica because of the blood clots and don’t tell me it’s safe because I don’t trust any of you

  593. Mr Crouch does a dummy spit because his rates went up 40% however did he complain about Gosford and Wyong councils not being fit for the future typical only there to line his own ego

  594. Rod and Robyn | August 14, 2021 at 4:08 pm |

    Yes we agree with all that Neale has said. Too many people moving around from who knows where.

  595. John Forrest | August 14, 2021 at 6:51 pm |

    Seems sensible to create a hard border some where. River is a place to start . Still people going from north CC to Sydney. And back daily??

  596. Barry Kelland | August 14, 2021 at 7:59 pm |

    Living on the Coast have I still got to exercise within 5 kilometres from my home

  597. I would like some advice please. My wife is disabled and has a carer who comes to us every monday afternoon for four hours. Part of their pogram usually involves driving to Norah Head Soldiors Beach car park to watch for Wales, they normally take afternoon tea with them and do not leave the car. The park is nine klm’s from home at San Remo. Question, does the new lockdown forbid this activity. both she and her carer are fully vaccinated. Your advice would be appreciated.

  598. Anthony Martin | August 15, 2021 at 7:31 am |

    The new neighbours come up from Sydney every weekend,when ask how they are allowed to do so their (2) response is Exemptions.
    Let’s get serious folks one rule for all.

  599. It’s not acceptable that us ratepayers are paying for the council’s mistakes Im a pensioner too. I can pay this year but next year I’ll not have any super to fall back on Cut back on other things that don’t benefit everyone

  600. We are a small mechanical business in the Central Coast, not 1cent from the government so far, and getting less & less work

  601. Great idea!

  602. Frances Bailey | August 15, 2021 at 12:51 pm |

    Why are Smoke Mart at Lakehaven open with group of 3 teenagers gathered outside.

  603. Summerland point boat jetty is packed with trailers-
    I’m sure their up from Sydney to weekenders / second homes
    Should be patrolling here -to flouting the COVID rules

  604. Yes maybe instead of tracking covid numbers.Tracking how many small businesses have had to close due to government not following through on their promises. Poor protocol is the reason the delta strain was let loose in our country and we are all suffering. Best of luck to my fellow small business owners.

  605. On 11 June, 2021, my wife and I signed a contract for the sale of our home at 33 Yean Street, Burradoo, NSW 2576 (Southern Highlands)with a completion date set for 25 August. We proceeded to booking a local removalist (Moss vale)and arranged for departure for 86 Grand Parade, Bonnells Bay (Lake Macquarie) on Friday 20 August–leaving several days for paid cleaning before the new owner is due to take over. (86 Grand Parade, Bonnells Bay, is a rental we can move into on 20 August–this coming Friday.)
    The situation has become somewhat desperate. not only because of the state-wide lockdown, but because several weeks ago, I fell and fractured my left shoulder blade. This has meant that I am presently not able to drive the distance to Bonnells Bay. (I have just turned 88 years of age.) Nor is my wife suited to driving that distance.
    In view of this situation, a younger friend and his wife had agreed to drive down from their home near Morisset to Burradoo, early on the morning of 20 August and take my wife and me up to Bonnells Bay, in tandem with the removalist’s van.
    Both our friends and my wife and I have had our two AZ vaccinations, and I am now seeking a travel permit for the four of us to make this direct trip via the motorway and the Pennant Hills tunnel, with no pause in the city en route. On the trip up to Morisset and Bonnels Bay, it is intended that my wife travel with my friend’s wife in their car and that I travel with my friend in our car. Would you please advise us of the procedure we should follow in gaining a permit to travel in what has become a fairly desperate situation. We’d be glad of your support in this as we are shortly to be without a place to house our bed. Sincerely, (Dr) Trevor Lloyd

  606. Lesley Barlow | August 16, 2021 at 7:42 am |

    My son is my primary carer and is 36 years old. He wants to be vaccinated as I have been fully vaccinated with Astra Zeneca but he has to do the shopping and take me to appointments. He is worried he could bring the the virus back to me. Where is his Pfizer vaccine?

  607. I am confused re the 5km restriction, can I travel more than 5km from my home in the Central coast?

  608. Robert Gill | August 16, 2021 at 11:52 am |

    I cant understand the new rules.. can’t I go fishing by myself in my boat..

  609. Maria Clarke | August 16, 2021 at 12:13 pm |

    Whether we are vaccinated or not we will still get infected if we are not responsible enough to protect ourselves. Just follow the Biosafety rules/ protocol so that there’s no need of lockdowns, Police and the Army patrolling LGAs and plan of the Government to have Vax Travel pass will not be enforced and freedom of choice to be vaccinated or not will not become a mandate. We Australians are still partly to be blamed and so are the head of Federal & State Governents and no one else.

  610. Screwed poor | August 16, 2021 at 12:57 pm |

    Cant get assist as sole trader I earn less then 30k
    WTF is wrong with these so called leaders.

  611. Lynette swan | August 16, 2021 at 1:18 pm |

    I live by myself at the entrance,central coast,my partner lives at Wyong,I have medical issues and need him to help me ,but I’m not sure if this is allowed

  612. Gary Nicholson | August 16, 2021 at 3:54 pm |

    I am appalled at the number of stupid people along the waterfront at ettalong beach.they congregate in the kids play area,they sit eating and drinking on the wall,all without masks and all less than 1.5m apart.

  613. It sounds like political white wash ‘Public enquiry ‘ in name only! Questions not able to be asked (because it may point the finger at State government!) Answers redacted and no action taken therefore no one in authority takes the blame. They will not get to the bottom of the financial crisis because they don’t want the answer to be published. Subterfuge obfuscation and political tactics is all we will get. How much will this ‘Clayton’s enquiry ‘ cost and who will bear that cost who do you think? Ratepayers again. The State government minister for local government has not been seen or heard of since she parroted the Administrators comment blame the sitting Councillors! So her office and the Local Government audit office skip any responsibilities. The truth is a rare commodity and you won’t get it from the State government.

  614. Even before putting in a check point we should be asking how essential it is for someone to commute into or out of hotspots?…
    Next if the vaccine doesn’t stop you getting infected that shouldn’t exempt someone from leaving these red zones… infected are still infectious vaccine or not.
    If there was no commuting or a checkpoint then workers would need to be sourced locally allowing businesses a semblance of normality and local economies to survive. Are we on a ship helmed by monkies?

  615. Best not to leave a comment it won’t be printed. Just wonder why?

  616. Over this crap | August 16, 2021 at 9:56 pm |

    The Government makes promises yet as a small business owner and not receiving anything we have been put in a horrible position like most other small business the Government didn’t put a hold on anything so people still contact you for payment and yet you don’t they cancel the Government has no idea what’s happening and expecting people to wait for payment is a joke. I’m
    Sure they aren’t waiting to be paid.

  617. Anne Taylor | August 16, 2021 at 10:08 pm |

    I like to keep up to date with Covid on Centre Coast as live there Thanks

  618. Tragic situation for these people. it’s time to change governments and remember who got Australia through the GFC. It’s never been true that Australians are better off under a Liberal Govt. We are all seeing that now! We can’t eat catchy logos.

  619. Henning Christiansen | August 17, 2021 at 7:44 am |

    All the news articles tell us what the COVID rules are for The LGAs of concern, but how do we figure out what the rules are here on the central coast. NSW Health Orders online are long and unclear, and focussed on the Sydney LGAs not the Central Coast. Why can’t we have our own section to read instead of having to read about all the stuff that does not apply to us, and being left with confusion?

  620. I really enjoyed my visit to the arboretum in June. I found the sculptures very interesting and many were complicated in their design and choice of natural medium. I would like to see these displays continue as the venue is lovely and peaceful whilst walking and enjoying the setting

  621. Phil Connolly | August 17, 2021 at 10:19 am |

    I miss the Express and Advocate which used to be delivered weekly.I signed up yesterday to this site and so far has proved very informative.
    Keep up the good work.

  622. Glenn Dowling | August 17, 2021 at 10:21 am |

    About time the people who live in Sydney were stopped coming to the central coast because they are in lockdown in can’t go to work and think it as an unscheduled holiday

  623. Terry Kesby | August 17, 2021 at 10:27 am |

    It’s you’re loophole. You have allowed it to operate for the last 7weeks. Congratulations. Another level of incompetence.

  624. Wow public concern and pressure from Central Coast residents has finally forced Adam Crouch to represent his constituents for a change instead of being The Premiers lap dog

  625. Ian Cunningham | August 17, 2021 at 10:52 am |

    What if you are an essential worker & live on the Central Coast and work in an area of concern, do you need a permit?

  626. Wayne Pogmore | August 17, 2021 at 11:24 am |

    What if you live on the central coast and are providing a essential service in sydney do you need a permit

  627. You must stay at home unless you have a reason to leave (authorised reasons to leave home published). If you must leave home for an authorised reason then stay within your LGA or within 5 km of it if you go outside the LGA.

  628. Michael Riviere2 | August 17, 2021 at 11:38 am |

    Why wait until Saturday?

  629. Emma Rollston | August 17, 2021 at 12:06 pm |

    I have been in Bateau Bay a lot recently and no word of a lie, the carpark looks like it’s Christmas eve. Why are all these people out. Kids not doing schooling and terrorising the elderly on the bikes scooters and skateboards. No police to be seen. Couples holding hands shopping. One person per household. Are Bateau above the rest?

  630. Parliamentary Secretary Crouch sprooks for the State government not the Central Coast! He makes a lot of noise without taking a breath and takes out full page adds beating his chest about popularist topics ‘Public Enquiries’ which will be less than that. Lambasting CC Councillors who fell into a State government trap. The bait was the $10 million for amalgamation and the mantra Big savings! Well that did not happen and the cost was $60 million plus. No State and Federal politicians stand for politics not the people! You will not get any help in that direction.

  631. John Greenwood | August 17, 2021 at 1:35 pm |

    Adam Crouch’s statements cited in this article are different to the NSW Health website’s Covid restrictions information. Who are we supposed to believe?

  632. kevin mcmahon | August 17, 2021 at 2:01 pm |

    My Mother lives at Lake Munmorah she is eighty years old and lives on her own. Am i permitted to visit her or is that asking to much.Stop taking our lives away from us. The Government knew how bad this virus was before it even got here.They have failed to keep Australia safe.

    • Totally agree nothing is said about how it got here airlines or quarantine issues…not a word believe they are restarting intl flights too Oct 21 per flight website’s. Not just a Sydney issue it’ll get in anywhere its airborne. Hope u have a permit for all states.

    • See if u can be Ur mums bubble person. From what I’ve heard u can apply for this online starting this Saturday.
      Good luck

  633. What about compassionate reasons (i.e. visiting a partner you don’t like with)?

    • Hi I am in the same situation did you find out if we need a permit or is there no change for compassionate reasons

      • Just got off the phone with service nsw you don’t need a permit for a partner visiting. Although not sure if that applies for the LGAs of concern, but for greater sydney and regional it isn’t needed.

    • Did you get an answer to that I have been trying to find out too

    • Same question, do I need to get a permit?

      • We put this to Mr Crouch yesterday in an interview. No you don’t need a permit to travel to Sydney, only a valid reason and of course not be sick or symptomatic or been at a exposure site.

  634. So DJ I’m not allowed to live on the CC and commute to my job of 20 years at a major Sydney hospital.I agree whole heartedly with what you say that movement should be restricted but some of us have to travel for work,but I unlike many others come home from work and don’t leave my house over the weekend and have all groceries delivered as I feel that it is responsible as a health worker not to jeopardise the community that I love living in.

  635. I’ve been saying to a few people for weeks,that all north bound traffic should be diverted on to the old Pac highway.
    Police checks should be conducted at Cowan where the old tollgates use to be. Anyone who lives in Sydney heading north should be stopped by the police and turned around.

    • I agree. For those with a genuine reason to travel a small inconvenience of a check-point doesn’t hurt. They should also fine anyone who they catch without a genuine reason for travel

  636. Would be great if you could provide a link to the permit as its not showing anywhere that I’ve searched so far, including Service NSW

  637. I have post natal depression and rely on my son’s grandparents from sydney to come help and support me. Can they still come up? What about me? How am I meant to survive?

  638. For the purposes of the covid restrictions, the Central Coast is part of Greater Sydney and does not need a permit. A permit is required if you’re leaving Greater Sydney to enter a regional area.

  639. Why is it I have the feeling that no one gives a damn about the old people living alone. I am 91 and struggle with simple things like taking the bins out.after paying my rent,I have $65 per week to live on. I know kids getting payments from the govt because they previously worked 20hours per week, many of them live with their parents free!

    • Christy Summerhill | August 20, 2021 at 4:55 pm |

      I’m so sorry that you are going through this. I wish I were your neighbour and I would be so glad to take your bins up and back down. You’ve earned the right to not have to struggle in life. Have you accessed the myGov site to see if you are eligible for any additional income? I’m thinking of you and hope it gets easier for you ❤️.

  640. What are the rules regarding parenting when one lives at Roseville and we’re on the coast. We’re dealing with 2 children on the spectrum, home schooling & no help

  641. Is Central Coast included in 5km limit

  642. Borders should be closed for all international flights that’s the cause of this eruption of cases in Australia the government has caused this CLOSE AUSTRALIA

  643. Jeff Glanville | August 17, 2021 at 10:29 pm |

    I am battling different opinions about travel limits for exercise and shopping. Difficult to ascertain if I can travel more than 5kms within our large LGA here on the Central Coast. Information available suggests yes it’s OK and others agree with me. I read an article where it was legal for a resident in Hornsby Shire to travel to Wisemans Ferry so is that the same here in Gosford district whereby we can travel further than 5km but to remain within the LGA.
    I trust that a reply will be forthcoming as many people I associate with are asking the same question.

  644. Should of locked down when the first case was detected and stopped anyone leaving Sydney, would of been all over now 🙄

  645. Wow. What a bunch of whiners you are turning out to be. Crouch suggested you dob in your neighbors last week. Real impressive. Now permits.

  646. I’m on my own in the Central Coast and my son comes and visits me sometimes as my one visitor. Is he going to be required to have a permit?

  647. Vern Padagas | August 18, 2021 at 7:50 am |

    What if a family in different cars come up from Sydney to the same property how are police going to handle this?? But we( Central Coast) can’t do the opposite.
    Shame on you Groucho and the Government .

  648. Elizabeth Powell | August 18, 2021 at 7:56 am |

    Can’t find online permit form on service nsw website. Can anyone tell me where to look. Need to travel for compassionate reasons.

    • I am in the same boat as you! We called the hotline and apparently they are still putting the permit rules together, really hoping compassionate reasons qualify for a permit :/

  649. These Conservative govts both Federal and State really only exist to support big corporates , big business and the big end of town ie record profits for Harvey Norman shareholders funded by jobkeeper!More interested in getting re elected than good governance . The gap between the haves and have nots will continue to widen with this mob in power

  650. This is just marketing spin. Its no different to the rules already in place from NSW police on Monday

  651. I have a vulnerable elderly mother who requires assistance. We are in process of having her assessed for support to allow her access to support workers. In meantime she needs family assistance, to shop, clean etc, however under these new restrictions, she’s on her own. And in addition my mother and I are both fully vaccinated. Can I visit and support her as a vulnerable person? The rules are not clear.

  652. Michael Gilbert | August 18, 2021 at 9:50 am |

    About time Crouch did something …it takes time for him to react….I bet if I had a camera and worked in a
    Media position …he would be there before you could say …coastie ….Adam stop playing politics and do the right thing by the people that live on the coast….look after their interests …that is what you get paid for

  653. Been waiting for since covid started, stay safe people

  654. Steven Carter | August 18, 2021 at 12:30 pm |

    Government needs to make mask wearing mandatory as soon as you leave your home and STOP EXERCISING!! Exercise in your home or backyard until things get under control.

  655. Steven Carter | August 18, 2021 at 12:35 pm |

    Government needs to make mask wearing mandatory as soon as you leave your home and if you cannot wear a mask get a face shield. Stop making excuses!
    “STOP EXERCISING!! Exercise in your home or backyard until things get under control.
    “STAY AT HOME”!!!!!!

  656. Elizabeth Langmead | August 18, 2021 at 1:25 pm |

    I live at The Entrance, looks like my rates have increased by 30%. This increase is due to the mismanagement of the Councillors, the General Mgr and the NSW GOV. We as ratepayers are forced into an amalgamation supposedly to be ‘more efficient’ what a failure. $650mil in DEBT. We have lost our banks, thru their efficiency drive and now our library, Have a look at The Entrance shops…rundown, many empty. Some buildings look like they should be condemned!! But Council thought that outside of Covid restrictions, fairylights in the trees and allowing later trading hours would be a winner, hosestly we have such bright sparks making these decisions. This makes me worry about our future. We need a Council that works to benefit the ratepayers, all residents and the areas within which we live and to keep us well informed. THAT is Councils job.

  657. Big end of town shutting down Central Coast ratepayers and residents to then do what they like with ridiculous overdevelopment and supersize their $$$

  658. Doesn’t this article say that permits will be required for only 3 reasons? Presumably anything outside of that has to abide by the other existing rules eg not more than 5kms from home, compassionate reasons excluded, moving house excluded. Or, has this article been written poorly? It’s communication issues like this that make it so hard to know what you can and can’t do.

  659. Kelly Richards | August 18, 2021 at 3:55 pm |

    The central coast is full of people doing the wrong thing. Long Jetty park was taped off so it was not able to let you sit down but people have torn down the tape and sitting. Also why are stores like lollies and stuff and the lolly barn at the entrance open. It’s a joke.

  660. Lionel W Doolan | August 18, 2021 at 4:04 pm |

    Looks pretty good to me.

  661. Dog whistling politics

  662. Although I don’t mind such a permit system, this appears to be fake news. There is no mention of a permit by any government department or website. Crouch should stop scaremongering and allow the government to do their job

  663. Everyone is blaming the government but it is the people who do not stay at home who spread it. About time people took responsibility for the spread. Motorcycle riding is a recreational activity not exercise. So stay at home. If you want to be vaccinated it is your choice but if you or your family contract it and die you have no one else to blame.

  664. There’s nothing stopping teachers from making an appointment at the chemist Price line Lake Haven have plenty of available appointments They are efficient and professional. AstraZenica only at this stage

  665. I too want the Pfizer..at 68 and still working face to face with clients in homeless services why should I have to settle for a lower protection value with the Astra crap..It is the aged that seem to cop the BS.Like Linda above I too don’t trust our leaders..look at how many different positions they have taken and the lies they tell when it suits them.

  666. Gladys should of moved faster as soon as the delta strain was detected. She had enough information on the delta strain from other countries so no excuse. As the for the protesters you have killed people and that’s all you have achieved.

  667. Bruce Hyland hit the nail on the head! The Central Coast LGA is being taken over by stealth slowly but surely replacing Council run planning departments with State government run planning cronies in the flimsiest of excuses and political speak greater efficiency although we will never see it. Though the Central Coast will be expected to cover the costs. There was a suggestion that Gosford Council was being taken over by Wyong portion of Central Coast Council it seems that way with the Sale of the Gosford council building and moving 100? Staff up there. It will give the State government a clear sweep to remodel Gosford to their design and pat themselves on the back and we pulled the wool over the ratepayers eyes. There will be an election Local and State eventually that’s when we can have OUR say! And not get bamboozled by fast talking politicians.

  668. I like to be updated with the Corona viruses on the central coast

  669. All very well for advising us, but where is the link ???

  670. See if u can be Ur mums bubble person. From what I’ve heard u can apply for this online starting this Saturday.
    Good luck

  671. Ann mcnulty | August 19, 2021 at 5:35 pm |

    Wear a mask you know it makes sense

  672. Jesus, there’ll be one eaten every month.

  673. John Harper | August 19, 2021 at 11:45 pm |

    About time

  674. Does anyone know if it affects compassionate reasons I live in Sydney but my son lives on the coast

  675. Robert Grant | August 20, 2021 at 10:00 am |


  676. Does this mean that essential workers from the coast who work in sydney will need permit to go to work?????

  677. Both State and Federal Governments are looking more and more like Dad’s Army.

  678. Thanks Bruz

  679. How does that affect people who love on the coast and work in Sydney? Are we still (within the Covid Rules) allowed to travel to work?

  680. So many idiots still, anon being one of them. Probably one of the idiots who think that they have had a dose of ‘Flu” when all they have had is a slight cold.

  681. I’m 64, 65 in December with underlying health issues where can I get an appt for Phizer on the Central Coast please? I have my GP’s reference and my eligibility form. I have been trying for over 4weeks now and still can’t find a place for an appt. I’m told I have a compromised immunity and can’t get help.

  682. Myself 64 my Husband 67, My Aunt 85 all had the Astra jab. all fine no drama for any of us. This is not to say you should get it, it’s just to show that the number of bad side effects are minimal….

  683. Information about exposure at Bunnings West Gosford is not on the NSW Health Site. Can you tell us where to find days and times? Thanks.

  684. Alan Hubbard | August 20, 2021 at 6:18 pm |

    Living at chain valley bay. Dental appointment tuesday at Morissett.can i kerp that appointment?

    • The CC is now part of regional NSW – you do not need a permit, only a valid reason to travel and of course not symptomatic. You could ask advise from your dentist too.

  685. If I live on the Coast, but need to go to a hotspot LGA for work do I need to apply for Permit? If yes, could.a link be provided

  686. Christine Vest | August 20, 2021 at 7:28 pm |

    Why aren’t the police stopping people from Sydney at the Hawkesbury River bridge as well as on the M1 & other roads to the Central Coast?

  687. Because it only takes 1 dimwit to cause much heartache for the 10000’s. Don’t worry Kelly, what goes around comes around. They’ll get their just desserts sooner or later. Hang in there Kelly, you know you’re doing the right thing.

  688. maia Russell | August 20, 2021 at 8:24 pm |

    Are you able to tell me when hairdressers will open for central coast residents? I live in ettalong beach retirement village, and like many other women have not been able to have my hair done now for almost 9 weeks.

  689. So if we work in Sydney do we need a permit?
    Bit late telling us if we have to go tomorrow morning and cant get a permit till after midnight!

  690. If Sydney sneezes we all catch a cold. We need to vaccinate sydney first where they’re more likely to encounter quarantine leaks. We en up protected thT way regardless

  691. Stephen Cook | August 21, 2021 at 7:25 am |

    Do tradies going from central coast to northern beaches for work ,require a travel permit from today 20/8/21

  692. Is Moderna also for 70 above?

  693. Why don’t you tell us where and when new covid cases are developing? Canberra had one case. CC population is close to Canberra, why aren’t we protected with 39 cases?

  694. Luciana DIPIETRANTONIO | August 21, 2021 at 9:54 am |

    Yes my husband son who is 36yrs has type 1 diabetes since he was 2yrs old lives in Nelson Bay n.s.w is not able to receive Pfizer ????

  695. I would like to know when the government is going to open up the pfyzer and moderna vaccines to people over 60 years of age. Many people in this age group are holding off getting vaccinated as they are fearful of the astra zeneca and its possible side effects.

  696. Sally field | August 21, 2021 at 10:28 am |

    I live in Syd and like the coast people we are playing by the rules and we too are overlooked for under 40 pfizer shots. We also border those troublesome LGA’s who continue to get preferential treatment from the government with pfizer doses despite a number of their constituents continually doing the wrong thing. This is clearly obvious as cases continually rise daily in those areas. As the Lakemba MP is stating, it is ” a tale of two cities”. Just not the way he thinks!

  697. How long as from today is central coast nsw in lockdown?

  698. My son works in meat processing which is in a priority group on the Eligibility Checker but has been told that it will probably be next year to receive Pfizer – he is 35 with hereditary blood clot disease on the Central Coast

  699. Will all Churches on the Central Coast require people to be vaccinated to attend in person?

  700. Read the news | August 21, 2021 at 4:18 pm |

    The pfizer shots were all allocated back again. It’s been in the news for weeks. Now under 40s can get Pfizer from 30 Aug too.

  701. Am I allowed to travel to Hunter region to visit my partner? The restrictions around this are so unclear

  702. I have reported a number of times a group of men drinking coffee in a group of 8 to 10 & still doing it ate these people being fined.That is if the police are doing what they are expected to do.

  703. I agree with many on here in relation to those breaking the rules being rewarded by taking Pfeizer from those who can’t have az but somehow don’t fit into the right age bracket even though they are priority. The eligibility form keeps bringing me to a stand still because it doesn’t make it easy to say you are priority & need Pfeizer

  704. Karen Stone | August 21, 2021 at 8:24 pm |

    My 17 year old IS about to sit for her HSC and still can’t get vaccinated….we live on the Central Coast so are not part of the Sydney ‘hot zone’.

  705. Gillian Smith | August 21, 2021 at 11:10 pm |

    When will booster jabs be available for over 60s

  706. Tassin Barnard | August 22, 2021 at 5:58 am |

    This is my worry. As our covid-world income is mostly from Sydney visitors, if we come out of lockdown before Sydney, we won’t make enough money to pay our bills and we won’t be able to give our staff enough shifts to pay their bills. So, will financial support for individuals continue (I mean the federally funded income support for individuals that depends on us being classified as a hotspot)? I know the NSW funded business support will continue, but what about personal income support? Being taken out of the Greater Sydney bubble might not be all good news for our Central Coast community.

  707. Blaming the people who can’t put food on the table for central coast lock down as they protested. Adam you are a clown and a disgrace. How much have you donated personally to families who can’t pay the food bill? Same goes to all the boomers who have there house paid off and gov assistance and zero dependants. You should be ashamed. Get off the couch and help finacially these people in lock down or keep your mouth closed.
    These families who will have close to zero health impacts from the virus are doing it tough so you can winge about them. How entitled is this older generation.

  708. Eduardo da Assuncao | August 22, 2021 at 8:24 am |

    Great to read the paper in digital form.

  709. I live alone in CC and my son is my designated visitor from Hornsby. Now I understand that he can’t visit me anymore? This is causing me a great deal of unhappiness.

  710. David Joseph DRAPER | August 22, 2021 at 12:18 pm |

    Self discipline, consideration for each other and compliance with the rules made by the leaders we elected, It will see us through. Leave those that will not comply to be dealt with by the authorities, also elected by us and so be it.

  711. Phyllis DRAPER | August 22, 2021 at 12:23 pm |

    Are the police anywhere involved in any investigation of breach of the laws, fraud theft, illegal off shore accounts, possibly involved anywhere in this farce.

  712. JanSvensson | August 22, 2021 at 12:35 pm |

    Empire Bay “Marina”
    When can we get rid of this pollutant eyesore? and get our park back.
    It is now proven that this eyesore have been polluting our waterway for years, the shack is falling apart and should be removed ASAP

  713. If they make their position on preferences clear with the LNP last I’d support them.
    The LNP is so toxic & otherwise destructive or hopeless they need to be vanquished.

  714. Leave the long sessions to the individuals who go to Vegas just for the gambling. We start the strategies by talking about quantity of fingers. This is natures way of allowing me to thoroughly clean things up effectively.

  715. Congratulations for the construction of new warf in woy woy terminal of ferry.look very impressive. Thanks. GCC.

  716. Alan Whelan | August 23, 2021 at 12:02 pm |

    Each and everyone of the idiots who are breaking the rules should not only be fined, they should also be jailed. If they refuse to pay the fines send in the bailiff’s (This I do not agree with) but they broke the rules And it really is about time nationalities that are the biggest breakers were named. Most people know from where the outbreaks are where people come from. Name and shame seems to be the only way. And yes I can guarantee some of you out there are going to use the R word against me. Well carry on as i do not think I am, I am just being honest.

  717. Allan Casey | August 23, 2021 at 12:06 pm |

    Business owners do not deserve a cent of tax payers dollars for the way they treat unemployed Australia especially central coast business owners who are xxxx wipes and xxx artists.

  718. Do you wear mask when you are outside walking at ettalong

  719. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that if you’re walking near anyone then you need to wear a mask. Wear a mask everytime you walk out of your yard.

  720. Lynette Kenny | August 23, 2021 at 8:13 pm |

    Not telling us where the cases are on Central Coast Central Coast is a big area

  721. Instead of wasting loads of money each month topping up Pot Holes to have them empty in a fortnight. Why don’t you just Re Tar the hole road once and for all. And keep Heavy Traffic off. ERINA VALLEY RD ERINA. it’s not rocket science stop wasting money you don’t have.

  722. I think People should stay at home who have the virus not go out because now would be in lockdown until end of September it’s not fair for people who who want to go shopping who want to go to the movies want to go to the theatres who want to go dancing like Broadway late see Broadway shows and do go back to dancing like ballet and start jazz ballet but they can’t because Lockdown and it’s not fair I think the people who have protest should be arrested thrown in jail and leave them there until they understand what they’re doing that’s why we’ve got Covid more cases it’s their fault I want to do those things I want to see my family I want to go out I want to do anythingBut I can’t it’s not fair thank you Juliet

  723. Recently, I took a stray dog to Woy Woy vets to have the microchip read. The vet advised me that in the event the dog wasn’t claimed, I would have to take the dog to the Erina Pound, about 10 minutes away. This I would have done. But to the Charmhaven Pound? No way, as it is a 2 hour return journey from Woy Woy. Fortunately, the dog was claimed later that day.

    We need to split the current council back into Gosford and Wyong, so the council can make commonsense decisions.

  724. John Pennells | August 24, 2021 at 3:27 am |

    Well said Peter Caddy, I have been a rate payer for over 40 years and have observed the incompetence of Gosford Council first hand.
    Gosford Council was considered a joke by Syney councils back when we moved to the coast. A relative of mine who worked for a Sydney council told me that Gosford Councils incompetence was a regular discussion topic over their lunch and morning tea breaks and that was 40 years ago. How right he was!

  725. Billy Dean Holloway | August 24, 2021 at 9:38 am |

    Ppl are so dumb. Just make it harder. But there the ones who havent had a jab and crap to others slowing the process down.

  726. Why are the golf courses open why don’t they have to wear masks why can they travel over the 5 kil area

  727. Two homes to over 100? Great way to provide more modern housing. Simply foolish to prevent this development due to trivial concerns over traffic

  728. Allan you are totally correct in your statement only have to watch the footage of the 60 plus at the church service in west sydney and what minister was preaching this guy should do time no excuse for what he was doing great work mate keep calling it out

  729. Imelda Moran | August 24, 2021 at 11:17 am |

    The Central Coast is a large area. Would be good if someone, anyone could be a little bit more specific as to WHERE on the Central Coast the 3 cases announced today are. Monday there was 2, today we have 3 ON THE CENTRAL COAST!

  730. Rocking Robyn Gee | August 24, 2021 at 11:27 am |

    I agree with you bro. Seems like the council make the rules as they go. Don’t they know they should be singing
    Ho Ho Ho it’s singalong time at 2GO

  731. Where are the actual cases on the central coast? Nobody says, yet just about every region is detailed.

  732. The council was, is and will always be inefficient. Rdos sick leave stress leave coupled with a industrial relation that would make a thief blush. Nothing will fix it just more and more money.

  733. Anna Kastaneas | August 24, 2021 at 3:34 pm |

    I think it is dusgusting that the Council will close the animal facility in favour if another entity. Where do you think the animals will end up now. Watch the next Council elections.

  734. 100% correct the sneaky way of raising rates. With no consequences or responsibility. The new CEO on $517,000 and Rik on $250,000 it takes 350 ratepayers to bankroll them.
    Farmer on $250.00 per hour for some people that is a weeks take home pay! The casual comment that Dick made “the rate raise will soon be forgotten” by him it will be perhaps not be the ratepayers. They are flogging off council assets and not disclosing the amounts have to viewed with suspicion. Having a faux plebiscite on the amount of Councillors and avoiding the real question on de-merger of the councils at a cost to the ratepayers of $1.7 million with no elected representatives overseeing the process. Ratepayers Money being frittered away. How much are they getting for the Gosford council building? Its to pay down debt? Who’s ours or theirs?

  735. Is this another ‘cost cutting measure?’ Who are they going to flog off the land to? I don’t suppose the ratepayers will be told because ‘its commercial incompetence ‘ opps! If you were a ‘conspiracy theorist’ you think lots State government implementation to give them more room.

  736. Is there a facility for Business

  737. Niona safran | August 24, 2021 at 9:28 pm |

    I agree with all the comments made by Mike. I would also like to point out that the council is taking from the people who cannot afford to pay higher rates and give to the rich who can well afford to pay. Way are the people in the council being paid such large salaries. Why is the government not being held to account for this mess. We need an independent inquiry not a cover up

  738. I totally agree. This rate rise is unaffordable for the average residents on the peninsula. Why should we pay more, for what, more pot holes and half the area with no curb and gutters. Where are our local politicians, aren’t they elected to deliver more for their area. I think we need a another protest and refuse to pay rates. It’s the only way the media and politicians hear how angry we are and did council forget we’re all in lockdown and they expect us to just find more money. WHERE !! Our kids are being home schooled and now electricity bills will be higher. No help from state government no help from local government.

  739. Bruce Hamilton | August 25, 2021 at 7:10 am |

    Absolutely pathetic, how is it possible for these unelected council officials allowed to increase the rates “tax” on the people of the Central Coast, why are they arbitrarily selling public assets, not councils assets but RATEPAYERS assets, I would have no confidence in their motives, as corruption in government’s is rife, especially local, the council has put themselves in the financial predicament, not the ratepayers, the elected councillors need to find a way of fixing their mistakes, the unelected officials are being paid far too much for their mismanagement, I think new management team would help, and paid on performance, reviewed every three months, no so-called bonus’s paid, who gets a bonus for doing their job. Incompetence should never be rewarded.

  740. Clive Anderson | August 25, 2021 at 7:48 am |

    It’s a total disgrace the way the whole council situation has been played out selling off assets raising rates all of this due to the Baird Government of the time creating council Amalgamation instead of Everyone whinging all northern rate payers (old Wyong shire) including pollies should unanimously raise the issue of deamalgamation

  741. Michaela Handley | August 25, 2021 at 8:04 am |

    There is no truth to the rumour that Erina pound is closing, can we get some real news please – Council have just made the two pounds operational under one operator. I welcome the decision to have one not for profit pound operator across the coast in two locations. Rate payers were funding the privately owned animal rescue facility at Erina pound – why is no one outraged about that?

  742. Kevin McEwen | August 25, 2021 at 8:16 am |

    Just a comment on Rik Hart and the Central Coast Council. I wrote a letter to express my shock at the 46% increase in my rates. A rise that no business would be able to impose on any individual without notice or justification. The only response I received on the 4th August was “Your matter is currently being considered and a reply forthcoming”. No response to date, his office thinks I have forgotten?!?!? One word I have for the Central Coast Council and NSW Government Office of Local Government… “Accountability”. Please look it up and understand what it means.

  743. Kristine Glapa | August 25, 2021 at 8:17 am |

    It’s true rates being raised every year is just unjustified theft. Needs public outcry for an open account who is actually benefiting. The cost of food in au is also ridiculously high also quality of produce is poor. I grew up in the 50′ to 70′ better quality produce could live on one wage iwn a house etc au has gone backwards not forward downhill standard of living no matter what government propaganda is being said. The people know those that can remember at least

  744. Clive Anderson | August 25, 2021 at 11:44 am |

    The politicians need to stop the spread of this virius it is no help when you have traded peoples travelling in both directions between Sydney and Central Coast also the amount of courier drivers running around where are they coming from
    It appears anyone can arrange a permit as it is quite clear that the term essential worker is not truly identified by Government

  745. Bert clarke | August 25, 2021 at 11:44 am |

    Terrible condition of grandview st. It is 50kph but is more like 80kph.it needs speed humps or some deterent to slow traffic down.

  746. David Galea | August 25, 2021 at 11:59 am |

    With this so-called ‘rate adjustment’ our rates have increased by almost 34%, not the supposed 15% & if you extrapolate that over the proposed 15% increase over the next 3 years, our rates then will be more than 50% higher at that time. Also noone from council has given an explanation of what the ‘restricted funds’ are restricted to. Certainly they have not been used for essential services, such as roads, footpaths & the like, which should be the council’s main focus.

  747. The base rate was increased from $300 to $565 an increase of around 83% this applies to units , flats , apartment’s etc this rise in the base rate will not affect stand alone homes . My rates are $1,085,00 per year , my unit is middle of the road for the building of 45 units in all , the building sits on what was 5 housing blocks , you do the math. We were definitely better of with Wyong council before the forced amalgamation that was supposed to make the rates cheaper .

  748. kept trying to get a Pfizer jab over the web checker, over the phones etc for a month now, still hanging on the phone right now for the last 52 minutes so far.
    this government left friendly Afghans for dead, now they leaving their own citizen for dead through their incompetency managing a simple vaccination cue.

  749. Anti scumbag | August 25, 2021 at 4:32 pm |

    WTF is this shit.

  750. So many IF’s in this article.

    If *this*, then oh my god.
    If *that*, then wholey moley.

    Typical puff piece when If you really want to write a story, get your facts first, then respond.

    So far, it’s all based on assumptions and worst-case scenarios.

    Personally I’m for the rate rise. And I don’t even have a job, but I still have to pay my mortgage and put food on the table. I’d rather three years of pain, than a lifetime of sub-par services.

  751. Kevin lynch | August 25, 2021 at 5:15 pm |

    They should get off their arse and take a drive to Gunderman 2775, and see that the only service we get is garbage collection, but we pay for all the services that are received in Gosford, we have tank water, septic toilets no kerb and gutter, roads are full of potholes and landslides that haven’t been fixed for years, trees and shrubs growing across roads, I could add more but it falls on deaf ears anyway, we in this area should be compensated not penalised.

  752. The NSW Local government rules are checks and balances which the State government chose to ignore and the Local government Audit office failed abysmally in doing the auditing of CCC accounts the blame should be apportioned to that office and the Local government minister in failing to do her job. Somebody in State government is responsible for this situation we are in but they are too busy covering their collective backsides and pointing there fingers at the Councillors as scapegoats. Rik Hart is no better jumping to the State government and wringing the ratepayers to pay for the problem. Aren’t the developer contributions set aside for the Council infrastructure in the first place.

  753. Wal Towells | August 25, 2021 at 6:51 pm |

    NOW maybe if we had of had a northern breakwall which has been suggested to my knowledge since the 50s and proper and consistent dredging this mariner would probably have had no problems coming in to a safe anchorage.

  754. Dissapointed rate payer | August 25, 2021 at 7:39 pm |

    Dont forget that people with holiday houses are rate payers too and sometimes employs locals. We are supposed to be represented by the same people who are now against us. Agree that certain rules are to be followed from the beginning, not everyone is breaking the rules dont let the minority ruin it for everybody. Why dont you instead asks for a vaccine certificate? A valid address, a 24hrs negative covid tests ? These are most important solutions rather than a harsh fine. Not all can be controlled or managed by fines.

  755. Sam Calabretta | August 25, 2021 at 9:20 pm |

    Separate wyong and Gosford before we all go broke all the land in wyong is been sold to property up Gosford

  756. amanda harris | August 26, 2021 at 3:42 am |

    The units at Erina would be awesome for people to live in and people need more housing on the coast

  757. Gary Edwards | August 26, 2021 at 8:00 am |

    I thought Ned Kelly was Dead until I found out what Gosford City Councils current Administration has been presiding over … and not even a word from Gladys to bring them into line! Last time I will ever vote Liberal again and I know I’m not alone!

  758. Lisa Beckley | August 26, 2021 at 9:33 am |

    Will Central Coast kids get back to school this year?

  759. If a breakwall was constructed on the northern side of the channel it would keep all the sand they dredge on the north entrance beach and not let it wash back in to the channel , also the extra sand would prevent the erosion of the dunes on north entrance win win . I am sure the :experts: will come up with a convoluted reason why not to build it .

  760. IMO We are all being held to ransome by our governments, state an federal [edited] .Disgraceful

  761. Alan Cromwell | August 26, 2021 at 11:49 am |

    I believe Central Coast should not be a part of grater Sydney we have the River to cross
    if the Police checked at the entrance to central Coast or Gosford, we could be free of
    Coved 19

  762. I live in CC I have an appointment with my heart specialist on Sept 10th at The SAN Hospital can I keep this appt.
    I’m 90, don’t drive so I use buses and train.

    • As of August 26. 2021 Medical appointments are one of the valid reasons for travelling to Sydney. No permit is required for CC residents.

  763. RICHARD ALLEN | August 26, 2021 at 12:47 pm |

    Graduating doctors do not want to be GPs for some reason they want to be “specialists” the selection system into medical school needs to be reviewed. GP is very rewarding.

  764. I wish Gladys was as strong a leader as Dan Andrews learnt about a lockdown was important sooner not later.
    Gladys please keep it simple & not so complicated & confusing ? Always talk about getting tested seeing long cars waiting for hours & No info about what to do if not have a car ?

  765. Gosford council are dickheads it makes me want to sell my place and move to another council area been on the central coast over 30 years they have rocks in there head asking people on the pension for more money wake up to yourself you idiots in Gosford council are dickheads we someone to run the show properly

  766. Typical Forestry responses, they care only for the Dollar!!! Nothing has changed since I was a kid 70 years ago!

  767. Safety first | August 26, 2021 at 7:56 pm |

    Let’s hope the police are patrolling from the Hawksberry River and up We need to keep the Sydney siders out!! I never hear about the south part of the M1 only the northern part

  768. is a buddy allowed from northern end of central coast to woy woy peninsula.

  769. Sam Calabretta | August 26, 2021 at 10:20 pm |

    Speed cameras don’t save lives they save money for government

  770. What a waste of time and resources, stop the fear mongering, surely there is something better for them to be doing.

  771. Laurence Dougall | August 27, 2021 at 4:01 am |

    It seems Gladys has forgotten that she and health minister got rid of nurses and doctors from our hospitals two years ago and now thinks we should stay at home because she has no answers to a virus. Risk management at its worse

  772. peter Koumbridis | August 27, 2021 at 7:15 am |

    New world order has started xxx as governments are being played xx [edited]

  773. Andre De Jong | August 27, 2021 at 7:59 am |

    Prosecute a 15 year old for not wearing a mask under the young offender act? Oi oi oi. Well done Australia youre now en par with CCP

  774. Toni Mcmurray | August 27, 2021 at 8:34 am |

    In regards to vaccinations and healthcare I am asking WHY did Nicola Rixon MP now resigned dissolve out divisions of general practice the divisions were equipped to manage a pandemic bring back the divisions of general practice for the GOOD of this country she tried to America use our health system it does not WORK shame Nicola Rixon shame

  775. Andre De Jong | August 27, 2021 at 8:53 am |

    Australian government state and federal level needs an ennema. The CCP is proud of them.

  776. I reside John Whiteway Drive Can I shop at erina Fair and has Imperial Woolworths been noted as COVID exposure

  777. Doesn’t help with Airbnb are still advertised in their properties people are coming up from Sydney to the central coast from Sydney to Cessnock Airbnb you need to take your wed sight down

  778. Anthony Allen Turner | August 27, 2021 at 1:59 pm |

    Chairman GLADICE now a fascist state look out penioner you’ll be next see if you can afford 5 grand Australia?

  779. Hassib eljerban | August 27, 2021 at 4:38 pm |

    The hungriest big Fox is central coast CEO farmer taking our dollars & having a laugh

  780. What’s up with this government ???? So much crap from over payed people. We need to get back to our life lots of business are going under and lots of people are sick of you Glady and your crap government so pack up and leave please!!!!!!!

  781. Only the innocent suffer as a result of the inactions of the government’s to stem the spread and mutation of this virus from the very beginning when advise from experience infectious disease specialists were freely given. And the continual shifting goal posts of daily broadcast clearly shows instability within. Then to use a militaristic approach in the guise of the health pandemic is setting dangerous precedence. People and friends have not seen each other for years, as in my case, I’ve not had anyone visit since 2019 at the initial lockdown and my aged dad in her 90s, we’ve all not seen for nearly 3.5 years yet struggles on his own. He wonders when this will end..

  782. Puzzled Ratepayer BP Orrock | August 27, 2021 at 11:22 pm |

    Will the Council
    a) Give the club time to relocate its materials inside the shed and pay for the cost of their removal?
    b) Pay the Rotary Club the equivalent cost of erecting a similar shed elsewhere, or assist them to secure suitable premises and pay the costs of relocation?
    Without the aforementioned details, this article makes no sense at all.
    it is a vexed situation when a not for profit community group is given approval to erect a building on public land without a suitable lease or written agreement to protect the rights of both parties. At first this appears to be a heavy handed bureaucratic action but without more detail it is not possible to understand the history and whether Council action is in any way justified. Yes an animal facility is needed, but likewise a voluntary community group that does only good in the community should also be treated equitably and fairly.

  783. Imam Maamari | August 28, 2021 at 1:15 am |

    The state government no to step down new government need to run the state

  784. Imam Maamari | August 28, 2021 at 1:21 am |

    I felt I was in a war zone I can’t live my home in western Sydney to go to my work in northern beaches what r we coming to it’s sad our politicians still have in a dream

  785. I cannot find click and deliver on the council’s website. Is this item up to date please.

  786. Patricia Jeffree | August 28, 2021 at 4:16 pm |

    I had my first Panic attack today at Kincumber Shopping Centre, the amount of people in this place is unbelievable, Kincumber is the new Little Sydney, people everywhere.
    Coles has said they have on average 500 people an hour come to the store.
    It is such a worry, so much so, it caused much distress as a person doing the right thing and so many not, the panic was overwhelming.
    I would sincerely like to thank the young man at Coles today, whom come and spoke to me, and helped through my attack. I was hoping that someone knows the exact rules, as I refuse to go to Kincumber little Sydney again.

  787. Still no news regarding Wyoming Caravan Park.
    No help for the people living there. Construction goes ahead without notification of plans. Power cuts and water cuts without notification. Who is there to speak to regarding these plans. No-one. These owners have bought into 300 more caravan parks. There seems to be a big question mark on all of this. All happening in a pandemic. Not happy.

  788. John porter | August 29, 2021 at 1:51 pm |

    Very difficult to find location or cases to keep away

  789. John porter | August 29, 2021 at 1:53 pm |

    Can’t find location of infection

  790. When can the central coast get back into restaurants, clubs ,hotels . There has been very little covid problems here?

  791. Water security and reliability is crucial to survival of the human race and Australia’s future. In a dry continent where droughts fires and floods are becoming increasingly common control of this precious resource should never be sold off to a commercial enterprise. It has happened overseas quality goes down price goes up and quantity gets restricted. Planning for the future in these uncertain times should be in council control not state government manipulation.

  792. Foxes are trying to survive in an urban jungle with animal habitats being torn down to make way for greedy humans! Only human beings are feral as they are aware of aware of their actions, animals actions are only to survive. Leave foxes, sharks & all animals alone.

  793. When are the local bottle recycling facilities going to reopen

  794. Richard Crawford | August 30, 2021 at 10:35 am |

    I cant believe the selfish actions and attitudes of the NIMBY’s of Killcare Heights. I live in Grandview Crescent at Killcare and am a Optus customer. We simply have no coverage. You can be driving with the phone on speaker and as you enter Grandview the phone will just cut out. Can you imagine the people of Killcare Heights objecting if this was their situation. This tower is vital to ensure that everyone has equal coverage.

  795. Margaret Clark | August 30, 2021 at 11:16 am |

    We need to know where the cases are

  796. Philip Collis | August 30, 2021 at 11:19 am |

    Where are current cases and sreas to avoide

  797. Where are the 6 new cases today on the Central Coast? Unable to find them.

  798. What suburbs

  799. On daily 11am virus update WHY don’t they advise the affected suburbs on central coast so we are all made aware of what areas to avoid if possible..all they say is “central coast “ which is a big area..we need to be advised per that notification which suburbs

  800. Mary Sotiriou | August 30, 2021 at 3:55 pm |

    No where on the coast ca you get the Pfizer so much for roll out as from today for th 16 to 39 year a

  801. Yvonne Brooker | August 30, 2021 at 6:32 pm |

    Yes I agree

  802. Maree smith | August 31, 2021 at 8:12 am |

    An I travel from central coast to hunter valley to deliver furniture

  803. Helen Howson | August 31, 2021 at 11:26 am |

    Yes I agree. We need to know to avoid these shopping areas, etc so as to stay safe.

  804. Bruce Walker | August 31, 2021 at 12:10 pm |

    That area cuold be a beautiful parkland area for the community to enjoy, somewhere for the children of the community to enjoy. Another boat ramp would be nice there too as it is currently in a shared rest area and is always overcrowded. Mixed businesses would be good, but dont think having residential areas there would be too beneficial to the community. We need open space and better access to the Hawkesbury River.

  805. Dianne Hindmarsh | August 31, 2021 at 1:54 pm |

    Yes should be notified of areas involved instead of just saying Central Coast.
    We have many suburbs up here.I don’t see what the problem is in letting us know.

  806. Andrew Rowe | August 31, 2021 at 3:06 pm |

    Knowing the surrounding area I really doubt that anything could make the area worse. Amazing the lengths people will go to to prevent disabled people having a decent life.

  807. One to three is a good direction for getting more people to enjoy our area in modern housing.

  808. Hmm, I think you’re missing the point. Once the case has been at the exposure site on that date and time, it’s too late to “avoid” it. It’s more to advise that if you were there, then you need to be alert for symptoms/isolate.

  809. Barry Johnson | September 1, 2021 at 2:46 pm |

    It’s pretty small when you look at the plans, certainly not a wet n wild, just a kiddies playground with water

  810. Have been watching the numbers on Covid, and up go the number of Covid cases on the central coast.
    Also noticed the spike after the protests.
    Whether your a Airline pilot, or a Footballer with Family, or of Ethnic, where you have been given a home, security and so much more in Australia, Rich, a Politician, Black, White, Pink, or Green, we are all as One and in the same war together against this virus, we are the Same, so stop your shit, and support this county and all the people doing the right thing, by not thinking your special, breaking barriers when others can not.
    If people like as mentioned above do not align with all those responding with responsibility and as asked, then we will not win this viral war.
    The protesters put all of Australia in peril. Any death that comes from your stupid actions, then you should be held accountable. Shame on all above who thinks they are so much better than everyone else.

  811. Andrew Menzies | September 1, 2021 at 6:14 pm |

    Thanks. This is the best local news. Can’t get real news anywhere else now.

  812. I suppose the Water Rates will go the same way of the Land Rates which though some convoluted accounting went up 38% Just because the CCC decided to apply the higher Gosford minimum rates to Wyong.Grr!.Ask this after they told us the Wyong Land Rates would go down. We’ll see.

  813. Clive Anderson | September 2, 2021 at 7:47 am |

    Why is the government still allowing tradesmen to come to the Coast from LGA hotspots. The builder definitely needs to be held accountable
    If it’s imperative for certain trades to be required place accomodation units on the site as do Fly in Fly our workers and create a bubble I bet they won’t want to come
    Great idea for Adam Crouch

  814. Angela Hellyer | September 2, 2021 at 10:18 am |

    Its easy to be cynical Ian when facts are out and about regarding below pm10 particulate of dust lodging itself in our lungs… but the monitoring remains inadequate… and planning has allowed communities to be put at risk by their proximity to sources.
    In recent years a whole sand quarrying industry has also landed on our doorstep, having transferred from Sydney to the coast.
    Heavy vehicle noise and increased green lights for extractive industry has increased the air pollution,noise and decreased the habitability of communities.
    It is increadible the amount of sweeping the dust under the proverbial carpet, letters met with silence, and so called avenues of recourse that seem to exist only on paper that my family has experienced. It may be coincidence…. two people diagnosed with asthma im my household in recent years…
    Yes i believe that our beaurocrats accept a certain toll to human life rather than relocation, or mitigation. There is big business involved and alot of money…..who cares about an incovenient community.

  815. Jill Spinelli | September 2, 2021 at 5:52 pm |

    I’m extremely disappointed that your site isn’t reporting accurately. Why didn’t you report wadalba, the dam hotel bottle shop. I found out by looking at the nsw health site, why can’t you? You’re supposed to be supporting us on the coast This isn’t helpful.

  816. Kristine Glapa | September 2, 2021 at 7:52 pm |

    Surely there’s more exposure sites with 7 new cases infectious in the community

  817. Melissa West | September 2, 2021 at 8:01 pm |

    The residents of Killcare Heights were not discussed at this Council meeting at all. What about the residents in Stewart Street that will have this towering above their backyards and the residents in this vicinity on the Scenic Road, and residents in Pauline Ave. To say that they can’t repair existing towers, but they can build a new one? They are saying that because they are getting a grant $$$$. This has already resulted in residents selling up and leaving, this is affecting people’s lives. In the home you can use wifi calling. Towers should not be put in residential areas. No one wants to live near one. I’m sure the residents in Grandview wouldn’t want one their street either.

  818. Mile Korolija | September 2, 2021 at 9:37 pm |

    Nonsense, I for one was never offered any vouchers by anyone, this is the very first time I’ve read about it.

  819. carmen wells | September 3, 2021 at 9:36 am |

    Covid at the esplanade ettalong beach, and also box on the water
    as residents we are doing the right thing.
    Just go to ettalong at the cafe on the water.
    what a joke nobody wears masks, always chit chatting, no distance, sitting on the wall. Its outrageous all seats covered by plastic but there still sitting on the wall. Its a bloody joke .no one cares it will be a epidenmic in ettalong soon.
    all the elderly in this town are suffering and people dont care. Biggest joke we have locked down for so long ,send in the police to get them fined dooooo something

  820. Mary Rose Anderson | September 3, 2021 at 12:39 pm |

    Do you have available the latest COVID 19 restrictions for the Central coast

  821. Lizette Akouri | September 3, 2021 at 4:35 pm |

    Blatant hypocrisy and biased by Gladys in dealing with lockdowns, masks and recreationalactivities. One rule for Western suburbs and another for the Eastern.

  822. Ask either he police of service NSW what you can do and you got more chance of getting an answer from GOD.
    I Wanted to know could I click and collect a Caravan,I’m optimistic I will be able to leave home one day, I rang Toukley , they sent know, I rang service NSW TWICE and they don’t know.
    Get pulled over and coper who clearly doesn’t know will book you regardless.
    Basically if it’s not in frequently asked questions THEY DONT KNOW.
    I feel like I’m dealing with a sheltered workshop for unemployable people

  823. Les Fitzgerald | September 3, 2021 at 7:54 pm |

    Why are tradesman leaving the central coast for work when there is plenty of work on the central coast

  824. It’s disgusting that we can’t get the Pfizer vaccination. I have copd and my husband is a truck driver that goes to outer west suburb twice a night for deliveries and we can’t get the vaccination. My husband is of aboriginal descent, we are both under 60. Berejiklian jeeos dating to get the jab, we’re willingvto get but we can’t, it’s an absolute joke. We have been on the waiting list since June and still have 3 weeks to wait, It’s a real worry when our infected numbers are increasing. We’ee Going to end up like Sydney!!!Tgr other issue is the waiting time we have to wait for results. When in peak times, we can ge waiting over 72 hours for the results.. Having all this time off and no compensation for wages is a joke. So many people gave no sick leave or annual leave left!!The bills still need to be paid . Lastly, the eligibility app is an absolute joke… it’s very complicated and needs to be simplified. It doesn’t work properly when looking for a clinic to make s booking!!

  825. On Thursday, NSW Health reported 2 exposure sites on the Ettalong Beach waterfront at the Box Cafe and the nearby children’s playground. Why aren’t they included in your reporting?

  826. It comes down to us being adults and know what to do to being told what to do as family…We don’t live in a wartorn country but to live in the Liverpool area is bedlam every day around 3 o’clock till at least 9 maybe 10’oclock we have army helicopters flying around..Okay to bad if you have to sleep for work or you are just sleeping or babies that need to sleep to grow…Wake up Glady and let us live normally at least in our own homes…Where do you live..Not here I gather….🥶🥶🥶

  827. I posted a comment and got shut down maybe I said what others are feeling anyway Western Sydney no helicopters tonight maybe we can sleep in peace 😁😁😁

  828. I’m living with covid…I had my 2 Pfizer shots as well thank God but I feel trapped and ignored I’m 7 days in and have 2 phone calls from Health…What happened to the government telling us we would be looked after..All bullshit…I could say alot more but they don’t listen…It’s all about numbers

  829. Lorraine Kesby | September 4, 2021 at 11:29 am |

    Is this saying that Gosford, The Peninsula and Wyoming don’t need to be vigilant, it’s only the Wyong Shire Suburbs.


  831. The picture is incorrect. This is the wrong service station and is misleading. This case was at the EG service station on pacific highway wyoming not at the service station pictured.

  832. HOWARD REYNOLDS | September 4, 2021 at 3:57 pm |

    perfectly correct tricia
    why unearth cant people see the peril they put every australian in by being selfish
    covid is here to stay
    we need to learn how to live with it
    lockdown will be stay a very long time because of these selfish non thinking people

  833. John Johnson | September 4, 2021 at 4:04 pm |

    Sick and tired of people not doing as requested and also tired of the Police not enforcing restrictions. Terrigal is like a summers day people sitting around chatting all day long

    • Soo.true l don’t go to Terrigal but Avoca beach we local doing the things man from Terrigal tryed tell a local here we don’t have to wear mask at Terrigal say no more

  834. “from September 13, all children aged 12-15 will be eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccine”.
    Eligible, yes, but what is that good for? Next Monday our 15 year old will be eligible. Our 16 year old IS already eligible, and there are absolutely no bookings available. Maybe 12 to 17 year olds will be able to get vaccinated in Sydney, it doesn’t look like that is the case here, not yet.

  835. It now obviously out and unstoppable in Central coast region and it definitely been seeded from entitled or desperate Sydney people either escaping from Sydney to their 2nd homes or contractors looking for work.With state government soft vague boundaries it was always going to happen.

    • How do you know its priveleged sydney people? It could be coasties who work in sydney bringing it back after each day’s work.

  836. Honestly, who cares anymore?

  837. Hang onto your hats guys, it looks like you’re in for a long haul with covid-19. For all you people who haven’t been vaccinated yet, get moving before it’s too late. Covid will make you very sick. Stay safe everyone, keep on your masks, stay a safe distance from one another.

  838. Vivienne Reid | September 4, 2021 at 6:45 pm |

    My father-in-law lives at the Peninsular Village at Pozziers House. at Umina Beach We were told as his career that if we took him out on Fathers Day he would be made to stay in isolation in his room for 14 days. The reason was that the covit numbers had doubled and they could not control their staff so again the old people have to suffer. We are all double vaccinated and I asked because my father law is not allowed out how could he spread this and again they blamed the staff. I feel this has become a prison to him because they have staff they cannot control
    Please contact us with a personal reason why they have to bw quarateened for not going anywhere. We need not to be penalised we are not western Sydney

    • You just said you wanted to “take him out”.. that means he IS going somewhere! The elderly are so vulnerable to ANY virus, not just Covid, and for you to want take him away from where he MOST safe and out into the community is selfish on your part in my opinion.
      And what do you mean they can’t control staff??? The government has made vaccination mandatory in aged care (which I don’t actually agree with by the way, and yes I have had my first dose) so they actually are controlling staff. You are worried now? Be more worried when there are less staff looking after your father because they have left the industry in a week or so

  839. Phyllis Chase | September 4, 2021 at 7:33 pm |

    I would like to know how Bateay Bay Square can be so busy, everyone I drive past the car park is full. I thought we were supposed to be staying home except for essentials. Only one person from the family is supposed to be shopping for essentials. I am really fed up with the selfishness of so many of the public. The Government is doing all they can BUT it is up to the public to do their bit. I never thought Australians would behave like this

  840. Andrew Welsh | September 4, 2021 at 7:38 pm |

    A permit for work like Newcastle and if you travel to Sydney compulsory testing not to much to ask we won’t be vaccinated on coast till November

  841. Anthony Turner | September 4, 2021 at 9:28 pm |

    You can’t keep starving people it causes desperation civil unrest to follow not everyone is a crimenal don’t have any one to fall back on too trust the pollies there have shown their true colours sad I see this

  842. I unfortunately came across 2 young construction workers at Kincumber Shopping Centre (in Coles) at 5pm who were wearing masks under their chins. When I asked them (from 2 metres away) why they weren’t wearing masks, they told me because COVID is not real, they laughed and walked off then into Liquorland. I pointed out to a Coles staff member what was going on and she said that they’re not allowed to say anything. It was very busy and I was really concerned. This kind of complacency and selfishness (construction workers) will keep us all in lockdown. Shame on them. Nice that they still have jobs to go to!!!

  843. Robert Kitchen | September 5, 2021 at 8:42 am |

    Coast people have not been following the rules particularly where TAKE AWAY is concerned. Toowoon Bay corner has seen crowds of 10 -20 people converserving outside the coffee shops, & until recently unmasked as well ! Take away means Take it away from location.

  844. It’s only a matter of time
    Everyone is going to catch this,
    It’s all over the world 🌎

  845. Lynette Kenny | September 5, 2021 at 11:13 am |

    When reports come on 11am update and they say central coast never say where on the central coast would like to know where

  846. Someone likes going to Coles :o)

  847. After seeing now that covid is in Terrigal it was a matter of if but when.
    I live looking straight at the main Street of Terrigal , everyday I see hundreds of people in Terrigal walking in groups and no one wearing masks at all.
    There a no police patrols and if there were I dare say there would be alot of fines going out as you can clearly see people ain’t doing the right thing.
    Also I think personally if you a gonna wear masks outside wouldn’t you mask your children also. I see this alot wear the parent is wearing a mask but there kids a not.
    My personal opinion is children can catch the Covid also why not cover your children and pretect them as much as can be.
    As ATM there is no vaccine from 0-11 so wouldn’t you atleast buy them a mask.
    Terrigal is a beautiful place and I understand why we have alot of people here but it’s not a holiday and it seems to me people a in alot of denial thinking they won’t get the virus here.

  848. A bad example is set by a large number of TV outside reporters who report the news from places within NSW without wearing a mask. ABC is the worst TV channel to do this.
    I am sure people see this and then take the attitude of “ If they do not wear a mask why should I”

  849. I agree with John Johnson.I have reported a neighbour to Crimestoppers 3-4 times for constantly breaching rules having visitors. Police didn’t bother showing on a couple of occasions. I felt It was not taken seriously. I then rang Gosford Police a further 3 times as he is still having Visitors. The Police have shown up, but whatever the Police are saying to him is not enough of a Deterrent for him to stop this reckless behaviour and the same people coming and going. People winged about us on the Coast not having Cases and being classed as the same as Greater Sydney. Well Congratulations Mr Crouch for not standing your ground and protecting Central Coast Citizens. Knowing we have had Vaccine taken away by Cru el a de BerajiklianMorrison DeVille you still gave in, had us changed to Regional and now it is spreading like wildfire on the Central Coast and we do not have enough Vaccine and Appointments to Protect us.
    To Mr Crouch Mr Morrison Miss Berajiklian wanting to be Popular for Votes is not “Protecting Us”.
    Is there anyone else who sees a connection with drug dealers & people flouting stay home rules?
    Surely the Police can??

  850. Murray Williams | September 5, 2021 at 4:06 pm |

    To claim a fact and insist on it, is at its basis, pathologically disturbing. Douglas Eaton, wannabe mayor’s claims on coast road spending fall squarely into this realm.

  851. Ian Truscott | September 5, 2021 at 4:31 pm |

    It’s not a lockdown, it’s a Mockdown!

  852. Get vaccinated and give yourself even more less of a chance of dieing. You will inevitably catch it at some point so don’t stress when that is, no point hiding from it. Drink plenty of water, exercise and eat well. You’ll be right.

  853. Both myself and my wife are allergic to flu shots but no help for us is being mentioned can someone please think about us it makes you feel so alone and put apon we are both scared to death.

  854. Response to Amanda Sept 4th….What sort of response is that….I care/and many people out there care! Honestly, with an attitude like that no wonder Covid cases are surging!!!

  855. No Jab No Job

  856. I support Carmen Wells as she is very correct. The coast is not in lock down, not if you look how busy the place is, and they want restrictions eased, even though the virus is spreading through the coast, numbers are climbing and as Carmen states, we have many elderly people here, may retirement homes, they will be severely effected, but trying to get through to some people is just to hard as they obviously do not have a smart brain. I believe it doesn’t matter how many certicates one holds, or there status, or finances, some people are just plain ignorate and selfish and dumb.

  857. It’s always good to take precautions, but bonded asbestos-cement sheet poses quite a low risk to health, especially when wet. Almost every house built before 1985 contains it, usually under the eaves, in the kitchen/bathroom walls and as exterior cladding (eg. fibro sheets or Hardiplank). You should avoid cutting or drilling it, but if you just picked up a piece from the beach, don’t worry too much.

  858. Very annoying that NSW daily Covid updates list case numbers as central coast but no mention of which suburbs affected.Central Coast area is many times larger than any of the Sydney lga’s.

  859. These idiots are the reason lockdowns are lasting so long. If they just grew a set and dealt with it like all us other adults, then the lockdowns would end sooner.

  860. Concerned @Hutton Rd | September 7, 2021 at 8:58 am |

    Sad to see a huge sand erosion at The Entrance North beach stretch just before the Surf Club in the last few weeks, residents have not heard from the Council for any reactive or pro active measures to ease their worries. Who will look after them ?

  861. Adrian Young | September 7, 2021 at 9:26 am |

    Council needs to have the CMP in place before the CZMP expires.
    It is ridiculous that our beaches could be left vulnerable while council plays with the new CMP

  862. May I ask why the covid updates are up to 2-3 days behind for the coast. State reports dont give active areas you do.

    • Christine, we receive and publish verified information from Central Coast Local Health District. The case number data is from 8pm the night before, the exposure site data is rolling data based on the contract tracers best efforts. We have requested more granular data about case location, recovery and activity, we expect that to hand some time soon. Thank you for the question.

  863. No, the government is the reason for lockdown. Not covid and Not people who can’t afford to feed their kids because they arent allowed to work.

  864. Karon Willoughby | September 7, 2021 at 11:12 am |

    John Barrilaro quoted 22 new cases on the Central Coast today. Great, there go our chances of being set free on 10 September!!!!

  865. Stewart Lehr | September 7, 2021 at 1:05 pm |

    Maybe they should crack down on people not wearing masks. Likewise look at the number of people who wear masks below their noses. And then there’s the attitude that we’re on the central coast “and it couldn’t happen to us” so this COVID spread was just waiting to happen.

  866. Clive Anderson | September 7, 2021 at 1:08 pm |

    How are these cases getting to the coast I.e transport drivers construction workers how can someone give a more accurate account
    The amount of people out and about on the coast is ridiculous it’s as though nothing is wrong if this keeps up we will be in lockdown till Christmas

  867. And yet you can still roam around the entire Central Coast if you like.
    The 5km rule made sense, but this anywhere in the LGA thing is ridiculous, unless we had already conceded from the outset.

  868. How’s this for a decent bloke,council worker from gosford chucks all family photos,history from manly back to ww1 and war medals ww2 and Korea makes you wonder.

  869. I was named after my uncle who was killed in Korea,but all medals have gone in the bin

  870. I have a staff member age 17 and having difficulty getting her vaccinated on Central Coast. Sydney is the only option. Any information on where on Central Coast can get done asap .thanks

    • Erina Skin Doctors near Red Rooster on western side of The Entrance Road announced they would have Pfizer for eligible patients from 21 September. May be worth a call.

  871. It astounds me to think so many positive cases infectious while in the community when they are linked to known cases these people should have been in isolation who is in charge of this decision making it is NOT working whoever they are in health they need to follow Queensland they have it right

  872. I been inside Doing the right thing like many others I know
    It’s not fair for many of us
    Central coast I go to bataue bay every 4 days it is a joke carparks packed I miss my grandchildren

  873. Great work by the residents by collecting asbestos. Keep up the good work.

  874. It doesn’t surprise me at all. One only has to go to Adcock Park to see why. Plenty of people strolling around, no masks, no social distancing and large groups. Very few of these people are “exercising”.

  875. Dean Merrill | September 8, 2021 at 3:56 am |

    Stewart there are some legal n medical reasons for some not to wear a mask or below the nose. Don’t assume you know every medical ailment on every person. It’s called discrimination n is punishable under the disability discrimination act 1992

  876. Christine Anderson | September 8, 2021 at 8:01 am |

    Why are these positive cases that are linked to known cases NOT in isolation? They are running around in the community infecting more people….we won’t get out of lockdown if NSW Health continue to let this happen.

  877. I believe a child has tested positive at a vhild care facility at Nth Wyong,and parents have been advised,but I can’t see any details.Does anyone know?

  878. I think the ‘it can’t happen here (central coast)’ attitude is a major issue. Get with the program people and take it seriously, or we will be in lockdown till new year or longer.

  879. The Central Coast was doing well until a couple of weeks ago; I’m thoroughly dismayed at the spread of cases; everyone should know by now that once Delta starts spreading it’s almost impossible to contain. I cannot believe that the NSW govt was so slow the lock down hard when cases first appeared (Bondi and Hoxton Park). This govt has definitely handed over its “gold standard” to WA and Qld. I’m thoroughly unimpressed with Gladys and co.

  880. Gary Williams | September 8, 2021 at 11:44 am |

    Every afternoon around 5 pm there is at least 30 to 40 young people sitting around the Skate Park at Mascord Oval Wadalba no one is wearing masks no one is social distancing they are still there at 7pm drinking etc I have contacted the police 3 times but it still continues while young adults are doing this we will never get out of lock down

  881. “I’m disappointed that everybody who is following the rules, getting tested and getting vaccinated is being let down by a small minority of people who think they are above the law,” Crouch said.
    Ship them out to Christmas Island … until the pandemic is over

  882. Maurice Wicks | September 8, 2021 at 1:23 pm |

    Wicks said from September 13, all children aged 12-15 will be eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccine

    They might be eligible – but try finding a place to book them into on the Central Coast! I cannot book my 17 year old in for his vaccination. Might be quicker to wait till he’s 18? The Liberal Govt. has messed up vaccination delivery and this is the reason for of the current outbreak.

  883. Thanks Bruce
    We’ve been building roads for more than 2000 years but it’s good use of the increasing council rates to pay someone to create a procedure on how to build roads. I’d settle for fixing the roads we have before worrying about whether or not they are pretty enough. More jokes from the chuckle factory.

  884. Elaine alvin | September 8, 2021 at 2:42 pm |

    Please nbn will you please give a better coverage of the COVID situation on the central so much of your time is sent outlining Newcastle and this could be why people have 1become complacent 2 numbers havespiked

  885. Hassib eljerban | September 8, 2021 at 3:12 pm |

    Scomo over 60years age get Pfizer in arm & tell people over 60 years to get Astrazeneca jab . hypocrisy

  886. Janette Whalan | September 8, 2021 at 3:41 pm |

    It’s such a disgrace that under 50’s in Lake Macquarie can not have Pfizer, all we hear is ‘Get vaccinated, get vaccinated’ then things will improve. Meanwhile it’s impossible to get Pfizer. Shame how this has been handled right from the first week of the Sydney 2nd outbreak.

  887. About time government announced the truth. This now a deliberate act. People need to be jailed. The premier has lied through her teeth throughout this latest outbreak and should be held to account.

  888. Mate, I’ve had 2 shots of Astazeneca and all is great no issues. They believe now that the Astazeneca is the best one as it gives you more immunity so I believe that I got the better deal not Scomo. Go figure.

  889. Elizabeth Langmead | September 8, 2021 at 5:19 pm |

    It seems we ARENT…IN THIS ALL TOGETHER. For the common good means we do what we can OURSELVES to prevent exposure to ourselves, family AND all others. The Premiers of each State ARENT WORKING TOGETHER or with the Federal Government. The opposition Labor Party are spending their time trying to create uncertainty, distrust in Scott Morrison, its political. We should all be doing OUR BEST in this crisis to concentrate on the immediate problem… encourage vaccination, to protect ourselves, reduce the risk. Get back to a new normal, if required, wearing masks, practising good hygeine, distancing where possible and co-operating with police, health workers, staff in stores anyone providing a service to the community. If you choose not to THEN SHAME ON YOU.

    • Yes we should be ALL endeavoring to ensure the safety of others.
      I would suggest that the stores who are not ensuring all people are registering their presence on entry and instead waiting to check at the checkout are more worried about their profits than the welfare of their customers and staff.

  890. Just do the right thing everyone. I miss my family, grandchildren and friends. I live alone and every day things are getting worse.
    Get vaccinated , do the right thing and life can return to some normality.

  891. How do u know what Scomo was vaccinated with?

  892. If the cars and vehicles along the Central Coast Highway between East Gosford and Erina can’t obey the road speed rules, how can they be expected to follow guidelines about having lifesaving vaccine, not only for your self, your close and extended family.

  893. Harold A Maio | September 8, 2021 at 11:43 pm |

    —Central Coast ARAFMI’s feedback to the Council included that more action needs to be taken to remove the stigma and invisibility surrounding mental health issues.

    Actually, all the above sentence means is that Central Coast ARAFMI has been taught to s a y there is a stigma. It is widely popular to do so. Why we comply is harder to explain.

    Harold A Maio

  894. There just trying to save our lives, I am over 50, and had the Astra-Veneca shot as there was no supplies for Pfizer, which buy the way, Pfizer owns Astra-Veneca, I am still alive and have not had Covid. Cheers everyone, I’m alive, I’m alive,

  895. Still to this day 9th Sept 2021 I can not get a Pfizer appointment ANYWHERE on the coast I am 37 and won’t be able to return to work when everything opens up. What a joke central coast have also done the TIME in lockdown the same as Sydney but we are all forgotten on the coast when it cones to Pfizer!

  896. There was a case at 7eleven at kincumber yesterday, trying to find out what time, yet they can not tell us, also the sign in book was no where to be seen, or covered in muffins, and only 1out of 3 tradies were signing in.

  897. I’m starting to feel as though Australia is becoming 7 individual countries, definitely not United as one country

  898. Carmen and Tricia, you both need to get a grip, Delta is virtually never transmitted in the open air environment. People who take the opportunity to enjoy the outside and chat to other people are not doing anything wrong. If you are fully vaccinated, which most elderly people should be by now then you have little to fear. Stop being alarmist and scaring people, the Government already does enough of that.

  899. Totally agree, people flouting the lockdown is outrageous and puts everyone at risk. We need more policing of the rule breakers so that everyone will be safe!

  900. What is happening is the same as it has always been…over 60 (and I am 68) only have the one vaccine while under 60 have a choice of three…no matter what you would like us to
    think and believe..we are not in this together(Team Australia BS)..with the out-right untruths, fake speaches,half truths and lies from our glorious leaders…the fact is the vulnerable always get screwed.The Labour party is only doing what the Liberals gave done before..Slowmo..late to the fires..late to the vacinnes..late to quarantine..late to have a plan for us and late to support Australians…disgrace..so think carefully next year when you can all decide.

  901. Plenty of grocery stores on the coast struggling to find enough employees with what is going on with covid so maybe broaden your options a little and ask Centrelink for help. If it’s as bad as ‘not being able to feed your kids’ then surely you’re eligible.

  902. Mask wearing? Not at Bateau Bays Cafe Mocha. Every morning unmasked persons congregating and waiting for coffee. C,Mon guys ,do the right thing

  903. Hi I’m 61 do want the vaccine but only a phyzer or Moderna seen a close friend die from Astrazeneca and another one with horrendous side affects for 2weeks it’s just not Australian that I and half a million others are denied the safest and highest immunity vaccine these people are dictating who lives and who dies

  904. Now I know why it is called snail mail Ordered an Iphone on the 22nd of August to be delivered by Austrian post
    I am still waiting for it Australia post is a joke

  905. Elizabeth Slaughter | September 9, 2021 at 1:15 pm |

    Thank you very much! It’s so good to be able to get local news like this!

  906. I am concerned about the amount of time it is taking to announce exposure sites here on the coast. None of the schools affected are in your list nor anything after 3rd of September and the state website is just as far behind. I found out today 9th September that a Covid positive person visited a cafe, I use, on Sat 4th September the cafe also found out this afternoon. That is five days too late!
    I think we are all tired of watching Gladys bang on daily about getting the jab, when so many 20-40 year olds can’t get as it isn’t available. It is OK for Gladys and Hazard to tell the young people to get the AZ but having a 30 year son I know of a lot of young people in their thirties who got AZ and were knocked off their feet for up to four days – one of them ended up in hospital, but the medics couldn’t work out what was wrong so put it down to the vaccine.
    When is one of our representatives going to stand up for the Coast and get some supply for our community? and also stop the influx of people bringing the disease up here from Sydney? Gladys’s political arrogance caused the whole of NSW to be affected by this outbreak by advocating a “mockdown”, which wasn’t even as harsh as the lockdown last year, and allowing people to travel all over the state and into other states. I just hope the voting public remember her government’s total botch up and her disingenuous spin every day trying to push the blame back to the people and hoping we all forget.

  907. NSW Premier is encouraging everyone to be vaccinated immediately by October 2021. I am 68 years old and live in Central Coast. I have a pre-medical condition and was given a Doctor’s certificates 3 weeks ago to get Pfyzer. It is now 9 September and have not been vaccinated because there is no supply of Pfyzer in Central Coast. How can we achieve the target of 70% vaccinated when we have no supply of Pfyzer which is the preferred vaccine in NSW for all ages from 16 years old and above. No age discrimination except those 15 and below, please!

  908. I’m 50 on 20 October & had the AZ vaccine with zero side effects. Looks like I’m going out for dinner & drink after all on my 50th…I’m no wanna be prisoner

  909. Just be very happy Dorothy that you are not one of those useless beer guzzling souls. Find a nicer walking track…stay safe

  910. Anthony Turner | September 9, 2021 at 2:51 pm |

    Glad the lock down worked now where do we start2020

  911. John Lovedee | September 9, 2021 at 3:03 pm |

    Astrazeneca is own by Both a British and Swedlsh companies. Note:mRNA deliver RNA information to cell to enabled the.manufacturer of antibodies AZ uses a modified virus to the body with a coroner spike molecule that the body can see and create antibodies. The carrier virus is commonly used to carry other vaccine to the body all over the world. And has been the standard model for 45 years with little issues

  912. noelene brasche | September 9, 2021 at 3:42 pm |

    Peter, loved your (1037 this am) comment re Slomo….late for everything except Father’s Day flight from Canberra to Sydney! I wonder what his kids thought.
    He has to slow-go

  913. If planning to open up whilst cases are rising really does not make any sense. So all this time we have had these restrictions in place was a waste of time and resources when we could have carried on with life, learn to live with the virus which I am sure no one wants to catch. Absolutely pointless what we have been through, and even though double dosed as they say will not stop us from being restricted as we will now be living in a yoyo society.

  914. When is the NSW & Federal Government’s get their head of the sand and get on with doing what they are paid to do – at the moment they don’t have a clue what they are doing.
    Walking and driving around Gosford area I am seeing 9 out of 10 people aren’t wearing masks – reported to Crime Stoppers who report to police who I think just fill it
    Let’s follow our Commonwealth partners in the UK and just get on with life

  915. Frances Bailey | September 9, 2021 at 5:45 pm |

    Bit late with the Curby news as it was trialled last year and is now supposed to be in place if only Council would deliver our yellow bags!

  916. I can not think why people are so stupid and make it hard for everyone, idiots get the stab and we all get out and have a good time again, the young don’t think and they can afford to give away a couple of years but us oldies can’t.

  917. Paula Newman | September 9, 2021 at 6:30 pm |

    I’m sick to death of getting no reports on over 60s. There are thousands of us waiting for age discrimination to be addressed, we want to choose our vaccine like everyone else. When will we get to choose Mrna vaccine?

  918. Christine Vest | September 9, 2021 at 6:50 pm |

    2022 won’t be any better then 2021 if we ALL don’t get vaccinated. Please don’t be selfish, walk into the chemists that are giving the vaccines & get one. For those who are teenagers book for the Pfizer now.

  919. Ralph Stephenson | September 9, 2021 at 8:30 pm |

    I would like to support any action taken by the residents of Bateau Bay.

  920. Due to a car accident and then acquiring acute sinasitis, I had not been able to work and being a casual worker was losing wages. I applied for the COVID pandemic assistance and because I was on jobseeker, but showing no wages, it was decided no extra help for me. How many others are in this situation. My earnings helped me pay my rent, bills, car etc. I am now living on $300 p/w, $250 goes to my rent, which then leaves me with $50 p/w. It has really affected my mental health. I struggle every day….

  921. I think it’s time to give a shout out to all the people that are isolating, vaccinated and following health rules during this pandemic, it is so nice that the people are caring soles, that they love and value there family, friends and community, you people are the true Aussies, and should be proud for backing the country of Australia, our home. These people are doing it hard, going with out, and still follow rules, Good on you and your good 💓, I hope you all stay safe and well, you are the people saving us. Thankyou.

  922. I think it’s time to give a shout out to all the people that are isolating, vaccinated and following health rules during this pandemic, it is so nice that the people are caring soles, that they love and value there family, friends and community, you people are the true Aussies, and should be proud for backing the country of Australia, our home. These people are doing it hard, going with out, and still follow rules, Good on you and your good 💓, I hope you all stay safe and well, you are the people saving us. Thankyou.

  923. Helen Margaret Crowley | September 10, 2021 at 7:10 am |

    Thank you Emma McBride, you are always fighting for us here on the Coast and this issue is very important to all of us. This review has been a long time coming and I, as a person with chronic medical conditions know, that getting in to see a GP can be very hard and makes life difficult at times. I just hope the government won’t delay any longer

  924. Jeffrey Di Franco | September 10, 2021 at 7:12 am |

    Got my gab and nothing happened to me I’m all good fit as a fiddle

  925. I had Pfizer at gosford hosptial.the one thing that isn’t mentioned in regard to vaccination is the sheer relief. I didn’t realise the weight of fear I was carrying around since covid came to town. It is completely lifted now. I feel so much happier, freer, and back to my pre covid frame if mind. The threat of pain suffering and death isn’t awaiting me around every corner. The people I pass in the shopping isles are no longer my potential executioners. To me they are now just people again not covid assassin’s. Getting the vaccination is the one of smartest things I have done. I would happily get az or Pfizer if I had my time again. Now we just need to tighten boarders until the jury comes in on whether they are effective against MU.

  926. It would have been Phizer because at the time AZ was only available for over 70s

  927. Dr Christine M Davy | September 10, 2021 at 2:39 pm |

    The proposed development of Nareen Gardens Retirement Village, at 19 Bias Avenue, is situated directly opposite the Bateau Bay Sewerage Treatment Plant. This treatment plant appears to be already overloaded. What provisions are there for a tripling of the load of waste water from the proposed site? Christine Davy, resident of a retirement village, downstream from Nareen Gardens, pleased to enter into details by e-correspondence to davycm@bigpond.com.

  928. How are we supposed to reach 70% double dose Covid vaccine by mid October when people in their 40ish have to wait 4 weeks to get their first dose.
    Maybe our local state member should concentrate on getting our fair share of vaccine here on the Central coast then we may not get Covid hotspot popping up all over the coast.

  929. What if you can’t remember if you have been to the affected areas does it show up from the thing you have to check in at the shops can someone please help me with this.

  930. I like eggs!

  931. It’s been reported that over 100k people on the Central Coast haven’t had their 1st vaccination yet. It’s hard to believe that people can have so little common sense. THIS IS WHY THE CENTRAL COAST HAS MISSED THE OPPORTUNITY TO ENJOY A RELAXATION OF THE COVID RESTRICTIONS THAT OTHER REGIONAL AREAS ARE NOW EXPERIENCING…!!!

    • I think you are right mate for sure. Too many people being complacent…I have had both my Pfizer Jabs.. thank god and so have my parents.

  932. Lynette Kenny | September 11, 2021 at 11:58 am |

    Is there anymore cases at Toukley

  933. Ok I get it. Being stuck in lockdown is tough. Losing a family member or infecting someone you love and subjecting them to an awful death is far worse so wake up coasties. This is not a conspiracy theory, its real, so grow up and get the jab

  934. I have people from Sydney who have moved next to me. And it is party time, thumping noise into my home.
    I have challenged them and have been told to F off.
    Its party time.
    Why does a permant resident have to put up with Sydney siders creating noise?

  935. Always a problem getting an appointment I don’t need the receptionist asking what is the problem then get told I can have a phone appointment very hard to medical for license health check over the phone I asked who was going to do the eye test soon got an appointment doctors are so busy and they need all the help they can get

  936. Surely I have a right as a local to live in peace.

  937. Stay safe Coasties…. we will get through this..

  938. Why is the reject shop at Bateau Bay even open?

  939. To hell with the people we elected to take care of the Coast.

  940. I often wonder how many people have died through the wonderful world of social media. Anti vacca’s. Fake news. And all the social networks. I think the list would be a long one.

  941. I think there taken enough coal out of the area we definitely do not want this as a Community

  942. It isn’t surprising that one of the bigger exposure sites is Bateau Bay shops, which happen to be close and handy to the popular Sydney holiday spot of Toowoon Bay and nearby holiday homes. People are sneaking up here from western Sydney and bringing the virus with them! They are ignoring the lockdown and entering the coast using back roads. The police MUST STOP THIS, we are victims of uncaring Sydney drop-kicks and it is ruining our chances of exiting lockdown early!

  943. This allows for groups of up to five fully vaccinated people to gather outdoors within the LGA or within 5km of home outside the LGA from September 13.
    So I live at Erina can I go to Gosford. It is further then 5km
    But it is within the LGA.
    How about fully explaining what they are saying.
    Give an example to explain what the restriction are.

  944. When the Pfizer vaccine is going to arrive to the coast ?
    Moderna vaccines are only for Sydney? Or it would be able in the coast?
    It’s ridiculous to travel all the way to Sydney to get a vaccine

  945. You are now able to book Pfizer on the Central Coast.

  946. We are all being treated like mushrooms …Kept in the dark and fed Bull excrement ..it is about time our elected pollies get on to working for their constituents….I am 76 years of age …living on my own I want Pfizer or Moderna only

  947. Another smoke and mirrors project selling Gosford Council building after being refurbished upgraded computer systems it will now be more landfill! The building is 1950s brutal architecture which does not fit today’s standards so it will probably means it will be demolished? More landfill. The new CEO David Farmer is not saying much and keeping a low profile issuing directives through the Administrator raising rates and water and sewer charges but saying nothing of the road map to the future? Are we getting value for the CEOs enormous pay packet? What is the plan? Other than raising the cost of living on the Central Coast! Could it be to make Gosford a State government hub and grabbing land at firesale prices? It was suggested recently the government were thinking to move high flying Public Servants to the regions. What a beautiful view they would have from their offices if they built on the land beside the stadium!

  948. Can we please get our Community leaders and members to start loudly voicing for Central Coast to please get vaccinated.Needs to be encouraged and voiced more! Not good enough on coast.

  949. I do not understand why regect
    Shop is open either bataue bay
    We have to live with this even
    After jabs I didn’t know that u can get covid with no simptoms
    Please keep safe

  950. With the sale of Gosford Council building the ratepayers of Gosford will have no focus in the south of the Central Coast Council it will force the disputed amalgamation of Wyong and Gosford without further public scrutiny. Its a disturbing management manoeuvre done behind closed doors with no scrutiny from anyone other than the CEO and administrator! The CFO they hired with great fanfare and good pay packet has been sidelined into a different roll so no oversight there.
    One consideration when the staff move to Wyong the 100 or so vehicles roaring up Kurrajong hill at peak travel times the bottle necks at both ends of the M1 motorway at both ends of the day will add to the frustrations of the working day accidents will occur. Besides that frustration there is the fuel required and the pollution caused by all those extra vehicles how will the Council offset the pollution in this proven Climate change world? One idea is a fleet of electric buses? The Council knows there is not enough car parks for all the staff to use the trains.
    How many millions has the CEO set aside for refurbishment of Wyong Council buildings and car parking and where is it coming from? Another Bank loan or Ratepayers footing the bill?
    Come on Mr Farmer on your wages you must have a few answers?

  951. Don’t know why people can’t stay home. You need exercise, walk around your backyard,up and down the drive way,also your steps. Seriously people the sooner you get your act together the quicker we get out of this mess. Stop thinking of yourself and think about others who really need to be some where else. Some people are just so selfish. 🤨😡😠🤬

  952. Concerning that the government are mandating proof of vaccine. There are literally thousands of people who cannot link their Medicare to their MyGov account. M/care can take up to 20 weeks to help you sort the mess out so,until then, no proof. Is this something for media to look into?

  953. Central Coast can do better with vaccinations. We are lagging the city areas. We can do better to protect our wonderful community. Please everybody get your jab.

  954. I really feel for our young, I am 58 I have enjoyed wonderful freedom, rock concerts, bike rides first love. Everthing in life is special and should not be taken for granted. If reality is at present to respect and protect others then please do this and then maybe the young will run free and the old will age gracefully.

  955. ALicia morales morales | September 14, 2021 at 12:44 pm |

    The Entrance people don’t follow the covic rules
    They been gathering around without mask since day one

  956. Therese O'keefe | September 14, 2021 at 1:26 pm |

    Now older people in early 60s who need phfizer are been cancelled for teenagers there should be no discrimination re age some people can not have the astraZenaca for health reasons they should be first in line

  957. Another nail in the coffin to prevent the removal of this monstrous present conglomerate. When the next state government election comes, vote for an independent who pushes’ for the dismantling of the previously mentioned monster. There must be someone in a position to help us on the Central Coast. Please do not be complacent about what is being done to us under the so-called ”Democracy” The ”Media” keeping feeding us more about ”Sports”than what really matters. This is a deliberate distraction to take the truth of the headlines. Even the terribly importance of ”Covid19” is a benefit as a distraction to the Government when giving a press release.

    • John, thank you. FYI, we’ve published 100s of stories on the council amalgamation and all that happens therein. CCN will continue to publish stories of interest to the residents of the region.

  958. I set up and linked my MyGovID and Medicare apps last week. Took an hour or so in total and I was able to immediately download my Covid vaccine certificate onto my phone. I’m not sure about the 20 day delay comment above and appreciate that such a delay would be frustrating. But it was quick & easy for me & I’m not that great with technology. .

  959. Wake up Labor. We are crying out for some decent leadership. You have the opportunity to take some proper policies to the next election. Instead you seem to have chosen to be Clayton’s Liberal. I will be surprised if the Libs do not win. A bit of ticker needed by Labor. This appalling Government will be foisted on us again with Morrison (how this bloke is so popular is beyond me) approaching Tony Abbott’s incompetence our Prime Minister again.

  960. At the present state of Council affairs we will not be informed of any decisions by IPART until it is a done deal. Secrets abound with no oversight. You can only speculate that the real reason the Administrator does not want Councillors back is so he and the mysterious CEO can shepherd through a raft of unpleasant (to the ratepayers) policies with no scrutiny. Local politicians take out full page advertisements beating their chests to hoodwink the public touting the party line ‘nothing to see here’ but changes are slipping through. The mantra seems to be raise the cost of living on the Coast via Rate rises water and sewer charges and flog off as much Council assets as possible before anyone notices.
    The Ratepayers have a lot of questions David Farmer as l’m sure the ex-Councellors do instead of the inquisition they are being told to front! What is the master plan or does that require another Bank loan?

  961. I’ve had my first dose of vaccination and find these lockdowns hard times to do anything apart from going to shops it’s so confusing

  962. Maureen Rhys-Jones | September 15, 2021 at 8:34 am |

    and suburbs in between???? NOT good enough! We need to know WHERE! AND you mentioned Kincumber yet not listed…again, WHERE! PLEASE ADDRESS!

  963. Lynette Kenny | September 15, 2021 at 10:42 am |

    Is there anymore covid cases on Central Coast

  964. Update the businesses on the central coast that have been affected by covid 19, it is important that people are kept up to date not 1or2 weeks ago. Not a good site

  965. Les Fitzgerald | September 15, 2021 at 7:24 pm |

    We obviously don’t count up here on the central coast we shut down for 6 weeks for no reason because the government called us greater Sydney now we are our own region they keep us in the dark

  966. Deanna vulcani | September 16, 2021 at 12:20 am |

    I’m 53 and have underlying health issues and can’t find anywhere on the central coast to get Pfizer

  967. Nooneislistening | September 16, 2021 at 3:35 am |

    The vaccinated should self-isolate for 14days.
    They are shedding the toxic ingredients into their community.
    Healthy food, cleanliness, exercise is your best amunity.

  968. I have tried for 3 weeks to get vaccinated. 30 day waits but can’t make appointment for a week as full, phones cut out after waiting 15 minutes, medical centres say no new patients, health site says fill in this form for eligibility and then redirects to Sydney vaccinating centres. Is this a joke? Wyong hospital impossible, Gosford hospital no communication, Eastlakes medical centre phone drop-outs, can’t get onto Belmont. This is seriously bad. It’s a joke and impossible. I’ve rung everywhere that says vaccines available

  969. Try a chemist.! Simple

  970. Hi I have the 2 health concerns associated with AZ, as well as other issues, yet I’m told to just take the chance and have it. So not fair. I want Moderna or Pfizer.
    Why do over 60s always miss out. We do contribute to society $$ wise as well.

  971. If you’re having trouble getting the vaccine, try chemists , I called when I finished work one afternoon and was told to come straight in

  972. Sherllee…your comments echo my thoughts exactly…I hope people remember this unnecessary catastrophe when next election comes around..well stated..

  973. Proof of double vaccination should be made a lot easier to install on cell phones ! At the moment it is far too difficult.

  974. milton alchin | September 16, 2021 at 2:35 pm |

    look i wouldnt vote for labour if it was the only party on offer. would anyone vote for each way albo again – and to put keneally in as a lower house candidate after all she hasnt done – shes just a show pony for labour – milton alchin

  975. Thanks Gov.
    People literally can’t put food on the table and no one cares. Not even fellow entitled neighbours who rabbit on about people protesting, yet have lost nothing in this government induced coma. The issue are Not due to covid but due to governments terrible tyrannical response.

  976. Kristine Glapa | September 16, 2021 at 4:44 pm |

    Why near covid sites 6 days old where are the recent ones

  977. Rodney Parsons | September 16, 2021 at 6:59 pm |

    Ian, that’s rich coming from someone who owns an aircraft that will burn approx 60L/hour of that fossil fuel called Avgas LL100.

  978. jaap van Deventer | September 17, 2021 at 4:35 am |

    Why do I have to search for the lates Covid 19 positive figure, I am not thet interested in the rest of the news – just the statistic.

  979. I just require the latest positive Covid 19 figure.

  980. Yet again when it comes to bad news the politicians scuttle for cover because there is an election on the horizon and people will remember. They are quick to take any kudos they can grab whilst ratepayers and the rest of the population of the Central Coast do the heavy lifting and carry the cost. There is a couple of politicians who have a finger on the pulse and have compassion but the rest are fast talking spin merchants. In my opinion.

  981. 4 new cases of covid close contact at Coles Toukley and staff are not being tested for covid and still working there this is disgraceful all staff should be made to have a covid test if they work more then 3 days there

  982. Why don’t you tell us the age of infection cases, the status of these ones ? Are they quarantined now or in ICU? Are they fully vaccinated or not etc..

  983. Lynette Kenny | September 17, 2021 at 2:27 pm |

    Why when they give the news about covid on Central Coast they do not say which suburbs on the Central Coast would like to know Suburbs

  984. To both Liesl Tesch and Chris Minn – have you been watching daily press conferences since end June? PM and team sound like a broken record: stay at home, do not gather in groups, limit your outings, get vaccinated. And same stupid questions from the media, over and over and over again. Even my teenager rolls his eyes… Have you been out and about Central Coast lately? I live in Terrigal. Life as usual here, except for a number of closed businesses. Beachfront is full of unmasked people, constant car traffic from dawn till dusk. No police in site to enforce the rules. Point is PEOPLE DO NOT care and people continue “feeding” the virus regardless of PM speaking at the daily conferences or not. So stop your political games (yeah, you both are playing them too now) and instead urge your voters to start following the rules and get vaccinated to stop the spread.

  985. Alicia Morales | September 18, 2021 at 9:18 am |

    What happening in central coast does not surprise me at all, I been commenting on social media about the irresponsible behaviour of people and luck of police patrolling around the beaches were people been gathering since day one, with no mask and no social distance.
    It is easy to blame the estate government instead,

  986. What’s the point in posting covid warnings about Northern CC when it is dated early August. We need to know what is happening now

  987. i Wish to comment on Jackie Pearson,s comment which says it all ‘JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION- THE NEED FOR TRANSPARENCY”
    This phrase refers to Central Coast Council( and all the Rate Payers who have been slugged to death because of our black hole ) and directed at you RIK HART …..WE NEED TRANSPARENCY……ANSWER THE QUESTION……

  988. When will the people responsible for travel stop the large amount of people coming to the coast LGA every weekend. It makes what we do up hear pointless.

  989. I cant find the data on how many cases are in hospital or ICU in either gosford or wyong hospitals. Is it a secret?

  990. Rate payers paid for the council building and we were charged an additional rate back in the 1990 for the Regional Library to be built. 30 years later Council’s mismanagement of our funds has gone on for decades, there should be money set aside for the library and not the need to sell the the Gosford Council building and displace employees.

    The impact on local businesses will be significant many will not survive Covid and the removal of hundreds of staff going to retail shops for lunch and groceries after work. Meetings and visitors at the Gosford chambers also gone.

    Councillors and past department heads should hang their heads in shame they did not protect the people they were charged to represent. The rate payers and employees have been impacted significantly by there actions. The financial loss by private businesses and expense in time and travel to get employees to Wyong and the loss of over 250 council jobs all as a result of council’s lack of action. Local family businesses placed under financial stress and Gosford CBD to become a likely ghost town impacting the value of commercial property.

    All this caused by Gosford & Central Coast Council who represent the people!

  991. I have it good authority that two other properties on the same stretch of road have been purchased by property development groups with the intent of developing light industrial parks similar to those found on Arizona Rd charmhaven.That being the case unfortunately it won’t be as described in this article the rural setting will be lost as bush and farm land is cleared to make room. In addition to losing bush land and habitat for native animals a small railway that has been there for over 50 years will be lost, there are a number of YouTube videos that indicates it still operates. From what I remember from my childhood there are a number of steam locomotive including the locomotives and rolling stock that ran in the reptile park in the 70’s. It will be a tremendous shame if the bush and the railway is lost forever in the development process of the area. Perhaps the NSW government can step in to save them both while supporting the new brewery.

  992. Brian Lamprell | September 20, 2021 at 10:08 am |

    Two weeks ago I had a cardiac event and took myself to Gosford Hospital about 11.45pm. From the time I arrived I was treated with respect and courtesy as the medicos conducted tests etc. I was transferred to ICU and later to Cardiac Ward. Every person was friendly and professional. I felt that I was in the best hands possible. I wish to publicly thank the doctors and nursing staff for their caring attitude and attention. We are indeed lucky to have such a marvellous facility on our doorstep. Thank you.

  993. Why are the beaches packed and the parks packed if we r in lockdown with more exposure sites and cases growing??

  994. I agree that people are confused by all of the media-driven changes and adjustments of late. But the basic edict issued throughout the pandemic has been to stay home, only go out for essentials and when outside wear a mask.
    A significant proportion of Sydney-siders have chosen to ignore even those simple orders and carried on as if the pandemic does not apply to them. They choose to listen to the musings of the social media nitwits rather than the Premier of NSW.
    Compare with New Zealand; when the government issues a lock-down order the citizens dutifully retreat to their homes – and stay there. They follow health directives and have thus far managed to keep outbreaks under control.
    So, some residents of NSW have a rebellious or suspicious attitude to authority and they are largely responsible for the mess we find ourselves in. We can’t blame Gladys for that.

  995. In the name of public safety can we PLEASE lock up these morons that repeatedly attend supermarkets whilst infectious!

    • Can we please lock up the morons that still don’t understand delta, people don’t have symptoms, they don’t know they have covid, they’ve probably not even been at an exposure site which is why they go to supermarket. Come on Jim do you keep up with the latest?

  996. Clive Anderson | September 20, 2021 at 5:04 pm |

    I totally agree with Jim about persons who know they are infectious attending areas also not waiting after a test to get their results
    Who is policing the double vaccination rule at beaches and car parks what I saw on the weekend at Norah Head and Soldiers beach car park was disgusting so much for stay at home rules

  997. Irene Freeman | September 20, 2021 at 6:10 pm |

    Why isn’t the north getting their share of funds to assist with our beautiful waterways ?

  998. marilyn cartmill | September 20, 2021 at 7:05 pm |

    Well done Alison. Ever since I’ve known you I’ve enjoyed your happy imagination!

  999. Thanks for sharing this! I’m delighted with this information, where such important moments are captured. All the best!

  1000. Clearly Clive you were not at home either.
    (people in glass house) springs to mind.

  1001. Chris a walker and MTBer | September 21, 2021 at 11:10 am |

    How about you use those resources and build some footpaths for our population if you’re so worried about us all. Kids building bike tracks and fostering a love of the outdoors is prob in the long term more beneficial to the environment than destroying something they’ve put sweat and effort into (another good lesson in life)! Push them all back to the screens i guess is a much better way of saving poor Karren from having to step over some jumps when she’s out searching for stuff to complain about.

  1002. Why is the Central Coast not being made an LGA of concern? Cases are still growing and yet others get locked down harder with fewer numbers?

    • Believe it or not we’re already in lockdown.
      Cases are growing because some people think the restrictions don’t apply to them, rather than punish the majority of people who are doing the right thing the question should be why aren’t we making an example of fools who blatantly disregard the safety of others by defying health orders.

  1003. Not everyone is getting tested they jjust go on as normal

  1004. Liesal tesch is correct it has only been the last week on the coast that people are taking the virus seriously. Adam crouch has obviously no idea

  1005. I don’t think people want to come out of lockdown. They need to get tested, even with just a sniffle. It’s going to take awhile to get The Central Coast up to 70% & 80% vaccinated. Sydney won’t be able to go anywhere in Rural & Regional NSW come October because the regions have a limited amount of the vaccines.

  1006. When people are sneaking out of Parramatta to go camping with others from the coast to places like Barrington, then we have no hope. How do you stop that, these people were checked at Parramatta, lied to the police just to go camping, so be careful to Barrington and your camp areas, and your town, and people, loved ones,children. These horrid people can not be stopped.

  1007. Listen here ROBERT, I back Clive, do not know him, yet this sight is for comments to news articles, you are not to personally attack someone, so please refrain from personal attacks on people, that behaviour is disrespectful and what a bully would do.

  1008. Christine Grieve | September 23, 2021 at 11:44 am |

    I would have to agree 100% with Les Fitzgerald’s comments. The Central Coast never gets mentioned, we don’t count as part of NSW, Govt is only interested in Western Sydney and South Western Sydney. If I remember correctly, Central Coast has been its own region since 2005, “On 2 December 2005, the Central Coast was officially recognised as a stand-alone region rather than an extension of Sydney or the Hunter Valley.” So we should never have been lumped in with Greater Sydney when the lockdowns first started.

  1009. This seems like a lack of “duty of care” responsibility.
    I wonder what future legal actions this may result in.

  1010. We need as must data as possible to gage how serious the area of cases. Also data on hospital cases as this gives people awareness of the seriousness.

  1011. Peat island doesn’t need any housing. Maybe an outdoor restaurant and parkland to entice tourism than that money can be used for our water ways in the area. The area does not need housing of any sort this is an essential opportunity for employment for the local area and us locals who live up here and our children not to better some persons property portfolio.

    • Sandra Pintos | September 26, 2021 at 1:27 pm |

      Wonderful idea the area is so rich with natural beauty.Nature is what everyone craves for who endured this pandemic.Increased employment for locals,artisans, restaurateurs oh so many opportunities. May we choose wisely.

  1012. Too much data confuses people and panics them into getting tested “just in case” … [edited]

  1013. As residents of the coast we have a right to know if we’ve been exposed, even if it’s a lower risk. This change in rule means that if someone comes in to my work with covid no one will know until one of the workers comes up positive. This is absolutely outrageous.

  1014. Helena Bayley | September 24, 2021 at 9:44 am |

    This sends the public a very worrying message that things really have got out of control or it could be interpreted that there are no exposure sites on central coast and we will all drop out guard.

  1015. How will we know what venues to avoid for a while if nobody tells us where the potential exposure sites are.

  1016. More housing is needed in this area to allow businesses to have a decent year round supply of customers. The number of houses will always be swamped by the tourists and boaters who swarm in every day.

  1017. I am gobsmacked by this decision by CCLHD. There is still aerosol transmission at “casual contact” sites. Delta is an extremely virulent strain, and we absolutely need to know ALL exposure sites, whether they are close or casual. If this is a taste
    of what it’s going to be like when we open up at 70%, we should all be very worried, even if we are fully vaccinated. It feels like Gladys is just going to “let it rip”. We have already been warned of vastly escalating cases and hospitals being overrun.
    After all, it has been said that NSW is a “test case”, so brace yourselves.

  1018. There’s no hope, is what I am hearing from many coasties doing right, we are facing so much death because we are not in lockdown, let’s face it, people everywhere, they don’t care, and Australia has no hope anymore, so so sad for all those that have Covid, died from Covid and suffered loss from Covid, yet many just don’t care, Warning don’t come to Kincumber there are more people running around than the whole of Sydney and not the police the government or medical authorities can stop them. So sorry to all of you that have done the right thing, it’s a shame it all for nothing in the end, No Hope left.
    Bring us the Army before we end up like Sydney.

  1019. Gwendoline Harris | September 24, 2021 at 12:09 pm |

    How disappointing and frustrated there will not be a daily report on current virus areas so that we can at least try and stay as safe as possible here on the central coast..can’t follow the logics in that helping to keep us all safe..

  1020. Tricia Jay is a real optimist !!!Just the kind of stupid chat we need when everyone is looking forward to light at the end of the tunnel. Ken Doonan , Lake Munmorah

  1021. These vaccines should be available to every Australian so for heaven’s sake stop playing GOD

  1022. Debra Cattanach | September 24, 2021 at 1:34 pm |

    Absolutely pathetic . I am interested in the CentralCoast in which I have resided for the last fourth years. Knowledge is power. I can’t believe you are happy to leave us in the dark. Very annoyed.

  1023. Just recently the amount of Cases at Coles Toukley is ridiculous 13 new cases and counting.
    I would love to know if any of the staff are getting regular Covid tests done at all. It seems like they aren’t to have that many cases running rampant.

  1024. Our freedoms are being taking away , they don’t want us gathering to keep us under control, what happen to free speech and free debate .

  1025. Seriously xxxx off xxx
    150 people doing a peaceful protest.
    These agents masquerading as law keepers .
    The central coast is full of money hungry xx cowards

  1026. That’s worrying! How are we supposed to know then? Or we aren’t supposed to know?lack of transparency is what drives people to do stupid things! Ridiculous!!!

  1027. OMG, a developers dream… lots of money if he has the right connections…let’s build more high rise and shoe boxes for investors.
    Another suburban dream for Sydneysiders…

  1028. I strongly disagree with housing on Peat Island…The last residents only left 10 years ago to nursing homes.

  1029. Putting other people’s lives in danger is a crime, why aren’t they sentenced accordingly?
    If someone dies from covid due to their actions isn’t it manslaughter?

  1030. Theme park. Thats the answer. Crackpot and ridiculous idea I know but this would open up to the public maybe 1 million visitors a year. Desecrated privacy yes but maybe a Chinese investor can take over the countryside and boost the commy partys portfolio. Land grab for a buck campaign. Low density housing and destruction of Austraylas way of life. Why not. There for the taking.

  1031. I read some of the comments on here it is quite simple to stop these people .put check points along freeway block off minor roads with concrete barackades . Patrol Barrington Tops . If they get cought put them in 14day isolation at Barrington Tops and heavy fine.

  1032. “Facing so much death” Get a grip. The vast majority of people do not die from Covid.

  1033. How about everyone listen | September 25, 2021 at 1:54 pm |

    Well in the end people fines need to be increased and everyone needs to follow the restrictions yes its hard other wise none of us will be able to leave our houses and everything will shut down and I for one don’t want to have explain to my elderly mother how to do her shopping online or tell my daughter she isn’t allowed outside so how about you all follow the farking things that have been put in place or for the stupid ones that think they don’t have to I have a shovel to slap you with if you like cause I would like to be able to have some sort of life and celebrate special occasions

  1034. Stephen overall | September 25, 2021 at 2:09 pm |

    Why spend $66M improving a junction that is going to be ripped out in a couple of years when the it is duelled anyway.

  1035. It still seems as clear as mud? Either the restricted funds were lawfully used or unlawful? Is it semantics or were the elected councillors unaware that Council were using the funds? It looks as if David Farmer and Rik Hart are dipping into them does that make it lawful or unlawful? All l can say as a ratepayer its confusing! I’m not sure the Commissioner can sort it if the correct questions are not permitted to be asked?

  1036. Lovely article. Thank you. I have shared on the divine feminine app.

  1037. People living on the central coast have only two hospitals with limited ICU beds when this area is free of lockdowns and opens up there will be concerns for hospitals to cope with increased cases people whom are vaccinated can still become very ill it does NOT stop the vaccinated from transmitting this virus 34cases per day is very worrying

  1038. I find the whole thing brutal. I call the lockdowns home arrest while the government cherry-pick who they support financially. For me the timing couldn’t have been worse and it feels as though they are punishing healthy people.
    It also highlights our economic woes and a ‘welfare’ system that doesn’t work. I think its proven that no-one can have a life with an income of less than $750 per week and yet in our lovely country where we pride ourselves on equality we ‘help’ out of work people into a poverty trap. Sticks and carrots ? I call it financial bullying.

  1039. You didn’t warn about moderation ?

    • Yes thank you Sonia, we run community newspapers and as such operate under those norms. We moderate our letters to the editor for defamation, outrage or liable as we do this forum. The recent High Court ruling affirmed our obligations to moderate, we’re not happy about that entirely though that’s the situation as it stands.

  1040. If recent hotspots deemed of low transmission will no longer be listed, how does one respond to the frequent question asked at venues…. have you been to a hotspot recently? Haven’t got the foggiest!
    I see the reasoning based on logicistics of the decision, the tracers must followup hotspots of high transmission. Prioitising. Like all our wonderful health workers they must be overwhelmed but the case load.
    I think we must be responsible, ALL OF US, to follow careful hygiene principles. And sadly limit our exposures where it may be a venue with high exposure potential.
    The individual must use good judgement. And not be selfish. We all want this to end!

  1041. Why has the hotspots been stopped in notifying community on the Central Coast website
    How are you to stop going to the areas / venues / shops where the infections have been noted if you do not know what areas where infections have been .
    Also where is Barilaro with updates on regional areas?

  1042. The concern and scenario Tracey raises rings alarm bells… especially as the science now shows this pandemic is primarily spread through the air. Masks worn outdoors as well as indoors, in public settings seems an appropriate measure against the risky 1000 times more infectious, transmissible Delta variant – our health workers on the front line deserve our careful consideration in the public spaces too, whether we’re vaccinated or not.

  1043. Diane Cunningham | September 26, 2021 at 1:41 pm |

    Where are the signs reminding people to wear masks when passing people while exercising?
    There needs to be security guards checking that people sign in, with QA code from phone, at shopping centres, especially Coles/Aldi/Woolworths.
    Not sure of the benefit to me since becoming a region? Can’t see my children from Sydney.
    Hundreds of people attend parks everyday, how about some pop up vaccination hubs. Edgewater Park prime example. Make it easy for them to become vaccinated!

  1044. covid19nsw.ethan.link is a good website to find out how many cases in your area who have covid-19.

  1045. When did over 59ers become lesser Aussies, when covid first arrived we were classed as most vulnerable,when did that change

  1046. Paul Mitchell | September 26, 2021 at 5:10 pm |

    Don’t want to sound too pessimistic but in two weeks we’ll all be dead.

  1047. Shontai Simic | September 27, 2021 at 8:58 am |

    Just make it an attraction, ghost tours, put some tourist points on the main land with some shops and a Cafe.

  1048. Near transport to both Sydney and Newcastle…great for residential if 1-2 stories and in keeping with historic nature of existing buildings. Can also accommodate low key tourism…but with such iconic land the Liberal govt will be screaming DEVELOP, DEVELOP.

  1049. Best idea is to treat every person we encounter as being Covid positive, and every place we have to visit as being an exposure site.
    Wear masks everywhere, double mask if able to, stay home as much as possible. Don’t have anyone visit our homes (except the kids bubble). Get vaccinated. Avoid crowds.
    Shop online, have supermarkets deliver groceries (they do early,late, and weekends). I haven’t been into a supermarket for 12 months.
    Get tested at the first sign of possible symptoms.
    It’s a lottery, we can only duck and weave our way thru the horrible pandemic as best we can…and pray that is enough.

  1050. Yes. Why have the hotspots been stopped in informing the community in the Central Coast? This will surely increase the number of infections. People’s lives are are at risk. Barilaro needs a slap on his wrists!

  1051. Ah yes, climate change.
    The climate is always changing. Uluru once sat at the bottom of a sea. Australia was once joined to PNG by a land bridge. The next ice age is predicted to arrive in 1,500 years time. Ice ages come and go, glaciers form and then melt over time.
    The emissions of which you speak are Carbon Dioxide, CO2.
    Carbon dioxide is plant and tree food. The trees and plants that give off the oxygen humans need for life.
    The percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.04%
    The percentage of that 0.04% which occurs naturally is 95%.
    The human CO2 content in the air is thus only 0.0016 percent.
    Australia’s percentage of that is miniscule.
    Coal-fired power stations produce reliable, always available, and affordable electricity to keep our heavy industries going, our mobile phones charged, our computers and tvs working, and when it’s 45C our aircons purring away.
    Solar and wind don’t work well enough, now, to replace coal.
    Sun doesn’t shine and wind doesn’t blow, off goes our electricity.
    USA has nuclear power. Mention nuclear power here and the sky falls in.

    • Nuclear power makes a lot of sense for Australia. We have thousand of square kilometres of basically wasteland that is geologically stable, perfect for storage of the relatively small amount of waste generated by modern nuclear power plants. In fact the left-wing god Bob Hawke advocated creating a nuclear waste facility servicing global needs. The revenue generated from such a facility would be enormous, but rabid greenies were horrified. Obviously there is a vested interest in promoting unreliable renewables as an alternative to coal.

  1052. What’s new .a lot of central coast residents believe they are different to other regions.they travel in and out of Syd Newy etc for work.
    Just get vaccinated,move on.🤗

  1053. Perhaps Central Coast is lagging behind on vaccination is because we didn’t get proper hubs to get vaccinated at. The closest one was 45mins away at Belmont and the Pfizer doses were all redirect to Sydney. Which left me no choice but to get AZ at my GP, despite being in the under 40s recommendation of getting Pfizer and clogging up their system for regular patients and general health services. I now wait a month before I can see my GP for general issues, because of them having to take up the slack for the government not putting more services on the coast.

    All my friends in Sydney got Pfizer and bookings within a week and seemingly endless options of locations to pick from.

    Once again the current government screwed the central coast.

  1054. Let’s analyse where these case number are being generated, most of us are doing the right thing so just fence-off the areas where the drop-kicks don’t give a damn and leave them to their doom.

  1055. Jamie Oldfield | September 28, 2021 at 10:55 am |

    I’m double vaxxed my mum is double vaxxed no cases at Kandos at all , because they are with Mudgee council stupid , I should be able to go see her.I am on central coast.

    • Same Jamie, my mum & dad are both doubled vaxxed as am I. They live on the central coast & I live in Lake Macquarie 25 mins away & I can’t see them! My dad turns 90 years old on 16.10.21. I don’t want to miss this milestone. I’m with you, it’s stupid.

  1056. We get double dose vaccinated as encouraged by the premier. We do the right thing and follow the rules and for what ? The anti vaxxers will be laughing at us. If we have had both jabs why are we treated differently?

    • Garry Thompson | September 28, 2021 at 9:35 pm |

      more pity than laughter. We told you it was a trick. It was a faustian bargain and they’re not even keeping up their end of it.

  1057. Perhaps the people of The Coast are aware of the corrupt nature of the state government policy of bowing to big pharma in exchange for silence in regards to charges that should be layer against the premier. WAKE up

  1058. Yesterday at ALDI Umina Beach:
    2 x unmasked customers (both early 20s)
    Shopping as couples; breaking 1 shopper per household rule.
    Not asked to manually check-in when checkout person asked if they had checked in, and they said “NO”.
    No wonder our case numbers are so high

  1059. I’m in shock we have been fully vaccinated for months & so looking forward to Oct 11th now I read we will still have restrictions. To those causing this issue my goodness get yourself organised. We are missing out because of you, Please make an appointment & get vaccinated. It’s a tiny prick I hurt myself more with a sewing needle.

  1060. Have any of you had COVID? A colleague of mine has just recovered from the Delta strain and after talking with him it is not something you want to get. It is not like normal flu or a cold, the symptoms are weird and usually you develop respiratory problems very quickly. This is not something to be flippant about, no one knows the long term consequences of contracting COVID. Get vaccinated and avoid crowded places. The world has changed forever, forget about pre-COVID times, unless they find a cure.

  1061. Angela McHatton | September 28, 2021 at 12:49 pm |

    All fully vaccinated will come out of lockdown at 70%. There is no reason that should be any different for us on the Central Coast.

  1062. Keith Vallard | September 28, 2021 at 12:59 pm |

    The not very public, public inquiry into the Central Coast Council Financial mismanagement started off with the so called live stream information becoming a non event with a failure of technology being blamed. Day 2 found that the video had been removed by the uploader so this leads to the question. Is this not very public approach into a public inquiry going to be the approach taken for the remainder of the 3 weeks?

  1063. Debra McInnes | September 28, 2021 at 1:09 pm |

    I don’t live on the Central Coast but my daughter and family do. I find this latest update so unfair as I know there are so many Sydney residents visiting the Central Coast, holiday homes and coming to the beaches despite the rules. Police have been notified on various occasions and were not interested in enforcing the rules. These idiots from Sydney are bringing the virus with them and the poor Central Coast residents have to pay the price.

  1064. This government keep showing it incompetency, now blame us for they stupidity of taken the vaccines from the central coast and sent them to Sydney and no provide enough vaccine hubs and now it’s our fault. IMCOMPETENTS..🤔🤔😠😠😡

  1065. Judy De Bellis | September 28, 2021 at 1:55 pm |

    You are allowing anti vaxxers not to get vaccinated as they know they will have the same rights as vaccinated.where are your brains certainly not in your head.

  1066. This is bullshit !!
    We have done the right thing and got vaccinated, we even travelled down to Sydney to get our Pfizer shots and now your telling us and moving the goal posts again ..
    We want to see our families

  1067. We would not be in this position if the Govt did better at stopping people from affected areas leaving & infecting regional areas. We went months without a case then Sydney people came up & stuffed it for all areas now infected & being screwed.

    • Every thing about this Pandemic started in Sydney, when the government allowed the Ruby Princess to off load its infected passengers. Where was Brad Hazard when all this was going on sitting at home having a couple of scotches. No report from the government, no penalties on Princess Lines. This so called government is and has been a disgrace. Time for Central Coasties to get rid of them.

  1068. It is ridiculous. We were seperated from greater sydney. Should never have been part. Now we are regional. The central coast is huge. No cases near me. Im kept from my children, grand babies n parents. Get more pfizer and our vacination will be up.
    People travel over 50= 60 ks to get their vacination. Then thier are waits longer than the edn of october for local people.

  1069. We have a premier who is an out and out liar. And a deputy that has no balls. It’s time they were removed from office and investigated.

    • Yes I’ve noticed this for quite some time now. She’s made so many bad consecutive decisions and that’s an understatement. When is the next election?!

  1070. I rang a local health clinic for Phyzer.As I can’t have Az they said January is our next booking.
    Yet the government wants to rang about people getting Vaccinated.
    It’s a joke trying to get Phyzer up here.

  1071. Thanks chris for the link – haven’t seen that one before – very handy.

  1072. Lockdown, what Lockdown. The peninsula looks like any normal day, next to no mask wearing, no wonder numbers are rising. Walking the path close to beach does not keep you safe, masks were to be worn except for physical exercise not for a stroll, they’ll soon complain when we are kept in lockdown. This policy is the way the country decided to deal with the pandemic, like the rest of the world so only way out now is get vaccinated and follow the directive.
    We will be the next SW Sydney. pathetic.

  1073. It is becoming increasingly obvious that this ‘Public Enquiry’ farce will provide very little insight into the cause of the collapse of council funds. Is it because it is funded by the State government and they do not want the blame attributed to them as the primary source of chronic underfunding the of unwanted merger of Gosford and Wyong! Day 1 of the Commission enquiry and all we see is a black screen it has turned into a circus with ex Mayors and Councillors paraded as the Scapegoats. The current mysterious CEO and administrator pointing their fingers parroting they did it! No questions will be asked regarding the restricted funds they are currently accessing.

  1074. Clive Anderson | September 28, 2021 at 5:52 pm |

    NSW government has been defeatead by the Anti Vaxers by declaring the Central Coast as a non Regional area once again minority groups run the country all of us double vaccinated people have been treated like rubbish
    The government has no control a good example is persons using the escape clause to look at real estate example now is Port Macquarie
    Anti Vaxers are laughing at us so let us all laugh at the next election

  1075. Just get the jab get the numbers up and think of of others not just yourself.move on for freedom.

  1076. I am told that the Pastors of a Church have told their members to not under any circumstances take the Vaccines. Meanwhile people are dying from the virus following the wrong advice potentially. I would urge everyone not vaccinated to talk to doctors, nurses and the staff at medical clinics about their fears. They will realise how much more danger they would be in if they caught Covid compared to a slight headache fixed with one Panadol after AstraZeneca. And most have no side effects at. I made those enquiries and realised it was a No Brainer. It was great! I wish I had it done earlier

  1077. What the XXXX jonh barilaro you are the biggest xxxx head central coast can’t freely travel due to our high case numbers and low vaccine rates you are just contradicting what you are saying because your happy with letting people come here holidaying on the long weekend you should come here over the long weekend to see how many you are letting come here to breech Evan more rules Sydney Siders come here thinking they own the place but that’s all good because the more that come here means more can take the virus back with them.just remember I understand the shit that dribbles out of your mouth where everyone else have just got their heads up their jumpers [edited]

  1078. I’m another confused ratepayer as are tens of thousands of others.
    Keep after them Mike.
    Governance has decended into the art of keeping us in the dark while avoiding any accountability.

  1079. The Central Coast for me most part have been doing the right thing all along. Now that the virus is here, after being in lockdown for 1/4 of a year, being brought here by those in hot spots, now we get punished even more. I can tell you this, The current Premier will not have my vote in the next election.

  1080. G Vandersluis | September 29, 2021 at 10:55 am |

    I am 76 and have had two doses of AstraZeneca. I have voted Liberal consistently for over 50years but as a result of this draconian decision I will never do so again. Enough is enough!. I won’t vote for the Labour Party but First Nation or the Liberal Democrats. I encourage other Lib/Nat voters to do the same

  1081. The fact is that cases are soaring on the Central Coast at about 30 a day. We are looking at 700 cases on the weekend and we are worse than parts of Sydney. 38,000 people on the Coast are not Vaccinated!!! It is not safe now and people will die due to spreading. Talk to Doctors! Wake Up !
    A good friend works in ICU she is a very experienced Nurse in Sydney. She said to me a week ago “ This Delta variant is so powerful and makes people really sick. I worked in the icu last week and it’s horrible to see people suffer like that especially when it could have been prevented with the vaccine”

  1082. This morning the NSW Government said the Central Coast now has 677 cases and 23 new cases overnight

  1083. We have the Prime Minister for Sydney, and the Premier for Sydney. Aren’t we lucky! We, along with all the other regions in NSW, don’t count. We are a dumping ground for the excess masses from Sydney, without the infrastructure to cope. We are the “extra supplies” of Pfizer for Sydneysiders who did the wrong thing and spread the virus to all and sundry. We are the area that puts up with all the aggressive yobs from
    Sydney that come up here every summer, towing their jetskis and taking over Ettalong
    foreshore and parklands. I, for one, have had enough. I will remember at the next state and federal elections the vision of Scomo in a floral shirt in Hawaii while Australia burned, and I will remember the look on my daughter’s face when her long-booked Pfizer shot was taken from her and redirected to Sydney. I will remember!!!!!!

    • Totally ageee, vaccinations were taken back to Sydney, no vax hubs.. no surprise the vaccinated numbers are down. I look forward to farewelling the good Mr Crouch in the next election. And jetskis! That’s the latest virus to deal with.

  1084. Yesterday I was waiting at a local GP where pfizer vaccine were being given to young people. I did observe that several of the patients were not from the local area. Young people in my
    family have to wait 2 weeks for Pfizer vaccine. Why is this possible. Seems this area is disadvantaged.

  1085. What an absolute ball’s up! Being treated like this is not on! Glady’s, you called us Greater Sydney to lock us up! You called us Regional to steal our vaccinations, now you lump us back with Sydney to stop us from travelling, but you continually allow people from Sydney to invade our beautiful shores with no regard for the health orders. You say we have low vaccination levels and yet, you put us further at risk by allowing visitors. Wake up, we’ll never get out of this mess with this nonsense decision.. I am beyond livid with this stupidity and lack of fair treatment on the Central Coast! #enoughisenough #sickofit #wearenotsydney

  1086. To be frank. Try stopping the double vaccinated not having the same freedoms as others come October 11th or whatever the date is supposed to be. I imagine there will be plenty of people thinking enough is enough and taking up the same ‘liberties’ as Greater Sydney folk. Not the easiest situation to police

    • Not worth a large fine if travelling to a region from the Central Coast in breach of the health orders.
      People should always do the right thing and obey the health orders, “for the greater good”. A phone call to Services NSW Covid hotline can clear up any confusion as to what the health orders are.
      I, fully vaccinated, want to travel several hundred kms to another region to visit family as soon as given the green light to do so.
      I’m all for rebelling, waving my Eureka (Stockade) flag, and reciting the oath the miners did in 1854 standing around the flagpole:
      “We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other and fight to defend our rights and liberties”.
      I won’t be rebelling against the travel health orders as I believe the govt has introduced them in good faith so as not to spread Covid Delta to country towns unnecessarily.
      I can wait a few weeks, “for the greater good”.

  1087. If you know where a person cotracted covid, CCH has an obligation to advise its residents. Or is it under pressure from local businesses to avoid a boycott of those businesses. Daily reports from the premier shows numbers of cases from all Sydney suburbs, forgetting the size of the Central Coast and the number of suburbs included. Why are we not given the same information, for our safety?.

  1088. So many from the Central Coast were left having to travel to Sydney and run the covid gauntlet just to be able to get vaccinations as availability on the Central Coast just hasn’t been available, so what do they expect.

    Even on the covid registration booking site being registered for vaccination, checking constantly and waiting, ringing the phone number a couple of times a week and just sitting in Review status for over 3 months (since the lockdowns began in fact) and still not getting a booking to be able to have first vaccination; so its the fault of the system and procedures put in place by the government, not the people.

    Start placing the blame where it actually belongs!!!!!

  1089. Obviously there isn’t enough vaccines in Australia. Maybe we’ll all be vaccinated Eadter 2022.

  1090. Wow $10million, that’s a lot of money. Sounds like the pokies have been doing a good job fleecing Coasties.

  1091. Tesch does not listen or read well. Sydney residents will not be able to travel to the coast. Stop grandstanding and understand a few are not doing the right thing. That is why no travel to other regions.

  1092. As residents of the area, we are not aligned with the following aspects of the proposed concept.
    1. Food vans – this will increase rubbish and potential pollution within the sea and adjacent bush
    2. Food vans – will impact the local business revenue (already stretched during covid). There are multiple surf clubs that serve food & bev with ocean views and cafes within walking distance at either end of the track
    3. Current visitors taking their domestic pets into this area is already a challenge and difficult to oversee. Increasing car park size and introducing food vans will likely increase their presence. Is there an increased resource planned to manage NPWS requirements.
    Overall, we are not resistant to sharing our space, we think the idea to widen the access road is a great initiative, however leaving things more “natural” within National parks is key.

  1093. Gladys,you lied when you said that at 70% people could visit regional areas, but now you have shifted the goalposts to 80%. You can’t even lie straight in bed. I have been double vaccinated since early August and I will never vote for you.

  1094. Just to put that into perspective, we are running at 1 per 10,000 residents per day. And those numbers aren’t growing. And I would suspect that almost all of those 30 each day are close contacts. Yes, I would prefer to to be zero, but 30 on the Central Coast per day won’t make one jot of difference to re-opening. So describing the Central Coast caseload as “consistently high” is rubbish

  1095. Are people from Newcastle & Lake Macquarie permitted to enter the Central Coast on 11.10.21? This is all sooooo confusing.

    • I would like some actual clarity from goverment. If this are is supposed to be in lockdown, then why on earth would people be allowed to visit here. So stupid if it’s true. Please coasties, get off fb & other conspiracy hubs and just get vaccinated. Then take out uou frustrations at the next elections.

  1096. Covid live is where you can watch covid updates, NSW normally at 11am, all of Australias stats are available. NSW health gives a full rundown on stats as well as restrictions, you are able to put in your address and you can see whether you are regional etc and then read current restrictions.

  1097. I am very confused People from Sydney and Newcastle who live in Hot spots are allowed to come to our beautiful coast because they have a holiday home but we are locked up because we are having too many cases

    I and my partner are double vaxed for nearly a month and we are not allowed to go to either places?

  1098. Gambling is legal. It’s everywhere. TV stations say they have a right to advertise legal products.
    Vile language on tv and in movies is legal. (Use the same language in public in NSW and you can be fined $500.)
    16 year olds? Younger children? 18+?
    Guess the task of keeping them from gambling, vile language, etc rests on the shoulders of parents, grand parents, aunts and uncles.
    Wars…there’s always someone who wants to rule the world, and take as theirs what others have. Then there are wars fought over religion and ideology.
    WW1, Ww2, Korea, Vietnam war (communism), Iraq (US had enough of Saddam and his antics…also, western nations depend on a stable supply of oil.
    Afghanistan- (AQ (based there) terrorists blew up NYC etc with hijacked planes. US decided to make them pay, and get bin Laden.
    China is threatening war with Taiwan, as part of its “One China” policy.
    China has a large and mighty military, nuclear weapons galore, Australia is basically defenceless, the folly of going around signing nuclear non-proliferation treaties and not arming itself with nukes.
    ScoMo has been able to broker the AUKUS pact recently, whereby we’ll be getting nuclear powered submarines, Britain to base some of its said submarines here in the meantime.
    We also have the ANZUS Alliance (under which former PM John Howard sent our troops to Afghanistan when the US was attacked.) Our special forces reportedly some of the first into Iraq, to secure the oil.
    Not everyone in the world is a lovely person.

  1099. Mr. Chris Palmer. | September 30, 2021 at 9:10 am |

    As a long time local resident, I am opposed to the proposal. I feel that such, so called ‘upgrade’ would only result in further overcrowding of the area. What will that achieve? The requirements then for toilet a block?, play equipment?, then perhaps a kiosk?….Increased traffic congestion and noise are a certainty! The natural, virtually ‘untouched’ atmosphere of this beautiful bushland setting is a large part of the attraction of this lookout. Let’s not spoil it.

  1100. Sydney is not allowed to come here until after 11 October, as per current rules. So why are they here already and have been for weeks. Was speaking to a lady in supermarket a few weeks ago. They were up from Sydney for weekend. When I told her she was not actually allowed yet, she said why did the bnb owner tell her that.

  1101. The Circus continues the ‘Public Enquiry’ postponed til October! Really! No respect for the residents of the Central Coast its laughable if it wasn’t so serious! We have one ex Mayor wanting to cross examination of another ex Mayor on day 2 is it to muddy the water or just waste limited time? Who is paying the Commissioner? State government or Central Coast Community? It is supposed to give us clarity and if the first two days are any yardstick its not looking good. I note the mysterious CEO and administrator are wringing more money out of the ratepayers by raising the cost of sewer and water by 34%! The argument is its dearer in other LGAs it a very spurious proposition. There are other factors in those LGAs that determine those costs. And producing the fear factor only works so often when people become aware it no longer works. When Rik said it was only a 15% rate rise it turned out to be 42%! Can he be trusted?

  1102. Margaret Preston | September 30, 2021 at 9:59 am |

    Central coast people should be able to travel unrestricted in regional nsw from 12/10.We are a large lga and that should be considered.We need you to take off the restrictions so we can travel we are not greater Sydney any more.

  1103. So, does all this mean my son and his partner can come and visit from Parramatta? Can I, who live in Avoca drive down and visit them? All three of us are double Vaccinated

  1104. I have noticed an increased number of people in Terrigal and surrounding areas since the start of the school holidays. Notably , units (Holiday let’s) previously empty are suddenly now occupied. I believe we still have a number of people from areas of concern in Sydney , coming up to their holiday homes from those areas, any wonder our numbers are growing on the Central Coast. We are all trying to do the right thing and are being penalised , for others that are blatantly breaking the rules.

  1105. This is so wrong. I now have to wait another month before I can see my grandchildren in Sydney.
    I cannot make any sense of this as this ruling is so inconsistent.

  1106. I will not be voting for this government again the way they have treated people from the centrel coast

  1107. I’m so sick of government moving the goal post, if Sydney residents hadn’t come up here we wouldn’t have so many cases. What is going on in Australia they (the government) think ppl are stupid and don’t realize what’s going on, we have to live with covid it’s not going anywhere so just get vaccinated and live our lives with no more bull.

  1108. Can someone please explain to exactly what we can and can’t do on the Central Coast. Now that Sydney and Newcastle people can come into our LGA.

  1109. I hope the authorities are going to stop the Sydney people coming up here to the coast. Every weekend there are thousands coming off the M1 exits. No police. No stopping these virus carrier’s. I know what will happen after 11th October. No checks now at weekends and no checks after the 11th. More cases of virus on the coast. Well done state government. Another job poorly managed.

  1110. We have now been locked up for 3 months, we have had our double vacation for over 2 months.
    our sons are in their 40ish have to wait 2 month to get their vaccinations due to vaccine allocated to central coast being sent to Sydney.
    Now we are being punished again due to people from Sydney and Newcastle can come and go as they please and spread the virus.
    Where are the politicians who are supposed to look after the Central Coast ?
    Where are the politicians who are supposed to look after the Central Coast ?

  1111. The Central Coast is crawling with arrogant, entitled, selfish people from Greater Sydney. Just watch the population up here swell this long weekend. They will be everywhere. What hope have we got. No one is attempting to stop them. No deterrents
    effective enough to make them stay away. This government is a joke. All for Sydney and NOTHING for the regions. We are nothing more than a playground for Sydneysiders.

  1112. I would suggest to anyone knowing of “illegal” visitors to report them. I had clients who wanted meet up with me this week at their holiday house and said to them I’m not sure you are both supposed to be here. Everyone coming here thinks they are safe..no one is. I know Aussies don’t like to be robbers, but things will not get better until the visitors bringing the virus stop.

  1113. Irene Mulcahy | September 30, 2021 at 3:01 pm |

    What are the politians who are appointed to look after the Central Coast doing? It’s their job to stand up for their voters. Why would Newcastle people want holiday homes here anyway. Doesnt Newcastle have it’s own pristine beaches. If I can’t leave the area I don’t want anyone from outside CC coming here thats unfair. Voters have long memories.

  1114. I would like some actual clarity from goverment. If this are is supposed to be in lockdown, then why on earth would people be allowed to visit here. So stupid if it’s true. Please coasties, get off fb & other conspiracy hubs and just get vaccinated. Then take out uou frustrations at the next elections.

  1115. As above Jude totally agree, this NSW state govt is a joke and Central Coast region is being given no consideration. Make sure to make it count next election. Holiday houses and airbnbs been operating in our region with no penalties

  1116. Alfred A Arnold BE MBA JP | September 30, 2021 at 3:33 pm |

    My self and other family members and friends ten in total as allowed or what we were led to believe have organized a 4 day resort holiday further up the coast, all paid for and settled on the 23 of October his amounts to a few thousand dollars, all are over 65 and all double vaccinated, now because of this decision, we will lose everything.
    Who is going to reimburse us? and why are the vaccinated being punished?

  1117. Is it true that people from Newcastle LGA’S can come into The Central Coast?

  1118. If someone can advise me I will stand against this lying idiot. He should be thrown out along with her. Liars are liars but I think everything they have done needs to be investigated by the police

  1119. First we get lumped in with Sydney with months of no cases with Sydney siders free to just travel here.

    Then our vaccines get directed to Sydney cause we’re regional

    Then cases start rising in Newcastle at the same time as the coast so we get unlumped from Sydney.

    Now we’re Sydney again even though cases in Newcastle are just as bad though they are A-OK to travel.

    This just needs to stop and the government needs to get consistent. I live just right on the edge of the central coast and have basically been punished with no real cause for months.

    The only place I could find for vaccines was in Newcastle btw. Nothing in central coast.

    This government is the definition of incompetence.

  1120. I would like to get some clarity on our unvacinated of 38000 they say given we have a population of around 350k for our LGA wouldn’t this mean the coast has already hit 80%? given we have an LGA of around 550sq kilometres I feel this is not a good comparison when City of Sydney is just 23sq kilometres with 250k population. Let’s us travel or keep everybody out stop with the double standards.

  1121. I agree with ALL of your comments fellow Coasties. I am sick of all the lies these Liberal politicians are telling us and changing the goal posts every other day sickens me. I will NEVER vote Liberal ever again and either will
    my family. I want and demand my freedom. I have been double vaxed for months and done the right thing , thinking of others. I’m SO tired of these power hungry morons. !!!

  1122. Helen Robinson | September 30, 2021 at 6:52 pm |

    The rules for people visiting their holiday homes are not being enforced. A huge number of people are coming and going between homes in Sydney and Killcare. The rules are easily bent and permits are issued to those who really have no honest reason for being here.

  1123. Barbara. Knight | September 30, 2021 at 7:35 pm |

    We must learn to live with this covid,,, (virus) everyone should be out of lockdown , it’s been far too long , unrealistic locking people up, so it’s vaccinating all rounder. Who wants to die of covid l don’t.

  1124. Liberals to the T, the coast didn’t vote for them so no money for council amalgamation and redirected Pfizer allocation to Sydney year 12 students not at any risk. She even said this is how she wants to operate and openly advocated for pork barrel governance.

  1125. Why sent the police checking all vehiculs entering the central coast from m1 and old Pacific highway exits

  1126. Above comment by me Sandy w did not print correctly, should be why don’t police check all vehicles entering the central coast via m1 and old Pacific highway

  1127. Samuel Calabretta | September 30, 2021 at 9:29 pm |

    Reading the local news why is all crossing upgrades happening at Gosford area and nothing is done wyong area. The road through toukley was recently resurfaced and there is now withing one month massive pot holes even near the police station I hope the council has not paid the company who did the job

  1128. carmen cullen | September 30, 2021 at 11:59 pm |

    We as the central coast doing , and suffering for no reason since the start of this. Then hotspot LGA’s in Sydney kick up a stink because they spread and don’t comprehend the word ” virus. Stay home” and other young adults just think they are invincible and don’t like rules. We all have suffered even tho we don’t live in Sydney continued hot spot , so why do they get privileged because they complained, spread and say ‘ we are picked on ” boo hoo. If you want to drive a car in Australia then you need to do the right thing and follow the law and get a licence, it’s the same as having to follow the law for safety and just do what’s right and don’t complain . It’s so simple. It’s for health and future generations. Come on Australia, let’s show the world we are the lucky country. I still believe that and a little medicine jab is not a thing to be carrying on about really. Hey. We can do this .

  1129. Emanuela Turco | October 1, 2021 at 7:05 am |

    It is frustrating not to hear any update covid cases on daily bases in central coast, I made a call to the health minister office, of cause you get passed on health line, i have expressed my concern about the lack of daily information, because we can expose ourselves, not knowing where we can and can’t go for our daily life needs, i am 78, not in best of my heath, it makes very heard for everything. Especially when informations are not regionally available.

  1130. You watch, it will get to the 10th Oct and clowns running this circus will move the goal post. Anyone working in retail here will have noticed the amount of people coming up from Sydney. They are allowed permits to “do urgent repairs” on their holiday homes.Theres been absolutely no consideration for central coast residents. Where are the BnB, holiday letting restrictions. Shouldn’t the council be enforcing this?

  1131. Ruth Turton | October 1, 2021 at 1:42 pm |

    Well all you wonderful whinging citizens have just brought about the greatest travesty of all time. The resignation of probably the best premier nsw has had. Gladys has resigned. They should disband ICAC. . Too much power. They should be putting their efforts into something that is important

  1132. We should be called Limbo Coast because that is what it is feeling like. It’s now become a hideous place to live full of sydney people treating it like a toilet.

  1133. I’m sorry Ruth, but I beg to differ. The only way us “wonderful whingeing citizens” could have gotten rid of Gladys was to vote her out, and that is not the case. Gladys has resigned for her own reasons. Last time I looked, this is still a democracy, and we as citizens of said democracy are entitled to our own opinions, and to respectfully air them. ICAC stands for the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and it is indeed needed. Sadly, many of our politicians are a less than desirable lot, and they have to be held to account for their actions. Having said that, Gladys has been a far better Premier than some of her predecessors. She has made some bad calls, but she was brilliant when the bushfires were raging – something our Prime Minister was not.

  1134. Terry Kesby | October 1, 2021 at 6:08 pm |

    Stop the Sydney weekenders and the numbers will reduce. Politicians. What are they good for. Absolutely nothing.

  1135. Terry Kesby | October 1, 2021 at 6:23 pm |

    We won’t be able to travel outside our area but Sydney people will be able to come and stay here. No checks if vaccinated or not. Come one come all. Watch the virus cases increase and our “lockdown” will be extended. Politicians. What are they good for. Absolutely nothing.

  1136. It’s pretty clear. On October 11 we can travel anywhere around Greater Sydney, as can people come up here. By October 18 we will have hit 80% and we can visit regional NSW. There will likely be only one week between 70% and 80%. One week extra is not long. And cases everywhere will go up once we open up, so we will be seeing way more then 30 per day. That’s the point of vaccination – allowing more cases with less people in hospital

  1137. Numbers are now irrelevant. On October 11 we will be out and numbers will go up. That’s exactly as expected. The only number that counts is the number of fully vaccinated

  1138. I think the central coast has been treated unfairly consistently throughout this pandemic. As a Sydney resident my only advice to cc residents is to get vaccinated and hang on till 80%. Remember how you were treated come election time. God forbid if this happens again or if delta mutates become vocal in numbers and demand improved regulations and compliance.

  1139. “NO JAB NO JOB POLICIES” are good, keep all staff and customers as safe as possible from the horror of Covid 19/ delta.
    People are dying in Australia every day from this insidious virus. Terrible death, slow, gasping for breath.
    Anyone who becomes infected is at risk of suffering life-long damage to vital organs like lungs, heart, brain, liver, kidneys.
    It’s why millions of Australians have answered the “Call to Arms”, in the war on Covid…and are now having their children vaccinated.
    Businesses that don’t have a “All staff are vaccinated, only vaccinated customers allowed in” policy…no way I’ll be going there.

  1140. The people who participated in this protest maybe well meaning are putting individual rights above that of the community. The earlier the government brings in vaccine passports and enables businesses to make being vaccinated a condition of employment and attendance in a places of education and public transport the better. Educating the public is not enough to ensure adherence to public health initiatives

  1141. Their sign “Born Free Living Free” – well that’s alright for them (if they live) but what about those that they spread the virus to – and those that they end up killing fron it. Is that then ‘living’ free? I think not. Incredibly stupid & selfish people that can’t think past their own skins.

    • What if the unvaccinated give it to my children that can not be vaccinated because they are to young….what then???

      Are you going to heal my heart?

      Please wake up people. I also feel uncomfortable about getting a vaccination we do not know everything about BUT this is life in 2021, like many other diseases we vaccinate our children for as babies, this is going to be one that’s one the list going forward.

      I’m sure you have put worse in your system, smokes, drugs, drink????

      Happy Sat night 👌

  1142. Quigley Strangman | October 2, 2021 at 8:28 am |

    Why are there no.protests against compulsory voting which is oppressive to to people who are forced by their employment to move around. At least getting vaccinated helps.yourself, other people and our health workers.

  1143. So I’m a member of a pool at Lake Macquarie – I can then go for my usual swim there even though I live on the Central Coast? Please help because this weather is great!

  1144. Frederick sheeran | October 2, 2021 at 8:52 am |

    Churches use council services so they should pay rates.

  1145. You would have to agree with Bruce Hyland the gobbledygook the Administrator is peddling is just rearranging the English language to obscure what they they are doing! Either you can use restricted funds or no you can not does that mean it is legal or illegal. Is it semantics or obfuscation? The pantomime of the ‘Public Enquiry’ is not for community scrutiny and any findings the Commissioner comes up with will be with a lot of spin or suppressed as unpalatable for consumption. The State governments part in this farce will not be exposed.
    I note that major developments are now trying to fly under the public radar and begrudgingly displayed for a very limited time for objections. Is it being pushed by the State government or Council who approved the plans? The mysterious CEO or administrator?

  1146. All of the council involved in the so called lost money should be investigated by the police. The money has gone somewhere and it is more than likely in their hidden accounts. And to ask rate payrs to get them out of the mire is an insult.

  1147. We should remember that Barilaro is a liar and should resign asap. He says he cares, but you look at him when he is interviewed and he is always looking down to his left (Sign of lying) or raising his eyes to the sky (Sign of looking for an answer). At the end of the day the party are only interested in what they can put in their back pockets without being caught.

  1148. David Naylor | October 2, 2021 at 11:31 am |

    In spite of all the angst, there is nothing on the NSW government website about Central Coast rejoining Hreater Sydney. It all seems to,hinge on John Barilaro’s announcement, which does not appear to have been officially sanctioned or confirmed. Has anyone seen an actual official statement or media release about this from the NSW Government?

  1149. Geoff Probyn | October 2, 2021 at 11:56 am |

    If Hart wants to extend the 15% rate rise then let him dug in his own pockets. People need to realise that we had to dig deeper some years back when the then council failed again and out rates went up. Those clowns we had in council should be made to make up some of the losses THEY were responsible for.

  1150. Get real people, this is the only way we an get free here on the Central Coast.how would you feel if you were to infect your Mam or Nan and they died. That’s happened by nohopers that don’t want the Jab.we all have to be save end of story.Rietje

  1151. Quentin Robbins | October 2, 2021 at 3:36 pm |

    Must agree with the “No Jab means No Job” policy. I don’t intend putting myself and my partner at risk by the idiots who refused the Jab!!

  1152. Debra Calloway | October 2, 2021 at 6:33 pm |

    Anti-vaxxers should spend a day in a Covid testing site (emergency departments are stressed enough). They should listen to parents of babies and young children who have tested Covid positive. Let’s see then how important it is for them to ‘choose’.

  1153. Those who choose not to vaccinate are actually playing Russian roulette with there own health. Unfortunately they will eventually be culled off. Those who have been vaccinated can still contract the virus but only in a mild way & won’t face the prospect of serious illness & possible death

  1154. I don’t vape and think in many ways it’s worse.. but it’s obviously just so the government can get in on the cash grab as it’s turning into a multi million dollar industry!

  1155. Richard Abrahams | October 2, 2021 at 10:29 pm |

    Rate increases and 150million dollar loans by this cavalier Administrator on the surface does not appear to pass the pub test.
    Given the recent self-demise of the Premier, the amalgamation of Councils and declaration of 5the Greater Sydney region does not need two people Administ5rator and CEo who collectively receive in excess of $1 million, needs a more specific forensic independent audit and an ICAC investigation, three Administrators and numerous CEO’s have made no specific revelation about the cause and effect of the financial crisis now facing the CCC,

  1156. Is this what they mean by……the dumbing down…….of society……..
    It’s clear where priorities lie……clearly with ICAC………never mind saving peoples lives……clearly this is a very low priority……….not a good look……..I’ve been told……..focus on the big things………clearly this ICAC thing is extremely huge!!!!!!!!!!!….Not happy jan!!!!!!!!…….I know who I will vote for………no one……k

  1157. Gladys, you have destroyed the central coast financially and now you have allowed untold number of people to come from hot spots of Sydney to spread this virus. We appear to be in a Russian state with decisions made and we have no right of reply.

  1158. vincent dentamaro | October 3, 2021 at 11:59 am |

    The fact is they want to cover their mistakes. I am a pensioner and I am facing an increase on land rate and water rate of a 76% WAPPER. Thanks to the CENTRAL COAST AMALGAMETION. How you think I should feel!
    Not Happy.

  1159. Peter Hendry | October 3, 2021 at 5:16 pm |

    Like every decision this government has made, it makes no sense. What a joke! I’ve been fully vaccinated for months yet am still restricted to my LGA. I am somewhat confused, does it mean other LGAs can travel to the Coast but we can’t go outside the LGA? I have booked a holiday to a campsite, which has already been rescheduled due to lockdown extensions. The campsite can open to all irrespective of their vaccination status, yet fully vaccinated people from the coast can’t travel there. Really what a total joke

  1160. Deborah Tedman | October 3, 2021 at 6:22 pm |

    If everyone just got vaccinated that will save you from serious illnesses or ICU , people would have nothing to complain about, There are thousands of people all over NSW who have been vaccinated, so why shouldn’t people from Sydney be allowed up to the central coast,, to see family,, Because we can’t go down there dosent mean we have to blame them for spreading the virus to us. On the coast, People from the coast we’re also going to Sydney and coming back up , Sydney could blame the coast, But they haven’t, , the virus is here. Nothing we can do, Except go get vaccinated t.o protect our community and your family, Look at the hundreds of people on the central coast down the beach. No masks. No. 2mtr. Apart, , how many were vaccinated This virus dosent. Descrimenate. , So stop blaming others , We have to live with this virus, At 80%. We will all be free to travel. Hang in there. And stay safe everyone. Get the vaccine, it won’t kill you. The virus will. ,

  1161. Saying that you are not anti vaxes and promoting a citizens right to choose is selfish but fine. Citizens Currently can choose not to be vaccinated so don’t know what your protesting about. All actions has consequences and if you choose not to be vaccinated then alot businesses choose not to hire you right? Thats fair and would be consistent with what you are saying! So no problem right? Unless for underlying health Conditions. What happened in the US is once the rules were applied most of the anti vaxes came to the party realized jobless, homelessness, and not being invited to any family functions was not worth there u throughout cause. The same will happen here.

  1162. Anthony Turner | October 3, 2021 at 7:29 pm |

    It takes five to ten years of testing to know if a vaccine works I’m not a antivaxa and the answer they didn’t have time to test said a professor in early march 2020

    • How do you get Covid to wait for 5 to 10 years while you feel comfortable about getting a vaccine which will save you pain and suffering

  1163. No masks! From the pic hardly no one wearing a mask. You morons, these protests lead to more people contracting covid. Don’t you realise this!!!I like the police being there any fining the morons protesting on untruths and police are there to keep the rest of the sensible community safe. Thankyou police. We are soon going to be out of lock down due to the majority doing the right thing. Look at Victoria how those numbers are getting larger and larger of people contracting covid and part of the reason is the protests. Unvaccinated scum protesting on subjects they have never studied in their life.

  1164. I believe our government has done this so they can get there grubby hands on this in the form of tax don’t forget tabbacco products have more than 2000 percent

  1165. Terry Kesby | October 3, 2021 at 9:53 pm |

    It’s not the council that is asking for such a large increase. It’s the administrator. He is not mayor or councilor. He is the administrator. We don’t have a council. Leave it up to our future representatives to make such a decision. If unacceptable we can vote them out. Not so for this bloke.

  1166. We all have regrets from the past but you can’t base a budget on past losses. Trying to claw back $34 million from ratepayers is not the answer. The tribunal made a determination that the council had not done enough to earn the raise in water rates. So move on base the budget on today’s conditions and add the future population rise and factor in Climate Change etc. The fixation of 42% rate increase and a 34% water and sewer charge is unsustainable for people on limited incomes. If you are on $517,000 it means nothing but if you are a sole parent or pensioner it means you will have to do without an essential food item. The Council got themselves into this debt ridden mess its up to Council to pull themselves out not force it on to the ratepayers. Do the job you are handsomely paid for or should we be looking for a replacement.

  1167. David Savage | October 4, 2021 at 11:25 pm |

    If there are people who are willing to take the risk with their own health and lives then let them do it in total isolation. I do not believe that unvaccinated people should be allowed to put my health and life at risk. If people wish to remain unvaccinated, they are culpable for the spread of the deadly covid-19 with it’s (Delta) variants that could cause long lasting problems to me and all others, even to death. As we now know, even vaccinated people can and do contract the virus albeit with lesser effects for some. Unvaccinated people should be held responsible for the problems they will cause and the spread of the virus while in normal close proximity to others such shops, hair salons, theatres, sporting arenas and many other locations. So if one has not been vaccinated by a certain time or refuses to be, stay away from me and everyone else who is trying to control this pandemic disease.

  1168. It is hilarious how are people think unvaccinated people are in danger to the public. Number 1, it is individual rights of choose to be vaccinated or not, anyone who chose risk themselves to be vaccinated, should allow people to choose not to be vaccinatated to eliminate their own risk. vaccinated people won’t responsibilt for anyone else’s death that caused by vaccine, right? if so, no one should blame anyone else’s decision. If an employer cannot provide compensation incentives to possible risk that caused by any vaccine, then they should not set up compulsaory for other people to be vaccinated; Number 2, if vaccine is working, why on earth are vaccinated people worry about unvaccinated people???. what are you afraid if you believe the vaccine is working??? has there any vaccinated people required to wear masks in the history??? Number 3, wrong perception, the virus is spreading among everyone regardless of your vaccine status. so, if without unvaccinated people, the vaccinated people will have circular virus spreading, in which is not only to be caused by unvaccinated people!!! Number 4, the scientists are still studying the mRNA vaccine. Whether the spike protein the coded to be generated by cells, will cause mutation when it meets the virus protein is a question yet to be answered. therefore, in theory, whether the vaccinated people are more in danger than unvaccinated people is a question that scientists have not provide any answer yet. THEREFORE, stop attacking any unvaccinated people. You make your decision to be vaccinated, and they make their decision to be not vaccinated! In terms of protest, any unviolent protests are legal. What is to bother you??? Would you keep silence once if, I mean if the scietists found that the vaccinated is more dangers than unvaccinated people, and that all employer suddently switch to say ” no job for jab”. Would you keep silence???? Therefore, again! wake up everyone, stop attcking innocent people. At the end, we are all the sheeps, so you, and I, and we except few people who made this happened.

  1169. I am still confused: Simple question:

    Am I allowed to visit my son in Chatswood?
    Is my son in Chatswood able to visit me in Gosford?
    Am I allowed to visit my best friend in Newcastle?
    I have been fully vaccinated since July

  1170. Show some compassion | October 5, 2021 at 3:08 pm |

    Regarding the group #Reclaimtheline, the slogan said ” born free, living free, die free”. What I don’t understand is why they want to die from covid-19. They say they should have a choice, but by not being vaccinated like the rest of the community that they ‘live’ in, they are actually not giving other people the choice to not get the virus. Especially the elderly. The elderly have been vaccinated but because of their age and underlying conditions they are still at risk of contracting the virus & dying. Any decent human being would do what they could to stop their elderly parents, grandparents, elderly friends from being sitting ducks. Do all the elderly people in Australia have to stay at home until the day they die from anything else but Covid-19? Think on that & see where your conscience lies.

  1171. Vaccines allocated to the central coast and then taken from us I find this very poor organisation where was Adam Crouch when this occured they are to blame for our spiralling covid 19. Numbers shame Mr Crouch

  1172. Gayle Falzon | October 6, 2021 at 8:11 am |

    Everything is nothing but political – labor/liberal dosent matter would be the same crap differnt party. Neither are listening to the people anyway.

  1173. Diane Barnes | October 6, 2021 at 8:27 am |

    If the Central Coast residents cannot travel from 11 October nor should Greater Sydney or Hunter New England region. The Hunter New England region case numbers daily are higher then Central Coast.
    The Central Coast should not be classified as Greater Sydney, Greater Sydney should end at the Hawkesbury River. It is over time this classification of Central Coast as part of Greater Sydney should end.

  1174. Every one of your points is based on a false hood.

  1175. Adam Crouch is so spineless he can’t even answer questions from his constituents regarding lockdowns on the CC. He instead blocks them on social media. Crouch only supports his big money backers, not those who vote.

    Too bad he’s the member for Terrigal who will vote him in anyway, even though he’s toxic for the region. Single party voters are to blame for the likes of Crouch and Gladys thinking they can get away with just about anything.

    One can only hope he’s investigated too.

    • Murray Williams | October 6, 2021 at 2:19 pm |

      Couldnt agree more.Adam Crouch is a flake ànd an embarrassment to people of the Central Coast

  1176. Fantastic, Julian Bowker. Very sensible, informed and relevant comment.
    They must have known it was coming.
    Please don’t give up.
    Many people don’t realise how their well-being depends on voices like yours.

  1177. Wow, he’s been in the job like 2 days and already the whining has commenced! Let’s cast our minds back to the recent Labor member for Dobell Craig Thomson. What a sterling Labor MP he was, and the current member for Dobell, I can’t recall anything Ms McBride has done for the Central Coast. Mr Perrottet is a decent family man with strong ethics, let’s give the new Premier our support, we’ve heard enough from the stone-throwers.

  1178. With no history of any kind of cancer in my family, I always, happily had my Breast Screening appointments.
    Without my Breastscreen appointment last March I would never have known that deep and hidden in my breast was Triple Negative Breast Cancer, quietly eating away at my life.

    Thank you BreastScreen – you saved my life !

    If you are reading this, GO HAVE YOUR BREASTSCREEN !
    It is FREE, takes just a short time and gives you peace of mind that you are OK !
    It starts you on a pathway to hopefully SAVE YOUR LIFE !

  1179. Congratulations Barbara, we absolutely agree that you are the best advocate for our sector. Your compassion, dedication and commitment to children in your care highlight the best our sector has to offer. The team at Coastwide Family Day Care.

  1180. Oh Aiya, sadly your email just shows how naïve and ill-informed you are. People who are unvaccinated are indeed a threat. Even though the vaccine works very well, there are some in our community – namely the elderly, those with compromised immune systems, young children who are not yet eligible, those with disabilities and our beautiful First Nations people – who, even though they may be vaccinated, are still more likely to suffer greater effects should they contract Covid. It is our duty as citizens of this country to not only protect ourselves from Covid, but to protect the vulnerable in our community. This is called being a responsible and caring member of society. You ought to try it sometime.

  1181. Aiya is right. If everyone would listen to reports on statistics ( Dr. John Cambell) would know that vacc has limited effect and besides of mostly preventing death from Covid last a limited time. Antiviral medicine is a better solution, because it kills virus and prevents spread. We all will eventually get the Covid 19 virus unless we eradicate it. BDW people infected in the past have developed better immune capacity than vacc people. Think about it before you criticise others for having different views.

  1182. Cant wait for the United Australia Party, now the biggest party in australia by membership, to get more seats.

  1183. So So wrong, this is so ridicious no good. Well here we goSydney people can come to the Central Coast to give us some more infections, because there is no one to police the the Sydney people to show some prove of the Jabs. WRONG WRONG.

  1184. For your fellow community members. | October 6, 2021 at 5:53 pm |

    Come on everyone, if it’s the only nice thing that you can do for a fellow human this year roll up your sleeve & have a very safe vaccine.

  1185. Anita, I can’t believe people still think this way. You really should swallow your pride and do some more research. You’ll be doing yourself and others a big favour.

  1186. Kristine Glapa | October 7, 2021 at 8:13 am |

    On the nsw map for covid on central coast shows 81 cases why is this?

  1187. As a former long serving member of staff at Wyong Council and made redundant this year due to cost savings I can confirm that employees were given strict instructions never to speak to a Councillor with the threat of discipline under the Code of Conduct.

  1188. RACHEL CROFT | October 7, 2021 at 11:03 am |

    I am constantly astounded at the trouble people project about obtaining vaccination.My partner and I are both double dosed AZ through our GP and jabs were 12 weeks apart.
    Last Saturday after my 18 yr grandson again said he could not get an appointment for Pfizer until 18/10/21, I went on the Hotdoc app and got him an appointment that day for a jab at Lake Munmorah vac clinic, booked it and an hour later he had received his first Pfizer jab, and his follow up 23/10/21 was automatically sent to me for confirmation.
    I suggest that all these people moaning about lack of availability try the HOTDOC app, you can check every day for appointments, takes 5 minutes of your time, less than the time to type your complaint.
    Stop blaming the government for your choice to not get off your arse and get an appointment when you were first told to, if you had got off your backside then, the Central Coast would not have had these case numbers.
    Personally, I wish they would make the Hawkesbury River bridge, Wiseman’s ferry, Windsor bridge etc, border closure points, and use as many police/ soldiers as necessary to enforce the lockdown rules on every vehicle.
    The unvaccinated should be kept to current lockdown rules indefinitely unless they have gained natural immunity. This would prevent further serious outbreaks. Alternatively, give the unvaccinated anti-vacas a quarantine area where they can go and catch Covid,then stay there till well, giving them the so called “natural immunity” they wish for, they would then be allowed to move about with no restrictions. No burden on the health system, as they believe they will not get very sick, for they are young and in good health, so we will not need to waste time and public monies treating them, they will be on their own. If they do get sick and die, well that is one less oxygen thief.

  1189. You’re kidding Kam. UAP was created to look out for Clive Palmer’s interests and nothing more. It’s even worse than the LNP when it comes to looking out for their constituents. If you believe they’re any good you’ve been had. Critical thinking needs to be taught in schools.

  1190. Tom COLLINS | October 7, 2021 at 12:17 pm |

    Resurrect the Gosford Foghorn.. AKA Edward JAMES

  1191. Does anybody know if the people from Lake Macquarie are allowed into The Central Coast from 11.10.21. Dad’s 90th that week and I want to be there!

  1192. You won’t need to worry about the land west of the lake. Tuggerah lakes are silting up so quickly housing development can go right on the lake. Council will make millions in new revenues from new rates and be able to pay back some of the current debts.

  1193. Helen De Martin | October 7, 2021 at 3:29 pm |

    Will the stall holders at the market be vaccinated?

  1194. Beach goer population is barely budged by the people living just next door. Most of the visitors are driving in from kilometres away. This argument is just dressed up NIMBY complaints.

  1195. By Emily Rudd | October 7, 2021 at 10:56 pm |

    May the new Premier be able to salvage the name of our beloved Gosford City.We are awaiting for the re-emerging of a new council.As a humble tax payer, we hope for the coming of a new day for us believers of democracy, unity integrity and good governance. Please end this waiting and let us enjoy a newly formed government for our Central Coast region.God bless us all.Thank you.

  1196. Is the administrator seriously threatening rate payers? That is outrageous! Do your job Mr Hart and stop looking for an easy fix like your lazy predecessor

  1197. I am still refusing to pay my rates in full. Let’s get to the bottom of the mess, but not take our eye off the fact that the mess has been bucked passed financially to rate holders. The 15% variation is nonsense and if it comes to light that the amalgamation itself was a significant cause, the state government has a clear obligation to cough up.

  1198. Allan Norris | October 8, 2021 at 5:42 pm |

    A pretty simple question for the administrator: just where do you think the money is going to come from? People have been stretched to the limit for ages. We need a left-brain thinker, not these narrow-minded (mal)administrators.

  1199. Cathy soder | October 8, 2021 at 6:03 pm |

    Theatres run by Council? Laycock St… could be more popular if it was in Gosford city on public transport. Amazed they haven’t already sold that asset . Libraries, hey they are spending money building a new one. Let’s just keep,our current library..there’s a saving already been sold

  1200. Terry Kesby | October 8, 2021 at 9:57 pm |

    It’s ok for Hart. He won’t be here for the 7 years he is applying for. Leave the decision to the new elected council. Whenever that maybe. At least they will be around to pay whatever the rate rise maybe.

  1201. Peter rush what an amazing artist, should come to wa we have so much products for him to use, seaweed,paperback etc especially in the northern suburbs of Perth

  1202. WARNING ⚠️- Crack neck area needs too be sectioned off. There is massive cracks all thru the cliff.. it’s could crack more & the whole cliff could collapse ..
    — was this caused by the earth quake last week ??
    do not waste $$ on this area . It’s all about to crack up & it could collapse .. PLEASE DO NOT GO THERE .. unless u are a professional.
    Urgent **** Warning ⚠️ ⛔️ this NEEDS TO BE ASSESSED BY ENGINEERS… ASAP .
    DANGER STAY OUT . Watch for large cracks in ground

  1203. I found this very informative very easy to listen to, it was good to hear all the good news is that of constant negative news. Well done guys

  1204. Victor Ranzetta | October 9, 2021 at 1:17 pm |

    Agree with Jim, that was exactly how I read it!! Personally, like to see Council concentrate on what it once used to be there for, basic facilities, maybe save the ‘need’ for further funding from the pockets of the captive residents, the ratepayers of the Coast by not building or funding new libraries, further sports facilities, child care facilities until we (hopefully) reach a point where it these things can be afforded without undue pain.

  1205. Great for us it is Wellcome hope it helps our doctors and nurses they have so much to do they are wonderful especially now they might get more staff and rest

  1206. I just wish to add my fury, frustration and disappointment that the NSW govt has, without notice and ignoring the will of most Coast residents, reclassified the Central Coast as part of Greater Sydney again. The state govt’s mishandling of the Covid situation since June has been appalling, and I doubt the number of Covid cases would be rising as much if travel restrictions to regions for Sydney residents had been implemented when the 2021 wave began to spread. I for one, will never vote for this bunch of numptys. Punish them severely at the ballot box next election, Coasties!

  1207. Just in: rich boomers buy real estate in Central Coast night life hot spot, complain about noise.

  1208. Why are the small Police Station not man at night or in the weekends. The Coast population is growing and growing. I live near Woy Woy shops. All hours of the night I wake with people screaming, throwing shopping trolley’s around etc… right near the Police Station. It’s offerers these people know the Police Station is closed of a night.

  1209. The fear factor only has a limited use. You cannot claw back lost income the past has gone. Move on and do your job! The ratepayers of the Central Coast could save almost a million dollars from the CEOs and administrator’s salaries. I note Rik mentioned everything except the Stadium? The Mariners wanted to buy it a few years ago why not sell it? It is under utilised and the maintenance costs must be high and it was recently returfed how much did that cost? We are not being told lots of things that will effect the Central Coast from asset sales to raising rates until it is a done deal!
    I’m not sure we will get any results from the Commission into the cause of the financial collapse of council the first few days were a farce and lack of respect for the people who vote here.

  1210. We live on central coast and have booked a break in Sydney for four days. Are we allowed to go. We have had our three vaccinations.

  1211. Winnie Steeds | October 12, 2021 at 5:21 pm |

    From central coast we are still unsure if we can go to Parramatta?

  1212. Felicity Brown | October 13, 2021 at 11:42 am |

    So many cases up here on the Central Coast. When I was in Coles at Toukley a few weeks ago some staff NOT wearing Masks I was even servered by someone that was not wearing a Mask or did she bother to sterlize her hands at all and was so RUDE when I questioned her about why she was not wearing a Mask. Thanks Coles Toukley will not be going back into your store anytime soon.

  1213. Susan Tilden | October 14, 2021 at 2:55 pm |

    As ratepayers, we attended several council meetings and agree, that the so called ‘gang of eight’ ran the show. Nothing anyone else suggested or proposed was even discussed, just dismissed and the ‘gang of eight’ did whatever they wanted regardless of whether or not there were benefits to the community. This gang of eight was extremely political.

  1214. Why is the Central Coast again included as part of Greater Sydney and unable to travel regionally while Newcastle and the Hunter are allowed to?
    Newcastle has now had more COVID-19 cases daily than the coast for weeks.
    Once again we are stuck in the middle.
    We should be seperate to both regions.

  1215. Clive Anderson | October 14, 2021 at 6:29 pm |

    The carrying on of councils past has been horrific to Rate Payers the Liberal government at the time forced Amalgamation when the Gosford council was so far in the red it should of been investigated but as it was a Liberal area the easy way out was to drag another profitable council down with it
    Adam Crouch was partly to blame for this so think next time you cast a vote

  1216. Clive Anderson | October 14, 2021 at 6:37 pm |

    It’s a total disgrace that Sydney siders can pollute the central coast but the double vaccinated on the coast cannot travel to regions
    The liberal government took vaccines from our areas to Sydney now even at 80% the clowns are saying we cannot travel to regions
    If you are double vaccinated what’s the point as central coast people we can travel within greater Sydney what a joke
    Adam Crouch is a disgrace to his for fathers so is the Liberal Government’s point in listening to Regional areas that have people who will not vaccinate Byron Bay Bellingen
    So Anti Vaxers are laughing at us all
    Think at the Polling Booth

  1217. I agree wiyh you Clive. I live in Lake Macquarie & am dounled vaxxed. My elderly parents live at Kanwal who are also doubled vaxxed & I can’t see them. I live 25 minutes away from them, my siblings live in Sydney & by the health laws they can visit them but I can’t. I’m actually missing my dad’s 90th birthday on Saturday. As for the ant-vaxxed lot, they will get this virus & then they won’t be laughing at the majority of us who are vaccinated. No politican will be able to stop them from catching covid-19. Don’t worry Clive, time will tell.

  1218. Dinah Jopson | October 15, 2021 at 12:02 am |

    Get the ladies from the Woy Woy CWA to open it!

  1219. The Peninsula needs density. All you NIMBY’s are the reason young people are moving away from their hometown. They simply can’t afford +$800k to buy a single family dwelling, instead they are just waiting for you to die off so they can have their only chance of owning a home: Inheritance.

  1220. Diane Cunningham | October 15, 2021 at 10:51 am |

    I refer to letter from Phil Morrison Oct 11
    Where is the due diligence that usually applies to senior executive hiring? Our Community needs an Administrator that actually knows and understands our region. The Administrator needs to work closely with the vast number of stakeholders within the Central Coast, including the Wyong (ex LGA) otherwise…what is the point?
    Diane Cunningham, Buff Point

  1221. I am still confused with our LGA, how can Government officially announce that we were a Regional Area and in the next breath we are part of Greater Sydney again. How can they just chop and change our area at the drop of a hat with out us having a say. They say it’s about a surge in Covid Cases, but there are other regional areas that have high numbers, but still known as Regional. How’s that working out!! All about control and nothing but a political shambles. I’ll remember this at the Poles.

  1222. Some more lovely news for the residents of the Central Coast today. Even when 80% double vaccination rates are reached, which should be this weekend, we are not allowed to travel to the “regions” until 1st November, but all the privileged little Sydneysiders who have their holiday homes up here can come and go as they please. Every time you hear these politicians talk, it is Sydney this and Western Sydney that.
    Regions and pseudo-regions such as the Central Coast are far from their minds. Always have been, always will be. I agree with you Chris, many of the anti-vaxxers will contract Covid, but sadly they will then clog up our already strained hospital system, as well as passing it on to those in the community who are double-vaxxed but vulnerable due to underlying conditions, disability or age. Not fair, is it.

  1223. JanSvensson | October 15, 2021 at 3:52 pm |

    Travel NSW
    We had our double vaccination month ago, we have now been in lockdown for 4 month, we have reached our 80% vaccination rate.
    why are we still being punished due to some anti-Vax in Byron Bay don’t want to get vacillated.
    Lock them down not us
    Another broken promise by our politicians

  1224. Ross Fleming | October 15, 2021 at 7:03 pm |

    Many thanks to CFO – Natalia Cowley, Administrator – Rik Hart, and CEO – David Farmer for the honest reporting of the Councils financial position for the financial year ended 30 June 2021.
    These guys walked into a mine-field and I am sure it has taken a lot of hard work by the CFO and her team to unravel the accounts of the amalgamated councils and put them into a sensible report for the combined council, on top of a change in international accounting standards and having to meet the audit requirements at the same time.

  1225. So the anti vaxxers and anti astra zenecas win..why would they bother getting the Jab???can stay on benefits for ever ..and not “pollute”their precious areas with us the double vaxxed…Am betting come Nov 1 there will be another excuse not to let us go ..Terribly upset..Got to say ..

  1226. I would appreciate reading the news as it appears in the paper, turning the pages. I cannot always get over to the shopping centre and would hate to miss out on the weekly editions. This weeks is issue 314 I thought that I could read it this way, turning the pages.

  1227. George Racovitis | October 16, 2021 at 7:58 pm |

    I would like to know how in god’s name are we greater Sydney the central coast has always been regional so Mr Premier leave us alone and keep your virus down there,stop spreading it up here.

  1228. Shannon Holt | October 17, 2021 at 12:25 pm |

    All you silly buggers trying to blame regional towns for low vaccine rate restricting your movement is nonesense. Bellingen has high covid vaccine uptake considering we have only recently had enough vaccines available. And stop banging on about antivaxers you sound like ignorant fools. Antivax only make up a tiny percentage of vaccine hesitant people and dont pose a threat. They are also within their legal rights to refuse. You are just regurgitating media and government words who are just trying to blame others for their mistakes and so they have a scapegoat if this plan doesnt work out. Its childish. We are all in this together. As a vulnerable person living in regional australia, i havent been able to get my 2nd vaccine until this week despite best efforts. We have 1 ventilator in our small country hospital and four available in our major hospital half an hour away. We are also a very popular tourist destination and lots of sydney and central coast folk have family and holiday homes in our area. This is hard no matter who you are. Stop complaining and blaming. Grow up. We need the extra week to prepare here. Its not because we have high numbers of antivax or any of that nonesense. We just simply need that time to prepare and get second vaccines etc. Of course life will go on and this will be a time of both relief and worry. Its not going to be perfect and no one is going to have their needs fully met. Everyone has sacrificed something and for some it will be their lives. Kindess in any form goes a long way. So please act you age and stop spreading misinformation.

  1229. robert Fitton | October 17, 2021 at 5:55 pm |

    How hypocritical can an organisation be when it talks about cleaning up rubbish left around when I wrote to the Council at least 5 times about a large pontoon left on the waterfront in front of our property owned by the woman nest door. The council did not order the woman to remove the pontoon, not even to her own property. I researched this issue and the council has always had the power to remove such rubbish but just will not. What we need is an outside agency that has the power to order the council to carry out some deed that it is able to do under it’s powers.

  1230. Financial accountability for the Central Coast Council debacle lies with the state government not the ratepayers. Please stop the theatrics Mr Persson, you’ve done nothing to help the situation.

  1231. Colin Henson | October 18, 2021 at 4:38 pm |

    Well done to the team at Naughty Noodle Fun Haus for bringing innovative inclusive arts and culture to the Central Coast. The Business NSW award is apt recognition of the great work done by Juan, Glitta and team.

  1232. Well done the sensible people of The Central Coast who are vaccinated. You won’t be responsible for people getting extremely sick, or worse dying. Only those who are NOT vaccinated will make the elderly & the vulnerable sick, or worse die. Not to mention themselves!

  1233. What a joke. John Barillaro says that the Coast residents cannot travel to regional areas but neglects to mention that thousands of regional and Sydney residents have been travelling here since June. How does he think we got the cases in the first place. The tourists brought it here.

    • That’s why he jumped ship, he knew he was in for it. He jumped before he was pushed. He lives in Regional NSW, why would he care about the rest of us.

  1234. good news for renters and buyers. Prices to go down as supply finally meets demand.

  1235. adrian samuel | October 20, 2021 at 12:43 pm |

    Thank you for the article about the end of the railway, as the only surviving member of the group of three who started the monumental task of building the railway fifty years ago, it is sad to deal with its demise, but with the area now changing from rural to factory sites, for the railway to continue in its present location would be a financial nightmare to deal with, unfortunately to relocate the railway to another acreage in the area would face a similar problem.
    I have considered starting the process all over again, but time & mainly the money side is the problem, therefore what we set out & achieved fifty years ago can no longer be realised a second time.
    We had always hoped that the railway would continue to exist for future generations of children & adults to experience & enjoy, as it does in other countries, but unfortunately that will not happen.
    I would like to keep the collection of steam locomotives & rail equipment together as I either built or maintained them, but they will be probably sold and dispersed to other parts of the country & overseas.

  1236. Thank you Lucy Wicks – you have betrayed the wishes of the community you are supposed to represent. Don’t you get it? We don’t want environmental damage done to our beautiful coastline. We don’t want any more fossil fuels extracted. We want action on climate change from your disgraceful Federal Liberal sham of a government. We want a decent world for our children and grandchildren to inherit. Your actions are disgraceful. You are just “towing the Party line” without any care for your constituents. You are a sham of a politician. Many, many of us will remember your actions at the next Federal election. Hopefully, you will not be our “representative” for too much longer. Shame on you! No excuses – never, ever!

    • Please don’t use the word “we” as you are not representing the people of the Central Coast. You obviously have political views and as in any democratic society it is your right to express those views, however you do not have the right to make it seem like everyone on the Central Coast agrees with you.

      • Lucy Wicks is a government stooge, she is often given a Dorothy Dixer in parliament by one of the Ministers and always looks very pleased with herself after asking the question that they have the rehearsed answer for. They should be banned, just time wasters. I would never vote for this government after the Tax Office debacle when Wicks was telling us how many jobs there would be. There would have been the same amount of jobs if the tax office was built the other end of town nearer the station. We’ve lost the school site land forever.

  1237. Lucy,you should be ashamed of yourself. Despite my being a long time Liberal supporter you certainly will not be getting my vote at the next election .

  1238. Oh Bill, I suggest that “we” is very representative, as over 60,000 people signed a petition calling for PEP11 to be stopped, and those people care very much, just as I do. It doesn’t matter what political persuasion you are. It is up to your elected representative to LISTEN to their constituents, and Ms Wicks appears to be a little hard of hearing where this matter is concerned. I would hope that you (just as I and “we” do) care very much about our beautiful Central Coast, and the legacy we are leaving for our future generations to enjoy.

    • “over 60,000”? The Central Coast has over 300,000 residents so not even half. And I suggest a lot of the signatories were not Central Coast residents. We have to find local sources of the energy we currently import at huge cost. When the green lobby groups come up with something other than folly that hides a vested interest then some of us might take it seriously. In the immediate term save the planet by not driving your car and cease using electricity.

      • Well said, Bill. Environmental doomsdayism is the mainstay of the dim-witted True Believer. This project will not doom our coast and nor will it doom our planet. To argue either case is to give up any sense of proportionality.

      • Andrew Nadolny | October 23, 2021 at 2:18 am |

        Planet Earth is not doomed, provided the recalcitrant dinosaurs, including the Murdoch press, are simply ignored and eventually fade away. We have the technology, but need the serious political will. If the billions of tax- payer dollars that State and Federal gov currently spend p.a. subsidising fossil fuels, was put into research on renewable energy storage, then we would already be well on the way to clean and green.
        Ps to Bill about the petition: in business, if 20 % of customers are complaining loudly, such as writing letters and signing petitions, that does not mean 80% are happy. It means a problem.

  1239. Please, not everyone on the Central Coast is opposed to drilling PEP11.

    I support it, you don’t represent me.

    PEP11 was drilled in 2010 with no issues. The amount of incorrect information via media and socials is ridiculous.

  1240. Amanda Palmer | October 22, 2021 at 1:23 pm |

    I didn’t know this was happening until today. I’m pretty sure 300,000 residents need to know what is going on. Would you send each of them an email Lucy, to let them know about PEP11 and your representation and why 60,000 residents have opposed? So that the people of the region know that this is an issue that will effect every one of them and their future and the future of their children for generations? Therefore they can make an educated choice before signing a petition?

  1241. Poor ol Bill, happy to live in the 19th century…problem is he is trying to drag everyone back there
    with him.
    Three words ‘mate’…Deer Water Horizon ! Watch that doco, then get back to me if you think thats what our coastline needs.

  1242. Bruce Hylwnd is correct if you are going to say something about the 34% water and sewer rate rise go on to the IPART website and have your submission on there before the closing date of November 11th 2021. Because if you say nothing it is a forgone conclusion that it will rise. I put my views to them and although the website does take a bit of navigation it will be worth the time. Clean water is what you pay for and you have already paid for the infrastructure now in use. Don’t let the administrator or the mysterious CEO force the rise on us.

  1243. Your a sad old dinosaur Bill. And poor old planet Earth is doomed for sure.

  1244. Don McMillan | October 22, 2021 at 9:20 pm |

    Ban, Produce local, or import. Why does NSW choose the highest emissions option? – That is Importing Natural Gas. Now proposing to build two LNG import terminals – This gas due to liquefication is +20% higher emissions than if produced locally.
    Is NSW serious about climate change or just cosmetics?

  1245. Terry Kesby | October 22, 2021 at 9:38 pm |

    Perhaps the Minister for Terrigal could tell us how much state government money has been spent in Terrigal electorate compared to all the other CC electorates over the last 5years.

  1246. Well Wicks has shown her colours towing the outdated liberal line with no thought for the people she says she represents. She trys to hide behind Scomos doublespeak it amazes me they haven’t come up with a big distinction to take peoples attention away from the disorganised and deceitful government they are running. They have hoodwinked the public into thinking they are monetary managers but the list of failures grows longer every day. From submarines $90+ billion carpark rorts $660 million failed military purchases etc etc dodgy politicians excepting blind trust money. Politicians favouring donors with lucrative contracts and laughing it off. As Gough said “Its time for change” We need a Federal ICAC to keep the fingers out of the till and an ethics committee to back it up.

  1247. There are some politicians that represent the concerns of the people of the electorate and there are others that are political stooges. Which one are you. Remember an election is just around the next gas rig.

  1248. Andrew Tailby | October 23, 2021 at 3:55 pm |

    I remember this place as a child going for a ride or 2 and its a shame that it closed to the public as could have been another tourist draw card for the coast and kept the bush area instead of seeing it all removed to make way for new homes

  1249. I expect this from Lucy Wicks. She just does the bidding of the party & nothing for her constituents.A complete failure as a representative & community leader. Pathetic.

  1250. Peter Lougher | October 23, 2021 at 11:57 pm |

    Well said Adrian. A very sad time for you and all involved. What a shame.

  1251. Peter Lougher | October 24, 2021 at 12:00 am |

    Well said Adrian. A sad time for everyone. What a shame.

  1252. Janice Rattray | October 25, 2021 at 6:02 am |

    Can’t wait to rid CC of Lucy at the next election. The person does not represent the wishes of our community

  1253. CCLHD has their head in the sand. The maternity unit is grossly understaffed and sadly it will take a horrific outcome for them to even acknowledge it. Well done Leisl Tesch for airing the concerns of of the community.

  1254. The three ring circus has closed but with the ratepayers of the Central Coast none the wiser. Supposedly technical difficulties mard the first few days people interviewed in secret no names published faulty acoustics evidence suppressed (we are not required to know what was discussed) but we will probably have to bear the cost of this less than Public Enquiry! It seems like State government smoke and mirrors used to disguise any involvement in this process. The State government short changed the amalgamation to the tune of $140 million dollars (IT upgrades not included) an some state ministers think its a joke.
    What we are left with is as the ex administrator so elegantly said “Its a cluster mess”. So we are left with the mess to clean up. The mysterious CEO and administrator scrambling to flog off any Council assets they can and not disclosing any prices and hiking up Rates 42% and 34% Water and sewer charges if they can ram it through IPART with the poor excuse of a fear campaign saying we will have to reduce services. I note in this newspaper the Director of water and sewer saying it was only a 15% rate rise? Where is he living? Or is that what his boss told him to say? I also note the administrator is too busy to write a few lines to inform the ratepayers what is going on? But perhaps we don’t need to know!

  1255. I’m constantly flabbergasted when I hear people say “It’s my body, I should be the one who decides what goes in it”. Having the covid-19 vaccines are actually saving your body from getting really sick or worse dying. There are alot people you can save by being considerate. Viruses don’t discriminate, they just attact anyone. You on the other hand are discriminating against people who don’t want to catch the virus & yes sometimes die. My heart goes out to the man’s family who have just lost him.

  1256. Well said, Christine. I completely agree with you. We have a duty not only to protect ourselves, but others in our community who are very vulnerable. We can do this so easily by just having two injections. My heart also goes out to the wonderful people in our health system, who over the last 18 or so months have given their all to look after those who have contracted Covid. We owe it to them to do the right thing.

  1257. The Liberal Party are totally adrift from the wishes of the electorate they are hell bent on destroying the natural beauty of the Central Coast in pursuit of the mighty dollar! The unrealistic mantra of jobs for locals. The reality is it will employ 2 or 3 locals the majority will be FIFO contractors. The residents of the Central Coast will be picking up the tab for the pollution it will create.
    After the last 20 years of denial of climate change the LNP have finally reluctantly agreed to recognise the planet is in crisis. The National dysfunctional party only agreed to 2050 emissions after squeezing the liberals for another seat at the trough and no mention of the billions they will wring out of the economy to prop up their outdated ideas. The farmers have long ago realised to trade with the rest of the world they need to be proactive and adopt green technology. This testing and construction of drilling rigs along the coast in pursuit of gas fields is a carbon producing venture. One east coast Low and it will all end up on the beaches.

  1258. Margaret Hoole | October 27, 2021 at 12:05 pm |

    This makes me so mad. As he said if you have money you can go anywhere. Footballers and their families are fine but us little people are rubbish in their eyes.

  1259. Stephen Morris | October 27, 2021 at 5:20 pm |

    It is to be hoped this is not just a PR exercise tolet the public have their say then let Vales Point continue operating as usual. The owner paid only $1m for the power station and has been making profits of over $60m p.a. They have more than enough money to clean up their act.

  1260. The 2012 limit of NO2 emissions at 800mg a cubic was significantly higher than similar power stations around the world. To be given an exemption of another 700mg and being able to emit NO2 to a level of 1500mg a cubic meter is very concerning. While The 2 Air monitoring stations at Wyong and Morriset show low levels of NO2, the latest research and recommendations from the World Health Organisation (WHO) communicates huge concerns about the 4major are Pollutants (NO2, SO2, PM2.5 and 03) The WHO states “Compared to 15 years ago, when the previous edition of these guidelines was published, there is now a much stronger body of evidence to show how air pollution affects different aspects of health at even lower concentrations than previously understood.” These findings were released last month. Another way of considering the amount of NO2 that is emitted by Vales Point Power Station is that on average for the last 5 years it has emitted 20 000 tons of NO2 per year into the air of Lake Macquarie and the Central Coast. This amount was self reported by Vales Point Power Station to the Australian National Pollutant Inventory. NO2 is very toxic even in tiny
    amounts. It reacts in the air to produce other pollutants ( ground level Ozone(03) and PM2.5). NO2 presents as a huge health risk.

  1261. Peacocks are very difficult to capture. There was a giant flock around Narrabundah where I used to live. They could not be caught. Just live with them.

  1262. Bah bah black sheep have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, the central coast is full!

  1263. Michael Murphy | October 27, 2021 at 10:02 pm |

    Just approve the bloody thing Keith Pitt and in the fullness of time it just may reduce the flotilla of coal ships in Newcastle harbour daily

  1264. The invisible member for Robertson making headlines for all the wrong reasons.Apart from this decision to tow the party line she has not delivered on many promised funding packages from 3 years ago eg the Umina recreation and sporting hub upgrade which has been ignored for 3 years ! Vote her out

  1265. ICAC NOW

  1266. Yet another example of liberal big razzle dazzle announcements and no delivery on the essential projects to encourage commuters to take the train and reduce the traffic congestion and reduce pollution its a simple solution but to encourage that people need somewhere to safely park their cars. The penny has not dropped for the dysfunctional liberal party. Lucy Wicks should be ashamed with this project and drilling off the Central Coast they seem hell bent on embracing climate changing technologies?
    Just like her boss Scomo they have no plan for the future? Waving Scotty’s daughters school exercise book is not going to convince World leaders they are serious in any carbon emissions reduction! Angus Taylor is hitching a ride with Scomo to sell coal and gas to countries that have already shut their mines?

  1267. I disagree, Christine. A lot of people are worrying about the mRNA vaccines in particular and I think it is reasonable for them to do so. We don’t know what effect they may have on humans over time. COVID-19 can be a terrible illness to have but there is some suspicion that “long COVID” might actually be related to the vaccines and not the virus itself. I will also say that preventable heart disease and diabetes are two of the highest killers and disablers of Australians that could be “cured” without vaccines yet no-one seems to care enough to make it daily news and get everyone’s attention. I’m not “anti-vaxxer” but I recognise that solving preventable diseases such as type 2 diabetes the right way is not going to be a highly profitable enterprise, maybe even the opposite.

  1268. Well Ms McBride, not all of us have the same faith in the climate religion as you. I think the Prime Minister’s plan is sensible and fair, it give us an action plan without compromising the standard of living we’ve all worked hard to achieve. We all know the Labor party is beholden to the green narrative so there’s no requirement from yourself to reinforce that, thanks.

  1269. Sandra Watkins | October 29, 2021 at 1:49 pm |

    The only thing killed needs to be the politics and scare tactics around this. What happened to legally investing in this country’s future energy needs?

  1270. The federal Liberal Party is big on empty promises, hype, secrecy and slogans. I’m sure we all remember Abbott with his “Great Big New Tax” carry-on, and now we’ve got Scomo with “Technology Not Taxes” and the “Australian Way”, etc. This mob only care about the results of the next election. They are not looking down the track, nor at the repercussions of their present actions. Remember Scomo in Hawaii, beer in hand, having a wonderful time while Australia burned? I do. I think it’s about time we as a nation looked elsewhere for some leadership and “fair dinkum” action on climate change. This Prime Minister won’t even tell us what was in the deal with the Nats. I am ashamed of this man representing my country in Glasgow. All hot air and no substance – that’s our Scomo. Perhaps he and his colleagues should take a lesson from some of their State Liberal counterparts, who are an awful lot more forwardthinking when it comes to taking action on saving the planet.

  1271. Michael Murphy | October 30, 2021 at 12:30 am |

    This is just so hypocritical isn’t these statements, all coming from one of the biggest coal exporting terminals in the world, when you drive past the Newcastle harbour every day do you have your horse blinkers on, I really think a lot of these activist types against Pep11 need to go to Specsavers

  1272. Ellen Christie | October 30, 2021 at 6:19 pm |

    that’s ridiculous, trust a lib to say something so useless during such a hard time and during lock down when supposed to be at home anyway, can all these kids afford cars, I think not, trying making it easier for kids to get their licence instead and do away with the pathetic 120 hrs needed and logged, that’s holding more kids from getting on the rd than anything, do you know how long it takes to reach 120 hrs, at least 18 months for many kids with busy working parents, why don’t the libs every fight for the right and productive issues!

  1273. The liberal party has fallen into the web of Lies Lies and hoodwink the public if that doesn’t work creat a distraction! The Australian electorate need an ICAC with teeth and a Ethics committee to scrutinise dodgy politicians and the rorts! Its every week some new scam comes to light. The dollar count continues upwards and neither the liberals or the nationals don’t have any shame they just keep squeezing the public purse. No project country wide has met budget.

  1274. It looks like the liberals are trying to hoodwink the Australian public into thinking they have a plan written in big letters in his daughters school exercise book. Scomo will not say how he will achieve any targets because he hasn’t hit any yet! He has no climate modelling although there has been scientific evidence which they suppressed for 30+ years. The nationals reluctantly agreed to ‘the plan’ but will not explain how much it will cost the taxpayer? And relying on magic or technology that doesn’t exist is believing in fairies. The millions spent on advertising and taking the kudos on wind Snowy hydro 2 and home solar panels when it was the home owner and power industry that did the heavy lifting is the reality. Lucy Wicks time is better spent polishing her resume instead of spreading propaganda and misleading information.

  1275. At last, someone that stands up to the Federal government’s deliberate disinformation campaign. Ms Wick’s tricky tactics on this issue seek to confuse voters. It is remarkable that she thinks we’re so dumb that we don’t see through her doublespeak.
    These New Liberals seem to be what the current Liberal Party used to be, honest. Wicks is not Liberal she’s a tricky marketing person.
    Remarkable that too Michael and Sandra seem to think that risking the greatest economic and community asset in the region is fine. Look what happened in the California gas leak recently and the awful consequences for that community.

  1276. Nurses at GP’S could give the booster shots. That would free up the doctors.

  1277. HAZEL BAMBRICK | November 5, 2021 at 6:17 pm |

    This is an shocking situation : a breach of a ruling that has stood for 120 years…Porter needs to be made publicly accountable!

  1278. Dear Errol
    I agree with your comments wholeheartedly. I am trying to bring integrity back to politics by being elected to federal parliament as I am running for The New Liberals in Robertson. . I have a PhD in corruption law and I intend to use my experience to clean up the government. Please contact me so I can listen to more of your concerns.

  1279. Dear Jim – spot on! Thank you for raising this. Would love to chat with you in person if you have time. Please email me on vaniaholt@thenewliberals.net.au

  1280. Spot on commentary from both here – I completely agree. I will bring my PhD in corruption law and my experience as a prosecutor to the federal government if elected. I would love to chat with you in person if you have time. vaniaholt@thenewliberals.net.au

  1281. Hi Godfrey
    I don’t live in Maitland – I have an office there and and office in Erina. I understand you’re heavily involved with the Liberal Party still. I’d love to chat with you about this and any other issue you have. Is that Strategic Plan working? I think there is much room for improvement.

  1282. You can submit feedback on the Woolworths website too. It usually gets sent to the district manager directly, who will pay far more attention than an overworked team member. I know that retail workers rarely hear positive feedback, so this would be a great idea.

  1283. That news article tells the tale of the involvement of State government interference in the Central Coast Council! No wonder the un-Public Enquiry audio and visual was faulty it was planned that way! They did not want the interview of the ex Councillors made Public because the State government needed a scapegoat! They were set up! The carrot was the Council share of the SnowyHydro money that was dangled so the Council was busy planning projects and the deception worked! The minister for Local Government knew which is why she was unavailable when repeatedly contacted and why the Local Government Audit office did such a poor job of auditing the Councils books! People say conspiracy and they may be correct?
    The Council had been through multiple restructures under different CEOs so the council workforce was distablatised. The $10 million offered for the amalgamation was woefully inadequate it is now estimated to have cost $150 million! Plus the natural disasters happening at that time from drought, floods, tidal surges and major Bushfires that the Council used funds that they were unaware were restricted is no real surprise. These are the same restricted funds that the new CEO and administrator are freely using with no consequences? Plus racking up enormous amounts of debt and stripping Council assets and selling parcels of land at firesale prices without bothering the ratepayers how much they are loosing on the deals! Its scandalous but they do not seemed too worried about it? There is an agenda they are not telling us and the local liberal minister has gone VERY quiet? After so many years of ranting about the Central Coast Council? Makes you wonder?

  1284. Robert Doyle | November 8, 2021 at 3:52 pm |

    Thank you Merilyn Vale for helping lift the mists of subterfuge on this woeful chapter. Shame on all players attempting to ‘pull the wool’ over the good citizens of the Central Coast.

    Your objective reporting allows the voice of one of our best ever Mayors to be heard despite all attempts to silence and besmirch her and the other Councillors. Nothing but a hand on heart apology from the LNP and a reinstatement of both Council areas ( a de merger!!) with appropriate funding to see a progressive vision of the Coast emerge through those mists of conservative power plays will suffice.

  1285. Cost 22000 dollars i already checked with nbn co.

    It’s not a free upgrade unless its in liberal held area for business owners only.

    Australian residents got shafted three times by this liberal government on nbn fttn broadband rollout which is complete crap and total useless piece of shite, that tax payers should never have to pay for a service that’s never been delivered under Abbott, Turnbull, and now Morrison mob.

    If people vote this hopeless no good Australia worst managing government back in they deserve to to get worst.

    Australia needs totally new government might be time to give the Green party a vote cause liberal have wreck Australia and labor under Albanese is just another Abbot/Hockey liberal/ national dead beat.

  1286. It’s time to stop spreading poisonous gases. The health of people is too important to risk.
    It’s time to embrace renewable energy production, not pursue ageing and failing technology.

  1287. The Administrator is wondering why Council employees are leaving in droves? You don’t need to be a Mensa graduate, distablatised workforce, top heavy in upper management with very little people skills, loss of experienced staff, no replacement recruitment, no direction from CEO and administrator other than a dictator mentality you will work from Wyong! Equals an unhappy workplace and workforce! And they scratch their heads wondering why few talented and experienced people apply for jobs? The created jobs are a myth because they can not hang on to the employees that are there.
    Plus flogging off council assets that are not nailed down and not disclosing the sales to the ratepayers and saying we do not need to know does not wash. Either smarten up your act and return the elected representatives or go away! What is required is a Royal Commission not a three ring circus that will only produce white wash.

  1288. Pamela Ingham | November 10, 2021 at 5:33 pm |

    Please, no more poisonous gases into our environment at Lake Macquarie. This area is too precious for that.

  1289. Maureen Boys | November 10, 2021 at 6:27 pm |

    I totally agree with Judi Roxburgh,s letter above that our inquiry is a “waste of funds” especially when you read Roslyn McCullogh our Commissioner’s statement about approval,s by the Council. The Commissioner stated in reply that people build all the time without approval and sometimes they are allowed to stay there

    . As Judi says;What on earth is she saying ?

  1290. Saul Nicholas | November 10, 2021 at 7:49 pm |

    These aren’t the only central coast suburbs, as implied by this article. Other suburbs were named in a prior announcement

  1291. Fancy the greens saying about being incompetent they are the definition of incompetent they are responsible for the bush fires ie no burn off

  1292. It’s about time we had to fight just to get It on for two years with a lot of stress and heart ache and when we got It connected our speed Is so slow and It Is frustrating so great to hear we are getting It up dated In Forresters beach retirement village In 20/22 good on you Jim Moulin

  1293. Hi Lynette.

    I understand what you are saying with regards to the wild “conspiracy theories” that are out and about on the internet (chips inserted, DNA modified etc) but I feel it is disingenuous not to include valid concerns that individuals who do not wish to take these vaccines have.

    Did no one you talked to who is refusing to take the vaccine come up with any potentially valid concerns? I think they likely did. This is the problem I had when I went to the federal government health website to read up on what some of the concerns of the un-vaccinated were. I was hoping they would address the more serious concerns, but instead it was similar to what you posted above. “Is animal DNA in the vaccine”. “Are there microchips in the vaccine” etc. No help at all to a serious person wanting information to refute the serious issues raised about these vaccines.

    You state “To be clear, I do not agree with the mandate and I don’t really care if people to get vaccinated or not”, but then go on to describe people not willing to take the vaccine (protesters) as “selfish”. You also refer to people who are not yet vaccinated in the following manner “As far as I can see the people that are still protesting about lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations are behaving like spoilt children” You also dismiss them all as wanting to “follow the invisible Pied Piper into the dark holes of the internet”. In these statements you are again brandishing them all as crazy idiots who have been brainwashed.

    I feel that tone and sentiment does nothing to advance the supposed intent of what you have written above, namely “What I do believe in, however, is that we need each other during these trying times more than ever”. What you need to understand is that it isn’t people who are refusing the vaccine who are sewing division, or ostracizing others from the community.

    I don’t see why basic freedoms and the ability to survive in the society you helped build and maintain need to be described as “had it so good for so long”.

    Empathy is needed here. Not everyone refusing the vaccine is a rabid conspiracy theorist. Not everyone refusing the vaccine is doing so so as to put you at risk. Not everyone refusing the vaccine selfishly attended protests during comparatively high infection levels. Yet everyone who refuses the vaccine is now ostracized, and faces a future that is uncertain and likely not of the same quality as before this all started. If you can accept there are people out there like I’ve stated above, it would behoove you to practice empathy, and attempt to put yourself in their shoes. It’s true they are being selfish, but matters such as survival and trying to keep yourself free of long term health issues are areas of life where it is essential to be selfish. Self preservation should not be seen as an unreasonable level of selfishness.

  1294. Anew charter and dismiss all the board cut funding x 50 percent

  1295. How utterly disgusting. Surely that $11.4 million dollars could be put to better use – as in affordable housing for women escaping domestic violence for one. Just shows you how much clout the gaming industry has over our governments of all persuasions. Perhaps the Minister for Racing should step down from his ivory tower and check out the awful conditions in which some people are forced to live. Don’t forget this shameful amount is taxpayers’ money. I for one, would like mine spent in more humane ways.

  1296. The reality with the mining industry is it has been on an expansion of automation of Mine trucks and rail infrastructure and trains to lower production costs! Obviously to increase the profit margin. It would be an interesting exercise to see how much tax they pay and the amount the Mining companies donate to the liberal and national parties? Politicians often bandy around big numbers that they say the Mining industry generate with very little proof that the information is correct! Scomo has a habit of saying he will spend millions on this and that but a lot of bushfire victims are still waiting for the urgent compensation he promised 2 years ago while large areas of Australia was on fire. But we all know Scomo has a problem with the truth.
    Lithgow just demolished the boiler stacks because the Power station has been idle since it was closed in 2014 and the Liberals want to give the Mining Companies public money to support them?

  1297. Great, we need to see Wicks gone, as clearly she has no conscience & no idea about the bigger issues given she supports people to like Morrison & Joyce, who are handy tools of the fossil fuel industry.

  1298. We are a group оf volunteers and starting a new schеme in our community.
    Your weƅ site offered us with valuаble info to work on. You’ve done an impressive
    job ɑnd our whole community will be thankful to you.

  1299. If there was a fire at your front door would you try and put it out or let it burn down your house with you in it? That’s what you’re doing by not having the covid vaccination. Be sensible and get vaccinated to survive.

  1300. How can this not be a fire Sale? And it is definitely ‘Unfortunate’ for the ratepayers of the Central Coast! The only fortunate person is the purchaser they have just won the jackpot. A building purchased at one fifth its commercial price. What other Central Coast Council assets are they giving away? Its no wonder the CEO and administrator don’t want someone overseeing and scrutinising the Sales! I’m pretty sure the elected Councillors would not have allowed this Sale! At that Sale rate we will still be in debt and the Council stripped of all its assets.

  1301. We don’t need this sort of facility in Terrigal. It is a prestigious area and we want it to stay great way. It’s bd enough now with the Hon element that comes to town on weekends with the loud bikes and cars. The cops couldn’t give a damn and are usually nowhere to be seen after hours. Lots of excuses from them of course.
    Where is our local member on this one; come on Adam.

  1302. Thank you – this is too important an issue to not make a stand. Being an independent lets me work harder for the community and the community only.

  1303. 32 million dollars to slap a giant slab of bitumen in the center of a shopping area? All to save a few seconds of time! This should have been spent on the railway crossing. A gross waste of money.

  1304. Yes John the state government has been very good at avoiding responsibility for the CCC debacle. For decades they stood by and watched Gosford council lurch from one financial disaster to the next, then the complete mess of amalgamation, and now this, The ONLY solution is for the State government to own this as they rightly should. Clear the debt accumulated under their watch, including the dodgy loans taken out by the State government appointed administrators – without ratepayer approval. We need a clean sheet of paper and then community consultation on a plan to move forward – without party-political councillors.

  1305. What the Administrator wants from this feedback is justification on cutting services by either raising rates 34% or the fear factor of reduced services. In three years he will not be here on the Central Coast he will have retired and the ratepayers will have to endure 7 more years of rate rises! The real culprits in this bad merger are the State government and credited to the Local Government minister and the Local government Audit office for not picking up the warning signs in the Central Coast budget. Neither of them did the job they are paid for. Gross mismanagement on their part.

  1306. Terry Kesby | December 3, 2021 at 8:16 pm |

    Dictators that attempt to tell local ratepayers how our local democracy will work after they have left is all Monty Python at its most laughable. Leave us to decide what we will or won’t do. Unelected representative’s has no place in a democracy

  1307. thanks for writing such a valuable article on gardening.
    I love your blog and the way of explaining things. I really really want to see more blogs on gardening from your side. I am also a garden lover and want to share some information on gardening.
    ben martin

  1308. I wholeheartedly agree with you Peter. What a disgraceful waste of taxpayer’s money gone to prop up a cruel “sport”. I read this article online in the 22nd November edition of Coast Community News, couldn’t believe my eyes, and commented on it. This money could be spent on so many other worthwhile projects. How dare they use our taxpayers’ money on something like this. As I said before, the gaming industry has a huge influence on governments of all persuasions. So terribly wrong!

  1309. David Joseph DRAPER | December 6, 2021 at 4:54 pm |

    Hyland hits it spot on. Does it not stand out like the proverbials that the reasons are simply, that we actually do not have a fully functional Council administrative, complete with a fully functional staff for all divisions of Council duties In short, no staff. from top to bottom of the list. Why ?, because obviously there are no finances available. Perhaps it could be asked of someone in what must be the skeleton of staff in our Council’s Offices, Please provide a comprehensive list of all current and employed staff on Councils books and their duties.

  1310. Yet another State Government as the original administrator to the Central Coast so elegantly said “its a Cluster mess!” Is there one state government project that has been achieved within budget or on time or doesn’t create problems down the track. They are so fixated on pushing through their own agenda they override common sense! They also take a leaf out of Scomo book of untruths mistruths or outright lies. They do not seem to grasp the simple truth for the future we need to start manufacturing and building technology in Australia for our growing population and children to have money to keep the economy moving. The liberals mistakenly claim they are ‘money managers’ there is NO evidence of that anywhere! They have successfully defunded TAFE and are now spending millions on advertising trying to get young people to take up courses. How short-sighted the liberal can you be? Under the liberal government the only growth industry is the Advertising industry they must be raking in millions.
    From 300 jobs down to 20? How does that help the jobless figures on the coast? And those jobs were imported? They promised 600 jobs for the Tax office interesting to see how many locals got a job? We need to get rid of this load of Politicians now.

  1311. Well said Mr Franz. Lets have factual reporting not hysteria and hyperbole.

  1312. Wonderful party political spin from Mr Franz again. Can he honestly advocate for an oil and gas industry off our pristine coastline, I think not.
    The recent gas and oil leak off the Calafornian coast shows why, devastating the environment, the fishing and tourism industry.
    Labor was dragged kicking to declare their hand on PEP11 earlier this year, something they now say they will cancel if in government. Though at least they had the sense to listen to a community campaign adopted by an independent MP in Zali Stegall who acted for her and our community. Something Lucy Wicks refuses to do.
    Ms Wicks speaks against the PEP11 in her community and in taxpayer funded ads in the paper and then in parliament she backs down and panders to her own lazy minister who does nothing.
    Clear evidence that her party and career are more important to her than her community.

    Mr Franz is the one who should be ashamed at turning his back on the surfers, fishers and small business community that rely on the coast.

    His party and his PM has bumbled along on this issue and now promotes division in the community with his clumsy arguments.

  1313. Another liberal spin merchant rearranging the facts to fit their agenda it has almost propaganda. They have a problem with the truth! But as they say it percolates down from Scomo! He is reported as saying “No PEP11 explanation on the Central Coast” but the message has been ignored by his underlings. Maybe he has lost control of his mob? Godfrey Franz certainly hasn’t done his homework but has picked up the liberal spin.
    I wonder why they have not got the message people are tired of the lies untruths and spin of the LNP. Time for you to spend more time with your families.

  1314. Why are we surprised at the comments of another “spin doctor” associated with the disgraceful Liberal Party that mismanages our country. They are OWNED by the coal and gas companies. Remember Scomo’s pathetic little stunt with the piece of coal in his hand? I do, and I will not forget it at the ballot box. Nor will I forget his little holiday in Hawaii while Australia burned. Or his little dummyspit “I can’t hold a hose”. No Mr PM, maybe you couldn’t actually hold a hose, but you should have been here to be with your fellow Australians in their time of need. That’s what a decent, caring PM would do. Scomo and his mob are in it for themselves. He is desperate to win the next election – just look how he attacked the NSW ICAC and badgered Ms Berejiklian to stand in Tony Abbot’s old seat. The lies come thick and fast from his mouth. Anything to hold on to power.

  1315. David Miller | December 13, 2021 at 8:42 am |

    I live on the eastern side of Lake Mac at Chain Valley Bay North. I can tell you the smell from Vales is beyond beleif. I cannot understand the lack of accountability from Liberal Governments on this issue. I urge all voters in the Central Coast electorates to vote INDEPENDENT in the upcoming elections. We need to make the main parties accountable for this debacle.

  1316. Who is overseeing the Central Coast Council assets? It certainly not the CEO and administrator! If they sell this ratepayers asset for a firesale price to the State government there must be a whiff of something fishy! If the State government want it they should pay market price! Unless that was part of its agenda?
    The illusion of building a TAFE collage is a myth! Believe it when its built and open for business! The liberals have spent decades defunding TAFE with the same dedication as defunding other essential services they do not believe support them! Such as ABC NDIS etc etc but big business has been bankrolled to the tune of billions of dollars to add to their massive profit margins whilst pursuing illegal Robodebts defunding social services and people on low payed support payments. Its unAustralian and unfair and we are better than that.

  1317. A boat cruise on Sydney harbour Friday Dec 3. Covid cases from this cruise. Someone or someones then went to a prom dance at a venue in Newcastle on Wednesday Dec 8 from 9pm to Dec9 3am. They would have been contacted by NSW Health before 9pm Dec 8 to get tested & isolate. Obviously they didn’t get tested or isolate & now have spread covid to everyone else who was there. Good on ya! So… I’m guessing (and it is just a guess) that they are finally isolating. Aren’t there fines for deliberately not getting tested & isolating when they’ve been contacted by NSW Health? There’s going to be alot of people not being able to celebrate xmas day with their famlies again this year. So much for the rest of us who do the right thing!

  1318. Ellen Christie | December 13, 2021 at 4:26 pm |

    Yes me to, people on the coast are extremely selfish, i’m too scared to go anywhere anymore due to people being this way. I have lung disease and even with 2 vaccinations I still feel vulnerable, the younger gen on the coast don’t give a damn about us who are vulnerable, my thoughts are with you indeed, stay safe hun.

  1319. Why “luxury” accommodations? Should you instead build AFFORDABLE hotels around Central Coast?? Think Residence Inn or Courtyard type family friendly hotels. We can’t find a decent place to stay anywhere around NSW without breaking the bank, it is either outdated or overpriced or both.

  1320. I agree. I have immunocompromised family and everyone acting like covid is over has been so stressful. We could do with learning from our Japanese brethren and wear masks properly out of respect of other people in our community.

  1321. Shirley Mortara | December 14, 2021 at 9:27 pm |

    I feel the same as Ellen Christie. I have lung disease also. I am getting the booster this week, but I still feel extremely vulnerable. So many don’t care about others in the community that are more vulnerable to Covid

  1322. What’s the point of reporting when council have no money to repair. I know through sources that the Erina depot has become a great place to play cards. Those who have not been let go for the most part are sitting around doing not much. It is cheaper to have them sit there than take vehicles and machines out. I have not seen any council work crews out for the months, to be honest more like a year. Unless it is a critical repair, save your money in calling them.

  1323. I have heard from people that alot of people are not wearing masks. I shop at Erina Fair and I must say mostly all people of all ages are wearing masks. It really depends where you live. I do get annoyed with some people not covering their noses???
    I won’t be stepping out until things settle down alot more. I have had part of one lung removed this year! I’m not taking any chances. I’m triple vaxed now Get your boosters asap people

  1324. adrian samuel | December 15, 2021 at 9:40 am |

    Nothing surprises me with the current liberal government transport contracts, they always state this will create hundreds of jobs, but thats short term during the building stage, but the long term employment fails to materialise, building rail equipment oversea’s is another disaster waiting to happen, building in Australia has problems as well, I SHOULD KNOW, I worked at StateRail for 42 years till 2005, and was involved in an overview of the then OSCAR contract, certain issues I raised during the early building stage were REJECTED by the builder, until the trains entered service & the area of concern I had raised, failed, this was addressed by the contractor as my concerns had been documented.
    As we are now seeing currently with the inner west light rail problem, the supplier is trying to avoid the obvious poor design, by blaming the track design, but the earlier light rail equipment didn’t fail, but this problem has occurred in other countries with their light rail equipment as well.
    The main problem that we are now confronted with is a disconnect between rail experience/knowledge that once resided in a government owned body, now the current government is outsourcing the design build to the private sector who does not possess the day to day operational knowledge and previous design faults/failures of earlier train builds, therefore repeating the same errors/mistakes again.
    This unfortunate situation is only going to get worse, as most of my kind with 40 to 50 years of rail knowledge have left the industry, through retirement or redundancy, its now left to those with limited rail experience, who rely on suppliers of rail equipment to recommend products, without that ability to ask questions that would assist in determining if the product is fit for service in the Australian rail environment, what I HAVE EXPERIENCED since the introduction of outsourcing design/build of rail equipment(1986) is, what maybe acceptable in EUROPE or ASIA does not always work as well in Australia.

  1325. This is wonderful! I’d love to see the display – can we visit?

  1326. My Haematoloist advised by Atagi
    I have just had a 3rd primary mrna covid jab, and a booter in 2 months
    Be extremely careful

  1327. Mr Franz, whose North Sydney-based property business is about the same distance from Robertson as Maitland, might recall the 4.4 billion in tax payer dollars allocated to subsidise the unviable Adani coal mine in Queensland.
    On the subject of potential compensation for PEP licence holders, is Mr Franz saying that PEP11 will likely go ahead despite Lucy Wicks’ vague ScoMo-backed assurances in her unconvincing ad campaign.

  1328. Our new Premier is nuts. Why would he cancel the indoor mask-wearing mandate at this time of year, when so many people are crowded into shopping centres, etc. Dr Kerry Chant – the medical voice of reason – seems to have been pushed to the background. It beggars belief, when doctors and epidemiologists are advising us to still wear masks whenever we cannot socially distance. Our Premier is playing Russian roulette with our lives. Yes, we have to learn to live with Covid, but a free for all at this time of year is madness. It is going to be one hell of a scary ride for those of us who are older or immunocompromised.

  1329. Murray Williams | December 16, 2021 at 4:20 pm |

    Omicron will soon be dominant on the Central Coast -especially in the Wyong/Tuggerah and lakes areas – because almost nobody wears a mask inside the big shopping malls. In Newcastle this week people are running for cover. On the Coast? Nope, ñobody seems to give a damn.

  1330. Still waiting for the lifts at Tuggerah Station!!

  1331. What we desperately need is Dr Kerry Chant to be the NSW Premier. That way we might all survive. Aleast more then 90% of us are doing the right thing. Hang in there everyone, we will get through this pandemic one day.

  1332. Oh big deal, Scomo. Why didn’t you “kill PEP-11” ten months ago? Why, you ask? Because he wants to be the big hero just before a federal election. Anyone who can’t see through this man’s smoke and mirrors needs very strong glasses. You don’t fool me, Scomo.

  1333. Would anyone buy a used car from this guy? The liberal party is sinking taxpayers money into gas and coal industries and Angus Taylor is tapping into the future fund to bankroll non sustainable projects he even poisoned native grasses on his own property! And Lucy just parrots the party line denying she stopped debate in parliament. Josh delivered the budget on dodgy figures but salted away a few billion to pork barrel before the election. Pork barrelling may not be illegal but morally and ethically its reprehensible using taxpayers money to bankroll LNP corrupt politicians bring on federal ICAC with teeth and line up LNP the front bench

  1334. Ridiculously unbelievable. Taking away the QR safe code with growing, spreading COVID, we won’t even know if we are a casual or close contact. Taking away the mask, if you feel unsafe wear it. If your an idiot, don’t. Yes, let us see if the premier will take himself and his family exposing them to crowded areas of shopping centres, restaurants etc, without wearing masks and registering their location. This is obsured. If he tells you to jump off the bridge, would you? He doesn’t care, he just cares about the economy. But people are idiots to listen. Baby’s from the age of three months are tested positive. Wake up people!!!

  1335. Love to hear daily covid cases on central coast

    • Thanks Karen, CCLHD has stopped sending through daily numbers, we will try and get the numbers elsewhere.

  1336. If you have a compromised health issue then yes you should wear masks. Why do you expect everyone else to do it too? Look after your health and stay safe, stop trying to push others around that dont have health issues.

  1337. No Rate rises should be considered until a independent & comprehensive review of Council Staff Productivity which is unacceptable. Council “workers” are on public display standing around doing very little work for all to witness.with no evidence of effective management. This is in stark contrast to Private Contractors who rarely are seen standing around doing nothing.
    Rick Hart has not addressed the Productivity issue which goes to the root of Central Coast Residents’ problem of third world roads & high Rates with little to show us in outcomes.
    This needs to change now !

  1338. Phyllis and David Joseph DRAPER | December 19, 2021 at 10:46 am |

    Government Psychology ?? It appears that now that the community has been told by our powers to be, “You are free. to do what you wish,” Covid has mushroomed. obviously the Government has decided “Leave it up to yourselves” “You decide wether or not you choose to live or not” Those who are vaccinated are able now, observing the community reaction, to see just how deep the virus has invaded and the full effects of it in truth. Those that are not defended against it and who seem not to care, or be aware of the danger. may, when the virus has disposed of them, perhaps leave the rest of the community with a better outlook.

  1339. This is fantastic news! Well done and we’ll deserved. Good luck and enjoy 😀

  1340. Well done! Well deserved. Art and culture are so important to a society and I am looking forward to the release of the EP.

  1341. Just voted for your organisation for the Greater Bank community grants. Good luck!

  1342. Same birthday as my brother 😀happy birthday

  1343. Marilyn Heeren | December 20, 2021 at 10:37 am |

    There should be a ‘No Tolerance Attitude’ towards the Disgusting Filth (Humans) whom simply throw their rubbish at their feet wherever they are (including cigarette butts).
    It shows a Total Disrespect for others, the environment, and ultimately themselves and future generations.
    If caught intentionally littering they should be forced to spend a night in a Garbage Dump amidst everyone else’s litter with no food (can scrounge through the rubbish if they want to eat). Give them a taste of their own medicine!
    They are quite happy to inflict their rubbish onto our poor native creatures.
    No Wonder ‘Mother Earth’ is fighting back – Humans don’t deserve to call ‘Our Beautiful Planet’ Home!! All we do is Greedily Take Take Take; and Destroy Destroy Destroy!
    The Less Humans on the Planet 🌏 The Better!!!!

  1344. Russell Francis | December 20, 2021 at 11:26 am |

    I am not a resident of the central coast but I have family who live at Long Jetty and I visit regularly and I wish , like my family that every body that reads your post does follow your example

  1345. What utterly disgusts me is the amount of fishing line, hooks, sinkers, etc, that are left in and around our waterways. Do these fools that leave it lying around think that it will magically disappear, or degrade into the earth? The damage that these fools cause to the local wildlife is horrendous. I know that sadly we have a lot of litterers who live on the Central Coast, but the amount of rubbish that is left on our beaches and in our parks quadruples at tourist time. A word to prospective tourists – don’t rubbish the place you come to visit. We locals are sick and tired of picking up after you when you’ve gone home to your own pristine little house. WE LIVE HERE AND WE CARE ABOUT OUR ENVIRONMENT. PLEASE DISPOSE OF YOUR RUBBISH AND FISHING WASTE THOUGHTFULLY – IN A BIN!!!

  1346. Scalabretta. | December 22, 2021 at 7:14 am |

    Why is nothing been done about large roundabouts trees and grass been looked after so you can see cars making turns it is downright dangerous

  1347. David Miller | December 22, 2021 at 7:38 am |

    Not sure I totally agree with Email, Dec 10
    George Bocska, Kariong. If I and many millions of children in the 1950’s. Had not had many innoculations for very serious and deadly diseases, the world would be a very sad place today.

  1348. David Miller | December 22, 2021 at 8:49 am |

    What a disgrace this State Government is. This situation regarding returns to the State Audit Office is something like a Monty Python Script!!!

  1349. I have heard that the carols on Christmas Eve have again been cancelled. Can someone please explain why as this is an outdoor event with opportunity to socially distance and be COVID safe. I am extremely disappointed.

  1350. Godfrey Franz | December 22, 2021 at 2:32 pm |

    From Vania Holt’s own web site –

    Who’s Vania?

    Vania Holt is the founder and Principal Solicitor of Vania Holt Legal. She has lived in the Maitland area for much of her life and loves it and the people. She wants to help people and businesses achieve their best (legally)!

    Vania is looking forward to helping individuals and businesses in Maitland and surrounding areas including Newcastle, Singleton and Lake Macquarie, and in the Central Coast with the new office in Erina, with all their litigation (court) and legal needs.

  1351. Godfrey Franz | December 22, 2021 at 2:49 pm |

    I like Bruce Hyland’s comment “Nothing could be further from the truth” – Well Bruce I go to the source and check before I write. Start with the first car park promise – https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/central-coast/labor-carpark-promise-bill-shorten-says-he-will-spend-300-million/news-story/7a7a5e52bbabed9c3ddb59524cb35982
    – Accompanied by Ann Charlton (remember her) and Emma McBride

    Then he says loudly and clearly – “Council was never asked to do any of the things Mr Franz alleges” – well now that Scott Cox is free of his constraints ask him how many time he presented a proposal to the funding committee!
    Finally if Bruce is so right and Council had no role or duties who did he think would do the work? the Tooth Fairy! – well sorry he/she is busy in Victoria.

  1352. Godfrey Franz | December 22, 2021 at 3:22 pm |

    Dear Sirs,

    You must please publish this information and call on CEN to explain to the taxpayers of NSW and Australia why they deserved Covid support and funding and when they are going to hand back the money. CEN is a pressure group who oppose all large DA’s submitted to the Central Coast Council. From their own filed accounts they derive most of their income/revenue from government i.e. taxpayers –

    Inline image

    From their own reports their staff are –
    Human resources

    Human resources:

    Full time employees: 1
    Part time employees: 2
    Casual employees: 10
    Full-time equivalent staff (FTE): 9

    This is an increase in FTE of 1 from the year before.

    So in terms of qualifying for Covid help, lost no staff, lost no revenue, income went UP and in their accounts they received –

    Inline image

    So what do they actually do to get over $400,000 a year from Councils, State and Federal Governments – i.e. us Taxpayers –

    CEN provided support, advice and resources for groups and individuals on environmental issues. Extensive submissions were made for Central Coast and Lake Macquarie LGAs on environmental issues and planning proposals, DA’s, the Central Coast Biodiversity Strategy and Local Strategic Planning Statements –

    – yes they opposed every major DA, block development, retard and slow rezonings and expansion of decent clean healthy housing, help push up the cost/s of housing and then get rewarded with a Covid support boost to end the year to 31 December 2020 with $624,074 in the bank.

    I call on CEN to explain to us taxpayers and ratepayers why this is allowed, when it will stop and what refund they intend to give back to the ATO…and….I call on you as a responsible journal to follow this up, pressure for answers and to give us ratepayers/taxpayers value.

    Godfrey Franz

  1353. Shame on Central Coast News for not promoting females from the Central Coast in the World Para Surfing Competition. We received a 2nd place in the World but lacked a proper mention in the article promoting a person who doesn’t even live on the Central Coast

    • We apologise for causing you offence Sarah, we will endeavour to do better in our reporting. We do however strongly promote female surfers, indeed we have published dozens of stories featuring female surfers this year, more than any other news outlet on the east coast.

  1354. How pathetic – the Morrison and Wicks circus performance at the beach. Thumbs up, cheesy smiles. As Vania Holt so correctly described – totally scripted. Lucy Wicks never has any thoughts of her own. She is just a puppet whose strings are pulled by the Great Scomo. I am not holding my breath for death of PEP-11, and I am guessing that there are a lot of concerned people in our community who feel the same. Remember Scomo, we vote, and we are not fooled by your pathetic performance.

  1355. Julie Barnes | December 23, 2021 at 6:59 pm |

    The big question is whether or not Morrison will actually deliver. He is always big on promises not so much the carry through part

  1356. Finally a voice of reason in the mainstream media! Amazing, thank you George! Maybe I’m not going mad after all. Also I am not an ‘anti vaxxer’, simply pro choice.
    Also where in epidemiology is it ok to be running a massive experiment with a biohazardous substance on a whole population with no control group? Where in ethics of an epidemiological study is it ok to coerce people to participate with the threat of loss of career, livelihood, and therefore basic needs like shelter; if they don’t? I don’t live in a democracy any longer, it’s a flash prison camp.
    Also where does the Government get off mandating vaccines for workers in small businesses and then legislating that if any of these workers suffers any adverse reaction from this experiment, the employer is Libel to compensate them out of their own pocket!

  1357. Julie Barnes | December 23, 2021 at 7:16 pm |

    This is not the way to thank people for being mindful of their water usage. Mostly we have been managing water consumption so much better so this is not acceptable. I thought the council could have a program to subsidise home water tanks in readiness for the next period of water shortage

  1358. Julie Barnes | December 23, 2021 at 8:04 pm |

    This situation is partially preventable. Year after year newly graduated registered nurses cannot get jobs. Most jobs require the completion of a new grad position that lasts 12 months. There are not nearly enough new grad positions So many just walk away and that is so unnecessary. They have a University degree and are willing to work. It’s so sad and unfair. Perhaps make the new grad positions only 6 months and increase the practical learning at universities. Some University courses have very minimal on hands teacher and this also needs to change

  1359. do the rapid antigen tests detect omicron?

  1360. The 5 hour wait was actually 8&1/2 hours at Gosford. I understand your concern as you’re a close contact but there were people in that queue who were symptomatic close contacts who had a positive antigen test. All nicely mixed in with those getting PCR tests to travel! It HAS TO CHANGE. The only people getting tested should be those with positive antigen tests (which I know are hard to find but not impossible).

  1361. where can u get a rapid antigen test in the central coast, they are all sold out, once again great planning….not

  1362. Carolyn Smith | December 27, 2021 at 12:43 pm |

    I think the government is doing the wrong thing, I know we will have to live with omicron but they think its a joke.All the holidays they have in a year and when they retire, which is our money. Buying most things over seas even our national flag is a big joke. Most people want to work and some dont but we have the power to build trains, Ferrys, Submarines. Keep jobs in Australia don’t give it away to other countries.Its our money. With the next election think before you put your mark on the ballot papers. I am not saying the other parties are any better but we have to give them a go.

  1363. David Miller | December 27, 2021 at 3:07 pm |

    There is no fairness in Government, especially Leiberal ones. Lets face it the Central Coast Highway maybe an easier fix – the Pacific Highway through Wyong is a dogs breakfast. You have a railway to the east and consolidated retail and housing to the west. The only way to make an adequate road their would be to put in an overpass. Even so the traffic congestion would be horrendous. Good Luck.

  1364. My 19 year old son – a close contact of 4 positive cases – got to Kincumber testing this morning at 0610am. At 12:50pm – nearly 7 hours queuing – he and others were turned away. He was told they had run out of tests and were meant to close at 12:30pm anyway. This is unacceptable. The line was actually closed about 3-4 hours later but he was closer to the front. Why cannot the company (Laverty Pathology) employ someone to do a count of tests vs cars in line at the start of the day. So now he has to get up at 4am to try tomorrow… and of course there are no rapid tests anyway on the Coast. This is a political failure.

  1365. Peter Haydon | December 27, 2021 at 6:04 pm |

    All they need to do is shut the plant down for a couple of weeks every so often to lower their total nitrogen oxide pollution so it will at least equal Eraring Power Station over the year

  1366. They need to separate the clinics . Only positive Rapid test, or those with symptoms of positive close contacts.
    They need to have a separate travel clinic , or allow travellers to do rapid tests at home to qualify .

  1367. Sandra O'Casey | December 28, 2021 at 3:46 pm |

    I am just a local but I agree with the business owners money wasted as I love this roundabout easy access quick and cheap to run the bottleneck does not last more than a few minutes morning or afternoon been caught up in both no worse than traffic lights which hold up traffic also. I see major problems as been described by 7/11 concerning medium strips and more problems concerning delivery trucks not only for 7/11 delivery trucks and everything all these business owners have brought up also safety issues parking problems for others. Keep the roundabout. Spend the money on the railway crossing and resealing the numerous roads that are full of large and small potholes not just patches and how long do most of us that have lived in this area for many years do we have to wait for dish drain curbs and footpaths,walking on the roads is dangerous as is having to push prams etc on the roads.

  1368. Brad Hazzard may lightly suggest that we are all going to get Omicron as if it is just a mild disease and we can live with this risk. But the young person on TV news last night described it as like having bronchitis and Dengue fever. Doesn’t sound too mild and not something older people need if they can avoid it.

  1369. The 27 square metre Tardis of distribution centres

  1370. Les Meryment | December 29, 2021 at 1:10 pm |

    Coles at Woy Woy are letting people in without masks today. I just walked back out. Not good enough.

  1371. Experienced,highly skilled nurses have and are leaving due to unsafe and unmanageable workloads.many new graduate nurses leave the profession within 2 years.our patients deserve better.management need to acknowledge the staffing crisis

  1372. If the restricted funds have been repaid and the Administrator says we are back on track then we should be considering bringing back elected Councillors?
    I see the CEO and administrator are still shedding staff and just before Christmas that does not seem to be in the seasons spirit and yet a month ago they were bleating they can’t employ staff? It would appear that the agenda is getting rid of employees to increase the bottom line.
    They spend thousands of dollars producing a survey that tailors the answers to their agenda without any options or alternatives. Increase rates and charges and extend the pain for the next decade.

  1373. There were people not wearing masks/masks under their chins/masks under their noses at Coles Umina yesterday. I don’t think the staff are allowed to say anything to them. QR code check-ins are not being enforced either. It’s a free for all out there. I am heartily sick of arrogant, ignorant people who don’t give a damn about anyone else. I also blame Perrottet for removing basic restrictions too soon. He should have realised how contagious the Omicron variant was, and acted in a more cautious manner. The massively high cases and hospitalisations are on his and Hazzard’s head. I hope he can sleep at night. He probably can, quite easily. After all we’re just all statistics to him – the consummate ex-treasurer. I feel sorry for all our wonderful doctors and nurses who have gone way beyond the call of duty for us. He and Hazzard owe them an apology. But they won’t get one. He is already madly justifying his decisions. I hope everyone remembers his actions at the next state election. Bring back Gladys!!!

  1374. Christine Vest | December 30, 2021 at 6:52 pm |

    I live at Lake Macquarie & John Hunter Hospital manages to report how many people are in hospital & on ventilators. Gosford & Wyong hospitals need to hurry up & inform the media.

  1375. Michael Alldritt | December 31, 2021 at 6:18 pm |

    Central Coast council is useless and has forgotten about Gosford. We need to get Gosford Council back, I have had enough of this corrupted inward looking self serving council who no represents the people who live in the Gosford Shire. My new years resolutions for 2022 is to see local representation for this area. No fireworks for Gosford waterfront is just the last straw. Thank you

  1376. Christine Vest | December 31, 2021 at 7:45 pm |

    I don’t suppose it’s any point making a comment on anything relating to covid rules because when you get up in the morning the rules have changed!

  1377. Godfrey Franz | January 1, 2022 at 8:11 am |

    Maitland has just held a very successful council election, smaller population, 4 wards, 3 councillors in each and a popularly elected mayor – 2021 Party Result: Labor 4, Liberal 4, Independent 5 including the Mayor.

    Mayoral contest: Independent Philip Penfold was elected after preferences with 22,127 votes (51.3%) to Labor’s Loretta Baker 20,976 (48.7%). There were 11,078 exhausted preferences representing 20.4% of all votes or 60% of votes distributed.

    They will have a successful path ahead of them. There were some smutty cheap shots during the campaign that I guess will soon be forgotten!

  1378. The covid rules change in accordance with the Federal and State govenments’ inadequacies. If they’ve stuffed up, then they cover up by changing the rules. Simple as that.

  1379. And you’re a fool if you follow covid19 advice of the liberal national religion of Premier and Morrison government.

    Only lock down work to slow the spread of any virus outbreaks like covid19.

    Australia especially New South Wales residents will find this out in coming months just what a huge mistake opening the international borders for lying business owners will cost in deaths from covid19. We are no where near the end of this pandemic its only just beginning.

  1380. Peter Taylor. | January 1, 2022 at 11:24 pm |


  1381. Bring on the election and get these fools out of government. xxxx trust me I know what I’m doing.

  1382. I agree with you Ian. These morons are playing Russian roulette with our lives. It’s okay if you are young, fit and healthy, but if you are older or have a disability or are immune-compromised these are really frightening times. We are in self-imposed lockdowns, and to Motor Mouth Morrison or Pathetic Perrottet, we are simply statistics and expendable. The ECONOMY comes before our lives. We don’t matter to these two idiots.

  1383. Gillian Smith | January 3, 2022 at 5:18 am |


  1384. Godfrey Franz | January 3, 2022 at 7:59 am |

    Look at Bangaladesh and ask what they are doing different and right! – population 190 million (NSW 8:2 million), active cases 8,832 (NSW 124,624), new cases 557 (NSW 18,278) – Look at Japan too then look at what they are doing different to us!

  1385. Douglasgm@ozemail.com.au | January 3, 2022 at 12:09 pm |

    That case numbers and statistics are being obviously SUPPRESED at Gosford and Wyong is a symptom of the insidious secrecy that politicians somehow think they are entitled to ?!?!

  1386. Chris Mason | January 5, 2022 at 10:27 pm |

    i been saying it since April 2020 Cases on the central coast and testing was not being conducted correctly many people were going under diagnosed for business greed.

    There is alot more we are not being told as local business owners and managers are covering up amount of people coming into close contacts with infected people to amount of migrant workers flooding our farms infected with covid19.

    Service app NSW is not telling people of close contacts for up to 2 weeks later especially in the Gosford shire region which is not good enough from our government.

  1387. Yeah Great, get more people to commute from Sydney.. Bad Idea also.

  1388. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | January 7, 2022 at 5:01 pm |

    Amazing how politicians announce these plans before elections and forget them just after
    as they have been doing for over 20 years.

    nothing new to see here

  1389. Karen Bardwell | January 9, 2022 at 9:37 am |

    Animals are not for our enjoyment or play things, I am so glad it has been stopped and should have never even been suggested

  1390. Ronald E Williams | January 10, 2022 at 11:28 am |

    i live at budgewoi and would like to know where the cases are the central coast

  1391. “If you don’t have three weeks’ supply, and have both the space and money to stock, go for it”. There you have it – the very advice that causes the shortages in the first place. Just don’t do anything different and there will be no shortage (if others do the same). BTW, only certain items will be out of stock. There will always be other food, so stop panicking

  1392. Maybe if our “let it rip” Premier hadn’t been so quick to do away with all the restrictions on 15th December, we would not be in this situation. I’m sure there are no shortages of anything in his household. Oh, and I’m sure he has a good supply of RATS at his place too. If he hasn’t, I’m sure his mate SCOMO will let him have some of his – free of charge, of course.

  1393. Just think of how slim we’ll all be with this food shortage. It’s right up there with RAT’S shortages, vaccine shortages and a Government that treats us like we live in a third world country. Bring on the next federal election now. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, oi oi oi.

  1394. A plan for the future? Yet again the liberals are leading us a merry dance of secrecy, obfuscation, developer assisted planning and commercial in confidence contributions. They have removed the biggest obstacle the Central Coast Council the Councillors and councils control of planning requirements. Introducing the future plan just before Christmas when everyone is focused on catching up with family and friends after another Covid year is dispicable and predictable. The only surprise is the public consultation period of early March! There are lots of questions to be asked and the friends of democracy for the Central Coast has wisely requested background information on who was involved in the planning, who the developers are and who will have control of the project Central Coast Council or State government? Where the money is coming from and how much the ratepayers of the Central Coast will pay when it fails?
    We can’t get information from the Central Coast administrator and CEO about what is happening with the firesale of council assets? Are they being flogged off to the State government or cashed up developers we are not even told the sold price until its a done deal! No asset sales seem to have made any profit? I wonder why?

  1395. My heart goes out to all our wonderful teachers. How dare the Federal and State Liberal governments expect schools to resume when there has been no forward planning to keep teachers and students safe. I have two granddaughters, one fully vaccinated and the other partially, and the thought of sending them back to school in this environment horrifies me. Teachers are not babysitters, SCOMO!!! What is the harm in delaying the start of the school year for another couple of weeks, to allow more primary school students to be vaccinated, and to also prepare our schools better to deal with Covid – as in establishing adequate ventilation etc., in classrooms. The idiots who purport to govern us have “let it rip” with no forward planning. Bring on both the Federal and State elections, and let’s get someone in government who actually care about the people, and not just the economy – because anyone with half a brain realises you can’t have a strong economy without a healthy workforce!!!!

  1396. Start looking after Aussies here first, stop sending testing kits overseas, and leaving us unable to get one here on the central coast. I’ve tried 6 different chemists without any kits available, WHY is it so hard??? WAKE UP Pr
    ime Minister!!!!!!!

  1397. Tina Marginson | January 14, 2022 at 6:07 pm |

    Did police fined the 82 y old man who was missing

  1398. Philip Swan | January 15, 2022 at 6:38 pm |

    Ever wonder why the council amalgamations was promoted so much. Look up “Open Government Partnership”

  1399. Antoinette Collins | January 16, 2022 at 10:36 am |

    Why is the majority so powerless? What can we do to prevent the continuing destruction of our democracy, our society and our beautiful and unique environment?

  1400. Terry McIntyre | January 16, 2022 at 6:30 pm |

    Masks are dangerous to your health they increase the risk of lung infection, and are detrimental to children’s development.

  1401. David Miller | January 17, 2022 at 10:44 am |

    What can we do to prevent the continuing destruction of our democracy, our society and our beautiful and unique environment? Do not vote Lieberal or Lubor. Lets get some Independents into Parliament to control these lying Major Parties.

  1402. David Miller | January 17, 2022 at 10:45 am |

    Sorry I forgot to add theiving Major Parties.

  1403. By now we are all aware that the liberals and nationals politicians are allergic to the truth! Instead we get spin, misdirection and failed policies. In the case of the Central Coast Council merger we have the biggest failure yet. The liberal politicians were quick to find a scapegoat- the Council and Councillors and the administrators were parachuted in at great expense and they jumped on the bandwagon and pointing to the use of restricted funds? Which they are now tapping into? Where is the logic of that? The CEO and administrator have hog-tide the ratepayers to a $150 million loan to the banks so now we dance to their tune for the next decade. That is beside shackling us with excessive rate and water rate rises for the next 10 years given half a chance! The last Local Government Minister has pulled the pin to avoid scrutiny and the State government Audit office should shoulder the blame in equal portions. The State government could wipe out the debt at the stoke of a pen given the amount they have wasted or thrown away on failed state wide projects!
    At the next Federal and State elections Australia needs to adopt a forward vision of the future. We have had in the past politicians of stature that moved Australia toward a inclusive society. We need to invest in a future for coming generations. We have the natural resources.
    But it all starts at the local level and politicians need to take heed! Demerge the Gosford and Wyong Councils. Put back in Councillors that represent the people of the Central Coast. Allowing party politics into local council may have been a mistake perhaps we need independent Councillors?

  1404. The way we are being railroaded into eternal rate rises without any option is disgusting. As a former business owner I know that when faced with reduced income you need to change the way your business operates. Simply increasing prices would drive your customers away. This administrator doesn’t see us as customers, he sees us a resource to be plundered, with the added benefit that we have no option but to pay for his whims.

    It’s time for a revolt from rate payers. We need to demand a return to a democratically elected council, and a rapid de-amalgamation and return to seperate Wyong and Gosford councils.

    It is interesting to note that the rapid increase in land valuations doesn’t seem to play a role in the administrator’s figures going forward, meaning that his proposed rate rises will be compounded to much greater income levels, all at the expense of long term residents.

    Finally the fixation on the Warnervale airstrip is comical. Pandering to a handful of wealthy flying enthusiasts with ridiculous proposals of “aero based industrial development”, this must rank as a giant rort! There are no industries looking to relocate to Warnervale – if they were going anywhere it would be Toowoomba or Western Sydney, where proper facilities exist or are being constructed. If these supposed industries exist, where is the documentation or development proposal? Recreational flying is well catered for at the much busier facility in Belmont. Since having its restrictions lifted very little has changed at Warnervale, just the same handful of light aircraft utilising the strip – no massive upswing in utilisation from my outside observation. I fail to see how any investment in this facility would generate a return for rate payers.

  1405. It is looking like “The administrator” \will keep doing the surveys (this is the 2nd go at it) until the get the responses they want not what the citizens of the central coast want first act after the survey is to do plan to update the least popular and least used item OUT of Touch much Sigh

  1406. Well said, Carey. I also wonder if Ms Wicks is contemplating doing one of her “photo shoots” outside any of the retirement villages on the Central Coast. I think not, given her government’s disgusting, shambolic and hopeless vaccination programme for these villages. And now, instead of learning lessons from their previous stuff-ups, they are again failing these precious people by an absolutely disorganised booster programme. I watched a tv interview with SCOMO this morning, when this question was put to him. I have never in my life seen such a blatant attempt to brush this question aside with chest-beating remarks about how good the Federal government has been on blah, blah, blah. He did the same when confronted with a question regarding his government’s (again) stuff-up regarding the woeful undersupply of RATs. The sheer audacity of this man beggars belief. Does he really take us for fools, that we would believe the constant lies and spin that issues forth from him. Time will tell if we are taken in by his spin – if he wins the next election, then we are indeed the fools he takes us to be!!!

  1407. Kevin White | January 20, 2022 at 3:10 am |

    Can’t wait to get a decent Pie.
    I wish everyone involved with this project the very best.

  1408. AMANDA PATMORE | January 20, 2022 at 3:56 pm |


  1409. Ask Priminster Scott Morrison for his RAT kits. His family no doubt won’t have to look or even buy their RAT kits. Unlike the rest of us mere mortals, he gets his for FREE!!

  1410. It would be good to add a link in the news story for reading to add there thoughts to the proposed increase.

  1411. Peter Howard | January 21, 2022 at 9:34 am |

    This is absurd.
    Irresponsible financial management like this needs to be challenged by central coast residents in court.
    The potholes in our roads are already dangerous – and getting worse – yet this clown is spending significant sums of money on an airport used by a TINY proportion of residents.
    It offers no return on investment and ignores the VAST majority of the public’s wishes.
    We need to challenge this corruption!

  1412. John Hunter | January 21, 2022 at 5:12 pm |

    This is very blatant corruption. Hardly any residents use or benefit from the airstrip. At a time when we are asked to keep paying increased rates, Mr Hart thinks he can waste our money on this white elephant. We need a rate payers revolt against this administration, and an immediate return to an elected and responsible council. Mr Hart should be sacked immediately for his bias and disrespect for residents/ratepayers, and asked to return his enormous pay check.

    Could the editor please investigate the airport business plan and publish the details of current usage and income/expenditure?

  1413. Jeff Glanville | January 21, 2022 at 6:41 pm |

    Hi there Russell Cox.
    I have been an avid Heatherbrae Pie customer for many years as are many of my friends so we are thrilled to be gaining our own local outlet.
    The main reason I am commenting here is that I am a member of CENTRAL COAST BRITISH CAR CLUB and recently talking to our Club President we intended approaching you with an idea as follows :
    We will in future be using your Ourimbah outlet to start off on our Club runs etc which happen regularly and usually kick off from the Ourimbah RSL car park, the Club being our monthly meeting place.
    Would it be possible to do something of an opening promotion to highlight both your new outlet and to promote our Club. We recently discussed the desire to promoting our Club to prospective members to include themselves in our fabulous social get togethers etc.
    We would love to be involved in your opening celebrations ( if any are planned ) and would be able to promote your business ongoing. We are amongst the biggest car clubs on the Coast. I personally was given a badge I wear with “ CCBCC PIE TESTER “. Our Club regularly kicks off any tours and weekends away North starting at Heatherbrae Pies at Raymond Terrace over breakfast etc.
    If you are at all keen for our involvement initially or at any time into the future we are happy to be involved.
    I look forward to your reply and if your time permits maybe meet for further discussion. I note that you live in the area.
    Regards. Jeff GLANVILLE 0418433901

  1414. I’m not sure that picking one response from 744 survey responses is representative of the overall survey? The survey was already slanted to what the current administrator wanted from the survey getting the ratepayers to agree to more increases in fees and charges. The only option was the reduction in services! No other alternative options were explored because that was not the point.
    The demerger of Wyong and Gosford was not entertained? Surely splitting up the Central Coast Council as it is now would reduce the debt? Maybe not by half but it would reduce it for the separate ratepayers. I suspect that is not what the State government wants. They must be held responsible as the cause of this present predicament? The Local government minister has done a runner and the new one is nowhere to be seen. The State government Audit office did not do its job or perhaps that was the objective?
    We need to get a local election with local Counsellors and reintroduce democracy back on the the coast. I agree with John Hunter we are being railroaded in increases for the next 10 years that is not a solution its a sentence

  1415. David Kings | January 22, 2022 at 9:53 am |

    Why would the paper not do articles on bakeries on the cost which are already here and live on the coast !

  1416. Most helpful info including the phone no to contact for home support I am 89 years old diagnosed with lung cancer and dread the consequences if I catch COVID

  1417. As it was stated by a person at a meeting in 1973 when the Warnervale air strip was first put to residents at a Progress association meeting, “if this proposal is agreed too of one take off & landing an hour, for this airstrip,it will eventually turn into another Bankstown Airport”, well that person got it right nearly fifty years later,
    I would like to know the amount of ratepayers money have been spent on this useless airport over the last thirty years, for a selected few, or should I say the political connected group of business persons.

  1418. Hunter Water proposal has desal plant on border of their operating area. Why doesn’t CCC enter in to a joint venture with them?

  1419. Stephen Wiltshire | January 23, 2022 at 6:17 pm |

    Unfortunately the politicians who advocate the fast train project are treating the voting public with contempt. A fast train service will not ever be feasible. Infact the XPT cannot do its designed speed of more than 200kms per hour !

  1420. After years of agitation, Council finally resealed two sections of Anderson Rd in Glenning Valley. Pity they didn’t fill all of the potholes before undertaking the 2 coat seal … two people can stand in one of the potholes that was left on the very day the sealing was completed! So will this section last more than 3 weeks (which is all it lasted after the last reseal before it was more potholes than good surface because of how lousy a job was done on it that time)?

    To make matters worse, the section of road they drove over to get between the 2 re-sealed sections has potholes that surely they could have filled in at the same time.

    And Council wonders why we all think a 15% increase to rates is not warranted …. this is just another small example of Council wasting money by undertaking such inferior repairs …. STOP WASTING MONEY COUNCIL!

  1421. Once again the Mighty Morrison and his government have stuffed up. He can’t seem to get anything right. Perhaps a little forward planning wouldn’t have gone astray; after all, we have been in this pandemic for over two years now. Every time I see his smug, condescending-looking face on TV, it just reinforces my feelings that this man really cares nothing for the people of this nation.

  1422. Why do the ratepayers of the Central Coast need to own an underutilised Airport and sports stadium? The Central Coast Mariners wanted to buy the stadium a few years ago perhaps it would be less of a drain on ratepayers if it were sold? The maintenance costs of both facilities must run into the millions. But perhaps the CEO and administrator have other plans? We would like to see them and explain why the council should keep them. Since they ignored the survey and only 2 options were offered squeeze more money out of the ratepayers or downgrade council services.

  1423. The IEU clearly hasn’t consulted with soon to graduate teachers or retired teachers before making such disparaging comments about their abilities and “safety”. Remember that last year some of those “at risk” retired teachers were working in schools and were members of the IEU. Remember that next year all of those soon to graduate teachers will have graduated and some will become members of the IEU.
    Making these comments about people who want to teach and have the skills is what is undermining the teaching profession.

  1424. I fail to see why the Central Coast gets excited, or complaints about it.
    Its NOT going to stop on yhe Coast, Its first stop will be Newcastle, as they arent built for stop start, If its ever built.
    There’s a lot of line to be rebuilt as the current lines are not capable of handling a fast train…
    Plus the bridge at Brooklyn is just about condemned,and current trains have to slowdown on it…
    In short don’t hold your breath..

  1425. Oh Betty, please stay safe. I have elderly parents & worry so much for them.

  1426. Richard James | January 26, 2022 at 8:03 pm |

    All very deserving no doubt, but sadly it’s hard not to notice that only white people have been deemed worthy of the awards…

  1427. Tony Sansom OAM | January 27, 2022 at 9:59 am |

    The new CEO should step in immediately and write off these old accounts going back 15 years. It was an old policy of Gosford City Council to seek a contribution of the total cost of providing a footpath and K&G in front of a residential property. However when I was on Council, we always had to authority to write off if any issues or hardship was raised. Time for a community based Administrator to be appointed. I am available.

  1428. Thanks so much for bringing attention to this very important topic. It’s essential that people learn coping skills and emotional intelligence rather than ending up diagnosed and medicated as a result of covid and other life stresses. And yes, I’m obviously biased seeing as Alice is my invention. Much appreciated.

  1429. The Central Coast needs more affordable long term housing across the entire coast. This needs to assist single people, couples and family groups.

  1430. Francene Russell | January 27, 2022 at 10:43 pm |

    That is excellent. The area should be kept as parkland with minimal development similar to bobbin head which is used extensively by tourists and residents of NSW.

  1431. I am the resident of 11 Altona Ave of 30 years in this time i have seen Bateau bay grow . I have also witnessed traffic increased as well with aged care residents coming & going from Nareen Gardens by car or on foot . I have seen quiet a few near misses with elderly people having to walk onto Altona ave as there is NO footpath & the street itself is narrow especially when there are residents of Altona ave parked on the road & trucks having to reverse to get out as well . Just a thought ? Maybe look at acquiring the house on the corner that backs onto Nareen Gardens ?? Widen the road / foot path. Im sure this would be good for you & us locals .

  1432. Don’t expect any help from Wicks. She only dances to Morrison’s tune and all he cares about is coal and gas. As a non-Indigenous resident of the Central Coast, I support everything the Indigenous-Aboriginal Party is trying to achieve, and I wish you luck, but I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for any form of support from the Morrison government. Perhaps Albo would be a better listener. He seems to be more in touch with the humanities than Morrison and his lot.

  1433. When will people realise – the State and Federal governments DON’T CARE about how worried we are. Their attitude is “let it rip”, because the economy comes first and foremost – not people. All the hospitalisations and deaths – well that’s just collateral. Sick little children? No worries, they’ll get over it. Teachers? They’re just babysitters, so the workforce can keep working. I have two precious grandchildren, and I get it that kids need to return to school – but the forward planning from both State and Fed governments has been either woeful or non-existent. Surely they can do better than this. Actually, thinking about it, I doubt whether they are capable of doing any better. Time for a change.

  1434. Jim Perkins | January 28, 2022 at 1:45 pm |

    Thank you for that update. Is Gosford Private Hospital assisting the local public emergency hospital to manage COVID cases and surgeries pushed back due to COVID?

  1435. Always precise a j forma I’ve. Well done.

  1436. I agree 100% with John George.

    If this de-merging does not take place asap we rate payers will incur horrendous bills from this very questionable Central Coast Council.

    Who among us will start the process of liaising with the relevant politicians?

  1437. Ross Fleming (former Deputy General Manager - Manly Council) | January 28, 2022 at 6:27 pm |

    The below is a copy of my reply post on the Central Coast Council Watch Facebook on this matter:
    Part 13 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW) Clause 217 does allow a Council to seek a contribution from the adjoining land owner to recover the cost of paving, kerbing and guttering and footways:
    (1) The owner of land adjoining a public road is liable to contribute to the cost incurred by a roads authority in constructing or paving any kerb, gutter or footway along the side of the public road adjacent to the land.
    (2) The amount of the contribution is to be such amount (not more than half of the cost) as the roads authority may determine.
    (3) The owner of land the subject of such a determination becomes liable to pay the amount determined on receiving notice of that amount.
    Clause 219 further provides for Recovery of costs incurred:
    (1) A roads authority that gives notice of a determination under this Division to the owner of any land is required, on application by that person, to give the person particulars of the work to which the determination relates and of the costs incurred by the roads authority in carrying out that work.
    (2) In any proceedings for the recovery of an amount determined under this Division, the costs incurred by the roads authority in carrying out the work to which the determination relates may not be called into question unless the owner of the land has given reasonable written notice to the roads authority of the owner’s intention to do so.
    (3) The amount of any unpaid judgment under this Division may, if the roads authority is a council, be recovered as if it were an unpaid rate under the Local Government Act 1993.
    HOWEVER, as correctly stated in previous posts, the Limitation Act 1969 (NSW) places time limits on the rights of a creditor to bring an action for the recovery of debts.
    In most cases a creditor or a debt collector must recover the debt, or commence court action to recover the debt, within 6 years of:
    • the date on which the debt first arose or
    • the date you last made a payment or
    • the date you acknowledged the debt in writing
    The 6 years runs from whichever event from the above list occurs last.
    If the creditor does not commence court action within the six years, you will have a complete defence to the debt. There is nothing to prevent the creditor commencing court action, it is up to you to raise the Limitation Act defence, if it applies.
    PLEASE NOTE that Central Coast Council no longer requires that residents contribute to the cost of kerb and gutter construction in front of their properties.

    Hopefully these bills seeking to recover a contribution to kerb & guttering works carried out in 2006 was an administrative error – accordingly they possibly should be withdrawn by Council.
    I have worked in and provided consulting services to Councils in NSW for over 42 years at senior management level (including Wyong Council). I am also a resident of the Central Coast and a ratepayer, so whilst I don’t like seeing Council losing revenue, in this instance they may have to write the debts off.
    If Council has been carrying these Debtor balances in the Financial Accounts since 2006, they would be showing as an Accounts Receivable Asset, and hopefully there has been a provision made for Doubtful Debts in case they have to be written off.

  1438. Well said Jude!

  1439. 1. Age care development should only be two storey. FOR ACCESS OF EMERGENY SERVICES, FIRES, AMBUBLANCE PERSONAL.
    2. Most elderly people have mobility problems.
    3.In the development property, off street parking should be included.
    4. Provision to maintain fauna and flora to some extent.
    5. Keeping the area, as low high rise, is appealing.
    6. consider a ramp for easy access to 2nd level.
    7. a community bus for the facilitate to take residence to appointments and shopping, would help reduce park issues.
    8 Street appeal to all who live in the facilitate and surrounding residence, who pay large rates to live in this area MUST BE CONSIDERED.

  1440. This is a game-changer he’s a lethal striker and to score the goals he has in competitions that are light years ahead of the aleague he will kill it in the aleague massive pick up

  1441. simon beaumont | January 30, 2022 at 9:04 pm |

    make the bridge a thirty kmh zone with speed cameras. this would make it safer for pedestrians, cyclist and vehicles. plenty of signage so no one can complain if they get fined.

  1442. My Australian company called TDMN Pty Ltd has developed the wolrd’s first coinless shopping trolley lock & GPS tracking system that will did the abandoned shopping trolley problem for good!

  1443. Hope Cole’s, Adli and independent supermarket management and politicians do not think trolley collectors and cleans are going to be their punching bags for customers who are too lazy to return trollies back to supermarket, teenagers, drunks and druggies who take off with supermarket trollies.

    We are under paid, over worked already with management and business insurance arm bullying us if we claim compensation for getting hurt, disease or coming down sick not given proper training nor proper Protective gearing to deal with cleaning up after grubs of society,

    We are not covered under the health and safety laws to run around bushes, creeks, in people streets and road ways that extremely dangerous nor are we traffic managers.

    Its time for councils and police to catch the trolley theifs and fine and jail them for this offence and for government and business owners treating workers like crap.

  1444. This issue had been raised for more than 8 to 10 years. Hope it will come true soon after canceling the nulcear submarine purchase.

  1445. Trolley and other

  1446. I wonder whether supermarkets who have a coin/token lock on their trolleys have the same problems with trolley dumping. I’m thinking of Aldi at Green Point and Coles at Umina.

  1447. The Administrator says by reducing council meetings from 2 per month to just one will save money? They is a problem also with the maths there are 12 months in the year or is he proposing to reduce the year to 11 months?
    What he should have said was that in reducing the meetings he is also reducing the amount of Public scrutiny of forcing through policies that would be unpalatable to ratepayers and residents of the Central Coast. He has already started by not publishing council sitting dates and agendas. What seems to be happening is reducing his workload for which he should take a pay cut! Half the work should be half the pay that would save $130,000.00 per year a vastly improved saving.
    These decisions he and the CEO are making should be discussed by elected councillors not paraded as a forgone conclusion. We need to bring back democracy now.

  1448. Reality that nurses have to walk to nursing administration to obtain bottles of water and sandwiches between meal delivery times with pts name,ward and time .all for the Coast budget.nurses exhausted physically and mentally, understaffed,working overtime and missed meal breaks.health system is not coping

  1449. Scott Fletcher | February 1, 2022 at 1:42 pm |

    Darkinjung Land Council do not represent the traditional owners of this area.They are infiltrated by developers supported by government to destroy much sacred Aboriginal land. GuriNgai people of this land oppose this development. Attempts have been made to discredit GuriNgai people and they have been conveniently labelled as not being an Aboriginal mob even though their history can be without any doubt traced back to Bungaree,”King of the Broken Bay tribe”. He was the first recorded first nations man to circumnavigate Australia with Matthew Flinders. Bungarees decendants “the GuriNgai People” are the true traditional owners of this area not the “Darkanjung Land Council”. The neigbouring tribe, the Darkinjung people are not”The Darkjanjung land Council!!!! The “Darkanjung country” road signs placed all around central coast are also not representative of the true traditional cusodians, the GuriNgai people”. It has been convenient for the Darkinjung Land Council, developers and governments to create this myth to allow further development and destruction of significant cultural sites and conveniently attempting to discredit and silence the true traditional custodians of this area. This development should not be allowed to proceed. GuriNgai decendants can prove through bloodlines that they are the traditional custodians of the land which incorporates the central coast region.

  1450. If you create a toxic workplace its no wonder council have a brand problem! Anyone applying for a position in Gosford will have to drive to Wyong a 40 minute drive at best or over an hour on a bad day plus wear and tear on the car and $100 a week in fuel. Which adds more traffic on the roads and 2 hours on the work day. Will they be covered by workers compensation if they are involved in an accident? Of course only the workers will pay this cost the Management and Executives will be subsidised or at no cost.

  1451. Julie Barnes | February 3, 2022 at 12:44 pm |

    More public housing and emergency housing is essential. My son needs to be able to provide a house for his partner ( also working ) and 8 month old daughter. Saving up a deposit is is beyond them. They earn more than enough to pay a mortgage The first home owners grand needs to include ALL house sales. It’s time to help young people get a house. The newly built houses are much too close to each other. Fence boundaries need to be drastically reduced People think owning a house gives you privacy. Sadly in the new developed areas it doesn’t

  1452. Julie Barnes | February 3, 2022 at 12:46 pm |

    Fence boundaries need to be increased. There is no privacy in newly developed housing areas

  1453. Julie Barnes | February 3, 2022 at 12:47 pm |

    Fence boundaries need to be increased. There is no privacy in newly developed housing areas. I incorrectly stated the6 should be decreased not increased

  1454. Julie Barnes | February 3, 2022 at 12:49 pm |

    Bigger blocks of land or smaller houses are a must on the coast

  1455. Julie Barnes | February 3, 2022 at 12:51 pm |

    Builders are taking advantage of housing shortage on the coast

  1456. Hopefully IPART will take into account the views of the majority of the community and deny the increase! Unbelievable! The smug look on the faces of these parasitic bureacrats and autocrat says it all!

  1457. Jason Wright | February 4, 2022 at 12:12 pm |

    A well deserved award going to an outstanding team of professionals. Cannot recommend Hotondo Central Coast highly enough.

  1458. The truth. Every shift every day, nursing shortages.our workloads are unattainable and unsafe. Nurses are overwhelmed and stressed.excessive overtime.no breaks.exhaustion

  1459. At least your not like a lot of news like daily news and Newcastle hearold which are just full of lies they are full of lies that destroy peoples lives

  1460. I simply cannot understand how this Council can continue to request more money after their recent debacle.
    They have shown they cannot manage the millions we give them,plus no doubt,being paid a huge wage themselves.
    Do not let them get away with this,let them know we are against any rate/water rises

  1461. Meanwhile, the Council has asked IPART to allow Council to increase its water, sewer and drains prices by 34 per cent!!!! So the people running council now are as bad as the people who just got sacked for over spending by millions. Remembering Gosford Council was already overcharging residents for water, sewer and drains for years, now they are going to tack that back on, plus more.

  1462. Kevin Brooks | February 4, 2022 at 7:38 pm |

    David Farmer doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of “productivity.” It is defined as “output per employee.” In economic history, productivity generally improved decade upon decade and drives improvements in living standards and wages.

    When Council salaries increase 33% in just 3 years as happened between 2017 and 2020 (administrator’s 30 day report) that can only be paid for by productivity or higher prices (rates). Unsurprisingly, the bureaucracy chooses higher rates.

    Hart and Farmer boast they have reduced staff numbers back to 2016 levels. But services have been significantly cut (over 50 cuts announced in one council meeting alone last March). So, services cut (lower output) for the same number of employees. Productivity (output per employee) must have fallen. It’s simple maths. Hart and Farmer are engaging in spin.


  1463. It speaks volumes about the people who keeps these pour souls in detention and a state of limbo!! It is so unjust and absolutely cruel emotional abuse! Vote them out!!

  1464. Everyone blames the current government. This is a mistake, look at who is doing the advising to our leaders and you will find this is where the problem begins. The TV show ” Yes Minister ” is a true vue of the problem. Unfortunately, this applies to our government. Get rid of the old heads of departments and get decent management.

  1465. Patricia Jennings | February 5, 2022 at 10:35 am |

    Joining you in spirit!

  1466. Kerry Kelly | February 5, 2022 at 2:29 pm |

    I was impressed with Fr Rod when he expressed his view when he was invited to Anzac Day Celebrations. He said, if we are celebrating the freedom won for us why can’t we give that freedom to our refugees.
    After that statement he was no longer welcome.

  1467. Terry Kesby | February 5, 2022 at 2:32 pm |

    Unelected non representatives of “the council” attempting to make long term financial decisions that will effect us all well after they have taken their large salaries and left us to pay for it.
    Ipart let the ratepayers make their own decisions when this mob have packed there tent and left.

  1468. Terry Kesby | February 5, 2022 at 2:38 pm |

    How much money has the state government poured into Terrigal and Gosford electorates compared to the Northern and Central suburbs. Is it 10 times or 50 times more. Your state government working for some but not others. What’s new.

  1469. It looks like the rate hike will go ahead without residents or ratepayers agreement whether we like it or not! I’m sure everyone who did the Council survey would not have wanted it! It seems the Administrator and CEO have a spiteful streak because we will be paying this increase for the next 10 years! This is starting at a time when the cost of living is heading upwards faster than pensions or people on a fixed income even those working families paypackets! It is totally reprehensible and dispicable to foist this rate increase without any support except the CEOs! The Administrator and CEO are being paid a shipload of money and the only thing they can think of is squeezing more money from the people that had nothing to do with the financial situation the Council is in. It doesn’t help that the dynamic duo lose money on every Council asset they sell and fob us off with limp excuses saying its unfortunate or making $120 million profit in 21 days is acceptable? Rabbiting on about gross profit and nett profit we know the difference and its the Central Coast ratepayers that will bare that difference.

  1470. faye Hartman | February 5, 2022 at 9:50 pm |

    Rik Hart . Shonky ! How much are you paying yourself while us rate payers are paying increased fees for council xxxx???? [edited]

  1471. Can’t believe Council are asking for 34% increase in water, sewer and drains!!! When do any of us get anything like an increase in income of that amount! I just hope IPART are a little more realistic!
    And why are we in this mess? Because someone in the Council went on a ridiculous spending spree, and got paid highly while doing so!

  1472. Thank you so much for covering this story. It’s so important to keep the refugees in the spotlight. It is atrocious what is happening and I can’t believe that Australia has come to this. Please keep finding ways to bring this to the attention of the community.

  1473. Trust is earned not a given. I’m not sure the Administrator and CEO have earned it! They are being paid shiploads of money and who is pulling their strings? The State government? Because it’s working in its favour the fire sale of the Gosford council building supposedly for a TAFE facility (believe it when it opens its doors for business but don’t hold your breath) a large block of land that made $120 million profit in 21 days that would have paid out the Banks loan. Another 4 sales like that and we would not have a debt! As far as we are aware no sale of assets has made a profit enough to pay down any debt. The Central Coast Council is using the restricted funds they castigated the Council for using what has changed? Except squeezing the poor ratepayers for more money and saddling us with more debt. They have not proven they are responsible money managers.

  1474. Dave Sutton | February 6, 2022 at 5:24 pm |

    What are Brisbane Water Police doing at Woy Woy, what a load of xxxx. Woy Woy is NSW not Brisbane. Another load of crap that sells papers. FFS stop this now. [edited]

  1475. There is a ground swell of Central Coast residents that would enjoy saying goodbye to the Administrator and CEO (how did he get the job? Did he go through a selection panel like all Public Servants?) 34% rate increase unbelievable plus a 15% increase for the next 10 years unrealistic. Loosing money on every Council asset sales! Can we afford this dynamic duo?

  1476. Michael Conroy | February 7, 2022 at 10:52 am |

    Mr Madell has a very romantic view of how government works in Australia. All Ministers in Canberra have political advisors who are recruited from the Young Liberals and the Institute of Public Affairs. These organisations provide the training ground for the ideologically motivated shenanigans which are delaying the Liberal Party preselectons in Dobell, Hughes and Parramatta.

  1477. Ross Fleming | February 7, 2022 at 1:17 pm |

    Without going over all the issues that led to the Central Coast Council finding itself in an untenable financial position, including some decisions by the elected council which cost Council and which were not budgeted for, and then the Council using monies which were held for specific purposes (such as for new water & sewerage works) for general operations and which now have to be repaid to those funds. There is now a new management team in place with a very experienced administrator overseeing the operations. These people are supported by a great team of workers across the council, both office staff and outdoor workers. I have full faith in the new Council Management to get the Council back onto a sound financial footing. I think it is fairly well known that Gosford Council was not in the best financial state at the time of amalgamation. The costs of amalgamation were quite significant, and are possibly still ongoing. For these reasons I support the Council decision to apply to IPART for the continuation of the Rate Increase for a further period if it is seen as necessary. We have to remember that Central Coast Council is a large employer of workers from across the region.

  1478. There are natural pesticides out there that don’t harm trees and useful plants but do eradicate weeds. So for low costing it would be better to get it done properly the 1st time rather than killing everything it touches and harms the environment where people frequent those areas as well.

  1479. There needs to be a corporate business analysis carried out get to the cause not the problem

  1480. Nicole Looby | February 8, 2022 at 9:52 am |

    I also support a demerger of Gosford and Wyong Councils. I never supported the merger in the first place. It is impossible for we who live on the Central Coast to get the needed attention, the boundaries are far too long and wide to be correctly managed or for we the people to be heard. There will be no change with Liberal in control. It’s time for a change of government so we who live have a say

  1481. The term Guringai is an unfortunate misrepresentation of local First Nations people by White settlers almost 100 years after their arrival. The Darkingjung LAC’s claim feels about as legitimate as possible when you consider how LAC’s are currently split up, and I am glad it is being looked at favourable by government

  1482. Wow!! What a fabulous story and amazing young ladies. It restores my hope in humanity that the brave and caring individuals like El, Calais and Rio burn brightly in Umina Beach.

    I wish them the very best in this venture and hope they are supported by all people that should see true souls caring for the community and offering a unique and pleasant experience. Congrats for bringing this story to us.

  1483. Margaret Kanowski,-Prakash | February 8, 2022 at 8:11 pm |

    This looks amazing.
    Art can portray insights into ourselves where sometimes words may fail.
    Wish I could be there.

  1484. Louise Haggerty | February 9, 2022 at 9:02 am |

    My grandkids have had their haircuts by Rio in the past and believe me she is so bloody patient and understanding of kids needs. The head turning looking up instead of down lol. I will be taking the kids to The Temple of Groom as it’s nearer to them now. I wish you All the very best prosperous year ahead. Amazing that the Team are giving back to the community in any way they can. Thank You

  1485. Maureen Boys | February 9, 2022 at 1:05 pm |

    i agree with Mike,The Administrator and the CEO….How did they get their job? Did they go thru the selection panel like all Public Servants? 34% rate rise and 15% FOR THE NEXT 10 YRS
    THEY HAVE ALREADY BEEN TO IPART re the next 10 yrs an this is abhorrent
    I am livid and emailing Ipart however its already been approved

  1486. So, there’s a process to follow for lodging a DA, the process wasn’t followed, the owner just ignores all requests to meet the requirements, but is still able to continue what we all know as puppy farming. Where’s the follow up by council, the closing down of the business, and the humanity we as clever beings should be showing to other creatures? It all beggars belief in these times of enlightenment. Buy a block of land, do whatever you like because council won’t come knocking.

  1487. Sheryl Burgess | February 9, 2022 at 3:23 pm |

    I’ve just been told by service n.s.w.that because my foster child (grandchild) is not on my Medicare card,(she has her own)I can not receive the $250 voucher,she lives with me 24/7 and has done for 10 years.HwThis is not fair!!Something needs to change!!

  1488. A thousand times no!!!!!!!

  1489. French Bulldogs’ breeding have been banned in the Netherlands and Norway due to the brachycephalic complications these poor animals endure and suffer. Famous Frenchies extensive breeding program is irresponsible and an abuse of the power humans have over other animals. It is purely for monetary gain, not a love of animals. I am disillusioned with council and in particular the Local Planning Panel.

  1490. 602 does not make survey on such a diversive issue! This seems a number to appease and to show the right statistical data. As I don’t recall be asked participate? (I would be be under a southern flight path) Also there was previously thunderous complaints when there additional sky diving planes dropping recreational sky divers to land in Pioneer Diary area.

  1491. Can someone please explain to me why we still have an administrator in place? Surely Rik Hart’s time in the seat is past it’s use by date, both in terms of returning democracy to the Coast but also in terms of his patronising con-act been going on for too long. He is fooling no one any longer with his gaslighting attempts to tell residents that he knows better than any caring, rate-paying resident what is needed here. Council claims the financial matters are largely sorted, so job done, time to move on.
    Time as well for the State Government to own up to its mess, send Mr. Hart back to retirement, where he should never have come out of, and return decision making on the Coast back to its rightful place; democratically elected locals. Nothing justifies the 14+ month period in administration. Like Rik, I personally don’t want to see the likes of Jane Smith, Greg Best and other ousted toxic councillors return, but that is a matter for the residents to decide.
    Time for the State Government to reinstate our democracy and do their best to clean the egg on their face for having kept the Central Coast under administration for so long. Despite many individuals and governing bodies having fallen short since, there is no denying the root of this mess is the shambolic amalgamation they led and the lack of appropriate oversight from the State Government. No one wins from this mess and the Libs in State Government need to stop playing politics with democracy on the Coast to keep Labor out of Council.

  1492. Nicole Looby | February 11, 2022 at 8:41 am |

    Absolutely agree. A nurse practitioner would be a safety support for all involved. Access needed blood tests as well as liaise with other treatment services so as to avoid hospital transport. Relatives must educate themselves on the Nurse Practitioner and push for more to be employed.

  1493. Louie is amazing, her skill set as a coach should be recognized in women’s rugby 🏉 & I would recommend her as Wallaroos coach. She’s considered to be well respected in her years playing with the Wallaroos. Omg I lived with her for twelve years far out seem like a life time but some of the best years of my life. Louie is talented on & off the field she can drink alcohol & win most boat races then men whilst passing & running then scoring the try, gifted lol. I wish Australia could see how talented Loiuse Ferris is as a coach, she would create Wallaroo & Wallaby champions to win World cups 🏆😁✅💯

  1494. I never ever vote for any of the main parties! Together they have a monopoly and do whatever they like with disregard of the people they should be serving, that’s their job, to serve the people for thier benefit and that of the country.
    Don’t ever let them forget that.

  1495. No more dogs anywhere!
    I’m surrounded by dog owners who don’t care about their neighbours by allowing their stinking dogs to bark all the time.
    Council claim they cant do anything about it!

  1496. If Religious(or any) Discrimination Bill is so badly written that it needs to have explicit additions for entire groups to not be victims of discrimination
    it is actively evil and should never been submitted to parliament.
    luckily it was defeated
    we all need to be vigilant that this evil is not attempted again

  1497. Maureen Kerin- Boys | February 13, 2022 at 9:36 pm |

    Kevin Brooks is spot on in his post. There has been no productivity for 5yrs as I see it. Rik Hart and David Farmer engage in daily spin.Services have been and will be cut more to suit their budget
    They are both blackmailing Community Groups by asking them to write letters of Support so they, the Groups will get funded I assume. More to the point they are paying Consultants to do their “work” to apply for certain areas of work within the council. The increased rates are causing hardships among some groups of people and everyone I chat to “we have to pull our horns in” as the rates are exorbitant and within 3 yrs their balance sheet will look abysmal,

  1498. Maureen Kerin-Boys | February 13, 2022 at 9:46 pm |

    I have also written to IPART to ask about this even though their decision has been made, as we the Ratepayers are not happy with Rik xxx.
    Also from memory Rik squeezed 3 meetings in one fortnight, just imagine what may have been passed, I will find out as we can watch them online thru youtube. I ask everyone to write to Rik Hart and David Farmer they are working for us. You will find their emails quite often on Kevin Brooks posts . We don’t need to be hearing their spin every 2nd day. Write to this paper which does a great job,

  1499. Just another admission that government and councils have absolutely no regard for the public. Apathy allows these people to get away with almost anything so the blame can’t be totally placed upon them. But misappropriation of finances then raising rates claiming services could be reduced due to lack of finances is beyond absurd. Yesterday morning Sunday 13/2/2022 I observed and indeed spoke to someone in a apparent council mowing team. These guys were parked in the access area of the Council Dog Pound. I asked “Are you on smoke?” The reply was we are volunteering our selfs to mow the fields and park the council don’t want to do. The council lends us the Van trailer and gear to perform this work. Now I’m not saying he was lying but why would four men be out mowing council parks voluntarily on a Sunday morning when wages for this day would be set at around triple time.?????

  1500. what about all of the people without school aged children who also made extraordinary sacrifices and worked hard right through this pandemic eg: hospital staff, essential workers etc. what do they get nothing extra. Sounds and smacks of descrimination to me (don’t have school aged children)
    Must be an election coming up smells like pork barrelling to me.

  1501. Well said Kevin i will write again to IPART with the words of Comment ” Rate Hikes application ”

    Misrepresents Community Sentiment

    ANDREW YOUR COMMENT it is only fair that Rik Hart comments on your post as the Community are asking what,s going on. We are paying extremely inflated rates and whom or who are these 4 men mowing on a Sunday?

  1502. This is another project that no community input was requested! Selling the Stadium would be a better option. Council would still be required to provide maintenance for the facility probably around $1 million ratepayers dollars per year? Does anyone know how much the Stadium makes per year nett not gross? The management team would have been the cheapest component how much is the Council/ratepayers making from this deal? The CEO is talking about removing the road because its separating the park from the waterfront how much is that going to cost? The Council say they have a plan has anyone seen it? I think that would be a resounding NO!
    There are too many unanswered questions from the dynamic duo they seem hell bent on selling Central Coast Council assets under a cloud of secrecy why? They reduce the number of Council meetings why? To reduce their workload? They are not reducing their paypackets.
    Its time a Council election was put on the agenda. So we have a date we can work towards. The Councillors may have been dysfunctional but at least they were elected representatives of the ratepayers! Hindsight gives everyone better vision. There are a lot of issues the Councillors were not made aware of and certainly not the financial situation. But the State government did wave lots of potential money around such as the money from the SnowyHydro scheme and money from the council mergers unspent millions until it vanished when Gladys wiped the board and sreaded the documents and blithely said it was Pork barrelling money so that’s OK?

  1503. Sandra Lipman | February 14, 2022 at 9:11 pm |

    Sounds fantastic would love to see a live show.

  1504. The Council should pursue the purchase of the Wetlands ……. There is a Davistown account that already has 1.4 million deposited …..
    The owner has wanted to sell the land for a few years now and may accept a reasonable offer from Council.

  1505. The list of environmental failures are growing! As the residents of Davistown hold a candle lit vigil for the Davistown wetlands the Administrator has moved it from environmentally protected to a ‘Deferred Matter?’ leaving it unprotected and venerable to predatory developers that the bottom line is a massive profit such as the Warnervale Council land sell off. ($120 million profit in 21 days) The traffic would be horrendous shifting hundreds of tons of fill soil would pollute the waterways removal of mangroves would reduce fish breeding habitat. Where would the Central Coast Council environmental protection credentials be then?

  1506. We are very fortunate to have our local newspapers, they are doing a great job when the corporate media either sensationalize or politicize most Central Coast stories.
    I suspect this review will be a low-quality review with a political agenda because it is obviously not fair dinkum bout getting the public’s input by holding it over the summer holidays.

  1507. What exactly is ING?I moved seven years ago and like to keep in touch via Central Coast News on line ,but would really like to know what ING stands for Thanks Fran S

    • According to their website ‘ING (the trading name of ING Bank (Australia) Limited) is the world’s leading savings bank and is wholly owned by ING Group.’ according to their Wikipedia entry, ‘The ING Group is a Dutch multinational banking and financial services corporation headquartered in Amsterdam. Its primary businesses are retail banking, direct banking, commercial banking, investment banking, wholesale banking, private banking, asset management, and insurance services’ ING stands for ‘Internationale Nederlanden Groep’

  1508. Jenny Mcculla | February 15, 2022 at 3:53 pm |

    Why is Davistown sprayed and Hardy’s Bay and Wagstaffe whipper snipped?

  1509. Please if you have a heart return this gorgeous puppy where he belong ,with a family that has been through enough in their life and doing their best for the dogs they so kindly rescued 🙏😘

  1510. Elaine Quinn | February 16, 2022 at 8:07 am |

    Would like to know if you have any puppies suitable for read option as my son wants another dog to replace his older assistant who dog would prefer a male

  1511. Nicole Looby | February 16, 2022 at 9:48 am |

    Sadly it is all too evident that the Woy Woy peninsula has been forgotten by the monolithic central coast council. It feels lawless down here yet lots of development money obviously moving into coffers.

  1512. Around 2/3 of the $565M debt was, if course, inherited from the two previous councils ..

    with current low interest rates, it makes sense to borrow for new infrastructure ..

  1513. My heart and support goes out to these wonderful nurses and aged care workers. It is absolutely disgraceful to think they have to go out on strike for better working conditions and wages. These men and women are gold – they have endured so much during the last two years – and before that as well. All because the Federal and State Liberal governments have turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to their predicament. Morrison, Perrottet and that hopeless Colbeck are a disgrace. It is time that we ousted these useless men. People have already sent Perrottet a warning in the recent by-elections. We will be faced with a Federal election this year – Morrison and his band of arrogant no-hopers are not worthy of another term in government. Time for them to GO!

  1514. The justification for the IPART increases uses a lot of spin from the Administrator
    hiring new employees as if that will fix the financial situation? The desperate grab for more money from residents which will be a big imposition on the ratepayers well into the future.
    We would not need the Bank loans if the Council stayed within their budget constraints. Why would we be required to service the Bank loans for the next 10 years? The Administrator assures us the debt is being paid out? Is it? Or is he planning to borrow more money? Where has the money from the sale of Central Coast assets? Disastrous though they were.
    Remember it was not the ratepayers that created this financial crisis! In business if you were in this situation you could not increase your products prices repeatedly for 10 years! You would not have any customers!

  1515. Gosford hospital has chronic nursing shortages.every shift nurses are doing overtime.workloads are excessive resulting in task nursing.am exhausted from rushing, working on adrenaline and feeling totally overwhelmed.i have been nursing 30yrs.

  1516. Jennifer Mold | February 17, 2022 at 9:21 pm |

    It is so important to maintain maintenance!!! I Am so disappointed went I see the weeds along the road at roundabouts.
    I live in Wyoming and we used to have regular maintenance but not anymore.
    The Wyoming creek crosses my street and the grass on council land is so tall now must be full of snakes.I am tired of contacting council to mow it!!
    I think keeping up the maintenance is the most important issue.
    I notice some weeds at the traffic lights have now lifted the concrete.
    This really has to be fixed if not it will end up costing more money

  1517. No puppy farms no no suffering Go Animal liberation

  1518. Doesn’t take much to see that these businesses are only in this for the $$ – if they love animals they’d put their money and time into allocating homes for the millions of helpless dogs held in shelters around Australia due to be euthanized. Grow a conscience and say NO to another money making puppy breeding puppy farm!! Dogs lives matter!!!

  1519. I am trying to find the automatic objection submission. Can you direct me to it please. Those poor dogs need the cruelty to stop.

  1520. Senior, experienced nurses are exhausted mentally and physically.many senior nurses are retiring early.new graduate nurses are not receiving the support,guidence and education needed.can not fix a broken system with new graduates and lack of nurse educators

  1521. Maureen Boys | February 19, 2022 at 5:15 pm |

    I support Janet Crlik asking questions about asset sales
    There are far to many unanswered questions re Asset Sales, whom, where, why,were the Ratepayers consulted?

  1522. It is not only the Peninsula that has problems. It’s all of the Central Coast. Though Terrigal seems to do ok. I wonder why. Do not sell the Water dept as future residents will be paying higher bills for water forever. We could ask the Obeids what it is worth. They had an interest in water assets at one time.

  1523. Michelle - Mannering Park resident | February 20, 2022 at 8:43 am |

    Hoping that this means by 2029 transporting and storage of toxic coal dust via the eyesore transport chanel located over Rutleys road will cease and be dismantled ?

  1524. Union didnt threaten a strike
    Drivers etc didnt even know about it until they arrived

  1525. Hi how do I get acess to the minutes of the panel

  1526. Council staff continue to focus on the wrong metric. Low take-up of employment land doesn’t reflect low demand, rather the severe constraints that exist upon currently zoned employment land, very little of which is serviced and ready to be taken up. Just ask anyone who has ever enquired about the many available land parcels in the Somersby Industrial Precinct how practically impossible it is to develop on it, once biodiversity and aboriginal heritage contraints are considered. Nothing is feasible!
    Ask Borg, our largest employer on the Coast, who have tried to expand their operations on suitably zoned land, but been met time and time again with refusals and conditions that make it impossible to expand and to generate the additional jobs the Coast is begging for.
    Demand is sky-high when developable employment land comes up for sale, just look at what happened at Jilliby/Kiar Ridge a few months ago when lots were sold way above asking prices in a matter of days.
    Disappointing to see that despite the changes in leadership at Council nothing has changed and the organisation continues to be hell-bent on stimying progress and employment opportunities the Coast desperately needs. The Regional Plan sets out an action for additional employment land to be investigated, to confirm it’s needed, subject to appropriate checks and balances. It’s not suggesting it be rezoned right away. Why is Council already in opposition to this before the evidence is collected and presented? What are they so afraid of? Whose interests are they serving in doing so?

  1527. Tim Slocum, Peninsula Village, 91 Pozieres Ave, Umina Beach 2257 | February 25, 2022 at 1:26 am |

    In July 2020, unaware of any proposed projects for the site, I made a suggestion to Council that a pedestrian refuge be installed at the intersection of Railway St and Rawson Rd because of the danger to pedestrians, cyclists, wheelchair and mobility scooter users travelling along Railway St, trying to cross Rawson Rd. I thought that this would not cost much to implement. On 26 July 2020 I received a reply :

    Thank you for your request for a pedestrian Refuge at the intersection of Railway Street and Rawson Road, Woy Woy.

    Council have investigated your concerns and will list this area for future works, please note that this project must await funding along with the other Refuge locations.

    Council appreciates your interest in road safety.

    [edit name of officer]
    Traffic Officer

  1528. The construction of a roundabout at the end of Wards Hill Road / Empire Bay Drive is absolutely vital to ensure the safety of traffic using this hazardous intersection. The number of near misses as traffic wants to turn right onto Empire Bay Drive is hair raising. This is particularly concerning when it is school time and there is a backup of traffic leading to Empire Bay School. Traffic wanting to turn right at the end of Wards Hill Road onto Empire bay Road is at a standstill. Their need to turn right but stalled makes for some very bad decision as people get frustrated from lack of vision. The need for a roundabout is much more IMPORTANT!!!

  1529. Completely agree that a roundabout at the corner of Wards Hill Rd and Empire Bay is desperately needed. I’ve witnessed some very close calls and have felt sorry for some older drivers being “pushed” to turn into fast oncoming traffic. An accident is surely on the horizon, let’s hope it’s not fatal!

  1530. The bigger black spot is the intersection at the bottom of Ward’s Hill Road. The top of Ward’s Hill Road is fast becoming another danger area because of poor visibility and increased traffic.
    I don’t understand why council would put a bandaid on a section of road that safer than these two intersections.

  1531. I applaud the idea and look forward to the active result. A roundabout as suggested at the bottom of Wards Hill Road and Empire Bay Drive would be a positive I feel. Also, the uphill stretch Of Heath Road (running from Araluen North) is a speeders heaven, and once again reaching (estimated) of 80kph. The same is the case on the Scenic Road, running west to Maitland Bay Drive. Once again, thank you for taking action.

  1532. The Wards Hill Rd/Scenic Rd intersection is a death trap when coming from Empire Bay to turn right into Scenic Rd. Cars parked on the Empire Bay side of Scenic Rd completely obstruct the view of any vehicle travelling south down Scenic Rd.

  1533. Totally agree with a roundabout at Empire Bay Drive and Wards Hill Road intersection l will often go Scenic Drive to avoid the intersection in busy times if I wish to get to Kincumber

  1534. John Thomas Goulton | February 26, 2022 at 12:22 pm |

    Why do I feel a King Canute moment coming on?

  1535. Stuart Ridgway | February 26, 2022 at 3:49 pm |

    I’ll greatly miss his signboard messages. He’s the greatest Christian.

  1536. David Clifton-Smith | February 27, 2022 at 9:44 am |

    I totally agree! Lucy Wicks promised a new mobile tower would be built when she was campaigning fir the 2016 election but here we are in 2022 and still nothing. I do realise that some residents near the proposed site of the tower have objected to it but Lucy Wicks has simply walked away from the matter.

  1537. Agree with all comments that a roundabout it much more important,

  1538. Get the State gov to supply a round about

  1539. Traffic calming devices also needed on The Scenic Road. Visitors and locals alike fly down this road.

  1540. Michael Squires | February 28, 2022 at 11:20 am |

    There is a massive shortage of available land within the central coast region which in turn has put incredible pressure on pricing over the past twelve months, its time for council to step up and re-zone land that has been earmarked for this purpose, introduce major infrastructure spending and consider the needs of the country, the small minded thinking and absurd developements which have already been approved within the region add weight to the fact that council has no idea what they are doing, just take a look at the proposed Warnervale town centre, what a mess, 250 sqm lots does not provide affordable or attractive housing or neigbourhoods, it only provides for traffic and congestion issues. All I have seen from council since 1994 when I moved to the area is reckless spending, poor management and a complete lack of vision, these are facts not fiction and although the council is under administration things are not improving, it makes me angry when I see sensible large lot developments like this one knocked back, the fact is all of Australia was rural before we developed it regardless of whether it was east for west of a road.

  1541. Totally agree with a roundabout needed at intersection of Empire Bay Drive and Wards Hill Rd and another seriously dangerous corner is The turn off from Maitland Bay Drive onto Wards Hill Rd, towards Empire Bay due to no visibility at the crest of the Hill.

  1542. David Worboys/Draper | February 28, 2022 at 4:52 pm |

    The Esplanade may not as our reader states be, the only place that suffers from bad drivers. It seems that some drivers and motor cyclists have to consistently, loudly, violently and dangerously, advertise themselves at all times, on the roads of the Peninsula. Were there not once, Laws prohibiting, dangerous driving, over noisy vehicle exhausts and noise caused by excessive acceleration. Are those laws still in force and are they being Policed ? perhaps not as well as they should be and why not ? Could it be perhaps that changes, from time to time, affecting the powers of our police, have them now, attempting to work with their hands tied behind their backs ?

  1543. noelene brasche | February 28, 2022 at 5:57 pm |

    All comments are valid especially the “bandaid” approach to the lesser problematic section of Wards Hill Road. The Empire Bay intersection is a continued source of driver frustration due to poor planning, however, the Scenic Rd intersection is potentially lethal! Please don’t wait for a “fatal’ before considering a calming zone after the Maitland Bay turn off. Few respect the 50km signage. We live opposite that intersection and (especially on weekends) hear the break-screaming and horn-tooting; it is a disaster waiting to happen! Please don’t let it!

  1544. I just hope they have a plan for traffic. It already builds up at the intersection of Bryant drive and wyong Rd. Makes it hard to exit the carport from the other shopping centre as well.

  1545. Well done guy’s.
    Consistent good training pays dividends. Don’t Panic, relax and compete well.

  1546. Is anyone looking at the area as a whole and ensuring green corridors are maintained for wildlife? More hard surfaces will also mean more local flooding, particularly once the earth in concreted.

  1547. Terrence Quinlan | March 1, 2022 at 8:00 am |

    Big concern for traffic in this area. There is really only one road in and out and is already heavily congested especially at the Wyong Road Bryant Drive roundabout. Must be another road put in to ease traffic and should be done before the development even starts.

  1548. Warren Cross | March 1, 2022 at 9:59 am |

    The NSW State Government could address affordable housing by introducing a planning instrument that recognises affordable housing (particularly build to rent)as a permitted land use across all zones. Eco villages, co-housing and tiny house villages could be incorporated into this new planning instrument. Central Coast Council (and other Councils)advocate for affordable housing, but archaic planning laws do the reverse. Affordable housing is a national emergency.

  1549. Maureen Kerin-Boys | March 1, 2022 at 10:38 pm |

    I fully support Kevin Brooks’s Opposition to the Rate Rise and his tireless work in doing so and
    now Matthew Wales for the Chambers in Opposing this Unconscionable Rate Rise

  1550. Belinda Beresford | March 1, 2022 at 10:46 pm |

    A spokesperson for Revenue NSW said audits had begun of the 2021 JobSaver payments and 2021 COVID-19 Business Support grant.

    “These audits may identify customers who have received an over-payment of a grant from incorrect or misstated data being provided by customers,” the spokesperson said.

    “The JobSaver payment was paid on the basis of the information provided by customers.

    “Data matching by Revenue NSW has identified that some customers made errors or provided misleading information, such as including incorrect wages or having an insufficient decline in turnover.

    This statement above provided by Revenue NSW is false and misleading. The Revenue NSW staff member completing the compliance audit provided our business a calculation of the correct rebate using the exact May PAYG figures that were provided. Our salon was closed so 100% downturn. Revenue NSW need to take ownership and apologise for the calculation error not turn their mistake around to blame small business. owners.

  1551. They’d better sort the traffic jams before they build. They’ve obviously never tried getting out of there on a Saturday!

  1552. Robert Leslie Findley | March 3, 2022 at 6:40 am |

    Why did the government not listen to Maj. General Stretton in 1975 and since then nothing has happened. Both major parties have let down the people of the nation.

  1553. Andrea Damic | March 3, 2022 at 6:41 am |

    It seem the same is happening with Before and After School Care Vouchers. I tried applying on multiple occasions and while all our details got Verified and my child is Eligible I could not finish the process due to the same technical error which keeps advising that some of the details are not correct but it does not advises which ones, yet all the details got Verified. That does not make sense. Is there a number we can call re these issues?

  1554. An overhead pass from the base of the hill from Kariong meeting up with Racecourse Roadmear the tennis courts. As ambulances also come from Point Clare an access road onto this overpass wouldn’t go astray.

  1555. Are we surprised ?
    Seems like our council thrives on making terribly bad decisions based on the fact they rely on us to pay for them

  1556. Pete Lawley | March 3, 2022 at 12:09 pm |

    Having lived right near that intersection for 20 years, a major contributing factor is the creek behind the Motor Dealer and Adcock Avenue. Council previously had a program to clear the creek/drain regularly. Now a Council Officer advised me” its an environmental catchment pond”. What a load of rubbish, it is now a silted up drain clogged with weeds, overgrown non-native trees, nothing can runoff. Ok tidal does have an impact, but the drain used to have turtles in it, now its just weeds. there is no chance for any run off.

    • R. Tinress | March 6, 2022 at 2:19 am |

      Takes the public to take the covers off things not being addressed as real problems. Someone in council is responsible. Where are the Dept Heads who should be ensuring things get done? Had me thinking. Could be that drains all over State are continually Blocked with Soil, mud, debris from prev. floods & lack of dams/ongoing disputes only half the cause. Speed of floodwater lifting tremendous amounts of mud. “Too hard basket” maybe. Easier to sit in an office.

  1557. Marta Frasca | March 3, 2022 at 4:29 pm |

    Thank you for presenting the problem with aged care in your paper. Media are the force behind all the nurses and that will help change the overdue situation that aged care are in at the moment. Needs urgently looked and changed now. Thank you again

  1558. The council has been incompetent and dishonest for years!
    Flood mitigation work needs to be urgently undertaken. The only work which has been completed is superficial and on very visible public paths.

  1559. Elli Callaghan | March 4, 2022 at 9:39 am |

    This is amazing I am so excited to see it running successfully just like the men’s program. Your program is saving many lives and we as a community are so appreciative of all the hard work all staff put into making this program a success. Could I ask when can women make referrals to the program, I am aware that beds will fill very quickly once opened.

    Thank you to all staff for the amazing work you do for our people, much appreciated.

  1560. Lydia Palmer | March 4, 2022 at 9:53 am |

    I don’t know how they can cut more services..green spaces around Malvina pde Gorokan have only been cut twice in the last year..grass and weeds are up to my knees.. neighbour used a ride on mower to cut park near his home
    The lake has not been dredged in years full of dead weeds and black sludge up to knees… Malvina pde has more potholes than road.. nothing has been done in this area in more than two years… still paying my rates will no basic services

  1561. Jill Smith | March 4, 2022 at 5:00 pm |

    That’s an interesting article. But where is the Discovery Centre? I would like to take friends to it.

  1562. What a lot of crap and hypocritical statements by the political system to buy votes and all the while they go home and cook on there gas stoves and heaters and fuel the boilers of industry with gas, where do these people think gas from thin air, Pep11 could supply NSW for the rest of this century with a transitional fuel and ccs, and hopefully will.

  1563. This article was printed on 27 February 2022 but the site was not Auctioned by Colliers and was taken off the market on 18 February 2022.

    This block is still under possession of Conexions and these plans are not ‘dead in the water’ as the article suggests.

  1564. What beats me is that landlords increase the rates without doing anything to improve/repair current conditions of their units – or is it just my landlord?? It’s an absolute disgrace “the market” allows them to squeeze the last pennies out of tennants and government does nothing to help resolve housing crisis, except for handing out “dine/discover” vouchers.

  1565. John Madell | March 5, 2022 at 9:32 am |


  1566. Great initiative and needed for the area! Can’t wait!!

  1567. Debbie O'Reilly | March 5, 2022 at 2:58 pm |

    Road in general are in need of maintenance..large pot hole lake haven round about Nr Macca & 1st entrance..car damage waiting to happen.rates paid by C.C residents do the job.dont wait till floods. Help also required after covid & now floods

  1568. Wal Towells | March 5, 2022 at 3:14 pm |

    I do not think a 2nd narrow channel is the answer.
    I believe the channel should be completely open not leaving a sand island in the middle which is still negating a complete outflow of flood water

  1569. What a genius sacrifice staff and raise rates and his exorbitant wage,is this the way lnp get back at rate payers for Gladys stuffed up alamsgation.

  1570. Brilliant! So sick of the disgusting, old veggies stocked at Coles, particularly Umina. Horrible! Woolies is a little better. Being able to buy lovely, fresh locally-grown produce will be wonderful. Well done Emma and Will for initiating this.

    • Exactly!! Thanks Jude!
      This Sat the 19th We have a new organic producer with lots of amazing fruit & veg for you!
      Em & Will

  1571. It would be good to know when the next Council Chemical Clean-up is scheduled please.

  1572. The glitch is still continuing & vouchers won’t load for either myself or my wife. Service NSW seem to be ignoring the problem.

  1573. Maaria Wardrop | March 8, 2022 at 7:50 am |

    It’s great news and fantastic idea. Can’t wait to to explore and enjoy the freshness of local produces. Cheers
    Thank you Emma and Will.

    • Thank you so much Maaria!
      We hope you enjoyed the first one last week.
      This week will be bigger & better still 🙂

  1574. What dates and locations are scheduled for the next Council Chemical Clean Ups?

  1575. Lorraine Scott | March 9, 2022 at 9:54 am |

    Congratulations Pam.. I worked with you for many years at Wyong Race Club. You were with the Air League then. You deserve all the praise and awards you have received. Well done.. Lorri Scott

  1576. Aidan Cuddington | March 9, 2022 at 2:03 pm |

    My opposition to the sale of the Bullion St car park is based on the fact that people visiting the business centre of Umina Beach would have nowhere to park and this would put even more pressure on the small businesses located nearby. I respect and admire Bruce but I definitely disagree with him on this one,unless he can provide a valid alternative that meets the needs of businesses and shoppers.

  1577. barbara potter | March 12, 2022 at 3:02 pm |

    beautiful painting by winning artist…please keep me informed of any further shows/competitions…cheers…

  1578. Campbell Black | March 13, 2022 at 3:29 pm |

    It was good to see Council being proactive in dealing with the impending flooding coming our way at The Entrance channel.The gallery was lined every day with onlookers watching repeated efforts at opening new canals and reactions were both mirth and anger.
    The main question asked is why a large bulldozer wasnt used from the outset scraping the area they were working on down to a foot or so above the waterline about 200 t0 300metres wide so that the rising flood would have a large area to spill into the ocean.
    The surplus sand could have been just left there for Mother Nature to deal with. Who knows she may even throw a bit back on our beaches.
    Instead of a week this would have only a day or so and leave Council workers to do more important jobs like clearing blocked drains.

  1579. Same question as the others… The Long Jetty Council depot on March 5 and 6 was cancelled due to weather conditions… When is it postponed to ???

  1580. Lucy Wicks is typical of her federal Liberal Party. They just love photo opportunities, shoving their faces in front of a camera at every opportunity. But otherwise, they are all blather, dramatic announcements and no follow up. Just ask the residents of Lismore, etc. Oh, and should I mention those nuclear subs that we “might” get, perhaps in about 20-30 years time? Time for her and her hopeless cronies TO GO!

  1581. Kevin Brooks | March 16, 2022 at 7:43 am |

    A 34% increase in water prices is gut wrenching for our community, and will cause real hardship.

    34% is exactly what the Council asked for so it is difficult to understand IPART’s claims that it is less than the Council asked for (19% +4%+4%+4% is 33.8% after compounding).

    IPART is supposed to protect customers from monopoly pricing, but once again it is pandering to the interests and well funded lobbying of a poorly managed Council.

    It is either hilariously naïve or (more likely) utterly cynical for IPART to suggest the extra money will be spent on improving services. The extra money will be swallowed up by a self interested bureaucracy which now has less incentive to improve Council’s woeful performance and productivity.

    This Council will never reform or become more efficient if it keeps getting bailed out by ratepayers. IPART is incentivising poor performance and lower productivity.

  1582. John Mcilwaine | March 16, 2022 at 3:40 pm |

    Next date for chemical cleanup long jetty

  1583. Steve Middendorf | March 16, 2022 at 5:39 pm |

    It was good to see Council out there proactively widening the channel. The “what is” seems to change in the telling. At least the diggers were there, ahead of time to work with what we had on the day. I’m in favour of doing some experimenting with the opening. But we must keep in mind that mother nature can throw something new out us at any time. Council can’t be blamed for that, only for inaction.

  1584. You have a hide showing your face there, Ms Wicks, considering your Government’s disgusting and woeful record on aged care. Still, any chance to get your face in front of a camera……..

  1585. It would appear that there needs to be a demerger of Gosford & Wyong Councils. The rate payers of these 2 councils deserve better!

  1586. Peter Sinclair Ph.D. | March 17, 2022 at 9:29 pm |

    It is pleasing to the Public Inquiry Report tabled.

    An area of continuing concern is pocket communities, such as, Empire Bay, needing Road and Drainage Maintenance. This will require NSW State support. Mr. Adam Crouch M.P., Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, has had some successes in this space. More help is needed, though. Given mismanagement by generations of Councillors, Budgeting is tight. Significant State is required. The Council simply cannot afford to address the situation given its resources.

    Government grants need to allow for local requests, in lieu of all Capital Works projects being sidelined for more visible projects in tourist areas. Fair is fair. Expenditures need to more balanced.

    The need is greatest in pocket communities, largely ignored by Council or put on the never-never in Capital Works Programming. For example, Council has advised, it could take a decade before dilapidated Rickard Road, Empire Bay, will receive appreciate attention. Rickard is a key feeder road to secondary roads in Empire Bay, carries buses, and, for many residents, is the main route to the shopping area. The new Councillors need to respect the requirements of voting, rate paying residents of pocket communities. Relatedly, Maintenance should be regarded the same priority as development.

    Better Road Repair equipment is needed, rather than work gangs eternally filling pot holes. Empire Bay Drive was tarred and sealed, over a few weeks. Community Council Roads do not see see these efficiencies.

    Please lobby our representatives.

    Dr. Peter Sinclair

  1587. david mendes | March 18, 2022 at 10:31 am |

    Funny with these people, they promise you the world, you end up getting sweet Fanny Adams. never changes..

  1588. Barb Hammond | March 18, 2022 at 12:48 pm |

    Wow Pete. You are now a famous author.
    Congratulations on making the local news.
    Well done. Must start reading. Barb x

  1589. That’s awesome, we’ll done and well deserved. Congratulations.

  1590. Kevin Armstrong | March 18, 2022 at 2:23 pm |

    Given Commissioner McCulloch recommends consideration be given to making it mandatory for incoming councillors to complete an accredited course for company directors, or and equivalent course developed specifically for local government, within 12 months of the election with refresher courses for councillors who have previously completed such courses.

    Can the Office of Local Government or Minister Tuckerman advise when such training .. specific to local government .. will be available and delivered ?

  1591. John Madell | March 18, 2022 at 5:26 pm |

    This reminds me of a previous experience I had with Parramatta Council. I was a ratepayer for nearly 50 years. The Council started consultation groups, I joined the Finance Group. After several meetings and with me asking some questions about dubious deals the council were doing with various contractors the group was discarded. So nothing has changed.

  1592. Nick Lewocki | March 18, 2022 at 8:15 pm |

    I can’t believe that the report puts blame on Councillors who were not given the financial information to make proper decisions. Recommendations that future Councillors need to undertake training in understanding financial reports is a nonsense. If I send my company cars to be serviced by a qualified mechanic and there is a brake failure how can I be held responsible. The NSW Premier when giving advise on Covid restrictions relied on health experts to give him advise. The Chief Financial Officer and their team had to provide proper and accurate financial reports for Councillors to consider. It will be interesting to see how many community minded people will want to serve on the Council in the future if the are expected to be able to audit the financial statements presented to them.

  1593. Anna Earnshaw | March 18, 2022 at 8:21 pm |

    Sorry we do not live closer otherwise I would order from you.
    Here in Canberra I purchase my Paskas from the ladies from the Ukrainian Church now that my parents have passed on.

    I am a friend of Suzy Luhowsky. We both grew up in Orange.

    Do you have family still in Lvov?
    My sister and I are still searching for any living relatives.

  1594. When is clean up for paint going to be held at
    Charmhaven depot

  1595. Alistair Kennedy | March 21, 2022 at 11:38 am |

    The report said that the elected councillors “were too busy point-scoring and grandstanding” Hardly surprising given that most of them are members of political parties. We get enough of that at the two higher levels of government so how about banning anyone with membership of any party from standing as councillors in future? That way we might actually get the focus placed exclusively on our region.

  1596. Di Willard | March 21, 2022 at 4:52 pm |

    Well done Julie, lets hope that commonsense will reign within the Council management team and the powers that be will listen to what the community have to say about this supposedly updated amended plan at Tuesday nights Council meeting.

  1597. John Payne | March 22, 2022 at 8:56 am |

    Could not of said it better Bruce, exactly correct.

  1598. Gary Blaschke | March 22, 2022 at 10:29 am |

    Wow,Wow,Wow,what a complete stuff up at all levels, yet even though blame has been directed at all levels of Council, there is no blame on the intent of the N.S.W. Government and now the ratepayers who only have one opportunity to raise their concerns each month at council meetings for a period of three minutes, will pay for it over the next decade. Yet many of those responsible are still at the helm and making massive changes to the Central Coast’s development future.

  1599. Edward Baker | March 22, 2022 at 10:54 am |

    You will find the relevant street is GLADSTAN

  1600. There are a lot of elderly people around Long Jetty hospital area and sad that the community has had its local Hospital closed down . Elderly patients need visitors to assist with recovery and when feeling unwell. These patients have friends, relatives who dont drive so are unable to visit in Gosford or woy woy area We need to look after our community Look at the staff who have been employed in long Jetty for many years Just proves that Long Jetty works Its always full of patients and staff!

  1601. Perhaps the author of this article means ‘unceded’ when quoting Ms. McGrath in the second to last paragraph.

    It is well the Greens have candidates standing in the area, any alternative to the Coalition/labour dichotomy is welcome.

  1602. Michael Hunt | March 24, 2022 at 7:06 am |

    At the end of the day what ever you choose should be at your costs. Definitely not the Central Coast ratepayers.
    You all chose to live in a house built on sand on the ocean

  1603. Richard Mortimore | March 24, 2022 at 1:06 pm |

    No Thanks!

  1604. Awesome!

  1605. Sea wall might buy a couple more decades but the fact remains coastlines retreat, that’s why sea cliffs exist…natural process of erosion just like valleys get deeper as the river keeps eroding, the only option to stop the coastline retreating is for sea levels to fall… oh they are rising i forgot, better to have long term plans to abandon waterfront coastlines because they are all doomed

  1606. Edward Baker | March 24, 2022 at 5:09 pm |

    Why not retain the historical names of the jetties? From the south they were Parry’s Jetty, Watkin’s Jetty and Long Jetty (if my memory serves me well).
    By the way, my previous comment referred to a previous article superimposed over this one, and referring to the Parrys Jetty opposite Gladstan, as against “Gladstone” Whatever happened to fact checking journalism? The district is not known as Archobold as implied above.

  1607. Beautiful idea

  1608. Patricia Teague | March 25, 2022 at 2:18 am |

    Brilliant BHACC!!!! Something I’ve waited a very long time to see! Now, if only other cinamas get the message. It’s been a long time coming Thank you so much!

  1609. Anne Sullivan | March 25, 2022 at 1:47 pm |

    Hello Jackie – how do I subscribe to The Point ??

  1610. This is what Central Coast needs, one of the last bastions of neglect in NSW – Beautiful celebratory symbol for regional people who are literally fighting for their lives, unless they hide or leave

  1611. Perry Gretton | March 25, 2022 at 5:26 pm |

    Have they fixed on a design yet? There have been previous studies, but none seem seemed to get the nod.

  1612. Perry Gretton | March 25, 2022 at 5:32 pm |

    If the State government hadn’t been dead set on merging the two councils, we wouldn’t be in this position now. It’s a pity the terms of reference didn’t include the option to demerge.

  1613. Dain Simpson | March 25, 2022 at 5:37 pm |

    So why did he leave out Patonga?

  1614. Kathryn Bourke | March 25, 2022 at 8:03 pm |

    Won’t this just push the backlog further along the Pacific Highway all the way to the Doyalson intersection????

  1615. Pat Durman | March 26, 2022 at 8:57 am |

    This a great and rewarding thing to do but do you realise just how much worse the floods are going to get in the future, because in the headwaters of the Hawkesbury/Nepean and Georges Rivers the government is planning to turn approximately 220,000 hectares much of which will be turned from farm and bushland into hard surfaces where the water will run off into rivers, bringing with it mud from building sites, litter, rubbish, and chemicals along with sewerage plants that overtop from their holding ponds. The Greater Macarthur Growth Plan, Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan nearly all run into the Nepean River and yet no one appears to understand the magnitude of the disaster to both the human and native animal populations including koalas that the government is planning.

  1616. John Madell | March 26, 2022 at 11:57 am |

    Forget NBN, how about digital radio access on the Central Coast. Why are we denied digital radio? Is it because we will access to information on certain radio stations that are critical to the current incumbents that control our lives.

  1617. Terry Kesby | March 27, 2022 at 10:15 pm |

    It’s not just Mangrove,Hardys and Killcare it’s all the Central Coast. Try getting and coverage around the southern edge of Tugerah Lake. Come on McBride and Labor. Don’t do it piecemeal. If your going to do it fix it for everybody. Not just Robertson electorate.

  1618. Kevin friend | March 27, 2022 at 11:59 pm |

    Not only abc but smooth fm radio

  1619. Another typical Wicks/Morrison decision. An extension of an already existing car park. Big deal! This will also probably get put on the backburner. Again. Oh, and what has happened to Gosford’s promised new car park? Vania Holt and Gordon Reid are spot-on. What a load of dribble from this disgraceful Morrison government and their local MP Wicks. Time for a change.

  1620. Unfortunately, liquor licensing laws have always been archaic. Among those who most strenuously resist the introduction of new liquor outlets are those who already have licenses to operate them. They usually oppose on moral grounds which is so ironic.
    Alcohol is a significant health and social problem contributing to a number of diseases, car accidents, domestic violence and other forms of criminal activity. So it is understandable that there should be resistance to more purchasing opportunities.
    However, it is unlikely that any campaign to reduce the level of consumption will meet with much success. So it is important to focus on the proliferation of outlets and the impact that they will have.
    I remember when there was a takeaway alcohol outlet at the Patonga Beach. This led to large numbers of people congregating in the street and nearby, experiencing various levels of inebriation. At certain times of the day, it was not possible to pass through the street on foot without encountering some people in an inebriated state drinking from longnecks and being generally antisocial.
    So in the context of Pearl Beach, I think that the focus should be on the impact that a takeaway outlet might have on the amenity of the immediately surrounding area with an unpatrolled family beach, kids playground, restaurants and public toilets. There is also a continuing issue with passing taffic.
    What was the point of the alcohol-free-zone if it was not to preserve the special qualities of this area?
    Alcohol with a sit-down meal should be the limit.

  1621. Gillian Dingley | March 29, 2022 at 4:17 pm |

    My property is close to the Woodland and it is a delight to look out the window, I have always been aware of the importance it is to the environment. A few years ago there was trouble with young teenagers riding trailbikes. Local Police no help finally got in touch with local member for Gosford Liesl Tesch it was not long before the trailbikes went and I actually got a letter from Central Police informing me. Hillview St access should be seriously looked at. Thank you for bringing to the public the importance of this Woodland and the care it deserves.

  1622. Jan Hayward | March 29, 2022 at 10:56 pm |

    Peter, you’ve always been a fabulous raconteur and story teller and even through your many photographs had the ability to tell a vivid story. It’s no surprise that you are finding success with this latest venture and I look forward to reading this and hopefully a sequel.

  1623. I am so glad I left the overdeveloped central coast 10 years ago. Way too much curruption! Forbes, NSW is way better. ➡️

  1624. I think it was more a case of “pass the parcel” than one group of councillors being responsible. The situation had been building for some time, the State government seems happy to deflect any blame away from state responsibilities, so the last lot of councillors are “it”. Shameful politicking, with the ratepayers paying the tab for an astounding level of incompetence from the watchdog, the state government.

  1625. Now we know where Woy Woy railway car park will be how about a new rail station under the car park 1 This would enable direct access from the street to a platform 2 The track is straight and would allow easy step onto train closer to platform 3 Car parking on top of station means easy access

  1626. Hazel McMenamin | April 1, 2022 at 9:36 am |

    Well where do i find the events that are on?????

  1627. Tatarinoff | April 1, 2022 at 6:14 pm |

    Liliya’s very proud grandmother – Congratulations and wishing well to all the girls in the team for future successes.

  1628. Peter Bailey | April 1, 2022 at 7:41 pm |

    Parents and teachers encouraging impressionable children to view climate change through a one dimensional lens are doing a disservice to their mental development. Let kids be kids. They can make up their minds when they have more facts and experience.

  1629. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | April 1, 2022 at 7:50 pm |

    That is exactly what i was thinking elected councillors can not be expected to be financial experts and must be guided by the public servants advice

  1630. Robert Goldsteen | April 3, 2022 at 12:08 am |

    Thank you for the information, if the Administrator wants to do something, please fix the Stadium, it is a bloody eyesore. The bowling greens ARE green, always looking good amongst all the rubbish surrounding them. Councils should be severely sanctioned for the damage done to a beautiful waterfront precinct.

  1631. Robert Goldsteen | April 3, 2022 at 12:32 am |

    At 77, I have been paying mortgauges for 46 years, with all of lifes ups and downs I have managed a villa, still with a little loan. Housing is a money making activity, the system is skewed for that purpose. How do nurses, police blue collar folks afford to buy a house close to where they HAVE to work? I believe there is just not the money to fix anything properly, pollies talk of a few million, these days it is billions! Maybe less Navy toys could build some affordable housing and a hospital on the coast. eg Erina Kincumber Terrigal area.

  1632. I think that we should have a female council as males think of them self

  1633. If people were better educated to take care of there health with correct diet doctors would serve the purpose they were meant to and minimise pharmaceuticals

  1634. This is not the place for this, a small beachside village. If permanent installations are suggested they need to have unanimous agreement, not only representing a small portion of the population.

  1635. janice kuz | April 5, 2022 at 5:34 am |

    All the suggestions above are self serving for younger Australians there are plenty of older people who would like provisions made better for them too. Nursing homes are a disgrace and are not monitored by anybody. The owners just treat them as a moneymaking business – there are 36 Covid cases at one I know of. The staff are left to deal with this and you know what the staff do their job well and the patients are very lucky. This could be seriously looked at you reckon.The elderly have suffered worse than anybody since Covid came to Australia.

  1636. This is purely an election budget, designed to spray money around and buy votes. So terribly shortsighted. The Morrison government does not look to the future, only one election term ahead. No good. I for one will remember Morrison’s failings as a Prime Minister since and including the fires. Even some members of his own party have a pretty poor opinion of him, including our Gladys. So do I. His track record on aged care is pitiful. Time to go.

  1637. Well said, Laurie. With any luck the party Ms Wicks “represents” won’t get back into power.

  1638. This is concerning denialism from our local health district. Trying to paint a rosy picture of an underfunded and under resourced healthcare system.
    I work in healthcare and know many nurses and midwives. I have seen multiple hospital wards in our local hospitals working short staffed. Patients are not getting necessary care, and nurses are working Under untenable conditions leading to burn out and walking away from the profession.
    The government needs to do better- no point cutting taxes if you then can’t fund healthcare!

  1639. Peter Simpson | April 7, 2022 at 10:57 am |

    But were any of them accessible for PWD

  1640. Jim Perkins | April 7, 2022 at 2:07 pm |

    Oh my goodness, what a wonderful story. Perfect timing for wet weather chook cooking.

  1641. Matthew Cross | April 7, 2022 at 5:23 pm |

    The Adminsitrator doing the only thing he knows to fund the incompetence of the council – gouging the ratepayers at a time when inflation and interest rates are at a record low. If that’s the only solution you’ve got Hart, hand the keys in and piss off.

  1642. This is a gross negligent act that has not been agreed to by the citizens off the central coast. This nothing a council and government corporations fraudulently spending tax payers money that they have embezzled from tax payers with out their permission. Nothing more then ten another criminal act

  1643. David Dixon | April 7, 2022 at 7:47 pm |

    Who think up this crap? Have the people of the Central Coast been consulted…and I mean genuinely consulted ..

    About this stupid action.
    Many people moved to the Central Coast for a more relaxed and less stressful lifestyle and the last thing they seek is to be part of a so-called mega city. If this was a bi-partisan decision then I will not be voting for any of the current representatives.

  1644. this feels like a scam by the liberal government to take away power from the already weakened local council(due to the amalgamation, which was caused by wyong being a labor region) as the labor party refuses to jump into bed with land developers to benefit the small group of rich land developers, unlike the corrupt liberals who have done just that in both sydney proper and the greater sydney area

  1645. Population to hit 8 million in the next 20 yrs? Our Motorway is a carpark now?…..

  1646. Terry Kesby | April 8, 2022 at 6:50 am |

    Who pays. State government I hope. More people at the top and less providing the services. Remember we don’t have any money for desk jockeys.

  1647. Terry Kesby | April 8, 2022 at 6:55 am |

    Carl. You are not the first to raise this issue. It has been on going since 1993. Politicians not interested as it does not effect them. All the best.

  1648. Terry Kesby | April 8, 2022 at 6:59 am |

    EPA is there to protect the interest of big business. Bad luck if you get sick or worse from pollutants. Not interested if you get flooded.

  1649. John Mcbryde thaijohn@live.com | April 8, 2022 at 8:19 am |


  1650. Where did this come from? It sounds like a globalisation push to remove an individuals identity with an area. Could this be the start of a push to try and change our culture from an individualistic to a collectivist culture. As this will make society easier to monitor and control!

    • Mate, I’m pretty sure that your local council lost all of it’s money in crappy off shore investments.

  1651. Kent Barrett | April 8, 2022 at 12:44 pm |

    I wish you well in the upcoming election.
    I would like to know a bit about you
    Are you strong enough to stand up against the public servants who seem to run the country
    Are you strong enough to do something about the public servants running amok in the Central Coast Council
    Can you stand up for the residents of the local council area, if so how
    Are you strong enough to stand up for the residents of the electorate
    For too long we have been the forgotten people. We desperately need someone to work for us, not just another person in power to get what they can out of the system.
    Are you that person.

  1652. How does Central Coast and Shoalhaven get to be linked together ??? ( Sounds like there is the basis of a ‘ plan ‘ happening here ??? – but given the record of the Current corrupt NSW state Govt the cynicism of the previous comments here are all well considered !

  1653. Bob Doyle | April 8, 2022 at 5:54 pm |

    Okay, but without a focus on liveable spaces, cultural facilities, agricultural pursuits, i.e. food production, as well as an absolute commitment to preserving green spaces and water quality for wildlife we could be shooting ourselves in the proverbial foot. How does one develop a sense of belonging to a mega city? That will be a major challenge too.

  1654. Margaret Jeffrey | April 8, 2022 at 6:04 pm |

    It would be an eyesore if high rise parking was built. Think again

  1655. This proposal lacks vision for the ‘people’ of the central coast. We continue to hear about economics while we have significant housing shortages, above average rates if domestic violence, mental distress, suicide rates of young people above the national average and high rates of homelessness. Funding for community based organisations will dwindle away as the big players work with neoliberal government. Two tier societies continue.

  1656. Peter Bailey | April 8, 2022 at 9:24 pm |

    Another layer of administration won’t fix the root of the problem.

  1657. Allan W Lambert | April 8, 2022 at 10:00 pm |

    I would like more information on this statement To the north of the site is a bushland corridor that runs to Point Wolstoncroft. It doesnt exist and never can.

  1658. Megan L Lawther | April 9, 2022 at 12:45 am |

    Ridiculous the Central Coast should of remained as is. THE RADUIS of the new mega city seems not reasonable nor necessary. it should not take me 2 hours to drive across A city! police, for example the district’s stay the same or all be combined into 1? E.g gosford wyong newcastle syd? Alot of bothered people with housing wanting central coast specific region but now that’s a very broad term!! What the??!

  1659. Hopefully Chain Valley Bay will finally receive a much needed set of lights and just maybe future additions to the LM shopping centre

  1660. Peggy Mansfield | April 9, 2022 at 8:08 am |

    This is the worst idea ever! We and many others like us have moved up to the Central Coast to get away from the rat race of the city! There has been no consultation with us regarding this. We are the rate payers and we elect in good faith our local politicians to represent our needs and wishes to the powers that be but we have heard nothing of these ghastly ideas until now! We can’t allow this mega city to happen!

  1661. Murray Bergin | April 9, 2022 at 8:15 am |

    Just what we don’t need. More government. More public servants. More red tape. More reasons to take more time and more money to do anything.

  1662. Murray Bergin | April 9, 2022 at 8:16 am |

    Who was asked and who voted for this?

  1663. I’m with you on this. My husband has been on workers comp for years and I am his carer. His pension is considered wage when Centrelink is concerned and I get next to nothing because of that, yet he has no Super? Not right!

  1664. I now remind people of an old saying. When you went to use the toilet were “going to spend a penny”. It actually does cost this now for the water which the “water authority” gets free. How do you own something that you never paid for and sell back to us?

  1665. Terry Kesby | April 9, 2022 at 1:04 pm |

    It’s not about how many start apprenticeships it should be about how many complete. 22% over nearly 10 years is 2% a year. Nothing to get to excited about. But it is an election about to be called.
    At least a third of the 2800 will not complete. Why do you think that may be Lucy. Or do you even care.

  1666. Brilliant question Carl! At the end of the day, it’s all about greed. So I have no doubt you will receive no response or a ‘next than useless’ one. If only politics could be less political.

  1667. Welcome to your new smart city. Resilient city. No thanks

  1668. Wow. This is what is completely wrong with the Central Coast. A small, very vocal minority that runs down any chance of any development. Take the Gosford CBD for example. Every proposal of merit gets knocked on the head by blow ins who retired here and don’t want any change.
    Self centred and completely out of touch with the majourity. Time they took a back seat for once.

  1669. You are absolutely disgraceful!!!! Where was the referendum for this to be done since you’re using tax payers money???? You disgusting money hungry xxx !!!!

  1670. Is a mega city just another name for Smart City and all that goes along with that? How can we trust politicians and or councils when huge changes are made like this without consultation or explanation to its citizenry. Too much power in the hands of the few.

  1671. Terry Kesby | April 11, 2022 at 4:24 pm |

    Another state government and council contribution to guess who’s electorate. Yes. The minister for Terrigal. Did anyone tell them that there are other electorate on the Central Coast other than Terrigal.

  1672. Deborah Lund | April 12, 2022 at 12:23 pm |

    Get rid of Rick Hart now. His wage could lessen the water rate increase.

  1673. Michael Conroy | April 12, 2022 at 2:33 pm |

    The ARIC appears to be a complete waste of the ratepayers money – we should demand a refund of their fees and sack the whole committee! The Inquiry into the Council’s financial management showed that ARIC failed to give adequate warning about the Council’s cash flow problems or the use of restricted funds. We ratepayers are being punished by a massive increase in rates because of the incompetence of the NSW Minister for Local Government and her department and their appointment of their old mates to the ARIC.

  1674. Tom Robertson | April 13, 2022 at 2:22 pm |

    What has happened to the uogrades promised last year for NOVEMBER 9, 2021 in the Cost Community News as follows :_

    The NBN Co has announced that six Central Coast suburbs will be upgraded from fibre to the node (FTTN) connections to full fibre to the premises (FTTP) connections. The six Central Coast suburbs to be upgraded include;

    Buff Point Forresters Beach San Remo
    Wamberal Wyoming Wyong.
    The six suburbs are part of a group of 72 nationwide to be named for an upgrade in this round.

  1675. Ryan Fielding | April 13, 2022 at 2:27 pm |

    They could use the grants to fix the potholes in the carpark.

  1676. Joanna Kelly | April 13, 2022 at 4:54 pm |

    Well rang our server AGL they said they can’t help us with faster internet,so Lucy Wicks what dies that mean?
    We live in area and are entitled as you say…
    or is this just a Voting ploy?

  1677. We moved here to get out of Sydney, now you want to bring it to the central coast, shame shame leave it as a region,
    Maybe you should be taking notice of these comments as we do pay you wages and want results instead of wasting tax payer money on things that people here don’t want, again decisions made without tax payers consent,
    Just like the money that was siphoned out the councils that we trusted,
    Lower our rates and use this billion dollars to fix there theft, seeing that you have not got the guts to reclaim it from these ex councilor theaves.

  1678. Ronald Lloyd | April 15, 2022 at 5:48 pm |

    Gutless individuals who resort to this behaviour are but a short step from doing the same to humans….

  1679. Terry Kesby | April 16, 2022 at 12:36 pm |

    Cleanaway’s online booking system has always been “disabled”.

  1680. How can our state Government waste taxpayers’ money on such a cruel and heartless “sport”. It is time to ban it, for good. Greyhound Racing NSW should be ashamed of themselves. This is not a “sport”. It is a disgraceful exploitation of animals for the enjoyment of a few uncaring humans. Disgusting and inhumane.

  1681. Madeline Burton | April 16, 2022 at 7:38 pm |

    Dogs being exploited for money so that people can have a bet. Then killed after suffering awful injuries. This just shouldn’t be allowed in a dog-loving country like Australia. I can’t believe this would be acceptable if it was being inflicted on a labrador or a pug. And greyhounds are no different, just as loving and just as vulnerable. It’s past time we banned it.

  1682. Russell Cleary | April 16, 2022 at 10:29 pm |

    Surely these 3 jetties should be heritage listed and not merely the responsibility of council to maintain and repair.

  1683. What about Gosford, Lisarow, Niagara Park and everything over this side of the Central Coast?

  1684. What about the rapidly expanding Hamlyn Terrace areas????
    I’m trying to run a business with third world internet speeds
    Totally unacceptable

  1685. Lucy Wicks
    What about the unfortunately rapidly growing Hamlyn Terrace area for the nbn upgrade
    I own a business and employ people and I’m having to deal with a third world Telstra NBN connection that they expect me to pay for ?????

  1686. I have to walk under the rip bridge at least twice a day and it is disgusting, the footpath is dangerous, I had had one fall already. People throw rubbish under it and nearly every week there is a bag or two of chicken bones, bottles, cans, doggy poop bags. They put bitumen outside the bus shed and just left the rest. It’s been like that for years now. There is graffiti on the bridge supports. Have a look sometime, we are lucky to get it tidied up by the council clearing up by mowing once a year.

  1687. This is called corralling the people to form a collective that the government of the day can control, like sector 7 G from the Simpsons. Who are these CEO’s that we’ve never heard of, nor want to? You people don’t get it we don’t like, trust nor want you in our lives, so nick off.

  1688. This candidate has a lot of work ahead to repair previous government and to make a difference. If this candidate does not lose sight of the above mentioned One Nation policies then there is hope for us Coasties. Thank you Martin for stepping up. We look forward to attending your event 24/04 at Wyong.

  1689. Robert Burch | April 20, 2022 at 4:12 pm |

    Red Bus has been an amazing Company, serving a large section of the Central Coast, over so many years. I have always found their buses to be very clean and on time. They are a very caring Company, and deserve to have their Contract extended. There will always be problems with large Bus Companies.

  1690. As of 2022 China has 1100 coal fired power stations. Another politician economical with the truth.

  1691. Thank you CC News for sharing the work that we are proudly doing on and for the community. If you’d like to learn more about our community programs, or our residential solar installations, we’re always happy to have a chat.
    1300 755 487

  1692. Gary hartley | April 21, 2022 at 5:28 pm |

    I have lived on the coast since 1984 at North Gosford where we had our family. Have been a member of the Bowling Club for approx 15 year.
    I am retired and the Bowling Club gives me a place fo comradship and support in times of need, sorrow as well as enjoyment and purpose in life. Seniors are gradually losing their places of enjoyment for supposed money benefit to the council in selling the Club.the elderly, disabled and the community itself should not lose another sporting site. The Stadium needs more sporting events to make it more profitable, not by reducing opportunities for me as a pensioner to be active, enjoy mateship and to get support in time of need.
    There probably would be more seniors lamenting in retirement villages etc with the loss of the bowling club and no other alternative to keep them active. Surely after 40 years + of working and living on the coast paying taxes rates etc a senior should at least be thanked for his/her input by getting support from Council and allowing peaceful opportunities to enjoy their later life which includes lawn bowls.
    There are plenty of empty commercial sites and vacant land at and around Gosford CBD. to Get these areas viable and used to help reduce the Councils debts and the bowling club need no longer be in the administrator sights.

  1693. Alan Hayes | April 22, 2022 at 5:06 pm |

    There’s no such thing as low emission coal. Stevenson is just another climate change denier like Pauline Hanson – we don’t need a dud in Dobell. And let’s not forget, One Nation always sides with the Morrison Government in supporting their policies. So where are his preferences going to? We do need a strong voice in Dobell but Martin Stevenson isn’t it.

  1694. The Gosford Bowling Club was a bit of a saviour to me when I found myself pretty isolated after a marriage breakup. I found blokes there that could empathise as they had similar experiences.
    When I first arrived at the bowling club I found friendship and support.
    And there are bigger support issues that this bowling club provides – days for school groups, all ability bowls and blind bowlers, all with qualified lawn bowls coaches.
    These efforts should be applauded rather than dismantled.

  1695. Vicki McCahon | April 23, 2022 at 1:58 pm |

    So close to the waterfront and has there been a geological survey to see if the site will sustain a building that heavy with all the concrete that will be implemented to build it.

  1696. The plans for the widening of Avoca Drive, were completed 20years ago. The RTA back then, purchased the road frontage of Frost Reserve from Council, and the community made sure that the purchase price was paid to Kincumber funding A/c, rather than general revenue.

  1697. Kerry Naughton | April 24, 2022 at 7:31 pm |

    I agree that it is time to make the eradication of Bitou bush on the sand dunes of the Central Coast a priority. I think this needs to be done at all Central Coast dune sites in a coordinated way as this weed will continue to spread from other affected sites along the Central Coast. I work with a very small group of people trying to get rid of this weed at North Shelly Beach and I would be interested to see the council plan for the eradication if you have any information on this. Thankyou Kerry Naughton Bateau Bay

  1698. Words from the mouth of Ms Wicks “we always deliver what we say we will”. Who are you kidding Ms Wicks? Your government has one of the worst track records of “All Say and No Do”. Everything under the sun promised with an upcoming election – and then afterwards, virtually nothing delivered. Perhaps Ms Wicks should choose her words more carefully next time she wants to do a bit of bragging.

  1699. Bring it on. Much needed for the area. Vicki if you look at the development application you will see how many reports and expert consultants are needed on a project this size. So yes, the weight of the structure has been considered.

  1700. Kylie McGrath | April 26, 2022 at 11:05 am |

    It would be lovely if they could spend $3.5m on upgrading Wyong Pool to heat it to have the facility available all year round.
    There are 2 water polo clubs, and a swimming club that use the facility in Summer and they don’t have an alternative to use during the cooler months.
    If Wyong Pool was heated there would be an increase in use for the very beginning and end of the summer season when the pool is very cold. As well as additional use over the winter months.

  1701. That,s the way forwards. Fantastic!

  1702. Good to see the papper is reporting on good things the local Aboriginal land Council do

  1703. Dave,
    Thanks for the insight. I went to both major party candidates at your link, most insightful.

    One major party Candidate had not voted on a peoples privacy issue for over ten years! I did find that our current MP for Dobell was reported there to support voter privacy, had actually last week sent out a mass mail pack to residents containing a red cover letter that had no Party Logo on her letterhead, which I found very nafarious to say the least. The mail pack contained a fake Postal Voter Application Form requiring your signature image, amongst a lot of other personal data.

    The form was presented to infer an official AEC Postal Voter Registration form and provided a prepaid reply envelope addressed to her local Tuggarah party branch office! I can only conclude this presentation is a process to extract your personal data pre-election ballot, to enhance her party’s voter database for profiling you the voter. How deceiptful.

    I and the AEC’s Commmissioner Tom Rogers, at the AEC website, warn voters to be careful about their private data they provide to any third parties, including political parties. Voter Postal vote registration must be direct to the AEC. The Central Coast has a high cohort of seniors so this data collection can easily trick our unwary seniors, requiring our community protection

    Election Candidates committing to this self database enhancement campaign, via this mail pack, are hypocrites. Beware all voters!

    The laws around privacy in elections needs to be seriously ammended and the interjection of any third party, in any election process, must be outlawed and seriously high fines impossed upon offenders.

    Disclaimer: In am a Dobell constituant. I too am not a member of any political party, nor am I acting on behalf of one (or indeed any activist group).

  1704. Openness, transparency and good governance demand that the Minister, Administrator and CEO inform ratepayers what are the ‘complex issues that need to be resolved ‘ .. and why these are delaying an election.

    Along with others, I’m very concerned that an unelected Administrator is asked to rescind notions of an elected Council .. apparently because staff have taken two years to action them ..

    It does tell a tale .. the staff are clearly wagging the dog .. a highly undesirable precedent, given almost the whole executive level of Council is recently appointed.

    Is one of the ‘ complex issues’ separation of CC Water from CCC .. and takeover by another entity .. at likely massive loss of value to ratepayers.

  1705. When does lake mumorah high school receive there’s

  1706. Richard Ryan | April 29, 2022 at 12:04 pm |

    Dear Editor, In reponse to Errol Grace’s words of wisdom letter 26 April on the Solomon Islands as the politicians go on a hysteria rant towards China, reminds me of the old Chinese proverb, “one look is worth a thousand rumours” where the Solomon Islands is concerned. China is a ascending world power, America is a descending world power. If Peter Dutton wants to bang on the war tom-toms,towards China, on Anzac Day,, he would do well to know, we are a soft target where China is concerned. As for America coming to our aid, lets not forget Afghanistan, Vietnam. Our “Pacific family” what a joke as water is lapping on their coast line. Not a nice comment Mr. Dutton. Regards, Richard Ryan.

  1707. I’ve lived in chain Valley Bay for over 40 years and I say go and ruin somewhere else I like it just the way it is

  1708. Wicks and Crouch – what a pair. Both have this amazing track record of delivering SOOOO MUCH for the Central Coast. Not!!!!!!! Ms Wicks, in particular, is good at delivering a few one-liners around election time, a few well-posed photo ops, and thin air for the rest of her term. Time to give someone else a go in Robertson.

  1709. Leave it in Kibble Park where it was intended & where the public can access it. Recycling would make sense.

  1710. Why would the administrator hand back to us our lawful rights when he has such a well-paid job and the NSW government has total control of what they want to do with us ratepayers.

  1711. Kay Williams | April 30, 2022 at 9:04 am |

    I too am outraged!

    The Fountain was also deliberately located on the site of the town well in Gosford, and re asserted its importance as a source of water to the early settlement. Now the Administrator proposes to cover the area with grass!

    A previous CEO redirected , without community consultation, the fountain restoration funds to jazz up Mann St for a vain bid for the V8 races to come to Gosford: Another Administrative priority that revealed Council’s absence of tge significance of our history and culture.

    Where us the evidence of the ‘community discussions’ referred to by Administrator Hart and how well informed were they?

    What is the proposed ‘danger’ referred to?
    Sydney has open water around the Archibald and Kings Cross Fountains: it is a mark of the culture of a city to have a fountain. Our Administrator is denying us this as well as trashing the heritage of this location to add some more grass to Kibble Park!

    The relocation proposal is a disgrace! Where is the Administrators awareness of our history and our aspirations as a community?

  1712. Despicable!!! What an utterly and insensitive thing to do.

  1713. Kevin Armstrong | April 30, 2022 at 5:32 pm |

    “removal of the fountain would make Kibble Park more accessible for community events”

    Nonsense ..

    Let’s come clean with our community on the costs to make the fountain work vs the costs to move it ..

    Openness, transparency and food governance are required of Council undercuts adopted Community Strategic Plan

  1714. On a further note…Preferences belong to the voter…NOT to One Nation. Preferences will go,to wherever each Individual voter gives them to….Martin Stevenson has no control over this,other than to give his opinion…as does Pauline Hanson,and the whole of One Nation…But the point Is, to educate yourself about how Preferential voting works, and take the time to vote according to your own preferences and to vote appropriately.Looking at the latest news,It appears One Nations “advice”, Is that each seat should be preferenced depending on the opposing candidates, but once again…your preferences belong to YOU.

  1715. Can’t wait for Lucy’s announcement. I’m pretty sure that it will be the first one in 10 years about upgrading Avoca Drive. There is a another article in the CC News that should be linked to this to this one, “liberals-criticise-labors-30m-pledge-for-avoca-dr-upgrade, https://coastcommunitynews.com.au/central-coast/news/2022/04/liberals-criticise-labors-30m-pledge-for-avoca-dr-upgrade/
    My comments on that article are below:
    Lucy Wicks is right – “Residents in Kincumber” do deserve better, and Adam Crouch (NSW Parliamentary secretary for the Central Coast) should have done his research and actual sourced some “local knowledge” before he commented. As a life-long resident of the Kincumber area, I thought I had better share some local knowledge – The stretch of Avoca Drive from Saratoga-Greenpoint Roundabout to Frost Reserve Kincumber is dis-affectionately known by “Locals” as “Crouch’s Crawl” or “Wicks’ Waiting Room” in honour of our Liberal State & Federal MPs, Adam Crouch and Lucy Wicks. We think about their inaction and their silence on fixing this road in the nearly 2 hours a day that it takes to commute along this 5 km stretch of road in peak hour, especially when we are paying above $2 a litre for fuel. I was completely amazed & disgusted with Adam Crouch’s comments. Amazed in that, this is the most we have heard from him about Avoca Dr in 10 years in the NSW Government. Based on the Avoca Drive oral history or “Local Knowledge” (as referred to by Adam Crouch) the land was resumed to widen Avoca Drive, by the RTA under NSW Labor Governments in the 1980’s/1990’s, work was completed on the Saratoga/Greenpoint section around the late 90’s/early 2000’s. Around 2008/2009, the residents of Greenpoint, Kincumber, Saratoga, Bensville, Empire, McMasters Beach, Avoca were asked, by the RTA, to vote on the next section of Avoca Drive to be upgraded – the Greenpoint-Erina end won the vote, the NSW State Labor work commenced work which was completed in 2011/2012 around the time that the NSW Liberal Government was elected. Since that time, it’s 11 years since 2011, there has been absolutely no action by the NSW Liberal Government to upgrade Avoca Drive, nor has the Federal Liberal Government (electeCan d in 2013) taken any interest in this stretch of road. Now you can see why this stretch of Avoca Drive is dis-affectionately known by “Locals” as “Crouch’s Crawl” or “Wicks’ Waiting Room” in honour of our Liberal State & Federal MPs, Adam Crouch and Lucy Wicks. Our former Liberal members, Chris Hartcher – State member & Jim Lloyd were vocal representatives on the need to upgrade this road, unfortunately Adam Crouch & Lucy Wicks (even after 10 years in their respective State and Federal Governments) have done and said nothing to improve this road. What’s even more disappointing is that Adam Crouch is being paid extra to be the “Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast”. What’s worse is Adam’s decision to merge Gosford and Wyong Council into Central Coast Council, ensuring that the problems of Avoca Drive was totally removed as a priority for the Central Coast. Adam, better a Labor announcement then following on from you and having no announcements, except to criticise Labor for your total lack of action on fixing Avoca Drive. However, I will give Adam credit for fixing the southern approach (Empire Bay Drive) to ”Crouch’s Crawl” at “Lavender Bends”. Work started just before the 2019 NSW State election, and this work dragged on for about 2 years – must have been paying the contractors by the hour. Bit more local knowledge for you, we call that part of Empire Bay Drive “Lavender Bends” because if you breathe too deeply, you’ll get a wif of the Sewer Treatment Works which smells just like a politician’s promise. Looking forward to Lucy Wicks announcing that she will finish the construction of Avoca Drive if she gets elected again.

  1716. Bob Lalor | May 2, 2022 at 8:43 pm |

    Why anyone would even consider getting rid of the current Administrator and replace him with “elected councilors” is beyond my logic.
    You would have to ask what / who got all Central Coast ratepayers into this half a billion dollar almighty mess in the first place ?
    Clearly it was the sustained efforts of our previous “elected councilors” whose financial incompetence was only eclipsed by the negative impact of their politically green, anti development, woke ideals that propelled our once strong and effective council to the top of the list for the most broke and debt-ridden council in Australia.
    The Administrator was not installed to take away your rights. He was installed to fix the mess.
    Central Coast Council has grown to be a multi million dollar business and it requires a financially competent Administrator who has no political bias to effectively run the Council in the best interests of the ratepayers and unfortunately, the best interests of the ratepayer were not even on the previous “elected councilors” radar.
    While ever we ratepayers are forced to pay back the huge debt they left via a levy on our already expensive rates and water charges then a competent financial administrator with no political agenda should lead the way back.
    When we finally get back to a financially secure position we then need to look for councilors who are willing to leave their political bias out of council matters and, most importantly, run the council with the best interest of the ratepayer as their primary focus and objective.

  1717. Cathy Paget | May 3, 2022 at 7:37 am |

    I moved to the Coast in 1983 and loved this beautiful fountain. The gardens back then were absolutely gorgeous, always full of seasonal flowers then a fish pond. I loved to just sit amongst these gardens and listen to the fountain, it was soothing and relaxing. It’s the beating heart of Gosford, everything else has been ripped out and destroyed. Repair it and leave it be, let it shine again for everyone to enjoy.

  1718. Michael George Humphries | May 3, 2022 at 8:55 am |

    Great to see, pity Toukley Sub-branch did not receive recognition when there was possibly a larger crowd than the other Sub-branches at both the Dawn and Morning Services. Fantastic services thanks to the Committee, Airforce representation from Williamstown, police road closures and involvement, also the community and schools. Lest we Forget.

  1719. Joshua Walters | May 3, 2022 at 2:06 pm |

    Tax concessions and young families having to live in some sort of subletting sitcom with senior citizens are not the answer.

    Seniors alone or coupled without children living at home still living in family homes should downsize so that young families can take advantage of the premises.

  1720. Joshua Walters | May 3, 2022 at 2:54 pm |

    They’re administrators not miracle workers Bruce.

    With IPART’s restrictions on rate rises and no help on loans they are fighting with both hands tied. Community members as well as the state government seem incapable of distinguishing the previous looters from the current administrators so the go-to quip is “you made the mess, fix it yourself.” Of course all this is just convenient cover for those who would love to see anything public dismantled and looted because taxation is theft right?

    For all the “efficiency” experts, what “efficiencies” can you squeeze out of a natural monopoly? How about we underfund sewer and water maintenance until our streets stink and the water we drink and bath in is no longer potable? We can stop parks and general cleaning maintenance so people can walk through long grass with the snakes and garbage. What else? We can leave the potholes and let the private market deal with the damages. Is there anything more beautiful than the market?

  1721. Don’t hold your breath for anything to eventuate from Ms Wick’s party. Just remember the car park promises…….I would also like to know where all this money is coming from, and why does it take a looming election to get anything done (or promise to be done) in the Robertson electorate. Oh, that’s right. It’s because because it’s Slomo’s government. Time for a change. Anybody……just not this current mob.

  1722. Sadly I have watched the sad decline of our beautiful beach over the last twenty years, due mainly to so called experts trying to turn our beach into bushland which has become overgrown by scrubby wattle, Bitou Bush and Asparagus Grass
    It is a haven for feral animals such as rats and snakes and stray cats. It is also used as a toilet and other activities of feral people trying to hide.

  1723. Bruce James Lenden | May 6, 2022 at 6:14 pm |

    Absolute disgrace letting this landmark jetty get into this condition.
    I don’t live at The Jetty now but frequent the area regularly.
    This Jetty used to be my second home.
    From fishing,prawning,swimming back in the 70’s when I was a kid/teenager.
    It was a great jetty.
    2 to 3 sheds were on the jetty and it was always maintained.
    This jetty has been let go for decades.
    Don’t blame recent weather events
    Pure incompetence from the council

  1724. We need to help out those in need of accommodation, single Mums, those who are struggling to pay the exorbitant rents that exist today & more. It meets more that just one need in the community & should not be penalised by the government.

  1725. George Weakely | May 7, 2022 at 4:14 pm |

    I totally agree, Bitou bush and Lantana is becoming a real problem not only at Umina Beach, but also at other beaches on the Central Coast. I remember back in time, after the introduction of the Noxious Weeds Act, the old Gosford Council used to poison Bitou with backpack sprays, and would manually dig it out with hand held hoes. Now it seems it is just left to prosper. What is the Central Coast Council’s plan to fight Bitou on the Coast?

  1726. Mrs M Phillips | May 7, 2022 at 7:00 pm |

    Leave Kibble Park Fountain as is.
    Gosford cbd is sooo run down Kibble Park as it is,it’s the only saving grace,anything of beauty,interest….We’d bring our family to the Park in the 80s and thought how perfect it was our children loved Kibble Park.

  1727. Kevin Woods | May 8, 2022 at 3:29 pm |

    From the Central Coast Council Website, Environment, pests and weeds, weed control; Changes to NSW legislation in 2017 saw the former Noxious Weeds Act, 1993, replaced by the Biosecurity Act and Biosecurity Regulation.
    Weeds management is now a shared responsibility with all landholders ensuring they are not allowing new weeds to take hold on their land. There is no mention of controlling weeds on council land such as dune areas.
    The Bitou Bush Biosecurity Zone is established for all land within the State except land within 10 kilometres of the mean high water mark of the Pacific Ocean between Cape Byron in the north and Point Perpendicular in the south. Cape Byron near Byron Bay, and Point Perpendicular near Jervis Bay in the South Within the Biosecurity Zone this weed must be eradicated where practicable, or as much of the weed destroyed as practicable, and any remaining weed suppressed. The local control authority must be notified of any new infestations of this weed within the Biosecurity Zone.
    So it appears that within 10 kilometers of the coast, Bitou Bush is not regulated by the Biosecurity Act No. 24 of 2015. Hence my contention that where public purse funding is available to maintain weeds in the dune areas on the Central Coast, it makes sense to spend that money on the control of the declared noxious weeds Bitou bush and Lantana to prevent environmental damage, and not spend the money eradicating Gazania wildflowers.

  1728. Great to see this progress. It will be another much needed boost to the Gosford CBD which has been slow to get on with it. The completion of this project will provide a better business case for more development in Gosford going forward, and longer term, further development of the community space at the waterfront which still has so much potential wrapping around in front of the stadium. One day, this will be a great waterfront city. A few hundred more rate payers in Gosford CBD will also help the Council’s bottom line..

  1729. This has to be a joke…

  1730. Hi all, I’m looking forward to mentoring fellow Central Coast residents in this film music course. Thanks for the story Terry!

  1731. Gotta give props to the Lib Dems candidate for having the courage to stand up and recite the stupidest policies I’ve ever heard in my life in a room full of people obsessed with the ABC

  1732. They must surely have won way more than that after all the spending they have done.

  1733. Glen Hughes | May 10, 2022 at 9:12 am |

    Central Coast Council has lost direction, if they ever had direction
    The sale of pockets of council owned land would significantly reduce the council’s debt
    Capital works expenditure is not prioritised to areas that are most in need, such as Avoca Drive, Kincumber traffic flow
    Central Coast Highway at the Wamberal round about, through to Shelley Beach
    The Gosford foreshore and Marina
    The revitalisation of Gosford City Centre
    The footpath along the North Entrance between the Entrance and Soldiers Beach, must have cost millions of dollars, but is self only used
    Additionally , the Central Coast Highway to this area, is also being upgraded at present, while the Central Coast Highway south of Long Jetty is like a goat track
    Avoca Beach is one of the Central Coasts biggest tourist destinations especially when the Avoca Markets are on
    All of the beach carparks are significantly in need of reprise or upgrade
    Footpaths are either non existent or need significant repair especially in
    Locations where elderly people visit
    Eg. Avoca Theatre
    An inquiry to the operation of the Central Coast Council, is well overdue

  1734. Can’t we get footpaths instead! Especially round family friendly North Gosford where you’re constantly having to walk your kids in the road around dangerous bends to get between the main residential areas and the schools / daycares. Makes the place much safer, stops cars parking on what should be a safe place to walk and dramatically lifts the aesthetic of the place. You’ve had ample opportunity to learn how to fix roads, try something else.

  1735. Kevin Brooks | May 10, 2022 at 7:12 pm |

    There were no fewer than fifteen secret meetings between Council and IPART officials on this application outside the formal submissions process.

    IPART initially tried to hide what really went on in these meetings by claiming they were merely low level “technical” meetings, confined to processes such as how to complete application spreadsheets.

    It has now emerged, however, that Council was allowed to shamelessly lobby for rate hikes at these meetings. Council CFO Natalia Cowley – who led the Council’s propaganda campaign for rate hikes in the community – was also in attendance. As if the CFO would need to attend technical meetings about how to complete application spreadsheets!

    Why is IPART refusing to release the minutes of these meetings?

    The IPART Chair, Carmel Donnelly, claims there were no meetings with Tribunal members who make the final decision, but Tribunal members receive reports and recommendations from officials who may have been influenced.

    Given IPART’s poor corporate governance and lack of transparency, who knows who else has been involved in influencing such an inexplicable decision behind the scenes?

    One thing we do know for sure, ratepayers were given no such access outside the formal submissions process to lobby our case.

    IPART exists to protect ratepayers from monopoly pricing, but their processes are stacked against us. It’s nowhere near a level playing field.

  1736. I believe the residents of the central coast have lost any faith in the major parties
    From the debacle of Central Coast Council, to rate rises to the decrease in services and infrastructure
    I will certainly be one who scrutinises the candidates before making any decision
    Irrespective of excuses pertaining to COVID 19

  1737. Good on you Ursula for bringing this issue to awareness at this level. We need to protect the species and the environment now more than ever

  1738. Do you need donations of quality books & cds ?
    What happens to those not sold?

  1739. What a crock of shite…
    Worst council in Australia getting an award!
    Next we will read prisons will be released for their bad behaviour.

  1740. 🙏🌸

  1741. No chance | May 12, 2022 at 3:56 pm |

    Crouch is one of the chaps that did us over

  1742. Ian Oxenford | May 13, 2022 at 2:28 pm |

    Great to see Steiner setting a good example, Rudolph would be proud.

  1743. Well done Ursula for taking the lead here and highlighting these critical issues to change and be addressed now.

  1744. Everything the central coast council does about ‘maintaining’ roads is an interim solution. And I use the word ‘maintaining’ very loosely.

  1745. As usual, Ms Wicks is true to form – BIG promises and no delivery – just like her boss Slomo. Time to give someone else a chance. They certainly couldn’t do any worse than her.

  1746. What Scomo and Ms Wicks – no carparks? Oh, of course, that was in your list of “promises” for the 2019 election. Hmmm, a bit slow on the delivery, aren’t we. Perhaps it’s just all smoke and mirrors, after all, our Scotty is known for his “marketing” skills – and just about nothing else. And no, I’m not a member of the Labor Party. I’m just sick and tired of this mob who promise the world and then do nothing but blab on about their “achievements”.

  1747. Well I’m a dummy, I thought when Paul Toole (Toole the fool) joined the 2 councils, ours (Wyong)
    and Gosford, I thought I read somewhere that Gosford came with a 500 million debt.
    So if the good administrator Rick Hart has reduced it to 70 million I think that is very good news.
    He should be made General Manager then next year it may be a positive instead of a debt.

  1748. Is this a full list of the roads to be repaired?

    We’ve just had a pamphlet drop in Copacabana from Wicks saying they are upgrading Del Mar and Del Rio but I can’t find this listed anywhere.

    How many other streets are the Libs doing pamphlet drop promising upgrades?

  1749. This is a great idea!
    A lot of elderly people need social interaction and financial assistance. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it alleviates many problems for cheap accommodation, and pensioner assistance. Even a type of barter system of ‘jobs for board’.

  1750. Alex McCarthy | May 16, 2022 at 6:31 am |

    Anyone care to wager this is yet another LNP porkbarrel?
    Money that should have been delivered to the Central Coast, was used to buy votes in Hornsby instead?

  1751. Hours of opening please

  1752. Daniel White | May 16, 2022 at 10:59 am |

    All thanks to Dr.Isai for bringing back my life. I was cured from genital herpes 2 with the herbal medicine Dr.Isai sent to me. I got to know about Dr.Isai through a friend that was also cured from Diabetes after taking Dr.Isai herbal medicine. Dr.Isai herbal medicine works very fast without any side effects. I recommend Dr.Isai to everyone suffering from genital herpes or any type of disease, His medicine will cure you 100% completely. You can contact him through His email address drisaiherbalcenter@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +2349034352176.

  1753. Dr. Peter Sinclair | May 16, 2022 at 8:15 pm |

    Too often forgotten, roads in pocket communities are in urgent need of attention. Moves to fix and rebuilt Rickard Road, Empire Bay, are welcome.

  1754. A J Smith | May 16, 2022 at 10:04 pm |

    What a farce.CCC is one of the most stupid organisations I have encountered.what other Council would take a section of the Highway through Long Jetty and almost completely restrict traffic flow by retaining 4 sets of traffic lights, allowing parking on both sides of the road, and erect a dangerous median strip in the centre of the road itself. Drivers, including those of heavy commercial vehicles are now using residential collector roads to avoid the Long Jetty portion of the highway thus putting local residents, particularly those on Bateau Bay road, in dangerous situations forcing them to dodge traffic when crossing the road or exiting their properties. Heavy traffic volume starts at 5.30am and continues continually through the day. Any awards should be given to the residents for putting up with Council’s inefficiency, laziness and lack of iniative. Highways were made to handle large traffic volumes not the local collector roads which are for light traffic volumes.

  1755. Edward Baker | May 17, 2022 at 3:15 am |

    Thank-you former Mayor Jane Smith and CCFoD! It’s about time these sober assessments were stated publicly.
    While there may have been some benefit to Central Coast in ousting one or two self-seeking (pre-merger) Councillors, it has been a far too costly and brutal exercise, with State Government’s grandiose experiment being blamed on us, the victims! (What a surprise!)

  1756. They could do a lot worse than her.

  1757. Monika Watts | May 17, 2022 at 9:13 am |

    Is Erina the closes place to vote from Copacabana?

  1758. Dr. Peter Sinclair | May 17, 2022 at 7:17 pm |

    The poor state of roads in pocket communities has been a major issue Council has not properly addressed for decades. The situation is now too big for the Council to rectify in or out Administration. Pleased road repair will be priority through Federal Funding.

  1759. Dr. Peter Sinclair | May 17, 2022 at 7:22 pm |

    A very necessary action. Roads in pocket communities have been long neglected. The fix is beyond the scope of Council funding. Federal funding in needed.

  1760. Dr. Peter Sinclair | May 17, 2022 at 7:28 pm |

    Federal funding is a necessary step. Prior Councils in or out of Administration lost the plot. Pocket communities, especially, are in need of road upgrades.

  1761. jennie Otter | May 17, 2022 at 7:40 pm |

    Where do you think people are going to get the money from particularly pensioners
    Everybody at the moment is doing it tough enough as it is & the ordinary rate payer DID NOT
    create this financial mess we are in the first place so why should we be made to pay for it.

  1762. The hide of this person is amazing! Still not taking any responsibility!

  1763. I was in attendance at the Copa forum and I have a different perspective of the crowd behaviour. While some may see it as rowdy, I saw it as a fantastic opportunity for voters to share their concerns. I was impressed by the passion and debate. It wasn’t out of control, it was real people expressing their concerns to the candidates and incumbent.
    I applaud Copa Community Association for holding such a wonderful event.

  1764. Kathryn Gould | May 18, 2022 at 9:42 am |

    Every time Labour has been in they leave us with huge debt. Imagine where we will be under this bumbling fool. He can promise the world but we have to pay. TAXES TAXES

  1765. Jim Perkins | May 18, 2022 at 5:16 pm |

    Kathryn, are you serious! This LNP government has racked up $1000 Billion debt, that’s 3 times we had in 2013 when Labour left office. So much waste, billions to offshore corporations during COVID, wasted $5000 million on subs we never got. Plus they closed down the car industry, tried to close down the rail manufacturing industry, downgraded the broadband, let the Communist party of China into our back yard and continue to lie to us.
    This is not a Liberal Government anymore this is a populist bunch of incompetents.

  1766. What has Lucy Wicks actually achieved for the Central Coast in all the years she has been in parliament? Besides getting large grants for a lot evangelical churches on the coast.

  1767. We do not want Council to prioritise, things will never happen. Just get on with the job for once. Why do we need overtime to prioritise. The problems are all around us.

  1768. Bruce James Lenden | May 20, 2022 at 10:32 pm |

    40 million to fix the roads really?
    More like 400 million minimum.
    The roads are terrible and the quality of the roads haven’t kept up with development.

  1769. Vivienne Caroll | May 22, 2022 at 1:38 pm |

    What can they possibly be thinking?!
    One can only wonder whose interests it serves to be bestowing an award for anything positive on the worst performing, useless Council imagineable. Who are the judges of their value? And by what possible criteria? And what would it take to censure, rather than congratulate.
    As you rightly say, the mind boggles!

  1770. James Dagher | May 22, 2022 at 3:43 pm |

    Hi, this paragraph “The ALP also suffered at the hands of the TEALs with the demise of Kristina Keneally…” is off the mark. Dai Le made it clear she is no TEAL. And definitely did not run on the teal platform of climate, ICAC and gender equality. A different demographic and misunderstanding of the blue and green makes teal principle.

  1771. finally with a labor strong hold on the coast the road through wyong can be fixed

  1772. Dave Condon | May 23, 2022 at 4:49 pm |

    As the council has reduced the vehicles so does the work going on around the suburbs as in grass cutting scrub reduction and general rubbish around our roads so when they get around to it ,it will be a mammoth job costing a lot more, a little at atime would be a great start, when visitors come to once beautiful area they must think it’s a dump

  1773. Labor did nothing for Robertson and will continue.the trend of doing nothing. lucy Wicks has done a great job. Pity, its politics. Sheep to the slaughter.

  1774. Kevin Brooks | May 25, 2022 at 11:12 am |

    Water prices will actually be 35% higher in 2025 than they are today as a result of this decision. That’s the same percentage Council originally requested. And you can add inflation on top of that.

    IPART’s claim that they have limited the increase to 28% over the first four years is merely a short-term effect from phasing in the 35% increase. This will make no difference from 2025 when the 35% increase is applied in full and becomes the baseline price for the next submission.

    Once again IPART is rewarding poor management and incentivising poor performance when it says the rate hikes are justified because services have declined.

    Last year’s significant increase in general rates has not stopped Council services from deteriorating further, so when will IPART finally realise this Council has a management problem not a revenue problem?

    Services have continued to decline because the Administrator Rik Hart and new CEO David Farmer have failed to address the Council’s underlying problems in management, performance culture, and productivity. There’s no incentive for them to do so when IPART makes it so much easier to fleece ratepayers.

    The extra performance reporting requested by IPART will make no difference. Quite apart from the question of independence and rigour in the process, none of the extra money is dependent on improved performance.

    Incentives are always more likely to improve performance than extra bureaucracy.

    Once again IPART has shown itself to be a pushover in the face of relentless, well funded and well connected behind the scenes lobbying – whilst totally ignoring those it exists to protect from monopoly pricing.

  1775. Jim Perkins | May 25, 2022 at 7:13 pm |

    Ric, are you kidding, your short memory does nothing for your credibility.
    Labor’s last 6 year stint gave us a massive telecommunications upgrade in the fibre NBN connections, deliberately and vindictively compromised by the incoming Liberal Government in 2013, we’re still playing catch up in 1000s of business premises across the region. Sadly Lucy’s reign was characterised by playing favorites, dividing, and ignoring large parts of her community.

  1776. Kevin White | May 26, 2022 at 10:28 pm |

    congratulations Gordon and all members of the ALP Team…a job very well done.
    I have been watching with pride our newly elected interim Office holders including our new PM Mr Albanese and must say that a very professional job done by all that attended the 4 country alliance meeting, I feel our country is in very safe hands.
    Gordon, although I understand you are busy settling in to your new role, I would like you to look into what is happening at the multi gp clinic at Wyoming, the other day I escorted a friend there who had an appointment to see a gp, and waited 3 hours all up….there were others waiting after her….to me this is just not good enough.

  1777. Never seen a road in such bad condition I have damaged my steering from the large pot holes in our Kincumber cr I now try not to go out unless I really need to Why can’t the council do something theyhave filled small in the past We need them done now before they caused an accident

  1778. Mark Reid | May 28, 2022 at 2:26 pm |

    Against All Logic was absolutally enthralling, top notch production, deserves to be staged @ the Opera House , well done Central Coast Council for promoting the Arts & Congratulations Brigitta Oldereid on an Awesome production.

  1779. Marliene Byrne | May 28, 2022 at 7:43 pm |

    As mentioned above I would like to know when the first sitting day for the House of Representatives in the new parliament will be held. I congratulate your Gordon Reid for your appointment as our representative of Robertson and wish you every success in contributing to a respectful and successful result in implementing your programme. My husband and I would be privileged to be present to witness your first day in parliament. Kind regards.

  1780. Mick Huxley | May 28, 2022 at 9:03 pm |

    How about put that money to the potholes first. Rate payers ripped off again….There is no water shortage just a tar shortage by my guessing.
    Rate payers shafted again. Sack the administrators.

  1781. Mick Huxley | May 28, 2022 at 9:10 pm |

    Just scrap it and put in a skate park in Kibble. A rusty piece of junk won’t bring Kibble alive.With respect to the family , if it means so much put it in your front yard ! A skate park will

  1782. Tom Colosimo | May 29, 2022 at 6:50 am |

    Another useless department Ipart?
    It obvious that the secrete meetings with CCC have influenced and determined your outcome. You need to release the minutes from all the private meetings held with CCC.

    CCC is still failing tot deliver and maintain basic services even a year after you Ipart granted the full rate increase.

    I still fail to see real changes with CCC nothing seems to be getting better.

    The CFO is another senior staff that’s happy to leave the organisation! Another CFO leaving?
    What has this CFO achieved?
    Helping The Administrator and the CEO implement higher rates and higher water?

  1783. mark Maddox | May 29, 2022 at 3:02 pm |

    Looks like a giant hypodermic syringe an appropriate symbol for the troubled socio-economic mess this once great town has degenerated to.

  1784. I thought everyone knew we live in the age of everyone gets an award no matter were they come in the race or the performance level achieved. So under thses new rules there can be no hope of blame any misappropriation or lack of leadership

  1785. Carmel Brown | May 30, 2022 at 11:58 am |

    Great to hear good news! Training is the best hand up.

  1786. This situation is beyond dangerous. Warning signs are hidden in grass. Only 1 light works. The slip is 1M deep and approx 10m long.
    The resident being impacted by this is very elderly and is extremely distressed. His driveway, fencing and power pole are all slipping. Ausgrid want $10000 to move his power pole. He has spent thousands trying to repair his property and huge cracks are opening up daily. Council will not take responsibility.
    Stop/ go lights are needed.
    Something needs to be done urgently otherwise we will have another Somersby disaster on our hands.

  1787. Kevin Brooks | May 31, 2022 at 12:09 pm |

    The financial crisis is over because the Administrator and his senior management team have received hundreds of millions of dollars in ratepayer bailouts.

    It has nothing to do with fixing the underlying causes of the crisis which lay in poor management, weak culture, and low productivity.

    Mr Hart has admitted publicly many times he only needed $110M from rates to repay the loans from the financial crisis – the rest coming from asset sales. Yet he has fleeced ratepayers out of about $700M over the next ten years in combined increases to general and water rates.

    This means that, without these massive ratepayer bailouts, Mr Hart and his management team would still still be racking up large deficits.

    Mr Hart also appears to not understand the definition of productivity when he uses anecdotal examples to claim improvements.

    Productivity is defined in economics as output per employee.

    Even after Last year’s downsizing (which included hundreds of vacant posts existing only on paper), Council has approximately the same number of employees as it had before the merger (approx 1900). Yet, services are fewer and worse. So the same number of people are producing less – the very definition of lower productivity.

    Now Council coffers are awash with ratepayers’ money we will no doubt see another hiring spree.

    Given the absence of credible prioritisation in Council’s latest strategic and delivery plans, it is unlikely these new resources will be allocated strategically to community priorities – thereby dragging productivity down further.

    Just as Mr Hart’s original downsizing – 15% across the board – also paid no attention to prioritisation. How many of these roles will now be re-recruited despite ratepayers having formed out expensive redundancy costs?

    The financial crisis may well be over (for now) – how could it not be after such massive ratepayer funded bailouts? The underlying causes of the crisis, however, remain.

  1788. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | May 31, 2022 at 7:07 pm |

    So the administrator will be having council elections cancelling the water rate rises and getting the myriad of deep potholes around the central coast fixed without delay

    Ha ha ha not likely

  1789. Going around in circles trying to register for learner driver workshop. Council website doesn’t have details how to register…. They have the info and dates for 2019.

  1790. Unbelievable
    These people have no idea
    They raise our fees and reduce services to zero whilst taking huge payments for spruicking absolute BS, obviously the administration cannot do any better than the mob they replaced

  1791. Yeah, whatever……So, now can we expect you to reduce our rates and not go ahead with the proposed rise in our water rates? No? Why not? You are bleeding us dry. What a poor excuse for a Council and Administrator!

  1792. Allen Black | June 1, 2022 at 1:52 pm |

    Awesome, so much trail potential around Munmorah park.

  1793. Daniel Bednarek | June 2, 2022 at 5:30 am |

    A great idea,will help people to experience our beautiful area even more

  1794. Kevin Brooks | June 2, 2022 at 10:22 am |

    Can we please stop using this term “financial turnaround?”

    The Council books have only been balanced by massive ratepayer funded bailouts.

    The extra money from general and water rates will amount to about $700M over the next ten years, whereas Council has stated many times it only needed $110M from rates to repay loans from the financial crisis (the rest coming from asset sales).

    This means that without these massive bailouts from ratepayers, Council senior managers would still be racking up deficits. Some turnaround!

    The blunt reality is that Administrator Rik Hart and CEO David Farmer have failed to address the underlying causes of the financial crisis, instead taking the easy option to fleece ratepayers.

  1795. Josephine | June 3, 2022 at 9:12 am |

    I absolutely agree with the comments. When I came to Council at Wyong, receptionist wasn’t interested to help me, instead she was sending me for computer courses. What a joke. Shame on everyone at the Council. Thanks. Have to vent.

  1796. Ken Janson | June 3, 2022 at 5:46 pm |

    What a disgrace. We have a horrible administrator. Democracy is dispensed with while he reigns supreme. Council elections must be held ASAP.

  1797. Tammy Fowler | June 3, 2022 at 5:57 pm |

    What about us middle aged HOMELESS ??

  1798. J. Sullivan | June 4, 2022 at 8:17 am |


  1799. Kevin Brooks | June 4, 2022 at 9:52 am |

    Governments only cancel elections when they fear the verdict of the voters.

    In this case, State Government knows voters will reject the massive rate hikes it is imposing on our community through its appointed Administrator.

    We now face two more years of local government by unelected and self interested bureaucrats. This is one of the worst forms of government because there is no accountability to the community for performance.

    We see that in the way services have continued to decline under Administrator Rik Hart despite higher rates well in excess of what was required to pay back loans from the financial crisis.

    When Minister Tuckerman says she doesn’t want elections taking us backwards, she is saying that State Government doesn’t trust the people of the Central Coast with elections.

    Rather than going backwards, elections will give us a chance to choose fresh leadership to address Council’s underlying problems in management performance, bad culture, and low productivity – problems the State Government Administrator Rik Hart has failed to address.

  1800. Those ash dams are actually part of the Lake system that has been allowed to be polluted . I wonder is there any plan to fix those area up ,return to natural state?

  1801. Mary crammond | June 5, 2022 at 11:39 am |

    I’m not normally a cake or sweet lover but thought I’d just see what you were producing. My goodness what a good idea that was. I’ve just eaten the best brioche since my last visit to France 3 yrs ago. Totally, absolutely deliciously, perfect raspberry treat. I’ve got an Almond Choc to try tomorrow. I can’t wait to go back for more. I’m so looking forward to your baguette and I’d love to see you making a good quiche – haven’t had a good one in 3 years. Thank you for the long hours and perfection in baking.
    Very best wishes for a long and successful business.

    • Hello Mary, thank you so much for your comment. So glad you enjoyed our goodies. We hope to share more sweet and savory French specialties in the future!! Thanks for your support. Cecile and Luc from Mamigato.

  1802. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | June 5, 2022 at 1:06 pm |


    the link for Sharing and Enabling Environmental Data (SEED) portal
    they neglected to give the link in the article
    and the link for the map

  1803. Bruce James Lenden | June 5, 2022 at 9:56 pm |

    OK good

    Now repair council responsible roads.
    Not just fix the potholes but properly re build them.
    Developers are only doing half the job if there is no development on the other side of the road it doesn’t get done??
    Come and drive Virginia Rd at Hamlyn terrace and you’ll know what I mean.

  1804. Philip Young | June 6, 2022 at 11:59 am |

    Concil at the time of this publication sealed the edge of the road at no time was it ever stated it was a repair What a lot of people fail to understand is that this road repair is major requiring lots of personal and equipment along with engineering. Unfortunately these types of road issues take time I’m sure council ate doing there best…

  1805. Michael Conroy | June 7, 2022 at 8:27 am |

    What is the State Government doing about the 17 recommendations of the Parliamentary Inquiry into the health impacts of the ash dams on residents of the nearby suburbs? Central Coast Council should not allow this rezoning to proceed until the Health Dept. can guarantee that all national standards for health and air quality will be achieved.

  1806. Samantha Nicholson | June 8, 2022 at 8:39 am |

    Kulnura is the correct spelling

  1807. Don’t put the blame on the merger, blame incompetence in those elected to manage the council. The sooner we have an election the sooner we go back to what we had pre the sacking.
    Look forward for the solution not back.

  1808. Jim Perkins | June 9, 2022 at 1:56 pm |

    John, are you for real? The amalgamated council was bound to fail. It was grossly underfunded, only $20 mil for amalgamation was provided by the state. Peanuts for a $700 mil organisation illustrates just how underfunded it was.
    Any corporate amalgamation allocates a serious budget to restructure, in addition they bring in expert merger people. None of this happened. Merger savings happen only happen after several years of investment. Yet, our council has no savings on the horizon! Instead we have increased costs! This is really bad management from state government and their paid state government public servants.
    To expect new councillors to navigate a complex corporate merger without any help is disingenuous.
    FACT: It was the State Government Administrator who raised our rates and the water rates and sold assets and reduced services. An elected body would never have allowed that.
    The CC Council was cut loose by a disinterested and/or incompetent State Government!
    Now we are all paying huge tax(rates) increases for some very obvious State Government incompetence and disinterest.
    This state government was and is largely responsible for this mess and they need to come up here and own it and pay for this incompetence.

  1809. The Minister should explain how the Central Coast .. among the largest mergers in NSW .. received a mere $10m whilst Hornsby received $90m .. tiny by comparison and didn’t merge

  1810. The image of workers using cold mix and shovels to plug potholes in the rain into water filled holes summarises they have no idea how to fix potholes. The claim potholes are revisited when dry is for the most part not satifactory.
    Number off potholes to fill = Each sub-standard patching + new potholes which develop. No wonder the number of potholes is getting worse.
    I would suggest potholes are filled as per best practices recommended by asphalt/bitumen suppliers or this issue will continue to compound.
    Best of luck to all the tyres and rims out there!

  1811. Bush tucker boy | June 10, 2022 at 11:31 am |

    Great, and its not Guringai Country

  1812. Paul andtey | June 10, 2022 at 3:06 pm |

    Let’s hope some common sense prevails and this project proceeds

  1813. Geoff Robertson | June 10, 2022 at 5:41 pm |

    Jim Perkins, just imagine what mess we would be in today if the councillors were to have continued in office. Bankruptcy is not pretty, but the State Government you obviously despise stepped in and stopped the rot and the administrators have got us back on track. Why in hell would we want to chance the possibility of another mob of dills taking over before the recovery is well established.
    And I, for one, am not outraged.

  1814. Bob Lalor | June 10, 2022 at 8:34 pm |

    Why anyone would want to go back and embrace the very reason we all ended up in this $500 million mess we must repay through increased rates totally escapes my logic.
    The council is a multi million dollar enterprise and, at all levels, should be run by a competent financial administrator, as we have now, until the debt has been repaid.

    Once that is done, fine, lets have council elections, but only where prospective candidates have the necessary qualifications and proven ability to successfully manage an enterprise such as Central Coast Council and no.. the ability to hug Koalas, focus on minority groups and chase cashed up developers away from the Central Coast is not the prime criteria anymore.
    That is what got us here in the first place and no amount of the “same” is going to produce a different result.

    The problem is the DEBT the ratepayers have been left to repay. It has everything to do with elected councilors not acting in the best interests of ratepayers and nothing to do with “democracy” or council mergers or the state government incompetence
    The only way you can fix debt is to repay it, and given the events that have caused the debt in the first instance the last thing the burdened ratepayers need is another lot of financially incompetent elected councilors.

  1815. Lasa Bailey | June 11, 2022 at 8:12 pm |

    this had nothing to do with the council amalgamation, it had to do with utter incompetence by the councillors themselves, not one of them should be allowed to stand again, if they were unaware of the spending that led to the problems, they should never have been in council to start with, if they knew, they should be charged, either way they should never be allowed to stand for local government again, a bunch of trained puppies could probably have faired better, and blaming the state government is a cop-out as well, they are not there to control council, what the hell was council doing, in any case, buying land that could never be used, never be rezoned, headless chooks the lot of them..

  1816. Where? The old police station site at Kincumber, next to the 7/11?

  1817. Chippy mint | June 13, 2022 at 4:03 pm |

    Rawson Road and Ocean beach roundabout roads have degraded so much due to potholes the locals are calling it the snake path due to you having weave your car to avoid the potholes , the whole section needs replacing not morerepairs

  1818. Suellen Jonusys | June 16, 2022 at 9:15 am |

    The award is nice but a lot of people have been conned about the history of the area. It is Guringai. I Rrefer to Professor James Wafer, the University of Newcastle for the relevance of the word Darkinjung.

  1819. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | June 17, 2022 at 7:53 am |

    Sigh More of the same

    You can tell when there is an upcoming election(march 2023) suddenly there is political interest in a fast rail and central coast infrastructure this has happened when an upcoming election for over the last 20-plus years (especially if the party in power has losses in the last election)

  1820. Edward Durward | June 17, 2022 at 7:47 pm |

    Disappointing,all the news is about Gosford and surrounding suburbs but nothing about Wyong and suburbs,are we not part of the Central Coast Counsel?

  1821. Stoney Ascension | June 17, 2022 at 8:34 pm |

    The pollies, liberals and labor plus unions have created all the problems we face today. N.S.W. had one of the world’s best cheap power generation systems in the 1980’s under the Electricity Commission of N.S.W. This body was set up in 1950 to solve the same problems we face today. In reality, the power industry is a mess today because weak premiers saw it as a pot of gold for their infrastructure dreams and milked this well-established and productive source of income. Then selling parts of it to foreign countries that were only interested in making money for the short term until the generating plants & grids finally ran out of fuel & were unable to be repaired. No political party is willing to acknowledge the real reason for this. Because they knew they did the wrong thing by the state & country. The sad part is this E.C. body would have had a good mix of renewables to satisfy everybody if the money had not been plundered from it’s business.

  1822. Geoff Robertson | June 17, 2022 at 8:49 pm |

    Look, we all know that the current administration is temporary. Let’s not get into a weeping session about the loss of democratic rights. Administration is a legal process that entities who are facing bankruptcy go through. They are run by an administrator while the directors are stood aside. Just because the CC Council has elected councilors rather than directors does not alter the fact or the process.
    The Administrator is not a dictator, above the law or self-serving. He/she operates within legal rules and constraints.
    For goodness sake, just wait until the situation is under control, then we can get back to the possibility of another bunch of disfunctional chaotic democratically elected leaders. Hopefully we will have learned from the last tilt at democracy.

    • Gary Blaschke | June 20, 2022 at 8:55 pm |

      Sorry Jim, If one man makes all the decisions, gives the citizens of the Central Coast the total of three minutes to put their case forward and then totally ignores what is put forward and simply makes out it wasn’t him, it was the politically appointed Planning Panels, then I call it dictatorship.

  1823. Kevin Spencer | June 17, 2022 at 10:30 pm |

    A very worthwhile project and seriously needed in our area.

  1824. Jim Perkins | June 18, 2022 at 8:34 am |

    Well said Gary! So refreshing to read a balanced and well considered view of our council’s situation.
    To be remembered that it has been both State Government appointed Administrators who drastically raised our land rates, our water rates and sold off our assets, NOT the former councillors! The state government can not hide behind their over blown blustering about former councillors. They could have taken responsibility much earlier, they did not. Thier own auditors did not pick up the financial problems, either did the Minister or the local Parliamentary Sec until after the after the event. And the $500 mil debt we hear so much about, surprise, most of it was handed to the council from the two previous councils and the state government refused to refinance it. So much BS going in NSW. And where is the Labor opposition ? Silent and ineffective.

  1825. Stephen Kirkham | June 18, 2022 at 9:55 am |

    Interesting the ALP MPs leave out that four of the five stations promised lifts have got them. If the previous Labor Government hadn’t built Tuggerah Station on a swamp. That one would be done too. The promised upgrade of the Pacific Highway between Ourimbah and Lisarow is nearing completion. The next stage from Lisarow further south was not an election promise in 2019.

  1826. Tony Kirby | June 18, 2022 at 10:48 am |

    How many more times are we going to hear about the fast train and they wonder why we are so sceptical about what they say i don’t think my grand children will even see it.

  1827. Name the top 3 local projects each of these Labor MP’s have promoted and fought for in their own electorates??
    They complain every time something is announced but don’t seem to actually do much for their own electorates.

  1828. Lynne Harris | June 20, 2022 at 7:35 am |

    Wonderful news – my youngest daughter – started the same programme in Wales at the age of 4 ( that was 28 years ago)- very successful & made such a difference – the bigger children were given a little child to support in the playground etc – so they felt they had a big brother or sister right there with them – & the older children were very protective – felt responsibility too
    Do it Australia !!
    Brilliant decision

  1829. Lorraine Ramsay | June 21, 2022 at 8:04 am |

    Months ago I received a phone and software from GWIC to enable me to pass on retirement details of the greyhounds I took from racing owners. GWIC has never sent a tech to me to set up the system. Smoke and mirrors!

  1830. Concerned local | June 21, 2022 at 9:10 pm |

    What is this going to do to our famous surf at Avoca Beach? Adding a tourist attraction of fishing but destroying the famous and natural waves of Avoca Beach would be a tragedy.

  1831. Ken Dixon | June 22, 2022 at 6:42 pm |

    Thought you might mention CC Kids in Need and the 25 years we kept the Club going even after the Landlord put the tree on our best green. There were many volunteers at that Club including Life Members who have not been acknowledged by this group.

  1832. Why don’t the state government just ban this horrendous so-called “sport”. Surely as a civilised society we are better than this. Oh, hang on, of course! The state government makes money out of it. Silly me. Disgusting!

  1833. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | June 24, 2022 at 5:46 pm |

    We have been hearing politicians waffle on about fast trains for more than 20 years
    with a stunning lack of any action

  1834. Kevin Spencer | June 25, 2022 at 6:56 am |

    Well said Gary. It is the state government who forced the amalgamation and then prevented harmonisation of the rates so leaving the council with a lot of extra costs and insufficient income.

  1835. Brian Raffa | June 25, 2022 at 9:18 am |

    Gosford is a city then why was the council chambers moved to Wyong and left Gosford city as a backwater town, I noticed most of the spending is to improve road up near Wyong while the roads in Woy Woy are in bad shape.

  1836. Great to see the Liberal Party delivering on their promise to our community to fix the atrocious ramp that Labor built.

  1837. We have lost all confidence in the council. Our renovation plans have been in council now for 7 months, no objection or major issues, but we are still awaiting approval. The system is broken.

  1838. Brian Dickinson | July 1, 2022 at 8:06 pm |

    Who ever fought against nature & won. Work with nature or lose. Those who choose to build on the sand…..

  1839. Alessia Devjak | July 4, 2022 at 2:33 am |

    I think there should be a weather section in this paper for the Centrsl coasy

  1840. Any structural wall on Wamberal Beach is not acceptable, it should be a nature based solution. I hope the community resist this

  1841. Lien Hoang | July 5, 2022 at 10:15 am |

    Power in Wyong village central have been cut out , we would like to know when it’s will connecting again?
    Who’s will pay for lost of our business because it not the first time in a years?

  1842. Felicity Kay | July 5, 2022 at 1:35 pm |

    Congratulations to all of you on this special occasion. Well done, Johanna.

    All the best, Felicity Kay.

  1843. Gay Simpson | July 6, 2022 at 1:52 pm |

    South Tacoma have a blackout and don’t have access to radio or tv emergency broadcasts

  1844. Andrew Rowe | July 8, 2022 at 12:26 pm |

    Great news for new residents. More housing is very welcome. Is there a way to have higher density so greater numbers can enjoy this premium location?

  1845. We moved to the central Coast 18 years ago, and they were talking about it then. I thought how lovely what a great idea. Nothing else has gone ahead . Ba humbug

  1846. Be nice to see to add to wyong looking better

  1847. rosemarie and bill Tweedie | July 8, 2022 at 4:24 pm |

    we live in tumbi and love visiting this fine hotel ,the atmosphere is great as is the fine dining area and menu ,any extension done will not impact on this treasure ,in wyong ,

  1848. SUSAN THOMPSON | July 9, 2022 at 9:56 am |

    Some of the comments made in regards to where the residents will be moving to are inaccurate. In the beginning the residents were distressed but they are no longer. At this stage Uniting are communicating well with the residents.

  1849. Tash tuite | July 9, 2022 at 9:21 pm |

    We cant find this DA in the council website. Is this part of a plan to stop people from submitting their objections?

  1850. G Jentsch | July 10, 2022 at 9:36 am |

    All residents of Kariong have to do is go and see the amount of McDonalds branded refuse in the streets of Woy Woy and Umina to know this proposal should be rejected if they value their parklands.

  1851. Helen Hamilton | July 10, 2022 at 12:57 pm |

    How can you be so sure?
    People of a certain era are loathe to make a fuss, especially when in a powerless position.
    Residents and their families did not select a monolith for the person to live in.
    Please be considerate and respectful.

  1852. Peter O'Reilly | July 10, 2022 at 8:28 pm |

    So if we can spend millions to save a couple of homes at Wamberal. Time to stump up the money for a seawall at The Entrance and look after a couple of thousand homes and businesses around Tuggerah Lakes.

  1853. So proud of my baby girl love Dad

  1854. Are you accepting household goods & furniture from locals to assist our local flood victims??

  1855. Brian Dickinson | July 14, 2022 at 4:53 pm |

    Hi All Bee lovers,
    Has anyone been able to train bees? Bees are so disciplined in what they do. If they could be trained to remove the mites from their buddies! Just a thought.

  1856. Do NOT WANT an affordable housing block in our steet I AGREE WITH what’s written above

  1857. Margaret Hatton | July 15, 2022 at 6:57 am |

    Please this is putting to many people who most will have addiction in one place. I understand people need low cost housing. It has been proved many times in the past that this sort of housing becomes a ghetto. A small boarding house can be managed this won’t be how can one person handle 90 men. Why do we allow a developer so many applications to be heard he doesn’t live here. Listen to the people this is our home, thank you

    • Is it still going to be 90 men at this Boarding House maybe things have changed from a year ago. Well hopefully it will be resolved soon so everyone can have some peace of mind.

  1858. Sammy Massa | July 15, 2022 at 8:10 pm |

    I completely disagree with this idea . There is plenty of lighting via bollards along the main footpath. Having the lights close to water and trees will disrupt wildlife. I hope this is considered when reviewing the proposal and that the proposal is given to council ecologist before it is reviewed.

  1859. Ron Moore | July 16, 2022 at 9:48 am |

    Spot on Peter but no the council will do another feasibility study to make out they are doing something about the problem then when things get back to normal all will be forgotten until the next flood .

  1860. Christine mcdonald | July 16, 2022 at 1:08 pm |

    Hi and good luck. Very briefly I travel on public transport regularly. People are demanding payments, but not conscientious about masks. Also they talk even in quiet carriages. I was at a function the other day and realized we were all breathing on each other. Stronger messages can cut down possibility of covid, save money.

  1861. Typical NIMB so sad that a lot of people just do not understand how fortunate they are. “ There but for ??????

  1862. Not everyone on the planet does facebook, especially me. If you’d like me to sign something, have some alternatives.

  1863. lets get a new council in place its super important for the revival of the coast. i sent photos in an email of my local oval and park that used to be well maintained but has been left to overgrow above head height in some areas and was becoming unusable due to the mosquito populatian that we have been told to avoid. the response was after several weeks was that it wasnt a priority as other critical maintenance needed doing. so i now need a new tyre and a wheel alignment due to the potholes i havent been able to walk my dog in the safety of the local park but lets put a bunch of new wheelchair corners in. there was nothing wrong with the ones that were there. lets get this council sorted

  1864. Rosalien McQueen | July 17, 2022 at 8:02 pm |

    Maybe return to an aged care facility

  1865. I think this will be great for Kariong, I’ve lived here for 20 years and it’s about time we start having some infrastructure and entertainment around the area. There is plenty of land to use and great potential. People need to get with the times we don’t live in the 80’s anymore, the area needs to grow!

  1866. Travelled by train from Woy Woy to Gosford then taxi Gosford Hospital only to be told Sunday walk-in clinic closed. Taxi back to Gosford station and train back to Woy Woy.
    End result – no second booster, two train and taxi trips, and half a day wasted.

  1867. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | July 18, 2022 at 5:50 pm |

    I second that something other than Face(we sell your data for profit)book
    should be used ‘
    I avoid the empire(Facebook) as much as possible and certainly would not trust them with information on how residents view local lack of government

  1868. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | July 18, 2022 at 7:32 pm |

    FYI you will need to remove the full stop at the end of the web address
    the correct web link is

    and look for
    Call for elections for the Central Coast Council

  1869. Sue Jones | July 18, 2022 at 9:17 pm |

    The tracking system is a farce just like the whole of the Great Waffle and Indesisive Commission that is GWIC. Ask them if they can tell you how many dogs there are in the industry after the operation of several years? They tell you they’re tracking these dogs for their entire lives, the entire racing lives yes, what happens to these guys at the very end? Oh that’s okay they just do the same as GRSW did with the data dump and removal of dogs on the system. Problem solved.

    Abigail are you not sitting currently on a Parliamentary Inquiry into functions of the integrity commission? was there no point in time you could bring these concerns of yours to raise these questions directly to the panel of muppets that was sitting in front of you, instead of creating a media report?

    And in fact, is the Parliamentary Inquiry not a panel committee that should be impartial and take all the facts before passing judgement outside of inquiry before it’s over?

  1870. Cliff Coverdale | July 20, 2022 at 5:47 pm |

    Excellent idea. No one can disagree. That piece of electronics is a masterpiece. It won’t hurt the sharks or any other sea dwellers and it certainly will helpto save lives of swimmers. That last shark attack off the Sydney waters was possibly the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen.

  1871. Steve Edmunds | July 21, 2022 at 10:29 am |

    Vietnam veterans park at the Toukley bridge. As council has no money to support us We are in need of extra seating and roof cover same we can only survive with donations and a grant.steve Edmunds park founder

  1872. Hi Karen love to join you. 💗
    I’m working Sunday, but may be able to come. If not this one the next. Toast

  1873. Train stuck Hornsby why??? almost an hour we all want to know please.

  1874. I offered cash to settle my purchases at my local supermarket today (Central Coast) and the checkout bloke had to use the register to calculate the change. Gen whatever, never learnt anything from first principles

  1875. Gary Jones | July 21, 2022 at 7:16 pm |

    The advice forwarded to customers said that as well as the branch closing it will also be removing the ATM machines as well.This will mean that I have to go to Woy Woy for electronic banking unless I pay $2.50 to use another banks terminal. I am a retired CBA staff member who is disgusted with this decision.

  1876. Hernan Ratto | July 22, 2022 at 9:25 am |

    Our coal fired power stations will be providing the electricity to Electric Vehicles. It is difficult to see the environmental gain when you replace petrol or diesel with coal?

    • I charge my car from the excess solar on my roof and I buy ‘green’ energy from the grid anyway. The grid is also increasingly powered by renewables, so the balance of energy sources will change rapidly. Not the same for a petrol vehicle.

  1877. Kirsten Hawkes | July 22, 2022 at 12:53 pm |

    How will we have enough electricity to charge these cars, when we are asked to preserve our electricity usage now?

    • The same way we managed to find enough oil to power the ICE vehicles. It’s much easier to convert sunlight to electricity than to drill, refine and transport oil.

  1878. michael gaut | July 22, 2022 at 2:55 pm |

    bendigo bank at ettalong offers great service

  1879. Jim Perkins | July 22, 2022 at 3:44 pm |

    Oh for heaven’s sake Kirsten and Hernan of course you can charge these cars via solar panels, that’s how over 1/3 of household electricity is produced already and growing.
    And as it says in the article you can even sell that power stored inside your car’s batteries back to the grid at peak times and help locals and make some money.
    This woman is doing something useful for all of us, all power to her.

  1880. And Australia wins! We have the most sun and lots of wind. Australia is becoming a huge energy exporter as electricity from Solar and wind through a cable to countries like Singapore, and Hydrogen generated from solar and wind power to anywhere in the world. And all the jobs to make the transition. So much money to be made at the same time as doing the right thing! Buying an electric car is a really cool thing to do that helps it all get going too.

  1881. Penny Clare | July 23, 2022 at 1:14 pm |

    As a retired staff member of 40 years, with 8 years at this branch, I am very disappointed that the branch is closing!! So many older clients have been forgotten and not considered at all. Stats have NO feelings for clients needs.. once again THE BANK has let down their most dedicated customers. Good on you CBA. Penny

  1882. Terry gibbs | July 23, 2022 at 4:40 pm |

    I knew Ray Wedgwood and he certainly was passionate about bridges. He actually lectured part time a long time ago and I was fortunate enough to benefit from his knowledge. Another bridge identity who lives at Woy Woy recently retired with little fanfare after over 60 years with DMR, RTA, RMS and TfNSW. I sent an email to the NSW Minister for Transport suggesting some sort of recognition for this long service but did not get a reply. His name is John Eveston and although he avoids the limelight it would be great to give him some recognition. He worked on the construction of the Rip Bridge, the Anzac Bridge, the Mooney Mooney Creek Bridge on the M1 to name a few. I think a story of John’s life in the local Central Coast paper would be great.

  1883. Colleen mcdonald | July 27, 2022 at 8:11 pm |

    Would love Myra to make me some bed socks

  1884. Oh my are you people sure its going to house 90 men like some people are saying. Yes I understand that you are scared that your lives might not be the same but hey lets embrace this and stop being so selfish and lets get this Boarding House built

  1885. Jennifer Blake | July 28, 2022 at 9:50 am |

    It was so good to see so many turn up yesterday to the Silent Protest but will it be enough to stop this

  1886. Coast shelter helped me and my two little boys ,after escaping from domestic violence, and made such a positive impact years on.
    The generosity of donations to start again made a huge difference. Will be forever grateful.

  1887. Christine Peterson | July 29, 2022 at 6:18 pm |

    That’s very honorable

    ” Dr Van Davey “JULY 29, 2022 (In the light of the recent reports into wildlife extinction in Australia”}, but would you give up your land in Pearl Beach to support a ‘mega sanctuary”?

  1888. Christine Peterson | July 29, 2022 at 6:21 pm |

    Rik, you have done wonders in the C.Coast since taking office. I watched it with Lake Macquarie council 20 years ago, and look where they are now. Keep up the good work.

  1889. Dean Epps | July 29, 2022 at 6:54 pm |

    Great to see the vision of Dr Davy’s mega sanctuary proposal. If we are going to see a positive turnaround in the Australian environment it’s going to take vision like this.

  1890. Wolf Messthaler | July 29, 2022 at 10:58 pm |

    Large scale fenced sanctuaries are a basic technical approach to protect native species and exclude invasive species!

  1891. Paul Isaac | August 1, 2022 at 2:51 pm |

    maybe should of checked the website before hand to see the hours of business

  1892. Lynelle Elliott | August 1, 2022 at 3:30 pm |

    The community centre at McMasters road , Woy Woy is NOT STAFFED ?!

  1893. David Isaac | August 2, 2022 at 11:37 am |

    Oh my what is wrong with these people always trying to stop the developments from happening come on people this called plain old Selfishness from you people

  1894. William Chambers | August 2, 2022 at 11:51 am |

    This is a positive news article and about time but I have a serious question why cant you find a GP Dr that bulk bills here on the Central Coast. It is getting to the point where I dont go to see my GP now as money is getting tight

  1895. Are there any jobs around the Central coast maybe Retail but if you are looking for admin or other higher position jobs you have to travel into Sydney and your train service is apparently not that reliable

  1896. Not everyone has a smart phone or computer or can use one even if they did. I have 7 holes in my brain and l want to talk to a bank in person to ensure I understand properly.
    That’s why when the branch at the Entrance shut, l took my fathers money AND MOVED IT

  1897. Oh I suppose there will be Central Coast Community opposing this too they dont seem to like any changes. They are trying to stop the Boarding House at Toukley from going ahead and there are plenty others.

  1898. This has great potential for the Central Coast and i hope that underlying and supporting infrastructure can be addressed as a priority. Building new business opportunities in Gosford for example, would need massive road and transport infrastructure upgrades within a cohesive holistic plan, not the piecemeal development we have seen up to now. And public space and utility must be retained especially given the increasing volume of residential living being built. No concrete jungles or wxclusive private enclaves like what is happening at Terrigal.

  1899. Rob Talkinson | August 4, 2022 at 1:37 pm |

    If only we had democratically elected officials to keep accountable for these sorts of decisions..

  1900. Yes we need a plan to get his done but there is always the Central Coast Community opposing something like stop the Public Housing or Boarding House in our Community we dont want it and its not welcome here

  1901. “wholistic”? In the head line?

    • Well spotted, the old wholistic vs holistic skirmish! Our editor is a bit old school. We will endeavour to be a little more holistic in future 🙂

  1902. How do local businesses get invitations to these meetings? We are a local business and we would like to be invited to these meetings in the future. Whom should we get in touch with?

  1903. I was shocked to see what the Central Coast Council had done on the Terrigal Brach foreshore path. Stencilled footprints everywhere and the occasional message drawing one’s attention to the plight of the homeless.
    This is not assisting the situation and looks like really bad graffiti, very tacky and a shocking waste of Ratepayers money.
    The monetary cost of this silly exercise would have been better spent on direct assistance to the needy.

  1904. Fiona in New South Wales | August 6, 2022 at 10:25 am |

    I hope the picture that Leisl Tesch is pointing to is not the terrible option that included residential buildings on top of the water? I had hoped that idea had been dead and buried.

  1905. This is so good [to read the paper online], as I quite often miss the newspaper at the shopping centre or wherever it was.
    Being handy on the phone is great as I can keep up with everything on the coast, and it will be great when we have visitors from overseas, what’s happening available instantly…Thank you.

  1906. Bob Puffett | August 6, 2022 at 5:38 pm |

    Thank you Sonnie for your article. You have “hit the nail” on the head. For more than some 50 years those who are advocates for the opportunity and choice for Central Coast people to have their own identity and to be included in educational decisions that will impact on them. A Central Coast University will bring with it growth , employment and successful and valued educational outcomes for our community which is nearing 380,000.
    We are Central Coasters who are proud and resourceful, we want it better for the next generation of learners who do aspire to reach their full potential and train for the skills and knowledge that will prepare them and our region for the future.

  1907. Peter Nutland | August 6, 2022 at 7:30 pm |

    Bendigo bank come join us.

  1908. It seems Adam Crouch values the lives of fish above those of humans
    I always thought he was an foolish, now it is confirmed.
    He will never again get my vote.

  1909. Tomasz Zeman | August 7, 2022 at 5:41 pm |

    I would like to make the following statement:

    The “DOGS IN OPEN SPACE ACTION PLAN 2022 – 2032”, document, which can be accessed here: https://www.yourvoiceourcoast.com/sites/default/files/2022-06/dogs_in_open_space_action_plan_2022_-_2032_pe.pdf (link checked on 7th of August, 2022)

    only shows how hypocritic the Central Coast Council has become.

    In chapter 5) Discussion of Key Issues and Opportunities, paragraph 5.6) Dog Registrations, mentions that dog registrations benefit […] optimising the number of dog owners Council can easily communicate with (for projects,
    events, matters of concern, changes to policy and legislation, opportunities to engage) […]

    I am a dog owner, and I have three private ways to communicate with the CCC and one on social media. This is the first time I have heard about this motion. Where do I need to subscribe to know first-hand about these issues?


  1910. There has been a clear migration of people from Sydney and the surrounding areas, why not try and get their opinion, why did they move here, what attracted them to the area besides housing prices, and what could potentially be done to make it even better and more appealing for growth.

  1911. Kerrie Beatty | August 8, 2022 at 2:38 pm |

    Pharmacies at MacArthur Square told Me today that the program was not extended after 31st July.

  1912. I personally think this is a bad idea
    as I am sure the Central Coast Community will complain that there are too many people, cars and its just way too busy here now as the Central coast suppose to be quite and peaceful

  1913. Thanks Sarah I am one of those people who moved from Sydney to the central coast a year ago now as I retired and thought a sea change would be lovely.
    But to tell you the truth I hate it here and seriously thinking of moving back to Sydney. You might ask why I am finding it like this its because the people not are not that friendly and I feel so isolated. Public transport is terrible shops are alright cafes ok but as I said if the people were more friendly and welcoming it would make a big difference.

    • Wendy, I would highly recommend checking out EV Church. A wonderful community with get togethers during week and church on Sunday.

  1914. So nice too see so many wearing Masks NOT

  1915. Well Hopefully some of them Bulk Bill as here on the Central Coast there is none that do

  1916. Margaret Coutts | August 9, 2022 at 3:24 pm |

    Suggest that special fenced areas for dogs off leash e.g. fence the end of the oval at Woy Woy–end nearest Brick Wharf Road where dogs could run freely with no damage to sports pitches
    .Margaret Coutts

  1917. Geoff Eagar | August 10, 2022 at 6:13 am |

    Unfortunately, the upgrade has removed the hot water showers that were available in the change rooms. This is a shame as it made recovery from the cold after those early morning winter laps a lot easier.

  1918. Hi fuel excise reduction was 20c not 40c We got 50% excise reduction Do a fact check

    • Thank you Ken, corrected. FAct checked with treasury, and was in fact a 22.1 cent reduction from 44.2 cents.

  1919. Stephen Thomas | August 10, 2022 at 7:10 pm |

    I’m about to buy a new used car. I’ve had diesel but next car is to be petrol. Diesel prices have definitely contributed to the change…. especially after you take into account the servicing costs of diesel.

  1920. Donna britton | August 10, 2022 at 8:07 pm |

    We just filled up last night and it cost $139 for 62.08 litres

  1921. OMG its not only the Central Coast in a Rental Crisis. ITs everywhere

  1922. Here we go again another petition to do what not everyone can afford a electric car. I guess we just have to realise that the cost of living is gone through the roof so what we have to pay $2. plus a litre for petrol.

  1923. Additional staff ?? Nurses are leaving.shortstaffed EVERY shift.excessive workloads.another empty promise from a politition.

  1924. The CBA telephone system is a joke, Wait time is over 15 minutes. Always apologies from staff. It is not their fault. I feel terribly sorry for the older community. The post office will not cope snd the staff there will not be very happy either. The whole system is broken. Bean counters at it again!

  1925. Debbie Dind | August 12, 2022 at 5:02 pm |

    I’d really like to know WHY these fish have died. My family swim in it and we eat fish from the lake.

  1926. Ron W. Lloyd | August 12, 2022 at 5:08 pm |

    I view tree vandalism in the same category as animal and child abuse. The perpetrators should be gaoled for a LONG time (no extenuating circumstances accepted).

    • Its a tree yes they are precious and beautiful but how can you say its in the same category as Animal and Child abuse think you have your priorities a little wrong Ron

  1927. Peter Fryar | August 13, 2022 at 7:42 am |

    Shell Woy Woy and Umina have consistently priced fuel at excessive prices from my observations over 30 years living in the area. 7 Eleven and the other service stations on the Peninsula are no different. I refuse to but fuel for my car at any service station on the Peninsula.

  1928. Alan Beasley | August 14, 2022 at 3:49 pm |

    I had the flu for a week or so then parked last Friday not knowing the new system was in place.
    Had to present a card to get out as I was holding up traffic behind me. $20.00 later on my Visa card the boom gate opened.
    Not Happy.
    There should have been signs explaining the new system

  1929. Terry white | August 15, 2022 at 7:42 pm |

    With the amount of iron ore we have in Australia why don’t we make it compulsory the all new house frames are constructed out of steel
    Sorely this would produce jobs regarding production of house frames and also provide back up to the mining industries

  1930. Daniel Crowther | August 16, 2022 at 11:13 am |

    The underpass at Point Clare Station was not only for train travellers but the residents gaining easy access under the rail to the shops ,chemist and doctor plus buses. An easy way to get to the other side . Not now due to the number of steps making restrictions to the elderly , wheelchairs , mobility scooters , prams and bikes etc. Even when lifts are finished it will be a trauma for many just to gain access to the amenities on the other side of the railway .
    This shows a complete lack of foresight or caring by State Parliament .
    I came upon a distressed 82 year old frail woman with a shopping trolly last week in distress at what has hapened to the easy access which is a disgrace , an utter didsgrace .
    Thank goodness we have caring hard working polititions like Ms Tesch who care about the residents visitors of our community .

  1931. Just reading about this wonderful woman. What an amazing career. You are a treasure to the profession and the people you looked after. To stay in a job for that long is amazing, thats real dedication. Happy retirement well earned.

  1932. Paul Walker | August 17, 2022 at 5:43 pm |

    Council took action against tree vandals some years back by installing an old shipping container opposite the houses that faced the desecrated area. It stayed there until the area had recovered. It was vandal proof. Bring it back.

  1933. Phil Sandberg | August 18, 2022 at 7:16 am |

    It’s worth asking what Lucy Wicks knew about Scott Morrison’s acquisition of the Resources Ministry and how that would have enabled him to block renewal of the PEP-11 licence.
    During last year, Ms Wicks was pushing some vague “community” solution to PEP-11 despite Resources Minister Keith Pitt having the ability to block the licence’s renewal from about February 2021.
    Ms Wicks pushed this “community” solution, as opposed to a “political” solution following the quashing of a move by Zali Steggles to permanently legislate against the licence.
    Then, prior to the Glasgow Climate Summit, against a background of Liberal concessions to the Nationals, Keith Pitt is promoted to Cabinet.
    Finally, we have the lame photo op announcement at Terrigal Surf Club designed to save the coastal seats of Wicks, Falinksi, etc.
    Scott Morrison’s faction within the Liberal Party was small compared to other factions and included Ms Wicks. He was, after all, the compromise candidate after the rolling of Malcolm Turnbull.
    If she was aware of this undemocratic portfolio grab, she should perhaps re-evaluate any plans for a political comeback.
    It’s also worth looking at the other portfolios poached by Morrison and associated polling or factional issues. As well as a means to solve sensitive election issues like PEP-11, the portfolio grab would also serve as a hedge against factional rivals.
    If this was about leadership in extraordinary times, as Mr Morrison claims, why didn’t he, for example, use the Health portfolio to fast track vaccine roll-out?
    The whole issue is bizarre, undemocratic and unAustralian.

  1934. Dogs are a natural part of the family and have been so for many thousands of years. It’s well established in the research that dogs help encourage us to exercise and have improved mental health.

    Why on earth would Central Coast Council be attempting to reduce this, rather than encouraging it?

    In fact we should have more spaces for humans and their dogs; more education for broader community on dog-ownership and training; more education on the benefits of owning companion animals … not less.

    Central Coast Council’s plans suit some tourists and business operators, not the broader dog-loving community that lives on the Central Coast.

    Leave the parks alone- in fact increase the number of dog parks, cafes and access to dog owners.

  1935. Yes, I agree with you both. Short-term fixes will not address Homelessness. Education, long-term planning, and infrastructure are essential. There is NO way around it. As far as those opposing, it’s everybody’s responsibility to educate these people until they do see, I don’t think anyone would put margins or bottom lines ahead of the homeless. if they really knew the effects it has on society and the individual.

  1936. I think it’s time to approve Pep11 and loose the politics behind it, it’s a project that is for the benefit of all Australians for a transitional fuel to renewables and it’s Carbon Sequential possibilities and extraordinary, it’s time for reality tome come to the party with Pep11 and 2022 seems it’s time.

  1937. Fiona in New South Wales | August 23, 2022 at 12:16 pm |

    So many things were done in the height of the pandemic that might have concerned the public, yet would have been disastrous if not anticipated.

    It really seems that it is only the MPs and the ABC news who have their knickers in a knot about this. The general public really don’t care.

    The vaccine mandates that caused so many people to lose their jobs or businesses was a much greater scandal.

  1938. Carol spittles | August 23, 2022 at 7:41 pm |

    Happy to volunteer

  1939. Robyn Powell | August 25, 2022 at 10:32 am |

    Will repairs to stairs at Soldiers be done before summer starts 2022

  1940. John Worthing | August 25, 2022 at 12:50 pm |

    Leave the dog parks alone. Please add more.

  1941. The statistics say it all:165 dog attacks on public roads or footpaths, 79 at private properties. This is 87% of all dog attacks. The percentage in public places including beaches is 13%, yet council wants to decrease these areas of public spaces for dog owners. They should be increased! If you want to stop dog attacks, start with educating owners to safely fence them in their own homes and have them on a leash on public roads and footpaths.
    Dogs are often the best friend of an owner, they significantly decrease loneliness and mental health issues. It is unacceptable to ask owners to restrict their hours to before nine and after five on beaches. Give dog owners more open spaces, not less.

  1942. Well done Tracey what a career you have had and many thanks for your professionalism and dedication. Happy retirement you deserve it after 43 years. You are a Treasure

  1943. Cathy mitchell | August 26, 2022 at 6:18 pm |

    So … does it really matter which direction you are facing? Most people are either sleeping or facing their device

  1944. What was the ‘natural event’ that caused the huge fish kill? Even if the EPA knew the truth wouldn’t be revealed. Its all about obfuscation & cover up. The EPA is an apologist for the authorities.

  1945. Geoff Robertson 0410645016 | August 27, 2022 at 7:33 am |

    I had a steel boat moored just north the Wyee Point Marina, and I went on board one day to discover that the hull below the waterline was too hot to touch. The water in that basin must have been near 50 degrees C. It would have cooked a fish easily. Obviously the outflow cooling water from Vales Point.
    The experts should be able to determine if it was the heat in the water that caused this fish kill.

  1946. Yes yes yes. Demerge!

  1947. Joan De Celis | August 30, 2022 at 4:41 pm |

    Demerge and return to democracy instead of autocracy.

  1948. Jeremy Hurst | August 30, 2022 at 8:52 pm |

    So, Wyong residents were lumped with the debts of Gosford residents, and since then the majority of funds have been spent fixing up issues primarily in Gosford. If we demerge, how with the northern end be compensated for having to cover for the south for these years?

    Not worth the demerger in my humble opinion. It’s done. Let’s just do what we can to make it as good as we can, and hopefully the State gov can pay for some of the pain and suffering we’ve all experienced.

  1949. Thanks so much Coast Community News! Got to love your work promoting locals!

  1950. We have enjoyed Heatherbrae’s pies & sausage rolls + apple pies for quite a few years at both the one near Hexham and the Bakery at Sutton Forest. As we live at Ourimbah we are only 1 klm from the new Bakery at Ourimbah, and have already visited it several times. Thank you Russell Cox for providing employment to the local personnel.

  1951. Anne Hodgkinson | September 4, 2022 at 8:08 am |

    I just hope this is not a brush-off and that you disregard our submissions. We’re NOT going away and the proposed venue of Pine Ave. in Davistown is NOT suitable foe all the reasons you’ve been given.

  1952. MR NEILL P WILLIAMS | September 5, 2022 at 11:47 am |

    Totally insensitive choice of day for protesting. Have some respect.

  1953. is there a timetable of music events so visitors know who’s playing where at what time please?

  1954. Excellent coverage. Thank you Terry Collins, CCN.

  1955. Liz Parkinson | September 12, 2022 at 6:54 pm |

    Thank you very much David, for a great article!
    All the very best – Liz

  1956. The solution is simple!
    1- Faster trains to Newcastle and Sydney
    2- Change zoning. Where do we have rural areas in the middle of the city ?
    3- Improve infrastructure (universities, schools, parks, etc.)

  1957. John Underwood | September 14, 2022 at 6:20 am |

    We must not accept a concrete-gouge that’ll destroy the symitary and asthetics of the beautiful Wamberal-Terrigal beach.

  1958. Good to see there may be progress on cleaning up some of the derelict sites afflicting the Gosford city center. There has been lamentable progress in dealing with the blight of the abandoned buildings and blocks.

  1959. Oh how wonderful. That will surely divert the flood waters and keep the communities safe from engineered weather events.

  1960. Shelley Woodward | September 16, 2022 at 12:15 am |

    Bravo for give something back to the patron!!!.. thank you..xxoo😘😊😊

  1961. Lovely exhibition both talented artists

  1962. I am horrified to learn of this desecration of the parklands. I thought this area was to remain as parklands for ever. Just who is making the decisions to do this?

  1963. Geoffrey Knox | September 17, 2022 at 4:23 pm |

    Disappointing. Did you see or comment on the Development Application?

  1964. Barry Robinson | September 19, 2022 at 12:04 am |

    I’m a 62 year old Disability Penioneer living in a two bedroom housing dublex with my three small dogs. It’s a nice place on a quiet street but I’m having problems with basic house chores, as I cramp and get severe muscle spasms. I’m a good cook and cook in bulk and freeze dinner’s for the the times when I’m too crook to cook. Lol.. I’m not asking for a slave at all but a place to feel safe and comfortable until your right place comes along for you.

  1965. My Telstra mobile keeps garbling calls making it very hard to hear. And the phone call often just drops out. This has been going on for some months. I’ve twice reported the issue to Telstra, and the 2nd time, I was told that the problem was the Telstra tower on top of Ettalong Mantra. I’ve applied for a refund of my account fees, as Telstra isn’t supplying the service that I’ve paid for.

  1966. Klaus Reimann | September 19, 2022 at 3:12 pm |

    I switched to Starlink.
    For the $35 extra per month I now have solid and reliable internet.

  1967. Our beautiful Aunt who is her 80’s is in tears most days – her phone is her lifeline and she cannot talk to her friends and family and can only text. It’s absolutely disgusting that this has gone on as long as it has. The businesses are suffering – Telstra are not doing anything about it and just keep letting people down and putting customers through hell when they complain. This needs to be fixed- having a reliable phone service in 2022 shouldn’t be that hard. Urgent resolution is required.

  1968. Bring 1 to Penrith please it would go great

  1969. I wished I knew these meetings were on!

  1970. Susan Donoghue | September 24, 2022 at 5:10 pm |

    This land is part of the flood plain for Wyong River. The original development has already negatively impacted on the wetlands and water run off in this area. This extension will further distort the natural water drainage further effecting the local flood plain.

  1971. Karen coventry | September 26, 2022 at 6:00 pm |

    What a disgraceful proposal. The council should be ashamed if this development is approved

  1972. There seems to be a lot of ignorant people around jumping to conclusions. The residents in the Atlantis building, with the exception of the new restaurant have been there for over 3 years. If they wanted to vandalize the trees, why would they wait this long. Trees further up towards the ferry wharf have also been vandalized. Please check your facts instead of having van uneducated guess.

  1973. Alfred A Arnold BE MBA JP RETIRED | September 29, 2022 at 10:48 am |

    Well if the council is now flush from the sale of OUR assets, is now a good time to fix the streets and roads destroyed by this excessive rain, it killing our private assets our cars bikes, and trucks, filling holes and tapping down with a shovel is not a permanent fix, is it?

  1974. Lynne Robertson | September 29, 2022 at 1:46 pm |

    I totally agree with all in above email from Gary Blaschk. There has been no plans put forward for more infrastructure to support the NSW Governments plan.
    We need a People’s Tribunal to ensure our Citizens are heard and our concerns are dealt with in a fair and equitable manner!

  1975. Vicki McCahon | September 29, 2022 at 2:13 pm |

    Excellent idea as it is for the community at large and a new tourism spot for all to enjoy.

  1976. Cool, I will be there!

  1977. Bruce Eickelman | September 30, 2022 at 9:05 am |

    Very interesting, looks great. What next?

  1978. Martine.lersch | September 30, 2022 at 9:21 am |

    Terrific initiative, wonderful people, dedicated and knowledgeable.

  1979. John H Greenwood | September 30, 2022 at 6:00 pm |

    The Gosford waterfront is a rough diamond waiting to polished…I like concept of this proposal…however I think the project is big enough to have an international competition for a design that encompasses the waterfront from the bridge to the sailing club (as shown)

  1980. What a horrible sight!
    Please do not vote for this

  1981. Fiona in New South Wales | October 1, 2022 at 9:31 am |

    I can’t see 08 (parking) on this map. The big new playground already suffers from the lack of parking. It is blind wishful thinking to believe that we are returning to the 60’s when people walked everywhere. So in essence these plans are expensive, exclusive areas for those who get to choose to live on top of our waterfront water.

    This is better than some previous plans but it still excludes all the residents from outside the CBD from coming in. Basically we will only come for events at the stadium. There must be parking, if you want this to be an inclusive space comparable to other waterfront communities up and down the coast.

  1982. Perry Larsson | October 2, 2022 at 12:46 pm |

    There is so much infrastructure that has to be at least patched let alone repaired properly in the Gosford region that the money that this next white elephant could be spent on. They should lease it to a developer and let them do the spending.
    If they can’t find a developer to take it on, then it’s obviously not worth doing as the ROI isn’t there.

  1983. A Gallagher | October 2, 2022 at 4:26 pm |

    About time Gosford is seen for what great potential it has. It could be the most amazing place to live, but it most definitely needs an overhaul.
    This waterfront idea will make ally he difference for this destination.

  1984. So much yes !!

  1985. Kay Williams | October 4, 2022 at 12:31 pm |

    Central Coast Council has no community consent or consensus to continue the non-essential disposal of community assets!
    Its assumed discretion must stop.

  1986. Selwyn Assaf | October 4, 2022 at 9:04 pm |

    i dont like the idea of having residential buildings facing the parks nor being part of marine area.i dont object to shopping amenities
    as in manly sydney wharf concept. in other words only commercial activity

  1987. And Jane Smith what did that committee achieve?

  1988. just wondering if there are any sandbag pickup points near ourimbah. kind regards karen october 2022

  1989. Kerrie Anne Allen | October 7, 2022 at 8:39 pm |

    i would be interested in this

  1990. Bush Tucker Boy | October 8, 2022 at 7:51 am |

    They should have said two green frogs were nesting in the tree it would have stoped the development, This will set a precidence for the Local aboriginal land council thank you for the story, Oh and it is not Guringai Language Tribe subtribe or people of the Centeral coast.

  1991. Bush Tucker boy | October 8, 2022 at 7:54 am |

    I have seen green grass hoppers nesting in this area why would the council let dogs off in this area its terrible

  1992. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | October 8, 2022 at 10:42 am |

    Should we the People of the Central coast who Do not have an elected council have a rise in rates until we return to a government elected by the people, not some high and mighty appointed controller who has no approval(or real oversight) by the people of the Central Coast

  1993. Charmaine Mackintosh | October 8, 2022 at 11:07 am |

    OMG. There is already a SRV until 2031 in place. Why do you need to think about putting another rate rise up again. The amount of new homes now on the Central Coast is unbelievable as the council has not done there homework at all. There is No more provisions for school, doctors, hospitals, parks,medical centres, shopping centres and the list goes on for more amenities to be provided. It is very well just putting new homes on sites but where is all the new amenities for new home owners. Can’t even get kerb & guttering in our old areas.

  1994. Rate payers maybe more likely to accept rate rises if they could see basic amenities being delivered. I do not believe that the current generation of rate payers will ever see even the most basic requirements of paths and kerb and guttering being delivered in their lifetime.
    We do not even have an elected council and the current administrator has been a huge disappointment simply for ever increasing rates and selling off anything that is not nailed down. I do not see any plan for providing basic infrastructure to ensure the safety of the children and the large aging population of the Central Coast.

  1995. Kevin Brooks | October 10, 2022 at 10:55 am |

    There is no justification for another rate hike given all the extra money Council Administrator Rik Hart has already plundered from ratepayers.

    The July 2021 special rate variation already raises an extra $250M over 10 years despite Mr Hart saying he only needed $110M from rates to repay loans from the financial crisis (with asset sales repaying the rest of the loans).

    Then there’s a 35% increase in water rates on top of that.

    No wonder Mr Hart is constantly issuing press releases boasting about ”financial turnarounds.”

    Sadly, he has failed to convert this extra money into improved services.

    Consider some recent performance reports.

    A few weeks ago, IPART published its quarterly survey of water utilities. Customer satisfaction with Central Coast Council declined yet again this quarter from an already low base. It is by far the worst performing utility in the survey.

    In fact, Central Coast Council’s performance has declined across every category in the survey every quarter since the Administrator appointed David Farmer CEO in April 2021.

    It’s not just water and sewerage services that are getting worse.

    This July, a Council report admitted that development applications (DAs) outstanding more than a year had doubled in the previous six months.

    Median determination times for DAs shot up to 71 days – by far the worst quarterly result in the six years covered by the report.

    Ratepayers can also see with their own eyes the state of the roads and other poorly maintained areas, the inefficient and often bungled way pothole repairs are managed, and the culture of missed deadlines and poor customer relations.

    So, why haven’t Council services improved despite all the massive rate hikes?

    Mr Hart has always been too simplistic in equating higher rates with better services.

    Indeed, IPART’s survey of water utilities shows that since Sydney Water decreased water rates by 8.3% in July 2020, it has improved customer satisfaction ratings across all categories.

    Messrs Hart and Farmer, on the other hand, in taking the easy option to slug ratepayers, failed to address the underlying causes of Council’s past and continuing poor performance.
    These include poor management, bad culture, insufficient prioritisation, and productivity still lower than before the merger in 2016/17.

    Rather than planning another rate increase, Mr Hart should address these underlying performance issues and return some of his past plunder to ratepayers.

    Otherwise, his legacy will be one of far higher rates and worse services than before he arrived.

  1996. Key Urban Planning was recently involved in a Court conciliation process involving a development application for the refurbishment of The Entrance Cinema. The building is derelict and is located in a prime location within the town centre. One would have thought that Central Coast Council would see the proposal to revitalise the site as something of merit and worthy of support. Not the case.The delays and obstructions placed by council raise serious concerns about the direction, or lack of, that Council has for the future of the Coast.

  1997. Do Darkingjung actually own the lands. Should it not be owned by the kurangai (gurangai people)

  1998. Christine Targett | October 11, 2022 at 8:14 am |

    Local authorities, elected to take care of these things asleep on the job. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.

  1999. I’ve done the same at my place. A little bit of crusher dust and cement dust mixed into the road base makes it much more resistant to downpours.

  2000. Vicki McCahon | October 11, 2022 at 10:17 am |

    It might have been better if the council had resurfaced the road itself rather than just continually fixing potholes waste of taxpayers monies considering the time and effort and manpower to just fix a pothole for it to b washed out once it has rained again and then having to fix it again. Pothole fixers are only a bandaid.

  2001. It’s not just about the infrastructure, it’s about what the “Six Cities” plan entails.
    It will turn the whole region into a “spy city”, where everything will be monitored. Think of what China has done. A form of Social Credit system (part of a “digital identity”) coming to you.
    It is 100% about the bureaucrats having control, with the public being treated like slaves.

  2002. when will the other half of Hylton Moore be completed?

  2003. Whilst this new resource hub most likely won’t make much of an impact on the representation of women in leadership positions, it appears to be quite useful for women in business with its resources and links.

  2004. Are we forgetting the 2 weeks of school holidays each term teachers are supposed to use for planning?

  2005. Ross Fleming | October 14, 2022 at 7:04 pm |

    Its about time that the Chamber of Commerce in question stopped the negative barrage of comments against the Central Coast Council and tried to work co-operatively. The CEO and Admistrator, along with the rest of Council staff are honest, hard working people – trying to work for the betterment of the Central Coast.
    Comments such as has been attributed to the Chamber of Commerce have resulted in threats to Council staff, who are only trying to do their job. They should not have to put up with any abuse from residents.

  2006. Bravo Matthew Wales for sticking to your guns over this matter. The CCC should hang it’s head in shame, a simple phone call by Council would have cleared this matter up once and for all. We Locals know that this is not the first time Council had got it wrong over flying our banners, it has been an ongoing fight for years now with Council, don’t be fooled that this is a one-off incident.

    I trust that Council will install Street banners in the Terrigal Township too. Watch this space.

  2007. HAZEL BAMBRICK | October 15, 2022 at 12:06 pm |

    I have been wanting to see this community take an important initiative and all get together to achieve a “community battery”programme that could result in the whole peninsular going off grid. It can be done, it should be done and now is the time to start the ball rolling> Combine this with a super community garden and we would be making a genuine contribution to a better future for the next generation. EVERYONE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

  2008. Malcolm Colless | October 15, 2022 at 1:02 pm |

    Wow! Potential plus for us to catch up on our responsibility.

  2009. Good stuff good job and the historical slant …. amazingly talented artist….!!

  2010. Michael Davis | October 16, 2022 at 1:46 pm |

    This is incredibly biased. Only shows one perspective and the only evidence that was used were quotes from the council, it is highly unlikely that all of the above is true.

    • Editors note: Yes we asked the council what happened, they are the responsible body involved, they answered and we published that answer. This is standard journalistic practice, it is not our opinion or any one else’s. Though we note Facebook is full of all sorts of wild theories and opinions.

  2011. Looks fantastic, just need some more parking.
    Gosford needs this to go ahead, it’s been neglected for so long.
    Let’s get it started.

  2012. Couldn’t Agree more with this report.Council should use Sand on top of newly repaired potholes (like it use to be done) to allow time for asphalt to cure and compress properly, otherwise wheels going over it will simply pick out small particles and allow water to re-enter the pothole, resulting in another dangerous hole within weeks usually.

  2013. Geoffrey David BATES | October 21, 2022 at 6:42 pm |

    where is the public boat ramp for trailer boats and parking

  2014. Another set of traffic lights on the highway?

  2015. Look no further than the Warners Bay waterfront area for how to develop a true public facility. Thats the type of waterfront I’d like to see here.

  2016. This is not correct. Read the whole report: of the 32 beaches, ocean pools, estuarine pools and lagoons on the Coast, one was very good, 15 were good and 15 were poor, so how can you report that 89 per cent of waterways were rated as good or very good? It’s council spin to say 89 per cent OF BEACHES only were good or better.

  2017. John Neville | October 22, 2022 at 9:30 pm |

    This plan must take a holistic approach to the development of the Gosford region with traffic management being a major concern. will there be any consideration to to provide new roadways around Gosford to service the eastern suburbs?

  2018. Joseph Azzopardi | October 23, 2022 at 7:11 am |

    Why don’t we have a undercover parking for carshows at the entrance, and why spend money for the Gosford waterfront when we live on northern end of the central coast get bugger all.

  2019. Joseph Azzopardi | October 23, 2022 at 7:29 am |

    Don’t turn ETTALONG into Gosford waterfront property with the high building 🏢 we are not the gold coast or Sydney

  2020. Andrew Rowe | October 23, 2022 at 8:47 pm |

    This is the sort of development the central coast area needs. Increased housing, improved retail and clearing out ugly and poor quality buildings. Ettalong Beach needs more high standard housing.

  2021. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | October 24, 2022 at 8:27 am |

    What Council we Still only have an Administrator making decisions without taking much if any notice of the community’s wishes

    And still pushing for raising the rates
    what was it they said in the American colonies no taxation(rates) without representation and we all know how that ended

  2022. Sandor Torok | October 24, 2022 at 8:34 pm |

    Not a bad idea but the pool needs to be built into it, the pool has such a big community around it who rely on it everyday. Swimming, water polo and just a great time at the pool on a hot day and nothing not even thought about it to upgrade and incorporate the pool. Very not happy!

  2023. Peter Reeves | October 24, 2022 at 10:21 pm |

    drivers on Hillview Street are adapting to the pot holes. Heading to Umina , cross the yellow line to avoid potholes. Heading to woy woy stay close to the kerb.

  2024. The development that is currently being built along Ocean View Road Ettalong Beach on the old Centrelink site is a demonstration of the inappropriate apartment blocks being built in Ettalong. This new proposal is too high it will dominated the streetscape and destroy any notion of Ettalong Beach being a village. The number of vacant shop sites should demonstrate that Ettalong Beach cannot support commercial development.

  2025. Goodbye beautiful Central Coast. We will be just another dumping ground for Sydney. More people, more cars, packed beaches, destruction of our natural beauty, lack of infrastructure. Council already allows atrocious overdevelopment now. Heaven help us in the future. What’s more, we will have no say in anything. It will all be mapped out for us by this State Government. Maybe time for them to go?

  2026. Geoff Ferguson | October 26, 2022 at 6:43 am |

    Memorial should relocated to lower level (Poppy Park) then the face of the existing bank should be terraced to form elevated seating and viewing to the west.

  2027. Len Sargant | October 27, 2022 at 7:17 pm |

    That’s $8.5m to see if it is feasible to develop a concept.

  2028. Robyn Finneran | October 30, 2022 at 10:51 am |

    Saw this shows last night and just couldn’t get enough! The three main characters, the three divas and the whole crew were fabulous. Haven’t laughed so hard for so long and thrilled to be part of the audience.
    Thank you for a wonderful night.

  2029. William Mcmaster | October 31, 2022 at 9:12 am |

    Oh wow maybe I should do the same I am a struggling Pensioner and cant even afford to buy proper food to eat and am struggling paying bills too

  2030. Lynda Howell | October 31, 2022 at 12:47 pm |

    How long is Shane’s exhibition running and do you need to book to see exhibit What days will he be exhibiting

  2031. Reza Ghafari | November 1, 2022 at 6:08 pm |

    A council agent told me that Palm Valley Rd will be re-surfaced in the next 3-4 years!!
    but i see council workers almost every week filling and refilling (and refilling again…) the potholes which to me is a waste of money.

    Can you imaging the number of accidents due to maneuvers by drivers to avoid holes, tyre changes and car repairs ??

  2032. Richard Thorley | November 2, 2022 at 2:26 pm |

    I don’t know who’s responsible or who has the cash but the commentary from Adam Crouch is somewhat misleading; it talks about road upgrades primarily and smoother/safer traffic flow projects. As locals we need the roads locally that lead to these major highways fixed, not improved flow but the holes fixed would be great; presently to reach the Pacific Highway or Central Coast Highway we first have to navigate the cart tracks locally. The statements on funding are a cop out because they have not fixed the holes – simply that’s what we would like.

  2033. I was hoping to see this work completed before my demise but at this rate I’ll be long dead before a sod is turned!

  2034. Shane’s exhibition can be seen at Bay Gallery, 29 Broken Bay Rd, Ettalong Beach, for all of November. We are open Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-4pm and Sunday 10am-1pm. You do not need to book & there is no entry fee.

  2035. Brenda Brown | November 6, 2022 at 3:24 pm |

    what a fantastic production.im in awe of this Maxing talented young cast.

  2036. Leonie Girvan | November 6, 2022 at 5:20 pm |

    That is sad,I loved to pop in there for a coffee.Shame on Imperial Centre Management,Frangipanni Cafe was the best thing that the Imperial Centre had.

  2037. Hopefully they open up again at a new location – my husband and I loved Frangipani Café!

  2038. Dorothy brett | November 6, 2022 at 7:22 pm |

    Nicest cafe in Gosford, nicest staff of anywhere. Good luck and thanks to you all.

  2039. Such a shame! Frangipani brought more custom to the imperial centre than most shops. And Dawn made everyone feel like they were the most important customer to walk through the door!

  2040. Scott Jones | November 9, 2022 at 5:13 pm |

    I have just read the introduction to the Central Coast Regional Plan and I am deeply offended by the introduction to the Plan. The plan announces that the Darkinyung are the traditional owners of the Central Coast. This statement is blatantly incorrect.
    The Dakinyung People did not inhabit the Central Coast Area. They occupied lands to the west, in the Wollombi Valley.
    The local inhabitants of the Central Coast were the Gu-ring-gai or Ku-ring-gai, of whom Bungaree was the most famous early inhabitant recognised by the settlers.
    Lets see what we can do to recognise the true original inhabitants of the Central Coast.

  2041. Rick Jullienne | November 11, 2022 at 11:52 am |

    Hi. A great story about this fantastic new surfing reserve on the Coast.
    I host a local Saturday sports show on 94oneFM and would be great to get in touch with Debbie Mcguigam and organise an interview. Is anyone able to pass on her contact details.

  2042. Not before time, the wharf is a disgrace.

  2043. Chris Georghiou | November 11, 2022 at 6:32 pm |

    I am in favour of preserving the Empire Bay boatshed.

  2044. WOW! Mr. Ross Fleming’s comment that “the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce should stop the negative barrage of comments against Central Coast Council and work co-operatively” is astounding.
    For the past two and half years we have done nothing but work co-operatively with Council. I have a file two inches thick of working co-operatively with council only to examine and research the excuses certain council officers have come up with to NOT FLAY OUR NATIONAL FLAG. Finally, the council ended up blaming AUSGRID. This was absolutely incorrect. As a former councilor, ratepayer and resident of Umina Beach who has put years of community work into making our area a better place for all, I am extremely disappointed with those in Council who deliberately worked to stop us flying the Australian Flag. And it is still not resolved. So Mr. Fleming, who I have never met, get your facts straight before putting pen to paper.

  2045. As we all know trying to find a rental property is not a quick process how can we do it in 4 weeks.I live on one of the vessels and also have a job and link2home won’t help if your employed why can’t the council allow access to temporary accomadtion so we don’t end up fully homeless especially right before Christmas.

  2046. Such sad news . The food and beverages were always delicious and the staff were something else ! You will be missed by many and a I will treasure those times I was able to chill out at your cafe 😪

  2047. Kincumber to The Entrance isn’t far. By the way guys, can you ask Bob Carr where the very fast train he promised is. It must be so fast that no one has ever seen it

  2048. Excellent. We desperately need more quality housing with environmental mindfulness on the Coast.

  2049. everytime I went to Central Coast from Sydney, my first point of call was always the Frangipani Cafe. Totally , everything attached to that Cafe gets a 10/10 from me. I always got 2 slices of their Lemon Meringue tart,to take to Bateau Bay for my friend and on the way back to Sydney I always got two more ( 2 ..1 for me and 1 for my son. I’m going to miss them them terribly. I sincerely hooe that they can open again somewhere.
    My love and best wishes to all management and staff. You were the best

  2050. Audrey hadley | November 21, 2022 at 12:06 pm |

    Just wanted to find information to join a walking group in the terrigal avoca kincumber area
    I am 85 suffering from depression and anxiety and need to start walking at least three times a week
    BUT found no information on the Gosford page
    Can you advise me how to find a walking group that would suit me. Thanks Audrey

  2051. Graeme Whitfield | November 21, 2022 at 4:21 pm |

    Hi Sue, Do you know the name of the man who drowned yet off PT FREDERICK last week14th

  2052. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | November 22, 2022 at 11:53 am |

    if you just go to https://walking.heartfoundation.org.au/ and enter your suburb it will show you groups in your Area the default is 10km range of where you are looking but can be expanded to 20,25,50 or 100km range

  2053. Why does it need a change in Government to do the sensible thing for renters? The Labour government said it will deliver fairer rental rules if elected. Why not talk with the Liberal Government and just make it happen. Renters should not be the bargaining chip.

  2054. Oh leave them alone. People have to live somewhere. It’s always the same with people like you……a pretence of care and concern for the community. The boarders are the community too you know.

    • Yes I totally agree with you Kerry these poor people probably dont have anywhere to live so just leave them and it all alone

  2055. this is so unnecessary and will be the death knell for Ettalong Beach. We don’t want any more of these half empty buildings, blocking the scenery, the sunlight and creating wind tunnels. This is a peaceful village, not the Entrance or the tacky Gold Coast. please stop. We live here, the council do not!

  2056. Kevin Brooks | November 25, 2022 at 9:03 pm |

    CCN regurgitating yet another Council press release re financial turnaround.

    If CCC is repaying restricted fund loans early, and total debts are lower than before these emergency loans were taken out, why does it still need an extra $25M per year in special rate variation?

    The numbers never added up with ratepayers slugged an extra $253M over ten years when Administrator Rik Hart had already admitted he only needed $110M from rates to repay restricted fund loans – the rest coming from asset sales.

    Now, with asset sales delivering even more than forecast, Mr Hart has admitted the extra borrowing is effectively repaid with debt lower than before the merger six years ago.

    So, why does Council still need the $25M per year special rate variation?

    Mr Hart has taken IPART and ratepayers for mugs.

    The real purpose of Mr Hart’s rate hike was never to repay loans at all, but to plug an ongoing structural deficit from a poorly performing and inefficient Council.

    Mr Hart and CEO David Farmer have failed to fix the underlying causes of Council’s past and continuing performance issues: poor management, bad culture and low productivity.

    If anything, all this extra money from ratepayers removes the incentive for reform – which is why all the indicators show Council services still deteriorating despite massive rate hikes.

    We’ve had taxation without representation for too long and things are just getting worse. Time for fresh leadership to fix the real underlying problems.

  2057. When will affordable housing be completed at 15 warrigal st the entrance

  2058. Geoff Probyn | November 26, 2022 at 3:15 pm |

    Terrific. Just tried to view the map several times and got Error 404 PAGE NOT FOUND
    Not the best start.

  2059. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | November 27, 2022 at 6:55 pm |

    They keep saying the “Council” but we still do not have a council just a High handed administrator
    that is not properly elected local government just a paper pusher appointed by the State

  2060. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | November 29, 2022 at 6:05 am |

    What Council we still just have a non-democratic Administrator taking credit for the normal operations of the council workers

  2061. Sandie Starbuck | November 30, 2022 at 9:40 am |

    Great initiative by Cathy Gilmore. She is so dedicated and has years of experience in the Central Coast area with marine wildlife.
    Wishing this group great success in their new venture.

  2062. If this current plan is the best they can do it would be better to leave it alone.
    The plan includes 323 units and a 94 room hotel. It is just a land grab when all the residents of all those high rise in Gosford need a bit of green space with a view even more.

  2063. Lindy Wilson | December 2, 2022 at 10:00 am |

    Every time we hear about another rejuvenation of Gosford high quality businesses are forced out. Now there is no reason for me to come to Imperial Centre. Staff service and food were outstanding. What a shame

  2064. Kevin Brooks | December 3, 2022 at 10:40 am |

    I notice Mr Hart does not acknowledge Council missed over 40% of its operational plan targets in 2021/22.

    Under Mr Hart and CEO David Farmer, most indicators show Council services still deteriorating despite massive rate hikes.

  2065. Please please come back.. I’m so traumatised with no Frangipani.. Both Wendy and Dawn were such stars 😢😢❤️❤️

  2066. I hope lots of residence get the care they need.think about movement around the centre cost just got involved hope that’s solved have nice Christmas….Peter b.bay

  2067. Hi. I’m the old and long haired old muso.. seeya tomorrow.. x.re’ Kevin.

  2068. First Home Buyer Choice is making home ownership in NSW easier by providing first home buyers the option between paying a smaller annual property tax, instead of stamp duty.
    If you’re an eligible first home buyer looking for a property up to $1.5 million, First Home Buyer Choice can lower the upfront costs of your purchase and cut up to 2 years off the time needed to save for a deposit, fast tracking your way to a new home.
    Existing stamp duty exemptions and concessions for first home buyers will continue to apply for eligible purchases of up to $800,000.
    Use the First Home Buyer Choice calculator to help you compare the estimated property tax and stamp duty.

  2069. Great to see some progress on filling in the empty holes and removing the derelict buildings in the city center. More residential apartments is very welcome.

  2070. It’s a disgrace that bad quality prefab and worn out single houses are being kept instead of this very nice development. An obsession with building height is preventing excellent design improving the dingy Umina Beach shopping precinct.

    • umina beach shopping precinct is the opposite to dingy in that the absence of multi storey buildings allow the street to continue to have ample light, acoustic ambience, an open air feel. Taller buildings would diminish the ambience of the street to both pedestrians and traffic.

  2071. Is the property value based on the Valuer General’s determination of what it’s worth or is it based on actual market value? If it’s AMV then there are going to be a lot more property valuers required around the whole state of NSW. But if it’s based on the unimproved value then the annual tax would be worthwhile as it would take 30-40 years to reach the current upfront stamp duty cost… just saying

  2072. Because We Care Boutique | December 11, 2022 at 8:29 am |

    A fabulous tribe of amazing local women in business all there to support one another. Bring on 2023!!💕

  2073. jes van kolck | December 12, 2022 at 8:25 am |

    a big thank you to the CEO Fiona Morrison who 4years ago took the leader ship and turned this organisation around to the succes it is today. truly, a remarkable achievement.

  2074. I think a Hotel will be a great addition to the area. Will have amazing views.

  2075. Priority should be given to Murrawal Rd Wyongah. Where it leads into Johns Rd is a disgrace and has been for over 20 years. It would take you all day to count the number of holes that have been filled. This is a road that is used on a bus route. If you travel at the speed limit 60km passengers get bounced around. Drive slow and you create a back log of cars. If I lived in that area I would refuse to pay may rates.

  2076. This article confuses train guards and station staff. There is a guard on every single train whose job it is to help customers who need boarding assistance when station staff are not present. I believe the public should be educated better on what services can be provided by different employees otherwise misinformation can be harmful.

  2077. Yet again the wishes of rate payers are rode roughshod over by bureaucracy. Pathetic!!

  2078. Colin Kleinig | December 19, 2022 at 1:01 pm |

    Very good

  2079. Neil Robinson | December 19, 2022 at 9:22 pm |

    it seems the answer to being caught wasting obscene amounts of ratepayers money is to bring someone in to levy obscene increases from the same ratepayers. Easy

  2080. The link is working now.

  2081. Darren roberts | December 22, 2022 at 6:05 am |

    What about all the native bee hives in the bush including national parks. These are supposed to bee protected by law as I’ve been told since I was a kid but apparently not.

  2082. Jill johnson | December 23, 2022 at 2:21 pm |

    Cinema Paradiso, Ettalong, Central Coast sounds like the perfect place to have an annual film festival .
    This little film could pave the way.

  2083. Sue McConaghey | December 25, 2022 at 6:01 pm |

    Great to know more about Tom and his contribution to our community. He is still making a difference- volunteering for ParkRun and being a great running mate!

  2084. Well put CEN. In particular the urgency of a strategic approach that, as you point out, incorporates the revitalisation of the appalling, neglected and wasteful CBD. Perhaps the proposed tax on owners of long-vacant shops, who by all accounts are simply land banking, might also hasten the redevelopment. And on that note, take a look at the parlous state of the verandahs over the footpath along the length of the CBD – collapsing, degraded, filthy; note the absence of any remediation works of the footpaths themselves, the roads, and missing maintenance of the verges – even right outside the council’s own premises. As to consultation, arriving at a decision and then presenting that as consultation, is laughably inadequate.

  2085. Andrew Appleby | December 27, 2022 at 12:30 pm |

    I completely agree that the Gosford CBD should be improved as a priority. There are too many derelict building sites, that have been that way for 5, 10 years or more. As for the Gosford waterfront, it would be better to make it more family and tourist friendly, like Brisbane South Bank or Townsville waterfront. We don’t want residential there. More shade, an enticing swimming area and tourist attractions would be good. I didn’t get too worried about the current proposal because I believed it depends on state government finance, which probably won’t happen.

  2086. Peter Robson | December 28, 2022 at 2:37 pm |

    The Gosford Waterfront plan is amazing and most locals in Gosford want the plans to go ahead. Every time there is a major upgrade to Gosford Waterfront these few minority people pop up and block progress and that is the real problem in Gosford. The same thing happened with the Terrigal Boardwalk but it still went ahead. Having a Darling Harbour in Gosford with walking tracks that extend from Point Claire across the water, and all the way down past Gosford CBD provides enormous recreational and entertainment value that will benefit the whole of Gosford CBD. Of course, it will activate Gosford CBD, because people want to buy apartments and live near a world-class waterfront. The walkability of the new Waterfront is outstanding, and the community has added many ideas to make it even better. Let’s continue with the current planning process and get it done.

  2087. So, the Wyong council take over is now complete. With the selling of the Gosford council chamber and The Entrance is now the main entertainment focus and the sole new years eve celebration of the Central Coast Council.

  2088. I’m totally against the disbanding of the AAT, we need to help this group be stronger with more informed, Trained professionals not just put it in the bin and start another organisation, it should not be aligned to any political party.

  2089. I’am a local and agree with Peter, we want the Waterfront plans to proceed. The waterfront will benefit Gosford tremendously and is key to the uplift of Gosford.

  2090. Rosemarie Smith | December 31, 2022 at 9:41 am |

    Moving almost everything to the Wyong area is really disadvantaging the peninsula and Gosford area. When activities are on at the libraries, almost all are in northern areas or places that are difficult to get to with public transport. Not fair or equitable.

  2091. Not happy so the peninsula misses out again who can afford to drive from Umina/ woywoy / ettalong all the wat to the Entrance not only shafted on the rates now no fire works

  2092. I completely agree Diane! It was a wonderful evening, and so great to be able to spend it with my family and young cousins. So happy to have it back (I’ve attended every year since I was a kid), and it should be supported in every way possible =)

  2093. michaeljmcvicker@gmail.com | December 31, 2022 at 6:15 pm |

    who cares about fireworks what a waste of money

  2094. My suggestion to the council from past experience working with developers and communities is that the council should apply a small % levy to any new development for the use of acquiring public art. This value for the art can be purchased by the developer to be incorporated into his development or the developer can donate the funds to council to be used to purchase a price of public art. This funding into public art will increase awareness and attract people to come to the area.

  2095. It’s sad to hear politics affect the decisions in the AAT causing this issue. While awaiting my turn I find it’s after the March election, all for an OT report they already have, go figure.

  2096. Re the above comment, the fireworks were not worth seeing this year – 9 minutes, no big exciting booms. I think the bad quality was part of a major price cut!!??

    We arrived at The Entrance at 6.30pm, no place nearby to park. Big public car park was full already!! Nobody was monitoring the car park so cars went in and out aimlessly, fumes very strong, many people getting aggressive because there were no available spots.

    As seniors we held our picnic chairs and walked about 20 minutes in and 20 minutes back after we finally found a spot to park on the outskirts of town.

    The traffic was the worst I’ve ever seen. My son and family never made it into The Entrance for the fireworks and were stuck in their car with a crying 4 year old, not moving for at least 60 minutes.

    I would like to know why this occurred. Bad planning? it felt dangerous at times. All for 9 mins of budget fireworks. Maybe better not to have them at all. I’m really seeing now that we are a POOR Council.

  2097. Michael George Humphries | January 3, 2023 at 9:34 am |

    True local legend and a real gentleman. Seen most Sundays volunteering for Lions Club at Toukley markets or Bunnings. I enjoy my time with Tom chatting over past Navy days and knowledge he has gained over many years on the Committee at Toukley RSL.

  2098. Glenna Cluff | January 3, 2023 at 9:52 am |

    The key issues you highlight in the state election are clearly coming from a greens point of view. What about hospitals, new schools, road maintenance, law and order, illicit drug use, local economic development, six cities. As usual your view is narrow.

  2099. Gary Wallace | January 3, 2023 at 2:15 pm |

    No one is being forced to use Tollways. I’m sure these people survived before the Tollways were here, It’s your own choice to use them

  2100. Claire Shannon | January 3, 2023 at 10:09 pm |

    I want to book tickets for blues on Saturday 7 January – please get back to me with costs etc

  2101. Rob Edwards | January 4, 2023 at 8:43 am |

    Six Cities, new University, fast rail, Gosford Waterfront progress.

  2102. Suzanne Scarborough | January 4, 2023 at 11:28 pm |

    yes, I am wondering if CCC will reimburse the $1600 it has just cost to repair my rim & tyre damaged in Erina area

  2103. MonicaParnham | January 10, 2023 at 4:31 pm |

    That is incredible,I would like to know once the snake has been milked of his poison, does the poison return, if so how quickly

  2104. So…. I’m a bit confused. I bought a virtual seat at the cricket this summer & was under the impression that the money raised by the McGrath foundation went to employing breast care nurses. What I didn’t know is that they are State goverment employed! If either side of the State government are serious about helping people with breast cancer, then it shouldn’t matter who’s in office. I think Liberal will fund the breast care nurses too. Stop trying to scare people into voting for Labor if they don’t want to. All the best to anyone who are going through breast cancer right now.

  2105. In the last 30 years I have heard so many ‘grand plans’ for Gosford. In the last 5-10 years some progress has been made, but nothing near the CBD with as much potential for evolutionary change as this. Please lets get this moving, even if it’s phase by phase.

  2106. John Sinclair | January 16, 2023 at 4:37 pm |

    If you wish to strengthen “
    Front line services” ….commit to building the FRNSW station at Lisarow in your electorate . You already have Bateau Bay and Berkley Vale so collaborate and finish the job… and please

  2107. Michael Lane | January 17, 2023 at 12:44 pm |

    Isnt this for all people not only the Coasties

  2108. Peter Reeves | January 17, 2023 at 5:38 pm |

    staff at Gosford and Wyong ED are amazing

  2109. Carol Middlemiss | January 24, 2023 at 7:47 am |

    What a wonderful idea ,and such eloquent speakers with wonderful practical ideas Im sure only good can come from this .

  2110. adrian white | January 26, 2023 at 3:20 pm |

    Great job Peter White! Well deserved. We are very proud of you.

  2111. Lucas white | January 26, 2023 at 3:21 pm |

    Good job pop

  2112. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | January 27, 2023 at 5:37 pm |

    this is exactly what I have been saying for months even using the clarion call of the American revolution “no taxation without representation” that is the situation we are in with the administrator pushing elections back and repeating public polls until he gets the answer he wants
    this is a shameful situation and the sooner he scurries back to whatever make-work position he will be awarded with when he finally (if ever finishes his hatchet job here)

  2113. Excellent summary of the situation. When will this 😫 dreadful situation be resolved. So tired of the sad state of the Central Coast area. Thanks for everything you do Kevin.

  2114. So many people in hospitals and icu and died are vaccinated
    that is because people need 6th and 7th to keep it off
    dont stop now keep going do it for your very old grandparents

  2115. Sonnie’s comments are spot on.
    The Central Coast is a Region with the potential for growth, employment and development as a University/TAFE destination that is envied by other regions in Australia. What we need right now are leaders with a long term (35 plus years)vision for our our future

  2116. Debbie Cooper | January 29, 2023 at 3:23 pm |

    my husband and I are interested could you send me more info on areas and times needed, thanks Debbie

  2117. Dr Stephanie Short | January 30, 2023 at 5:12 pm |

    Sonnie makes some valid points. Look at what the Western Sydney University has achieved for the western suburbs of Sydney. It has raised the educational qualifications achieved by the region’s residents, raised their aspirations and broadened their horizons. As a former resident of the western suburbs of Sydney (now referred to as Western Sydney), I wonder what a dedicated Central Coast University could contribute to the Central Coast region.

  2118. Peter Reeves | January 30, 2023 at 8:04 pm |

    Cynical view but you won’t need speed bumps if you’ve got potholes. I wrote a post a couple of months ago about motorists having to cross the centre line on a Buddy road to avoid potholes and council were out in force 3 days later…. Coincidence???

  2119. Felicity Janine Brown | January 31, 2023 at 9:57 am |

    absolutely I live in Umina beach & especially umina & ettalong beach the jet skis fly past swimmers all over the holidays and even before them they all come from Sydney not here & they don’t care it’s disgraceful

  2120. Trish Krogh | January 31, 2023 at 3:50 pm |

    Congratulations,Pauline,you always had such a passion for people being able to enjoy the ocean. So well deserved.

  2121. Libby Keating | February 1, 2023 at 11:11 am |

    Commuters need to know how they will be affected during the construction: e.g. amount of parking, ease of access etc.

  2122. beverley nicholls | February 1, 2023 at 5:02 pm |

    what a cracker of a game ! I am so proud of this team

  2123. I agree with Carey Buls I moved from Guildford to Gosford 2001 high rise development and traffic congestion has increased greatly, better development planning would help

  2124. Paul McIvor CPA | February 5, 2023 at 10:51 am |

    Council Failures in Financial Reporting Continue

    $17.5m operating surplus for November 2022 states Council’s Jan 25 media release. But no reasons provided for the result. What service expenditures were deferred (and likely be incurred in future months); what revenue streams exceeded budget; and what are the reasons behind the variances?
    Behaviours have not changed from Councillors to Administrator. Truth and disclosure is what ratepayers should be (deserve!) provided by Council, not meaningless, unsubstantiated media grabs.
    Our extremely well paid Administrator and Executives need to lift their game and stop treating ratepayers with such disdain.

  2125. I hope that if elected, Ms Foorde will look at helping the residents of Swansea to access better bus services going south to the Entrance. Currently the services are terrible and worse than they were 10 years ago. It takes hours, sometimes with 2 buses, poor services on weekends, and so hard for the less mobile. It’s time the elderly and young mothers with prams had an express service south to good shops and facilities.


  2127. Andrew Thompson | February 9, 2023 at 8:28 am |

    The road to recovery is long, but heading in the right direction.
    However, in relation to the (and I quote Rick Hart from the article) “unlawfully used funds”
    When are those persons responsible to be made accountable??

  2128. Kevin Brooks | February 10, 2023 at 1:46 pm |

    There has never been any “confusion” about this. It has always been clear the bulk of the rate hike was not to repay loans.

    For example, I asked Rik Hart at the Council meeting that approved the rate hike why he was raising an extra $253M over 10 years when he was on record as only needing $110M from rates to repay the loans. I asked him many times what the bulk of the extra money was really for. The community never got a straight answer.

    Now he appears to be saying the bulk of the rate hike is merely to achieve a break-even trading position.

    This begs the question: why does any Council need to increase rates well above inflation just to break even? The extra money certainly hasn’t improved services which are worse than ever.

    Mr Hart appears no more able to balance the books than were the previous Councillors if limited to the same rates income that was available to them.

    The obvious conclusion is that Mr Hart has still not fixed the underlying causes of past deficits which lay not in lack of revenue, but in poor management, bad culture, inefficiency and low productivity. This is what Mr Hart and CEO David Farmer should be focussing on.

  2129. Helen Parcell | February 10, 2023 at 7:53 pm |

    I am very Concerned for the Green Turtles SURVIVAL in this ever-changing Planet & to all Specices of WILDLIFE. I LOVE ALL AUSTRALIAN ANIMALS.

  2130. Regarding your question “has anybody ever seen more than two-thirds of the Woy Woy bicycle racks in use every normal day?” Since the bike shed was installed on the northern end of the bus interchange a few years ago, many bicycle riders stopped using the old bike racks in favour of the shed. This is because the bike shed provides a higher level of security (swipe card access plus cctv) and shelter for rider and bicycle. Prior to COVID the bike shed was often at capacity during weekdays, with overflow onto the old bike racks.

  2131. Peter Bolton | February 11, 2023 at 9:34 pm |

    An interesting event coming on 14th Feb at 6 Laycock theatre there is a commissioner, a former liberal MLA Maitland, Robyn Parker, that wants people to attend to talk about future of Central coast. No talk of coming to the northern section. Do you think it is only a plug for local Liberal member. She says she doesn’t want politics but it certainly looks suspicious.

  2132. So what positive actions are you putting in place NOW to benefit the populus? Don’t give us the problems, give us the solutions. 🙂

  2133. Stage 3 tax cuts, effective from July this year, will cause interest rates to keep rising. This will further increase the burden on the financially disadvantaged!!!!!
    We need Albo and his Government to be responsible, defer Stage 3, and instead introduce rebates for low income earners I.e. the financially disadvantaged, to assist them with cost of living.
    We need media and our politicians to push this agenda, come on Emma, there are plenty of financially disadvantaged in your electorate, step up. Time to Govern, not do the popular thing. Get into Albos ear.

  2134. Gabrielle Thoreau | February 14, 2023 at 10:42 am |

    Yes, I would also like to know the answer to Andrew Thompson’s question. When will those persons responsible for the unlawful use of funds be called to account? Also, what processes will be used to call them to account and what arrangements will be made for those who broke the law, to repay the unlawfully used funds.

  2135. Lynley de Carne | February 14, 2023 at 6:30 pm |

    Beris is a wonderful person and deserves this acknowledgment for all she has done in the terrigal community. Our children went to school together and Nippers . Her efforts and work in the community is outstanding . Just love this lady . A gem .
    Lynley de Carne (local business owner Terrigal and Avoca .

  2136. Yet another failure of the administrator of the Central Coast Council.

  2137. Council
    Ask the public!!
    My suggestion do a deal with seat company and cinemas to revamp 1/2 by a certain date and the others by ? & have a final date prior to next contract.

  2138. Thu 9th February
    Debra Anne Cynthia
    st were flooded water risen over my lawn come in my front door garbage
    bins were floating
    down the street ended up under water when they fell worst I’ve seen in my area damages back yard
    shed goods stored

  2139. John heather | February 16, 2023 at 9:07 am |

    my wife and I are movie fanatics we go to the movies a least once a week we where going to lakehaven but it was to uncomfortable so we are now going to tuggerah I agree with the comments iread about lakehaven cinema I would prefer to go to lakehaven it is close to home

  2140. Graham J Hughes | February 16, 2023 at 6:30 pm |

    if the facility will be similar in design and ideology to the Kemps Creek facility currently being shown on Prime TV, I am all in favour.

  2141. Judie johnstone | February 16, 2023 at 8:02 pm |

    I know friends who live in Blue
    Haven. And go to Tuggerah because of the Bigger Seats. As well as the bigger selection of snacks.

  2142. Why should the RSL not hold the service? I don’t understand.

  2143. selfish actions of siverspooners of coastal at the expense of australia

  2144. Bruce Eickelman | February 18, 2023 at 8:07 am |

    Thumbs Up.

  2145. I’m in Lake Macquarie Council area, my elderly patents are in the Central Coast Council area. One idea might be that no-one on the Central Coast to pay their rates & then see how long it takes for action to happen. Demand all the State Government members on the Central Coast to fix this problem A.S.A.P. Isn’t that why you voted them in in the first place!

  2146. Great to see you reporting on Rogers park.

    Jonathan Rogers was known to his mates as Buck Rogers. I live behind him in North Ryde in 1961.

    My father Allan Wotherspoon services, was not killed in this event however his ashes are spread over HMAS Voyager.

    I was fortunate enough to sail on Voyager on a family day off Sydney Heads. I will never forget the smell of raw crude as she sped around on exercises.

    Such a proud ship. It brings tears to my eyes just talking and remembering her.

    ps sorry for the second post, I spelt my email wrong as the tears welled in my eyes.

  2147. Theresa Giddings | February 20, 2023 at 8:52 am |

    I’ll be voting NO. We are ONE NATION. Theresa

  2148. Diane Cunningham | February 21, 2023 at 10:50 am |

    When will council and police do something about Buff Point Ave, and Girraween Ave, Buff Point? It’s become an alternate route for trucks, which is causing potholes in both Buff Point Ave and Girraween Ave. The trail bikes also use this route to race, causing danger to those who need to walk on the road. There are no pathways;so school children, the elderly, and dog walkers are required to dodge speeding cars and bikes. A council ranger lay in wait to fine a 75 year old woman who walked her well behaved older dog, off lead, during a rainy afternoon, with no other people around. However, speeding cars doing burn outs, trail bikes and kids on dangerous electric scooters suffer no such consequence.
    something has to be done to bring about some responsible governance of our community.

  2149. Alan Cromwell | February 21, 2023 at 1:34 pm |

    I found Linnie’s Krstanoska-Blazeska work interesting and childlike, Lihnida looks a very happy person and lloves the art of suramics and great emanation I do like her work.

  2150. It’s simple. The land is currently zoned E2 for good reasons (for one, to protect it from development) and needs to stay that way. If re-zoned it sets a precedent for future developments to bypass the usual hurdles… then it will be too late to say “we told you so!”

  2151. I have my life back since using this… DM me if you want access to an excellent LEGAL supplier… they even give you a free call to a doctor to check what meds u are on and what produce suits you best!

  2152. Gaynor Stralow | February 23, 2023 at 3:16 pm |

    I will be be very interested to see the reply from SF State government ministers!!!

  2153. Margaret Shepherd | February 24, 2023 at 12:43 am |

    Congratulations to a very well-deserving lady. Beris also sews with the SASS charity sewing group, making headware and other things for cancer patients for the Cancer Council.

  2154. We also pay for storm water drain maintenance which does not take place even though you write to the council with photos of blocked drains. The council will blame their finances but they were just as bad before their financial woes. They just don’t want to listen to anyone but themselves.

  2155. Sharon crowther | February 26, 2023 at 11:51 am |

    Why would Central Coast Council refuse an application to run the event from the Navy Veterans’ Welfare Association of NSW (NVWA), which has hosted it since 2020.

    • I’m a returned vet and have attended the Copacabana services in the past the services were conducted with integrity and dignity the rsl should look after their own services and let the other ex service organisations conduct their own services
      It’s just a typical abuse that the rsl has been famous for a number of years I know I’ve been caught up in it before
      Ron thomas returned vet from Kincumber

  2156. It was fine when they destroyed land to build all the houses back in the 80’s but when they come to do it again, “oh it’s such a big problem”
    Let the suburb develop. if you don’t like it, feel free to move inland where it’s quiet for you and not many houses around.

  2157. Dianne Garland | February 26, 2023 at 10:17 pm |

    Yes I couldn’t agree more
    The jet skis that ride into and onto Ettalong beach are getting worse
    There are a group of jet skiers who do the right thing however there are so many who disregard safety of children and elderly who swim in front of the box as this has alway been and still is the safest beach for young families and elderly and disabled as the water is flat and at low tide is great for children
    The jet skiers ride in right between children and elderly swimming and even very close to parrr we Mrs with babes in their arms
    There should be an exclusion zone for jet skis along the Ettalong beach
    The riders have the whole ocean to ride in

  2158. Agree wholeheartedly with the above article , which is the truth of events as they occurred. I’m disappointed with Central Coast Council, who have no actual Councillors representing the constituents of our ward. All we have is a State Government Administrator who does what he like and does not care of community issues. Shame shame shame on them.

  2159. Glenda collins | February 27, 2023 at 4:05 pm |

    As a fellow Toukley resident, we have been misled and misheard. While Toukley residents are not opposed to affordable living, we already have quite a few developments here, Our small town just doesn’t have the infrastructure to handle a boarding house of this magnitude. As I understand it’s to house 90 men into small confined rooms. Our local police have also objected strongly to this development.
    Toukley Resident

  2160. Vicki Davidson | February 27, 2023 at 6:03 pm |

    I am a resident of Toukley, and have been for the past 44 years. I am deeply concerned about the fact that the Development Application for a Boarding House to house over 90 boarders ( mostly men) has been approved by council members after the developer had made some changes to the 6th amendment.I don’t believe the council members involved, have considered the very detailed 300+ objections, ( of most, which I have read) This area for the Boarding House is being put in an area where services are very limited eg medical, transport, job opportunities etc. Council members are being contacted for a meeting with the residents in order for a better understanding of why this decision was made. As at 27th February, the residents are still waiting for a meeting to be held. The council members concerned seem to be avoiding a meeting with residents who will be affected by the development. Why ?

  2161. They are conning you by not saying what is the size of the battery. All they are saying is that it is 850 Megawatts.
    What 850Mwatt for 10 seconds ? or 850Mwatt for 1 hour ?
    I suspect it is more like 15 minutes.
    This is the same con they used in Sth Aus.
    Also they do not explain where they will get the power to recharge the battery. You cannot redharge only off the grid, you need a separate wimd/solar system because the grid will already e busy.

  2162. Disgraceful, this whole situation smells of favours for the cronies! Toukley does not have the services or policing necessary to support a boarding house this big and keep the community safe. Would be good to know how this developer got the plans approved by council and supported by the courts without taking account of any community feedback or concerns. Shameful…

  2163. Peter Hattley | February 28, 2023 at 5:30 pm |

    Why are we worried about vines on trees, weeds on roundabouts and upgrades of footpaths and walking tracks when our roads are full of potholes and in a dangerously condition. Get our priorities right to service the whole Central Coast to get us out of debt.

  2164. I’m extremely disappointed with the actions of the Council and the approval of the boarding house, the location is not suitable for that type of infrastructure and is disastrous for the local community and the local environment.

  2165. Wendy thompson | March 1, 2023 at 10:10 am |

    all bank ATM’s, have gone now only privately owned ATM’s operate in most areasand you are charged $2.80 to with draw money.yes they accept all cards but at a charge so what happened to the no charge to withdraw money, now it’s a trip to a branch ( which are fewer and fewer) not convenient there again the customer disadvantaged.

    • Christine | March 3, 2023 at 5:58 pm |

      Vote with your feet and move from the big 4 banks to smaller banks and building societies. Don’t let the big banks bully you, you have a voice.

  2166. Craig Mctagget | March 1, 2023 at 2:27 pm |

    So when does this Boarding house suppose to be built and is it really 90 male residents.
    I understand how some of you are feeling as you have lived here a long time but you know its called Progress and you all need to calm down and let this happen. You never know it might not be all that BAD. Everyone deserves somewhere safe and decent to live

  2167. Lisa Bellamy | March 2, 2023 at 8:20 am |

    Thank you CCN for providing this article. I am so heartened to see community coming together to stand up for the environment. I understand some individuals say we have already destroyed bushland to build our houses and roads but I find that a poor argument for bulldozing what we have left.
    Most of us love the Central Coast for its trees, waterways, and open green spaces. I personally want to see us as a community make more informed and imaginative decisions regarding housing than we have in the past.

  2168. That is a serious worry!

  2169. Janice Shelley | March 2, 2023 at 12:12 pm |

    Toukley is a small town. 90 additional residents with free time will overcrowd the living areas. Bus transport is the only way to employment & large shopping areas. There is a constant stream of traffic on the single lane roadway into & out of town now. This project has to be before the Court again. Central Coast Council has approved DA without due consideration to existing amenities and residents.

  2170. Gary Wallace | March 2, 2023 at 5:19 pm |

    All these politicians should get on bus and go for drive down to where Johns Rd & Murrawal Rd meet. It’s absolutely horrible. Has been for years. Council just keeps on patching it.

  2171. Yes,I support removal of shark nets immediately.

  2172. Brad Clarke | March 3, 2023 at 1:33 pm |

    Destruction of Ettalong is shameful. We don’t want these ugly units.

  2173. Patricia Whitbourne | March 4, 2023 at 9:49 pm |

    thank you for this amazing insight into my very dear mother in laws ❤️ life who I have been a part of for over 61 years. She was and still is an amazing gorgeous woman.

  2174. Francis Barreira | March 6, 2023 at 5:41 pm |

    I cannot believe this is happening right under our noses
    This dodgy practices by central coast council has to stop
    This type of disgraceful behavior by central coast management that goes on without any transparency
    Has to be stopped immediately
    We need to take this management to court right now
    And put a stop to sell our council’s asset that has no community consultation.
    I left Brazil 30 years ago to come to a country where
    The laws are obeyed and where there’s accountability from our elected politicians but central coast council
    Makes me feel that I’m back in Brazil
    It’s already expensive for commuters to travel to
    Sydney for work everyday and having to pay for
    Car park as well will make the local community even
    Poorer and in many individual cases not worth it
    It’s absolutely disgusting

  2175. BILL ECKHARDT | March 6, 2023 at 11:45 pm |

    well said Ron . I to have had my issues with the RSL especially on my first return from Vietnam in company with my cousin a 5RAR veteran (with medal up) in a Melbourne RSL we were asked to.leave,despite showing our I D CARDS as we were not Members so am not surprised at this
    furthermore it almost appears to be some sort of conspiracy between Copocabana Community Association, the shire council,and the Davistown RSL ,no clarity as to why the refusal.where were they when he was conducting services previously?

  2176. Sent caravan parks privately owned? Isn’t it up to the owners to keep them clean and suitable for visitors? Taxpayers money should be spent on public attractions and ensuring the local attractions are just that, attractive for visitors, not for the upkeep of private properties.

  2177. Rick Clarke | March 9, 2023 at 3:53 pm |

    Just a small point, where is the library at The Entrance? Is this a design to save grant money by funding only two branches?

  2178. susan newbuty | March 10, 2023 at 4:44 am |

    Has there been any negative feedback from local groups/residents about the activities of this group after they have taken over other crown land reserves or is it all as good as it is touted to be ?

  2179. susan newbury | March 10, 2023 at 4:46 am |

    Could it have been taken over by the National Parks Service ?

  2180. Ross Parker | March 10, 2023 at 10:05 am |

    how do i get a hard copy

  2181. ratepayers have no representation just do what we say and don’t be late with your payments. shame I’m lost for words .

  2182. Christopher Pike | March 11, 2023 at 11:53 am |

    Once coffee shops start disappearing, other businesses will miss out on other customers too

  2183. Colin Diplock | March 11, 2023 at 1:06 pm |

    Grate now we know which one to avoid.

  2184. Amanda Britton | March 11, 2023 at 4:51 pm |

    That is awesome KPA! I am so glad you’re going to fight to protect this incredibly beautiful precious Native habitat & Culturally significant Indigenous Land.

  2185. well past time this old white man and his conservative right wing views retired. I certainly don’t want to listen to his rubbish opinions.

  2186. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | March 12, 2023 at 11:31 am |

    Coffee Shops form a focal point for a local community a place to sit talk read the paper
    they are the central hub of a vital growing community

  2187. How do I obtain a hard copy of Directory of Community Services

  2188. stewart neale | March 14, 2023 at 8:42 am |

    There should be incentives provided to homeowners either by state, federal or local govt that encourages them to build tiny houses or granny flats on spare ground in their back yards. These tiny homes or granny flats can then be managed by social housing groups, that can be then make these available for long term social housing. A social charter exist between the homeowner, social housing organisation and the individual seeking accommodation.

    The home owner would be compensated with a recovery of the overall construction costs and insurances either through tax concessions or paid an amount that is included into the weekly rental charge.

  2189. Anne Oryzak | March 14, 2023 at 10:35 am |

    Due to CoastFM’s decision to have this person on its airwaves, I am now changing stations. I don’t believe he should be given airtime. I have enjoyed listening to CoastFM up until this time, but this decision to have him on, just churns my stomach.

  2190. Lou from Gorokan | March 14, 2023 at 1:40 pm |

    I am an owner of 2 dogs and take them all over the coast for exercise. I can usually pick up at least 1 x random dog poo while we are out, BUT the overwhelming amount of rubbish that I come across is generated by humans. Large amounts of wrappings, discarded food, cigarette butts, nappies and wipes, etc. So let’s remind everyone not to litter at the same time we remind dog owners to pick up after their dogs. Dogs bring great comfort to many people and are important family members to many. In my opinion dogs don’t do as much damage to our environment as humans. No surprises there really !

  2191. What a great initiative. Well done to all involved!👏

  2192. He is not on all day, have you thought about that, or does your hatred of everything different to your ideology blinds you??

  2193. Joe Compton | March 15, 2023 at 9:32 pm |

    Great news! The naysayers were never going to tune in regardless of who was the station!

  2194. David Pieper | March 15, 2023 at 11:53 pm |

    In what reality is this old dinosaur a good fit for a genuine community radio station like Coast FM?
    I will be tuning out, permanently. Goodbye.

  2195. Con sotiriou | March 16, 2023 at 6:38 am |

    Don’t destroy small business in Australia we can survive and live with that like the rest of the world stop destroying the hives stop the pesticides

  2196. Laura White | March 16, 2023 at 7:11 am |

    Its not only Coffee Shops that landlords are squeezing out I am a renter and have just been told to move or pay a extra $100 a week in rent where does it stop something has to be done

  2197. Lauren white | March 16, 2023 at 7:17 am |

    With thousands of Central Coast residents facing rental stress
    Yes its not only the Central Coast residents it is everywhere and everyone is hurting and we need HELP not only is the rent sky rocketing its trying to find a decent rental that you can actually afford.

  2198. Sam Little | March 16, 2023 at 7:22 am |

    With housing shortages and homeless on the Central Coast its not only the Central Coast that is hurting it is Everywhere yes everywhere and I would have to say that it needs to be addressed as a Priority

  2199. There are fools everywhere who think they know everything about the honey industry
    If we don’t get control of this pest we will be like the USA the have given Up on the pest we don’t want it to be the same here

  2200. if we can’t stop Varoa there will be much more pesticides in the system than what this baiting program delivers.

  2201. Just wondering what the actual membership of Kariong Progress Association is?
    If local social media is anything to go by, the majority of the Kariong community supports the DLALC development.

  2202. I live in the Wyong electorate, and I have NEVER “been intimidated into censoring (my) personally held convictions on a range on topics”.

    Where on Earth does this garbage come from?

  2203. Andrew Appleby | March 18, 2023 at 1:03 pm |

    The text under Gosford Waterfront Revitalisation doesn’t mention building lots of residential on the waterfront with it’s inherent parking issues, but that seems to be at the heart of the proposal. Instead it should have public picnic areas and attractions, like Brisbane Southbank or Townsville, with landscaping to shield it from the main road.

  2204. The Entrance library was closed down. Maybe the editor of Central Coast Community News should ensure Terry Collins has fact checked his article. Maybe they are referring to Bateau Bay library.

  2205. Brian McMinn | March 22, 2023 at 9:08 pm |

    Robert is correct about the rot setting in during the Whitlam Govt but the real reason for the loss of manufacturing in OZ and our subsequent dependence on other countries, some that use this as a political weapon (China), was to abolition of tariffs and import quotas.”Protectionism” is a dirty word in politics these days. And yet many other countries, especially those that have taken over the manufacturing mantel, practise protectionist measures. Free Trade… NO!

  2206. vacantvideostore | March 22, 2023 at 9:18 pm |

    I would vote for this 14 year old Asian girl to be Mayor of Central Coast Council at this point – would do a much better job than the state are doing

  2207. So thrilled to hear there is further developments to keep this fantastic group of Survivors going. It means so much to all the participants who have regularly attended because the choir itself & friendships made brings another layer of enrichment to their lives as they work to improve life living with their various challenges.

  2208. Luke Stevenson | March 24, 2023 at 10:33 am |

    Just a slight correction – the Pearl Beach Brigade’s Member Information Night will be held at the Pearl Beach RFS Station – 39 Emerald Avenue, Pearl Beach – not at the Pearl Beach Community Hall.

  2209. We really enjoyed this combination of recipe and storytelling – good on you both! Alex and Rosey

  2210. Cheronne Maughan | March 26, 2023 at 1:46 pm |

    Congratulations Hunter on all your hard work. Congratulations also to all 16 Athletes from the Central Coast that have qualified to attend the UNAA world series finals in Orlando in July. The central coast dominated the NSW point score at the recent Australia Ninja Games and has amazing talent including three national champions, and several podium finishes. The future of the sport of ninja is bright.

  2211. An excellent initiative. There is still much more to be done to support domestic violence victims. This shows that the Police service is heading in the right direction.

  2212. claimed too soon.

  2213. Love this!

  2214. Cool pic 😃

  2215. Wade Pickett | April 2, 2023 at 3:52 am |

    super proud of you guys 😀

  2216. Alan, it is FANTASTIC to finally hear you on the radio… I love the ‘white, stale, biological man’ who always teaches me something new!!! I will be tuning in!!! please advertise this adventure more!

  2217. Margaret O'Keefe | April 9, 2023 at 12:10 pm |

    Will there be a lift to the restaurant upstairs inside so we do not have to go through carpark to get there, as a lot of disability people can’t do the stairs?

  2218. Gloria Velleley - BELROSE NSW | April 11, 2023 at 9:25 am |

    I have witnessed Loggerhead turtles laying their clutches of eggs at Mon Repos Beach (near Bundaberg QLD) during nesting season. The female turtle makes her slow crawl up the beach, as high as possible above the high tide mark, to lay 100-120 eggs. She returns two weeks later to lay again. Sometimes this sequence can be repeated up to three times from November to February.
    I have also witnessed the hatchlings erupt from the chamber and make their way to the open sea in January to March.
    Mature females return many years later to the same beach where they were born.

    I hope the (male) Loggerhead hatchling who were ‘born’ on the Central Coast beach survive to procreate with a female, in further northern waters when they reach adulthood.
    Isn’t Mother Nature just wonderful?

  2219. Great initiative and so many of our mob & our deadly health workforce are tuning into podcasts for health information to empower lifestyle and health care choices plus support health promotion work. Good job @Josh Fuller!

  2220. Alexander Holebec | April 17, 2023 at 1:21 pm |

    How sad you dont realise
    But saying that people should not stop letting off Balloons for ceremonies or celebrations its basically a symbol of sharing and caring love and respect to the person who has maybe passed away who has requested this

  2221. Amber Louise | April 17, 2023 at 1:27 pm |

    I dont live on the Central Coast but my local railway station does not even have a lift stairs only yes NO LIFT what so ever only been waiting over 20 years for one and still to this day NO Lift

  2222. Lee Wright | April 17, 2023 at 1:30 pm |

    Yes its everywhere not only on the Central Coast
    and Yes we will end up soon being a Cashless Society which is a good thing

  2223. No point wasting money it’s flood land, Fix the flood issue first…

  2224. Matthew Gregory | April 18, 2023 at 11:31 am |

    A roundabout is not the answer, it fails to address what causes the traffic bank up in the first place which is the school zone further down. It also fails the test of whether larger vehicles such as buses can use it to turn onto Wards Hill rd from the Woy Woy direction which they would not be able to do with a small roundabout which is what the available space would allow. Install a proper slip lane on Empire Bay drive at the intersection in the Kincumber direction and move the school entrance to the back side of the school and take away the lights and school zone on Empire Bay Drive.

  2225. lewis smith | April 19, 2023 at 12:11 pm |

    Hi,where can i purchase this book from ?,,thank you.

  2226. Joanna Russell | April 20, 2023 at 11:11 am |

    we definitely don’t need any more houses on the Coast! There’s enough people already and the infrastructures remain the same!

  2227. Greg carmady | April 21, 2023 at 8:00 pm |

    so true Mr hart has been in the state government system for a long time and imposes all that is wrong about inefficient government. He does not understand how to impove services with productivity.

  2228. Great information

  2229. Productivity is actually a core responsibility of the CEO through his appointed directors .. not the Administrator whose role is akin to that of elected Councillors.

  2230. Not at all surprised by this. We have been handed an administrator who simply follows guidelines set out by Government puppets with no care or concern for the needs of this area or the people. Kevin Brooks, thanks for keeping us informed on the inept runnings of the CC Council, I long for the day this whole procedure is seen as farcical and a
    waste of tax payers money. It is crucial we keep speaking out and fighting for justice!

  2231. Stephen Penman | April 28, 2023 at 7:35 am |

    Tha residents of Copacabana leave a lot to be desired. I suppose it has been all over the news about Roque Hamel and his memorial to veterans passed and present. After all the work and personal sacrifices he has endured to create a place
    of reflection. Now it has been desiccated. As a veteran myself I am appalled.

  2232. Thank you for standing up for the environment, native habitat and all animals on the Central Coast Emily. You are an inspirational young woman.
    Thank you CCN for your fantastic coverage of the recent state election campaign.

  2233. This article is a blatant advertisement.
    We recently purchased a lounge from Nik which took 9 months to be delivered after he promised 6 months delivery.

  2234. The Pelican feeding was a good family activity and Council rubbish that it impacted the pelicans.
    As usual everything so over regulated by uninformed twits.
    It encouraged people to look after the birds and educate the public plus raise funds.

  2235. Adam Wright | April 30, 2023 at 11:10 am |

    How sad is this but it seems to be done everywhere these days Graffiti people destroying properties.

  2236. Annette Smith | May 3, 2023 at 4:23 pm |

    Poor little girl another senseless death all because of the vile racing industry…so sad I cry every time I read these posts….IT HAS TO STOP 🐾❤

  2237. The housing crisis can’t be solved at local government level whilstever immigration is out of control at the Federal level.

    Only this week it was announced that immigration this year was expected to top 400000 people against a projected 280000.

    Induced demand beyond supply capacity (skills, number of tradespeople, materials) inevitably cause significant price rises.

    Not much use whingeing about a problem our governments created.

  2238. Garth Meyer | May 6, 2023 at 8:07 am |

    I feel that many of the issues raised by Virginia Bowditch are based on false assumptions on how the prescription rule changes will affect either patients or pharmacists.

    Yes, it will take longer to reach the safety net threshold, but that’s because she will be spending only half the money on prescriptions in the first place. The threshold itself has not changed.

    The pharmacist will not have to buy more stock, because patients will be getting exactly the same total quantities of medication, but dispensed every 2 months instead of every month.
    She will still have to visit her doctor for a new script every 6 months, if that is her current arrangement. It’s still up to the doctor to nominate how much of each prescription she can have on each refill, and the doctor can still choose a 30-day supply, or now a 60-day supply.
    Nothing changed there.

    If her doctor can now issue a script with 11 repeats, that’s up to the doctor and is unaffected by the supply change if the doctor continues to specifiy a 30-day supply on each refill. Again, no change.

    She will still only get 6 months supply, but will be able to pick it up on 3 2-monthly visits to the pharmacy instead of 6 1-monthly visits.
    The only material impact is the probable loss of foot traffic to the pharmacy and therefore less potential for the pharmacy to sell other goods and services to the customer, but even that is not a given.

    Her reaction to the rule changes is illogical, and appears to be based on resistance to any change rather than on any objective analysis.

  2239. Greyhounds are just commodities to their owners. If you’re not running fast enough or break your leg, that’s the end of you. Not OK!

  2240. We need some more traffic calming devices installed on the backroads. This will help slow speeding cars and make our roads safer.

    Whilst I support increased police presence and enforcement, I do believe that unless that presence and enforcement is permanent, it really is only a stop-gap measure.

  2241. Marion parr | May 8, 2023 at 5:17 pm |

    First I would like to say I have been trying to get aircon in Berkeley vale campus very in hot in summer cold as in winter this is a public school that need government help way before private schools .
    What do I need to do to get help the system is all wrong

  2242. Michelle pommie Bailey | May 8, 2023 at 10:23 pm |

    Nice one lads that’s the way.. Joe just love ya to bits .. we got up 2-1 btw
    well done all of ya 👏

  2243. Debra Haslam | May 10, 2023 at 9:27 pm |

    This is disgusting. They know these turbines are an economic waste! Besides the environmental impact and all the unknowns. What [people] came up with this idea?? Thankyou for this story.

  2244. Donor Heroes Night on the evening 18th May is an on-line event which allows Donor Families, Recipients and members of our community that support organ/tissue donation to go to the Donor Families Australia Facebook page (https://coastcommunitynews.com.au/central-coast/news/2023/05/help-celebrate-transplant-donor-heroes/) and post a picture of their porch light or candle together with an acknowledgement of our Donor Heroes and the ultimate gift they have given.

    The stats indicate that you are 10 times more likely to require a transplant than you will ever be in a position of becoming on organ donor. There is currently 1,800 patients on the transplant waiting list with a further 14,000 on dialysis that could benefit from a kidney transplant if one was available.

    People ask how did you manage to donate your 10 year old son’s organs. The response is always the same. When fate came knocking we had no choice. My son was brain dead and he was never coming back. My wife and I felt physically sick with grief, but we new we had the power of life or death in our hands by allowing Ben’s organs to help others and to ensure another family did not have to go through what we were going through. Our choice was a “no brainer”. So if you are going to sign the National Organ Donation Register, please have that all important discussion with your family.

  2245. Virginia Bowditch | May 10, 2023 at 10:45 pm |

    I was only repeating what the chemist told me.

  2246. Michae Tan | May 13, 2023 at 11:15 am |

    Love to see it reopening again , never feel tired to see this Pelican swimming in a flock. We usually take overseas visitors or friends . Good day trip. Enjoy the fish & chips shops,coffee and pies.

  2247. eliane berthault | May 15, 2023 at 9:36 am |

    This is much too big development for this area. The traffic would increase terribly and the shadows of these buildings would affect every house around the block and even further. Not a pretty look.

  2248. Cai Rubika | May 15, 2023 at 11:19 am |

    Not even considered is the impact of Low Frequency Noise (LFN) from these which has been proven to cause cognitive alterations, the development of cardiovascular diseases, sleep disorders and high blood pressure.

    I hope Central Coast council has some backbone this time and keeps up the fight for Norah Head community.

  2249. Debra Wales Umina Beach | May 16, 2023 at 8:06 pm |

    Its just not good enough to re-surface a road. Haynes Avenue is a good example of “we used to drive on the left hand side of the road, now we drive on what’s left of the road”
    Thirty Eight thousand people live on the Peninsula and still growing. What is disturbing, over 80% of our roads are not kerbed & guttered, lacking in footpaths and poor drainage. We need, a Program of Works to commence re-constructing our roads on the Woy Woy Peninsula.
    We are not a third world country, we just look like one. Enough is Enough!!

  2250. Csaba and Chris | May 17, 2023 at 8:58 am |

    Congratulations Peter
    You are a consistent outstanding and invitational performer in helping those in desperate need

  2251. If you have friends or relatives at risk of overdose but aren’t comfortable with needles yourself you can also get Naloxone in an effective nasal spray called ‘Nyxoid’ from most of the services mentioned in the article.

  2252. Kathy Micallef | May 17, 2023 at 4:35 pm |

    10 Storeys is way too high for this area
    Needs way more consideration with traffic and effects on surrounding strets

  2253. Joan Davis | May 17, 2023 at 4:51 pm |

    Congratulations Lovise and Max well done. l have known Lovise for at least 25years and has been a wonderful caring lovely person who has been an inspiration to lnternational Inner Wheel with her tremendous knowledge in setting up the Constitution for the organisation and is always being ask for her knowledge. Joanbd37@gmail.com

  2254. Andrew d Rowe | May 18, 2023 at 9:18 pm |

    I fully support this wind farm and look forward to viewing it from the coast and enjoying the pollution free power.

  2255. Gary Wallace | May 21, 2023 at 5:36 pm |

    The whole bus exchange needs to be remodeled or moved to a better place to enable buses to leave the centre more easily

  2256. Kerry Knight | May 22, 2023 at 12:40 pm |

    This is extremely unsuitable for the Long Jetty area. Way too obtrusive for the neighbourhood. I’ve already submitted an objection to Council on the basis of shadowing, traffic, and over populating the area. Also it will have a negative affect on tourism and generally just be an eyesore. I think it will also devalue the housing in the area.

  2257. Glenna Cluff | May 22, 2023 at 4:55 pm |

    Has anyone considered how this comes ashore?
    I’ve seen a study that says it’s OVER lake Munmorah. Poor old waterway hasn’t go a chance! Ash Dam on one side, old. Oral mines under it, niw they want to visually pollute over it, not to mention disturbing all the nasties that lurk in the mud.

  2258. Glenn Beddall | May 22, 2023 at 4:57 pm |

    There has been enormous negative public reaction to this Development Application detailing a multitude of reasons this DA should not be approved. Hopefully Central Coast Council will listen to the community and reject the proposal out if hand.

  2259. THIS YOUNG TEAM has surpassed every expectation that we all had of them .Under the guidence of MONTGOMEREY THEY HAVE BECOME A FORCE to deal with even though a lot of decisions did.nt go their way in a lot of games they showed us what they are made of. Cummings and Tulio have paved the way for a magnificent season and the best is yet to come on Grand final Day,Go MARINERS.

  2260. Gary Wallace | May 23, 2023 at 8:11 pm |

    If they are putting traffic lights at this roundabout then they can put some at the roundabout at Pacific Hwy and Lake Haven Drive and also Pacific Hwy and Sparks Rd

  2261. Mandy Young | May 25, 2023 at 7:32 am |

    Coles Woy Woy does not consider the elderly,or it would reopen the express checkout. Coles in The Entrance has an express checkout, and has done for years

  2262. Donna Ryan | May 25, 2023 at 11:17 am |

    It is excellent that Central Coast is playing a part in decreasing global emissions. All the people that are worried about looking at them? Do you mind looking at the cargo ships carrying coal to burn that are anchored in a similar way and polluting our waters? Think about lowering carbon emissions before the Earth is so hot we can’t live here.

  2263. So proud of you Jai. Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 Love Grandad and Gran xxxx

  2264. Richard Leach | May 25, 2023 at 8:41 pm |

    My wife and I like visiting Woywoy from time to time and enjoy especially the pelicans at the wharf and Wendy’s special care for their well being. We have learned that there’s a heavy toll on pelicans and for that matter all marine bird life from toxic water and fishing hooks and line. We see an urgent need for action for the survival of this bird life that Wendy could well advise on the process.

  2265. Wendy Bauve | May 26, 2023 at 8:48 am |

    Well written David, Thankyou!

  2266. Lorraine and Rodger Wilson | May 26, 2023 at 5:12 pm |

    This feedlot proposal is lacking sound economic and logistical logic to either the proponent or the Central Coast Plateau communities. Further it has the potential to destroy the local environmental amenity and the impact on Popran Creek would be disastrous unless a huge amount was spent on containment and treatment of the manure, urinary output and inevitable carcasses.

  2267. Wal Towells | May 26, 2023 at 8:27 pm |

    I agree totally with the above.
    I believe “The Voice” is a divisive action.
    I have Aboriginal ancestry in my family and proud of it, HOWEVER!!!!

  2268. Gary Wallace | May 27, 2023 at 10:18 am |

    Sounds like all talk and no action

  2269. Ron Pennell | May 27, 2023 at 7:11 pm |

    Gemma is one of my grandaughters and I know she is a natural for this as a career, she loves working with the aged and I wish her well in her future career, Gemma is real value


  2271. What a great opportunity. Well done

  2272. This sounds amazing 🤩 I’m so excited to try this out.

  2273. Christine | June 1, 2023 at 10:54 am |

    How wonderful, my elderly parents are with Home Instead & my daughter works for Home Instead. I never knew they provided home pallitive care, which is great, but now they’ll be at Wyong Hospital too. Thankyou to everyone involved.

  2274. My name is Grahame Steigler-Peters I have recently retired from 40 years of service in NSW education. Most recently as principal of Wiley Park GHS, Condobolin HS and Coolah Central School. The main areas of concern are related to HR.
    We must instill permanence and career pathways mapped by experience careers HR directors who have been teachers, not bureaucrats from overseas. We must also give schools and their communities more power over the direction and purpose of the local school. We also must have teachers in the senior roles with experience in all types of schools not metro middle managers directing principals in directions that are person to them and politically correct at all times. Students and parents choose their school based on safety, purpose and the future of their children. Private schools have a great advantage over public schools due to their governance and traditions, we need to celebrate ours. Finally a percent teacher in the system will support their school and a temp will not. Grahame.

  2275. josephine galea | June 2, 2023 at 10:40 am |

    I would like to purchase a book please.

  2276. Gary Wallace | June 2, 2023 at 10:57 am |

    Oh that is funny. Obviously, no councilor has ever been down Murrawal Rd in Wyongah. That has been getting patched for over 20 years.

  2277. I had great fun performing i at Nimbin Aquarius festival. A fantastic vibe and powerful way of being an activist for the future of humanity. HUMANITY must find its true destiny into the future. Yantra’s lyrics are a unique and powerful way of carrying this message.

  2278. Janet Cooley | June 3, 2023 at 11:55 am |

    I would like to purchase a book please

  2279. Peter Klatt | June 3, 2023 at 12:02 pm |

    Already waste is creeping in. Saw a guy replacing perfectly good street signs with new rebranded (CCC) signs.
    To add to the problem there is a sign that says “To Nari Avenue” but not the street you are actually on which is coolant Ave??

  2280. Catherine McCorkindale | June 3, 2023 at 8:50 pm |

    And another one, the Voice is not proposing abolishment of our flag.

  2281. C Hillman | June 4, 2023 at 10:34 am |

    Like the hundreds of wind turbines our politicians so enthusiastically embrace,PEP11 proposal is outside State waters. Unlike the hundreds of wind turbines, the PEP11 proposal would result in just a handful of gas rigs over the horizon not visible from shore.

  2282. Dave Adkin | June 4, 2023 at 11:24 am |

    Why is there no representation for a NO vote
    Why is there no explanation of the financial cost
    Why is no one explaining the possibility of litigation after a yes vote to a governments decision process
    It’s ok for our great nation to vote no

  2283. How beautiful…a must see!!!

  2284. great team

  2285. Michael James | June 4, 2023 at 10:24 pm |

    This argument against Pep11 is simply rediculous by these politicians, what are they naive and insane and blind to the life blood needs of there NSW state.

    We are currently running out of natural gas on the East Coast of Australia that isn’t contracted already, we have to discover new supply and Pep11 is a god sent for NSW, it could give our state sovereign Natural Gas Energy supply for the rest of this century on a successful exploration campaign in Pep11 and at the doorstep of Australia’s biggest consumer of the product.
    This is also just one of the many facts that makes the zone environmentally friendly in that if the gas can be discovered close to the supply line it’s a huge bonus in costs and the environment in general.

    Pep11 also has a massive CCS potential in its very nature of extracting the traditional Natural Gas energy and replacing the void it creates with Carbon Capture and storage of all our by products of being a modern human society.

    Simply it is madness that the NSW State government wouldn’t embrace exploration of Natural Gas in its state and especially a state that is the biggest coal exporter in the world, Natural Gas is the only transitional fuel we have on demand for electrical generation and industry has in a transitional world to renewables over the rest of this century, and for a government not to embrace Pep11 potential to the state as a whole is a state in demise, and one of a state sticking its head in the sand on a enormous problem building in Energy supply through lack of vision of what it actually takes to power its State in reality.

  2286. Johanna Reygersberg | June 7, 2023 at 10:39 pm |

    Please contact the author Johanna for purchasing!
    . thejo@pptusnet.com.au
    Thank you.

  2287. Tommy Tank | June 8, 2023 at 11:09 am |

    Or buy a waterfront block. Decimate every single plant on it. Then cover the whole block in concrete and erect an ungly oversized monument to Stupidity that gets used for 2 weekday Christmas.

  2288. Colin David Diplock | June 8, 2023 at 11:18 am |

    But there is some concern about flying fish.

  2289. Thanks for covering this important issue Sue. Just for the record, I am an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Canberra’s Centre for Applied Ecology. Best wishes Gregory

  2290. Very helpful overview.

  2291. Patricia and Ross Leeder | June 9, 2023 at 11:13 am |

    Thank you for bringing pickle ball to Gosford. We will be joining you on Saturday 24th June for more information.

  2292. Cathy Morrison | June 11, 2023 at 11:15 am |

    yes, I agree, a wonderful festival. An interesting mix of authors and issues discussed. Well done and many thanks to all the organisers

  2293. PETER JOSEPH BUGGY | June 11, 2023 at 1:28 pm |

    Please send to me information on the 2024 Festival. I plan to attend although I live in Moreton Bay area of Q’Land; this means planning including arrangements for accommodation, etc.
    thank you.
    Peter Buggy

  2294. Cathy White | June 12, 2023 at 5:54 pm |

    Well done to all involved in the fabulous day at Wyong Creek School for Harvest Festival.
    Great entertainment, stalls, food choices and activities. What a great effort.

  2295. My partner has been waiting for his citizenship ceremony for more than 6 months. We cannot go overseas for travel because we worry that his ceremony may be arranged during our travel. If that happens, he has to wait longer time for his ceremony. Central Coast Council could improve their website to update citizenship ceremony information like other councils, such as City of Ryde https://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/Events/Citizenship-Ceremonies.
    I hope central coast council can improve their website by updating ceremony information. There are many migrants living on the coast and contributing to their local communities. They also deserve some attentions and service relevant to their affairs from the council.

  2296. Jamila Gaven | June 13, 2023 at 11:39 am |

    It was both a buzz and an honour to perform in the Ephemera choir with Yantra at the Aquarius Festival. The musical composition and the lyrics of CREDO are so powerful in conveying a strong message for the future of our humanity. I’m looking forward to future performances.

  2297. Tom Davis | June 13, 2023 at 4:22 pm |

    Brilliant, thank you. Yes, this IS the Elephant in the room: world over population. We cannot keep doing the same thing over and over again. Shortages of water, power, fuel and materials plus environmental degradation are all due to over population. We need some global leadership to tackle this issue urgently.

  2298. It’s a wonderful cause & needs to be addressed I truly hope everyone can get behind this to stop this ..

  2299. Godfrey Franz | June 14, 2023 at 3:46 pm |

    25 Wind turbines each with 8 cables from the surface to the sea bed – No threat to whales – BS. How many whales were asked about swimming through a sea of cables?

  2300. Mike Rogers | June 14, 2023 at 9:31 pm |

    Wonderful News, a great asset for the Local Area, the Central Coast, and of course Mingara Club.
    Looking forward to seeing it evolve.
    Congratulations Mingara.

  2301. So much of our tax money is actually wasted through companies and individuals scamming the NDIS.And the system cannot find a way to help these beautiful ladies stay INDEPENDANT.. agood steong independant review of the system is needed urgently..

  2302. Patrick Murphy | June 16, 2023 at 12:36 pm |

    This is such an important, yet little known issue.
    The Darkinjung Aboriginal Land Council (DLAC) is actually a developer, who is not representative of the Aboriginal community.
    Their plans to develop the land they were given, is an environmental disaster and will also wipe out the local koala population.
    The land we are on is Darkinjung land NOT Darkinjung.

  2303. Cynthia Burgess | June 17, 2023 at 11:01 am |

    The true custodians of our central coast are being silenced by the Darkinjung Land Council. This site at Kariong has been fought for and won by the activists. It’s now under threat of subdivision. This type development where conservation land can be rezoned must be opposed.

  2304. Willam Mctagget | June 17, 2023 at 1:36 pm |

    Yes the elderly need to get on with how our lives are now and I know its hard for them as they are scared or just dont want to do it. But this is life now and its not going back to how it was back in the old days

  2305. Well done on bringing attention to this important issue! I hope it can be stopped.

  2306. Would like to point out that if you look at the whole of Brisbane Water Broken Bay. There is no end of human influence to the flow and natural environment of the waterway. Waterfront housing causeways Oyster leases Atificial Islands Briges Halftide Rocks WW2 defence and two Ettalong Breakwaters (now covered with sand) unit blocks Ettalong point making an atifical headland roads blocking sand dunes (Esplanard) not forgetting three rounds of dreadging in the last 20 years this means the whole water way has been engineered if endangered species are thriving after this then maybe dreadging is beneficial and sustainable and a benefit to the community ,environment and local economy.

  2307. Mandy Blanning | June 19, 2023 at 1:27 pm |

    My husband and I are looking forward to learning about Pickleball. It looks great fun.

  2308. Sharon Stuart-Gray | June 21, 2023 at 12:28 pm |

    Great idea, do you need any Registered Nurses?😀

  2309. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | June 22, 2023 at 6:31 am |

    As it was not explicitly stated what you need to search to locate
    Here is what you should search for to find the app in both iOS(Apple) app store or (android)google play store “Get Prepared” It should be red and white with the red cross logo

  2310. Frank Overton | June 22, 2023 at 5:13 pm |

    Another great event the Terrigal Trotters certainly do a good job with this fun run.
    I have spoken to many of the local Central Coast runners and walkers who took part and they all say how much fun they had.
    The winners are athletes who have trained well and deserve to results they have received.
    Well done to all.

  2311. What a great festival this year. Fantastic weather was enjoyed by everyone across the Central Coast Plateau. Lots to see and do.

  2312. stephen godfrey | June 23, 2023 at 7:22 pm |

    who cleans up the mess when the turbines reach use by date

  2313. P Centrone | June 25, 2023 at 2:50 pm |

    Very disappointed by removing 1/2 of the carpark area. The traffic mayhem today just trying to get to the carpark was horrendous. Cars parking on either side of the roadway, the cars coming & leaving were at a stand still. Will not be going up there on a weekend ever again.
    With all that land why not make the carpark bigger.

  2314. Sandra Barron | June 28, 2023 at 7:48 am |

    Any plan for a tennis court?

  2315. Dear Sonnie,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on a new university for the Central Coast.

    As a local, I want students to have choices and options when deciding what and where to study and not having to travel long distances to classes.

    Our team have spent years working both in industry and in some great liberal arts institutions and are bringing what we’ve learned from those experiences to Chancellor Institute. We’ve also been actively engaging with local educators, business, community, and political leaders to ensure that what we’re building adds value to the Central Coast.

    I see from a previous CC News article that you’ve been involved in facilitating and awarding education scholarships to local students which is very impressive.

    I’d welcome the opportunity to meet with you and learn more about your organization and ideas about building a great university for the Central Coast.

    Please feel free to contact me directly at: ceo@chancellor.education or through our website https://chancellor.education/contact/

    Phil Cenere

  2316. Heloisa Bartmanovich | June 29, 2023 at 9:33 am |

    She is amazing very talented.
    Thank you for the lovely news. Wonderful initiative.

  2317. Evelyn Field | July 1, 2023 at 11:15 pm |

    Thankyou so much for your very detailed article, especially for showing how the local community feel about this proposal & it’s possible effects on our beautiful coastline. It’s very much appreciated

  2318. Bill Wallace | July 2, 2023 at 11:12 am |

    Fact-checking is essential when concerned groups make scientific claims about environmental issues. Two of Mr. Anderson’s assertions have already been refuted by locally-contacted experts: wind turbines as a hazard to whales ( Professor Gregory Andrews, CNN 7 June) and their effect on ocean swell (ABC Central Coast radio’s interview with a UNSW coastal engineer).
    The day after the protest there were two ships anchored off Norah Head. They were waiting to be loaded at Newcastle with coal destined for Chinese and Indian generators. No sign of local protests about that, though.

  2319. While it’s exciting that our complex has been selected as the training grounds for the German Women’s football team, I share the disappointment of the local community at losing access to this key amenity for two months. It’s crucial that international events should not overshadow the rights of local communities. Perhaps in the future, a more balanced approach can be adopted, such as designated public access hours. Our support for the Women’s World Cup remains undiminished, but community access to public spaces is also important.

    • Because this is all about you. It’s a World Cup and you can’t walk somewhere else (the dog park down the road). Don’t be so selfish and absorb the atmosphere.

  2320. Ross Carlton | July 2, 2023 at 5:06 pm |

    Couldn’t agree more.

  2321. Ross Carlton | July 2, 2023 at 5:11 pm |

    I belong to a discussion group and when the Voice came up I thought it would be good to have an Aboriginal person attend. The land council wasn’t interested and referred me to the Baranga Regional Alliance. They agreed to send someone but when it came to it she was too busy. Subsequent attempts to have one on one or email discussion have been ignored. If you want to convince people to vote yes you will have to do better.

  2322. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | July 4, 2023 at 12:23 pm |

    Will we still have access to NAB ATM in Gosford, the 2 ATMs at the bank can be quite busy at times I would bet that they would have had a greater number visiting the bank for ATM access than going inside.
    point of fact the last time I went inside was when the line for the ATM was more than 4 people for each one, but once inside was told that I should have used the ATM the staff was positively discouraging from using the branch
    ps I know you can use other bank’s ATMs but it is not always clear if extra charges will be applied to use the other bank’s machine some do and some don’t some notify you others do not

  2323. I’m comfortable with no Mayor or councillors. Who needs politics to get in the way of pothole filling and garbage collection?

  2324. yes it helps us because of all the high prices , we don’t even have heaters running because of the Labour Party bad management and this is a the nain in our coffin , so much for the lucky country

  2325. Cheryl Webster | July 6, 2023 at 12:25 pm |

    Please save travel card

  2326. Lyn Tramby | July 6, 2023 at 2:16 pm |

    but I have not been sent any literature, document,paperwork outlining what This PM is going to change the constitution in any way BUT expects me to give it a tick to say that’s ok, your joking, I have never and never will sign or give a tick without reading it first and you can me anything you like but atm my answer is still Vote No.

  2327. The Indigenous People of Australia must be included in out Constitution and be able to speak up for their concerns and be heard in submissions to Parliament.

  2328. Brian Matthews | July 7, 2023 at 10:35 am |

    I don’t believe that there is any reason to change the constitution. There is adequate opportunity for representative people who are interested in doing doing so to voice their opinion.

  2329. John Sharp | July 7, 2023 at 10:45 am |

    On the far south coast we have no public transport and far flung health providers. The Regional Travel Card helps defray the cost of eligible seniors getting to and from these facilities. If the Government cancels the card it will demonstrate their lack of concern for the elderly generally and regional voters in particular.

  2330. Great work Gary. more people like yourself needed to protect the very environment that makes the Central Coast great.

  2331. Ron Golby | July 7, 2023 at 11:26 am |

    Should have dredge here all the time

  2332. Trudie-lee Symens | July 8, 2023 at 8:57 am |

    As one who is on the site as the café manager I can’t express our loss. He brought a light/smile to your day. He will be greatly missed. We send our greatest sympathy to his family friends and work mates. There is again no words to express the loss.

  2333. Linda Vergnani | July 8, 2023 at 6:48 pm |

    Why on earth would Adam Crouch want drum lines installed when they are known to kill rays, turtles and dolphins and do little to protect swimmers from sharks?

    An article in Australian Marine Conservation Society website quoted Dr Leonardo Guida, shark scientist at the society as saying: “The only guarantee we have from these nets is the drowning of iconic wildlife like dolphins and turtles. For over 80 years in NSW, tens of thousands of animals have drowned at netted beaches.”

    It also quoted a marine biologist with Humane Society International as saying: “Shark nets are a relic of the past having been introduced in the 1930s when little was known about shark behaviour and their importance in the ecosystem. The truth is shark nets don’t make swimmers safer and they take a terrible toll on marine life—costing the lives of turtles, dolphins, sharks and rays. It is high time the NSW Government consigns shark nets to the history books where they belong.”

    So on what grounds is local Lib MP Crouch calling for a return to an outdated, unscientific practice from the last century? As a journalist I wrote about outcries about dolphin deaths in shark netting in South Africa in the 1980s!

  2334. Gary Wallace | July 8, 2023 at 7:32 pm |

    What has he to do with it. It was the previous government which started the road improvements.

  2335. Alfred A Arnold BE MBA jp retired | July 9, 2023 at 12:02 pm |

    The biggest killer is entanglement with the nets, replace the nets with galvanized or stainless steel nets like concrete steel mesh hung from boys, this allows fish movement, boats to cross and depending on mesh size 300 m/m recommended eliminates shark and whales’ movement thru it. no more entanglement and safe for swimmers and reduced inspection required

  2336. no relief for Wagstaffe residents no extra free buses no ferry to Ettalong and will be like this for months government couldn’t run a bath state or federal what a joke

  2337. nothing but more attempted scare mongering by the Pharmacy Guild.

  2338. Wal Towells | July 11, 2023 at 7:54 pm |

    Those people objecting to this development forget that people may well have objected to their area being developed at the time of their moving in.
    progress is inevitable.

  2339. Lorraine Stansfield | July 12, 2023 at 2:33 pm |

    The council is an absolute disgrace. They sold off a little shop at the Entrance that housed a local library and provided council services. From thecomment by Gary, it seems that the council does not serve the Central Coast community but makes decisions to suit itself.

  2340. Gary Wallace | July 12, 2023 at 6:56 pm |

    Member for The Entrance David Mehan said he was sure the northern community would be pleased that long-time local operator Red Bus would continue as the local bus operator.

    “It’s great to see a local company given the opportunity to serve their community and support local jobs,” he said.

    Really. So why has Red Bus partnered with a Foreign owned company.

  2341. Trish Batiste | July 13, 2023 at 5:25 pm |

    Could you clarify the last paragraph Sue Murray and Terry Collins published 13th July,2023 suggesting another wind farm is currently in a feasibility stage for Newcastle Hunter Central Coast Gosford area,

  2342. Glenn's Cluff | July 14, 2023 at 12:58 pm |

    Your headline is misleading. The wind farm will still be located off the Central Coast. Please amend it to reflect the truth.

  2343. Corinne Clark | July 14, 2023 at 3:01 pm |

    Last paragraph indicates that there is still a industrial turbine wind farm between Newcastle and Gosford. Wonder where the government thinks Norah Head is…..

  2344. George Kennedy | July 14, 2023 at 5:29 pm |

    Linda Burney is a humble person trying to centre on the real meaning of “The Voice” after scores of misleading and absurd attacks on her during recent Question Times in Parliament. I believe she is trying to explain that “The Voice” is actually simple and will essentially be addressing basic needs of Aboriginal people ( such as education, health, housing and employment). The ridiculous assertions of the “No” vote claim a other topics (defence, finance) will be covered.

  2345. Just got knocked back
    This is ridiculous, will they just keep trying?
    We need to fight if they think this is the only way to save the energy crisis.
    Come on greens What are you doing?
    Seems you have forgotten the ocean?

  2346. Michael Feneley | July 15, 2023 at 12:25 pm |

    The Energy Estate project is the same project that was originally proposed (110 turbines, each about 360 metres high) not a new one: if you overlay the company’s turbine farm plan on Bowen’s newly declared development area, 90% of the turbines are OUTSIDE (south of) the permitted development zone! My interpretation of that info is that Energy Estate will now be required to submit a modified proposal that meets the new criteria so that their proposal is in the new development zone and none of the turbines can exceed the new 260 metre height restriction. It would also mean the cable through Lake Munmorah proposed by Energy Estate will have to be abandoned, not necessarily for regulatory reasons (power transmission cable is not restricted to the new development area, apparently) but because it would be impractical and too expensive to run the cable so far south of the development zone.

  2347. Dennis Roe | July 16, 2023 at 1:46 pm |

    I would also like to know more details about the further possible wind farm.

  2348. Frank Arnold | July 17, 2023 at 9:51 am |

    Is the 0930 bus trip accepting passengers from the Palm Beach to Patonga trip that arrives at Patonga just prior to 9:30am?

  2349. Frank Arnold | July 17, 2023 at 10:22 am |

    Please, please, please… read the actual wording of the Uluṟu Statement from the Heart before making a decision. It’s very clear and simple, and far too many people are providing ill-informed statements about the referendum and any implications that could arise from it. We owe fair consideration before casting our vote.

  2350. What NO way you dont need a 87 years old still driving there have been so many accidents with the older person driving should be put to the age of 75 years old stop driving

  2351. Amelia Jones | July 18, 2023 at 12:19 pm |

    Oh this is just Beautiful the photos are amazing and what a great idea to have these done GOlden Age Portraits

  2352. This is a bit rich coming from Mr Crouch. The previous Liberal-National government redeveloped Gosford hospital which saw the privatisation and outsourcing of all of the parking to a private company. We as nurses pushed against paid parking at the time and were completely ignored by Adam Crouch and the state Liberal party. First they suppressed our wages for a decade and then they started chipping away making us pay more out of pocket, so really Adam is nothing more than a hypocrite.

  2353. Amanda Britton | July 20, 2023 at 6:35 am |

    Stop logging Native forests !

  2354. Labor govt thought they supported workers!
    A few questions did the suspended operator put in the keenest quote. Did the operator talk much to the dept of transport?.

  2355. Graham Davis | July 22, 2023 at 11:19 am |

    Are there any ‘“Open’ training sessions planned for Germany and England Teams at the two venues

  2356. Ray Hardy | July 22, 2023 at 4:27 pm |

    geothermal is the cheapest way to go but I do think they know how to spell it

  2357. Keep the Central Coast ferries doing the ferry work Mr minns.

    Not nice 2 take the contract off them.

  2358. Dianne Hudson | July 23, 2023 at 12:10 pm |

    Absolutely disgusting.
    central coast ferries do an amazing job with our ferry service and at the moment due once again to council and state government incompetence they are unable to operate due to silting. This is on going and CCF are the lovers once again with a halt to services.
    why oh why would you put out a tender when this is CCF route. bloody beaurocrats. How you keep your jobs is puzzling

  2359. this is a long dispute….for long time only talk and never find a solution…the ferry is necessary for a lot of.people…..fix the problem..

  2360. its scare mongering at its best nothing will happen

  2361. Wayne Barry | July 23, 2023 at 10:11 pm |

    Does a wind turbine even provide an equivalent amount of energy, during its lifetime, to that which was required to produce the wind turbine?

  2362. I hope all parties are aware of bungaree.org

  2363. loved his work. does he have a website, or gallery to view more?

  2364. NSW Forestry cannot provide a single piece of evidence that deforestation in Ourimbah is sustainable. Furthermore, it has not lifted a finger to demonstrate how harvesting this public resource has any cost-benefit to the public.

  2365. Empire Bay Heritage Boat Shed Association | July 27, 2023 at 12:12 pm |

    Crown Lands refusal to release documents requested is a direct contravention of clause 9 of the Voluntary Plan of Management (VPM).
    Their narrative on why the boat shed must be removed has changed over time, the latest being the claim that the boat shed could be destabilised during fuel tank removal. The Association has received a plan by a structural engineer to remove the risk of collapse during remediation by stabilising the area – costed at $7,140.
    Crown Lands refuse to come to the table and actually discuss the issue.
    The boat shed is over 100 years old
    Heritage listed
    Built by Arthur Davis (ship builder)
    Has close links to the ship building heritage of the area

  2366. OMG, 40 years has zipped pass since the opening of Deep Water Plaza.

  2367. Eugene Simpson | July 28, 2023 at 9:30 pm |

    Above all else this is dishonest. council staff are complicit along with Mr Hart. How much do we pay Mr Hart each year to do us over?

  2368. Wally Portelli | July 29, 2023 at 6:02 pm |

    So sad to see Booths finish up after all these years, but I wish all the family a well deserved retirement to David, Col, Sandy and best wishes to the rest of the family.

  2369. This is a great initiative. It’s very important to have a fair and community voice in all these big decisions that affect us all. Look forward to hearing more about your group.

  2370. Dr Noelene brashe | July 29, 2023 at 10:43 pm |

    Is there anything we can do as residents in the area; I am hapy to become invoved in any action which may sustain this practical and vital facility.
    Gosford Hospital A&E is already at a critical point for provision of acute care according to current information, therefore, for frail and aged residents who are experiencing a personal emergency, outcomes can become catastrophic! We need to act, but possibly as a wider entity than our philanthropic medics.

  2371. Colleen Fuller | July 30, 2023 at 12:29 am |

    I hope this meeting brings the realisation that the Enviroment and the Cultural areas of the Central Coast are of High Importance to ALL community.

  2372. John Spiteri | July 30, 2023 at 12:08 pm |

    The hunter does more than it’s share of energy production why not build it off Sydney where most of the energy is used Chris Bowen and the likes don’t want it off there coast line

  2373. Tegan Mulqueeney | July 30, 2023 at 3:16 pm |

    it seems like a step in the right direction, looking forward to hearing more about your group and what is yet to come for the coast

  2374. Jean Bullock | August 2, 2023 at 2:44 pm |

    why does the ccn seem to only report on Gosford area and not wyong.

    • Thank you Jean, it may seem that way some days as we report from across the vast region. A quick check today found of the 9 lead stories published today, 4 were related coast wide, 2 were specifically from the former Wyong Shire and 3 from former Gosford City.

  2375. Phillip Kenny | August 4, 2023 at 10:17 am |

    Hopefully things will become an annual event for those doing it tough.

  2376. Melanie Blade | August 4, 2023 at 4:18 pm |

    The Central Coast Community is lucky to have such a dedicated and passionate woman as their advocate. I wish Dr Newson all the best in her new role, I’m jealous of the people who get to work with her. Well deserved x

  2377. Graham w jones | August 4, 2023 at 4:59 pm |

    This is a great initiative, but could go deeper with incentives for property owners to incorporate improvements to the functionality and architecture of their properties.

  2378. Fiona Ruscheinsky | August 4, 2023 at 8:42 pm |

    Agree with the previous writer after seeing the exhibition today. Also want to know how I can purchase one of the unframed pictures so details required of website and gallery.

  2379. What at asset to our community! A passionate, supportive and resourceful leader who understands the plights of every residents…seeing the individual in the context in which they stand.


  2380. Francisca Salinas | August 7, 2023 at 5:35 pm |

    I heard from my GP that there is a letter I should have received where we could sign a petition for the local government to give funds for this…What can we do as members of the community? this is such an amazing and needed service, I would hate to see it close down 🙁

  2381. A wonderful article by Terry Collins paying a much deserved tribute to a great and much loved and respected member of the central Coast community, Kevin Booth OAM.

  2382. We must save the bees do not destroy we need them we need them to pollinate the trees

  2383. Patricia Lawson | August 8, 2023 at 8:36 pm |

    Condolence to the Booth family, sad loss of Kevin. He was a true gentleman, member of the motor trade in
    Gosford and surrounding Central Coast. From The Lawson family of Central Coast Clutch & Brake.🙏🏼💐

  2384. Christine Bourne | August 9, 2023 at 8:20 am |

    this is a regional seniors card. What happens when there’s no united participating service centre. bad move PREMIER CHRIS MINNS this isn’t what you said leading up to the election. Same as the kids sports or art vouchers. people remember lies

  2385. that’s not a wedgetailed eagle

  2386. Caroline Hawkins | August 9, 2023 at 12:30 pm |

    Especially to Nancye but also to all the family, our sincere condolences. Thinking of you all at this sad time. Caroline and Ian Hawkins.

  2387. Phil Allman | August 9, 2023 at 1:39 pm |

    Most honest car dealers on the coast . My parents & ourselves having purchased a number of vehicles from Booth’s over the last almost 70years.In the 1950’s ,as a small child, Fred generously allowing me to hand pump the old original manual bowser up -saving him the effort! A good family ….sorry for your loss he will be missed but has left a great legacy…..Best Regards Allman Family.

  2388. Easy way to slash cost. Fewest suppliers with above average cost. Win Win for Gov and United.

  2389. Craig Stephens | August 9, 2023 at 9:44 pm |

    harvest festival is brilliant – I loved the Salvos “horses, honey and hope” program featured in the photo

  2390. Wendy Spratt | August 11, 2023 at 7:55 pm |

    I am Tommy’s mum and I am so proud of him and the strength he has and continues with his life he is always positive and a happy young man whom I love very much xoxo 💋

  2391. Mila Marshall | August 12, 2023 at 9:56 am |

    Love it, watching from our dining/lounge. Such as entertainment.

  2392. what time is it on the 13th

  2393. I am concerned that council has not looked at anything other than a Seawall. I live opposite wamberal lagoon & would like council to look at other alternatives before lodging a DA

  2394. There is and had been for quite sometime, free parking for pensioners. When you go to pay at the pay station, show your pension card.

  2395. Matthew Ross | August 14, 2023 at 5:57 am |

    fukashima happen 12 years ago people cant have such short memories they are still deciding what to do with the waste water 12 years after that accident. People are watching Ukraine its a miracle the reactor has not gone critical at Zapareshia, people died in 2022 of hot ground exposure because they dug trenches at Chernobyl which is also in Ukraine they were dead within 2 weeks from the radiation exposure that is 37 years and was from the dust from the event just the dust. People who suggest nuclear is safe never take into account the full story they love cover ups dont like full exposure and they talk up the science of which they always say in 10 years time is the frame work and i just spoke about 12 years yet just last year people were exposed again to a nuclear incident that happen 37 years ago they still cant clean it up. what hope is there in nuclear if they cant clean up a mess from 37 ago or a mess from 12 years ago I can not believe we are still having this conversation Russia is actively targetting a nuclear reactor Iran has the same battle tactic China has aslo said it would do the same. Every reactor is a giant nuclear bomb the largest in the nothern hemisphere is currently being targeted by Russia they dont care they have choosen its an acceptable lose. So I suggest we forget the science of the sun and focus on safety sustainable solar or wind wave or anything other than nuclear the dark connections to military and national defence is a very merky topic that never gets talked about because nuclear is not about power supply at all.

  2396. The link to the petition is not active

  2397. This news is devestating what is happening they are taking everything away from us . As it is it is very hard to see a gp on the coast. This is a very valuable service and is very much in demand. Cone on NSW government you can’t let this happen.

  2398. Louise Harris | August 16, 2023 at 2:57 pm |

    I would have to say its not only the Central Coast that are suffering its basically everywhere not only on the Central Coast.

  2399. When we lose bio-diversity we lose the ability to survive. What future medicines and engineering are we destroying.

  2400. Paula White | August 17, 2023 at 3:55 pm |

    we need the bees

  2401. Even countries that have the v/mite do not use fibronil to control it. They also have plenty of hives supplying honey that have Not been affected by the V/mite.
    The V/mite is not as great a threat as the dept of Primary Industry is pushing. Eg you don’t cut off someones head to save their little toe. That’s what they are doing
    Why have they gone overboard with poisons, its not just to control V/mte. They are wiping out our bees and all pollinators.
    They must stop the fibronil and be made accountable for what they have done.

  2402. Mel Graccogna | August 18, 2023 at 7:45 am |

    leave our bees alone.

  2403. Central Coast exresident | August 18, 2023 at 9:15 pm |

    You need to know that the information that you reported regarding the Wadalba crash this week was incorrect…this was not a crash involving two cars and a truck…it was a case of a truck plowing into two stationary cars and resulting in the death of an innocent 17yo boy who was sitting in his stationary vehicle on his way home from his shift at KFC!
    You need to retract your incorrect information and share what actually happened. Your badly presented information insinuates that the 17yo driver of the Falcon was involved in the accident….he was just an innoncent bystander who was at the wrong place at the wrong time and it has cost him his life. He had beaten the odds of an unfortunate start in life and his grandparents deserve to have his memory posted with respect!
    I live 900 kilometres away in Queensland and I was able to find out exactly what happened! You should be ashamed at the level of inaccuracy you have portrayed!

    • Thank you for reading. We are sorry for your grief. It’s an aweful sitution. All our sources were from offical sources only, the police and SES etc. If you have other information from other verified sources we are happy to investigate it. Please send to our editorial.

  2404. There has been free parking for sometime for pensioners. Using main entrance to main carpark, before leaving hospital go to Information desk near main entrance with you carpark ticket and concession card, they validate your parking ticket which will open boom gate. If using old carpark there is a carpark office near entrance to hospital where your ticket can be validated.

  2405. Margaret Clinch | August 20, 2023 at 12:27 am |

    We must save our bee population in Australia by avoiding sprays dangerous to bees.

  2406. Kerry London | August 21, 2023 at 1:48 pm |

    I am the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research at Torrens University Australia and I would like to contact the author of this article to check on how they sourced the information from our research. If someone could email me at kerry.london@torrens.edu.au that would be appreciated – thank you

  2407. Scott Jones | August 23, 2023 at 7:59 am |

    Richard Ryan (August 6) seems to miss the point that creating a racially constituted voice that is enshrined in our constitution fundamentally alters our concept of equality and mateship that is a key characteristic of Australian culture.
    Creating racial division is never good and runs the risk of undermining the goodwill that most of us have towards closing the gap.
    Albanese and others have admitted The Voice is the first step towards treaty, reparations and establishing Aboriginal sovereignty.

  2408. Scott Jones | August 23, 2023 at 8:29 am |

    Native forests are essential for our future and industry and have been sustainable managed for more than 100 years. Closing down native forests will only result in poorly maintained forests and transfer the impact of logging to third world countries that do not manage their native forests sustainably.
    In contrast to Camp Ourimbah’s claims, Native Forests are vibrant, well managed and healthy environments. Bushfire risk is better managed in State Forests than in National Parks. Forests are regularly thinned and harvested, reducing fuel loads and creating fire breaks.
    One could ask why there are koala populations in the State forests and not in the neighbouring National Parks. Go for a drive through a State Forest and a National Park, the difference in vibrancy is clearly in favour of State Forests.

  2409. Angus Martin | August 23, 2023 at 2:46 pm |

    Well done to you all, you are the best radio station on the Central Coast, I hope you are around for another 30 years. I have you on all day, everyday as you bring back so many memories for me, keep up the great work.

  2410. Janine Rowling | August 23, 2023 at 3:35 pm |

    What a lovely review of our super station – so glad to play a part.

  2411. Gary Wallace | August 24, 2023 at 5:58 pm |

    He said planning was underway for the next stage of the widening of Central Coast Hwy to four lanes from Gosford through to the Ourimbah roundabout, with the Lisarow stage recently completed. Doesn’t seem to know much. That is the Pacific Highway. It’s thanks to the previous govt that the road was being widened. Also thanks to the previous govt for the removal of the roundabout at Wyong Rd and Pacific Highway, The widening of the M1 from 2 to 3 lanes from Tuggerah to the Doyalson link Rd. Also for the extensions to Gosford and Wyong Hospitals.

  2412. Trish Davies | August 24, 2023 at 7:24 pm |

    Congratulations to you all. Amazing efforts and results. 👏👏👏

  2413. Will this service be provided for Lake Haven Library?

  2414. Two of my grandchildren are volunteer life savers. I prefer that they are protected from sharks whilst saving someone.

  2415. I’ll believe it when I see it!

  2416. Colin David Diplock | August 26, 2023 at 10:11 am |

    The two fleets prior were made in Newcastle NSW Australia without any holdups. Where were these trains built?

  2417. Rik Hart should be A” political Let him voice his opinions as every other private citizen does Not use his office as a soapbox Also I love the way he refers to council as WE He is the council singular By the way I dont care one way or another about shark nets but they are there for a reason

  2418. This must be very important the word engagement has been used fifteen times in this article
    I engaged with ipart on the rate increase along with four thousand other people who were totally ignored Another money consuming rate payer funded non core council activity

  2419. 6 years ago, a recommendation was made to the government to come up with a plan following a ferry incident. Now Haylen is talking up a 10 year plan? The residents of the central coast deserve better than political shuffling and bureaucratic stumbling.

  2420. lewis smith | August 28, 2023 at 5:02 pm |

    Where can we purchase ti
    his ep,thanks.

  2421. But with non reversible seats, a decision which has been heavily criticised. A poll of South Coast line passengers (er, “customers”) showed that over 80% were opposed to the non reversible seating arrangement, but the rail bureaucrats went ahead anyway.
    And the name “Mariyung” will be too easily confusued with Marayong Station, which also means Emu in the local First Nations’ language.
    These new trains have been a public relations disaster for Transport for NSW.

  2422. Scott Jones | August 30, 2023 at 7:37 pm |

    Susan, I have read the Uluru Statement and it appears that the Voice is the first step. The next steps are Treaty, Makarrata and Co-sovereignty including traditional law. So the 97% of non-indigenous Australians have to sign away their sovereignty and pay reparations to the 3% in perpetuity.
    We don’t even know who will be on the Voice, what it will have the power to do, or more importantly how will improve the lives of disadvantage Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.
    If you don’t know then you are obligated to Vote No.

  2423. Julie Thomas | August 30, 2023 at 11:56 pm |

    Please ban logging .

  2424. Scott, you misunderstand the term sovereignty. They do not want to “take over” Australia. They simply want recognition that they were the first inhabitants of this land. James Cook disobeyed his orders which were to make a treaty with whoever might be here. Instead he declared it Terra Nullius —- a land with no inhabitants. This left it open for the land to be “claimed” and the inhabitants forced out.

    Australia is one of the few former British colonies with no treaty with the original inhabitants —- United States, Canada, N Z have all had them for many years. We are very slow.

    Makarrata simply means truth telling. We have been taught ad told so much since colonisation which was deliberately untrue. It’s time to face up to the facts

    Please check the history and facts before you spread misinformation.

  2425. Peg Westcott | September 1, 2023 at 6:38 am |

    The presumption of Woolworths in thinking it’s a fair, right move to destroy the area so they can expand. The hide of them. Let them move. The Peninsular Plaza can accommodate other stores, which in my opinion would greatly enhance the area. How about Woolworths redevelop and move to the site of the Leagues Club which is sitting vacant and has been for some time. It has 2 street access, a lot of parking and plenty of room to house a supermarket and anything else they may wish to do with the building if they are prepared to spend the money. It sits well within the shopping precinct. Woolworths current location is a nightmare for traffic entering and exiting the carpark. Moving it would be a step in the right direction for the shopping center and I think Woolworths would have enough money to make such a move. Hands off Austin Butler Reserve. More consultation on this proposal is a must.

  2426. The ‘Central Coast greenfield pipeline’ literally means destroying biodiversity. There is no balance there. Developers constantly fall back on the “housing crisis” as a reason for destroying our natural heritage.. and rest assured, they make good coin doing so.

  2427. Geoffrey Preece | September 1, 2023 at 7:52 pm |

    Letter with comments from me.

    Lisa Bellamy (LB) – Currently in NSW we have legislation that says if Crown Land is unused or not required for use it can be given to an Aboriginal Land Council.

    Geoffrey Preece (GP) comment – Aboriginal People, through the Land Council, a non profit community organisation can claim land, that’s true. It is the result of decades and decades of land rights campaigning for dispossessed Indigenous people. Something that Lisa Bellamy, a white woman who has Aboriginal friends, seems to want to destroy.

    LB – Currently in NSW we have a law that allows an Aboriginal Land Council to crush and destroy vital bushland, native habitat and endangered wildlife in the name of self-determination.

    GP comment – Actually we have laws that say a private landholder can apply to the government for rezoning and development and when successful they might ‘crush and destroy vital bushland’. They also provide resources for humans to live their lives. Sure, there is a special provision for Land Councils that is trying to enhance the opportunities for economic development of Aboriginal people, but there are also a whole bunch of complex steps involved in getting approval.
    And yes, there will be destruction of bushland if you need to clear land for housing or any part of the built environment. Just like the last 235 years of non indigenous development, except the local Land Council is planning to develop only 10% of their land holdings They own about 2% of the Central Coast. The rest is to be preserved. This is the lowest figure I’ve ever heard in the realm of developers. And the proposed land developments make up about one fifth of one percent of the Central Coast. The Aboriginal Population of the Central Coast is about 5%.

    LB – Currently in NSW we have a law that says Local Aboriginal Land Councils can be run by non-local Aborigines who can ignore the voice of local Traditional Owners.

    GP comment – One of the points about Land Councils was the recognition that Aboriginal people have been dispossessed and dispersed and that it would be wrong, in a social justice sense, to just cater for people that can establish a 1788 connection to land and only get some recompense in the land they were associated with in 1788.

    Another point is that a number of the key local ‘Aborigines’ (the use of this word to describe them is considered offensive by many Aboriginal people) are supporters and financial beneficiaries of the Wallarah 2 Coal Project, a far more environmentally damaging operation than housing projects. How does that fit in with Lisa’s view of ‘caring for country’, and the elevated position that is given to these ‘locals’.

    I presume Lisa Bellamy is mostly referring to the Traditional Owner claimants on the Central Coast. A number of these claimants have only surfaced in the last 20 or so years after ‘late in life’ awareness, or what they believe is confirmation, of Aboriginality. They, upon this late arrival, have set out to claim the entire Central Coast up to Maitland, and down to Hornsby.

    Maybe some or all those involved in the claim are genuine, but in the words of Cameron Manning, a Gomeroi man living on Dharug Country in Western Sydney – “Whilst I believe it is a good thing that more and more people are embracing their Indigenous heritage, there are several issues which arise from this. Some of these recently identifying people genuinely have indigenous heritage and they will respectfully trace their ancestry and family connections without attempting to assert themselves as an Elder, leader or spokesperson for the Indigenous community. Whilst other people who are recently identifying as Indigenous have quite different motivations for their claims”.

    LB – Currently in NSW we have a law that says only Aboriginal Land Councils and those with Native Title can be regarded, spoken to and listened to by our politicians.

    GP comment – What law says that? Politicians may choose not to engage, but they are not inhibited by any law that I know of. The people may not get what they want, but that’s not the same thing.

    LB – If you are a traditional owner with ties to the land, but don’t have the white man’s piece of paper you have no voice.

    GP comment – I presume Lisa Bellamy means that because they failed in their native title application so far they don’t have a voice. Again they can make representations to politicians like anybody else. Problems with Native Title applications have very little to do with the Land Rights Act 1983.

    LB – Ask our NSW Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty, David Harris; he will confirm this.
    Currently in NSW we have a law that says if you want to bulldoze native habitat of endangered species, if you want to kill even more of our endangered species then that’s OK as long as you transfer the biodiversity credits to another bit of bushland.

    GP comment – We have native vegetation clearing laws that are pretty ineffective. About 95,000 hectares have been cleared in NSW every year for the past 4 years. I agree there are problems with implementation of Biodiversity credits, and they may never work, that is not the fault of Land Councils.

    LB – (While housing may be) a priority over the natural environment, if we wipe out all our trees, housing will be irrelevant.

    GP – “wipe out all trees” – exaggeration extremis – The Central Coast of NSW is close to the most balanced of Urban development vs Nature protection there is around Australia. More than 50% is in protected reserves of some sort. Some is in State Forests of which some is logged on a rotational basis, and ideally, from a local ecological point of view logging could be stopped and they could become National Parks. That has wider, complicated implications as well. Big picture stuff.

    LB – Australia has the worst record in the so-called first world countries for clearing bushland and extinction of our wildlife.

    GP Comment – True, but the biggest drivers of this are agriculture, tree plantations and other human activities that aren’t housing. The built environment impact is only about 4% of the average Australians land use.

    LB – But how do our local members respond to this?
    Stand behind legislation that promotes its further destruction.
    Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty and Member for Wyong David Harris are both in a unique position to be our champions, to lead the way to a fairer, greener future.
    The Central Coast could be a showcase of what can be done to preserve the natural environment while our population grows.
    They could table a motion now to say: “No more destruction of bushland”.
    Surely, we can find some innovative and creative ways to build the housing you say we so desperately need while still preserving our bushland.

    GP – So what is your answer to this? There are about a million more Australians every few years.
    We have people who say the answer is higher density, just on already developed land. The David Suzuki Foundation are of this view.

    Others say we need our low density to keep in contact with nature in our backyards, grow our own food etc., and they can be a powerful lobby group like SOS (Save Our Suburbs).

    What land is your house on? Was it magically cleared without environmental destruction being involved? I know mine wasn’t.
    Perhaps only build on already cleared agricultural land adding pressure on food production and adding pressure to clear more land somewhere else.

    LB – Or would that be unprofitable?

    GP – I don’t know. Would it? If it is more expensive, obviously the cost of housing would increase for everyone, making a bad situation worse.

    LB – My question is, who benefits from these policies, these housing and industry developments?

    GP – The Land Councils are non profit community organisations. Their members and the wider Aboriginal and non Aboriginal community benefit and affordable housing is part of the proposals. people just generally need places to live.

    LB – It certainly isn’t those in need of affordable housing; it certainly isn’t the natural environment.

    GP – Affordable housing is part of the strategy. True, the natural environment does not benefit. How can it? If the population growth rate of about 1% continues, in about 70 years Australia will be 52 million people. Saving every last piece of urban fringe bushland would be lovely but pretty much impossible given this scenario.

    LB – I say we need to change these laws and quickly.

    GP – I say we have far bigger problems than this. The average Australian needs about 6.56 ha of land for their present profligate existence, most of which involves extreme ecological destruction. The built environment only makes up about 0.28 ha of that. So 6.28 ha of land use of the 6.56 ha. has nothing to do with the built areas.
    These are complex issues and my reply barely touches the sides.
    But simply destroying land rights for Aboriginal People is just plain wrong.

    Geoffrey Preece – A non indigenous person who was heavily involved in Environmental and Social activism from about 1983 but mostly from 1987 to 2003. Still involved but much less so these days. I believe in the Land Rights of Indigenous peoples and I believe in protection of the environment, and was always aware that the two would come in to conflict at times.
    I think land rights sometimes should be allowed to override my concern for the environment for quite complex reasons. There is potential for me to be labelled shameful from either side at any time.
    I may have made errors in my comments but if there are any it is not for lack of trying to be as accurate as possible.

  2428. Christine bourne | September 3, 2023 at 2:42 pm |

    I think this is wrong for religious people , sport and businesses expressing their views trying to guilt people to think their way. I’ll make up my mind by reading info and watching the tv. I’ll make up MY MIND , ignore theirs

  2429. James Lincoln | September 4, 2023 at 11:33 am |

    Yes thank you Bishop Peter Stuart
    I will be Voting YES
    Always was and Always will be Aboriginal Land

  2430. Lissa Osborn | September 5, 2023 at 7:25 pm |

    The off leash area at Davistown has been abused and has ruined the environment . Ive seen ducklings killed , dog excrement on the waters edge and small children bowled over . Davistown has little to no duck population due to uncontrolled dogs and the area is populated with dog faeces . The lack of regard but the off leash owners has created a very dangerous and dirty environment that use to be pristine

    • Paula Baxter | September 7, 2023 at 4:25 pm |

      What a ridiculous comment.The high tides have caused the erosion and you just need to drive around Davistown to see that the duck population is thriving.Dog poo of course but then that is everywhere, not just the Dog Park.Maybe our council could provide biodegradable bags for those who forgot like many other councils and Rangers to fine those doing the wrong thing in other areas.

  2431. Why would the Yes booklet be talking about “racial inequality”? Unlike the No “case” — which wanders all over the place with deliberate lies and fantasies, the Yes case speaks the facts on what the Referendum is about —- and it’s not racial inequality. I’m sure you are well aware that The Voice is not meant to be for all Australians, it is for the most disadvantaged group in the country — which was never ceded by them in any case. The group which has 10 years less anticipated life, the highest mental problems highest suicide rate and a multitude of other problems of other types. It seems to me decent people would want some justice for the people who looked after the place for 65 000 years.

  2432. Reserves are there to be reserved for all for all time, not sold off so someone can get even richer.

  2433. Colin David Diplock | September 6, 2023 at 11:32 am |

    Climate group live in caves and use Whale oil lighting. Don’t they realise until we have a completely functional alternative we have no other choice but to uses the existing.

  2434. Colin David Diplock | September 6, 2023 at 11:35 am |

    Also, until the two largest population on earth India and china have found an alternatives to coal, they will still have to purchase it. For what would there altrative be? Quick now, what is your reply?

  2435. Graham Hughes | September 6, 2023 at 1:10 pm |

    Alternative sites mentioned by Council are all small, unfenced, close to houses and busy roads. Council’s current suggestion of Lett Park at Wamberal, behind the surf club is 0.16 hectare (about one quarter of the size of the proposed fenced area at the Haven), is unfenced, close to a very busy main road, residences and the beach. It’s a very unsafe and inappropriate area. I applaud Council’s compromise fenced area at the Haven. We will work with Council do that it satisfies the majority of dog and non-dog owners.

  2436. Well done ladies! Wonderful to see such a strong stand taken on this important issue. We can’t allow the rezoning for development of protected bushland for anyone no matter what claims they make. It is protected for a reason!

  2437. This land development has been on the table for a long time. How can the so called ’protectors’, the DLALC even contemplate the destruction of ancient original sites, engravings, stories, and the protected koala habitat , flora and fauna , all the homes for the numerous bird life as they will lose their trees and nests. Also the hanging swamp which also protects the land. The women who nurture, birth and care for future generations to protect this important sacred land are standing together to say NO. Enough is enough. Leave the Kariong Sacred Lands alone.

  2438. Well said.

  2439. Fertilisers and grass clippings

    This is all very well, but, no one has even mentioned how we ourselves can help the lake. I believe this would have been an effective forum to discuss the enormous amounts of fertiliser and grass clippings we pour into our beautiful lakes. J

  2440. Cherry Steele | September 8, 2023 at 5:09 pm |

    Awesome classes, invaluable traditional Matayoshi Kobudo knowledge… very affordable too!

  2441. Below.. you list some community events. But they’re all out of date! from September 1st to 6th.

    • Thank you for your reply. The article references Sping events yes. The Coastal Twist Festival is on at the end of September, The SWAMP gardens are open now, the Busking Festival mid September, Art Trails and shows this month too. Though of course many more events too in Spring, Chrome Fest, The start of the Aleague season, world water skiing championships..

  2442. I went to the show last night left at the interval. If I wanted to watch a fat old bloke singing Bowie songs I could do that in my bedroom mirror.
    The band was tight but visually boring . I wouldn’t recommend going to see this band. Remember Bowie for what he was a Legend and a musical icon.

  2443. This band is fantastic, the singer sounds like Bowie, had boundless energy and was just amazing. I can’t wait to see them again.

  2444. This is ecocide, logging is madness at this point in history what are you greedy $#@ thinking?

  2445. Fully in support of increasing bird protection areas. Wildlife diversity in the region is one of our most precious features, at a time when it is under attack from domestic & feral animals & loss of habitat

  2446. Dr John Shiel | September 13, 2023 at 10:29 am |

    In a Democracy, we have a duty to find out before voting
    On 12th September, 2023, I received an unsolicited, unauthorised SMS message to my private phone from an individual identifying herself as Jacinta Price (who may or may not be the Liberal Party member). It said if I don’t know about the referendum, to vote no, and enclosed a link supposedly for a postal vote. Note that this link and SMS could have been a scam.
    I also knew that a Jacinta Price leads the Australians for Unity charity, and so was confused as to who authorised this messsage.
    Was the SMS from a political party, or was it from a Charity which has the goals to educate the public?
    If the latter, the message to vote no if you don’t know appears to be contradictory to the objects of the Charity she leads.
    I will vote yes because first nations people were here before Captain Cook, and because first nations need to have their opinion respected by those in government about important matters to make their lives better. It will make us a fairer nation.

  2447. Yet another privileged white man telling the black fella what is best for them. Mate it says it all in the name The Voice, for god’s sake lets recognised the amazing 65000 year culture and then listen to what they want not what our ‘white mans burden’ thinking has got us, no where. VOTE YES

  2448. Yeh I am too, but when it’s researched and proven to make a beneficial impact. That doesn’t apply in this situation.

    I also strongly oppose an administrator making decisions such as this in opposition to the community. It should be postponed until elections are held next year and we have elected councillors.

  2449. martin Bradford reynolds | September 15, 2023 at 1:09 pm |

    interest my self and my son josh

  2450. This sounds so cool I would love to join.

  2451. Vote Yes or vote No, basically it’s your decision and no one else’s.

  2452. Excuse me. When was the last time a cat mauled or killed a human baby? Are we now putting wildlife ahead of human lives, whereas some dog owners are not doing their part in preventing attacks and deaths!

  2453. well said Geoff
    i see Mr Smith can only use abuse.

    vote no. Yes will sell us out and divide us further

  2454. Sonnie Hopkins | September 18, 2023 at 9:22 am |

    This is not a suggestion that dogs should be on the loose–both species should be kept from doing harm.

  2455. John Underwood | September 19, 2023 at 11:44 am |

    Please Vote Yes
    I urge you to reconsider your stance on the vote. I’ve devoted time to compiling the arguments below, believing that even if you see imperfections in the proposition, it’s preferable to indefinitely postponing a decision—especially when there’s no clear objective or defined participation. Not addressing this now could mean missing a once-in-a-lifetime chance to truly understand and address the challenges faced by a community that’s endured prejudice since the British first arrived in Australia.
    I understand the hesitation in aiding those who seem unable or unwilling to help themselves. But isn’t it our responsibility to ensure we don’t unfairly judge based on our own capabilities and circumstances? Supporting the Indigenous Voice is a defining moment for Australia, reflecting not just our history but also our values as we move forward.
    The Indigenous community, often seen as a ‘forgotten minority’, may not possess the contemporary tools of trade or politics to counteract those who marginalize them. Yet, their perspective is vital—not only as a testament to their resilience but also as guardians of profound wisdom about nature and survival that many of us have overlooked. By denying them a ‘voice’, aren’t we tacitly reinforcing a “survival of the fittest” mindset, relegating them to the fringes of our society? Consider a scenario where, from the very beginning, we embraced unity.
    Our global landscape is rapidly shifting. Democracies are threatened by the rise of autocratic powers with no room for dissent. Even nations with deep-rooted traditions of liberty could, if they’re not watchful, succumb to authoritarianism. With the potent mix of advanced weapons and technology, the very essence of free speech is at risk.
    Let’s be fully aware of the ramifications of our decisions. We could soon find ourselves in a world where silence is our only refuge from persecution. And perhaps, in that stifling quietude, we’ll genuinely grasp the everyday reality of an Aboriginal person.

  2456. I am outraged by this email from John George. Before we get to the context, his statement “it’s about pay-back and retribution for alleged sins of the past back as far as Captain Cook’s landing in 1770”. “alleged sins”, what a bloody insult to ignore what we know was gross criminality. The rest of the email was no better, I’ve read all I can find about the issue, the supposed 26-page document is just a collection of meeting notes and certainly isn’t a “document” in any sense. This email didn’t deserve to be published. FYI I’m a 73 year old Australian white guy and I’ll be voting YES!!!

  2457. The Breast Cancer screening women give you a magnet with the next year you are due to have your screening done. Just pop it on your fridge and you’ll never forget when you’re due.

  2458. Trent Burgess | September 22, 2023 at 12:36 pm |

    The dogs are a massive problem.
    Everywhere you go there’s dog shit. You can’t walk or sit on the grass. Even the sporting fields.

  2459. what about opening the channel after the ditasterous failed effort removing sand at the wrong end of the channel causing it to build up more sand and closing it?

  2460. The Communications Minister and the ACCC have created an unaccountable nbn with little or no obligation to meet service levels or minimum speeds with around 40% of customers still on copper lines to their homes. At the last election the government committed to improving mobile network coverage on the central coast and towards rolling out more fibre based nbn. In the Killcare and Empire Bay Area we have seen no improvement in mobile coverage or nbn quality since the change in governments. This is despite promises from Michelle Rowland & Gordon Reid. During the nbn outage last week I was unable to make important phone calls to a hospital over nbn or over the mobile network. NBN’s own website indicates they won’t be looking to do upgrades from copper to fibre until mid 2025.

  2461. Why do people live in the past? You can’t change what someone has done but you can make sure those in the present and future don’t make the same mistakes. Believe it or not, we’re ALL human beings. No- one is more important then the next.

  2462. Colin David Diplock | September 25, 2023 at 10:47 am |

    Think about it. The offshore barrier reef to our north is a barrier against sand erosion by heavy seas. So do it. And if so, it has nothing to do with the residence.

  2463. Iam driving a coach from the Hunter with players on it will there be parking for the coach after I drop them off each day regards mick barnes

  2464. Lorraine Hughes | September 25, 2023 at 4:34 pm |

    Couldn’t have a more talented Billy in Fergus.
    I wish him every success.

  2465. Maybe an idea might be for some of the people that own land/houses adjacent to to the current bush lands to sell their property to the Government, regenerate the the land, rezone and move somewhere else.

  2466. Peter Dawkins | September 26, 2023 at 5:14 pm |

    Toilet paper and cardboard from Australian eucalypt – the best timber in the world that’s durable and sturdy what proof is there to validate this statement? Why do the Greens sprout so many mistruths. Has this person ever been to a local sawmill to see what products are manufactured from this timber? Without a timber industry in Australia where will our decking, timber frames and hardwood floors come from let alone our firewood, power poles and bridge girders. These Greens are so far removed from reality. The fact is every Australian is and will always be timber reliant. Timber is a completely sustainable product that can be harvested and manufactured creating jobs and keeping small communities alive while continually being regrown for the next generation. The fact that just 1,200 people signed a petition from a population of 350,000 on the Central Coast speaks volumes about the unspoken majority. Let’s hope the government has more sense than to listen to a noisy minority of ill-informed activists and Greenies. One side of the debate deals in science the other on false ideologies.

  2467. This is deplorable

  2468. Weird how the previous Liberal State government, in power for quite a number of years, were incapable of implementing a long-term solution.

  2469. Disturbance of the peace with vehicles arriving and leaving at all times – early morning and evening

    Additional cars parking in the area around Letts Park would make it harder for residents to have easy access to on street parking- would Wambersal Surf car park be available? If so capacity on busy days in the summer could be an issue.

    Smell of dog excrement as- regardless of how heavily policed the area is SOME owners just do not pick up after their pets

    Excessive e noise from barking dogs probably from early morning as owners bring their pets to the park before going to work

    Children would be unable to enjoy the park and it would be difficult for groups to enjoy social events and picnics at the new table areas

    Potential for property values to be adversely affected by the dog park being there

    Salmonella, e.coli, worms and campylobacter exists in all (even healthy) dog feaces

    Rats and other rodents are also attracted to pet feces

    It would seem that a substantial area of the beach at Wamberal is already available for off leash dog walkers with the added safety of the tide perhaps helping to keep the area clean in spite of people not picking up their pets feaces.

  2470. Richard Thorley | September 29, 2023 at 7:46 am |

    Although I understand the frustration and concerns raised the council have a budget to work from and limitations for funding. The CCCBPG however seems to be only really focussed on Gosford, nearly every example relates to Gosford spending cuts. We have a further near 300,000 population on the Coast not related to or to be fair even probably bothered about Gosford. It does not act as a centre or a place we wish to visit yet it appears to have the greatest focus on spending vs the rest of the coastal population areas. Gosford needs something attractive for private investment to revitalise it but I’m not sure what that will need to be.

  2471. Iam a British citizen and have never got naturalised. Have lived in Australia for over 30 yrs.
    it has been my choice not to get naturalised. I have worked here, paid my taxes like everybody else. I married an ozzie have 3 children born here.
    I Do not believe ANYBODY should be forced to vote. It’s a personal CHOICE.
    When people are forced they will write anything.
    I feel the Pollies just want to get numbers up…..End of story.
    and yes if I even want to go leave country to go for short trip or cruise outside Oz I have to get re-entry visa.
    so who’s business is that, im the one that goes through the bother of doing this – again MY BUSINESS, MY CHOICE!!!

  2472. william tweedie | October 2, 2023 at 8:56 am |

    we don’t want this massive development on this site image the impact on the local poor road’s and congestion.

  2473. Bruce Shelley | October 2, 2023 at 12:35 pm |

    Congratulations Ben, from a very proud grandfather

  2474. Kevin Evans | October 2, 2023 at 5:10 pm |

    Congratulations to the council for knocking back the latest building proposal update.
    It certainly is not in keeping with the height & density restrictions of the surrounding area.

  2475. If all these units are occupied the local roads would never withstand the congestion so inappropriate for the area.

  2476. no ,long jetty does not need this over sized development. what will it do to the environment and local area.Reject it .

  2477. Xuhong Yang | October 3, 2023 at 10:03 am |

    Hi Nalini,

    I’ve been following your arguments in the papers. Just cannot help but coming to the online version to give you my both thumb ups. So well written. Thank you very much for speaking out our migrants’ thoughts.

    Xuhong Yang

  2478. This not compatible with this locality. We need homes, not boxes on top of boxes. People come here because of how nice east living is. We are continually being asked is it always this nice and quiet. That’s what people want. Peace and quiet. They are trying to escape the rat race, not join another one. Bin it or build houses.

  2479. Colin fdavis | October 3, 2023 at 6:27 pm |

    no dogs at the haven.it allready gone to the dogs.

  2480. Colin davis | October 3, 2023 at 6:29 pm |

    The haven has gone to the dogs already.

  2481. In my experience council never listens to residents and end up doing exactly what they want even if it’s the wrong thing

  2482. Nerez Grant | October 4, 2023 at 12:26 pm |

    Central Coast Council are preventing the public who own the Reserve from accessing it. Will people now use a dangerous steep track subject to erosion where the stairs were? The council are public servants employed by the people in control of this Crown Land Reserve which is owned by the people.

  2483. Karina Kelly | October 4, 2023 at 12:59 pm |

    what about the stairs to soldiers and Jenny Dixon beach,it has been years waiting

  2484. Louise Brown | October 4, 2023 at 1:45 pm |

    How disgusting is this NO respect no common sense some people.

  2485. John Taylor | October 4, 2023 at 1:49 pm |

    Here we go again some uninformed people trying to tell people how to vote.
    I will be voting YES and do you know why that is
    Always was and always will be Aboriginal land
    Its about time we included them

  2486. Steve Desmond | October 4, 2023 at 5:26 pm |

    Council need to get their act together and serve the local community as they are supposed to do. Find out where all our money disappeared to and install some stairs like the ones at North Shelley. They will last forever.

  2487. There should be a high visibility campaign aimed at ensuring that these people are never again elected to office.

    • Jeff, for your information, there have been no elected councillors for almost 4 years. All decisions are ultimately made by the Council’s appointed Admistrator who runs all meetings without any councillors in place. Elections will be held next September.

  2488. Chris Cunningham | October 4, 2023 at 9:03 pm |

    Maybe if the local vandels stopped burning them down they would still be there.
    They have been rebuilt 3 times by the Caravan park at their own cost.

  2489. Andrew Clarke | October 5, 2023 at 6:32 pm |

    It could have been anyone that sprayed the Yes sign with NO even Kids. Be quick to praise Slow to condem

    • Karen Adler | October 9, 2023 at 6:05 pm |

      Could have been anyone, yes. But more than likely it was a No voter. Just a wild guess …

  2490. Mark Robinson | October 6, 2023 at 6:29 pm |

    Jezz i think other things need to be fixed before the stairs , like the roads to get to the stairs

  2491. Oh wow if only everywhere was like Wyong station

  2492. Jennifer Byrnes | October 9, 2023 at 1:40 pm |

    Yes its getting so bad its just not on the Coast You know its basically everywhere and YES it needs to be addressed ASAP

  2493. William Small | October 9, 2023 at 1:45 pm |

    Yes its a sad state of affairs isnt it hardly anyone Bulk Billing especially on the Central Coast area. Urgent Care Clinics or not this situation is only going to get worse sorry to say.

  2494. Louise Brown | October 9, 2023 at 1:47 pm |

    Thanks Gary for your insight into this now after reading your article I have made my decision to vote YES

  2495. I think they look so good the new street signs especially loving the Council Emblem on them. Yes they will eventually get around to the footpath’s and other repairs but in the meantime lets enjoy some beautification to the Central Coast

  2496. Joan Corbett | October 9, 2023 at 2:36 pm |

    Terrible disease. my friend died from it and I know of another man currently living with it.

  2497. John peterson | October 9, 2023 at 4:48 pm |

    Vote No

  2498. Rachel Sneddon | October 11, 2023 at 11:24 am |

    Yes ok its alright to have so many Immigrant come to live here in Australia but not recognise our own people

  2499. How cute is this story and good on them happy travelling lovely people and keep enjoying your Beautiful Bowling

  2500. Louise Brown | October 12, 2023 at 5:34 pm |

    Oh wow some people have no idea do they just do what they want and to tell you the truth they have no idea that they are doing anything Wrong. And you say something to them and then you will catch a earful of abuse from them.

  2501. William Slade | October 12, 2023 at 5:37 pm |

    Thank you John Peterson I now will vote YES

  2502. Michael McVicker | October 13, 2023 at 2:58 pm |

    all this is doing is creating further traffic congestion around Wyong and tuggerah

  2503. Ellen Wright | October 13, 2023 at 6:21 pm |

    Spring has sprung and so has my Allergies
    Yes the Flowers are so pretty
    but please I cannot stand it at all
    from the wind to the dust and pollen
    my Nose needs a break from all of this
    So Spring I love you only a small bit

  2504. Max Winders | October 14, 2023 at 6:18 pm |

    Pleased to contact Sean as we share same attitudes towards reconciliation

  2505. Steve Kirkby | October 15, 2023 at 7:01 am |

    What is happening with the Entrance Channel. Why is no action being taken to remove sand

  2506. Oh Michael I know traffic congestion does get so bad around those areas.
    But you know its called progress and we are in desperate need of Housing as there is a Crisis so maybe we just have to shut our mouths and minds so they can start this marvellous project to HELP others in need.

  2507. who is council these days? I think I remember that council at one time had money to be a council but doesn’t anymore? is that right? are there councellers? what is the go with it all?

  2508. Why can’t all that be removed and a flat pathway be put in place?

  2509. Is there one for Women cause that would be a good thing for us Women we suffer from Mental Health issues too you know

  2510. Lorraine Gaul | October 15, 2023 at 2:09 pm |

    The most practical solution for everyone is to re-build the stairs to allow public access. Why weren’t they maintained in the first place. We miss our reserve.

  2511. Why would Wyong Council ok the original DA.Dont understand that.

    Peter G

  2512. Garry Denson | October 15, 2023 at 6:42 pm |

    disgraceful, council go out of way to make it more difficult it’s such a beautiful spot
    Give our reserve back

  2513. Samantha Lysaught | October 16, 2023 at 12:41 pm |

    I just love your dedication, passion and enthusiasm Greg. You put your heart and soul into everything you do. Well done.

  2514. Alyssa Brown | October 16, 2023 at 12:48 pm |

    At least the Council has barricaded it off so no one will get injured hurt and most of all so that some people can go destroy it even more. So I am Thankful to the Council for this action

  2515. Ellen White | October 16, 2023 at 5:47 pm |

    Yes this is disgraceful I had the same experience trying to get a Disabled Pension as I was diagnosed with a Brain Tumour and when I read on the form about the applicant has a life expectancy of less than 24 months. We have Cancer and there is no support or help

  2516. Lynette Fleming | October 16, 2023 at 9:52 pm |

    The Entrance is an old fashioned mess,
    Tuggerah Lakes also a mess,now the Council blocks access to a popular reserve, go and fix the stairs & Clean The Entrance up & water ways know wonder people by pass us and go to Newcastle do your job councilers

  2517. Louise Brown | October 17, 2023 at 8:20 am |

    Yes the world is now a very sad place people dont seem to care or even be kind anymore its all rush rush rush and sorry to say this but people have become more selfish.
    Where has the Kindness gone

  2518. Wilma Thompson | October 17, 2023 at 11:24 am |

    Now who is going to read this
    the free Think Safe to Drink Safe toolkit
    Aussies love the good old beer and alcohol its the Australian way of life
    and they think its alright to get drunk and cause chaos
    The only way to teach them safe drinking is start when they are young its too late when they are in there teens

  2519. Absolute disgrace by this useless council we have. There sneaky the way they go about things bloody disgusting

  2520. Nicole Kruse | October 18, 2023 at 6:11 pm |

    Thank you. 🙂 I am please to report that I finished another 100km run on Sat (Blackall 100).

    If anyone wants to support my fundraising efforts you can do so at https://community.perkins.org.au/fundraisers/nicolekruse288/nic—s-blackall100-journey—kicking-cancers-butt-one-step-at-a-time?ref=ch_3Nqh80IiD2gx6F2R0kfrRMJx
    Thank you

  2521. Sandra Hardes | October 19, 2023 at 9:48 am |

    That not the bus service Wyong Shire uses? Where is the improvement plan for this area? Oh, thats right there isnt one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2522. Sandra Hardes | October 19, 2023 at 10:10 am |

    How on earth do you remove, without replacing access. The incompetency and arrogance of this Council is horrendous.

  2523. Margaret Ogle | October 19, 2023 at 12:46 pm |

    The 63 bus from Davistown to Gosford takes 50 mins by the time it goes all around Green Point and to Erina Fair. It is a ridiculously long trip if you are just going to Gosford to catch the train! This needs to be shortened somehow.

  2524. John GORDON | October 19, 2023 at 3:39 pm |

    I fully agree with the unnecessary replacement of street signs when the Council is supposed to be in financial distress.
    I have been trying to get one single “No Stopping” in Wyoming for over a year now to protect a disabled footpath exit/entrance but they refuse. Pedestrians often have to walk down the center of the road due to vehicles parked across the footpath. The yellow line is obscured by other parked vehicles. Council has “No Stopping” signs on every house boundary (13 of them) along Renwick Street but can’t prevent a child or baby in a pram etc from being hit by the many cars and trucks that turn in the short street.

  2525. Ellen White | October 19, 2023 at 5:47 pm |

    This is exciting news and much overdue Congrats ladies

  2526. Matthew Ross | October 19, 2023 at 6:17 pm |

    Thank you Sue

  2527. Not 24 car spaces just 8 no footpaths very narrow road so not ideal location

  2528. petrol on the CC is Alessandro at least 20c to 30c per litre dearer than in Sydney. Having looked just now (Fri night 20/10), the Premium 98 can be purchased in the majority of Sydney servos for between $1.95 and $2.07. However, we here on the Centralia Coast are being gouges another 30c minimum on top of that. I put thus large discrepancy down to pure and simple greed of the CC petrol station proprieters, pure and simple. The prices referred to above were sourced from the NSW FuelCheck app.

  2529. Brenda Brown | October 21, 2023 at 10:55 am |

    sounds great. looking forward to the night markets!

  2530. driving along gosford waterfront walkway thinking anyone on foot are in danger of a vehicle mounting the footpath as there are no safety bollards a matter of time?

  2531. Michael McVicker | October 21, 2023 at 8:34 pm |

    good choice great clubman

  2532. Jeffrey Atkinson | October 21, 2023 at 9:44 pm |

    We have the best beach side
    entertainment area on the coast at Terrigal. And we have alot of incidents of violence in the area. which through social media creates negativity on visiting. and for locals who also spend so much in the local area. We have a station which is actually quite large for being here.And hardly in operation.more area walking or bike patrols around the block. not hard

  2533. Michael McVicker | October 22, 2023 at 9:21 am |

    well done for employing locals

  2534. We are in desperate need for more Schools so I say lets start this project and lets get on with Building this much needed School.

  2535. We wish Mark every success in his new role with the Mariners.

  2536. This will be so good for NSW.

  2537. What a great initiative!

  2538. Anthony Williams | October 23, 2023 at 6:19 pm |

    Sorry but I dont think Granny Flats are the answer yes short term but even the prices of Granny Flats to Rent are extreme too. I have seen some Granny Flats and the asking price is like $500 for a 2 bedda

  2539. Festoon, not fairy lights 😌

  2540. where are cars going to exit and enter onto Terrigal Drive. Too high for this area.

  2541. Carmel Wright | October 26, 2023 at 10:56 am |

    This is a Beautiful piece of Artwork I just hope people will appreciate it and not vandalise it.

  2542. William White | October 26, 2023 at 11:15 am |

    Yes a civilised country like Australia could suddenly become so bigoted I think they have always been like this to tell you the truth but no one has really paid much attention until we had this Referendum

  2543. Graham Chambers | October 26, 2023 at 7:07 pm |

    These views are highly representative of the ill informed No voters. Get educated on the background history of the Fisrt Nation people, not just the information of the No support campaign and the highly questionable main stream commercial news and social media coverage. The Yes campaign was claimed to be divisive. It remains the fact that race and skin colour plays a huge part in decisions making around the world. Think what it’s like for a person or group to not be considered worthy to be recognised and listened to, in the book of rules that control and govern a place where they have a 65,000 thousand year connection. A convict of the first English settlers could expect support from the colonial government after serving their sentence. Land grants and opportunities were offered. No such luck for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait inhabitants. They were considered to be Godless and disorganised, not capable of fitting in with the new inhabitants. The law makers efforts to the engagement with First Nations people , was to appoint people to deal with “The Aboriginal Problem.”
    There was a general expectation that they would die out as a race. In fact, great efforts were made by the colonial governments to speed up their extinction.
    Consider being not valued a a human being, having traditions,laws,language outlawed and families torn apart. Men and women both, lost purpose in their day to day lives.The Aboriginal and Torres Strait people were and are still greatly disadvantaged from the effects of colonisation despite the nonsense spread by No campaigners. Efforts to promote a Royal Commission and another audit of funding, are purely motivated by the proponents to gain political support and re-election. Our countries history is not the selective version that we are still being subjected too. I hope that when we think about the daily problems facing all our communities that we can reflect on how it must feel to be told “No” we don’t recognise you and shut-up, we’re not listening to you. 235 years after the First Fleet, for too many of us, attitudes haven’t changed very much.
    Learn the truth, in fact demand it. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait people are not “The Problem.”

  2544. Killing the golden goose. High rises and traffic. Keep Terrigal small, enjoyable and village-like.

  2545. Colin David Diplock | October 27, 2023 at 3:56 pm |

    No non aboriginals in management or membership positions.

  2546. Andrew Clarke | October 27, 2023 at 6:19 pm |

    The Voice was not rejected because we are a bigoted country, it was rejected because it was found to be unworthy.
    You can blame the Yes vote leader,s they crueled themselves with their attitude if you vote against the Voice your a racist and ignorant.
    The government could`nt explain how it would work who would be on it and how much it would cost etc
    What sort of advice would it give to the Government would it be strictly only matter`s to involve abouriginal`s
    How do you seperate that?
    everything involves us all not just one part of the population.
    we wish no ill will to anyone
    But feeling don`t solve problem`s
    Maybe a royal commision is called for to see how we can unblock the choke point`s and finally get help to our fellow citizens that need it either black or white.

  2547. We are in middle of a Housing Crisis please let these Units be built. Yes there will be extra traffic and more people but they I think they call this progress people

  2548. They say they want 9 storeys. The community will raise their concerns about such high rise and the DA will go through at 6 storeys. The community will celebrate because they have “won”…

  2549. Such a shame. The roads are bad enough. Scenic Highway is a race track, we take our lives into our hands every time we try to cross. Terrigal was a beautiful place. Hate the idea of it looking like Bondi or similar.
    developers couldn’t care less, it’s just money.

  2550. Terrigal Resident | October 29, 2023 at 7:11 am |

    Please keep Terrigal the way it is. 2 – 3 storey buildings are understandable. Anything beyond that changes the charm of our beautiful coastal town. Let’s please continue to keep Terrigal unique

  2551. Sandra Ayton | October 29, 2023 at 7:49 am |

    That is a terrible proposal. That area is not designed for high rise. Gosford is ideal as the train station is there and there are also many high rise apartments. Charles Kay drive will not cope with extra traffic. Imagine 50 apartments with at least 2 people even more living in each one. That’s a lot of cars trying to exit that area. Very bad idea.

  2552. RHONDA HUTTON | October 29, 2023 at 5:06 pm |

    This has to be an April Fool”s day joke!!!!!!!!!!!!! Traffic on Charles Kay Drive is a nightmare now, and I note 50 units and 89 parking spaces!!!!!!!!!!! So where is the parking for the retail/cafe, etc.

  2553. What a fabulous location for something of this scope & vision. This has been the ‘forgotten corner’ of Terrigal. No impact upon any neighbours, and how good will it be for those living in the Terrigal estates to stop for a coffee on their walk to the beach.
    Win Win for Terrigal and the local community.
    Looks fab!

  2554. Monica Druitt | October 29, 2023 at 8:41 pm |

    Gaudy monstrosity. No thanks.

  2555. Needs to be twice as tall. Every square meter of residential land must be utilised to the maximum. The building is well designed and attractive. More like this please.

  2556. Anthony Berkman | October 31, 2023 at 7:54 am |

    Two concerns.
    1. Far too high, not suitable for Terrigal’s low rise appeal
    2. The impact on traffic congestion which is already an issue.

  2557. Lindsay Collins | October 31, 2023 at 12:09 pm |

    Oh my goodness people I would be thanking the Council for removing them as they were UNSAFE and UNSAFE stairs mean someone could get injured or even worse.
    So I would personally like to Thank the Council for removing the stairs.
    And you should be grateful that someone had made the time and effort to remove them before someone got hurt.

  2558. Nathan Wright | October 31, 2023 at 12:22 pm |

    Yes its a shame that people dont know what Kindness or Respect is anymore its easy to say lets all come together but when there is NO Kindness or Respect in the world anymore. Sorry to say but people have become so Selfish and self absorbed.

  2559. Richard joseph Ryan | October 31, 2023 at 12:40 pm |

    Democracy is respect for minorities, not rule by majorities. Aborigines, go hard, maintain the rage. Black people will find it hard to sing the National Anthem now without a voice

  2560. Andrew Clarke | October 31, 2023 at 6:02 pm |

    I fully concer with Brian Raffa 🙂

  2561. Richard Ryan | October 31, 2023 at 6:35 pm |

    DEMOCRACY is the respect for minorities, not rule by majorities.

  2562. Support to a more restricted policy by the council on walking dogs around Gosford waterfront. I have seen so many irresponsible dog owners who do not pick up their dogs poo on weekend around Gosford waterfront. Some big dogs even bark at some children out of no reasons. That is dangerous.

  2563. I can think of no reason why indigenous people would want to sing the national anthem. “For we are young and free” —– laughable. They have the highest suicide rate in the country —- seeing nothing to hope for? The incarceration rate — they are the most imprisoned people on earth and the evidence shows it is due to more stringent laws. And I’ll be happy to join them in not singing.

  2564. Anne McGregor | November 1, 2023 at 1:40 pm |

    As a resident of Woy Woy I couldn’t be happier with the news. This will no doubt be very beneficial not only to the residents but tourism also. Well done to all involved.

  2565. Andrew Clarke | November 2, 2023 at 4:45 pm |

    I rekon we do respect minorities here in Australia but the majorite rules
    the Yes vote was poorly presented blame yourselves not the 61% of us who thought differently.

  2566. Lynn Charles | November 2, 2023 at 5:58 pm |

    I was looking for a Masters team over 75’s all year.

  2567. Debbie Sutherland | November 2, 2023 at 8:43 pm |

    Reading this made me very happy.I remember as a child swimming there n having so much fun,we had to dodge all the jelly blubbers,as we called them.Thankyou for bringing this back to life.

  2568. Has anyone asked the question why the stairs were unsafe?
    It was due to vandalism !

  2569. All of that predatory gambling setup for the elderly paid off. enjoy

  2570. Jeffrey Thurbon | November 3, 2023 at 11:39 am |

    I must say it looks very good and it come up well

  2571. the police have done a great job over the last weekend keep it up guys

  2572. Keeping our roads safe! Good work!

  2573. Great job keeping these people off the road ,a strong possibility that some lives were saved .To the police involved keep up the good work.

  2574. Kenneth North | November 4, 2023 at 12:55 pm |

    If only people cared enough to do this but I only see NO Kindness or Respect at all from people these days as they are too busy or just plain old Selfish and self absorbed.

  2575. I think the ‘Crown Plaza’ is around that height & its right on the waterfront, so this proposal will be passed.
    My only concern is public parking, even with the free parking near the bowling club it’s a problem in peak times to find a parking spot.
    The tenants of the proposed building will have lots of friends & family visiting, especially in those peak times, parking is my only concern.

  2576. Such a small battery at such an enormous cost. This is why government needs tos stay out of things like this.

  2577. such wonderful news. still interested in the heritage listed building the Masonic being brought back to community use for youth and community, bands, music, close to public transport. yes lets keep the wonderful work going. oh and pls follow hornsby council and bring in a cat curfew.

  2578. Go Nuclear Chris Bowen you are never going to reach your targets buy clearing habit and polluting the waterways
    We need Nuclear, clean energy

  2579. Stephen Parsons | November 5, 2023 at 5:14 pm |

    identify the main weed and attack it. do not try to get rid of all weeds. set down a time frame and estimate resources needed. take before and after photos and publicise.

  2580. leave the dog park as is

  2581. Louise Brown | November 6, 2023 at 10:10 am |

    What beautiful Artworks from the local Youths keep up the great works

  2582. Louise Brown | November 6, 2023 at 11:00 am |

    Thank you ladies for all your hard work and kindness you are all inspirational

  2583. Thank you Ladies for all your hard work over the years your kindness and respect is always appreciated

  2584. Hopefully with all the residential and educational developments there will inevitably be we must surely see an arts centre and cinema. People will need somewhere cultural to go to instead of merely pubs and cafes. OK the new library is a start but Gosford is currently a city without a cinema, how bizarre is that.

  2585. What’s the common denominator? Is it the beer? The turn-off to Morriset? If it happens a third time, we know we’ve got a problem!

  2586. Ian Garradd | November 7, 2023 at 8:12 am |

    A great development.
    In some cases it may be preferable to install them on power poles like the one at the corner of Gallipoli & Memorial Ave Blackwall, so they don’t take up ground space. It’s a 60kWh unit, compared to the box on the ground at 412 kWh.

  2587. If this gets approved, it will surely show the council is more worried in making big bucks, than actually considering the residents of Terrigal. @Sue Murray, why don’t you do an interview with the developers and the officer of the council, perhaps ask them if they actually spoke to residents to get their opinion.

  2588. Denise Armstrong | November 8, 2023 at 3:12 am |

    Great news ! 👏 This will bring life to the the Central Coast and showcase our beautiful waterways.

  2589. Above and beyond – heart-warming to hear of such a compassionate gesture.

  2590. Geoff Barwick | November 8, 2023 at 12:36 pm |

    What a disaster this would be. Visually it would be horrible and spoil the ambience of Terrigal. Traffic holdups would increase(the ambulances would suffer),and our outdated cbd in Terrigal would be over-run with people. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on Council to take any notice of the residents, so we will probably be subjected to something totally inappropriate for the area.

  2591. Michael McVicker | November 8, 2023 at 3:34 pm |

    why has no one been held accountable for the original mess to start with

  2592. Xuhong Yang | November 8, 2023 at 7:37 pm |

    Thanks Nalini for another great writing!
    I fully support what you have said.

  2593. Malcolm & Judith Sequeira | November 9, 2023 at 7:30 am |

    Congratulations Spice 29 !!!!
    you are the best with great and tasty food. we are always there for you. thank you very much for the good service.

  2594. Will Hart’s voting be on the public record? Will we know how he voted?

  2595. Ian Bennett | November 9, 2023 at 1:34 pm |

    thankyou to the people who took control from our unprofessional councillors

  2596. Phillip Lear | November 9, 2023 at 3:42 pm |

    What a great win for the local people of Bateau Bay and surrounding superb it was such a beautiful place to go and sit with the grandchildren.
    Congratulations save our stairs committee

  2597. Andrew Clarke | November 9, 2023 at 6:05 pm |

    When was the last time any of us actualy sang the national anthem ? So it`s an empty gesture Ann
    you sound a passinate person but you can`t let your feeling over an issue trump your mind & always do your research of your own to help come to a conclusion.

  2598. Andrea Garland | November 9, 2023 at 11:42 pm |

    This is a positive step towards social housing. would love to be considered.

  2599. A wonderful win for our community. Congratulations to all those who worked so hard for this result.

  2600. Austin Butler is community land and is not for sale to private interests. All there excuses and private behind dealings have been exposed. If they want to really do something for the community why don’t they update there centre on there own land. How about redesigning the centre to have affordable housing above it and provide more Shops that can be serviced by trucks on there own land. Krulis are taking the easiest option and need to employ a Planner with foresight. There current plans will still have trucks interfering with traffic and pedestrian and result in the loss of more community green space.

  2601. Nothing new about this. Wamberal Beach has been classified a Coastal Erosion Zone since the late 1970’s.
    And there are numerous other reports warning of the hazards of building there. The houses are not sitting on a cliff as described above but on a sand dune!

  2602. how to sign up for oyster eating comp

  2603. Peter Johnson | November 11, 2023 at 8:50 pm |

    Well done Greg. Your loves (Spike Jones, Spike Milligan) correspond with mine. I still think about our collaboration at Birkenhead Point all those years ago with Tony…

  2604. Great News regarding stairs at Blue Lagoon to finally be replace. Very angry 😡 with Wyong Council for not consulting with the residence in our community.
    Some things never change. Council should now realise a close community n have lived in the BB area n we do care about our area n residence. I came to BB when I was 12 yr old n now 74years an we all care n look after the BB area. Bout time
    Council should consult with residents n ask first before making important decisions that impacts on us all. Congratulations to all the people who got involved. Well done great outcome.

  2605. “While ever those who live in houses make decisions about how and where those without houses should live there will be a shortage of houses”

  2606. Best NOT Push thru development. NOT for at least another 5 to 10 Years !

  2607. I’m so looking forward to this! It will be great to be with a bunch of like-minded people and spend time in nature.

  2608. As a Resident on the Central Coast I am against all rezoning of council land without the the input of the residents of the coast, the residents always should have a their say on any matter.

  2609. Adrian Aggett | November 14, 2023 at 2:28 pm |

    sounds like a nice way of encouraging use of their product – scaremongering residents and prospective purchasers into checking out their details and paying $39 a pop to do so. oh to be able to create a new revenue stream at will.

  2610. Cost is to high.
    Subsidise if really important for child safety

  2611. Fred Beringer | November 15, 2023 at 5:24 pm |

    As a Resident on the Central Coast I am against all rezoning of council land without the the input of the residents of the coast, the residents always should have a their say on any matter.

  2612. Phill Nicholls | November 16, 2023 at 12:45 pm |

    How do we join this ride please

  2613. Margaret Pearce | November 16, 2023 at 4:51 pm |

    What a wonderful idea for everyone to be part of. I’m sure there is more nattering than knitting which is great. We so appreciate all the work and hours put in to producing these beautiful Angel rugs, keep up the great work!

  2614. The state government has taken the Central Coast for granted almost forever…we are not a crucial area for them, so they will not invest or assist in fixing our problems. As for the local politicians, can someone tell us what they have done since elected to SERVE the Coast? All we hear is talk. It’s time we stood up for the better of our Central Coast !

  2615. i totally agree with this, it was bad enough we had to contend with the corruption of our last council but the ratepayers are being punished and continue to be punished, we are losing more than most would be are aware of, local groups who’ve worked hard for premises are having them all reclaimed by council, they are hell bent on wiping out long standing performing arts and craft groups (who are still struggling from covid lockdowns) by pricing them out of all our theatres and millions have been spent on useless consultants that not from our area and know nothing of our needs and wants, there will be nothing left by the time we are ‘allowed’ to have an elected council again

  2616. Louise Roberts | November 18, 2023 at 2:51 pm |

    I am a non Aboriginal woman from Bensville and fully support the Aboriginal community that are from this area . The Darkingjung Land Council do not seem to care about these people , the environment, protecting important historical and ecological areas at Kariong and surrounds and they don’t listen to their Aboriginal members who contest this zoning and development at Kariong . Do they care more about the people or the money they receive for development?!!
    Louise Roberts

  2617. I am greatly concerned that an application to rezone this protected area currently zoned C2 (the highest environmental ranking) will set a precedent for any developer (Land Council or otherwise) to destroy or affect in any way, habitat and sacred sites in future. We need our politicians to speak up against this particular proposal. Their silence is of concern as well.

  2618. Geoffrey Preece | November 18, 2023 at 11:57 pm |

    “We are in no way against First Nation People’s right to do what they want with their land or further themselves economically.” This is perhaps the most strange sentence from the opposition to this development proposal. When somebody completely opposes a development of this nature they are definitely “against First Nation People’s right to do what they want with their land”.

  2619. The paragraph” all aboriginal community groups on the central coast support this development “
    Is not a reuse statement . The land council does not represent the the true custodians of this area.
    The land council is only interested in profit, not preserving cultural , environmental heritage.
    It will be a huge further loss of habitat to endangered

  2620. Billy mccorriston | November 20, 2023 at 10:12 am |

    Yes and residents are not to blame as well with proposals to develop their homes put them on the street. Head of the committee for the oasis caravan park. 400 residents on the street

  2621. The state government leaving our council under administration for so many years, & during that time, increasing our rates so much, selling off community land & rezoning conservation land with threatened & endangered species, should be a matter for ICAC. It’s outrageous that we have no local representation here.

  2622. They seem to have removed the “Rate payers ability to pay consideration” Ipart are unelected bureaucrats who pretend to impartially assess cost and charges but continually raise rate payer costs as long as council tick the boxes One of the biggest traps is community engagement Prime example of the 15% rate rise which attracted a record four thousand plus submissions Council had two bites at that cherry to get there rises through Be prepared for another 5%plus next year Ipart just released there Rate peg methodology so much for the cost of living pressures Yeeha

  2623. great research Carter is an AUSSIE!

  2624. Kariong is a good suburb which needs development. i strongly agree for this proposal for future of the community

  2625. Denise Lincoln | November 22, 2023 at 1:39 pm |

    Nice to know you have residents backs on this.
    concerned for East Gosford townhouses going up everywhere there is no established infrastructure
    Our health Care facility is stuggling to cope. We need to back off a bit until we catch up with services.

  2626. Common sense prevails – the last thing the Coast needed are more fast food outlets. What an eye sore that would have been coming off the freeway welcoming all the tourists.

    In my opinion a small village of retailers, restaurants, gym and even a family friendly pub would be great for the Kariong community.

  2627. It is bizarre that Council CEO, David Farmer, should be complaining about differences between the rate peg set by IPART, and CPI Inflation.

    The reason the rate peg differs from CPI inflation is that CPI measures price increases for a basket of goods across the whole economy, whereas the rate peg is based on changes in costs specifically incurred by Councils.

    Councils themselves argued that CPI inflation did not accurately reflect changes in their costs – which is why they lobbied IPART for a rate peg methodology based on a more specific cost index (originally the Local Government Index – now the Base Cost Change index).

    Mr Farmer knows this as he recently wrote a letter to IPART supporting the Base Cost Change index – you can see it on IPART’s website.

    So, why is he now touring media outlets complaining the rate peg differs from CPI?

    He and other Council CEOs weren’t complaining between 2010 and 2020 when figures published by IPART show the average annual increase in rate peg was 2.5% – considerably higher than the average annual increase in CPI of just 1.9%.

    The system is remarkably generous to Councils even allowing them to pass on whatever salary hikes they pay themselves straight through to ratepayers through inclusion in the Base Cost Change Index.

    It is absurd for Mr Farmer to be whinging when total rates income raised by Central Coast Council (adding special variations to rate peg and also including water rates) has increased 30% in just three years.

    All this extra rates income gushing into Council coffers may have papered over the cracks of the financial crisis, but it hasn’t solved the underlying causes of that crisis.

    Mr Farmer would be better advised fixingthese underlying problems in management performance, productivity, culture, efficiency and service prioritisation – rather than angling for even higher rates.

  2628. Lauren Alchin | November 23, 2023 at 1:40 pm |

    In my opinion, this site should be opened up and have more walkways and recreational areas for people to enjoy, leave the flora and fauna alone 😔

    • Lauren, it’s a carpark – there is nothing to save except for a few tress which can easily be incorporated into planning designs. There is nothing there that would create a wonderful walkway experience, unless you like the sound of traffic. There are already plenty of recreational spaces in that area.

  2629. Peter Doherty | November 23, 2023 at 4:05 pm |

    Hi Kate I’m looking for someone from council to talk to our rotary club about smart cities.
    Do you have any contacts?

  2630. Jeff Sundstrom | November 26, 2023 at 12:38 pm |

    There is no council. There is just the legacy of an unwanted merger and of a spiteful NSW Liberal government that paid the price of poor government the way it should happen. Not at the whim of a malevolent state minister but at the wish of the constituents.

  2631. The lack of parking in Gosford is ridiculous. who would want to shop there? Not me or anyone I know.

  2632. Michael McVicker | November 28, 2023 at 6:40 pm |

    good positive feedback

  2633. more money in buildings make parking very limited then put in parking that makes money a bit like a hospital

  2634. Why does a developer think that is okay to put so much money into a planning proposal that is so clearly outside of the guidelines ? It is 4 times the allowed building height ! What other 8 storey buildings are there in the immediate area ? None ! In what way is the autocratic CCC representing the local community if it allows the rules to be continuously bent ? I can’t believe the CCC is endorsing this development. The sooner we have real community representation on the council the better.

  2635. Dangerous Dale | November 30, 2023 at 10:02 am |

    you bunch of clowns need to just give up
    non you you better have any sort of GAS BBQ or GAS cook top!!!!!

  2636. Pamela Sawtell | November 30, 2023 at 12:07 pm |

    Hi Lisa
    Firstly Thankyou you coming up with this brilliant manner to safely meet gentlemen. I have recently moved to the Central Coast and widowed since 2018 and thought I’d be unable to meet safely now at the age of 74 years, but you have given me new hope.
    Unsure that I can attend prior to Christmas but definitely after, so do you have such a gathering for my age group??

  2637. Why is every one smiling like its a happy thing This is very serious and we should not be acting like we won the lottery Excellent decision but a bit of respect and decorum required

  2638. Maybe we need a few redundancies received my water bill along with a glossy pamphlet explaining things which I dont need to know I would imagine a couple of graphic artists worked on this for a few months Non productive add on wage costs I turn on the tap if there is water the council has done its job.Too much self back patting

  2639. Congratulations Navy Veterans’ Welfare Assoc & Roque Hammal & Isabella Hammal. You really look after your community, they are lucky to have you 😁

  2640. we ARE truly “the forgotten valley”
    No one delivers here,
    No one wants have to travel so far for treatment

  2641. Kevin Brooks | December 1, 2023 at 3:01 pm |

    “Successful year” in that headline is hardly a statement of fact – more likely the heading of a Council media release spouting spin rather than reality.

    The Council Annual Report shows that 25% of targets were not achieved – a poor result especially given the Mickey Mouse nature of many of these targets.

    The Report includes shocking results across the water and sewer portfolio.

    And mean times for processing development applications are still 57% above target – double what they were when Mr Hart was appointed Administrator and Mr Farmer CEO.

    This is a poor return for an organisation that has increased its combined general rates and water rates by 30% in just three years.

  2642. Jason Brown | December 1, 2023 at 5:03 pm |

    I went to this event – it was actually incredible!

  2643. This is fantastic news

  2644. The vegan camp out was fantastic. Together we can change the world for the animals and ourselves. The Campout reminded all of us this.

  2645. Patricia Baldry | December 2, 2023 at 7:28 am |

    Why should people get a months grace when they are breaking the law n risking peoples lives.we live just down the road and we see people running the red light n hoons speeding every day.Very Scary!!!So maniac drivers will really take advantage of it for sure,its a speedway along there.

    • I agree with Patricia Baldry, if you’re NOT doing the wrong thing you won’t be fined. NO to 1 months grace. That’s the whole of the xmas New Year break to have more accidents and injuries of pedestrians. Start it now!

  2646. what could possibly go wrong? I recall many years ago where this was done and Santa got wrong footed by Eric. I asked Santa after if it was as close as it appeared and they indicated it was probably closer than any of watching saw. This was an event where many reptile keepers clubs have their Christmas party on site so there were a lot of us who understood the behaviour.

  2647. I have Cml and I thank god every day when I take the tablets that keep me alive.I pay 5.99 a month for a medication that started off at 60.000.00 a year. Hence at 70 I am still working as a community nurse to keep giving back to community. I’ll work for as long as I can. Thank you for your blood run. I am also a proud redhead having retained the colour of my hair so far.

  2648. God bless Woy Woy, cheers from Sydneysiders.

  2649. Christine Chaseling | December 3, 2023 at 1:36 pm |

    We’ve known Roque for 50years during our lives in the RAN & WRAN. Always gernous of nature. Doing where ever he can. Later we ment Isabella also a generous personality. Together they make a wonderful assette to everyone’s lives.
    Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas & Happy Heathly New Year 2024. Christine and Stuart.❣️❣️❣️

  2650. Jan Anderson | December 3, 2023 at 4:52 pm |

    Congratulations Martin. Hope to meet you next time we have an appointment with Anthony. Well done.

  2651. So, my husband tested it. Set his cruise control to 50km/h. He was 3 metres from the lights when they went orange. He checked his rear view mirror and someone – of course – was right “up his a**e”. If he had of stopped, then he would have been rear ended, so he went through – on exactly 50km/h and the lights were red before he had finished crossing. How is that going to work?

  2652. John Mcbryde | December 6, 2023 at 8:41 am |

    All the best for all at Lone 🎍 pine super new shops.

  2653. Michael McVicker | December 6, 2023 at 11:27 am |

    why so long a wait

  2654. Well done Mariners. haveing a proven coaching team is a good move following on Montys’ success last season.

  2655. Could it be that RBT is a priority to the Central Coast increasing the numbers of positive tests than the other areas.

  2656. That’s our girl . Very proud

  2657. IF currently unserviced properties are to be connected the owner should pay the majority of the cost on the assumption that they bought the original block at a lower cost than one that was already connected

  2658. Well done to you both.

  2659. Sounds wonderful Just watched a video of actual installation I would like a council engineer to explain where the drill swarf or waste goes when the inservice valve is drilled Genuine question?

  2660. Illumine1911 | December 9, 2023 at 7:47 am |

    It would be helpful to know what courses they intend to offer, and how relevant they are to the skills and skillsets required to rejuvenate the local economy. Simply churning out hundreds of BAs in sociology and psychology that many new campuses tend to do, isn’t going to help anyone or anything.

  2661. Malcolm COLLING | December 9, 2023 at 12:44 pm |

    The chances of this being built by the end of 2024 as promised is absolutely zero. I drive past this site every day and have never seen any work going on except for the man who occasionally whipper snips the overgrown weeds

  2662. Anthony Lord | December 9, 2023 at 3:18 pm |

    Where in Mann Street is the planned UoN campus?

  2663. Zero public transport available on the coast after hours? Any coincidence?

  2664. There are multiple issues surrounding the rezoning of the Kariong proposed development. Ignoring there are registered Aboriginal Sacred Sites on the this land along with endangered flora and fauna is not acceptable given the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council are also given the task of protecting cultural heritage and the land. I do not consent to this development proceeding.

  2665. Colleen Fuller | December 10, 2023 at 1:39 am |

    The objection submissions are mounting farst since the opening.
    This is not a Racist issue that some members of DLALC have been pushing. The General Public of the Central Coast including Triditional Bloodline Custodians of the Greater Central Coast are against this Rezoning from E2/C2 which is the highest zoning a area can be. The area that the rezoning encompases is covered in Sacred Sites and Carvings of the Traditional Custodians of the Greater Central Coast.
    The Government and Central Coast Council must be reminded that this original Crown Land was given to the Land Council to protect and compensate for the wrongs that had occurred to the Original Custodians of the area. The DLALC is not a Mob but is made up of people from other Mobs outside of the area this Land Council Controlls.
    Central Coast Council and ste State Government should be looking to give fair Compensation to Darkinjung Land Council being other land that is NOT Culturally Sensitive or Enviromentally Sensitive,or Monetary Compinsation and the land be placed into the NATIONAL PARK.

  2666. There are many important reasons why this land is not suitable for development. The DLAC has other options.

  2667. They should change the name back to the Woodport Inn,
    Much classier than The Sunken Money – a stupid name that no one remembers!

  2668. it was a sad day when they painted it black, made it look like a funeral home, the proposals making it white again is good news, roof too? helps reduce cooling costs, some water tanks and solar panels too should be required. The big brown parts should go, would not help ours or their footprint, proposal looks weird, not as bad as black “funeral home” look. IMO cool colours, white pale blue, consider the river bank and use to advantage. Maybe council will make better decisions to enhance the area

  2669. totally agree council needs to look at its own efficiency like we all have had to do and make it work.

  2670. As home owners & rate payers I can only agree with Harry (Dec 7). New connections regardless of where they are should be at the cost of the builder or developer. We are charged on each bill for a “Connection Fee” even though we have been connected for over 30 years. Seems a bit much.

  2671. We don’t have a Council, we have an administrator who at times behaves akin to a dictator.
    Good luck with your plight

  2672. The area MUST be left alone.!! The Aboriginal status should be protected at ALL times and forever.!!

  2673. Alastair STORRY | December 13, 2023 at 2:06 am |

    Avoca Dr isn’t killing people. Wisemans Ferry Rd is. if you can get 100m for an upgrade nobody cares about, you can fix the 5 places where council barriers force everyone travelling towards wisemans onto the other side of the road into oncoming traffic. There is an head on every week which requires the rescue chopper. I think we should force the local member to actually come out here although last time I called the council try didn’t know Spencer was on the central coast.

  2674. Andrew mcclymont | December 13, 2023 at 11:17 am |

    this is crap that in 2023 we have to rely on a excavator to dig out the channel everytime it floods come on council get with the program build a breakwall which has solved the problem everywhere else in Australia as well as you doing all these surveys for nothing to come out of them hopefully in 2024 we come up with a better solution than a excavator

  2675. Another case of unwanted development that we don’t get a vote on

  2676. Natalie Bell | December 13, 2023 at 7:33 pm |

    What a time for it too hit most of us lost power for 16 hours and anything I had for my kids ready for Xmas as in food is gone

  2677. Already the increased number of light aircraft using the sky above residential areas around Tuggerah lake as their personal playground have no regard for the residents that pay for the airfield and now their will be more of them!

  2678. Michael McVicker | December 14, 2023 at 1:43 pm |

    another job for the boys

  2679. So this flight path over the Central Coast…is set in stone?

  2680. Michael McVicker | December 15, 2023 at 12:41 pm |

    what a pack of sooks try living in Marrickville

  2681. Is it a concern if the flight paths drown out hearing the nonsense of noise concerns over the proposed flight paths?
    The Western Sydney airport represents sensible, thoughtful progress!

  2682. This particular parcel of Crown Land should remain a C2 listing because of its higlhy sensitive ecosytem. The DLALC have plenty more options on the Central Coast on which to build housing estates that are not as potentially disastrous as this as it will have too great an impact on Brisbane Water National Park, listed endangered species of flora and fauna, environmental impact through water run-off (the area to be developed is above a hanging swamp in Bambara and leads down to oyster leases) and especially because it is an area of very special significance for our traditional custodians – who want to have it retained as a protected area. Other considerations are increased traffic, noise, domestic pets next to a National Park. The Kariong Progress Association is also against this development – which says a lot!

  2683. John Rowland | December 15, 2023 at 6:00 pm |

    The council has a great record of spending ratepayers money on stupid waste.just another waste these new years eve events.


  2685. I lived on the Central Coast years ago and it’s such a beautiful area but always suffers from bad planning or no planning. They knocked down a great school near the harbour and then put a taxation office there.
    It’s close to Sydney, beautiful beaches and nature walks. An all round winner.
    Let’s see some smart planning there especially around the harbour for Arts, cafes and restaurants and not just high rise apartments.

  2686. Jeffrey Atkinson | December 16, 2023 at 10:46 am |

    the nevell nobodies of this era. nothing would get done if they all had their way. I live on the coastal fringe and get aircraft heading to the north all the time. you hardly hear them. the new aircraft are very quiet compared to the old. He cam turn his hearing aid down. problem solved.

  2687. Electric planes do not make a noise?

  2688. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | December 17, 2023 at 8:05 am |

    So we will still be under the bootheel of administration for 4 years after the overlord deems us possibly worthy to elect our council unless the administration falls back on the keep doing polls until we give the “correct answer” as they have done in the past

  2689. Ian & dianne Mudge | December 17, 2023 at 12:13 pm |

    To all concerned with the plan. ‘Do a Nike’. Just get it done before the mish mash of politically motivated ‘Elected Councillors’ get elected. We have done very well without them and Council has run efficiently with the current Administrator. My money via rates & etc. will pay for it. I believe the Aerodrome deserves to be uprated to a CASA 2B code classification. Thankyou Central Coast Newspaper for an enlightened Editorial and report by Meriyn! Thankyou David for having the nous to get it done.

  2690. Is this on the table again. More joy flights over my home with noisy engines. Anyone visiting my home on a Saturday or Sunday is like the Battle Of Britain with all the planes. Don’t get me wrong I love the air shows and special events but the other is not a necessity.

    Business is another thing and could be done with strict regulations for operating times . I’ve been at Watanobbi for 15 years and the number of joy flights has been getting worse over this time. With all the development going on around nearby areas the nature reserves here are noticably filling up with bird populuations which we welcome but a sad reflection on poor development planning and are in the flight paths of planes. Also I don’t remember seeing any notifications about the Heliport over behind Lucca rd going in. These are damn noisy.


  2691. C2 zoned land is there for a purpose – no C2 land should be rezoned for development

  2692. Robert Goyette | December 19, 2023 at 7:37 pm |

    What a lot of whingers. I used to live at Coogee, under the path of planes comming and going from Mascot airport. I used to lay in bed and count how many there were before I fell asleep.
    The only noise I hate are barking dogs and motor bikes

  2693. Council needs to show proof of these alleged “community complaints” and provide a detailed risk analysis showing potential impacts to pedestrian and traffic movements &/or public health and safety.

  2694. Why has so much of our ratepayers money has been wasted by CCC supporting this private development which does not comply with several of councils own guidelines ! Why did Rick Hart back this private development which would set a terrible precedent for the Terrigal/Wamberal area ? Is the local infrastructure capable of handling the increased demand that could happen if this building and others were to proceed ? Terrigal drive cannot handle the local traffic as it is now ! Time for real community representation on OUR council !

  2695. Kirsten McLauchlan | December 20, 2023 at 7:26 pm |

    The works are highly unprofessional and it currently looks like a demolition site with the workers metal in dangerous unplanned positions. Treat this like an archaeological site. No normal building or renovation site would look like this. It looks like intentional damage.

  2696. I pray for a miracle that the Glyphs, Grandmother Tree, Auntie Tree and all flora and fauna are safe and unharmed. This is Sacred Land. Thank you

  2697. so we don’t own our home the council does. Communism at its best.

  2698. Do we really have a council as such.I was under the impression that we had a couple of caretakers running it?Who applied the pressure to have it shut down?this seem to be about MONEY,pure and simple.What rules are being Applied at this time.Who carried out the safety scene at this area.Did they have the proper qualifications to carry out a survey.Seem to be a knee jerk reaction to a very good business.

  2699. How very disappointing to people of enquiring minds to be unable or even dismissed from helping.
    There are ways and means of protecting the future and governments of all kinds have not been capable or renowned for treasuring the past.

  2700. Peter
    All property (owners ) have a legal resposibility to pay RATES.. similar to renting you don’t pay you’re out..has nothing to do with communism..
    If you know Anything about communism No such thing as Ownership.

  2701. Shaun Taylor | December 22, 2023 at 9:36 pm |

    housing crisis, mental heath ctisis ect ect.. this council is looking to line their pockets.. unfair on other ratepayers is B.S. If councils spent money appropriately they wouldnt need rates… cash grab.

  2702. Bought my 1st peace of land 50 years ago, due to overdue rates for $70. Doubt I be that fortunate this time.

  2703. 1988 referendum to bring in local council.. what was the % of no votes in that count? I’d like to see this in the high court.. local council wouldn’t have a leg to stand on legally

    • Nunya, councils are legal entities created by State Parliament before federation and remain so. The previous local gov referendum was to recognise them in the Federal consitution so they could receive funds directly from the Federal government. However they still receive money, via a federal and state government government agreement.

  2704. we are having black outs now great planing pull the existing power generators down from the grid before you have built anything dum

  2705. Nobody like paying rates. But I bet these same people have no problem with using the roads and car parks, going to the park, walking on the paths or getting their garbage collected.

  2706. Greedy Councils taking advantage country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.
    “an era of free-market capitalism

  2707. That’s the FABIAN SOCIETY way aka communism by stealth.
    do the research

  2708. Thank you for sharing
    this lovely story.
    So good to read something nice in the news these days.

  2709. Get rid of all councils they are parasites getting fat preying on the local community they are supposed to serve. But
    Rates get higher bins have been getting smaller and collecction of regular rubbish now fortnightly instead of weekly…what the …….(fill in the blank.) Cheaper to pay for independant weekly rubbish removal or take it to the local tip directly.They have too much power oppress residents with draconian rules and regulations. Dictators
    who’s bottom line lets face it, is to line their own pockets. Why else would they approve high density living? more high rise appatments ruining the look of once nice neighbourhoods and buildings closer and closer together? more rate payers folks. more buildings the fatter their pay packets and retirement funds.
    I bet this comment doesnt get printed, because there is no freedom of speech, even this very site is run by communists.

    • John, some of your points are valid, so we have decided to publish after editing out the abuse and accusation, except for the communist comedy, we apreciate your satire, thank you.
      FYI- Future posts will require less abuse and more personal responisbiluty in the form of a surname and suburb.
      And yes we saw this post was an exact copy of another one by another person called, you’re very welcome to post here, though about the issue and without abuse.

  2710. Edward Spagnol | December 23, 2023 at 3:59 pm |

    The worst council in Australia, do nothing for the central coast except rip money of people, glad I don’t live there it was one a great place now it’s a dump

  2711. Understandable outrage, this should not be allowed to happen. This sacred land ought to be protected.

    Always was, always will be.

  2712. why is it that 98% can pay their rates on time and the 2% can’t or don’t want too but still use the roads, parks and other council provided and maintained facilities sorry but I’m not crying for these owners

  2713. Susan Hughes | December 24, 2023 at 8:38 am |

    Absolutely, this must be fixed! It should be mandatory that councils provide adequate and safe passage for home owners and their familes in residential areas, not to doesn’t make sense. There are some very irresponsible drivers in the area that use Glenrock Parade as a racetrack, we can’t stop that from happening but council can prevent injury or death by providing an adequate space for pedestrians. Or are council waiting until a child, or parent pushing a pram on the road gets hit by a speeding vehicle?

  2714. Seems council is very choosy when it comes to shipping containers on private land. I know of many shipping containers on rural land used for different purposes. We had neighbours who ‘deposited’ one on the nature strip at the front of our property. When council were called the neighbour insisted the container was temporary while furniture was removed from it. As time went on the container was moved onto their property and became a gym. Council not interested! This is a knee jerk reaction to a great small business.

  2715. PS…l was the first person to breed this species….Dr Ricky Spencer UWS contacted me to seek advice on set up….the ARP had NEVER bred the species privately….the ARP solicit donations in the name of breeding this species….however it is for the financial benefit of the ARP….l stand by what l have stated here…and shall refute any claims to the contrary . l reserve my media rights

  2716. Council have let Residents down badly with their poor knowledge of upcoming flooding,recent flooding was due to a lack of Council being prepared despite previous flooding issues, without residents by their own efforts and with the help of an independent machine operator, which brought Council to cutting out a trench opening to the Ocean things would have been much worse, No one in Council has the required knowledge of the important role our Valley contributors play in flooding impacts,

  2717. I remember it was said to be 700 yards long. When I first knew it there were steel rails that had been used for a trolley to take freight out or in, I was unsure which.

    Dad said that the family had a number of boats that operated from the wharf including one 45ft long.

    The end of the wharf had what I remember to be 12 by 12 inch timbers on similarly solid stumps driven into the lake bottom.

    Maybe some of the planking was still there when I first started visiting it in the 1950s.

    When I first knew of it, the end of the wharf was plenty deep enough to dive off. A metre and a half, maybe two metres and it could have been more. Certainly seeing the bottom was out of the question. When 45 ft ships were tying up alongside it must have been more than a couple of metres deep.

    When I last tried [2 to 3 years ago] to find where the end of the wharf had been my guess was that the water was between 30 and 50 cms deep.

  2718. Yvonne Pearsall | December 25, 2023 at 5:53 am |

    Beautiful news!! Good on you, Santa! xxx

  2719. Raelene Caletti | December 27, 2023 at 7:11 pm |

    Great for. CURBY

  2720. When is the Auction ?

  2721. Love plastic, hate tossers | December 28, 2023 at 2:49 am |

    Plastic is not the problem. Littering is.

    Plastic is much more useful and recyclable than paper alternatives. Paper straws and cups are disgusting and wooden knives can’t cut hot butter – but they’ve replaced the actually useful plastic ones in the name of environmentally friendliness, meanwhile, they are unrecyclable and non-resuable and still take up landfill space. If those items are indispensable and going to take up space anyway, we might as well make them out of something that’s recyclable and ACTUALLY useful.

    No one has actually addressed the real problem: littering. Until you change people’s habits of littering, replacing plastic with paper will simply mean instead of plastic litter, you’ll get (waxed) paper litter. Do I need to remind you paper is made of trees?

    Also, people reuse plastic bags for garbage bags and takeaway boxes. Paper bags weigh around 7-8 times heavier than plastic bags of the same volume and strength, so replacing plastic bags with incompressible paper bags mean you’ll need 7-8 as much space to store and transport them (think about max truck weights).

    The government did it once by banning incandescent light bulbs, which is made of 100% recyclable materials and produces the best type of light and is not damaging to eye health, with the damned mercury “energy saving” ones that are not recyclable and bad for eye health.

  2722. The Gosford Central Coast region has exploded with population since the pandemic along with other local regions Australia wide. Weekenders have now become full house dwellings.In my view it has jumped ahead by at least 5 years. No one has recognised this and we are loosing the battle. Eg our roads are busy all day not just peak times. Our development DA are being delayed by bureaucracy eg Terrigal Drive & Duffy Rd development not being recommended by the Newcastle development agency (get rid of it)
    So David it was good to read your article thanks – Murray ILES

  2723. This is what happens when inexperienced swimmers can’t read rips in the beach water. Also, inexperienced swimmers should only swim where there are lifesavers. I feel terribly sorry for their loved ones and family.

  2724. very good to have awareness skills about people surfing in the water and especially for children.

  2725. very good to have awareness skills re water safety.

  2726. good to have water safety skills.

  2727. Paul Douglas | December 31, 2023 at 1:45 pm |

    John Rowland must not have kids who think this event is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the new year in a family atmosphere. Thank you Central Coast Council

  2728. Allen Higginbottom | December 31, 2023 at 6:27 pm |

    well done Nathan with your writing endeavours, wishing you all the best. Can’t wait to check out your next success!

  2729. Five years in a row. Clearly there’s an anti-customer service culture systemic from top to bottom and from the bottom to the top. It must be quite embarrassing having to admit you work for Central Coast Council. Does anyone at or near the top echelons care…doesn’t appear so.

  2730. Carole Hopton | December 31, 2023 at 10:20 pm |

    well said couldn’t agree more with what you have said about the Minns government. Doing things for the western suburbs, where all the votes are for them.

  2731. Athena Smith | January 1, 2024 at 9:37 am |

    fantastic! will it be recorded so we can see it if we cannot attend ?

  2732. Great community service thank you.Couldn’t make it yesterday,but would appreciate receiving the information pamphlet to educate my family&myself.Happy safe New Year.

  2733. Toddy Sanger | January 1, 2024 at 11:02 am |

    Should be a big fin added at the end of where the dye runs

  2734. Michael McVicker | January 1, 2024 at 11:33 am |

    good win for singo investment

  2735. Tony Holdgate | January 1, 2024 at 12:20 pm |

    I’m surprised anyone bothers complaining still as they never respond or do anything. it’s no surprise they top the list. lost zillions, do nothing don’t provide any service and some of the highest rates in NSW. useless.

  2736. Unfortunately the rip demo wasn’t as good as the one in the picture. A blob of dye was put into the rip and just kind of meandered away from the beach. It didn’t show how a rip will pull water sideways across the beach, and then out the back.

  2737. Alan Whelan | January 1, 2024 at 1:04 pm |

    CCC is as xxxx as ever. They cannot be trusted. They are only out for themselves. When the so called new council is elected NOT ONE of the previous xxxx should be allowed to stand. And the new members should request the police look into every single x councillor.

  2738. What an absolute waste of time, 5 minutes of fireworks, Central Coast Council and Mariner’s you’re a joke! I will never waste my time again.

  2739. what a great development for the central coast

  2740. Carolyn Dunn | January 1, 2024 at 1:59 pm |

    My ancestor Patrick Humphries who was granted 100 acres in the area, had a small boat building concern nearby. He is recognised by Humphries Rosd and had built the church at Avoca from sandstone off his son in law Pickett’s land. He and his son buried in the churchyard.

  2741. Great post to read

    Thanks, Nathan

  2742. Darrell Evans | January 1, 2024 at 4:01 pm |

    Gaye, I agree the state of this road is appalling but I don’t think the current Labor Govt can solely be blamed. My wife and I travelled this road at least 4 years ago with many of the issues you raise already existing then. Even where passable the car was constantly shaken by the many ruts and potholes. We returned via Dural and Pennant Hills Rd and while not perfect the difference in road conditions was stark. I do not know why it has been neglected for so many years but I would certainly be both highly amused and deeply concerned with any reasons proffered.

  2743. Sandy Bitar | January 1, 2024 at 4:31 pm |

    I couldn’t agree more, with Mr Whelam. Return the elected councillors. what fool made this decision. No one was held responsible for the misappporprate funds. If this was a private company, they would be in Jail by now. Name & shame.

    • Why even have a NYE celebration at all? It is as if councel is only interested in making the most minuscule effort to “appear” to be giving back to the community that pays their rates. they started the fireworks early, and finished at 9:02, but the fireworks weren’t even supposed to start until 9:00. Then, they quickly told the food trucks to stop serving food, right after the fireworks. Anyone who was hoping for food/dessert after the fireworks display, was unable to do so. In fact, my family had been waiting in line several minutes, and then we were told they can’t serve us. Likely due to councel’s cheap and lazy method of event management. So disappointing. A wasted effort, fighting for parking and walking 15 minutes, just for that. What a joke.

  2744. Celia payne | January 1, 2024 at 7:23 pm |

    Good for the coast.
    Create jobs, Will smarten up East Gosford.Motel should be better than the Hen house that’s there now.Good on you Singo!

  2745. Tristan Totev | January 1, 2024 at 7:38 pm |

    Shame on Gosford city council for letting us all down with just 4 mins of pathetic fireworks, no toilets with a huge crowd the kids deserved better we all did this was a complete fail on all parties involved in organizing this event i think they should all be fired for this incompetence.

  2746. Pathetic on all parts involved in organising this even 4 mins of pathetic fireworks and no toilets waste of time for the children very dissapointed

  2747. I call THE CCC the most expensive garbage collection in Australia. It cost a fortune and the road in our stree has so many pot holes in it you can’t swerve to miss them any more.

  2748. The CCC is certainly an embarrassment to us all, who live, work, conduct business and play on the beautiful Central Coast. They are supposed to be representative of our community and in turn represent us in all things that they do. Clearly, they don’t feel this as part of their culture, rather they feel that they are there to represent themselves. I think the CCC still needs a big shake from the top down. Corruption still clearly dictates the allocation of funds and there still seems to be an old boys club lining up for tenders and pushing against any change. I think the state of the roads speaks for itself, and this is one area where road contractors are getting away with murder. When new pavements are laid, there are standards which are simply not being upheld, and procedures that are completely skipped, yet probably paid for.
    CCC, have so many problems, they can’t see their way through. We need a council of less warm and fuzzy nature and more of a, get it done, do it right and accountable management culture.

  2749. Denied my fence application but I look directly at 3 that were put up the same. Was advised the complaint is only about yours? I then said if I complain about those already built without an application what will happen he said ill pass them they’re already there, I complain to Ombudsman they did nothing? so if you want something illegal just build it and then they pass it apparently but if you apply then they knock you back. Could it be the arrogant G.F. who came round didn’t like me cause I was female and he wanted to be right. Good one G.F your a weakling with a little power karma is on the way for this Council.

  2750. so i uave heard, council don’t care, staff are leaving due to lack of pay and the toxic culture created by the lack of staff and overwhelming workloads as you are doing 3 other people’s jobs.

  2751. CCC is the worst council. Gosford and Wyong Council should never of join together. Wyong shire was in the black until this happened. We had decent roads and our rates were reasonable. It is not fair that it is the rate payer’s that have to eat the brunt of this expense. I feel the councilor who did this to us should be held accountable for this disaster.

  2752. Martin Twist | January 3, 2024 at 7:11 am |

    the level of neglect the council has provided for the central coast is soul crushing.

  2753. Disgusted Ratepayer | January 3, 2024 at 11:12 am |

    Imagine what interstate or overseas visitors think when they drive through the streets filled with pot holes, curb side rubbish, overgrown council strips, trees growing out of drains etc etc…Shame on you CCC.

  2754. I am a 77year old self funded retiree who lives alone in the Holgate Matcham area. I have done so for over 50 years and I have never seen such an massive increase in council rates. I have no town water or sewerage service, my property floods on a regular basis and it’s next to impossible to get home insurance. Is there any way to get my rates reduced to former levels?????

  2755. Great decision singo

  2756. Murray Iles | January 4, 2024 at 11:01 am |

    Just do it – great revamp with a modern motel which we need on the Central Coast. May I also comment on the Regional Planning Committee – give it the flick a waste of time third party interference.

  2757. MAC in Marine Area Command.

  2758. Wal Towells | January 6, 2024 at 9:14 am |

    petrol price guides cover the Gosford, Wyong and Woy Woy areas but NOT the northern end of the Central Coast, Lake Munmora, Charmhaven, Budgewoi and Toukley

    • Thank you Simon, we’ll get onto our programmers to help solve that. Thank you for the feedback.

  2759. Looks fantastic. It’s already a great pub but this will be next level and it will be so good to have some extra quality accommodation in the Gosford area.

  2760. Jet ski that are rented out should all be fitted with a unit called JetskiBuddy it is fitted to the JetSki and by satellite it controls the speed and the distance between jet skis if one comes to close it automatically shuts down the speed until the set distance is maintained again it also controls the time that the JetSki is hired for, these unit come from the USA and are available in Australia and NZ.

  2761. Ros Schmidt | January 8, 2024 at 4:07 pm |

    There are a lot of jet ski riders at Ettalong, who come in fast around swimmers down near the Box, where it was once extremely safe for small children. Not so now.
    The worst offenders,watch to see when waterways leave,especially after 3pm.
    It’s no good having these blitzes, it needs consistent monitoring.

    • I agree with you Ros. Small children and other swimmers don’t feel safe anymore with the increase of some rowdy jet ski riders. Ettalong is supposed to be a child friendly beach and whereas we’re all meant to share the goodies of the nature, you see “Might is right” in the absence of orderly checks and policing.

  2762. The best place for a seawall at Wamberal is NOT on the beach side, it’s between the beachfront homes and Ocean View Road. That way the sand dune can do it’s natural job and the wall can act as a back up if it is breached.

  2763. I think that Wamberal residents should be pleased that the council is interested in keeping residents safe. Shame on those who do not want a sea wall

  2764. David R Woods | January 8, 2024 at 8:36 pm |

    Forget transparency and open and honest information about any central coast environmental issues with this lot in charge of our ratepayer funds.We need an democratically elected Group of Councillors asap

  2765. thank you for this article..so what time is the rally..

    thank you
    community member

    • Why should these people that chose to live in the sand be entitled to any public funding at all?
      I don’t want my rates going towards these self entitled imbeciles that have built their monstrosities right on the beach
      They are all eyesores
      Obviously these people weren’t around years ago when most of them crumbled into the Pacific Ocean with the fish.
      Council should have made it all public land
      But who knows with Central Coast Council
      Look at their history lol

  2766. Gordon Spicer | January 8, 2024 at 10:28 pm |

    MATTHEW 7:26

    Why are fools so entitled?

  2767. Finn Coffill | January 9, 2024 at 6:36 am |

    Is the rally on 20th or 21st? The article mentions both.

  2768. There are other options besides a Seawall that will destroy the beach & cause end effects into both lagoons creating flooding to properties & infrastructure around the lagoons. A council under administration should not be doing this. Sunday 21/1 at 12 noon beach rally should be a huge community event.

  2769. I live at Forster Tuncurry and in the hiloliday periodcwe had up to 40 jet skiers around Wallis Lake, home to our dophins and babies at this time of year. Many instances of a few riding over dolphons and harrassing them. the hot line to complain has been used frequently. There ate only 5 water police between Sydney n Port Macquarie, not enough to be keeping us all safe with these hoons.

  2770. Dave Malcolm | January 9, 2024 at 1:36 pm |

    It’s a dame shame they don’t do it on buses, as a driver for about 35 years the behavior on our buses is a bloody disgrace drivers are being abused every day just for asking people to pay their fare, some of the young kids are just causing havoc and the poor drivers have no one to help them, the ticket inspectors are just hopeless, I could go on and on on this matter so what about doing something on the buses. Dave

  2771. This summer and most weekends down at Ettalong boat ramp area used to be an enjoyable place for families , the elderly, kids wanting to swim and dog owners.
    it is horrible down there now being over taken with massive groups of jet ski owners taking up the whole space.scared to swim as there’s so many jet skis.
    they are not abiding by water ways rules and the once peaceful surroundings are now filled with the noise of the jet skis horrible 😢

  2772. Small children and other swimmers don’t feel safe anymore with the increase of some rowdy jet ski riders. Ettalong Beach is supposed to be a child friendly beach and whereas we’re all meant to share the goodies of the nature, you see “Might is right” in the absence of orderly checks and policing.

  2773. Brian Donnelly | January 10, 2024 at 9:38 am |

    Reeks of Monty Python’s skit re The PFD and The JPF…build the wall.

  2774. Anthony O'Hara | January 10, 2024 at 2:00 pm |

    The owners of the Beach Front properties in Wamberal it appears have failed carry out a risk assessment when acquiring those properties due to coastal erosion. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor BUYER BEWARE principle
    The power of Mother Nature is a superior force to any Civil Engineering Design exposed to the ravages of any future East Coast Low
    There is no reason that rate payers should subsidise the DA application.
    Many Central Coast properties situated in heavily wooded areas are vulnerable to the threat of bushfire. Should the Council contribute to wooded areas, No!
    Therefor given that coastal erosion, and fire threat are equally a climate change risks, it is up to any parties settling in risk areas to Manage their risk.

  2775. I ride my ski down from Gosford and go out fishing. we’ve never had any issues or caused dramas. unfortunately yet another minority ruining for majority in your eyes.

  2776. Thanks for sharing your very happy Christmastime experience, Jan Heward

    Well done to those at 🎅 Adelene Independent Living Village for putting so much into the celebration, and good on all of you who enjoyed it

  2777. lColin Diplock | January 11, 2024 at 10:06 am |

    Advertise on TV. Buy a backpack tent for a homeless person then show him the way to a free camping ground within walking distance of all needed amenities.

  2778. Sam Mauceri | January 11, 2024 at 6:28 pm |

    Please can someone tell me if Warnevale town centre still getting built in the near future I move to Woongarrah 20 years ago and then I been told by the Wyong council about this town centre was getting build now it’s been 20 years and I still see nothing getting done with the amount of houses getting built in warnevale now there is nothing there with lake haven all ready to crowd we need more shops to accommodate the amount of people coming here

  2779. Terry Huckle | January 12, 2024 at 1:02 pm |

    Wonderful job being carried out by Mr Rik Hart. Currently NO party politics involved. I Hope the new Councillors remind themselves every week they are supposed to represent the RATEPAYERS not party politics.
    Well Done Rik Hart.

  2780. Peter holland | January 12, 2024 at 3:42 pm |

    the sooner we have an elected council the better it will be instead of a one man band, answers to who??

  2781. Rick Hart is raining in the excess of this terrible council why do we need expensive money wasting councillors to bring back the bad old days with real estate agents and people with their own agendas and conflicts of interest back again they all need to be double checked as they are not in it for the poor old ratepayers only themselves

  2782. Brian Dickinson | January 13, 2024 at 5:56 am |

    I repeat what I said when I first heard about the proposed Wamberal seawall…..”so council wants to take on nature?” If we work with nature, then we have a chance.

  2783. Richard Thorley | January 13, 2024 at 6:22 pm |

    Please, whoever reported this plus the added comments – maybe leave it alone – is it really a problem?
    “Add in numerous other caravans, unhitched, awnings out, washing hanging around and it looks disgusting”
    It does not affect your beach experience – maybe if you cannot park or it’s endemic but otherwise I hope council and you can give a little leniency and let people enjoy the coast.
    Local resident – let’s enjoy and others enjoy the coast

  2784. No wall on Wamberal beach ,CCC please stop spending rate payer $ on joint DA’s with beachfront home owners . A council under administration should not be making these decisions! Wait until there is a democratically elected council !Wamberal Beach rally Sunday 21/1 at noon .

  2785. yes
    I live in Coledale nsw
    Council has allocated half the beaches in Coledale to dog friendly beach
    The dog owners use all the beaches
    Even swimming their dogs in the public swimming pools
    Wollongong council does nothing other than signage to protect endangered and protected sooty oyster eaters.
    The dog rangers drive around in heavily signed van while illegal dumping rangers have unmarked car
    Showing they don’t want to do anything about damage dogs do to beaches
    The other issue we have in the local area is councill allowing illegal camping
    People camp where no toilets are
    again council puts up signage about no camping and fines for breaches but does nothing about it
    This statement is non vexatious as I have photos to show issues

  2786. The design of Emerson control on coal fired power stations has not changed much since day one. The scientific adaptation has never created the intellectual ability which is there but the willingness is not.

  2787. I agree entirely with Mike 10th Jan.

  2788. Andrew Mortimer | January 16, 2024 at 7:33 am |

    After a period of exorbinant financial miss management of funds which if I am correct has been exonerated and to be recouped by increasing rate payers annual accounts. What can Central Coast rate payers expect? At this stage many roads around the residential areas are still in need of repair. Increased service charges on waste and water bills keep climbing. while we wait for council elections to be conducted in the near future. What can we expect? and why shouldn’t the residents of the Central Coast be apprehensive regarding future plans of expansion of the Coast’s population if what’s already here is not being utilized in main areas that resemble a ghost town. The need to improve infrastructure which has little or no room to be exspanded is most likely a issue that needs to be made transparent. If this needs to be exampled just look at the progress of Mona Vale Road. Political promises made to ease population expansion left idle for years. Central Coast residents deserve transparent achievable outcomes.

  2789. If one person can run local council why do we need to employ more?

  2790. Yvonne Pearsall | January 17, 2024 at 6:32 am |

    Good on you, Kat!

  2791. DAVID BOARDMAN | January 17, 2024 at 8:29 am |

    The 200,000 staff were already at risk of customer abuse following this decision to not sell Australia Day items. We should be polite and kind to staff as it was not their doing.
    Celebrate Australia Day and be proud of our Country.

  2792. ALAN FLORES | January 17, 2024 at 3:45 pm |

    About time. I came to Gosford in 1998 to build the library but council rejected every proposal put forward at least i built Kincumber, Erina, Kariong and Woy Woy libraries. Not too sure if Gosford is now the place to build it since we now have a bigger council. Just hope there is lots of parking and a huge increase in the budget to run it.

  2793. Well said Mark, I very much agree with this article.
    Your proposal for a National Coastline Reserve is a forward-thinking approach that not only addresses the challenges of climate change but also emphasizes the importance of proactive, nature-based solutions. A National Coastline Reserve, as proposed by Mark Ellis, would protect coastal biodiversity, provide public access to beaches, and mitigate risks from erosion and sea-level rise. It offers a comprehensive and sustainable solution for communities facing climate-related challenges. I really hope this gains traction.

  2794. This is the most intelligent approach to climate change and environmental protection I have come across!! Well done Mark! Great initiative. You are clearly highly intelligent, I urge you to forge ahead and drive your solution. Be prepared for much push back. Our governments and systems are sometimes resistant to sensible solutions.

  2795. Such a coastal reserve is one logical conceptual solution. Such a buffer could be resumed or created by nourishment and stabilisation. In the long term nourishment is likely to be required to maintain it with sea level rise. It all comes down to funding. Australia needs inovative approaches plus adequate funding allocated to implement. Already places like Oceanside in California are moving from conventional approaches and looking outside the box with projects such as RE:BEACH

  2796. Vicki Prowse | January 19, 2024 at 2:46 pm |

    Central Coast Council is building a new library in Gosford – how wonderful – and costly. What’s wrong with the current Gosford library?? Oh by the way, due to the rain, all the potholes in my area (North Gosford) have opened again – deeper this time. Are there any council rates dollars left to fix them properly so I can get to the expensive new library without breaking an axle or a leg??

  2797. Yvonne Pearsall | January 20, 2024 at 6:51 am |

    Good luck, ladies! I’m on your side!

  2798. Tania Questel | January 20, 2024 at 8:56 am |

    We cannot allow any more destruction of natural habitat, especially to unfriendly developments where the entire fauna and flora are removed. However, we do need housing. We must stabilise our population growth because it is unsustainable, and we must instead go for high rise apartments which are surrounded by large areas of parkland and community space. Then we can also choose to leave new lands undeveloped. It is heartbreaking to see our precious natural heritage despoiled and sacred sites disrespected and lost.

  2799. bigger provenances than gadigal or worimi else Bahtabah, Dharuk or Deerubbin, due to deeper than State, national, world or cosmological values with significances weighted into. The greater “Sydney-side” landscapes’ custodianshipping is up for defined Divisions in this part of Wales, remaining, however 26JanDay in-Oz is only days Awaye~ the day has a date going back to 1788 in that year because why? Patten etal obo APA recognising in ’38 the sesqui-centennial coincidence, timed for 7hour Conference in 150year OldSydneyTown… THE dated EntryPoint for… Purpose/s “TBA”, but not yet Resolved ?!?

  2800. it should stay the way it is.

  2801. Adele Higgins | January 21, 2024 at 2:22 pm |

    We need, need two facility’s on the coast
    Both Erina and Charmhaven are easily accessible
    One large facility would impact. Severely on already stressed animals
    Wouldn’t it be easier to upgrade both Erina and Charmhaven

  2802. Melanie Smith | January 21, 2024 at 4:04 pm |

    Erina is conveniently located for residents of the the southern part of the Central Coast . We need a location that will encourage and help our community to do the best we can for our animals- many will not have the time or motivation to take lost animals or animals in need of care to Mardi. This willl negatively impact animal welfare. Central Coast cannot rely on rangers to fill this gap – they don’t work after hours ( when animals are often found and require the safety of night cages at the pound) and the rangers are already stretched. Further, for families looking to adopt – the drive to Mardi may discourage this. Please maintain a satellite pound on southern portion of central coast

  2803. Susan Lynch | January 21, 2024 at 5:07 pm |

    Darkinjung Country should definitely be put back in. This is the First Nation’s area we live in and we should be proud of that.

  2804. How about we scrap it altogether!

  2805. We are all Australians!
    Acknowledging just indigenous makes the rest of us really angry.Scrap it and concentrate on fixing our roads would be a start.

    • Speak for yourself! I’m proud our Council acknowledges those who looked after this land before we came along. If this makes you “really angry” you must have little else to worry about, good on you!

  2806. Leave as is and actually start practising what’s been said. Especially the care for place – leave Wamberal Beach as a beach – No Seawall.

  2807. “It’s one of the only areas on the Central Coast coastline that remains untouched by developers.”

    Rubbish. Most of the Coast remains undeveloped. We have natural bushland surrounding us.

  2808. It’s the least which should be done for the original owners of every square metre on the coast. That land wasn’t bought, it was stolen and they have never been compensated. What if someone did the same to your property — you’d be okay with that? The acknowledgement is pitiful but the very least we can do.

  2809. Vickii Brooker | January 22, 2024 at 2:08 pm |

    Fully agree. We are lucky that people are willing enough to look after lost dogs and take them to the nearby Pound.
    Mardi is quite a distance away, and plenty of these lost pets need our help.

  2810. Geoff Preece | January 22, 2024 at 3:19 pm |

    There are so many false claims in this article it is ridiculous.

  2811. ANNA KASTANESS | January 22, 2024 at 4:57 pm |

    I have donated many things to the Charmhaven pound and also taken strays there. I am an old age pensioner and now do not have a car. I have more things to donate as O have just euthanased my dog. Charmhaven is convenient. what is wrong with that pound?

  2812. Please keep Erina animal refuge open due to the enormous numbers of abandoned and abused animals these days. To give these animals best chance of rehoming it’s imperative Good Samaritans are not required to travel great distances to surrender the animal to the pound.

  2813. We need an animal facility for the Central Coast that’s right. You have to go to travel to if you find a stray dog or cat. Please don’t take away our animal shelter it’s needed and respected on the Central Coast.

  2814. animals have the right to get a chance , there should more like this so families can get there pets back safely.

  2815. Please save this wonderful safe haven for the lost and unwanted ,

  2816. Please keep both Erina and Charmhaven pound. We need to care and protect animals.

  2817. We need one at Erina some people can not make the long drive to the other side of the coast

  2818. All Animals deserve a second chance in a civilised society
    Please have compassion and mercy

  2819. Chris Bowden | January 23, 2024 at 7:54 am |

    please we need this facility to stay!
    The animals on the Central Coast are in enough trouble without removing yet another valuable resource!

  2820. Made no difference at Ettalong because there is no policing of your policies.

  2821. We need to have more facilities not less and this will add another 20 mins drive for myself alone should I need to go there. Please keep both the Erina one and upgrade it while also opening the new one which will give more animals a fighting chance of proper care and a new life

  2822. Jenny Sullivan | January 24, 2024 at 7:25 am |

    council, this is an insult to a hard working young person. WAKE UP TO THIS VERY BAD DECISION THAT HAS BEEN MADE. I will be supporting this young person, as much as I can.

  2823. Stephen Desmond | January 24, 2024 at 10:11 am |

    Typical CCC no use to anybody. The whole coast is a disgrace…

  2824. please leave things as they are, there is absolutely no need to make changes!
    so many animals will suffer if this goes ahead! Use common sense for a change, and leave well enough alone!

  2825. We need a new pound with modern facilities, so many people promote taking a lost dog to sash at Tuggerah yer Mardi is too far? Erina & Charmhaven pounds both need long overdue upgrades to their facilities and the peninsula needs a pound or at very least holding place for lost/abandoned dogs. .

  2826. Yvonne Pearsall | January 25, 2024 at 6:04 am |

    Hope everybody keeps their wits about them and have a great safe time! We’ll stay home and watch from there!

  2827. We need an Animal shelter here in Erina. Imagine the amount of strays/dumped pets if we didn’t?.Dont take away the pound.

  2828. Need both pounds should definitely upgrade Erina one wish we still had the one in Sommersby also!

  2829. Please don’t shut this important facility, we need more amenities, not less to house defenseless animals that are lost or waiting for a new home. Erina is an excellent central location.

  2830. Joanna McGrow | January 25, 2024 at 1:56 pm |

    Keeping this facility at Erina is important to the community.

  2831. Shantel Weeden | January 25, 2024 at 2:29 pm |

    The community needs the Erina animal care facility to operate to ensure that there is a safe place for any stray or surrendered pets, and we would easily run out of space within the facility if Erina and charmhaven are closed and only Mardi is left. We need Erina to stay open

  2832. This is not accurate nor a true representation of the thoughts and feelings of the Central Coast Aboriginal Community. The term guringai is a fabricated term by Warren Whitfield 20 odd years ago. It has no place in the Aboriginal community on the Central Coast. Shame on CCN for supporting propaganda from this cohort.

    • Thank you Chris for your perspective. CCN does not take sides, we report on the happenings in the community by local people. We leave it to the readers to make their own minds up.
      Our editorial guidlines can by found on our website.

  2833. it’s sad that a Statutory Authority will be named in Acknowledgement of Country, to Country, rather than Country itself. While these orgs function as interfaces to facilitae projects such as development (which is certainly a divisive issue) , they should not worm their way in as substitute for acknowledging Traditional Worldviews and Values of Inclusivity.Let’s face it, it looks like a fairly cynical grab for power so that people who havent wanted to become members of an org and a bureacracy, have their rights as members of the wider Aboriginal community dissipated. i really dont know of any Council who would be so rude as to acknowledge just one Aboriginal Organisation,and pretend th e y are Acknowledgibg coubtry.

  2834. The Central Coast needs housing, right? Why didn’t anyone ask the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land council (DLALC) about its position? Kind of seems like a bunch old ladies, who probably already have nice places to live, are behaving like classic NIMBYs.

  2835. Oh, I wondered why the maintenance had stopped on existing amenities around the coast, they’re building a new toilet at Long Jetty.
    The 6 month old toilet block at the Tourist Info is already a dilapidated mess.

  2836. Jan Deighton | January 26, 2024 at 3:32 pm |

    C’mon Central Coast Council, your residents have spoken loud and clear, we want our trees and green space valued by you. It’s as simple as that. Look after the trees we have and plant more trees along our residential streets. Central Coast Council must demand that DA’s retain green space and mature trees. Council must always demand and follow up that shade trees are planted and maintained.
    Council, please listen to your community.

  2837. Good job Alana this world needs more ppl like u in it xx save the old Erina pound .

  2838. If the doors are locked at sunrise and sunset, we miss providing amenities for the large number of visitors who go to the lake for sunrise, sunset, moonset and full moon. The buildings should be available at least two hours before sunrise, after sunset and moonset. I don’t understand why it isn’t just left open all the time. And, please do keep the historical information on the block at the Jetty!

  2839. Can anyone advise why the boardwalk is closed beside The Entrance Bridge? It has been fenced off for several months, with no maintenance work in progress nor any signage indicating the reason for its closure.

  2840. we’ll that’s true only because it’s farsical to suggest a boycott in the first place. if indeed a boycott was successful, then of course job losses would ensue.

  2841. Michael McVicker | January 28, 2024 at 8:18 am |

    well done to all of you

  2842. every month they bring in rent a loo for a thousands people who turn up for the market

  2843. Leonee Nowta | January 29, 2024 at 7:59 am |

    It’s disappointing when 1 of Australia,s Only living World History, Is being mutilated all around Australia to make way for what ? Mining,Developments ?? Or to wipe, 1 of the World oldest existence, out of nastiness! The Australian Government’s needs to be putting more funds,into our Local Aboriginal Lands Councils, for the very purpose of protection to these our Australian heritage historical sites! That should be gathered & registered,as such within archives! & also can be used as part of Australia & Local Tourist information, at the appropriate approval; of Local Elders & Local Aboriginal Lands Councils. Stop the Desacration of our 1st Nations & Australia’s Aboriginal Native History.

  2844. Edward Mieluk | January 29, 2024 at 9:01 am |

    Terrigal desperate for parking for seniors, medical centre attendees and disabled. The Council owned site was a carpark but sold to developers. As the incomplete site is now being sold, perhaps Council might reconsider buying the site for multi-storey carpark or at least to replace the parking Terrigal lost when Council sold the site.

  2845. Lynne Morrison | January 29, 2024 at 4:07 pm |

    High Rise units in Frederick St, Point Frederick applied and was approved for a certain number of levels and then reapplied to add another part level for Penthouse after they started. Developers think they can pull the wool over our eyes, they so often get away with it, plus take libities with neighbouring properties as it’s easier to say sorry than ask permission. I have alot of stories regarding just one Development.

  2846. Tony Holdgate | January 29, 2024 at 4:44 pm |

    our water mains breaks so often in Avoca beach it’s a joke. I’d give them 0/10 but I’d also give that to all of council’s “services”

  2847. Kelly Luckman | January 29, 2024 at 5:03 pm |

    I wrote a letter to https://www.nswlabor.org.au/liesl_tesch when I first moved to Umina Beach about the lack of trees in the area and never got a response! Yet it’s awning on her list of priorities??

  2848. Kelly Luckman | January 29, 2024 at 5:04 pm |


  2849. Since comming to the central coast more than 10 years ago i have not drunk the water here.Every year at least twice a year the water runs brown through the pipes.Disgusting to say the least so i purchase drinking water ever since.Not a happy customer and i do not trust the supply on the peninsular where we live.

  2850. Colin David Diplock | January 30, 2024 at 8:50 am |

    Dutton bought two

  2851. Renee Sales | January 30, 2024 at 3:13 pm |

    To the Editor,
    I am a Traditional Custodian bloodline of Central Coast.
    My father, grandfather plus multiple uncles were founding members of Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council.
    My grandfather Tommy Sales invented the name Darkin’j’ung with a J just for the land council name.

    Land councils are governed by the NSW legislative Assembly under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.
    The boundaries of a Land Council does not match Traditional tribal boundaries hence why a Land Council cannot be named after a tribe.

    The current Acknowledgement to Country is not in line with the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Studys (AIATSIS) map.

    Darkinoong is also spelt Darkinung and Darkinyung in the historic records.
    GuriNgai,which is also spelt Kuringai, is also in the history books as Broken Bay Tribe.

    Central Council Council is not honouring Bungaree who was substantial in Australian history mapping the Continent with Matthew Flinders and Central Coast Council looks as though it’s learnt nothing of Australian history that’s taught around the world.

    I will not support the name my grandfather created for a statutory body to be used to wipe the GuriNgai’s broken bay tribe out of history.

    Bungaree was not ‘Darkinjung’ & Central Coast Council Acknowledgement is contradicted by all history records that’s out there.

    Also, no other City Councils in NSW are paying acknowledgement to a land council like Central Coast Council is doing.

    In other Aboriginal nations across the state like Bundjalung or Kamilaroi Nations, City Councils acknowledge the custodians’ name, not the residing land council name, unlike Central Coast Council.

    It seems to be a growing problem though, within the Aboriginal Local Land Councils across Sydney and Central Coast to deny the surviving Traditional Custodian bloodlines’ existence, with Tharawal LALC also paying Acknowledgement to themselves and denying the existence of the South West Daruk/Darug/Dharug Nations peoples.

  2852. People want to be connected to sewer but the cost of doing so is so expensive. I’m a tenant and I’m responsible for this but neither I or the landlords are able to afford it
    May I suggest council apply to the government to subsidise this process and when the property is sold get what owing then
    Or a modest amount with council quartly rate notice
    This would only work with interest free arrangements
    We are like a third world country which is a shame!

  2853. Rik Hart oversees the Sale for Rates initiative so has no credibility

  2854. Kirsten Hawkes | February 1, 2024 at 12:43 pm |

    Where is Gertrude Avenue in Gosford?

  2855. transport officers/police transport command should be uo to date with opal reader outages to avoid these warning/fines to commuters. unfortunately they are not, with no training in common sense or empathy

  2856. Yvonne Pearsall | February 2, 2024 at 6:30 am |

    Absolutely fantastic! xxxx

  2857. black spot why no camera here frequently cars having to do right turns into lakeview against red light

  2858. Philip LeBoydre | February 3, 2024 at 5:36 pm |

    Good to see that after 40 years nothing has changed at Central Coast Council

  2859. Thank you !! Your words were perfect and you’ve done a great job researching exactly what our foundation is about.
    Congratulations on a fantastic job !

  2860. Love Norah Head | February 4, 2024 at 8:19 am |

    Glad to see an MP standing up strongly for those on the community who desperately need someone to stand up for them. We love your strong, loud voice Adam Crouch.

  2861. Glad to see an MP standing up strongly for those on the community who desperately need someone to stand up for them. We love your strong, loud voice Adam Crouch.

  2862. Is it in ratepayers best interests to have a McDonald’s at Noraville? Especially the ratepayers with children attending Toukley school? sMellin’ it all day while they are tying to concentrate, massive traffic increase and safety issue at the main intersection used by school kids, traffic congestion between here and the roundabout every school start and end time?

  2863. There has been a noticeable recent shift to using “Darkinjung Country”, but why? In 2019 our Council (using accepted scholars and research) clearly recognised the Guringai as the Traditional Custodians of the Coastal regions in their planning strategy (for example see CCC Gosford Heritage Interpretation Strategy 30 October 2019 p 13 currently available on the Council’s website). However more recent documents, including the Central Coast Regional Plan 2041 (published Oct 2022) do not include the Guringai (see page 4). In 2021 road signs popped up in strategic locations announcing “Darkinjung Country”. One can only come to the conclusion that it has much to do with current State and Local government planning strategy. History re-written in the blink of an eye. If our Local Land Council did not include the name Darkinjung, but instead was named after a place on the Central Coast as is the case with most land councils, would our local Traditional Custodians’ history have been altered?

  2864. Janette Hope | February 4, 2024 at 6:56 pm |

    I live only 11 blocks from Don Small Oval & can’t wait for the mobile tower to be installed!! Thank you!! Mobile phone reception here is SHOCKING!! When will it be installed??

  2865. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | February 5, 2024 at 8:29 am |

    A well deserved $4726 fine
    But only 6 months’ Suspension of his learner’s permit seems a bit light to me

  2866. Your articles on the Community Environment Network always read: “CEN said”, “CEN says”. Why doesn’t anyone from the organisation want to put their name to these comments? Rarely are other contributors given such anonymity.

  2867. 85 Ocean Parade The Entrance NSW Crown land and improving community amenity and access to an under utilised property on the Ocean front. There is constant plan discussions circulating from the Surf Club members about plans for this site. The immediate local community would benefit from this site being made more park like with improved beach access for all. It is currently maintained by a neighbour of the property.. it is not kept tidy or improved by the Surf Club who already have premises in the centre of the beach that could be better utilised. I would like to know how we the community will be involved in the future plans of this property. I am looking forward to knowing the future for this crown land.

  2868. Council support to include a cinema/ arts space at The Entrance. As the area is rapidly developing access to the cinema and shows is a priority for the community connections and well being.

    Please consider a way to save our cinema it is greatly missed by many.

  2869. Please provide verified business case for sand replenishing and confirming beach front owners will pay and on eve properties sold ongoing future owners will pay. Indexed with inflation etc

  2870. Jenni Bourchier | February 6, 2024 at 11:37 am |

    Please note that this article omits mention of Mr Eric Flood of Erina who received an OAM in this year’s Honours List.

    • Thank you Jenni, we will be writing a new article that includes a few Coasties who had their addresses in other places in the Awards information database incorrect.

  2871. It’s a concerning trend off the back of the smaller Castillo development which stalled last year. With all the construction activity in Gosford at the moment one hopes we’re not going to see more of these projects grind to a halt.

  2872. What a joke!

  2873. Steve Pearce | February 7, 2024 at 9:55 am |

    I ride frequently in the Ettalong area .Jet ski that is .I’ve been riding there for over 8 years in that time I’ve pulled out of the water 3 kyakers and 2 swimmers possibly at the minimum saving them from hypothermia. I see PLENTY of bad behaviour on small tinnies or bow riders and I will not ride any where near these guys as a lot of them are inexperienced or plain don’t know the rules..

  2874. ban the giant floating ocean wind turbines while you are at it.

  2875. Why would anyone think it was a good idea to build with them? they went into administration 10 years ago when they couldn’t pay anyone. history repeating itself and yet again the coast looses out

  2876. This has been a travesty offending the local residents, to circumnavigate active community input and rights, bypassing ability to have equal fair opportunity to participate in a very important decision.
    The local community and tourists visiting, will be impacted by huge multiple negative permanent change to our current , past & future communities.

    The issues betray more loss of natural
    Habitat, carbon sinks , loss of endangered protected species, destruction of the health of vital natural aquifers leading into Brisbane waterways. Detracting current Social amenity and further loss of cultural degradation of registered aboriginal sites , engravings, burial site.
    The impacts will be irreversible upon existing poor infrastructure, with the effect of 700 plus residents and multiple increase of congestion of cars on a notoriously dangerous road as a main artery to the railway for commuters, Woy Woy township and beyond, to access local amenities.
    The planning proposal does not enhance , benefit current need of low income housing.
    It destroys filtering sandstone ridges, established old established trees and ancient indigenous sites , only for the wealthy developers & investors seeking only to profit financially.
    This inappropriate unwarranted development will NOT contribute positively to the community, who chose to live here for the current existing qualities of natural environmental beauty and lifestyle.

  2877. I think this is terrific. I live on the Morisset peninsula and it’s only 35 mins to Wyong hospital compared to 45 mins to John Hunter Hospital.

  2878. I personally think it was a bad idea from the start when they kicked the kids out of their school for a site that no one wants developed. those towers will block the views for the whole of gosford.

  2879. “FINALLY” Someone else with a, Brain!
    Souless crap
    Not even music
    Not even real,
    My shopping is gaged upon this crap over the air ways.. I’m in and out
    Frustrated to the hilt
    Cant think with that kind controlling Souless crap
    BAN IT NOW!!!

  2880. pathetic it was a beautiful presented little shop tucked in the trees
    doesn’t surprise me in this area so backward

  2881. All I can envisage is traffic now banking up and blocking the other roundabout causing new traffic snarls.

  2882. I agree with you Kay, Low piped instrumental music should be the ONLY music that we hear. If people want to hear LOUD music, go to a pub or concert & leave the rest of us to enjoy shopping in comfort. This is on mangement to do the courteous thing.

  2883. well done silly girl…

  2884. a long awaited Chanel. I and my friend swam across in about 1955, at ages 9 & 7. very wide and tremendous pull out. never went across again.

  2885. a child has been killed at that school crossing. it’s absurd to introduce a mcdonald’s on that corner. it’s a safety traffic issue as well as a moral issue.

  2886. William Farrugia | February 14, 2024 at 12:25 pm |

    Hi. When will Central Coast Council listen to their Constituents and take the Entrance Channel opening seriously.
    I am sure The Little Terns will nest and breed anywhere on the Northern end of the Channel.
    Make The Ocean more accessible to boat owners by opening The Channel with a permanent opening at the same time making the Lakes healthier and cleaner by allowing a good flow of Ocean in and out of the Lakes. The present Philosophy regarding the Natural movement of Sand and Tides in and around the Channel opening is flawed.
    If the present Philosophy is to let Nature take its Course . Why was the Groyne built to save The Entrance Beach . Why not let Nature take its course and wash The Entrance Beach into The Channel. Why did we interfere?
    Pull your collective heads out of the sand and build a permanent opening at the mouth of the channel. Make it wide deep enough for Local Boaters and Tourist Boaters to access the Ocean. This would boost Tourism. It would ease Flooding and keep The Lakes healthy.

  2887. William parker | February 14, 2024 at 12:30 pm |

    if you go back to 1940s and fifty
    the old fisher men told concil that if they build the wall along the south side of the entrance the lake will sand up and it sure has .the lake is noting like it was in the 1950s was much better then.

  2888. Have sewage management approval to operate on-site management system which is checked and have no problems with smell or ground water runoff. Logistically impossible to connect to sewer and financial impossible.

  2889. Terry Matthews | February 14, 2024 at 6:10 pm |

    I have attempted to make a submission 5 times. Three of which went through the portal but there was apparently a glitch in the system. Two attempts were made via email but neither of those have been acknowledged as received. I have also sent two emails asking if any of the 5 attempts were successful. No response.
    Not good enough. Makes you wonder if something corrupt is happening with regards to this development? It shouldn’t be this difficult, surely.

  2890. Remember the ad jingle for Sara Lee? “Everybody doesn’t like something but noboody doesn’t like Sara Lee”. I just love that jingle & I love Sara Lee!

  2891. Wamberal beach user | February 15, 2024 at 10:35 am |

    Council statement that the beach is Crown land and is not affected by the Proposed Seawall DA is another half truth being put out there by our unelected council under administrator Rik Hart. The wall will be 1.3 KLM long passing by several lots of public owned land that we the ratepayers will pay to be walled at an unknown cost. The Seawall is on private land but will use the beach for access and will turn the beach into a construction zone for several years. And when the vertical Seawall is built it will destroy the beach by scouring the sand from in front of it. The sand will have to replaced! Who will pay for that? The ratepayers again. How much will this environmental vandalism cost the ratepayers. Try and get a straight answer out of the council. Council is not telling the community the full story,

  2892. Trials are to enable coaches and selectors the opportunity to watch any proposed positional changes, promotions etc prior to the official start of the season.
    Souths gained very little from that game.

  2893. Thanks Geoff.
    what a great article. I wholeheartedly agree. I hope we have candidates that are suitably qualified and not just political lackies who only vote along party lines.

  2894. maybe the council would like to pay the insurance claims & expenses they have duty of care that might be heard via a class action against a case of negligence

  2895. Sally Linnen | February 15, 2024 at 4:50 pm |

    How wonderful to see couples still together in aged care homes

  2896. so there going to close a business to put in another McDonald’s, no thanks.

  2897. the best road on the coast needs upgrading is this a joke

  2898. At 81 years of age I have watched the Entrance being stuffed up by people manipulating the flow for the purpose of making money. It was once a fast flowing and very wide opening. The problem is man made.

  2899. Janine Gibbs, Chairman, Elderslee Foundation (Red Tree Theatre - Tuggerah) | February 16, 2024 at 7:09 am |

    We acknowledge the sad loss of your wife and life partner. Adam take this time knowing everyone is supporting you during this most difficult time f your personal life.

  2900. Wambie beach lover | February 16, 2024 at 7:09 am |

    All the times I walked past those beachfront properties thinking, surely they have a moral obligation to clean up their mess. When they actually had a legal obligation !
    The WPA states a Legal DA application ! It won’t be legal unless all the beachfront land owners have signed on to the Seawall DA. Apparently some owners don’t want the Seawall. The Seawall must be continuous to be legal !
    Ratepayers will be paying for a Seawall the community doesn’t want on land that doesn’t need a Seawall.

  2901. That top photo isn’t taken in Terrigal. Looks like Sydney!!

  2902. Will exercise equipment using your weight be installed for good health?

  2903. Margaret Croft | February 17, 2024 at 7:36 am |

    Why is a sea wall on Rik Harts agenda when he was put in as administrator to get the council out of debt.

  2904. Chris Abrahams | February 17, 2024 at 9:55 am |

    I was talking to a real estate agent who told me he built a block of units on the beach some years ago and he had to sign up to being responsible for damage caused by ECLs and said a revetment wall was what was mentioned for the future.

  2905. why cant people post intelligent and informative posts without politicising everything?

  2906. Joanne McSherry | February 18, 2024 at 9:48 am |

    I am truly sorry for your loss.
    I went to Uni with Jill and she was an inspiration to us all.
    I too have been diagnosed with Breast cancer in 2020. I am currently in remission but it is always at the back of my mind whether it will rear it’s ugly head again.
    My thoughts and prayers are with yo

  2907. Build a break wall like other coastal locations. Boats and marine creatures would frequent the waterway. Another option would be to close the Booker Bay channel. There’s really no difference.

  2908. It sounds good for the elderly. Very easy to feel isolated. Not much on the Central coast if you don’t have a car in old age.

  2909. There is also the issue of E-bikes and elderly people. I have noticed lately a lot of elderly people riding them on the bike path. A lot look in control but there are others that can barely handle the speed. Which to the eye, looks about 50 km at least, and bear in mind they are not pedaling, it’s all the motor. They definitely don’t look prepared to make emergency maneuvers to avoid a kid or a dog. Because, it is other people that are having to get out of their way as many elderly E-bikers don’t even have the ability to veer off the path for a second to go around people or congested spots. They do not seem to have the ability to slow down either and if they have a crash it could have serious health implications for them. E-bikes have become very powerful, not just assisting pedaling like they were 15 years ago.

    There needs to be more E-vehicle regulation brought in across the board.

    Eric , The Entrance.

  2910. William Tweedie | February 18, 2024 at 4:56 pm |

    I really hope this helps and works 💪 and not be swamped with very minor issue’s I’m sure it will be well triaged.

  2911. Beautiful. Thanks so much for rendering what I said so articulately. Very much appreciated, Karen

  2912. Andrea Garland | February 19, 2024 at 11:49 pm |

    Happy Days for everyone ❤️

  2913. So your ideas about suitably qualified are people from the real estate development industry haven’t they already destroyed the CC enough, didn’t their cryptic activities lead to the dissolution of a democratically elected council. And in the absence of any representation haven’t they gotten to enough of a free hand laisser faire environment to destroy what we used to have.

  2914. Fine for those who don’t have to put up with all the noise and other pollution. As well as an increase in the number of joy riding fools in ultralights buzzing dare I say: Avoca Beach. Really quite annoying how this makes any sense given how destructive airports are to local communities and the environment. All for the benefit of a very small minority. The only consideration should be to facilitate the emergency workers, particularly those that are going to be needed to put out the fires that are coming.

  2915. These lights help during peak hour but CAUSES congestion during the rest of the day. It forces both roundabouts to stop flowing to let one car through who could have found their gap. I can understand the lights being useful during morning/evening rush hour, but they should be off for the rest of the day.

  2916. It’s not the first time it’s happened it happened in July last year as well

  2917. this is a very sad incident,this person could have been a homeless person who might have been looking for a place to get out off the rain n got stuck in the bin,I would like to know what the government is doing to help the homeless on the central coast as for I have seen around 6 empty houses just in Wyong it’s self n why isn’t theses houses being fixed n the homeless people been able to get theses empty houses.

  2918. Accountability is absolutely essential in a so called democratic society. When we are fobbed off and ignored, we will try even harder. Who is hiding behind their protected closed doors? Time to speak TRUTH. It’s not too hard! Or is it?? TRUTH TIME!

  2919. Congratulations Sarah, and all the graduates of The Skill Engineer Ltd.’s Girls of Steel program. What a fantastic initiative, tackling the under-representation of women in engineering and STEM fields, and enhancing employment and training opportunities for Central Coast women.

  2920. no one likes Central Coast council all together I have been on the Central Coast for 35 years now and they are pathetic people they cost me over $1400 hundred dollars all because a person by the name of Shane on the water service couldn’t be bothered to write you have a leak to the right of your your meter and that person is getting paid a wage to not do his job simple Central Coast council is pathetic and they put everyone’s rates up because of their mistakes before hand

  2921. Cynthia Burgess | February 22, 2024 at 8:46 pm |

    The Darkinjung land council should be ashamed of themselves. It’s obvious they can’t be trusted to take care of culture or the bio diversity of the hanging swamp at Kariong. Large corporations and State governments are supporting land councils to wreck havoc in the name of profit. Who is getting the benefit of it? Where is the money from the Magenta Shores sale? It would be comical if it wasn’t causing so much disunity in our community.

  2922. Yvonne Pearsall | February 23, 2024 at 6:32 am |

    Happy birthday!! Stay well!xxx

  2923. Hi Trish, It’s Rhonda I went to one of your first activities lawn bowls at Ourimbah back around
    August 2022. I then spoke to you early 2023 as I hoped to go to one of the Gosford water cruises & Meet you at a flower power Ourimbah meet & greet activity but because my 43 year old autistic daughter Katie moved to Thornton with PegasusCare supported accommodation around that time I was unable to go. I was thinking I would like to start up a spectrum group in the Thornton area as she is very lonely up there in her new house & desperate to make a friend. She has been sick but now she is well again & wants social interaction. We have had no success with day programs as she is too high functioning for that. Could you please ring me about this as hopefully you still have my phone number but I have lost yours. Hope you are well. Rhonda

  2924. I will be telling anyone else not to use brand real estate
    The c.c. council is in broke not through rate late payment but mismanagement
    the people of the Central coast are in stress now hang this over there head shaim

  2925. Fantastic our state govt doing the job for the insurance companies so they can ram it up a bit further without justification Personally I have found where I live on the CC I have dodged a lot of weather bullets Floods Bushfires and storms

  2926. Wendy Hawryluk | February 25, 2024 at 2:53 pm |

    The oath fell out of favour some time ago. If you google it you’ll find none of the 12 medical institutions in Australia and NZ administer it. instead they use a watered down version from Geneva. ‘Do no harm’ is now a relatve term.

  2927. TERRENCE BATEY | February 25, 2024 at 7:15 pm |

    This so Concerning and very True C C Council have caused so much Heartbreak what next for us.

  2928. Leanne Diggle | February 26, 2024 at 8:59 am |

    The reason parents are unable to access childcare for their children is because the government fails to see the value in early child educators. We are losing educators everyday because we still being paid minimum wage. Therefore educators are leaving the industry.
    It is so idiotic that the government still do not understand this. You can keep providing childcare centres and preschools for parents but you will not be able to staff them.

  2929. Anita C. Gosford. | February 27, 2024 at 7:36 am |

    Totally agree Play Areas with no shade trees or Shade Covers shows no insight into providing safe shaded areas for our Children and their Families in our Climate.

  2930. Stephen Cragg | February 27, 2024 at 7:49 am |

    Please please please ban these annoying jet skis, noise pollution, parking problems, dangerous, litter left everywhere.

    • UN yes A Ban until the authorities (water police and Maritime services) get there act together. What above the 20kl/ hour chanel restriction OR BETTER STILL the no wash restrictions OR the speed restrictions near beaches/wharfs/
      OR SMALL BOATS (see wash ) .Often these small boats have families on board fishing (Man overboard???).Finally your right the noise is unaceptable, if it was a vehicle or motor bike the owner would be fined(hopefully) and the vehicle Defected (maybe???!!!!).

  2931. Christopher fox | February 27, 2024 at 9:16 am |

    I totally agree the jet skiers have taken over ettalong beach on weekends and not the peaceful place it used to be.

  2932. as a jet skiers I typically use the food and drink outlets at Etalong and Umina .It’s almost impossible to bring even a sandwich on a jet ski and expect it to be edible after a quick ride.Same goes for a can of any fizzy drink .So as to your comments about jet skiers leaving rubbish?. You also state pollution all new jet skis are four stroke and many are fitted with exhaust catalysts. So just as clean as your car.I have personally saved one young boy from potentially drowning at Umina as he was swept into a rip .I heard also some skiers also rushed to help a swimmer who unfortunately died. Maybe we it’s time not to bash people you don’t understand but talk to them .

  2933. I agree. it’s a disgrace for peoples property to be sold for unpaid rates.they simply don’t have the money.

  2934. I wonder if one of these petition signatories would refuse the help of a PWC if they got into difficulties The surf rescue use these to conduct rescues.As far as being a danger to swimmers I think there is a 500 meter distance ban.Once again narrow minded one eyed selfish people will ruin a great leisure activity.PS I dont own a jetski

  2935. Darrell Evans | February 27, 2024 at 12:18 pm |

    I could be playing devil’s advocate here but I can see ONE reason Council may not want to plant trees. Larger trees, depending on the species may drop significant branches at certain times. Simple suggestion. Build a structure that provides shade and seating for use of both parents of children using the play areas as well as other residents who may wish to get some fresh air. Then plant smaller bushy shrubs, say to 3 to 5 metres, which would improve aesthetics as well as proving habitat for birds and other animals increasing the appeal of these facilities.

  2936. My wife and I love our jet ski and we live in Umina.
    Don’t ban jet skis on the peninsula. Make the authorities police hoons.
    It’s not fair to have a blanket ban.
    By the way, we are 64 and 69 years old.

  2937. Kieran O'Neill | February 27, 2024 at 2:40 pm |

    I wonder how many people who signed the petition were actually using the beach ? I don’t have a jetski and yes there are bad eggs out there riding jetski’s but calling for an outright ban is ridiculous we don’t call for an outright ban on cars and we witness bad eggs everyday on the roads for the costs of a jetski,trailer + jetski licence safety gear easy cost of $20,000 plus depending on which jetski you buy.
    maybe the answer is to have more than the 2 employee’s that patrol the Hawksberry River upto the entrance yes only 2 people for that whole area i mean really how dare people buy a jetski and have fun they well and truly pay for it but who cares ban everything do we throw the whole egg carton out when there’s a couple of broken one’s ?

  2938. jet skis do contribute quite a lot to the economy. 1. Fuel. 2. All safely equipment that must be purchased. 3. Boat courses, Recreational Marine Drivers licence plus, separate licence for Jetski. Two Training courses. etc

  2939. Yes ban the skies, they r spoiling noises etc . Supposed to be families beach safe environment. Sometimes can smell the fumes , not gd for dolphins etc ,can’t really relax when u watch the sea because jet skies r everywhere, soooooo annoying

  2940. Yes they have no respect there will be death’s there 100%wayne beaupeurt

  2941. Michael McVicker | February 27, 2024 at 3:44 pm |

    where do I sign

  2942. Scott Clement | February 27, 2024 at 3:52 pm |

    Try fishing at rip bridge now on the weekend without getting buzzed by a jet ski blaring hip hop or dance music, Ettalong is a joke on the weekends.. the ocean is for everyone to enjoy not just a select few idiots.

  2943. there is thorough and visible presence from waterways authority and to blanket ban an activity enjoyed by thousands of people for the acts of a few is unfair and illogical. What next, ban motor vehicle use because people regularly have accidents…..

  2944. The channel is a main route for all of Brisbane Water traffic, so a ski might be passing through. You cannot close a channel to craft, nor should you be swimming in a channel.
    Beach use should be patrolled by Central Coast Council for littering or miss use.

  2945. With the move to ban jet skies from the peninsula I would like to see a move to ban them from Terrigal haven also.
    Terrigal haven is a lot smaller and creates over crowding on the beach area, boat ramp and picnic area. The visitors have no regard for safety or cleanliness of the area and just leave it in a mess after they have created havoc all daylong.

  2946. Wow Wanting to Jetskis on the Peninsula maybe read up who was first to rush out and try and save the guy that drowned in January, a lot of the owner s spend money in the local economy , fuel, hotels and Caravan Parks and then food at local shops and restaurants why not just ban boating in General ? That’s right it’s because that’s why people go there !

  2947. Jet Skis are all four stroke so whatever you are smelling isn’t coming from a Jet Ski.
    Also… dolphins love playing in the bow wave of Jet Skis so perhaps your criticism stems from ignorance.

  2948. ettalong Beach is a peaceful place great to enjoy swimming and feel safe nd enjoy nature.jet skis have taken over. it’s a horrible place to even try and go for a swim now, especially on the weekends.
    last week my dog was nearly taken out by one of them.
    if not a total ban.make ettslong a swimming only beach.NO JET SKIS

  2949. Ettalong is over populated and already a rancid heatsink thanks to developments such as this. The townhouse cancerous growth needs to be reversed. There needs to be progress towards less resource hungry dwellings with more trees and foliage in the gardens.

  2950. local residents, where is the petition, I would like to see them banned from Ettalong and Umina Beaches too. Where is the petition?

  2951. imagine if the jetski weren’t there the young boy who’s dad drowned at ettalong not so long ago would of died too. I know there should be limits and safety Like a designated area they can jetski and not where Swimmers are . but if they were there that day the child would of drowned too.

  2952. Neville lake | February 28, 2024 at 7:24 am |

    It’s mainly all the westies that come up here and ruin the central coast.They come to Terrigal and hoon around and take over.They come to Ettalong Beach and take over the foreshore with their beach tents and leave all their rubbish behind,they leave all their jetskis parked on the beach foreshore making it very hard to walk on the beach.some groups of people make it very hard for those who try and do the right thing and ruin it for all.

  2953. In response to some comments as a local:
    – locals have stopped going to Ettalong and North Umina beach because of the jet skis.
    – of course the jet skis used by life savers are not included in this petition or in any ones thoughts when complaining about jetskis
    – the noise from the key skis carries well beck from the beach annoyingly audible one street back.
    – the day someone drowned there were many jet skiers out there why didn’t someone notice them drowning. Don’t start calling yourselves heroes because in two incidents you helped someone which is simply the humane thing to do.
    – huge families of jet skiers come up from Sydney with BBQs, sound systems, marquis and set up a mini city near the beach access area. Locals don’t go there. Can’t go there.
    – I walk the beach after they are gone, the bins are overflowing there is rubbish all around the bins, there is rubbish on the sand and in the water. Don’t pretend there isn’t.
    – there simply isn’t enough on street or off-street parking to cope with the number of large 4Wd vehicles and trailers that turn up during the summer and holiday weekends. There should be a fee for launching each jetski excluding locals who pay the fees to maintain streets and beaches.
    – I saw a jetski come I. to land at Ettalong Beach outside the Box right next to very young babies playing in the shallows which caused the babies to cry and be alarmed. Jetskiers should be totally banned from landing anywhere in the sand from the wharf south to water outflow.
    – a jetski supporter called the locals complaint selfish it is the jetskiers who are selfish intent on having a noisy messy good time party in someone else’s backyard.
    – the sheer number of jet skiwrs means that locals are not able to enjoy the facilities that pay to keep maintained because of them.

    This must be controlled. Ban landing on popular swimming areas, charge for launching and trailer parking, set a limit on number of jetskis/launching allowed per day, control time of opening and closing of launch areas. So much can and must be done!

  2954. Is this report only for Central Coast
    do you also report news on local council in Penrith

    • We only cover news sourced from or about the Central Coast that has it’s own council and planning panel. It may be different plans and plannering guidelines in Penrith.

  2955. Minorities always spoil it for the majority.
    Reacess and update the appropriate control measures. Maybe get all the JetSki people together for some positive feed back?
    Like most offences in our country our laws are soft.
    Punish accordingly but not the people who do the right thing.

  2956. Banning Jetskis is not the solution.

    Australia has too many ridiculous totalitarian rules, which are becoming more apparent to the rest of the world. 

    Common sense is the solution. 

    Jet ski riders know the rules, as they need a Jetski license and pay ridiculous sums to be licensed.

    If jet ski riders break rules that are already very strict, then they know the consequences.

    Don’t think banning anything fun in which you don’t necessarily participate is  the answer. 

    Perhaps the solution is to open up more waterways for jetski use, so people don’t need to contend with the few options left!

  2957. Unfortunately, those on Jet Skis do not participate on our water ways which is safe or with any thought for anyone else. Their activities do not allow other boats, canoes, swimmers to use the waters safely. The noise is intolerable. The owners are arrogant, rude & aggressive. It is not a culture we want in our family oriented waterways

  2958. I was fishing in the ettalong channel a few weeks ago when several jet skis decided it was amusing to continuously circle my boat. It was noisy and they were threatening so of course I left. Why does anyone want to ruin anyone elses enjoyment of the area? Jet Skis should be banned. Anyone that is unable or unwilling to share the water ways is unwelcome.

  2959. lived at ettalong for many year and walk the point every morning enjoy the environment but since the jetski turned up 2 years ago the penguins that crossed from loin Island are no longer there ban jetski from this area

  2960. For people arguing that it’s the acts of just a few that ruin it. All jet skis are a noise nuisance. Why don’t you just go offshore? There’s plenty of room out there. You don’t need spectators.

  2961. Great result but I would like to know the total roads maintenance budget
    Before amalgamation Wyong shire spent 60 Million annually and Gosford spent
    3 million One would think the total roads budget should be north of 150 million
    The roads on the CC have never been so bad

  2962. They are amazingly noisy – you can hear them when walking in Bouddi NP on Bouddi Peninsular. They must be unbearable for houses along the Ettalong Umina waterfront. They are often ridden dangerously near swimmers. I’ve also seen them ridden out to sea to be used on the ocean side of Bouddi Peninsular – again offering noise pollution for those trying to enjoy the peace and quiet of Bouddi NP

    They servee no purpose except the vicarious pleasure of the riders. If they could have better silencing, and speed limiters, then they would be OK, but I bet no-one would bother using them!

  2963. Jet skis are generally quite. it’s those that modify the pipes that make them loud. I agree that should be outlawed. if the peer rules are followed the noise issue wouldn’t be an issue.

  2964. money make things go away

  2965. Peter Martin | February 29, 2024 at 5:58 am |

    When is Dogtrap rd Ourlmbah going to be upgraded from top to bottom , wider better gutters new white centre lines , corners cut off, speed limit reduced, tree clearing back from edge of rd.

  2966. it would be great if some of this money is spent on outer suburbs. instead of Gosford, Wyong etc.

  2967. lived there 60 year. in charmhaven dirt gutters no help from council.

  2968. I walk the Esplanade most days and have personally seen men (from large groups using jet skis) walk up into the bush next to the little car park and go to the toilet there instead of walking 5 minutes to the toilet block at The Box.
    I have also seen mangled marquees shoved in the bush near the road for the council to pick up.
    The cars and trailers are illegally parked on the grassy hill rather than finding a legal park a few minutes walk away.
    If anyone dares to approach them to have even a polite conversation they get angry, aggressive and defensive.
    They bring copious eskys, tables, chairs, marquees and food so I don’t believe they contribute to the local economy and they leave bags of rubbish behind next to overflowing bins and on the sand.
    Nothing about these noisy, rubbishy groups is ok.

  2969. The situation at Ettalong is appalling these day. The jet ski owners and riders appear to have total disregard for safety of beach goers (both walkers and swimmers) riding way to close to the foreshore, and to other water craft as well, dangerously cutting in front of them, zig zagging and doing donuts; OR the environment i.e. dune erosion, cleanliness of the area, noise and water pollution. The mess left behind (including ablutions in the adjacent car park bush area) is disgusting. Locals should not be left to clean up the mess at the end of the day. The corresponding illegal parking on the grassed areas, or on the beach itself, is unsafe and it is only matter of time before some is hurt or worse, while they try to dodge the traffic in an attempt to walk on the beach or cross the road. I am a water person and hold a boat licence, so I am just not whinging for the sake of it. Unfortunately those that attend this area display poor behaviour and something needs to be done to address these unsafe, dangerous and thoughtless actions.

  2970. that picture is not Kariong!

  2971. Leigh Craven | February 29, 2024 at 3:47 pm |

    The world’s best grandfather.

    So honoured to call him mine. He was so much more than this article shared… that’s how exceptional he is, was and will forever be. My hero. I’ll miss him everyday for the rest of my life. 💙 Vale Sergeant George Craven.

  2972. He was a great example to his kids grand kids & great grand kids I know a few of them & one in particular is heart broken 💔.. he’s missed every day. Anzac Day will not be the same. LEST WE FORGET .

  2973. rather live at ettalong

  2974. Rest in peace Digger. You and my Dad served together to make this wonderful Country of Australia free. Thank you. Lest we forget.

  2975. The NSW Government raised our Licence Fees and registration fees to the highest levels in Australia 🇦🇺 to pay for Maritime Services and Patrols to enforce the rules. Enforce the rules please, the people who come from Western Sydney have been hounded out of Sydney and now have inflicted their presence on the Central Coast . Please enforce the existing rules and laws which are already quite punitive, I am a PWC owner and a Volunteer Firefighter along with many of my colleagues who also own PWC . They are our escape from the heat and smoke when we get the chance. Please don’t cause us to suffer from these clowns from Sydney and their bad behaviour. Maritime must enforce the rules that already exist.

  2976. Kerry Fisher | March 1, 2024 at 9:14 am |

    I live in Woy Woy and as soon as I read about Ronin’s book,Waiting At Woy, I alerted my Library at hopefully we will all have a signed copy of his delightful tale.

  2977. Wow I didn’t know the Selling like that

  2978. when is a next auction and where do you advertise them

  2979. Michael Goodwin | March 1, 2024 at 11:50 am |

    No, action does not need to be taken on e-scooters.

    Action needs to be taken to give e-scooter riders a place to belong, because no matter what, everywhere they go someone complains. e-scooters, e-skateboards and e-bikes are a fantastic “last leg” commute tool, take them away and you hurt everyone that uses them in more sensible scenarios.

    “Oh but I dont have issue with those people” you might say, but guess what “taking action” results in a blanket rule that impacts everyone that uses one.

  2980. Speaking from experience after attending a recent council meeting , it was very evident that there is no democratic process in place with Rik Hart as Administrator; who is unilaterally making decisions that gravely affect current direction; decisions and our coasts future ; ecologically, culturally & socially along with inappropriate development on the central coast targeting areas of land protected as crown land or within protected land zoning areas.

  2981. Historically we have seen what happens when you have top heavy “management” which ended up with the Council becoming insolvent, the appointment of an Administrator, resulting in the selling off council assets. I completely disagree with Mr Slater’s call for 15 Councillors as it is a recipe for disaster, and it will guarantee the appointment of another Administrator down the track as the Council becomes paralysed again, as we have already seen. The majority of major public company corporations (Banks, Mining companies, and many others found on the ASX) work extremely efficiently with a board 7-9 Directors (Councillors) overseen by the Chairperson (Mayor) who has the casting vote if required to resolve a deadlock. This by no means diminishes the role of the CEO whose job is to run the Council and advise the board (Councillors) if they can/can’t implement their decisions. Further, any appointment of new Councillors in my view will need to have a professional/business background, have been educated on how to read and analyse Profit & Loss and Balance Sheets, have commercial commonsense and park their ideologies at the front door. If they don’t, we will just end having the rabble that caused the collapse of this Council previously. Vote YES to NINE Councillors and NO to Fifteen Councillors.

  2982. Hi how much is it to get in please

  2983. Sharyn O’Brien | March 3, 2024 at 6:29 pm |

    Do I qualify ? I have had 2 Brain Tumours and they’re hidden.

  2984. I call for them to be banned.

  2985. I call for them to be banned. They have no respect for the swimmers or our beaches.

  2986. Christina | March 4, 2024 at 7:51 pm |

    This is a good start. I hope there will be more work opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

  2987. I’m a local of Ettalong beach and am a local builder also. Myself and my wife own a jet ski each and this is what we do to fill in whatever leisure time we have left after both working long hours 6 days a week. Please don’t ban the jet skis. Enforce the law and get rid of the minority that are ruining it for everyone else. 25 years I’ve had my jet ski liicence and never had one ticket for breaking any rules.

  2988. please find in the link a infographic highlighting how out of alignment we will be with the top 10 largest LGAs

  2989. I love solar and batteries etc I have a small off grid system myself but what the travelling electrified bus load of renewable warriors wont tell you is the long payback time on this technology. My small 5kw hr battery and 1.6kw solar panel system will pay for itself in 10 years minimum .The system will need replacing by then.

  2990. Kerry binger | March 6, 2024 at 5:05 pm |

    Please advise when re opening as I have a pre purchased movie ticket to use

  2991. Salvatore Mauceri | March 6, 2024 at 6:07 pm |

    Please can someone tell me what happened with the warnevale town centre is still going a head getting build or it’s been forgotten

  2992. Constant noise from inane riding doing what? Jumping 10cm waves? You destroy the breeding grounds of Flathead as you don’t stick to the channel and go over the sandbars. You come into the beach area – last week – within 50m of the shore and swimmers. You are not wanted here, you have NO RESPECT for the area or the people who live here and you are dangerous. I don’t care what you buy in the area, to put it nicely – go back to Sydney.

  2993. Debra Gordon | March 7, 2024 at 10:54 am |

    I found this service useless.

  2994. It’d be great if Council consulted with those who pay rates before making submissions on “our” behalf.

    I’m sure there’s plenty of people against these proposal, but I for one, am all for it. I DO want Wyong, and Tuggerah included.

    Gosford already has plenty of growth (at least when the companies building the massive towers don’t collapse.) We need more growth up the northern end of the coast. So sick of seeing Gosford and the southern end benefit more and more since the old Wyong council effectively bailed them out during the amalgamation.

  2995. Elle Hauge-Cleyne | March 7, 2024 at 11:55 am |

    Absolutely amazing- I will add visiting Woy Woy to my bucket list 👏👏👏🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺

  2996. How ironic, Council through mismanagement goes broke and is put under administration. They then introduce a special levy on land rates way above the allowable maximum so the poor rate payers (That had nothing to do with the mismanagement) can bail them out. Some ratepayers can’t afford the additional rates (Especially during covid) so council sell their properties and take the money so they can misuse it and start the cycle all over again.

  2997. Sewage treatment plants sometimes smell like sewage. Who knew?

  2998. Fred Fredson | March 8, 2024 at 10:24 am |

    LOL. I think Barbara needs to the check the OLG Councillor Handbook, which also refers to Councillors as a Board.

  2999. Wilfred barret Drive a good option for drive way in and out

  3000. Michael McVicker | March 9, 2024 at 11:11 am |

    how do you cope with the overflow

  3001. Narelle richardson | March 9, 2024 at 3:02 pm |

    We do not have the infrastructure to have this amount of buildings put on the central coast.some of the ares still have no kerb and guttering or footpaths .it still has not fixed the areas which were damaged during the last storms..we have also got so many granny flats…in back lanes that also adds to the problems. Legal or not.

  3002. Antoinette | March 9, 2024 at 5:11 pm |

    Care must be taken to avoid the destruction of the natural environment and a pleasant place of comfort for the local inhabitants.

    We must plan ahead so that we do not simply create a dormitory suburb in Gosford that resembles all the faults that Sydney has of traffic congestion,parking, access to transport,overcrowding,hot CBD in summer and freezing in winter due to concrete and glass in our over heated streets and blocking of sunshine on wet and windy days due to climate extremes. Do not let the selfish greed of developers destroy our beauty and life style. People are leaving Sydney to avoid just that.

  3003. it’s just like the government with gambling there not really concerned much 2% warning you on gambling and 98%on advertising do it, don’t worry they might put a sticker warning the danger of melanoma

  3004. OR, shade cloth could be used to shade the play equipment. During Australian summers, the play equipment gets VERY hot rgardless of what time of the day you go. Telling families ( who happen to be rate payers) to not use the play grounds during the hottest part of the day is ridiculous. People know to be sun smart so having shade cloth over the play areas is a no brainer. Next thing you know, council will be telling people not to go outside at all during the hottest times of our Australian summer, that happens to be most of the day.

  3005. Eraring is at Lake Macquarie & Bayswater is in the Upper Hunter not the central coast. But I do agree with you. I live across the lake from Eraring power station so I’d hate a nuclear plant near me. Where does Mr Dutton live? lets put a nuclear plant next to him.

  3006. Phil Craig | March 9, 2024 at 11:27 pm |

    28 story developments are a joke and way out of place for gosford.

  3007. Phil Craig | March 9, 2024 at 11:34 pm |

    why ask residents to comment when developments have already been. it is insulting.

  3008. Good luck trying to drive anywhere with 60 thousand new residents in Gosford 🚗 A train to Sydney or an extra bus or two isn’t going to help much with thst sort of growth. Time to think outside the square ⬛️ 🤔

  3009. what do you expect from a labour gov, i voted labour till nifty nev abused his power never again

  3010. David Howells | March 10, 2024 at 4:31 pm |

    and where will the we 20,000 to 30,000 extra cars go?

  3011. Gordon Spicer | March 10, 2024 at 10:35 pm |

    So the reason for all the frenetic high rise building in Gosford is to satisfy the State’s Transport Oriented Development plan “TOD”. Is there ANY other reason to live in what I see as an old fossilized town? The sort you just want to pass through quickly.

  3012. A lot of NIMBYs in this comment section.

    Bring on the development. Can’t wait for a thriving Gosford. Much better than derelict sites and an empty main road which it currently is.

  3013. great work this will be very beneficial to to the senior’s of our community near & far my congratulations to all concerned.

  3014. many thanks to all concerned

  3015. Go for it kids! You can do anything!

  3016. Jo Saddles | March 11, 2024 at 7:08 pm |

    Even the State Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig says don’t believe anyone who says a councillor is like a board member: you’re there to represent your community, he says.

  3017. The infrastructure won’t cope with all the influx and this needs to be addressed.
    A LOT more trains, buses etc need to be added. The older shopping centres such as Gosford & Wyoming also need overhauling. The owners of these centres need to step up!
    Also more leniency & quicker approval systems should be put in place for simple residential developments such as renovations. There are a LOT of old daggy homes on the Coast, why not encourage people to modernise these, make them bigger if required and more liveable. The current processes put so many off.

  3018. The council is a disaster and completely incompetent, I’ve complained about the sewer and traffic management many times but get nothing but pass the buck replies.

  3019. Pamela N Porter-sault | March 12, 2024 at 8:33 am |

    Not good enough! What’s the hold up? This is a huge problem for us residents to have to endure this awful sewerage smell every day! We want action now for this health problem! We pay huge amount of rates etc what for we have no duty of care from the council . Action is needed now!

  3020. Pamela Townsend | March 12, 2024 at 10:19 am |

    that is good news…good on us!!!

  3021. I agree Australia should have developed nuclear long ago. Ideally Au should have processed yellow cake and rented out fuel rods and recovered the waste rods for internment here. As one of the most geo-stable continents on the planet burying nuclear waste here makes a lot of sense. ANSTO developed the Synroc ceramic which stabilises nuclear waste effectively way back in the 70’s. The plan would have meant that Au could have controlled the use of nuclear fuels for peaceful purposes only and in the process become a world leader (another lost opportunity burnt at the altar of never-process-anything just dig it up and ship it off in order to line the pockets of the few). Au could still implement the radioactive waste storage for the planet which could provide a world leading and very lucrative income for the country.
    Dutton’s ludicrous idea to implement nuclear power nowadays is profoundly foolish.
    Developing nuclear power is very expensive. How many times does this have to be said?
    The ROI on nuclear power given the cost of producing power with renewables is laughable.
    Development lead times and completion times would not be able to catch up with the termination of existing fossil fuel infrastructure and diverts resources to cleaner productive and storage technologies.
    Tooling up and developing the workforce for nuclear power development would require decades, but would provide a workforce for nuclear attack subs that we will never see.
    France’s nuclear industry is beginning to develop significant problems as the aging power stations are reaching the end of their lives and cracks in pipes have been detected that are extraordinarily expensive to fix and to decommission. But they do have some of the cheapest electric power around, however the French have been at this for a very long time and is a legacy of their colonial past which is beginning to fall apart with Russian/Chinese “disruption” in Africa.
    As PM. Albanese has noted: which existing infrastructure does Dutton suggest should be redeveloped into nuclear? Dutton’s deliberate failure to clearly articulate this means he is again playing political games again with an issue that is extremely serious. I can’t imagine folks in our Hunter would be terribly impressed with having a nuclear power plant in their backyard especially given the ridiculous and selfish opposition to wind power and power infrastructure which the opposition seems to be successfully weaponising.
    Dutton’s suggestion of small modular nuclear reactors doesn’t even exist anywhere outside of a laboratory or the military and again are eye wateringly expensive. Are we supposed to develop such tech with a non-existent workforce? Where are all these engineers going to come from? It would take at least 20 years to educate a viable workforce out of our existing universities, or do we try to solve that with visas too?
    Decarbonising our industry with renewable technology offers so many opportunities to become a real forward looking innovative world power providing green steel, aluminium feed-stocks for Europe alone would represent a massive boost to our economy while providing well paid interesting intelligent work for our growing population with the existing tertiary curriculum.
    Unlocking a hydrogen economy could provide so many benefits to the country that are incalculable. But there are fundamental physics problems with that route which could be overcome with some effort, effort that Australians a more than capable of achieving and would slow the brain drain from our shores.
    The simplistic argument that nuclear is a viable choice here is profoundly uninformed and Dutton will realise this if he manages to stick around for the next election.

  3022. Colin symes | March 12, 2024 at 5:38 pm |

    terribly sad to read of the demise of gosford bowling club as my mother Gwen symes was the secretary manager there for 20 years and has had a amazing history as the premier bowling club on the Central coast and nsw over many years regards Colin symes

  3023. Peter Thomsen | March 13, 2024 at 6:42 am |

    Leave the Bowling Club in it’s location. We do not need any more high raise buildings close to the water front.

  3024. Clive Anderson | March 13, 2024 at 7:40 am |

    Central Coast Council cannot see the concrete forest they are continuing to add to. They continue to waste rate payers money on non basic needs this then requires them to sell off public assets (such as Gosford Bowling club land) to recoup their mismanaged loses.
    It’s about time the state Government looked into splitting the two shires back to what they are and have duly elected representatives of the people not some political appointed person
    So much for keeping the area’s green to assist in looking after the environment

  3025. This is a great idea and I hope you welcome many people to your centre.

  3026. Ive noticed all the Archery boards are not on the field behind the Leagues club. Have you moved.

  3027. P. Meagher | March 13, 2024 at 8:57 am |

    After my comment re missing archery boards I found this wonderful story. Thank you Frank Farrugia. All the best at Peats Ridge.

  3028. Jon Bradshaw | March 13, 2024 at 10:15 am |

    Comparisons to building the pyramids are appropriate..lifts were promised two elections ago along with new trains and WiFi connection.

  3029. the gosford bowling club could be made into.recreational area skating and archery or other activities or a echo park area be lovely .enough money is wasted these days on high rise buildings that are unaffordable.been happening already gosford does not need them. r Egan pt clare

    • Archery. You mean darts. Are you even aware of the size of this piece of land.

    • Peter de Krey | March 14, 2024 at 4:26 pm |

      Or it can continue to provide a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of life. Once you play the game and understand its value for inclusiveness you would support its continuance.

  3030. Pamela N Porter-sault | March 13, 2024 at 12:17 pm |

    No good enough! What’s the hold up? This is a huge problem for us residents to have to endure this awful sewerage smell every day! We want action now for this health problem! We pay huge amount of rates etc what for we have no duty of care from the council . Action is needed now!

  3031. Gordon Spicer | March 13, 2024 at 4:07 pm |

    If Council feels the need to continue developing Gosford why not aquire the golf course, to make way for much needed residential housing suitable for FAMILIES.But the bowling club is an easier prey.

  3032. Central Coast Council has no idea what local people want, couldn’t organize a chook raffle,leave the Bowling Club to the Bowlers they deserve it and keep your hands off our open spaces we like them that’s why we live here and not Sydney,we don’t want a little Sydney on the Coast

  3033. Michael McVicker | March 13, 2024 at 5:51 pm |

    leave it alone

  3034. 6 months what a joke should start from 12 months suspension and a jail term if detected driving in that period of time.

  3035. You build it. They will come..eventually..hopefully

  3036. bike should be crushed and told to walk for next 3 years, what would happen if someone walked across the road, both would be killed, should have to do licence again from scratch, L plates 2 years, P plates 5 years

  3037. speeding wow such a bad bad crime, murderers and robbers need catching, get off the revenue train

  3038. let him off.
    he didn’t hurt anyone

  3039. 1st offence, why fine him?
    who is the victim of this “crime”?

  3040. I moved to the area 2 years ago when I think the work commenced. I haven’t seen any tangible change since. Why is progress so slow?

  3041. Michael Mihailovic | March 14, 2024 at 10:44 am |

    Councils are well known to be run by small minded bureaucrats looking after their mates not the electorate in general. An example where I live council approves a 4 storey block of units the builder puts up 6 storeys and gets away with it. The then mayor said it was an honest mistake like hell it was.

  3042. Christopher | March 14, 2024 at 11:10 am |

    Follow the money, someone on council will get a good payday if this land is sold to a developer, councils don’t go out of their way to rezone small land holdings especially if it’s a bowling club, someone is pushing this agenda for personal profit, it stinks of kickbacks and corruption

  3043. sick of politicians

  3044. Ngaire Childs | March 14, 2024 at 8:03 pm |

    When will this nonsense – of community land grabbing – from Council and Government STOP.

    Ie The land is zoned RE1 Public Recreation, acquired for a public purpose.!!!!!

  3045. Jason White | March 15, 2024 at 6:56 am |

    Bloody typical of an incompetent broke low level council. Take away from the people who helped, worked and created this amazing town. Sell it to foreign investors to build another monstrosity. The plans to ruin the waterfront end of the Stadium for the aim of becoming the next Surfers Paradise with Chinese money is absolutely shameful.

  3046. how much does the state government earn from non recycling of these containers? most families do not and pay a tax to buy a bottle of water and the waste gets recycled regardless. it’s a money spinner.

  3047. If there were actual bike paths where I live I would. There’s not even footpaths on some streets where I walk.

  3048. Michael Smith | March 15, 2024 at 10:40 am |

    Who is this mystery “Spokesperson”? How did they determine these works aren’t necessary? Are they a civil engineer? I doubt it, probably just another case of “I reckon…”.

    We live in a beautiful part of the world. I suggest this writer stops spending their days watching “Council… playing with their Tonka trucks and diggers” and goes out and enjoys themselves!

  3049. rita firman | March 15, 2024 at 2:36 pm |

    please no more high rise in Gosford

  3050. what a low blow if this what to expect.macquire s.t.wake up

  3051. well done great ideas

  3052. in Germany they have horizontal turbines in the Rhine River that ships pass over that generate Electricity so why not in our coastal rivers & habours the tide is certainly a energy to be harvested it is not rocket science

  3053. Overspending! Needed is traffic slowing outside houses 126-132 Swadling st. Major headache major problem. Bike danger. Kiddie danger.

  3054. If EDSACC sports grounds allowed access from the south (instead of one way traffic) students, croquet players, tennis players etc would not need to queue to access the car park from Yakalla Street to hitch would assist the flow of traffic in the morning peak hour.

  3055. Stop whinging, all these drama queens

  3056. Darrell Evans | March 17, 2024 at 8:54 am |

    Adam Crouche’s assertion that the 0.8% (1.6c on $2 a litre) is a factor in the pricing disparities that we see is a very poor effort to distract from the real issues.
    I regularly look at the Fuel Check website to find the best prices on Diesel. This is regularly at West Gosford. Prices can vary from as much as 40c a litre (in the last fortnight) to the mid 30’s and 26c (today). I travel to Western Sydney fairly regularly. Prices are fairly similar or slightly lower at the cheapest outlets but the difference in price is nowhere near the ridiculous figure of 40c.
    I welcome Gordon Reid’s effort to hold the fuel companies to account but will wait and see if this Government has any greater success against the power of these multinational companies.

  3057. howard siepen | March 17, 2024 at 4:16 pm |

    With an ageing population where can over 70’s play outdoors for 2.5 hours and then have a big chat? This activity keeps people living a quality life and a relatively low cost. The reclassification is being instigated by an unelected body. There is also concerns regarding the actual classification system as landuse zones in the previous two councils were not identical. Perhaps we should wait for an elected council Save Our Bowlo ( or we’ll sob)

  3058. The rate peg is designed to stop councils pillaging their constituents.
    Its designed to be a protection. We are not responsible for councils shortcomings.
    We are not stakeholders of the council we are consumers. Like all consumers we should not be financially responsible for the mistakes of others.
    I understand that there was a 3 year rate hike and like all good Australians we should do our bit to improve the situation. However, I cant believe an “independent” tribunal increased it to 10 years. This just proves its about as independent as the industrial relations commission.
    Which by the way also uses rate pegging at 2.5% per annum for wages. It appears they want it both ways.

    If I was on a Council CEO salary of half a million per annum I would probably not mind a 15% rate rise. Especially if I get 500k for the next 5 years. I think the current Prime Minister is more in touch with Australians than this lot and that’s saying something.

  3059. Ronald Baker | March 17, 2024 at 9:53 pm |

    a superb production. see it if you can. Not to be missed 😌.

  3060. After reading this totally anti inspirational post I think I will park my council service aspirations and let the NSW govt lackies do there thing. I know, put me back in the matrix they win

  3061. Margaret Croft | March 18, 2024 at 1:37 pm |

    Hi Merilyn do you have 15 hours a week as I think you would be a great candidate?

  3062. Rik Hart should be run out of Gosford as soon as possible.
    Since he has come to Gosford our council and water rates have gone through the roof and what do we get for having this over paid nightmare?

  3063. Shane Glanville | March 22, 2024 at 9:02 pm |

    Same thing happened to morisset golf club land was donated from the government

  3064. J. Gallard | March 22, 2024 at 9:03 pm |

    What a shocking plan to take away more outside enjoyment from the people. The plan seems to be take all open areas from local area and replace with tall buildings. Some people must be making a fortune from this and obviously have no empathy for the people who need these areas for enjoyment.

  3065. Antoinette | March 22, 2024 at 9:32 pm |

    Well said Guy.The natural beauty of Gosford is being rapidly blotted out. No one will want to live here. We need an elected council to represent the residents. May that happen soon before it is all to late. Plan something beautiful and unique don’t repeat the faults
    of Sydney.

  3066. Why don’t these wingers get a life and leave these people to build their dream home
    Every house affects someone if we listen to all the complaining people in our life’s you wouldn’t get out of bed
    I say put you money where your mouth is if all you wingers chipped in buy the house and build what you want no one told you what to build on your land now get a life and start being a bit considerate this is a beautiful home that would probably raise the value of the area
    The same thing happened to me mate in terrigal now I got my house and everyone loves it and they all feel bad hang in there these complaints are silly probably just jealousy

  3067. You will find that there is someone driving these complaints for personal agenda 90% of the Nabour’s probably feel bad for complaining in this world there is Kama you will be ok just ignore them let the court sort it out they are not above the law

  3068. Looking forward to trying them .. I do not like the taste of the pacific oyster which seems to be flooding the market..they taste horrible , I will not buy them ..I’ve been eating oysters for over 65 years and I find the Sydney rock oysters are by far a lot more tastier. I will definitely give your oysters a try

  3069. What is the current situation as at 23 March 2024???

  3070. Alan Hunter | March 23, 2024 at 9:30 am |

    Mr Robins is correct, progressive councils are ensuring open spaces are maintained for the community not rezoned for potential commercial advantage.
    With council elections due in the near future Mr Hart should be operating in “care taker” mode and leaving these decisions to elected officials.

  3071. Community needs spaces for various recreation, sports craft music, festival activities, people need to b involved to ensure a positive community for all

  3072. The development of residential units in Gosford should be slowed. Heritage sites should remain. Better resources are needed for those already in area. Leave Gosford bowling club as is, it’s a wonderful place for people to come together. Use sites at Nth Gosford which are already vacant.

  3073. I don’t agree. I have looked at the DA application and the only non compliance is the height which is only millimetres out.

  3074. Perfect idea. Promote the beauty of the area on a “billboard” (silo) already there.

  3075. I’m with you Max
    I have lived in this area and know it’s only 1 or 2 people trying to create a drama for the poor owners. Some people need to concentrate on their own issues in life.

  3076. cant wait to visit Saddles for a feast..I love Oysters, preferably raw and unspoiled with nothing except cracked black pepper. How will we know when they are available. B

  3077. Michael Mace | March 23, 2024 at 4:29 pm |

    Absolutely wonderful news

  3078. Follow the money

  3079. Garry Denson | March 23, 2024 at 8:40 pm |

    the land should remain with the bowling club

  3080. Trevor Flynn | March 24, 2024 at 8:40 am |

    One would think this was written about a 40-storey development. In fact it’s 3 storeys and only looks like 2-storeys from the front. I say well done to the designers for a stylish home which can benefit many.

  3081. lColin Diplock | March 24, 2024 at 8:50 am |

    Scammers increase their hold on the cash of others as banks are “Allowed” to close branches, sack staff, scrap cash machines and go cashless and rake in more with account handling and transaction charges.

  3082. Would be interested in classes in Gosford area please ?

  3083. Central Coast council is a walking track for development, companys, mining companys and anyone else who wants to gain quick cash at the expense of the ecologically of the Coast. Take a look around Sparks Rd Warnervale. Back roads destroyed, residents having drainage run into their property, its a disgrace, i have no idea how some people sleep.

  3084. I have been appreciating great benefits from the classes held by Central Coast Excercise. Wonderful teachers!!!!

  3085. Disgusting news ,leave it how it is, grrrrr

  3086. If they want to live in darkness that’s perfectly okay. Move to the busy but leave the rest of us with proper power thanks.

  3087. All to derive high immigration . you keep voting them in, that’s the problem

  3088. just leave the bowling club alone, many young & older ones enjoy the activity & friendship formed over many years,land space already taken when stadium was built we don’t need any more high rise in Gosford.

  3089. Karen Lennon | March 25, 2024 at 11:48 am |

    I have prepaid tickets also. Hope you reopen soon.

  3090. I felt sad today seeing that the Fountain has gone from near Kibble Park. I’m feeling more and more a stranger in my beloved Central Coast. Places I took my Children I can no longer show to my Grandchildren. We did all get to go to Monty’s on the Waterfront thankfully before it Sold to Developers (Mr Singleton).Our Beautiful Central Coast is being overdeveloped.The roads will not cope with even more people moving here.Public Transport Desperately needs an Overdue update.We need more Transport for Visitors and Locals to be able to move around the Coast, and it will take Cars off the road too.We need a much bigger Shopping Centre like Westfield in Gosford with Cinemas having the Railway Station close by makes it easier to access than having to jump on a Bus to get to Erina Fair.
    The Central Coast needs to Serve Locals and Visitors alike.
    Puting up Residential Housing only serves those who can afford them.
    What are we offering people in the way of Entertainment, Arts, Theatre, Dining, Children’s Entertainment, Youth Interests apart from the Beaches.

    If you want to Develop Our Central Coast well think of Everyone not just those with the Deeper Pockets.
    And keep your “Hands Off” Gosford Bowling Club!

  3091. This is encouraging and wonderful news. Let’s hope it has a high success rate.

  3092. apart from issues concerning this development how does the Gosford infrastructure re doctors hospitals roads etc cope???

  3093. David Davtin | March 27, 2024 at 2:51 pm |

    Yes we are in a Global Crisis, and the Labor government has handled it very well. I also think that going back on the proposed tax cuts to high income earners is the best way going forward. The liberal party policies are all about helping big business and trying to convince us that trickle effect will benefit us. That has not been the case . Trickle effect has never worked it only makes business richer. The Liberal party are also partly to blame regarding our Electricity prices, by leasing our telegraph poles to China for 50 years and saying healthy competition brings down prices , well we all know now that is not true. Also all these new Toll roads that were built with Tax payers money than leased to private companies again for the next 50 years has robbed us blind. Yes tolls help build roads but should have never been leased out to private companies, and are way overpriced. Nowhere else in the world are motorist charged as much to use roads especially when we the tax payer paid to build them. Big business is always crying poor and can’t afford wage increases, yet pay CEO’s millions?? And as for Government spending you only have to check the last Liberal party to be in office to see that they put us in more debt than any other government in history,and that was before Covid. So people need to realise that this Global crisis was not caused by labor and that there is no easy fix . Also they need to realise that the Liberal party had ten years in office both federal and State and this is the outcome. The labor Party can’t fix everything in one year, but they have already made a difference in the right direction. Labor did not cause the housing shortage, you have to ask what did the Liberal Party do to increase affordable housing ? So Stop blaming labor for things that are beyond their control.There is no quick easy fix. but under labor we are heading on the right path.

  3094. Leave Kariong alone!!! It’s traditional land & we have lost enough of our endangered species, especially those that live in just a small area of the country!!! We’ve already lost so much & sooner or later we will only be able to see them in books

  3095. it will only making the social housing waiting list even longer.

  3096. Tracey Nelson | March 28, 2024 at 12:13 am |

    Went and had a look at the new building RSL CLUB HAD BUILT It’s nice what they have done but l found there is a lot of wasted space There is no where Quite for the people to go and play Keno A lot of people also like to sit some where quite and have a drink or chat with their friends It’s a down pour for the club not having any where quite a lot of people don’t want to sit around noise

    • yes. same. I dont like to go to to places for that reason. if they had made a quieter area for sitting then I would go. but just looks like a lot of noise to me so I’ll just stay home instead where its quiet

  3097. DJ & DL Beckett | March 28, 2024 at 9:50 am |

    our back yard backs on to the water reserve which attracts many bird species to the Kenwal area
    it is very over grown .

  3098. Gosford bowling club is just the start I have no doubt other clubs will be targeted.
    Ratepayers need to elect future councilers who will not rezone our beloved bowling clubs for quick profits and to balance their budgets.

  3099. Pamels huntet | March 28, 2024 at 2:00 pm |

    well I hope they sort out the water course that apparently runs through that block. disgusting height!!

  3100. Samatha Hurst | March 28, 2024 at 2:55 pm |

    If Councils and Government don’t want caravans, whats is left? A tent in the park seems the only option left if you can not afford todays rents.

  3101. A wonderful concept for school children with additional needs. It must give them a feeling of belonging in a community and teaching them valuable skills to enter the workforce after completing their school studies

  3102. Is it possible to get a pattern published please? I’d very much like to participate

  3103. would the journalist concider asking the designers what they are going to do to conceal the ugly air conditioning plant that is the focus of the exterior apperance of the building. From the highway or point claire bike track it looks like an oil refinery.

  3104. This will become a long term issue, an eyesore. height restrictions and residential density are set in place for a reason as are environmental and
    water rules. Why are rules simply changed whenever a developer wants that? why aren’t developers required to submit plans that fit within the rules?

  3105. John Hammett | March 29, 2024 at 10:17 am |

    Bye bye bellbirds, your song will be sorely missed.

  3106. Traffic flow…will be a nightmare

  3107. Assunta Northcott | March 30, 2024 at 1:26 pm |

    Where are the people who can only afford to live in a caravan suppose to go?

  3108. Let’s not forget festivals cover different genre’s.
    A Tamworth Afternoon, 27th April will see some of the Central Coasts most talented Country Music artists perform live at Ringers Western at Wyong Creek.
    Jamie Lindsay, Courtney Kiel & Bonnie Kellet and Duncan Toombs and band.
    All local award winning local artists, live music, food and activities.
    A great family afternoon.

  3109. If this gets approved it will create a terrible precedent !
    Multi storey buildings could be built anywhere.
    There is no infrastructure in place to support this type of development now or in the future.
    What’s the point of having Zoning regulations if a developer can buy a parcel of land and put whatever they want on it to maximise profits.
    Rik Hart doesn’t care he won’t be around much longer.

  3110. My wife and myself went up by train from Sydney yesterday on Easter Sunday 31/03/24. After arriving at Gosford Station, there wasn’t a soul in sight. We thought it looked like a ghost town. The Gloria Jeans coffee, then the shopping mall McDonalds & Subway were also closed. No eats or coffee etc. The Reject shop was opened but asked the young man directions or what is happening at Easter, and he told me as far as he knows everything was closed except the pubs or clubs which we not for our liking at 10.30am in the morning. We were looking for an Easter type fun or at least a decent coffee & eats, but unfortunately none to be seen. And then within the hour got on the next train back to Sydney. Sorry Gosford. No tick of approval from us. We thought Gosford had more to offer, esp over a long weekend or possibly Tourists by train. Sad regards Tony & Janet.

  3111. Koala’s aunt | April 1, 2024 at 1:34 pm |

    Excellent proposal.

  3112. It’s sad to see it could be made harder for so many who are already struggling.

  3113. Brian Raffa | April 2, 2024 at 2:41 pm |

    Those people built their houses there fully aware of the problem so they should use their money to fix the problem and the council should concentrate on fixing our roads particularly in the area around Woy Woy

  3114. Lynne Franks | April 2, 2024 at 7:17 pm |

    Inappropriate..eyesore I think.

  3115. It’s downright despicable that the council is using our money to stabilise private property that went against previous council rulings of building on those sites. They took it upon themselves to fight it in court to overturn the councils judgement and they’re now living their nightmare and wanting us to pay for it. We have the right to say no to more of our money being spent on their stupidity.

  3116. Hi Christine.
    I am the Centre Manager at the Imperial Centre Gosford and would love to hear your feedback on our new parking system.
    We have implemented our new parking system to provide a better shopping (and parking) experience to our customers.
    By reducing commuter parking we have provided more accessibility for available parking to both our express Woolworths customers and our regular local customers.

    I am contactable on both gosford-imperial@jll.com and 4324 4299
    Kind Regards

    Michelle Sonneveld
    Centre Manager, JLL North Hub NSW
    Property and Asset Management NSW
    Imperial Centre, 171 Mann Street Gosford

  3117. David Horsfall continues to believe that his cherished ‘renewables’ are free. The inconvenient truth is they are not free. The sun and wind is free but the equipment required to capture the diffuse energy, convert it to electricity and transmit to the points of consumption is far from free. Life of ‘renewables’ is 25+ years.

  3118. I think Gosford needed a wrecking ball, and these new quality developments will revitalise Gosford. It is the perfect location for growth. But infrastructure needs to be considered for sure. I think it’s going to take some time for the old tired Gosford with failing businesses to catch up to be a bustling quality city. But change is happening

  3119. Rod Robey | April 4, 2024 at 4:54 pm |

    To propose a multi story high rise development on one of the busiest intersections on the Central Coast is ridiculous.
    This is a major intersection on Terrigal Drive being gateway to the Terrigal Beach which is serviced by a single lane road built for last century’s traffic conditions.
    This is another reason why Central Coast Council was recently voted NSW’s worst Council.
    How much longer does residents have to tolerate this incompetent Council ??

  3120. David Henderson | April 5, 2024 at 8:28 am |

    have they taken into account traffic flows at school starting and finishing times. Look at the nightmare created on Davistown Road after a relatively minor development at the Christian school.

  3121. Yvonne Pearsall | April 5, 2024 at 8:45 am |

    Good on you, Wyong!

  3122. This is Debbie I am becoming concerned now with the breaking news that residents in the Chittaway Point need to be prepared , to evacute in the event , of flooding occurrence.

  3123. Alf stonestreet | April 7, 2024 at 1:42 pm |

    I went to the Imperial centre last Thursday but there weren’t any papers there. I tried to download a digital copy from your website but even as late as today the last copy on your website is for the -previous week.

    • Thank you for the post. Yes, we take a one week print break each Easter to give most of the staff a holiday. Back to to the print schedule on Thursdays from this week

  3124. Michael McVicker | April 7, 2024 at 2:36 pm |

    what a great initiative by Wyong league it sure puts the NSW government to shame

  3125. Absolutely, no high rise for Toukley. Apart from the traffic through Main Street high rises are just unsightly. Let’s keep Toukley a nice quite little country town.

  3126. Unless council are going to widen toukley bridge and buy up all the properties on main road to widen the road into Toukley, this one way roads (already choked) cannot cope with all the extra people that this would house.

  3127. We are currently waiting to be seen in Gosford ED waiting room. We’ve been waiting for over six hours so far for my daughter to be seen, even though after ringing Health Direct we were told to goto hospital immediately. Online information regarding the medication my daughter is taking also says to seek medical attention immediately when having such symptoms, yet we’ve been waiting six and a half hours so far!!

  3128. We need neighbourhood level representation and so should have many more councillors. From my discussions with neighbours, very few people know what’s going on in the local area, how they can participate in what is supposed to be a democratic process and do not feel represented. Our councils are stuffed with developers and those representing private and narrow interests. Like much of the world we are governed by PR. We need actual grassroots representation that is not directed by elites.

    But shrinking the area of the LGA is a good idea.

  3129. Susa Gordin | April 9, 2024 at 11:15 am |

    The problem is that new surgeons can not get in, it’s a ghetto that the heads of that hospital have created, juniors operate and 1 senior reviewing 4 or 5 operations at the same time!!! great money for just one surgeon isn’t it??? I know surgeons that apply for job but nobody is successful..unbelievable!! has to be investigated and the goverment to do something!!!

  3130. Yvonne Pearsall | April 10, 2024 at 7:06 am |

    Absolutely stupidity! EVERYONE should say no!!!

  3131. Michael McVicker | April 10, 2024 at 11:19 am |

    go back to your corporate bases in south America, Mexico and Egypt and leave the Central Coast alone and let the local taxi service do their job

  3132. look into the past before you vote

  3133. Shame where is the finding to help youth. Its a labour part negligent of its duties.

  3134. Gabrielle Blanch | April 11, 2024 at 8:35 am |

    11 words for the women’s game – disgusting coverage ! why bother.

    • Thanks Gabrielle, we agree, yet we rely on the local association to provide us with full and detailed results and commentary – we would welcome more details on the women’s games and we will maintain our commitment to women’s sport stories.

  3135. The level of ignorance being shown by SOS and their members is alarming.. they have literally no knowledge of the actual proposal, the design, nor the funding. Their ongoing objections are simply not based on fact and their assertions that Council “gifted” 100k to the WPA is an outright lie – Council is a land owner of properties affected by the DA, they have a duty of care for Wamberal Beach, and have been involved in the study of the coastal erosion issue for years. Regardless of all of SOS’s cries of “our sands” they still can’t seem to get their head around the fact that the DA is for the wall is within private land for over 95% of it’s length, only protruding outside private property where directed by Council planning documents. Does SOS get this involved with other DA’s in private land..?? Have they even bothered to review a design plan to see what they are arguing against? Are they experts in any field related to this proposal? Nope, ignorance prevails..

  3136. Tim Carroll | April 11, 2024 at 3:13 pm |

    A great initiative Stuart. Have a great day of Rugby!

  3137. Great article . Sand nourishment is the way to go . No Seawall at Wamberal!

  3138. Matthew Ross | April 12, 2024 at 4:46 am |

    interesting the great northern walk might take a trip up there soon again not just for vegetables

  3139. Kim Farmer | April 12, 2024 at 8:51 am |

    I believe that this application should be rejected as it not relative to the area and will be an eyesore. In particular this is shown in the accompanying photograph.

  3140. Wambie Local | April 12, 2024 at 1:07 pm |

    Nobody has any knowledge of the actual proposal, the design, nor the funding because this has been done without the inclusion of the general community who are the ones that will be mostly affected by this proposal. The public needs to ask why has so much about this DA and Councils dealings with the WPA been kept secret? It is a highly controversial project that will cost the ratepayers millions of dollars.
    The seawall maybe built on private land but that construction work will be done via the public beach and will go on for years, how many years? how many trucks? how much traffic? there is a lot of information the council is not being transparent about, like why is Lett Park behind the surf club and the bush covered land behind the public toilets on the DA?
    When the seawall is complete it will cause sand scouring to the beach during storm events as happened at Collaroy and make the beach impassable.
    Luckily, the beach is a public amenity that is protected under The Coastal Management Act 2016, this is why people are against the seawall. “They have a duty of care to Wamberal beach” as it is a public amenity.

  3141. Vince zhebbard | April 12, 2024 at 6:35 pm |

    There are lots of warm and fuzzy upmarket words in that write up. But, unless I missed something, if the power goes off on the Central Coast, does the battery kick in automatically and how long for??

  3142. Chris Roberts | April 13, 2024 at 6:14 am |

    Too many noisy latenight venues in Terrigal already. Raucous drunks on the street late at night are not welcome. No police to handle any situation.

  3143. It is interesting to note that the Developer has not been named? Isnt that a crucial part of the story? It could explain a lot.

  3144. how does he plan to make it smaller ?

  3145. Christine Cooper | April 13, 2024 at 3:49 pm |

    I have sent numerous submissions for this 11 storey development, the Toukley nursing home development in Peel Street, and the low income housing building near the Beachcomber, I feel that neither the Council or the various government departments care for the ratepayers of the existing dwellings already and have been for many years here in Toukley, there is no additional infrastructure been added in the 54 years I have resided here other than a new bridge from Toukley to Gorokan that for some unknown reason now floods badly on the east and west side of the bridge every time it sprinkles rain, has anyone bothered to look and clean the drains that are supposed to be under the bridge cleaned out, but that is another problem that the council needs to fix. Back to the new development that no one wants to give me answers to, No 1, where do the developers or the owners of the site live? Are they residents of Australia? If not where do they live, I don’t mean just one of them I mean all the developers who are listed as directors on the application, I know that the development for low income housing in Dunleigh Street, near the Beachcomber is owned by a Chinese family with one member living in Sydney, the rest in China!
    No2. No one has bothered to show where the excess car parking is going to be for the residents who are to live in the residential complex, for every resident there will be at least 2 cars so at least, yes low income families do have cars sometimes 3,I have heard that Rowland Terrace, a cul de sac with 16 abodes is full especially of a weekend with the B & B usually wanting parking up to 9 cars, Peel Street from the ambulance station to Eldon Street isn’t able to take more cars than what is parked there now due to the way the road is formed. Not only do you have to have parking for the residents, which for a development this size is supposed to be 2 car spaces per unit or retail areas, someone can’t count because there is insufficient parking plus there is only 1 parking space for delivery vehicles, I wouldn’t like to pay rent on a premises where I can’t receive deliveries when needed as the one parking space is in use, again i think the council/government should look at this problem.
    No3. Will the developers pay for the upgrade and damage caused to Toukley Gardens itself once the development begins?
    No4. What insurance are the developers paying to the council for damage to the homes already within the building area, which is generally for developments this size at least three to four street blocks away. A note to the home owners a hint from me, go through your house with a camera and a witness and take photos of your ceilings, walls, floors inside and out and the tiles etc in your bathroom and if at all possible your roof covering eg roof tiles, check with your house insurance how long you have to make a claim against the developers try and have the photos dated or your witness sign for what they could see, if there is any damage and the date!
    No 5. Now my biggest problem is no one has bothered to consider the disabled and their carers in the public areas. A} the public toilets for the disabled should not be housed inside the public toilets, they should be separate from general use toilets and family rooms, there should be two on each floor for a building this size.
    B} The disabled should be able to have their dignity by being able to go and use a toilet without having to go into the Ladies toilets because they are men with their wives and the women refuse to walk into a men’s toilet to access disabled facilities for their husbands because that is demeaning to the husbands who are disabled, to the women having to see men in a state of undress and the men who are there doing their own business. I have voiced this problem many times before and also for this application and no one has bothered to address the problem, it is about time it was! There are a lot of aged and young people who need assistance from a carer when using a toilet. Family rooms MUST be separate and cameras above the outside the disabled rooms watching to see who is using them! I hope someone can read my comments, and let the public of Toukley a reply to some of my questions, I do have a lot more, eg does this development have to be presented to the Mine Subsidence Board to see if it is safe to be built so close to the lake as all the residences had to do before they could be built? I would like to see how premier of NSW would handle having an oversized monstrosity like this built next to his house or even 2 street blocks! Due to my husbands ill health I was unable to submit a submission by the due date.

  3146. Absolutely correct re the bridges. Somehow the funds were raised to create the dual carriage way from Ourimbah down to Lisarow for what purpose. Just to funnel peak hour traffic into a grinding halt along the pacific highway to crawl across the Manns Road Bridge or try the queue at Etna Street. Surely it would have made sense to start at the Gosford end first and work out.

    Maybe we don’t have people with common sense working in our planning departments??

  3147. referendum by aust was against this .. labor

    You have ignored the voting public

  3148. Joanne Elgar | April 15, 2024 at 1:59 pm |

    I live on the Central Coast and I’ve been to Gosford Hospital many times for illness. That is wonderful to know that There is an established ward for the importance if a stroke well Done

  3149. Julie Thomas | April 15, 2024 at 3:08 pm |

    Please don’t allow this. Preserve as a park.

  3150. well done everyone. where would we be with out you ❤️❤️

  3151. Kathleen Naughton | April 16, 2024 at 12:32 pm |

    The infrastructure in our area is already struggling to support new estates being built In Gwandalan. The school traffic in the area is a nightmare now. New subdivision will place further strain on schools and the traffic in this area.

  3152. Clive Anderson | April 16, 2024 at 12:47 pm |

    The government is trying to treat the Central Coast area as a dumping ground as their crazy mission to build more houses
    The current intake of immigrants is totally ridiculous
    They scream about the environment yet they continue to destroy native open lands to try and achieve impossible targets at the expense of the community
    The current infrastructure in the northern part of the coast is a disgrace as an example you only have to look at the pacific highway and scenic drive intersection at Doyalson
    It’s about time politicians and their counterparts started to take a good look at what’s going on

  3153. I’ve lived north end budgewoi n lake Munmorah over 30 years! The roads are the same Doyalson intersection an absolute nightmare every afternoon! The mindset of local n state government of doing nothing about infrastructure around here is beyond diabolical! Already Kanangra rd is impossible to get onto pacific hwy with that development n now another major project in a area which hasn’t changed in decades except a shopping centre that’s not even remotely large enough for another 1,000 people on top of gwandalan n Catherine hill bay explosion! Politics aside wake the hell up n spend time looking at the future of this area us locals call home !!

  3154. This development is absolutely absurd . The main road toukley at present is totally overtaxed , with traffic banking back to the bridge going west across the bridge & traffic bumper to bumper travelling east into toukley.

  3155. Dianne Gallaher | April 16, 2024 at 11:02 pm |

    congratulations to you all you do an amazing job.

  3156. Johnny king | April 17, 2024 at 5:22 am |

    What a tragedy I hope the singleton family find a way to get through this horrible time.
    Poor dawn Rip! I don’t want to imagine the unbearable pain I hope god guides them through this.

    Johnny king

  3157. I live near the airport and have received no letter. I am not impressed with the lack of information given out by the administrator regarding this issue

  3158. I wholeheartedly agree Shirley, no more monuments to be erected by those with illusions of grandeur, we have a right to vote yes or no on the airport upgrade. I have just read that Central coast council intends to apply to make permanent the temporary rate increase approved in 2020. This no doubt will be needed for the airport upgrade that serves no purpose for the residents of the central coast other than increasing air traffic noise for residents.

  3159. My mum had a stroke, very recently. The stroke unit team were incredible. They saved my mum’s life. Our family feel blessed for their care and ongoing support.

  3160. Adam Wardrope | April 18, 2024 at 10:05 am |

    More people equals less of everything else.The natural environment is getting smashed on the Central Coast.The big Australia cult, is killing it.

  3161. what an awful way to die & her poor fiance too, so dreadful that a human can go around stabbing people,something u never ever get over

  3162. I’m so sad for your loss. Beautiful Beautiful girl.
    may she be as free as a Wild Mustang.

  3163. Mathew Gregory | April 19, 2024 at 10:50 am |

    Forget Woy Woy road, what about Blackwall road, Ocean Beach road and Brisbane Water Drive let alone water and sewer utilities together with our third world public transport on the coast. Higher density development on the peninsular just means bedlam.

  3164. Such a tragedy to all Families involved. To the Singleton Family, how sad…out shopping for such a special occassion and a so called human can destroy it. Nothing can take away the pain you are all feeling, but please know..all our thoughts are with you.

  3165. May the Singleton family be given the respect to grieve in private as with all the other victims families. Losing a beloved family member, friend or colleague is always a difficult time in anyone’s life but under such horrific circumstances must be heart breaking and unbearable.
    My heartfelt condolences to all, those lost will forever be in hearts, thoughts and memories.

  3166. something should be done with the land. Maybe a park, just leave the trees. mow the grass.

  3167. Last night a car was hit and smashed at high speed by a train on the Rawson rd level crossing, just the latest in a long list of serious accidents at that railway crossing. The removal of all level crossing on main roads is Nsw government policy. Seemingly unless it’s the Woy Woy crossing,it can be put on the back burner because we have Labor party parliamentary representatives that think they will be re elected even if they do nothing.

  3168. Greg Kasarik | April 20, 2024 at 5:53 pm |

    The new veterans bill needs to take into account the incompetency that often happens during the discharge process.

    I was first discharged (incorrectly) from the RAAC, in the early 1990s, and the after immediately re-enlisting in the reserves (which was what was supposed to have happened), I was finally discharged in the early 2000s. All told, I served five years full time, and about nine part time.

    However, my discharge was completely screwed up, with the Chief Clerks of both my discharging units completely failing to ensure that I was in receipt of my appropriate medical compensation.

    In 2018, I was awarded a 60% DVA medical pension, on account of injuries sustained during my time in the ARA, but this was only backdated to the point at which I applied, not to the point of either discharge. Some of my injuries were not recognised, because my medical records ended up containing less than half of the relevant information. More incompetence either by the medics, whose job it was to send the records for permanent filing, or someone who couldn’t be bothered properly filing my records.

    This is disgusting and greedy. I should have been recieving that payment from the time I left the ARA, or at least the time I left the ARes. Because of other people’s incompetence, I missed out on decades of pension, that would have made a difference, and that lack directly contributed to other subsequent traumas, like homelessness, and chronic unemployment, which have only added to the pile of suffering. And people wonder why we end up taking our own lives. When you next walk past the person outside your supermarket, who is homeless, don’t just spit on them, tell them to get off drugs and get a job. Recognise that they might be a veteran, or someone who has otherwise fallen through the cracks. Even if you don’t give them money, talk to them, and offer what help you can. Ask them what food you might be able to buy them.

    I have lived with injuries from my time in service for decades, and suffered additional trauma, simply because of other’s failure to do their jobs properly. This reality is not just mine, but that of many other veterans. This NEEDS to be recognised in any new legislation. We are people too and should not be penalised for the incompetence of others.

    Veterans should receive complete back payment to our time of service, not just for the 12 to 18 months that it takes to process the application, decades after the injuries took place.

    I and other veterans are used to, but entirely fed up by this. Basically, the Australian Government takes fit, healthy young people and turns us into invalids, before throwing us on the trash heap of civilian life, without any kind of support.

    I should have received the compensation I was due, because of injuries sustained during service from the date of my initial discharge. By failing in its duty to me, the Australian Government has simply compounded the problem, needlessly adding to my burden. The trauma of homelessness is something nobody should be forced to go through.

    When finally, the RSL helped me obtain compensation that I didn’t realise I was eligible for it should have been backdated fully, not simply to the time at which my application was finally submitted. I still live in poverty, but if it wasn’t for the RSL, it would be significantly worse.

    The Government is basically using poorly trained, or incompetent discharge personal as an excuse to rip tens of thousands of dollars from the desperate hands of veterans who’ve given their health in service to our country.

    Even the White Card, Gold Card system is an insult. I wasn’t asked to serve overseas, and so have a white card. My inability to afford something as simple and essential as proper dental care, has led to me needlessly having several teeth removed and any care that I do receive is only through the generosity of state funded local dental health clinics, for which there is currently an 18+ month wait for non-urgent (ie it doesn’t hurt like buggery), care. Forget something as simple as yearly checkups, and follow-up work.

    I’m not saying that veterans who served overseas should not be given the medical treatment they need. In fact, they should be routinely, and proactively contacted to see how they are going, and to remind them of their eligibilities for medical treatment.

    What I am saying is that the current system fails to recognise the ongoing medical needs of servicemen who are never called to serve in recognised war zones, but still suffer as a direct result of their service. All the current system does is serve as a reminder that we aren’t as valued as our colleagues, who served overseas, even if they never saw any danger.

    And it isn’t just me. Last year, I lost a good friend, who was a Navy veteran, who’d been discharged because of psychological traumas that he’d experienced during service (sometimes other servicemen can inflict just as much psychological and even physical trauma as any “enemy”). I met and helped him when he was homeless, but he never had a white card. Even when I insisted he should seek compensation and get a white card, he resisted, because doing so would have brought to the fore things that he wanted to forget. Sadly, cancer took him before he turned 60.

    Finally, the Australian Government should require medical professionals to treat veterans and compensate them appropriately. Only last month, I was forced to cancel an appointment with a psychiatrist, when it turned out that they did not accept DVA clients, even though the sleep clinic that referred me to them did. Another psychiatrist told me that my GP had to fill out the relevant forms, and locate the “code numbers”, for the treatment I was attempting to receive, despite that being a plain impossibility. At that point I gave up. What is the point of “free” mental health treatment if it is made impossible to obtain, by a system that fails to give a toss about our welfare and seeks performative “solutions” to real problems?

    Just as with Medicare, the Government fails to pay these people appropriately, and when given the choice between a patient that pays well and a DVA far too many go for the money. Our prime minister earns, $549,250 a year (among the highest of any country’s leaders) for doing bugger all, but let’s not let Veterans need get in the way of politician’s greed.

    The Government has shirked its responsibilities to Veterans for far too many decades. I hope this new legislation helps address these problems and concerns.

    We should not be awarded a lifetime of suffering for our decision to serve our country.

  3169. Karen Sinclair | April 20, 2024 at 9:27 pm |

    Rest in peace Dawn I’m so sorry for what happened absolutely terrible I hope the family finds a way through this difficult time it’s just not fair 🙏♥️💔🥲

  3170. Jarrod PETERSON | April 21, 2024 at 5:20 am |

    I’ve lived in the area for over 10 years now and it does have way more housing potential than has ever been seen to this point.But the infrastructure is quite embarrassing really if not dangerous.The local community needs to put a constant pressure on both council and government for transparency on not only the initial funding but to make sure they don’t pull the pin on it after starting such imperative projects as has been the case all too often.

  3171. Hi, this is the second time in the past years there has been an accident since they scraped the Woy Woy underpass in 2017.
    There will only be more accidents at this dangerous intersection by train and traffic as we get more traffic coming to the area.
    The works should be put back on the table as government put money in front of lives, enough of there spin on how much they doing.
    When an election comes around they tell us what great things they are doing and promise the world.
    Do something don’t promise it, if you can’t afford it then shut up.

  3172. Rick Machan | April 21, 2024 at 8:55 am |

    override red signal stop button. Break glass push button and speak with state rail control centre. Fines apply for false alarms.

  3173. Why Woy is not alone the mad growth in population has overwhelmed housing and infrastructure construction.

  3174. THIS IS RIDICULOUS, WHEN NO INFRASTRUCTURE IS currently updated for the existing community. Parking in particular is at a premium and HOUSING DENSITY has increased by a minimum of 30% over the last ten years (i.e. Granny Flats) without any upgrade of basic infrastructre. We are lacking upgrade of local roads, are short on medical practisioners and a strain on the local hospital system. There are plenty of other areas along the train line that can be expanded with housing i.e. Ourimbah, Lisarow etc

  3175. Woy Woy has some of the worst housing quality I’ve ever experienced in Australia. Fibro shacks and empty houses abound. There many run down and derelict areas that need to be improved just near the station. Woy Woy lacks any good quality Hotels. High rise will be a great benefit to the shopping area by allowing customers to be next to the shops. There would be few who would argue against Woy Woy needing better shopping and housing. It’s time the natural beauty is accompanied by building beauty.

  3176. Paul Cavanagh | April 21, 2024 at 1:19 pm |

    Is it time to reconsider the long outstanding plan to remove that level crossing?

  3177. Absolutely correct. another car was hit at high speed by a passenger train at the level crossing last week.

  3178. Joanne Elgar | April 22, 2024 at 6:48 pm |

    I live on the Central Coast and yes, that is a very dangerous crossing for cars scrap it needs a bridge over it

  3179. Yvonne Pearsall | April 23, 2024 at 6:34 am |

    Thank you for the notification!

  3180. Annette Mays | April 23, 2024 at 8:25 am |

    we are so so sorry for your loss John , Julie , Ashley , siblings , relatives & friends. Words can’t say how sorry we are for your pain on the loss of beautiful Dawn. We send all our love and pray for you all

  3181. David Pieper | April 23, 2024 at 8:46 am |

    How many more incidents need to happen at the railway level crossing on Rawson Rd before this dangerous anachronism from a bygone era is replaced with something more appropriate fro the 21st century?

  3182. I catch the train everyday in peak hour.

    Not once have I had to stand up, nor arriving at 7:30 have I ever been unable to find a parking spot.

    Don’t let facts get in the way of your rampant, selfish Nimby-ism.

  3183. Carol Oleary | April 23, 2024 at 9:36 pm |

    What a beautiful young woman. My heart is breaking for you all. To loss a love one is so hard, praying that God will comfort you all in your loss

  3184. My heart breaks for you al, and my deepest condolence’s go out to the Singleton family for the loss of your beautiful Dawn. My prayers & thoughts are with you you all. Sending lots of love to all of you at this very difficult time.

  3185. Believe in love and strength from above. your daughter will share this with you. My love and
    fondest wishes to you as you try to understand why this happened and I sit here wondering why, without any answer.⚘❤⚘


  3186. Its not a dangerous crossing.

    Its dangerous people.

  3187. May you rest in peace you beautiful girl too soon 🙏🙏🙏😢😢😢💔💔💔🕊️🕊️🕊️

  3188. As a train commuter for 24 years, I fully agree with Paul’s reply. I have only missed out on pre 8 am parking at Woy Woy during the construction phase of the enlarged carpark. If we exclude train cancellations due to accidents etc, I have only had to stand during the Olympics and Seniors Week. Perhaps Andrew would support a ban on these events in future?
    As for the quality of apartments, that can be improved through enforcement of building standards and codes. Oh, but that requires those pesky local and state governments to police the code doesn’t it?

  3189. What a ridiculous post. If you bother to read any of the details, the whole purpose is affordable living NEAR ammenties and services. While they may catch the train, they won’t be driving there. In the 10 years I caught the morning trains, I could count on my hands the number of times I had to stand.

  3190. what a joke no wonder kids are up to no good there is nothing for them to do, it was meant to be a beautiful attraction for everyone to go hang out at not more houses.
    only thing making the government money obviously.

  3191. Debra schokman | April 25, 2024 at 10:59 am |

    it feels like a sale of land is revenue raising
    where not aloud to cut trees that effect our property ut council keeps knocking them down and putting in as many homes on top of each other with no thought to how it will effect locals and roads

  3192. Debra schokman | April 25, 2024 at 11:00 am |


  3193. if you make it anything it should be an industrial estate instead

  3194. Mark Dinnerville | April 25, 2024 at 1:38 pm |

    Good start for a new Wyong!

  3195. Why upgrade a highway that should not run through a town? Even for Wyong urban planning should not be an alien concept

  3196. Good agricultural land destroyed

  3197. We have been waiting for years for this to happen.How many more years do we have to wait for it to actually happen.

  3198. Marg Downey | April 25, 2024 at 7:03 pm |

    Congratulations Mr Flood. Lovely to see your interview on the news tonight. You knew my dad in Broken Hill, Reg Clarke. You and Mrs Flood were very kind to me when I started teaching at Wallerawang.Hope Gilbert still likes his cricket.

  3199. We’ll need a bigger hospital if this goes ahead.

  3200. Therese Darch | April 25, 2024 at 10:17 pm |

    Just build something with a classy ambiance and and venue that will entice entertainers,musicians,lovers of fine food … and most importantly… a sense of community .

  3201. So it’ll be less than 300 sq metre dog blocks where you can jump from roof to roof.
    700000 sq metres with 2200 homes not including roads equates to 318 sq metres a home.

  3202. Fiona Goniak | April 25, 2024 at 11:16 pm |

    If the building is sound and could be refitted for an office of Tourism it would bring people to heart of Gosford City boosting local cafe and eatery trade. The park would allow families to have a picnic and children to run around and play before heading off to check out our local beaches, waterways, riding paths and all our lovely Central Coast has to offer. A Heritage Museum could be connected to the Pffice of Tourism sharing the space and effectively cutting running costs. Parking is and has been a major issue in Gosford for years so some con sessions would need to be made to provide the short term parking for drop ins.

    • It is just a brick building!! If anyone is ever going to fix kibble park I say grab the sledge hammers

  3203. Patrick Aiken | April 26, 2024 at 4:58 pm |

    This was an award winning design from the 60s. Our Council has never put any value on buildings of historical significance. This building is worth the trouble of being maintained and repurposed.

  3204. Camille Featherston | April 26, 2024 at 5:13 pm |

    Not just at Saratoga any upgraded car park on the central coast Fountain Plaza Erina as an example has reduced width sizing while being a courier in a van trying to get in and out is difficult let alone get freight out of side door whena trolley doesn’t fit between vehicles and trying not to knock or scratch other cars let alone people complaining parked too close

  3205. Stephanie Cook | April 26, 2024 at 8:26 pm |

    As far as I know there are two Tourist Offices on the Central Coast – Ettalong & at The Entrance. One in Gosford in the library building, together with a café would be fabulous. The toilets are already in place and people can enjoy the park. The building space is big enough to accommodate something else as well to showcase our area.

  3206. David spiers | April 27, 2024 at 3:30 am |

    while your at check all parking stations and train ones I parked at hornsby last week when trains were delayed lot narrower than woy woy they all need 2 b checked ok

  3207. dear dr reid,

    I can assure you, people are not as concerned about shrinking car spaces outside the shopss as they are about increasing prices within them.

    you should be advocating for more important things, like less wasteful spending and less handouts to reduce inflation.

    eg a contributor to inflation was increased rents, which, shoch horror increased by the extra handouts. when will people learn that extra govt handouts only ever lead to increased prices and profits ( eg rents and child care)

  3208. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

  3209. David Ryan | April 27, 2024 at 8:18 am |

    Why doesn’t the Council start building more attractions , as there certainly isn’t many around. We have the Reptile park , and Sommersby falls, for gods sake.
    Putt Putt, golf at Foresters , = Demolished for housing
    Waterslide Forresters = Demolished for housing
    Waterslide The Entrance = Demolished for housing
    Old Sydney Town = Shut demolished.
    Just to name a few !!! And these were nothing special .

  3210. good on you ried .. see you are focussed on the big issues facing the central coast..

  3211. Josh hasting | April 27, 2024 at 8:38 am |

    chain gangs? hard labour? sounds a lot like North Korea punishment.

  3212. Stephen Bailey | April 27, 2024 at 8:39 am |

    Thankyou for addressing this issue Gordon

  3213. Residents could protest by parking over 2 car spaces

  3214. Parking spaces in general are too narrow…full stop!

  3215. Brian Dickinson | April 27, 2024 at 10:01 am |

    I don’t suppose the old abattoir will feature in the glossy sales brochure. Would you live there?

  3216. Gosford Council needs to have a HEART! COMMUNITY HEART! This Library has ‘ multifunctional refurbished ‘ options to attract Tourists, community and bring people together. This SITE IS VALUABLE ASSESET for council and the people in Gosford and abroad.

  3217. Ross Gettons | April 27, 2024 at 1:10 pm |

    This a chance in a million
    Did you know my dad Leo Gettons 2/7thcavalary commando rest
    He landed at Balikpapan also as part of the amphibious landing.
    Have photos of the oil fires and also the signing of the Jap surrender.
    Great to hear of your life then and now
    Don’t know how this site works but may be some form of contact.
    And my the way my partners maiden name was Flood!

  3218. lol you know what plane and simple it doesent matter what I think what you think. The lazy Ass council and the brain-dead government are going to do what they want anyway. Australia is a sinking ship, and we are all on it going down slowly open your eyes and look around. I don’t vote and will never vote it is pointless 🤷 the Sooner everyone wakes up and sees what the government realy are the better.

  3219. Lois Dargan | April 27, 2024 at 10:53 pm |

    What a beautiful story about Wilbur the wombat,and how he has such a good life now due to the dedicated wildlife carers that work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help and care for our injured animals.Thank you to all the people all throughout Australia, who take care of our wildlife and hopefully most of them are well enough to be able to return to their natural habitat.

  3220. You are being foolish Ms Woods, did you think that the signs might be up because the road is dangerous in its current condition not needing a work crew there. If you knew what you were looking at you would know by the signs that are up it doesn’t say there are workers on site.

  3221. Gary Davies | April 28, 2024 at 6:05 am |

    Yet another show of incompetence from the engineering department of council..

  3222. it is same on the central coast highway between budgewoi and doylson.

  3223. John moscato | April 28, 2024 at 8:39 am |

    The proposed area will be a suitable place for housing as it is surrounded by transportation and retail outlets that will provide for those extra people. The area to be developed should not impact native animals as most of this area is open space. Regards John

  3224. Alicia Phelps | April 28, 2024 at 9:04 am |

    Yes, completely agree. Central Coast council are useless. I live in the Tuggerawong area where most roads in the area are like third world country roads. Signs where nothing is happening & when roads are fixed, not done properly and potholes start again within weeks. Most complained about council in NSW but nothing is ever done about it. What a disgrace…

  3225. John moscato | April 28, 2024 at 9:14 am |

    Everyone who lives here has a right to express their concerns about having more people coming to live here and congesting the area but I who do live in Sydney all of my life and do come up here and stay at my parents property only a short walk from this property in question and l understand why a lot of you people do not want more development in this area. I come up here as often from Sydney to get away from the rat race which it is and it is bad to my parents place which I find is more quiet and open spaced which I can walk around and enjoy. Maybe it would be better if not to have too many people coming to live here but what are people like me wanting to escape the mess which Sydney is in and come to a more peaceful place like here. I would like to live up here but I will need to have a house and that is the problem, where do I get one unless it is built. Does this make sense. Regards John

  3226. Pam Lindsay (Williamson) | April 28, 2024 at 11:36 am |

    John I am beyond sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter.
    Who could have imagined such a tragedy would happen back in the halcyon days of our youth in Enfield?
    Sending love to you and your family

  3227. Same situation applies along
    Scenic Drive Buff Point to Budgewoi-discussing

  3228. Stuart Ramsey | April 28, 2024 at 1:35 pm |

    My feelings exactly. start a petition I will sign it. I was coming home that Friday night before the road works sign were out in place. it wasn’t pleasant but if you drove to the conditions you got hone OK.

  3229. similar to the Pacific Highway north of Kanangra Drive. A quick job of putting gravel on the road, then 4 weeks later marking the lanes but leaving it as a Road Works Zone for the entire period. Now an electronic sign inside the work area states ‘road works starting soon’. I believe it’s just a cheap ploy to not have to pay traffic controllers to move the signs.

  3230. Always has been an issue Christine. To have respect for roadwork signs means those in charge of those signs need to have some respect for motorists otherwise the signs will be ignored! And for the smarty pants our there who say just say follow what the signs say, life’s a two street!

  3231. Paul Smith | April 28, 2024 at 7:05 pm |

    When will the banger Rebellion be back in Ettalong

  3232. I’m 45, I have friends that have worked on the roads for 30 years and I have asked them questions about road works and road signs and how it works. I started by saying I remember when I first started driving in the mid 90s, after hours for road works being done the signs were always covered and that meant you could proceed at usual speed with caution right and they said right but now it’s all changed. so I’m like please explain this to me, well a couple of factors come into play, the main reason is so the company that’s doing the work will not be held liable if there’s an accident for after hours. the other reasons don’t really matter but there are other reasons. I thinking it’s like the blind leading the blind with the RTA, I get different answers from most of the staff about most road rules and even different licences would you believe that?? sorry about poor grammar guy’s I didn’t do well with reading and writing I actually learnt a little more out of school believe that or not lol

  3233. well I think the council should spend some money on trimming the trees on Mann street North gosford between the houses 409,411,413,and down from there because it’s dangerous I recently had a big tree branch fall on my power line and most times my power goes out and have to get it fixed because of falling branches so in my opinion U should spend money on cutting these trees

  3234. Right on can’t wait

  3235. We recently visited the Long Jetty and surrounding area. We got harassed by rogue teenagers every time going to the Jetty, fishing or just picnic at the park. One claimed their dad works at Fisheries at The Entrance and acted like he owned the Jetty. We didn’t feel safe or welcome. The public toilets were occupied by campervans. The whole area looks derelict except maybe a cafe or two. Youth Crime is a big issue if you want the area to attract the right visitors.

  3236. Adam Heazett | April 29, 2024 at 5:31 am |

    Target keep left unless overtaking.Would reduce nosr tail incidents
    Get rid of the 3:⁰0pm bike cop unless he enforces keep left unless overtaking

  3237. Andrew Mortimer | April 29, 2024 at 7:10 am |

    l don’t know about the road work signs. But I do know about the the large amount of potholes in the Green Point and the Erina local area. The patch work is not alleviating the issues while rates keep going up. So it’s probably fair to say while consumers are feeling the cost of living pressure. Government can callout supermarkets for price gouging Councils need to be called out for consistent rate gouging while we dodge damaging pot holes with no claim against council for poor up keep and denial of responsibility not forgetting the mass mismanagement of rate payer funds passed on the the rate payers to cop.

  3238. Daved De Kiesby | April 29, 2024 at 8:28 am |

    I drove past that very emergency ramp a few years ago and there were a couple sitting at a camping table having a picnic!

  3239. and, what infrastructure is in place to deal with these extra 2,200 homes and people that are going to live in them? Westfield is very tired and needs to be updated to cope with the new influxes that will happen. There also needs to be better transport services and sporting facilities ,not to mention the local roads that have to deal with them all

  3240. Helen Crowley | April 29, 2024 at 11:27 am |

    Not a long enough sentence. This woman was a serial offender and a child has lost his precious life. His parents lives are ruined. The lives of hos family and friends are changed forever. We need a review of sentencing so that the sentence reflects the crime.

  3241. Pretty pathetic comment from the administrator ! Arrogant to dismiss this as a ‘different point of view ‘& if council staff are ‘kept on their toes ‘ it means there’s something not right . Typical of this council under administration just gong ahead & not having true/ genuine community consultation .

  3242. Peter c sherring | April 30, 2024 at 8:22 am |

    well done she looks good,when my father marched on Anzac day we all attended the service.

  3243. Community supporter | April 30, 2024 at 10:19 am |

    Thank you Gary Chestnut and the CEN – Community Environment Network, they are watching Central Coast Council for all of the community while our only public representative, a non elected spin doctor pushes his own agenda not the communities. CEN have been bashing their heads against a wall with several issues over the years and council won’t listen, even though CEN volunteers have all the knowledge and experience needed.
    Council are under staffed and under pressure to push ahead with policies and decisions that really need greater evaluation and skill sets. Rik Harts statement that Gary & CEN “has a different point of view that keeps staff on their toes” is a very derogatory comment from an Administrator who always deflects any criticism of council and refuses to look at the reality that he is in charge of one of the worst Councils in NSW.

  3244. Why are the details of this story so vague ?

  3245. David Henderson | May 1, 2024 at 6:21 pm |

    what about the tree that was a problem before and prompted relocation. it is obviously not a problem now
    As usual this council only consults after the decision has been made.

  3246. Will Kevin be putting his money where his mouth is and running for council office in the upcoming elections?
    Or will he continue to criticise from the safety of the sideline?

    • Is this the same J Smith, ex Mayor of the failed Central Coast Council?
      If so, maybe you should declare your aspirations regarding the next elected council.
      Mr Brooks as a resident, and seemingly a well informed resident, has every right to raise these issues x

  3247. when you buy or build a house close to an airport that has been there for many years stop complaining when aircraft are being flow from there. This is typical NIMBY ism
    if you had built your houses with a reasonable space between them so the sound of aircraft didn’t bounce around from the ugly brick walls of you houses that would have been a good idea. Then of course you could have planted masses of green carbon dioxide absorbing trees between your houses and you could have lots of trees along all roads instead of destroying natural habitat for birds possums and koalas. you reap what you have sown. all of these will also lower the air temperature in your brick ugly suburbs
    then of course light coloured roofs and somthing other than black tar seals roads will all help stop complaining you all built and bought there

    • You are conflating residential development issues with aircraft noise.
      Be grateful to people who speak up about concerns which affect many others.

  3248. Wow – 5 that will really help. Not

  3249. the irony here, is that more than once I have seen Police speed-trap vehicles parked at the entry to these ramps heading down to the Hawksbury on the F3 – in both directions so both CC Area and Hornsby Area coppers doing it.

  3250. For heaven sakes No not the new councillors look at the mess the last two councils got the Coast in. These new lot won’t have a clue unless we are going to have old recycled councillors elected and heaven help that idea also.

  3251. Alfred A Arnold ST MBA SE/ BE/ M/E CEO retired | May 2, 2024 at 1:22 pm |

    In my opinion, there should be no trees within 250 meters of the landing field and any buildings in the area because of bushfires and aircraft safety, fuel safety, and landing safety.

    • There is so much native vegetation clearance happening all around the Central Coast that it is good to keep ensuring that it is only done when absolutely necessary and within the law.

  3252. Chantelle | May 2, 2024 at 5:59 pm |

    Again focus on kids park, what about adult outdoor areas to enjoy and not always about playgrounds? There are several playgrounds already in that same vicinity. This opportunity should’ve been taken to improve the parking and seating next to the fish shop.

  3253. Sam Mauceri | May 2, 2024 at 6:44 pm |

    Warnavale town centre still getting build we getting to many houses getting build in warnavale aria but still we waiting for this shopping centre to be build can some one tell me what is going on this been going for to long now with out solution I will appreciate some information thank you

  3254. Stephen Sizer | May 2, 2024 at 9:31 pm |

    I agree with Kevin – the council should not be extending this. This was to repair the budget, not an ongoing revenue increase

  3255. I note they’re going for fast chargers from the get-go.
    And no doubt the earliest petrol stations opened with few pumps too, but eventually the horses and buggies disappeared.
    It’s good to see the Central Coast moving forward with the times.

  3256. Maybe the Government and local Council will start listening to these groups voiced as they join forces to Protect the Enviroment of the Central Coast.

  3257. government and businesses makes money from doing home builds. They lose money from building infrastructure like shops, schools, libraries community buildings to support these residents

  3258. Mark Singles | May 3, 2024 at 12:14 pm |

    Great job

  3259. Andrew McDonald | May 3, 2024 at 2:59 pm |

    No workers but signs up is commonplace. I recently used the Hume Motorway and there was a relatively new resealing but now line-marked that had signs up, so in theory all the traffic had to slow from 110kph to 80kph (although not many did).
    The problem is that there are so many of these situations and drivers ignore them because there is no evidence of roadworks; then along comes a genuine roadwork and drivers also tend to not slow down.
    If I were a cynic I would say that the police love these “phantom” roadworks and signs because it means that can catch so many more people breaking the “so called speed limit”.

  3260. Les graham | May 3, 2024 at 7:02 pm |

    To have an airport already adjacent to a railway line and an expressway is priceless for future economic development and employment.
    to listen to the nimbys who now have built houses around the area knowingly that an airport was already existing should not be listened too. further more there is also a huge distribution centre for a large supermarket chain

    • Except only joyriders use the airport to fly their noisy polluting planes. Good luck thinking this airport is going to “serve” the community and create employment

  3261. bored men with chainsaws

  3262. It’s usually a good idea to inform oneself of the facts about an issue before criticising others points of view. The light aircraft operating from Warnervale airfield have only become a problem for the residents Mr Graem is criticising since the Warnervale Airport Restrictions act was repealed in 2020. The president of the Aero club has himself recently stated that there has been a 300% increase in activity since then. It’s therefore very likely that those who are concerned with this aircraft noise were residing here before this increased activity became an issue, In my case, 24 years Mr Graem!

  3263. tragic that a young life taken in a shameless criminal act & recklessness is worth a mere 5 years in prison for the convicted offender. 25 years would have been more appropriate. although the victims family must endure the torture of this atrocity for their lifetimes. justice – what justice

  3264. CCM have been a unique team since their inception. the little team that could. and can. i love this team, well done CCM. more success to you.

  3265. This would be a better choice to use this parcel of land for the proposed high rise apartments at Oasis Caratel Caraven Park, Kanwal.
    This would negate the disruption &
    unhousing of current residents as per the proposal!
    This site would be closer to public transport & the M1!
    This would cause less strain on the current infrastructure, during & after the proposed construction at Kanwal!

  3266. Jeannine C | May 4, 2024 at 7:31 am |

    My thoughts and prayers are with John and Julie, Ashley and all their family in their time of overwhelming, insurmountable
    sadness and grief, words cannot express.

  3267. Jeff Sundstrom | May 4, 2024 at 10:04 am |

    I’ve not yet received a satisfactory explanation of how it was possible for the restricted funds to be spent in the first place. The Act requires the elected body to agree to request permission from the Min for Local Government to spend those funds on other projects or for any other purpose. That never happened.

    Placing the Council’s under administration has been a failure. As a councillor I was prepared to seek the answers that the community deserve to hear.

  3268. Graeme Hancock | May 4, 2024 at 5:03 pm |

    I reported a large damaging pothole on the Ridgeway last Monday evening yet the bike track from North Entrance to Toukley is extended dayly at fenominal expense given the amount of concrete pavement and massive sandstone retaining walls let alone the machinery costs.

  3269. Pharmacists need to stop pretending they are doctors. They are little more than shopkeepers these days.

  3270. Helen OShea | May 4, 2024 at 7:24 pm |

    Tony has serviced my machine over 38 years..His attention to my craft has always been exceptional and could not do enough for me ..His shop is always my first port of call for my sewing supplies..

  3271. Gil Thorncraft | May 5, 2024 at 9:15 am |

    So True,
    The root cause of all our problems.

  3272. wait till it floods seen it all under water

  3273. Robert Leslie Findley | May 5, 2024 at 7:13 pm |

    Why has it taken another accident for the governments to start talking about the crossing at Woy Woy when they had a plan over 40 years ago. Go back to the original plan and start working on it now. Has any government public servant done their jobs. We pay for them to carry out necessary and required by the people to do it.

  3274. R. Pickett | May 6, 2024 at 9:54 am |

    For the benefit of all the residents on the Central Coast let’s hope that Kevin Brooks does stand for Council as his articles are outstanding and deserve to be in print.
    To the average resident like myself he seems to “Hit the nail on the head”.
    I take Jeff Sundstrom’s comment with some empathy for all the old Councillors but I feel they should have all respected Troy Marquart and particularly Rebecca Gale’s integrity by resigning with them, it may have resulted in a different Public Inquiry result.

  3275. Well said Tony, however, you seem to miss the reality of life. When you have a child, you both assume and expect it to grow over time. When you grow a plant you expect growth over time. When you start a business you also long for growth. Invest some money and you’d like growth right? So… did you not think that an airport would grow?

    Stress not my friend, electric, low-emission and lower-noise aircraft are coming very very soon.

  3276. Pamela M Hunter | May 6, 2024 at 4:23 pm |

    where is “The Gallery Precinct”?

  3277. Joy Buckley | May 6, 2024 at 5:08 pm |

    Well done Janice. A wonderful initiative 👏👏

  3278. what is the Address please

  3279. I’d strongly doubt we’re bearing the brunt of it considering Western Sydney. In saying that, I don’t understand how no other politicians raise the fact that a huge bite of the state budget goes to infrastructure there rather than elsewhere that has also had significant growth like the Central Coast.

  3280. Jarrod PETERSON | May 7, 2024 at 6:02 am |

    Having lived in the region for ten years now,the Rawson Rd crossing situation is nothing short of a disgrace.The poor locals are being treated like fools by both local council and government.Everyone is aware of the ongoing danger it poses.The design of the crossing is grossly outdated and quite embarrassing, it’s not a good look for visitors that we want to entice to experience the many beauties of our region.As a community this should be regarded as a burning issue and in any way possible apply pressure for funding and construction a.s.a.p, particularly as we are seeing big jumps in population growth and recent plans from government for high density housing in WoyWoy.

  3281. Mick ambrose | May 7, 2024 at 6:12 am |

    Fix the entrance channel permantly or open another outlet permantly looks like rain and suburbs flood

  3282. Sue,

    SORR provided a simulate report to Council on the water tested in Lake Tuggerah on the PFAS levels.

    We have a solution that is capable of assisting with the remediation and removal of PFAs from the water and the soil.

    The issue affects the whole Lakes system

  3283. Graham Parkin | May 7, 2024 at 8:22 am |

    Not before time, definitely necessary, as Langford Drive is main thoroughfare through Kariong

  3284. Mark Wallace | May 7, 2024 at 9:45 am |

    We are obviously going to keep getting rain events like now so if we are starting to get low lying land flooding there needs to be solutions put in place to mitigate .. otherwise we get the same old same old problems every year .. so probably need new council Leaders for better actions to be taken .. use people power .. if you are caught up in the flood zones back the people you talk to who can help with changing your local infrastructure.

  3285. Shane Dowe | May 7, 2024 at 11:24 am |

    I’ve heard people talk about the proposed tunnel since I moved to the area, about a decade ago. What I cannot picture is where this proposed tunnel’s entrance and exit would be. Is the intention to go under the railway near Bulls Hill? Would the proposed tunnel be capable of handling heavy vehicles? (I know Woy Woy Road has a weight limit, but emergency vehicles will need to be able to cross the railway, along with normal vehicles in the event that Spike Milligan Bridge and The Rip Bridge became unusable for some reason).

  3286. I don’t understand after a few flood events recently, why no actions taken by the council or state government. Look like we don’t have proper flood draining mechanism at the Entrance. Check out how Netherlands did it if they don’t have any clue

    • Thank you. This channel issue has a long history and council and state government have told us they are spending large amounts of money in prevention and response. Can we suggest a quick search in our archives to see the history and extent of the debate and reations.

  3287. Great to hear Dr Reddy wanting to help locals who currently travel to Skin Cancer Clinic in Darlinghurst.

  3288. Has this been fact checked?
    As a planner in the private sector in a previous life, it appears to me that CEN may not be correct in its statements & assessments.

    • We check that assertions come from known and reliable sources. The individual facts asserted in this article clearly come from the Community Environment Network. Should you have specific information that challenges the data presented we are happy to receive and eventually publish that information.

  3289. what is the address

  3290. Mandy Young | May 7, 2024 at 5:03 pm |

    Do you make coffees and lattes to go with your lovely sweets please?

  3291. Seriously! electric low emission low noise aircraft – what fantasy world are you living in? Even if (very optimistically) that’s the case the number of amateur aircraft enthusiasts with very noisy aircraft are extremely annoying and highly polluting (2 stroke engines will do that). The increased risk of any aircraft accident over residential areas would be catastrophic. But the point is that the cost of allowing aircraft in this relatively clean quiet area is too high. Just for the convenience and exploitation of a very small number of people. Limitations need to be enforced and aircraft type need to severely curtailed, for the peaceful enjoyment of the residents, the only exceptions should be emergency aircraft.

  3292. Carolyn Gorton | May 7, 2024 at 9:12 pm |

    Having lived close to the level crossing for nearly 30 years l would love nothing more than to see it closed.The last issue with the car on the tracks and being hit by the train was very scary.Really, its 2024, it needs to be closed and the underpass built.Please make sure its high enough for trucks,caravans,Fire trucks etc.

  3293. about Tim. get it done asap

  3294. Grant Playford | May 8, 2024 at 8:20 pm |

    As need of boom gates to be installed in burns rd bec I have see cars stuck in flood waters when it rains heavy over night

  3295. Thanks for nothing David Meehan !
    Where were you when the previous government was spending 50 million dollars on an overpass of the rail line at Fountaindale for a few dozen trains maintenance staff to safely cross, while tens of thousands of motorists are forced to use Burns Rd, or the Chitraway Rd bottleneck everyday.

  3296. bill van der mast | May 9, 2024 at 11:12 am |


  3297. David Crozier | May 9, 2024 at 8:51 pm |

    council needs duty of care to clean up Creek flow & work with state rail to correct rail corridor water flow during heavy rain. fix drainage at Howes Rd.

  3298. Billy has hit the nail on the head.
    Central ok Coast tax papyers were taken advantage of with that Billion dollar(?) railway worker overpass. Like what is that ? it should be incorporated as the main access route out to the highway with further proclamation of surrounding farm land. Makes a lot more sense than plowung more TAX PAYERS $$$ into the burns road underpass!

  3299. It seems (there will be) a lot of mostly baseless assumptions made. If only more development, increased rates income, etc would result in upgrades to services… oh wait, it would.

  3300. Caroline Bryce | May 10, 2024 at 12:33 pm |

    My medical practice used to bulk bill for pensioners then they stopped two years ago.Now the government rebate has increased but they are not bulk billing.Its tough when I have to pay every month for my consultation.

  3301. AutreVoix | May 10, 2024 at 4:02 pm |

    So in the apparent rush to satisfy Developers’ interests over those of the community – height and floor space ratio concessions for example – the Planning Panel seems to have granted DAs for what have turned out to be substandard multi-storey buildings, approved by private certifiers who were not appropriately licensed; buildings which have serious structural, mechanical and fire safety defects – identified well into their construction and unfortunately, in at least one already completed and occupied tower; non-compliance with primary documentation on which approvals were granted but that were only identified after construction had already commenced – and in the Holden St site, after significant commencement.

    The Building Commissioner’s reports on the huge “Vue Mer” Henry Parry Drive construction, the nine storey Holden St building and the Mulkarra Ave apartment block, outline extraordinary failures in building approval, construction, safety and integrity, and make alarming reading as well as raise serious questions about out the integrity of the approvals process.

    Add the now halted construction on the St Hilliers Mann St, the Donnison West St and the Cape St South sites, and the mess is there for all to see.

    Great outcomes for the Gosford built environment, wouldn’t you say?

  3302. It’s apparent there is opposition not only to the extension of Warnervale airport and the obvious increase in the number of aircraft that will be circling our roofs (I really don’t know what’s so fascinating about them) but also to the already existing number of light aircraft that find our roofs so intriguing. For those that like to contradict others points of view unless you live in areas where these light aircraft continually meander – looking at our roofs! then you really shouldn’t be offering an opinion. I understand the council administrator has now deferred the airport upgrade decision to the council that will be newly elected in September. That is an opportunity to organize possibly a Facebook group that can assist any prospective councillors in deciding that our once quiet unpolluted coast does not need an airfield that benefits just a few people who own private planes. I know numerous complaints have been made to Council, the Aero club and Air Svs Aust. but the daily noise continues. I think it’s very arrogant of these private aircraft owners to put their personal desires ahead of a large number of others that already subsidies their airport by almost $10,000 each week from our rates!

  3303. Imtiyaz Khan | May 12, 2024 at 7:56 pm |

    Very nice and noble work.Lend the hand 👌 Service above self 👍

  3304. Andrew Chan | May 12, 2024 at 8:36 pm |

    I would like to know more about the organisation re volunteering n what we can do to help each other

  3305. Gerald Speck | May 13, 2024 at 8:40 am |

    Say “NO DEAL” to the mobile phone tower in Green Point !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Documented evidence of harm and anxiety from phone towers to humans around the world must be enough to stop installation of such towers especially in residential such as that proposed for a 30 metre high transmission tower in Coles rear carpark at Green Point Village Shops, across the road from the hugely popular open regional playground and adjoining preschool, across the road from Broadlands relocatable homes village housing many dozens of elderly residents, and close and in line of sight to many dozens of surrounding houses, adjacent to Avoca Drive and feeder roads into our suburb, surrounded by carparks and footpaths over unsuspecting people ….Local Central Coast health workers know of cancer outbreaks and risks with mobile phones, particularly amongst the young. We like the convenience and ease of mobile technology but associated risks are evident .. say “NO DEAL” to the tower in Green Point !!

  3306. Graham Parkin | May 13, 2024 at 5:50 pm |

    Congratulations on opening your new house of worship, may it flourish for years to come

  3307. Harold Morhan | May 13, 2024 at 5:52 pm |

    Central Coast Council continues on its path of being the laughing stock on NSW local councils, and Dick Hart and his cohorts have perpetuated the problem. Of course they’re going to refurbish the council offices. we can’t have councillors working in a “slum” can we.
    Maybe an organized withholding of rates is due until the council starts acting for the people instead of themselves.

  3308. The Peninsula deserves better.
    Wyong council only looks after itself.
    What a disgrace……….

  3309. Central Coast Council is the worst council I have ever known. Ratepayers pay good money to this council, however, road maintenance is disgusting. Roads should be kerbed and guttered. More 50klm street signs need to be installed as trucks and 4 wheel drivers are doing a lot of damage to roads. Please listen to people!!!!

  3310. I lived in Calypta road Umina Beach for 12 years from 1984 to 1996 and cannot believe the roads are still this bad 40 years later

  3311. Yes it’s a disgrace. I was involved with construction of the sewerage system 40 years ago, and nothing has changed on the peninsula.
    Regrettably under the Administrator, is more concerned in marketing and community forums.
    Basic maintenance like controlling weeds along roads and footpaths is a disgrace. Gavenlock Road, Koolewong, totally unacceptable.

  3312. Martin Galllagher | May 14, 2024 at 6:53 am |

    In October 23 345 residents living around the Deane st Narara area signed a petition asking for a small section of this street to be regraded and brought up to a standard suitable to cater for the various traffic types that use this outlet onto Narara Valley drive.After the petition was forwarded to Rick Hart via Dr.Gordon Reid nothing has been done except filling in the potholes that occur every time it rains.There are no capital works to be carried out in 24-25 according to Councils website. Visits by council road authorities have proved virtually useless.This response from Council only reinforces many residents views that we are the forgotten lot west of the railway tracks. We invite your news team to inspect Deane St for yourself.

  3313. Elections for the new CC Council are due in September. Get active and get elected and make a change.

  3314. Simon Wood | May 14, 2024 at 8:30 am |

    If and when we do get to vote for new councillors please remember this. The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So don’t vote any of the old concillors back in.

  3315. Gerald Speck | May 14, 2024 at 9:28 am |

    Green Point telecommunications tower is to be 30 metres
    or 100 feet in height.
    Australian Housing Code Maximum Building Height is 8.5 metres
    That is 9-10 residential storeys !
    Development Application 1552/2023.

  3316. Gerald Speck | May 14, 2024 at 9:45 am |

    Less than 300 out of 600 Green Point households advised by mail by C/C Council of proposed 10 storey telecommunications tower to be built in Coles rear carpark !

  3317. Irene Dunn | May 14, 2024 at 10:29 am |

    pleased to receive news. thanks

  3318. Philip Clarke | May 14, 2024 at 12:12 pm |

    Please add Broadwater Drive Saratoga to your list of forgotten infrastructure

  3319. We do not need an airport in the central coast. This is a waste of our money only used to serve a handful of people who use this facility to quench their hobbies.
    Stop this nonsense! Use this land that will directly serve this community.

  3320. Graham Parkin | May 14, 2024 at 5:13 pm |

    so, what’s new, we always had an idea that forced amalgamation of both Gosford, and, Wyong Councils was a huge error on then State Government’s behalf, as it has now proved beyond all doubt that neither Councils would ever work together, in fact, looking at the loss of over $564,000,000 .00is evidence enough to prove total incompetence relating to both Administrator Rick Hart,and,Chief Executive Officer brought in from another failed council,best thing to do now, de – amalgamate these Councils, restore Gosford City Council, and, leave Wyong Council to themselves, we do not need them, as past history has well shown their inability to keep finances in check,and,balance,add to this, the so – called public enquiry into missing funds was conveniently hidden from ratepayers, and, residents of this area, someone has a great deal of explaining to do.

  3321. The story of the central coast council and its lack of commitment to the rate payers has been long a problem over the last number of years ever since the state government amalgamated the Gosford and Wyong council under one council.
    I have lived on the central coast for 49 years and see our rate payers have to be hit with extra rate rises is nothing but a criminal act.
    Our road system and upkeep is a joke when we have very little paths, kerb and guttering drains that cannot fix our flooding problems which has out of control.
    We have an incompetent management run be a person who doesn’t live in our area and only wants to do one thing to fix every issue make us pay more rates does that make you look at the present government tax us more to fix their incompetence.
    We have a problem on the central coast and the only way to fix our problems is to get ride of the current management and get some honest aldermen who will work for us rate payers.
    We have roads and drainage that require a complete overhaul but when you advise the council of the problems they fix the holes with tar as soon as we get rain and we have heavy buses and garbage trucks on a daily basis our problems are back to the same old ways repair with shovel of tar and six council workers to fix one hole does that tell what our problems are yes hopeless management and waste of rate payers money.
    Let’s all get and complain to our local state and a federal representative we have had enough of this incompetent council management before we are all broke and can’t afford our out of control rates.

  3322. Shame on Central Coast Council. How about fixing the road surface on the Esplanade at Ettalong beach it is disgusting and in parts is a danger to the public who use the walkway which is to narrow and very close to the road in some parts.
    And while you are at fix Bayview Cres at Blackwell. The residents who pay rates deserve better. why would anyone vote for the council who are so apathetic.

  3323. Fiona Goniak | May 14, 2024 at 7:49 pm |

    Couldn’t the existing Gosford Library be made into the Junior or children’s library and early learning centre with the new library and study hub be the senior/adult library? Parking is an issue with increased traffic and free parking spaces few and far between. Would consideration be offered to use the old Marketown centre or Kibbleplex centre as an option for parking?

  3324. Central coast council is continually ripping rate payers off they spend our money like drumlin sailers, their loss of rate payers money is well documented they have a terrible background in balancing the books and they should get better accounting systems in place

  3325. Demolish the building & build a 5 story carpark. Gosford has had parking problems since Cobb & Co days.

  3326. we can spend a fortune on a cycle track on William Barret drive though. enough concrete there to curb and channel all of Toukley and Gorokan

  3327. philip swan | May 15, 2024 at 12:49 pm |

    Save the building happy to fill building with Australian heritage items from my collection

  3328. Clive Anderson | May 15, 2024 at 7:19 pm |

    More growth in the area should result in discounts not rises. It’s like the old Orange theme. Why sell a doz for a $$ when you can sell 13 for $$$

  3329. This is the most inept imbecile they could’ve appointed as “administrator “. The very title carries the connotation of at least some measure of competence, but this guy beggars belief. Even less managerially talented as his predecessors- if that was possible.

  3330. Save our history.
    Progress does not always equal improvement

  3331. Fred Blogg | May 15, 2024 at 9:04 pm |

    if Riks money man Boris stopped running his computer program ‘Trim’ to funnel funds around,we wouldnt end up with the problems we have now and in the future.He is the problem.get rid of him!

  3332. Jack Zervos | May 16, 2024 at 9:08 am |

    What a diabolically misleading post you should be ashamed of yourselves.
    When the previous lot were sacked because it got to the point where Council couldn’t pay it’s wages Hart inherited hundreds of millions of dollars of debt that has now all been repaid in full. There was less than $6 million in the bank how dare you completely misslead your readers … ….

    • Thank you Jack, we have published more stories on the council’s challenges than any all other news organisations combined. Please feel free to use our archives to explore the full stories. It is much more complicated than a single cause. This article brings fresh light to the complex situation.

  3333. Keep this great building, it’s great spacious area that is very hard to find room areas like this on the C C, the council has got rid of most good buildings

  3334. Kevin McDonnell | May 16, 2024 at 2:48 pm |

    Forget traffic gridlock, has anybody even checked with the Fire Serices or SES if they can actually reach these to these new heights using their current tenders and fire engines, or are we addressing housing problems by burning the residents?

  3335. We are experiencing a “hoon” pilot near the Wanervale school where this pilot with one of the loudest plans we have ever heard is doing low acrobatic flying. This is ridiculous. This airport is wasting our tax money and what we get are “hoon” pilots with zero consideration for the residents in this area. Something must be done.

  3336. Brett Cooper | May 18, 2024 at 1:38 pm |

    Been living on the CENTRAL COAST for 28 years. worst council in the entire country. just a bloody disgrace. And, the same old story, 10 council workers on their phones, watching one bloke dig a hole. no wonder nothing gets done, alongside side the maladministration that has gone on here for years !!!

  3337. Good on you Denis and Sharon. I had a strong suspicion that you were good people. God bless you both.

  3338. Chris Castellari | May 20, 2024 at 8:36 am |

    The hospital’s cancer trials are important not only locally, but nationally and internationally. I’m currently taking part in a five year trial for a new treatment for prostate cancer that could lead to faster and better outcomes for early prostate cancer sufferers. I feel honoured to take part and the staff in the cancer department have been so caring and wonderful. I add my thanks to them.

  3339. Great points raised, as per usual with gov, steam roll the changes and worry about impact afterwards when it has become unbearable.
    The trains to Sydney are already at capacity and the local geography is not supportive of wider roads to support increased vehicle numbers.
    Brisbane Waters Drive, Empire Bay drive would require major bridge widening projects to cooe with the traffic.
    Politicians need to remember, they are elected to represent their electorates wishes, not their own career aspirations within their political party.

  3340. Hey Liam, I just wanna say that you are one of the best actors in the world (and also really one handsome boy) You helped me a lot with my mental health with depression and I believe that you will grow up to be a successful and very gorgous actor.

    Sincerly, Your Number 1 fan

  3341. btw my google background is a picture of your sparkling eyes glistening in the ring light. Like the attractive actor u are 😘

  3342. So good to hear about everything you are doing at the Save the Children shop. Sharon and Denis you are awesome volunteers. And great to read this week, so many stories of the kind and generous people who volunteer in all different organizations, just like yourselves. This is definitely the week to celebrate everybody!

    We at FIRST Australia.org are run 99% by volunteers, and National Volunteer Week is a wonderful time to acknowledge them and the contribution they make to our students, programs and everyone involved in all our events. We greatly admire and appreciate all our volunteers ! Well done everyone for being awesome.

    FIRST Australia have joined the coalition of support for the strategy of volunteering with Volunteering Australia, a strategy to help change the face of volunteering countrywide. It’s a brilliant way to give back to your community, feel a sense if achievment and thrive off the goodwill.

    There’s no better time to volunteer than now, the world needs more people like Sharon and Denis, to touch lives and make a positive difference to the community at large. Well done, we celebrate you!

  3343. Frederick Holmes | May 23, 2024 at 7:11 pm |

    Alan Pappas is forward thinking! Nothing stays the same and this is one way to take the past with us into the future.

  3344. Stephen Bested | May 23, 2024 at 10:56 pm |

    How do we put a stop to these people? What can we do as community members?

  3345. good luck,l walk my dog there every day.no sun, good luck growing anything

  3346. William Lundy | May 24, 2024 at 11:18 am |

    How can I arrange to receive HARD “BACK Copies” of recent editions of The Central Coast Newspaper.

  3347. Ms M Phillips | May 25, 2024 at 6:12 am |

    Yes…100% agree with every comment

  3348. good luck

  3349. Mark Howe | May 29, 2024 at 4:25 pm |

    Thank you Alan for a common sense approach and finding a solution.We need more people like you with positive ideas and a vision for the future.As you previously stated,this facility would be an opportunity for the current members to enjoy their bowls in all types of weather and provide an outlet to disadvantaged groups.Perhaps this development, is a pathway to bring the CBD, into the 21st Century.

  3350. Great for the area. What a team. Hopefully a lot of future members in that crowd!

  3351. David Goodman | May 30, 2024 at 3:10 pm |

    Great work – keep it going for another 100 at least

  3352. Alan Pont | May 30, 2024 at 6:36 pm |

    Like many of your readers I was disappointed that a factual error appeared in your report on the fantastic win by the Mariners. Ryan Edmondson scored the first goal, Miguel Di Pizio the second and Edmondson the third for a 3-1 win.

  3353. Mark McLean | June 1, 2024 at 12:41 pm |

    I recall Ev saying from her hospital bed that she was overwhelmed with heartfelt gratitude for all the kindness and love conveyed from others making sure she knew just how appreciated,past and present she was to many. Evelyn and her husband Wal were my surrogate Mum and Dad,…irreplaceable .

  3354. David Stewart | June 2, 2024 at 9:25 pm |

    The entrance, long jetty and Terrigal need immediate remedial works as they are tired, run down and dilapidated street precincts that provide no public value or tourist aesthetic

  3355. How about less money spent on costly planning and more money spent on actually planting shading street trees. At the rate trees are being removed from the streets of Woy Woy, Ettalong and Umina you’re going to have an enormous amount of work to do. Talk about a heat bank. I notice that Patonga has had very expensive works completed over the past 4 years and yet they have a small population. Does the demographic of Patonga carry more importance to the local council than others in the community. Has the project at Patonga been cost effective in a cost of living crisis and Council and Water Rates increasing 15% upon 15% each year?

  3356. Stop this abhorrent outdated tradition.

  3357. Subash Kumaresan | June 3, 2024 at 10:03 pm |

    Totally agree !
    I was at the ampol gas station across the road from RSL the other day and was wondering the same, why did they they not over it up nicely. the outer walls could have been a little taller.

  3358. Absolutely support the planting of more trees! people on the peninsula just cut them down with no care at all!.. but also The streets in Umina need urgent attention. They are some of the worst roads on the coast with pot holes everywhere! rather then being properly resurfaced, they are simply filled quickly and break apart within days in some cases. My teeth rattle driving throughout the southern side of Umina. that is aside from flooding due to poor/nonexistent gutters. it’s a disgrace given what we pay in rates!

  3359. use the missing millions from council to spend on improving livability for all who live here.

  3360. Michael Wernon | June 4, 2024 at 5:15 pm |

    Actually I think what we are seeing is not the dismantling of freedoms but the dismantling of Christian privilege. For nearly two thousand years the Christian Church has been telling individuals how to live and restricting their freedoms. Now we have a government that recognises that individuals have rights not to be restricted by Christian ‘ethics’ and Churches can no longer force their positions down our throats. Bring on this legislation that protects individuals.

  3361. Digital Dental Tuggerah | June 5, 2024 at 4:13 pm |

    What a great achievement, please keep us updated on how he goes.

  3362. You have to be kidding yourself Michael. Any types of religious freedoms have been attacked over the past few decades and not just for Christianity but anyone that doesn’t conform to Atheism, essentially the new modern religion. What a joke our system has become that rushing through legislation like this can oppress people’s freedoms completely.
    True, society has mostly moved away from Christianity and many other religions for that matter. But that doesn’t mean those people shouldn’t have the same rights ad everyone else to meet with like minded people and be taught about like minded people as long as the general curriculum is also being adheard to.
    If you say you want equality, what is more equal than each person being able to choose who they want to learn from?

  3363. Sandra Staines | June 6, 2024 at 6:20 pm |

    If reducing the wards from 5 to 3 will get The Woy Woy Peninsula a better deal than it has had in the past 45 years that I have lived here then I am all for it. But is there any guarantee that Council monies will not be spent mainly in Terrigal as usual?

  3364. Jeffrey Atkinson | June 6, 2024 at 6:33 pm |

    there’s lots of money being spent on the great riding & pedestrian trail. spend some money and put a overhead bridge. don’t stop the traffic flow.

  3365. To whom it may concern.
    2 errors. The pictures of the 2 plays referred to are not in the festival. Mark and Shirley Lucas both write plays for Excalibur.

  3366. Brian Saffy | June 8, 2024 at 2:35 pm |

    How about also having a stamp duty reduction should aTOD or DWLH Sepp project gain approval.

  3367. Darrell Evans | June 9, 2024 at 3:11 pm |

    Fossil fuel generators are being phased out. This is due, not because of some whacky ideology, rather they were scheduled for closure due to reaching end of life mechanically thus becoming uneconomical and unsafe to operate. These are business decisions. The champions of Fossil fuel, the LNP, did nothing to argue for construction of replacement plants or raise the issue as a matter of priority. They did however act as a handbrake for construction of renewable projects. Now they are pursuing Nuclear as an option which they will take to the next election. Given the problems that occur with this technology, particularly safety, when vested interests are involved how will we be better off with potential radiation incidents, given the issues many communities have already suffered due to fossil fuel generators. Poor air quality leading to breathing problems, cancer clusters as well as environmental contamination from ash dams were never actively discussed. Construction of generators that can run on gas in the interim and then transitioned to run on green hydrogen, while not ideal in the short term is a better long term option. While this is happening continue to construct solar / wind and hydro projects which are quicker, cheaper and cleaner than coal or nuclear.
    Another factor which is seldom discussed is both the public and industry reducing the amount of energy they use. As a society we are very wasteful of resources, electrical power and water being two prime examples. Both will become more valuable and precious as time passes.
    Surely it is time to stop name calling and behave responsibly, accepting and taking a level of personal responsibility for these issues.

  3368. Editor CCN | June 10, 2024 at 5:19 pm |

    rest assured Coast Community News is encouraging all candidates to attend their relevant candidate forums. We will also assist with promotion of any such event held by community groups.

  3369. Very honoured to be included in this list. Congratulations to Ken, Kevin, Susan and the family of Brian.

  3370. Charles Hemmings | June 11, 2024 at 11:20 am |

    When fossil fuel generators are phased out we need something available, ready to go, to replace them. No only is there no enough ‘renewables’ available, we need some dispatchable power. Even C Bowen now concedes that. What are we going to use? The only two options at the moment are gas and nuclear. Gas is a compromise as it emits, but less than coal for the same amount of electricity. No country has managed to run an electricity grid solely on renewables. Germany relies on French nuclear power when the weather is unkind. Renewable enthusiasts either ignore or do not understand the difference between dispatchable and weather-dependent intermittent generators. We should take the politics out of this and leave it to the experts – the process technologists and economists. It is not a laboratory scientific experiment. Because of our lack of planning for the transition, we will be blessed with higher costs and reduced reliability over the next decade.

  3371. Like the one at Killarney vale it be by an appointment unless emergency other wise it will end up like casualty departments at hospitals

  3372. Darrell Evans | June 12, 2024 at 11:40 am |

    In the scenario you paint (I agree with your points regarding the urgency to provide a solution and lack of transition planning) gas turbines are probably the quickest method to address the shortfall. Various investigations into nuclear have indicated a long lead time to bring such technology on line. Given our record on other major projects (Snowy 2.0, airport and various road bypasses) I would suggest that the lead time would be towards the upper end of estimates, possibly 20 years and this is without what I am sure would be a significant cost blowout. I am wary of “leaving it to the experts” as while many have strong academic qualifications and provide robust and achievable advice, their message is always distorted by politicians and big business.
    Another possible strategy would be to revegetate abused land to offset carbon released by fossil fueled technologies. I would also admit that this isn’t a quick solution as trees do take time to attain a size that maximise their contribution. Again as you have pointed out this shows a lack of planning over many decades.

  3373. wow,I’ve known archer since primary school and he has always loved to try and break records, I wish him all the best

  3374. ok, accept, and probably agree
    interested to hear your thoughts on the inappropriateness of a council of 9 members

  3375. A statue of Vuka clearing the ball with his feet, would be a heart stopper!

  3376. Well, a noisy 8 people protested the thousands of people that attended the event. I think the ratio tells how the majority really feel about this. Once again, overrepresented and given a platform to judge others and attempt to divide a strong local community.

  3377. M Martegoutte | June 14, 2024 at 8:54 am |

    All very well putting on more needed homes but first you need to fix the road systems.The roads are already busy and more and more developments are coming into neighbouring suburbs the roads are never going to cope.

  3378. looks like lots of money well spent on the urgent care clinics, what have they achieved except waste millions of tax payer funds

  3379. Kevin Armstrong | June 14, 2024 at 12:27 pm |

    Council has privately organised several information sessions so potential candidates understand Council’s organisational structure, financial position and the role of Councillor.

    Democracy means that candidates are free to promote whatever policies they espouse in the lead up to the elections.

  3380. Ken Wenman | June 14, 2024 at 1:22 pm |

    Yes,I agree that the proposed entry and exit to this new estate is beyond foolish.The development requires direct access to the main road with traffic lights.In time this estate will have a thousand plus vehicles entering and exiting every day. This is shortsighted and is not in anyone’s interest but the developers.

  3381. nice to know people care.good people can be there for others

  3382. Robert Pickett | June 18, 2024 at 12:07 pm |

    Managing Editors Editorial
    I certainly agree that the upcoming September local elections are very significant and will play a big part in shaping the future of the Central Coast.
    After listening to Rik Hart at a Avoca Beach Community Association meeting on 3/6/24 and then reading Paul Link’s email to Coast Community News you would have to be confused. As if the Referendum question is not difficult enough, as it raises many questions as to what is best for the area. Knowing who to vote for is a much more difficult decision.
    You are asked to elect 3 candidates for your ward who will promote themselves to do their best for the entire Central Coast Region. How can they do this when 2 of the 3 will be Labor and Liberal who are bound to their respective political parties to follow party policy, expanding this over 5 wards you will have 10 Councillors Labor or Liberal.
    The Greens and CEN will not be left out with some candidates pretending to be Independent and doing a deal with Labour on preferences and will probably get a few elected as happened in the last election.
    Unfortunately the large majority of voters simply look at the massive voting paper and tick the box above the line that are grouped with all the political candidates. This is the quickest and easiest way to vote.
    There is very little chance of any true independent candidate getting elected as was evident in the last election where a true independent in the Gosford East Ward with no grouping, no deals and no preferences received more votes than any of the 94 other candidates from all wards but never looked like getting elected.
    Maybe a total change to the current voting system would be a better Referendum Question than the reduction of wards and councillors.

  3383. 12 would be the right number,!

  3384. Charles Hemmings | June 21, 2024 at 10:08 am |

    Mr Evans, I understand you reaction to ‘leave it to the experts’. I should have been more specific. Academic qualifications are a part of an expert’s tools, but I did say ‘technologists and economists not scientists’. The appropriate people for the task of planning ahead for our electricity needs are those ‘experts’ who are independent of being a government or other employee and have no personal vested interests in the result and have lots of relevant experience related to process engineering. Yes they are hard to find but no one is looking for them. Such a group could be overseen by a multiparty parliamentary committee.

  3385. Christine Abrahams | June 21, 2024 at 1:36 pm |

    Thank you again Mark and Corrine for putting forward the wishes of the wider community, we really admire your energy and efforts . Sand nourishment and no to a sea wall.

  3386. It was an amazing family friendly night that thousands of locals attended. The event showed off some very talented people that entertained a big crowd. While I respect some different opinions and beliefs, it was great entertainment for those that attended.

  3387. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | June 22, 2024 at 9:26 pm |

    I get the feeling that the administrator’s best number of councillors would be all the way down to one

  3388. Pierre Auguste Dalle | June 23, 2024 at 8:39 am |

    This is fantastic mews. Congratulations to Boydita, Julie and her staff. Best wishes for July results.

  3389. Robert Pickett | June 23, 2024 at 10:40 am |

    Thank you Christine for your comment. It sparked my interest and what a terrific job Mark and Corrine have done highlighting what is true and the innocent or perhaps deliberate manipulation from Government Department authorities

  3390. The article doesn’t clearly state, but did Heritage NSW find the exisiting building significant enough to issue an Interim Heritage Order?

    • Thank you John. Our understanding is they will consider such a move at their July meeting.

  3391. Central Coast is not the only council.. Mid Western Regional Council also is in charge of water and sewage for it council customers, your research is poor.

    • Thank you for your feedback Shannon. You’re right, in fact many councils in NSW own/run their own water services, however all those councils only fall under the one state government act for smaller water authorities. Central Coast Council water service is so large it has been the only council in NSW that straddles two acts of parliament that do not align with each other, causing unecessary costs and management challenges which cost us all very dearly.

  3392. Helen Orchard | June 26, 2024 at 2:35 pm |

    Are you our first candidate for the September 14 Council Elections.
    What ward will you be standing in?

  3393. does this mean we might get water thats actually drinkable instead getting screwed over by council

  3394. Robert Connell | June 26, 2024 at 4:19 pm |

    Under the NSW State Liberal Government of Mr. Nick Greiner from 25 March 1988 to 24 June 1992 I can well remember the Sewage Outfalls being extended due to continuous shocking Sewage Pollution close to Beaches such as
    Bondi, Malabar, Coogee, Brontë et al. However, I can find no reference whatsoever to this very important reform in researching Greiner’s Government through Wikipedia, it is almost as if it has been censored, so obviously I cannot give
    a figure on the cost of this Reform. My point is that in the light of the aforegoing changes to policy, which seemed to have no specific detail whatsoever, just who is fiscally responsible for the current Sewage Outfall at CRACKNECK POINT at BATEAU BAY on the NSW CENTRAL COAST, an Outfall which goes directly into THE OCEAN at CRACKNECK
    POINT specifically. This has now created totally unacceptable Sewage Pollution Problems for Toowoon Bay, North Shelly Beach, Shelly Beach, and Blue Lagoon and things get progressively worse by the day as The Central Coast Population rapidly increases. So much for the Pristine Wonder that was Blue Lagoon prior to the Sewage being connected. One critical but small first step would be to at least research the probable costings of a viable extension
    of The Sewage Outfall now DIRECTLY at CRACNECK POINT, BATEAU BAY. Okay, I can hear you, Where Is The Money
    Coming from ? What should be the priorities ? Well it is about time that so-called Government gave some priority to those living here in Australia than to the endless numbers that want to come here and to sticking our nose into Endless
    War, the World’s Population, OFFICIALLY, has doubled in the last 5O years, from 4 Billion in 1974 to 8 Billion NOW, in
    2024. I concede, and as Federal Treasury officially points out, the 2 sources of income for Government are BORROWINGS and Direct and Indirect Tax, read GST, with some income from Levys, Fees et al. As Governments own nothing that can produce a steady stream of revenue, I concede that it is probably inevitable that the Goods and Services Tax, The GST, will be eventually increased from the current 10% to 15%. But as long as Superannuation Schemes, Banks, Credit Unions, Individuals et al continue to in Invest in Treasury Bonds in Australia and Overseas
    Countries continue to Invest in Australian Treasury Bonds I say that the money is there to do something about this
    Scandalous Sewage Pollution. At the end of the day it is really about Prioritising the people who actually live in
    Australia and having the Political Will to do so.

  3395. Gary Davies | June 26, 2024 at 8:57 pm |

    just another layer of government on its way.. can’t wait!

  3396. Mike Cross | June 26, 2024 at 9:46 pm |

    Toukley neighbourhood centre is an outstanding community centre and doing such extraordinary things for the town of Toukley and surrounds. A better bunch of people you wouldn’t find anywhere

  3397. Michaeljmcvicker@gmail.com | June 28, 2024 at 3:14 pm |

    more people more 🚗 just what we need

  3398. The Pounding Noise DBA is way above safety levels – can be heard at Copocabana

  3399. When will laws be changed to protect consumers, subcontractors and suppliers for companies becoming insolvent?
    It appears that company directors relocate funds, either through family members, subsidiary companies or off shore assets.
    As a project manager for over 20 years, red flags were raised at $1000 over budget
    I am perplexed at how Construction companies are trading with enormous debt. The underlying systematic issues are not being addressed, nor are company directors and CEO’s are being held accountable.
    Many of these directors often are involved in new companies shortly after.
    There is a complete systematic breakdown, that is often exploited with the investors, employees and subcontractors taking the reprocussion

  3400. Jarrod PETERSON | July 1, 2024 at 6:10 am |

    Pacific Highway through Wyong is going from bad to worse.Peak hour is an absolute nightmare,a total log jam with vehicles almost being weaponized as desperate drivers try to avoid the excessive delays.The authorities to be need to prioritise urgent upgrades for this notorious and dangerous stretch of road so as that both local drivers and visitors can use this important corridor with some peace of mind and time reduction.

  3401. Wendy McRobie | July 1, 2024 at 10:14 am |

    Hi Jack,
    I’m a presenter on 93.3fm and just love your program Vinyl Vibes. I was a teenager in the 60’s and LP’s and 45’s were my most treasured possessions. Thanks for bringing it back.

  3402. good to know and keep in the loop

  3403. there is no consistency in the councils development
    very questionable !!!

  3404. i live in Terrigal and the speed humps are necessary. however, they have not slowed down the bikes and cars that always speed through that area. As a pedestrian it is quite dangerous to cross the road to the bus stop on Terrigal drive and to cross the road on The Esplanade to/from that car park to the apartments on the opposite side. The idea,was good, however those type of speed humps don’t slow cars and motorbikes

  3405. Has anybody asked the 33 permanent redidents if they are willing to move into the units to be built for $150 per week? That to me seems like the fairest solution to them. Otherwise build the new units around them.

  3406. Ken Wilson | July 2, 2024 at 8:45 am |

    When new estates are being built all over the Central Coast and very little or no public transport traffic congestion can be expected.

  3407. B fitzGerald | July 2, 2024 at 3:27 pm |

    how do I purchase art from this exhibition?

  3408. There is already queues at the post office going outside the door,a two hour bus service,very little entertainment,a very small local shopping centre no newsagents.3.00 to use the ATM.
    no bus shelters at the top of Walker Avenue.
    More expensive to shop locally
    Graffiti bad.
    Dangerous to cross the Pacific Highway,for Children and the elderly.
    Can the hospital cope with all the extra people.
    Long queues in the bank at Lake haven.
    Two hour wait for a taxi at Lake haven.
    no local restaurants or coffee shops.
    no local parks for walking.

  3409. Kim Forsyth | July 2, 2024 at 9:10 pm |

    I do hope the new CCCouncil will be more modernised like other regional cities.
    CCCouncil has recently approved numerous 1 hectare hobby farms within walking distance to Erina fair shopping centre.
    Located on the boundaries of the Erina impact centre, Erina pre-school & the aged care centres along Terrigal drive.

  3410. Greg Denning | July 3, 2024 at 7:50 am |

    How about fixing the road under the bridge so we don’t have to use 4WD just to get into the potholed Sth. Tacoma Road.

  3411. Peter Asquith | July 3, 2024 at 11:51 am |

    Congratulations for standing at the forthcoming Council elections. The debt we inherited when the merger of Gosford and Wyong Council was never funded properly from the Government and to inherited a $2m hole from The Gosford side that was never accounted for is a disgrace, let alone the $500m the Council spent which was not for for general use and “we” are suppose to be grateful that we will pay this back. Selling off Council assets to help pay for this “mistake” is outrageous!

  3412. Caroline Bryce | July 3, 2024 at 3:24 pm |

    A Cinema would be good in Gosford

  3413. Phil Kenny | July 3, 2024 at 4:07 pm |

    I am concerned to see that Central Coast Council is to up their rates to 4.8% as of July one. This is the maximum permissible by state government legislation. The right of the Central Coast residents have no say on this issue of writing increases or in fact any other issues.

    So we can attend the gallery of council meetings but we still have no say until elected councillors are in position. Many decisions have been made without any counsellors to put in the communities input.

    Once we have counsellors, they will be experienced in the job and will be sometime before they are in the position to affectively Have input into council matters.

    I’m looking forward to the stage when we finally have council and the public have the opportunity to lobby. Those counsellors to get some community input into vital council decisions.

  3414. Bente Pocmore | July 3, 2024 at 4:20 pm |

    I am looking for affordable 1-2 b/room to rent close to family I have a daughter living in Walli ave canton beach and the new units in canton beach so the location would be ideal.
    could you please give me more information of the units how much the rent is and size and if you have any vacancies. I remain hopeful sincerely yours Bente

  3415. yes important to revitalise Gosford. it’s been stagnant too long

  3416. Hi all, it’s me Dasha. No joke, I searched up my name for fun and found myself from the local newspaper. Unflattering photo. The end. Bye.

    How many people have actually seen this article???

    Lol. I’m actually gonna leave now.

    I ended up coming third in the state so… yeah. I’m ✨smart✨

    The news reporter called me a clever cookie if anyone actually values that information.

    Don’t you have something else to be doing?? Like literally ANYTHING except wasting your life on this pointless comment??

    These are ENTIRE MINUTES of your life you are wasting reading this.

    I’ll actually leave now. Bye-bye.

    • Dasha, thanks for the comment, we understand this might seem odd, this is not a social media comment, its a news report of factul things that happened in the community.
      For your reference we are a community media organisation and our job is to infrom the community of which you’re part of all manner of things, including your success, that has been read 1000s of times.
      We are not random individuals who write these things on social media, it’s our job. This is the role of a free media in a free country, to inform the public.

  3417. Brett Cooper | July 5, 2024 at 2:37 pm |

    oh dear. this is very sad. rate payers continue to pay for councils mistakes. I’d love to see the business qualifications, of all the Council Board members. why didn’t we learn from the last debacle!! or debacles, if you wish. can we please get one persons on the board, with half a brain, so they don’t send hard working rates payers broke !!!

  3418. I think neigh sayers should really step back and think about the aesthetics of that library- it really holds no appeal. its been bastardised over the years and was never a shining light of architecture. memories of what was ok-ish in the 70’s and 80’s is no reason to hold onto it.

  3419. the Administrator has been taking us for a ride since his appointment…a big salary for raising rates – wow – any joe blow could have done this.
    no efficiencies no improvements – just hiding behind the title Administrator & earning a bucket load of our money

    • I have to agree, we are paying for their frivolity and reckless disregard for rate payers. Here we are no decent roads, drainage that is so lacking the water fills our homes and they spend $2m they don’t even have on development… what about infrastructure first because that is what we need!!
      Needs not wants or nice to haves are far more important!

  3420. James Crosland | July 6, 2024 at 11:06 pm |

    #@$* me , can’t Councilers follow the rules, this mistakehave already been made which cost ratepayer’s,is another rate hike coming???
    Name and same all Concilers that have dine the wrong thing past and present.
    Our Concilers can’t see to be able to repair our roads.

    • James, good point, though of course we have not had any councillors for years. The council has been under State Government admistration for 5 of the past 8 years. Elections for councillors are coming in September.

      • Marie Chaplain | July 26, 2024 at 9:29 pm |

        This is where we need to get people in who can speak for the people. We the people who. are not living the dream, we pay our taxes, pay our rates and they are high because why?? We are mostly in modest homes, not living extravagant lifestyles but here we are paying for the excesses of others!
        It is not rocket science that we expect those we vote for to do a good job on our behalf, again here we are .. being left begging and for the most part most constituents would have no clue there actually isn’t a real council or councillors but a faulty front and a singular person making decisions that aren’t anything to do with what we vote for.
        None of us want to pay more in rates and taxes – why would we want to pay twice for something- again here we are paying extra on our already higher than average rates …yes they splut the bill to “simplifly” the rates and water thinking none of us would notice the extra hefty increases in rates and water we are being charged on the coast..that was the now missing council who installed that shocker…now we have been hit with an extra charge for their mismanagement and funds misappropriation shall we say… because it certainly did not go on any improvements in the region…I for one have had to endure like many the awesome.e taste of sewerage and storm water in my home and still live the nightmare with no end in sight because it’s noones fault and ..oh there is no council, so no infrastructure but we still have to pay extra ontop for the privilege.
        YES YOU ARE DOING A GREST JOB NOT!! thank you Govt. I love the smell of S.,t for breakfast every day .. and the threat of losing every thing I no longer own every time it smells like rain!!

  3421. Chris Kendall | July 7, 2024 at 6:06 am |

    A fantastic community service delivered by kind hearted staff and volunteers. Well done to everyone involved, this is such an important initiative to help those in need. Thank you!

  3422. Same chance of getting that $2 million back as recovering the cost of the rock-filled bags craned onto Wamberal Beach in good faith at the direction of the State government LEOCON ..

    different State government ..
    same Council exuberance with OPM

  3423. D. Thorne | July 7, 2024 at 10:26 pm |

    Absolutely agree with Craig Hillman’s letter. To increase development in a floodplain where the traffic and parking congestion is already appalling and only going to become worse is idiotic.

  3424. Don Polski | July 8, 2024 at 10:55 am |

    what alternative do we have? That’s what humans do, we build and develop. Come up with solutions. I think something like 20% of the Netherlands is reclaimed land. It didn’t stop them. Build seawalls. Widen and increase roads. Faster trains. Bigger carparks. Bridges.Tunnels. And don’t forget it was only around twenty years ago the ‘experts’ told us that due to climate change we’d be in virtual perpetual drought and Warragamba dam would never be full again.

    • Don, I agree 100%. My comment outlines current Council policy bs the intent of State Government to redevelop Woy Woy, as things stand Council is at odds with State and will not approve any residential intensification in flood zones, this includes simple duplexes.
      The majority of suburbs around Brisbane Waters are suitable for shelter in place strategies for that 2-4 hours once every 100 years when flood impacted.
      I do hope the State government reins in our Council on this issue

  3425. Don Polski | July 8, 2024 at 11:10 am |

    What happened to my comment? Doesn’t conform to commonly held beliefs?

    • Don, we vett all comments before we publish. This is a response to court recent decisions that hold us partially responsible for comments on our platforms.

  3426. John C Fairfax | July 8, 2024 at 5:39 pm |

    Council imposing building restriction due to claimed sea level rise should carry out due diligence and answer this question:
    What percentage of melted polar and glacier ice water evaporates into atmosphere and cloud, instead of adding to AGW sea level rise?

  3427. Sam Mauceri | July 8, 2024 at 6:05 pm |

    Any progress been made over the warnavale town centre or its been forgotten can someone from central coast council be able to tell me what going on

  3428. Craig Hillman | July 8, 2024 at 7:19 pm |

    In the LGA we have approximately 20,000 properties impacted by some degree of flood affectation. The majority of properties around Brisbane Waters, including Woy Woy are “text book” examples of locations that should be considered suitable for “shelter in place” strategies as opposed to stopping development completely – as others have pointed out, people need to live somewhere.
    We are talking a flood of low level, low velocity and of short duration, around 3-4 hours in a 1 in 100 year event.
    The floor levels of all new builds is minimum 70cm above the flood level, so what’s wrong with “sitting tight” for a couple of hours till the flood passes – or evacuating early?
    For anyone who may misinterpret my view – I believe Council is wrong to restrict development on the basis of flood affectation stemming from Brisbane Waters in most areas, the policy puts Council at odds with the State Governments plans – it is this conflict that must be addressed ASAP.

  3429. I think it’s fantastic for any help and we’ll appreciate any help for home less and much appreciated the sporting club for doing so nobody can appreciate as me me as being in that position.

  3430. Peter Reeves | July 8, 2024 at 8:03 pm |

    I read born one the central coast and where I have lived has had kerb and guttering. I live at Woy Woy at the end of Woy Woy Rd where flashing signs warn of water running across the road for over three years. Drainage has recently been made so water no longer runs across the road. Could have been done the years ago. we still have pot holes because of lack of drainage.

  3431. Bartholomew | July 8, 2024 at 9:36 pm |

    Growth and change is the only way to improve, if the area doesn’t grow, it will become stale.

  3432. Gary Wallace | July 8, 2024 at 10:01 pm |

    Interesting, maybe we wait and see how it is in 12 months time

  3433. Tony Hatch | July 9, 2024 at 6:42 am |

    The council could actually fix the stormwater issues by putting stormwater lines out to the Ocean. At present the drains are make believe and only go to ground.

  3434. The council are more intent on putting wire mesh on the St. Huberts Island bridge than fixing the potholes in the atrocious roads, and remember, designating Woy Woy a flood plain area just drives up your house insurance.

    • Craig Hillman | July 9, 2024 at 11:05 am |

      Question to the Editor.
      Why the title “Woy Woy not a suitable growth corridor”.
      Nowhere did I use those words, my letters intent was to highlight a disparity between Council and State policy intent – My original title was “Council and State at odds over future of Woy Woy” which I believed encapsulates the issue – the imposed title is biased.

      • Thank you Craig. On review of your comprehensive and informed letter we agree and have changed the title to more closely reflect the intent of your points. Thank you for your interest.

  3435. Philip Swan | July 9, 2024 at 12:53 pm |

    How about somewhere to swim in the complex

  3436. Don Polska asks for alternatives, well a stable population would mean there was no need for putting new homes on climate risk land.

  3437. Your right John, it’s a pathetic state of affairs that all levels of Govt. simply pay lip service to cost effeciencies and always take the path of least resistance. In the case of local councils asking IPART to let them to continually charge more. The temporary rate increase that was to reduce the $500 MILLION debt the last council left us is now being asked to be made permanent! How about some culling of non essential services, starting with Warnervale Airfield that costs us $500,000pa so a few private plane owners can play with their toys! Hopefully at the next council elections voters will educate themselves so as to make sensible decisions. I once had an employee that voted for Paul Keatings govt because she liked his suits!

  3438. Douglas Hollebone | July 9, 2024 at 5:30 pm |

    I am a single male homeless living in motels with the help of link2homes in desperate need of something more stable could I please apply for something at the canton beach units. would someone please get back to me as soon as possible, thank you.

  3439. Greg Kincaid | July 10, 2024 at 6:46 am |

    As a previous law enforcement officer, and then some 14 years in nsw health security on the central coast, I find the introduction of body cameras a drop in the ocean. they will only record an incident,and not provide meaningful protection and/or defensive measures. If you would like to have a real insight into what needs to be changed I would be more than happy to avail myself to discuss the very complex nature of security in a hospital environment. I read the Anderson report when it first came out and found it lacking in so many areas.

  3440. Paul Kent | July 11, 2024 at 3:05 am |

    Could you please show a map of the affected area or a link to the proposed rezoning. This is the first I have heard of this tragedy in the making and needs front page and ongoing coverage. Thank you.

  3441. just another reason Rick Hart an his financial led push has to go. these decisions need to be made by elected representatives who have the interests of our citizens and our unique environment at heart.

  3442. Peter Whyte | July 11, 2024 at 11:25 am |

    Despite a destroyed Regional democracy by the LNP; now the almost WALL to WALL Labor Representatives we hoped would help us in our stunning Region, we fail again to have a voice …. Our region has exploded in population ….Congestion ; lack of essential services is the end game it appears they wanted …. A ridiculous immigration program of permanent and temporary arrivals in the millions has sent our Government into Tokyo Mode … Developers have overrun Macquarie Street ; the end game is Concrete ; Congestion that NOT ONE Australian Voted for ….. Labor again fails to read the room ….

  3443. Melanie Smith | July 11, 2024 at 10:25 pm |

    Thank you for this comprehensive summary -please can you run this article again and in the paper format too-including links on where to make a submission- more people need to know about this !

    • It’s a important story that many locals care about. FYI, it is in this weekly print edition.

  3444. Graeme Brown | July 11, 2024 at 10:53 pm |

    Im so proud of my wife for making this achievement. Onwards and upwards

  3445. This is essential news
    Please make it more public & advise on our best action as residents of a sacred area.

  3446. Amy gleeson | July 12, 2024 at 8:19 pm |

    restore bridge at gateway it’s been there since I was a child and I don’t want to see that gone it’s a good way for people with disabilities to get over to the other side of the bus stop and station and also for the elderly to access it
    would be ashame to get rid of it 🤔 kindest regards Amy Gleeson

  3447. they the council need to fix the pot holes in the roads first then the gate way

  3448. Dave Donaldson | July 12, 2024 at 11:20 pm |

    Myself and a qualified Irish mason done considerable reparations to the stonework at Burns place when working for council about 1979.
    I just hope it is restored back to the same original condition!
    I can do the work if required.

  3449. Belinda Neal | July 13, 2024 at 2:00 am |

    Great to see funds allocated to plan this great project. Fast rail would be really give the coast a boost and be a benefit for commuters

  3450. Urmila Sriskanda | July 13, 2024 at 6:20 pm |

    Great to see the Central Coast included in this national program.

  3451. Graham Nelson | July 13, 2024 at 7:13 pm |

    There was also electrical work done in the late 70s.the stone pillars and the arch had wiring up them with light fittings vandalised and wiring needing replacing.it was decided to be to expensive.there were two post lights in park only the south pole exists.the fitting is not original.the stone used in the park I believe to be Wondabyne quarries.Dave was doing stonework and I was the electrician.

  3452. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | July 13, 2024 at 8:47 pm |

    I have been hearing about high-speed trains for the last 30 years
    Usually around the time of an upcoming election
    what makes this different than all the other times

  3453. it is a shame Maggie Beer doesn’t uncover what really goes on behind closed doors. some residents in nursing homes are suffer malnutrition and are under wieght . they are severely neglected and the dementia patients are abused. if you would like to contact me relating to this I am able to offer a story of recent abuse in a nursing home on central coast.

  3454. Gosford is one of the precinct of NSW.
    Renovation of The Burns Park which is good but at the same time make use of the open space access to the train station.

    Please also request the train board to install escalators for the convenences of passengers especially for the old aged people.

  3455. Please try to keep the heritage that are really precious. We should treasure everything from the good old days. I really love the feeling given by the good old things that are full of the good old memories.

  3456. Suzanne Grant | July 15, 2024 at 7:22 am |

    I cannot believe this is happening. Can this be shared more widely with the community? Who stands to profit from this rezoning certainly not the environment or the community.

  3457. I couldn’t recommend Orana higher. They have been an excellent provider for my Mum, and the staff are very professional. They offer a range of activities for the residents and always go above and beyond to create wholesome events for Christmas and yearly occasions. While I and my mum are not religious, their chaplain Amanda still makes sure we feel included and welcome at all times. My mums room is always spotlessly clean and her meals are provided at a high standard. I know health care workers can get a bad wrap sometimes, but at Orana they do their very best.

  3458. Jane – 13 July. I suggest you watch the 3 part series available on ABC Iview ‘MAggie Beer’s Big Mission’. It will give you a better insight into what they are trying to achieve.

  3459. For you information Paul, local activists have been very vocal on the Central Coast over the years. indeed they are currently reacting to the rezoning of 300 ha of bushland by Council’s Administrator.

  3460. hopefully they put a small amount of that to use in nNarara and start to control the Ludwigia Peruviana that is taking over the waterways there.

  3461. Update:
    Item 5.1 SHR Nomination – Gosford Library
    Resolution 2024-45
    The State Heritage Register Committee:
    1. Considers that the Gosford Library, Gosford, is not likely to be of state heritage
    significance, but it may be of local significance. The nomination will not be progressed
    for listing on the State Heritage Register.


  3462. Craig Hillman | July 18, 2024 at 4:40 pm |

    My comment regards “unspecified sea level rise” is misinterpreted by Mr Ellis, he is not privy to the correspondence to which I refer.
    I am aware of Council’s adopted sea level rise policy for Gosford being 73cm/2100 and 20cm/2050 – Noting the Wyong end of the Coast has a completely different sea level rise policy.
    I further note the State policy Mr Ellis refers to was subsequently and rather quickly withdrawn by the previous State Labor government.
    To clarify my remarks, the council correspondence mentions a “sea level rise” component but offers no timeframe and as such it is not possible to identify what level of sea level rise they are applying to the decision to which I refer.
    To be specific, Council have advised me that the mandated “evacuation path” for a particular development is compliant however won’t be under “future sea level rise” so without specifying a time frame it is impossible to say if they are looking forward 10 years, 100 years or 1000 years.
    Despite repeated requests to Council to clarify its position as stated in correspondence they have declined to do so.
    The fact remains we have a State government intent on intensification of residential development in Woy Woy and a Council apparently intent on stopping them.

  3463. Paul Searle | July 19, 2024 at 6:17 am |

    I got no help from the council after removing weeds 😕 from the reserve near my house in Springfield

  3464. Charles Hemmings | July 19, 2024 at 10:54 am |

    Gaye Clark makes a practical and convincing case for Australia to reassess nuclear. She has dismissed the absurd claim that “renewables are the cheapest form of energy”. The fact that there are some 400 nuclear reactors operating today in over 30 countries and that 61 are in construction, together with COP28 concluding that nuclear is helpful to reduce emissions, shows that nuclear would seem to have a bright future. Even more to the point, nuclear is the only large-scale dispatchable electricity source with zero emissions. Gas is next, it is dispatchable but still emits, even though lower than coal for the same amount of electricity. We will need more gas while we gear up nuclear.
    Ms Clark’s comments gives me some hope that we may arrive at a sensible energy policy, in the interests of the average Australian who wants reliable and affordable electricity, carbon-free and with minimal harm to the environment. Renewables is a dodgy word, more correctly solar and wind are weather-dependent intermittents and many do not see the limitations and costs this imposes on their use.

  3465. would have been nice to know what the rectification orders were or how long it’s going to take ect

    • John, we only quote directly from the Building Commissioners publicly published releases.

  3466. Since Central Coast has one of the largest dogs per person rate out of any LGA we should be increasing where dogs can go not limiting them. Decisions are being made without community representation on the council. Stop waisting our money and actually do things that the people on the coast want. Dogs are family. They should be treated as such.

  3467. Andrew Clarke | July 19, 2024 at 7:24 pm |

    Well said Charles Hemming of Woy Woy

  3468. Lindsay Ruhan | July 19, 2024 at 8:30 pm |

    If the person whom deligated the seawall knowing it may fail…then this person should be named…and would this person be a council affiliated person…and is this person going to be held accountable for the flooding events from the breakwall being constructed… and is this person back stepping like all the current senior managers at Central Coast Council, because now they’re soon to be on award pay rates, with performance accessments every 3 months just like the employee…no longer the day out to the races…

  3469. Hoping more issues don’t emerge
    Hope they’re not cutting costs and standards to “show” legit blg standards
    But really , building in any conditions should be part of the process

  3470. Far too much over clearing here on the Peninsula. Our beautiful green areas being ruined. This will bring more flooding and damage. This is a hot island. Residence we need big mature trees 🌳 saved not taken. They are our 🫁 Keep us cool Homes for our beloved wildlife. Time all Councillors Protect what we do have left for all generations to see in the years ahead

  3471. can the rocks be moved to the north side of the entrance channel to stop it from closing?

  3472. Mark Dinnerville | July 20, 2024 at 2:32 am |

    it’s good to see authorities pro active.

  3473. G. Brownlie | July 20, 2024 at 8:00 am |

    Glad to see Building Commission is holding builders accountable.
    We need Commission to clean out residential builds.

  3474. Breakwall

  3475. Raz Guirguis | July 20, 2024 at 1:29 pm |

    how about council focusing on rectifying previous mismanagement that has resulted in rate payers paying higher and higher rates?

  3476. providing rectification details such as requirements and time frame would stop rumours such as those circulating…. development has to be demolished as failure is in footings not on higher levels is one

  3477. Tiredofwaiting | July 20, 2024 at 2:46 pm |

    The state government and council has access to reports as well as the capacity to undertake thorough hydrologi al surveys to not only understand the tidal flows and impacts of heavy rain events, but also that they have access to repeat historical events that caused flooding and erosion events. Importantly, this information enables modelling for a seawall to maintain a lake entrance of 100 metres. if you look at every single ocean outlet, as I have, the openings either have a natural formation maintaining the channel opening or the implementation of a man made structure such as a breakwall, to address the issues of sand erosion and flooding. Tuggerah lakes is the ONLY lake system in NSW with no natural barrier nor man made breakwall to mitigate the issues affecting the lakes system.

    As a ratepayer I am offended by the compounding effect of inaction and denial by government to undertake proper investigation of a long term solution. The Tuggerah lakes system continues to silt and reduce overall water capacities exacerbating flooding to homes. When I purchased my property the zoning was 1/100 year flood zone. We’ve been flooded in several times over 35 years. The issue therefore is man-made and will require a man made solution. Do the homework and impleme t a tried and tested solution.

  3478. The transparency of the Central Coast Council financial affairs needs to be first priority for each new councilor. It appears our Administrator and the current ‘management’ has not been happy to have their operational books examined since they won’t provide costings. How is this acceptable and surely this is illegal. Central Coast News Reported in one article that the Administration had a Greening and heat island reduction program for a new development. The paper, in another article revealed that the council was only funding the management of street trees for the entire council area at $45,000. These announcements for environmentally responsible developments by the Central Coast Council seem to be a distraction for their negligence in protecting the existing street and shade trees. In the community it is obvious the council is actively promoting the removal of cooling street trees. I hope for better with a new Council, but lip service has become normalised in our society especially from those who say they represent the population.

  3479. Couldn’t get a better representative for the area. Honest and hard working hope she is elected

  3480. Terry Ebert | July 22, 2024 at 11:14 pm |


  3481. the north entrance beach has also been adversely impacted since the introduction of the groyne and this should also be included in any remedial action.

  3482. Roads need total resurfacing on the peninsula, it is a discrace for holiday visitors and especially the residents. Council should be ashamed.

  3483. GH from Avoca nice letter.To get change happening the residents of The Central Coast need to stop voting for the red,blue and green political teams for council

  3484. Two councils area were forced to merge so we must keep wards as is to service the larger population and area

  3485. Graeme Thitchener | July 23, 2024 at 9:50 pm |

    this is the most expensive and ineffective administration that I have seen in 45 years living here

  3486. Split the councils again, the residents on the northern end got duped when we took on their debt.

    Agree that roads need resurfacing, which is beneficial to alot more residents that pay rates and rego for our cars. Stop patching and start resurfacing and curb and gutters are a priority too.

  3487. Clive Anderson | July 24, 2024 at 8:01 am |

    Magnets Pathway was a complete joke and a waste of tax payers money
    I see dozens of school children having to walk on the busy Woolana Ave roadway in Halekulani from the north due to a lack of proper footpaths
    Where is councils concern for their safety
    There is a lot of misguided ideas in council the should remember (Tourists don’t pay the bills)

  3488. Jeff clarke | July 24, 2024 at 10:36 am |

    Enough is enough the management of the Central coast council need to be replaced by the State government.I feel that all of the rate payers have had enough with our rates and water and sewage rates keep rising also our roads are a mess with pot holes can only be repaired with a shovel of tar.
    You can’t keep asking rate payers to dishing out more money to fix the incompetence of the council management.
    I have reported to the council road and drain damage at Tascott to the council and the reply is always we will get back to in 60 days and as always no money is available.
    The council is a joke and the only fix is to sack the head of the council before there is no way back.

  3489. I don’t believe there is many rate payers on the CC have a positive feeling for our council. Where I live we pay over $4000 in rates. We are not necessarily wealthy. I bought my house years ago and like every postcode houses have gone up. We don’t have curb and guttering no footpaths. Wyong shire was paying much higher rates than Gosford rates under the same council. It’s seems Gosford is getting a huge make over and places like The Entrance …that most people in NSW will know where you live if you mention , do you know The Entrance well I am near there. But it’s now known as a run down and forgotten beautiful place to go . Our council has many times not listened to rate payers ,instead there power gave them the right to ruin a wonderful regional community and treated residents as cash cows for their own selfish purposes.

  3490. Kerrie Carley | July 26, 2024 at 6:17 pm |

    Fabulous to cater for Gluten free. Can’t wait to go there.
    Great meeting place catering for all of us.

    • Margaretha | July 28, 2024 at 7:58 am |

      Wonderful to be able to see and taste the gluten free variety
      Can’t wait to have a coffee and do my shopping there

  3491. Corinne Lamont | July 26, 2024 at 11:42 pm |

    Thanks so much. I really appreciate your support.

  3492. If only you were in South Australia! Keep in mind that lots of people with Gluten Intolerance also have IBS &can’t tolerate Garlic & Onion! So keep it out of your Savouries 😉 Good on you for setting this place up. Hope you do really well! 😁

  3493. councils don’t spend money.on right things and expect more money every yr disgracful

  3494. The CC Council management has been disgraceful. The prioritising of expensive vanity works instead of the regular gutters and road jobs has been unconscionable. Our rates have gone through the roof and I, like others, see the wealthy suburbs of the council areas get pointless facelifts (Patonga and the Gosford waterfront…the next Opal Towers?). These projects appear to be nothing but grandiose things the council can point to and tell their powerful wealthy mates that they are achieving the development they (not the community) have asked for. Plant some street trees too.

  3495. Craig Hillman | July 27, 2024 at 9:38 am |

    All Candidates must be prepared to answer key questions on their qualifications, policy positions and any connections to previous Councillors or “community groups”.
    Any candidate that has served previously double so, Laurie McKinna needs to explain what he achieved as Gosford Mayor and how Gosford was left a financial basket case.
    Please people think before you vote.

  3496. wish someone would open one in Warwick or Toowoomba in Qld

  3497. Pete Wamby | July 27, 2024 at 5:05 pm |

    A little concerned that she thinks Council is under staffed? Given massive blow outs in staffing numbers were a key factor in the crash of the last Council.

  3498. Anne Ellis | July 27, 2024 at 10:26 pm |

    Sounds a great place to eat gluten-free. Wish we had one in the Redlands, Queensland.Anne Ellis

  3499. Malcolm Sequeira | July 28, 2024 at 9:28 am |

    Welcome Mr and Mrs Frost. We have been clients of Marks from 2004 and trust the quality implicitly and glad to know you have kept the old staff. We wish you the best of luck.My father told me when I was 10 that don’t chase money but let money chase you.Think about it.

  3500. My son is one of these overworked and under paid nurses. Nurses are human beings, not machines. When they are constantly being pushed to the limit by ridiculous working conditions, they eventually burnout. Then they are unable to give their patients the quality care they want to provide for them.
    The NSW government needs step up and introduce the staff to patient ratios that nurses have lobbied for, for so long. And their wages must be increased, to bring them into line with their interstate colleagues.
    Nurses are the backbone of our hospitals. They deserve so much more than platitudes from our politicians!

  3501. I did not know that!
    I will definitely be calling into the top floor for myself on the next trip up that way.

  3502. Nerf Herder | July 28, 2024 at 6:03 pm |

    The old place needed a change and it’s good there are new owners. Having an online butcher shop will be great and I will definately be checking that out. Good luck with the new store.

  3503. Kathy Martin | July 29, 2024 at 6:53 am |

    Love the new shop look and the service and quality of meat is 100%. Look forward to many years as our local butcher like we did with Edwards. Good luck and keep up the great work. 👏🏽👏🏽

  3504. Jean Walsh | July 29, 2024 at 7:14 am |

    Not good! 👎🏼

  3505. Bob Pickett | July 29, 2024 at 9:39 am |

    Graeme has got it right in two words “ ineffective administration,” the sad reality is that a lot of good dedicated staff work there. I hope voters can see past the red, blue & green and elect some good genuine independent councillors that are capable and provide a much more efficient administration that will listen to the majority of the people not the noisy minority. No doubt a difficult task, – we can only hope.

  3506. Hoping you’ll continue with making the BEST CAJUN Andouille sausages this side of Louisiana.

  3507. Jordan Turner | July 30, 2024 at 7:34 am |

    When McKinna ran for the seat of Robertson he put all of his preferences towards the liberal party and got Lucy wicks elected. I wonder how many of these so called “independent” candidates are just liberal party stand ins and if this team is just a boost for the liberal party numbers under the guise of a independent candidates.

  3508. Neil Chain | July 30, 2024 at 7:41 am |

    Its a false fallacy that less numbers of councilors will result in a more efficient council this is a completely baseless claim, all this means is less representation for the residents of the Central Coast. If we move to 9 councilors the Central Coast will be the least represented council in NSW when it comes to councilors to population ratio.

  3509. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | July 30, 2024 at 8:51 am |

    So is this money going to be refunded to the Ratepayers of the Central coast
    not holding up much hope that this will happen
    The ratepayers of the Central Coast are just considered an open-ended fount of limitless money

  3510. Vicki Duff | July 30, 2024 at 2:50 pm |

    Our beautiful hinterland is a treasure, a place to retreat from urban stressors, an oasis for native flora and fauna, literally a breath of fresh air. We are so fortunate to have it so near.
    It is also a drawcard for tourists and
    daytrippers from Sydney. It is more valuable, in the long run, to be
    left in its natural state. Dont allow its destruction – please

  3511. this is proof that Rik Hart is as out of touch as the Councillors who were the cause of the Council going into administration

  3512. strange absence of any mention of the fact they increasing the amount of Poker Machines.

  3513. sounds amazing 🤩
    If only you were in South Australia – I agree with the other South Aussie about no garlic and onion.

  3514. Absolutely disgraceful.
    This Cannot be approved.

  3515. No,I personally am not in agreement to keep 15 in council .
    We tried that before and the state goverment sacked the lot of them ,Why? because very few had any knowledge of how to run a council ,still had there L plates on.
    We need experience on council not a bunch of inexperienced councillors like previously.
    I can’t see too many experienced councillors putting their hand up for this next election.

  3516. Danny Wilson | July 30, 2024 at 8:00 pm |

    I am very very Happy about the Council Saving the Old Pub’s Heritage Architecture,
    That is Gold , That is Great .
    Danny Wilson

  3517. This proposal to rezone this land should be totally rejected the administrator and the council needs to leave the land as is and preserve the Central Coast as it is so we that live here continue to enjoy the Coast as we know and love it leave our Bushland alone .

  3518. It’s Truly an amazing honour to be a finalist up with these amazing central coast business leaders

  3519. Matthew Ross | July 31, 2024 at 3:34 am |

    this is pretty scary stuff and it is happening all over the coast so far I myself have created Save the A Track Charmhaven and Save the Oasis Caravan Park Kanwal. Both have C2 land within the area both have Endangered and Critically Endangered species I have had to organise groups and people and get them writing submissions. we organised Facebook and I took seasonal photos

  3520. Can’t wait to see everyone there!

  3521. Lynne Wilson | July 31, 2024 at 1:07 pm |

    I always fear for the preservation of our beautiful diversity, our precious wildlife, the bush in general. where will it all stop. we don’t need or want more homes for humans, it is too sacred.

  3522. Heather Jones | July 31, 2024 at 3:23 pm |

    Aren’t we finally getting to elect our own Council next election, which is soon. Surely the current administrator should be in care taking mode now and not making such huge decisions which will change the area forever.

  3523. Shane Hobbs | July 31, 2024 at 4:01 pm |

    Good on the Commissioner. About time builders were held to account. In a seperate case I’ve just had to outlay $76k for remedial works on a building only 14 yrs old.

  3524. Dawn Van Wirdum | July 31, 2024 at 5:43 pm |

    I love the fact that the path is being extended but it would have been nice to have a pathway on the western side. Very muddy to try to walk there after wet weather

  3525. Awesome work by all including rescuee

  3526. Diane Bowen | July 31, 2024 at 7:11 pm |

    Oppose this disgraceful destruction of our central coast. There will be no stopping this in other locations. just a start.

  3527. Peter White | August 1, 2024 at 7:46 am |

    Our representative’s showed foresight when decisions in respect to this land were made some time ago. It is simply wrong that decisions made with our future in mind should be altered. Leave this land alone.

  3528. Eric Havens | August 1, 2024 at 8:13 am |

    If you are against this sort development make sure you check the background of the so called independent candidates running in the upcoming council elections and what ones have the backing and funding from the big developers because you can be sure if they get into power it will get a lot worse.

  3529. Dylan Burgess | August 1, 2024 at 8:50 am |

    This team is backed financially by a developer, they will just be pushing forward his agenda and projects.

    • Dylan Burgess, that’s probably not a bad thing, however not likely. You only need to attend the various Business Chambers in the region to see that its not just developers needing change, also just about every small business that calls the Central Coast their business home. This council LGA suffered a catastrophe with the inaugural amalgamated council. Too many councillors, with the majority (the recalcitrant eight) all pushing political ideological agenda’s which destroyed the region and left a massive debt to be footed by all rate payers and residents. Even under the Administrater, they have never fixed the root cause of the amalgamation. It is no wonder this LGA has lost twenty years of potential growth and development with the region being the most backward LGA in Australia. Time for a change.

  3530. Council buying a dredge and actually having a dredging plan for the Lakes system (and Brisbane Waters ) should be a question to every council candidate.

  3531. Kyle MacGregor, the Councillor who claimed “we can always find another million” until of course, the week the council couldn’t pay its wages bill and was sent in to Administration.

  3532. Geoff Nielsen | August 1, 2024 at 5:36 pm |

    FACT:,Historically the vast majority of “ so called independents “ are Liberals in disguise, masquerading as “ so called independents “.

    Unfortunately, the ratepayers & residents will vote 🗳 for known people of name recognition and not being aware of their policy positions on various issues.

    • I do not neccessarily agree with this statement. The people running as independents are not liberal party members in disguise. They are though, in the majority, have right wing leaning, pro-business (to stimulate the economy) and as most of them either own and run their own businesses or hold management positions in larger corporations understand that running a council is a business. Most importantly, unlike those people on the left, also know how to read and analyse a balance sheet and Loss and Profit Statement which clearly “left” majority of the former councillors did not have a clue and were clearly in it to push their own agenda’s and not for the benefit of the ratepayers. Shellharbour Council is a good example.

      • Chives Rean | August 8, 2024 at 9:36 am |

        still upset those pesky “lefties” wouldn’t let you decimate ecological important land for your airport?

  3533. the council should be worring about the roads that my son was killed on and other young lives that get taken instead of saying it’s from the rain..they way how council are going their won’t be no trees left and Australia will be looking like American with no trees

  3534. Attended dress rehearsal tonight. congratulations to all a great show

  3535. Council (and the Administrator) should stick to its core role of providing water, sewer, drainage, roads and waste management at reasonable cost and not mess about with peripheral activities.

  3536. We don’t want groups, or brackets or party driven Councillors that only want to push the policies of their clique. In particular we want to be rid of LNP, Labor, the Greens, Developers and one trick pony parties. We want Councilors to concentrate on delivering services at reasonable cost.

  3537. I couldn’t agree with you more. Ican see remnants of what must’ve been a lovely seaside town. Now gouged of character & turned into a satellite town for Sydney commuters. It really is a shame in somewhere so naturally beautiful.

  3538. E da Assunção | August 2, 2024 at 2:37 pm |

    Good and informative articles.

  3539. Michaeljmcvicker@gmail.com | August 2, 2024 at 2:57 pm |

    too much to soon welcome to the Gosford woy woy and tuggerah ghetto

  3540. Michele Waddington | August 2, 2024 at 3:37 pm |

    Dear Minister,
    I urge you to do anything in your power to have the Planning Minister reject the most recent planning proposal for Deferred Matters land . This flawed plan was signed off by one man, the Administrator of Central Coast Council. We residents of the Central Coast are only a few months away from local council elections….at present we have no councillors who live in and know our region and understand the vital importance of protecting our precious habitat and biodiversity.
    The planning proposal in its present form would result in the loss many hundreds of acres of land that should be zoned for Conservation ….not 35 different land uses . If this zoning is allowed to pass it is inevitable that developers and bulldozers will follow .
    Departments within the government oppose this proposal as do many local community groups representing many thousands of residents.
    It is not “ like for like “ as promised by the LNP Government upon amalgamation.
    It must be rejected and all land zoned 7(a) conservation be zoned C3, and 7(c)2 land be zoned C3 .

  3541. Ann Marcus | August 2, 2024 at 3:57 pm |

    A fast train first. Trains will not cope with increased population

  3542. It would be nice to have pedestrian paths all along avoca for safety and for those who are unfortunate not to drive.

  3543. After living on the coast for the majority of my life and growing up in such a beautiful place, I had no hesitation of moving after witnessing self centred grubs called councillors line there own pockets and forget the needs of the Central Coast. Now just part of Sydney the coast is quickly spiralling in the wrong direction. If the coast people can find a decent councillor give them a go as our previous ones have been duds.

  3544. Jennifer Gray | August 2, 2024 at 9:50 pm |

    I lived in Gosford when I was younger before I got married and have only just recently returned and the Gosford I knew and loved is gone all these big developers should not be allowed to take over.it is a shame.
    No more froggys or the Gosford hotel on the corner and Gosford marketplace is gone too what happened to beautiful Gosford.

  3545. Peter Bull | August 2, 2024 at 9:52 pm |

    Agreed last place on earth you will find me

  3546. This is great news. For many decades, Central Coasters, and those who moved to the Coast from Sydney, have upheld a culture of turning their noses down on the Gosford city region, and have also upheld a culture of wanting single homes, high maintenance, land etc. Let people from the city who enjoy city life move to the areas that have traditionally been talked about badly by Coasters and let them enjoy their city life by the sea. These are areas that Central Coasters shun anyway.

  3547. I agree with Doug Cliff of Saratoga.

  3548. Jeff clarke | August 3, 2024 at 12:38 am |

    I have lived on the Central Coast for 50 years all I can say is that is know a jungle of units which has destroyed a the natural beauty of the coast.
    The management of the council has let the developers destroy a great place for families to raise their families.
    Our roads system is a mess and is getting worse every year and who is to blame for the disaster the state government and the management of the council all I can say is i hope it’s not too late to fix the situation.

  3549. it’s been happening way before the last seven years… I lived there for over twenty years until late 2017..the unemployment and the fact there is little housing for renters and Gosford town it self was being missed as you went over Now McGown Bridge and straight to Erin .the fair andd Terrigal so maybe it’s the bridge for a start..You go over Gosford.

  3550. Paul Searle | August 3, 2024 at 6:18 am |

    That horrible white thing going up in the centre of town dominates the city scape. I would vote for it to be torn down. It seems that the worst possible decision has been made by Gosfords planners at every single turn.

  3551. Totally disgusting, leave our bush land alone.

  3552. Ann-marie Wittig | August 3, 2024 at 7:27 am |

    It’s a shame that something wasn’t done in time to save Wyoming Caravan Park being bought out by greedy owners. No-one even knows who they are, or what they represent. For years we have tried to find answers, but to no avail. Isn’t it time for the council, to start doing the right thing for the poor disadvantaged people who live there. Shame on you.

  3553. close to which jobs? unless you’re in the building trade it sounds like the government
    is making it more difficult for young people to find a job. coasties will be competing against tens of thousands of new residents,for the same jobs.

  3554. What a joke a central coast ghetto approved by a council and state government running a circus competing with each other to be the ring leader .No infostructer no work locally and a deadly drive on the M1 for comuting.

  3555. Jack Zervos | August 3, 2024 at 9:25 am |

    These sentiments are what has ensured Gosford remained a decaying, depressing regional backwater for half a century and now finally as our beautiful city comes to life rather than celebrate the stunning evolution from years of hibernation the critics come out as usual. You can always move to Byron Bay …

  3556. Here come the NIMBYs 😒


  3558. Brenda Brown | August 3, 2024 at 6:12 pm |

    I emigrated here 26 years ago with my husband and two boys. I hoped it would be a lively city for them to spend their young adult lives in. unfortunately it wasn’t to be. we and they are now hopeful that the time has finally come to have a vibrant city that doesn’t close at 5pm. I say bring it on with the new developments. we can make Gosford a place that people wNt to visit, live in and enjoy again!

  3559. Gosford council has no understanding of commercial world and is totally lost connectivity with common sense or community sense. Total replacement of All staff from top to bottom is urgently needed. The council staff are just turning up for work and do not care about their work commitments ir urgency of private sector.Tine is money.

  3560. Unacceptable for sure.

  3561. Thank you Barry for making this a talking point. Parents need to be made accountable & if they fail they should feel the full wrath of the law .

  3562. Doug Cliff argued for development in sympathy with the ethos of the place where we live. To argue against all development would be as stupid as arguing for development at all costs.

  3563. Alfred A Arnold BE S/C MBA JP retired | August 4, 2024 at 9:52 am |

    It is a total waste of taxpayers’ money if you don’t open the road both ways up to the school, the road is ready for widening and has been years, traffic is getting worse, not better.

  3564. Alfred A Arnold BE S/C MBA JP Retired | August 4, 2024 at 9:58 am |

    My only problem is WHY are POLITICAL PARTIES ALLOWED in the first place, council is for the public benefit not for politics.

  3565. When a country doesn’t have a Pure worship of God Almighty based on bible facts to teach children that their power and future depend upon a relationship with him it becomes dysfunctional… America has in God we trust on their money we have birds on ours…. we have churches that some talk in muttering and babbling and practice unscriptural rituals…there is a negative attitude not a thankful attitude.

  3566. David Henderson | August 4, 2024 at 7:06 pm |

    it is the section of road between Davistown road and Boora Boora that needs upgrading but this would be too expensive. This part of the road is the bottleneck that causes most of the issues.

  3567. Alan Beasley | August 4, 2024 at 7:45 pm |

    I think your description of section A C are inaccurate.
    Surfers Pde to Calais should be Surfers Pde to Dover Rd
    Pacific St to 27 Ocean View Rd doesn’t make sense unless it is the southern end i.e.number 1 Pacific St

  3568. Robert Ovenden | August 4, 2024 at 7:48 pm |

    Rik Hart the administrator seems to be following his bosses orders, he is not a Central Coast resident and will soon run away. EVERYONE, we must all get to the council meeting – 4th Tuesday of the month at Hely St. Wyong. Public speakers at 5.45 and meeting starts 6.30. We need hundreds to turn up and show Rik we won’t take this lying down.

  3569. I feel if it’s on private property then not to be paid for by ratepayers. I have known about this problem for many many years and if you own a beach front you would be well aware prior to purchase of the risk involved

  3570. Yes Sadly Bateau Bay has been a Terrible place for years now, the good O’l days are now Gone.

  3571. Good luck Coast Community News dealing with the feedback you are going to get about the misinformation in this article.

  3572. Patrick Aiken | August 4, 2024 at 10:32 pm |

    About time. I wish these homeowners all the best in their endeavour and look forward to seeing an end to the rubble and ad hoc protection works and the encapsulation of legacy dumpings of materials containing asbestos. These were found by the EPA in 12 locations in the dune system along the beach after the major 2016 storm event.

  3573. Probably mean the Pacific Hwy not the M1 Motorway that is up the road a bit can’t miss it.

  3574. Jarrod PETERSON | August 5, 2024 at 4:24 am |

    What a disgrace it has become.Elderly should have total right to live a fearless existence but unfortunately it comes down to politicians and the legal fraternity in this country.It’s time to show true ‘leadership’ and seriously overhaul crime and justice.Sadly it just not happening in any capacity,there is no deterrent whatsoever.

  3575. And once you get to Wyoming there’s a single lane railway overpass with double roundabouts to Manns Road so what benefit any duplication ?;

  3576. Wamberal beach resident & beach supporter | August 5, 2024 at 6:33 am |

    Well where do I start. Let’s start with the deceptive artists impression. The vegetation at the base of the seawall will be gone the first king tide, the sand in front of the seawall will be gone the first big swell, the next storm will take away all the sand in front of the seawall up and down the beach. The current DA’s artists impression set has no post storm renders as this would show the public exactly what is going to happen when the sand washes away, these are required according to the EDR. The wall shows no fencing or handrails as these not so aesthetic details may sway public opinion. The DA totally denies sand nourishment will be required yet all evidence points to the fact that vertical and any hard seawalls strip beaches of sand. He forgets to mention that as part of this proposal the surf club carpark and Lett Park and the end of Pacific St will be blocked of for construction storage use for years. Didn’t mention the machinery and truck traffic. And the beach will be a disaster zone for years whilst construction drags on. The misinformation does not come from social media, but the WPA.
    The biggest lie “Every picture that has been placed on social media to date, has been completely fabricated and misleading,” he said. There are no fabricated photos on social media only photos of real seawalls and beaches that have been destroyed by the same type of self interested people. This guy has once again insulted everyone’s intelligence.

  3577. 2 lanes from kincumber roundabout to Saratoga roundabout all the way up the side of the mountain. I’d say that’s a no brainer.

    Larger turning lane into Green point Christian College (where council took the plants out from and did nothing else) to stop blocking the right lane in the mornings.

    Widen yatalunga so the 2 lanes begin further back.

    Possibly move the lights to the yatalunga round about and remove the school crossing lights, and have them active during peak hours for school

    Get the school to reassess their entrance and exit points.

    Something like that

  3578. Should never have built there. If any seawall is to be built,it should be at the back of the dunes, between the houses and the road.

  3579. Madeline Mellor | August 5, 2024 at 8:04 am |

    I reside in Wamberal and have taken part in the demonstration regarding “the wall” as was influenced by social media. However after reading this article I am beginning to think it maybe even a benefit to have this man made construction( not “wall”) erected as will protect the beach.
    I will view the project in person to make an informed decision and would be interested in attending a forum if one was arranged.

  3580. Jóhn clarkson pp | August 5, 2024 at 8:31 am |

    travéling north at lisarow overpass the right lane is closed off at the right turn blocking tràffic

  3581. Belinda Davies | August 5, 2024 at 8:58 am |

    If only half of that was True !!
    You must look at what Collaroy was shown before the works started years ago ,Today there is no beach and it’s an eyesore , nothing like the pretty projections it was supposed to look like !

    We are not that gullible surely ! Get informed or we are going to be just like Collaroy !

    No Beach, Lagoons Flooding 400 residents and so on ! No Wamberal Wall

  3582. The junkies drug addicts ruined Gosford it’s gone no devil pms t will work rip it all
    Down they need market place to reopen so we don’t have to go to bloody horrible erina fair poo it’s a hole now bring on Gosford not erina

  3583. It’s an area full of public housing and drug addicts

  3584. This photo has been cherry picked. It shows houses that are not on the current DA. These houses have well vegetated frontal dunes & do not need a seawall. The sand dunes protect these properties & the surf club. I know one of the owners in this section & he is dead against the seawall! The dunes in front of these properties & the surf club will be destroyed to make room for a seawall. Volunteer bush care community members look after these beautiful fore dunes! It would be a travesty to destroy the sand dunes. It’s a shame that members of WPA neglect to admit they have existing positive covenants on their deeds they have signed on to revegetate & sand nourish after high tides.

  3585. Robert Manca | August 5, 2024 at 4:11 pm |

    I wouldn’t trust any of these people. The previous councillors were dodgy to say the least most were aligned to a political party some had an agenda some were there to help their mates others were so far left they were off the planet. This council should be split up and portioned off to neighbouring councils it’s too. If it has. Ever attracted competent people such as CEO the current one is way out of his depth the whole council areas road and infrastructure assets are or have fallen apart it’s a reactive council only very poorly skilled operational staff very under qualified front line supervisors incompetent directors /managers. The whole council structure is archaic it’s the type of structure used 25 years ago and doesn’t work. Do let’s see how long these new councillors last.

  3586. Robert Pickett | August 5, 2024 at 4:50 pm |

    I totally agree with Geoff Robertson’s comments from The Entrance ward.
    Alfred A Arnold also asks a great question that Rik Hart found hard to answer when it was put to him.
    Like Geoff I’m in awe of Corinne Lamont’s tenacity in trying to unravel the double talk and spin from Council.
    We all want transparency and Corinne seems to have the ability to delve into an issue and come up with what is true and what is misinformation. This nonsense has been going on in Council for a decade or more.
    I believe Kevin Brooks is a candidate of similar calibre to Corinne who has a proven track record with the ability to improve the efficiency of our local Council. Kevin Brooks is a man with first hand knowledge and experience.
    Unfortunately for me Kevin is standing in the Gosford West ward and my vote will be given in the Gosford East ward and I’m certainly not a Soccer fan.
    I hope be the 14th September someone will run in the Gosford East ward that is independent and with similar abilities that Corinne & Kevin Brooks have.

  3587. Paula Adams | August 5, 2024 at 5:22 pm |

    If this is a genuine solution to saving the homes built on the sandunes above the beach, why are so many people against it? Genuine interest question only, & I’m not advocating for any particular faction involved in this? Surely, if residents homes gain protection that is what matters most? Please tell me what the objectives are AND the objections are too?

  3588. Chives Rean | August 6, 2024 at 7:49 am |

    you know the referendum must be a bad proposal if the Libs, Labor and Greens all agree on something.

  3589. Robert Pickett | August 6, 2024 at 3:14 pm |

    What another great editorial from CCN. The reporting of the coming election has been excellent, the performance of our council has been explained fairly without bias both from the journalists and the managing editor.
    They have certainly tried to get the people of the Central Coast to engage in this very important time of selecting new councillors and to vote on the referendum.
    On the Deferred Lands debacle, Paul Scully has no chance of getting it right as too much damage har been done, not to the land but from Council planning, they have got caught up in their own web.
    This once rural community has changed from when nearly all land was rural , it was a very rural community, we even had a Rural Bank.
    Dividing the land into different zonings should have worked as we know all land is different. Council introduced different zonings like 7a, 7c2, 7c3 etc. with different constraints on each zoning.
    Then along came COSS that was a great initiative from very special people, Beryl & Alan Strom who had a vision to prevent the overdevelopment of our lovely rural land. They were ahead of their time.
    Unfortunately some developers found ways to get around zoning constraints and we soon had protected land being developed with bonus provisions, land dedications to council and possible other methods that soon broke down the zoning restrictions.
    Some rural land that became 7c3, in the early 80’s earmarked for future tourism development and then changed to E4 and now to C4 is a perfect example of this mess with 14 houses approved on a 5 acre block, councils refusal of 12 houses on 60 acres after approval of 9 bungalows on a couple of acres all nearby in the same area with the same zoning,
    These 3 blocks of land have been the same for decades. What a mess.
    In fairness to Dick Persson & Rik Hart who have tried to resolve this Deferred land debacle may not have received all accurate information as I don’t believe there are many of the 3,400+ blocks of land that are part of the COSS system.
    A simple fix would be for Council to purchase any land they want to include in the COSS system as they have done with Katandra Reserve, Rumbalara Reserve and Kincumber Mountain Reserve, keeping in mind that all of this land has to be cared for and maintained. This may be the root of the problem – who pays.
    Can our local community afford this as times are pretty tough at present for a big majority of the locals.

  3590. Jordan Dicker | August 7, 2024 at 8:10 am |

    Already some instability within the Team Central Coast developer financed ticket.

  3591. Reece Martin | August 7, 2024 at 8:15 am |

    What is their position on the Central Coast Referendum on reducing the amount of councillors and wards? everyone else has released their position.

  3592. Wamberal beach resident & beach supporter | August 7, 2024 at 8:20 pm |

    Go SOS , thank goodness there is a community group that has been able to keep the public informed and alarmed at what is being proposed for Wamberal beach. This will be an environmental disaster of greater proportions than Collaroy beach that has shown us all a lesson to be learned in what not to do. Please get along and do your DA/947/2024 objections or email them to Central Coast Council. And remember, there are two more DA’s coming for the sections “A” & “C” , hardly fair that our council thinks it’s okay to make the community go through 3 lots of objection submissions for the same development.

  3593. What does everyone expect to happen? Gosford is now and has been for over a decade a dump – Because no investment was made in the area for 30 years!!
    Inject some funds, bring new blood into the area, get some new businesses opening with enough locals to sustain them and it’ll be alright again. People need to actually live in the area or it will die even more.

  3594. Angela Cronin | August 8, 2024 at 7:42 am |

    Who is speaking to advanced care Directive.

    Thank you


  3595. Respect to you Mark for your hard work and courage on this issue in the face of selfish and short sighted vested interests, bureaucratic malaise and willfull ignorance. You are a real inspiration.

  3596. Ken Studdert | August 9, 2024 at 9:01 am |

    Congratulations, you all do a great job.
    Local news is so important to a community and the on-line and print editions are fabulous.

  3597. Won’t someone please address the ‘elephant in the room’ here!

  3598. Pamela kirby | August 10, 2024 at 5:26 am |

    this is disgusting and sad ,we moved from Newcastle 20 years ago this is our beloved ettalong NOT Melbourne !!!4 smoke shops ! disgusting

  3599. Barry Lloyd | August 10, 2024 at 8:48 am |

    law and order is difficult enough at the best of times and requires strong community respect both ways. that is near impossible taking into account the actions of the current police commissioner Webb and her miss -spendings. fundamentally we are experiencing a breakdown of our values and respect in our personal lives as well as a community.

  3600. Yes we want independent locals on Council not wannabe politicians pushing party lines.

  3601. Eduardo da Assunção | August 10, 2024 at 12:25 pm |

    your digital editions get better every time you publish.

  3602. Gordon Spicer | August 10, 2024 at 1:37 pm |

    According to Google the Walter Baker Hall is on the corner of 267 Blackwall Road and Billabong Street,also known as the Environment Centre.

  3603. Brad Graham | August 10, 2024 at 9:27 pm |

    Oh dear – you clearly have little to no idea of what Council is about.

    Please realise how important it is to work with state and federal governments to get grants to better a region.

    Our roads are a mess and will take way more than a few pothole repairs to fix, and in your wisdom, surely you’d realise these roads need to be stripped back and rebuilt.

  3604. Keith Saladine | August 11, 2024 at 8:06 pm |

    I don’t agree that the building is ugly,the location is idealy suited as a restaurant which it already is, pulling it down would leave an ugly scar which wond never be developed, maybe if the council offered an incentive to encourage restauranters to occupy the building and revitalise the sight would be nice instead of the rediculous idea of pulling it down. Maybe the community should decide. The Entrance waterfront has so much potential but is ignored by people without vision or imagination.

  3605. Robert Roseby | August 12, 2024 at 12:30 am |

    Why is the council supporting a few residents who built on the fordune knowing the implications.Then council warned them and said no so they go over councils head to the land and inviroment court knowing the. There for it’s out council Hands so a council know using our rates to support this.NOt HAPPY JANE 🤬

  3606. Carol Bennett | August 12, 2024 at 3:46 am |

    I was there at the moving re-interment of the remains of Captain Matthew Flinders, RN, in Donington Church. It was so good to see two of Bungaree’s descendants there. It’s difficult to imagine how Flinders could have mapped Australia without Bungaree’s guidance and local knowledge. He must also have been a translator for Flinders and his crew. I was glad to see that Bungaree was mentioned several times in the service, and it was clear that he and Flinders were friends and colleagues in the task at hand. Far from this being a so-called ‘colonial’ effort, this was a collaboration between people originating from different continents engaged in the pursuit of knowledge.

  3607. Perhaps the “Destination Central Coast” could lobby the Central Coast Council to improve our gateways at freeway exits. I tried in vain to get council to clean up the median strip and verges at the Ourimbah exit. You would think that “Love Central Coast” would mean we could be present a welcoming and tidy appearance.

  3608. Peter FITZPATRICK | August 12, 2024 at 11:40 am |

    The fact that they were ever given permission to build on a coastal sand dune is a disgrace… But two wrongs don’t make a right.Under no circumstances should we compound the problem by interfering with the beachfront

  3609. Although I don’t know the full details of this DA, it shocks me that the council is allowing this to be done for as you say for a small number of residents who bought knowing the risks of beach front positions.
    Plus at a time as we all know the council is still not recovered from the $m500+ debt we are all having to pay back…
    This again shows signs of bad mgt by the council.. just hope they reconsider and don’t go ahead

  3610. Paul Attard | August 12, 2024 at 5:37 pm |

    It would be nice if journalists got their facts correct before going to print. Firstly, there’s no chance of an oil spill from a gas only well. Secondly, it was never proposed to drill in NSW state waters. Finally, this is a nationally- significant project which is required to provide an affordable source of energy in the transition to renewable energy. Not a vote buying exercise by politicians pandering to the il-informed. How are a few wells more environmentally damaging than hundreds of monstrous wind turbines?

    • Thank you Paul. We take particular care to publish events as they occur and to cite sources of information already available. The article contains numerous links to stories that answer your questions. We found there were credible reports of gas exploration and drilling harming marine life. And likewise infomration about oil pollution on shorelines with both gas and oil extraction. We simply report on these realities to inform the public. We have also reported that 10s of thousands of ( not all ill informed) locals concerned that their beaches, industries and marine life and land values maybe impacted by an oil and gas field.
      Wind turbines are a seperate issue that we have also reported on.

  3611. All you need to do is move the rocks from the groyne or breakwall and place the rocks over from the edge of the channel on the southern side and connect it all together so it is all as one point to the next. In other words put the rocks from the ocean rock side of the channel across to the rocks that is already there at the dog leg where the green weed is so there is no sand in the middle bit just like a normal wall and then it will erode itself in.

  3612. All you need to do is move the rocks from the groyne or breakwall and place the rocks over from the edge of the channel on the southern side and connect it all together so it is all as one point to the next. In other words put the rocks from the ocean rock side of the channel across to the rocks that is already there at the dog leg where the green weed is so there is no sand in the middle bit just like a normal wall and then it will erode itself in.

  3613. William Harris | August 13, 2024 at 10:59 am |

    I owned a beach front house at North Avoca, (60 North Avoca Parade) and at the time of purchase we were told about beach front problems. We were told by council of erosion etc. People who have bought beachfront houses in the past 40 years have known and accepted the risks. Beach front houses are built on sand and are unstable. I object to council and taxpayer money being spent on ugly sea walls. Our beautiful beaches must be left in a natural state
    and not disfigured for the benefit of those who take the risk of living there.

  3614. Abigail Boyd, will you buy us all the candles we need? What we really need is a clear and affordable path to inexpensive power. Closing down our coal-fired power stations is certainly not going to achieve that! It’s completely delusional to think that shutting down coal-fired plants to rely solely on renewables is a good idea!

  3615. Well expressed, thankyou for your observations.

  3616. Here, here!
    Absolutely correct.

  3617. Roger Shawyer | August 14, 2024 at 9:00 am |

    Why do the Taxpayers always have to foot the bill for these sorts of things. If we are giving an asset to the aboriginal community, shouldn’t it be their responsibility to maintain it?

    Had it been gifted to me I would have been delighted to carry out the works in exchange for an incredible asset.

  3618. Graeme Hancock | August 14, 2024 at 11:22 am |

    Gosford used to be a vibrant place to hangout for the youth of the area. Friday and Saturday nights the local boys all showed off their cars and their girlfriends, go to the movies, buy hamburgers and milkshakes at the local cafes maybe go to one of the three local hotels or if you’re old enough go to a show at the leagues club. Also baker street dance, froggies skatingor blue light disco for the younger kids. But that was back in the good old days when Gosford was a vibrant place to spend time.

  3619. This is a team that is running in the past and trying to put a former Mayor back into office after being apart of the debt the Central Coast is now in ! How could any rate payer re-vote a team of so call independents running together that will only have one agenda to push land development for personal financial gains. Should we not want a better future for our Central Coast??

  3620. I think this is a very bad idea. There are people going around to houses and taking un wanted animals to be used for blooding for dogfights etc. They are even sending their children to houses to be more believed they want them for pets. By waiving adoption fees it makes these little kittens very vulnerable to abuse and unimaginable suffering.

  3621. Where’s the next 24 hours service station from this one? Seems people can drive that little bit further to buy petrol.

  3622. Thats a very expensive 1.93km of footpath Over $1000000 per kilometer ?

  3623. Craig Hillman | August 15, 2024 at 2:09 pm |

    Most residents want basic council services fulfilled at a reasonable cost – the South has already had 50%+ increases in rates and water charges in 4 years.
    Independents need to understand what constitutes core council services and family violence and mental health are best left to State and Federal responsibility.
    How about concentrating on limiting rate increases, roads, core service provision etc – things that are Council responsibility

  3624. Craig Hillman | August 15, 2024 at 2:12 pm |

    Government funding wage rises for private company employees is crazy, and who’s next? Can Woolies staff look forward to a government funded pay rise?
    $3.6 Billion – so what happens when the $3.6 Billion runs out? Do their wages drop 15%?

  3625. My Golf course is building 1 kilometre of pathways for $200,000, how can less than 2 kilometres cost of $2mil?? You could build a roadway for that price.

  3626. Councillor capability is important. Corinne Lamont is running as an Independent for The Entrance ward and has an interesting professional background as a former bank accountant and Martin Place HQ bank branch manager. The ability to analyse financial statements is essential. Independence is also important, as is a background in local volunteering. Corinne brings all that to the table. She is Group D on the Entrance ballot paper.

  3627. I agree with Craig Hillman. I want to know all candidates’ qualifications, policies and how they propose to make our region great.

  3628. is it correct to say that Liberal candidates can’t stand?

    • FYI – as far as we can see only one Liberal canidate in the Gosford East Ward has missed out in the administrative error. Though this has resulted in the Liberal ticket in that ward not being not being aboe the line on the ballot ticket.

  3629. Craig Hillman | August 15, 2024 at 9:25 pm |

    Council shuffling the deck chairs on a sinking Titanic, the dysfunctional Planning Department has had a conga line of interim Directors in Ms Howes absence and nothing has improved.
    No wonder we have a housing crisis

  3630. Craig Hillman | August 15, 2024 at 9:30 pm |

    The question must be asked “Is Council the appropriate operator for the 3rd largest water management entity in NSW?
    After a 50%+ increase in the last 4 years, the Coast now has the most expensive water out of the big 3 ( Sydney, Hunter and Central Coast Water ) and Council softening rate payers up to pay even more.
    What actual benefits do ratepayers receive by owning this infrastructure?

  3631. How can you vote when you know nothing about the standing candidate?

  3632. Steve Robinson | August 18, 2024 at 7:06 pm |

    The failure of the government to monitor health impacts of the community living close to polluting industries is a shameful neglect. Employees of power stations and coal mines have a health check before they become employed and yearly reviews this forms a baseline for determining any future claim for compensation an employee may have. Every company should be obliged to have a similar baseline check, regular monitoring and a compensation system for the nearby community.
    Companies should also be forbidden from making donations to political parties since they act as de facto bribes to turn a blind eye to harmful pollution.
    Steve Robinson

  3633. Laurence Doughty | August 19, 2024 at 5:49 pm |

    We need people with common sense. And stop the corruption off the past.

  3634. Dawn Van Wirdum | August 19, 2024 at 8:04 pm |

    We need to know the policies of those who are standing. How can people restand who were sacked from the previous council? We need counselors who are working in the interest of those they represent not their own interests and how they can line their own pockets

  3635. Helen Crowley | August 19, 2024 at 8:15 pm |

    As a prospective new councillor after the 14/9/24, I would be advocating for the things that Nick Lewocki talks about in his letter. Everywhere I go people are talking about the potholes and the near misses they are having when using the roads. Curbing and guttering is on my agenda too along with drainage issues as well. Certainly that is not all but a least repairing the roads in the first instance is of paramount importance and providing footpaths is a very basic duty of the council. Of course we will work with state and federal governments but they have a finite budget too and we need to keep a lid on the massive increases to the rates that have been put upon the residents who are already burdened with huge mortgages etc. There is an incredible amount of work to be done when the councillors return to the council.

  3636. Donna O'Donnell | August 20, 2024 at 2:55 pm |

    I went to see Girl on a Train as I had read the book and seen the movie but was not prepared to be blown away by the magnificent acting making me laugh and cry,by the wonderful and convincing props and how intimate the whole play was! I could feel them,felt I was them. Such a wonderful show but then more than a show,an experience! I’ll be back 🙋🏼‍♀️

  3637. Geoffrey Preece | August 20, 2024 at 4:30 pm |

    At the last event I attended that was put on by one of the groups with which “Coasties who Care” is associated. That group, “Coast4One Community”, advertised their event in this newspaper. I was blocked from entering without any reason given, other than “Geoffrey you are not welcome here”, which isn’t a meaningful reason.

    I am a critic, accept it, treat your critics with respect, it’s part of the democratic ideals that I adhere to.

    (this comment was edited by publishers to comply with )

  3638. Brilliant design with great architects. Hopefully this one starts on site next year. Will be a great addition to Gosford and will be good to get rid of that eye sore of a site right near the park.

  3639. Policies and good intentions aside,candidates I would hope/expect to bring managerial and financial expertise to the role.Additionally I would expect that candidates would have a greater commitment to “our money” rather than to their own.A former mayor explained that a $30 m deficit occurred at Wyong because “council” took their “eye off the ball”.I wondered about the oversight of the personal finances of individual councillors in that organisation. I believe we need devils advocates to ask the hard questions.

  3640. Did the council acknowledge that there are 92 car spaces and only 3 motorcycle spaces in that block? No! It is absurd to suggest that parking at the Haven is the same as parking at Pine Tree Lane. Encourage more bikes, scooters and pushbikes int he CBD, which will improve access for businesses. Gee, the Post Office and cafe have some influence. Or is it the real estate agents parking in Pine Tree Lane influencing the council? Certainly not a community-based decision and not progressive.

  3641. Why would you vote for any previous councillors when we have been paying for their mistakes for years,

  3642. Malcolm Hill | August 21, 2024 at 4:05 pm |

    Thank you for this info, I have been unclear up to now. A shame that our local councils may be politicised. It’s not a great system.

  3643. Dave Jordan | August 21, 2024 at 5:39 pm |

    Another excellent project for our city. I would like to add my opinion on the old Gosford Library site. I appreciate that some would prefer to find an alternative use for the building however with all the new housing growth I believe we need to keep as much green space as is available. Let’s turn Kibble Park into something that all the old and new residents can enjoy.

  3644. Clemency Morony | August 21, 2024 at 6:19 pm |

    Well hopefully it won’t be one John Moyland

  3645. It would appear to me, that Council, in collaboration with said RSL, driven by local power house personalities, for reasons known only to themselves, had a deep desire to destroy this monument. I would even stated a certain level of racism portrayed by Copacabanna identities, who verbally & maliciously attacked Mr. Roque Hammal, openly & publicly, on a number of occasions, suggesting he would never be “ an Australian, & should go back where he came from. Mr.Hammal has been a British Citizen since birth, and became an Australian by choice, when he joined the R.A.N ( Royal Australian Navy) at age 17. As a result of his Service, he is a highly decorated War Veteran. Unlike many of those persons racially attacking him, who more than likely, were never part of the Armed Forces.
    With regard to theRSL in particular, they had NEVER held an ANZAC DAY Ceremony at Copacabanna, therefore when Mr.Hammal got his original permission, from local Council, to hold this revered Ceremony, he was not intruding or stepping on anyone’s toes. Only after Mr. Hammal made this such a successful Annual event, with an impressive attendance of local Citizens & invited dignataries, did the RSL make moves, to take it over, apparently with the support of local Council.
    The supposed 60 letters Council claims to hold opposing the Memorial, have NEVER been proven or released.
    In every town & city in Australia, there are Memorials, as there should be, to our Fallen magnificent & brave Soldiers. Yet our Sailors are hardly recognised. Geraldton WA, has a magnificent Memorial to HMAS Sydney, sunk in 1941, with a total loss of all crew. It took more than 60 years for that Memorial to be built. Memorial/ Monument Hill in Fremantle, also has a striking Naval Memorial dedicated to our Sailors. This was a Project created, designed & built with more than $10,000 raised by Mr. Hammal, assisted by members of the Naval Welfare group, he created, to assist these members. So his dedication to the memory of our fallen Sailors, is long standing & VERY genuine. This deep desire is what motivated him to begin the ANZAC Service, in Copacabanna, as there was a need, for aging local Veterans, to attend, without having to travel far. The Memorial followed on from that.
    I do not believe that Mr.,Hammal proceeded with this project, without any permission, and in total defiance of Councils direction. He is a man of high principal & ethics, who dots the”I”s and crosses the “t”S, and is a stickler for legal protocol.
    If this newspaper genuinely wishes to establish his bona tides, then you should check his credentials with DVA,at how successful he has been in winning very difficult cases to get Servicemen, both serving & Veterans,from ALL Services, a successful outcome, for their award Service Entitlements, that had been denied to them, by DVA, for MANY years. In my own case, 32 years ! One of the unbelievably number, who “ fell through the cracks” for Service the Government did not want to acknowledge. Mr. Hammal has been very successful as an Advocate, and no doubt making high profile enemies, happy to assist in tearing him down.
    Additionally, there is a pirate & cowardly Website, that has consistently, over many years, denigrated Mr.Hammals War Service Medals, telling lies about his entitlement to wear them. They will not reveal themselves, as there is a good case to sue them for defamation.
    As a newspaper, you have sources and investigative powers, to dig deeper, however you have to have the will, plus payment for the hours taken to built a story, and as this is only NEWSWORTHY for such a short time, it’s probably not a viable proposition for you.
    However, Mr. Hammal has the everlasting respect & thanks from countless Service personnel, Veterans & War Widows, Australia wide, who has enriched our lives, by the Pensions & Benefits he got for we all, at no charge whatsoever to us. We enjoy a quality of life that we could only dream about, thanks to his untold hours of work on many cases, and his intimate knowledge of all legalities, acts, etc, and all the complexity in dealing with a Government monolith, such as DVA.
    To see his name & character besmirched, plus “ personal crucifiction” of this most stalwart man, by Copacabannaites, & their cohorts, is nothing but SHAMEFUL.

  3646. Craig Pinel | August 22, 2024 at 5:35 am |

    We certainly need more residential and commercial facilities in the CBD, and using that sites is ideal for the this project. I love the careful architectural approach of blending amongst it’s environment.
    I look forward to the completion of this development.

  3647. Peter - Umina Beach | August 22, 2024 at 2:54 pm |

    What an absolute atrocity that this wonderful and well designed memorial has been removed. So what if it didn’t get Council approval. My late father was a WW2 Navy veteran and I saw this memorial as a tribute to him and all other Navy veterans.
    What next? Will Council start removing all the road side crosses / memorials?

  3648. Falling apart! | August 23, 2024 at 5:58 am |

    I am not a fan of zero tolerance. However, there is a sense that illegal construction, like on the beach at Blue Bay, and dogs being brought onto no dog beaches where they disturb sand nesting birds and other wildlife, need attention. Things like this getting out of hand, needing attention, make for a deteriorating community ambience.

  3649. Thank you Central Coast Community News.
    An honour and privilege to be able to teach across Community Services and Mental Health qualifications and to connect our students with industry/sector experts from across Australia.
    Building on contemporary evidence based best practices within the sector to help foster a competent and work place ready line of Community Services and Mental health professionals.
    Yasin Bagci

  3650. Julene Down | August 23, 2024 at 3:03 pm |

    felt a shudder in Empire Bay, Central Coast

  3651. Geoffrey Preece | August 24, 2024 at 11:53 am |

    I disagree with this campaign.

    • Geoff, we missed you at our environmental event for Kariong the other night. Where were you?

  3652. Jarrod PETERSON | August 25, 2024 at 5:37 am |

    Such a shame to see what a rapidly rising population is doing to such sacred pockets of land, particularly here on the Central Coast.I believe that in this proposed Kariong development the traditional indigenous owners should be respected and it’s the greedy developers who need to show more compassion when seeing profit over what is really a form of destruction to gorgeous local environments.

  3653. Fresh focus needed! | August 25, 2024 at 6:53 am |

    Just keep out anyone who has previously been a counsellor or is a politician or property developer.

  3654. Pamela hunter | August 25, 2024 at 11:18 am |

    please continue to oppose this development. look at what’s happened at wyee, acres of precious bushland cleared, scaring our area again. absolutely disgusting.

  3655. An interesting set of candidates. Budgewoi Group B features those olden day Liberals/Save the Lakes who change their representative shirts all day long on election day. Somehow the Wyong ward Liberals were not slow off the mark with their candidacy like elsewhere.

  3656. Kevin Spencer | August 25, 2024 at 6:41 pm |

    Doug Eaton and Greg Best should not be standing. ultimately it was their votes which brought on The amalgamation between Wyong and Gosford councils. I believe that was a factor in the financial crisis.

  3657. Gosford East – third Liberal Candidate not accepted by Electoral Commission. Why?

    • The NSW Electoral Commissin did not give us an answwer on that. We beleive it was an administrative error.

  3658. John MacSporran | August 26, 2024 at 7:13 pm |

    I regularly fish on Wamberal beach North of the lagoon and it is quite obvious that dog owners have taken absolutely no notice of those new signs especially on weekends when visitors also come and use the beach with their dogs.

  3659. This sacred land at Kariong should be protected. It is already zoned at C2 protection due to it being culturally significant and ecologically sensitive land. There are much more sustainable areas more suitable for housing development. The locals should stand up and protect this vulnerable landscape.

  3660. Mark Lamont | August 26, 2024 at 7:47 pm |

    Intelligent, impressive candidate. Excellent presentation this evening in Avoca on the role of a councillor.

  3661. Sinéad Lynch | August 26, 2024 at 11:07 pm |

    Not being born in Australia myself, I really enjoyed visiting old Sydney Town many times bringing each of my children here. It is sad to see it closed and I’m hopeful it will reopen in the future

  3662. My family and I had a 12 month pass and loved going to old Sydney town. Most every weekend, There is nothing on the central coast For kids , , QLD. Has. Movie world, Etc. We have nothing in NSW , , we need. Something. On the coast, To have a family day out , , Can’t wait for old Sydney town to open again ,

  3663. Graham Hughes | August 27, 2024 at 3:29 am |

    Council should point dog owners to The Haven off-leash exercise area. Oh, but they are trying to get rid of that too! Does our Council hate dogs?

  3664. forresters beach is also not good. Every time I walk along the beach there are many off leash dogs. There are signs but obviously people don’t care

  3665. Richard Bartolo | August 27, 2024 at 7:25 am |

    Would be great to see Old Sydney Town open once again. Great memories of the place.

  3666. Martin Daubert | August 27, 2024 at 7:33 am |

    central coast council will not have their rangers patrol this area as they are too concerned with issuing parking fines.

  3667. How do two of the same people who were responsible for CC Council going into administration have the hide to stand again ?
    Absolute disgrace.

  3668. John Rowland | August 27, 2024 at 9:11 am |

    About time this has been going on for years and council aware but no action.i doubt the moorons that let their dogs poop and piddle on the beach will take any notice though

  3669. Gary Geercke | August 27, 2024 at 9:44 am |

    I do hope that this does eventuate, it’ll bring so much back to the Central Coast. Our kids went there quite often, even the school they attended to had excursions there. MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!!☺️

  3670. It’s about time!
    We moved into the area last year and really appreciate the lovely off leash dog areas that council provides but have been appalled at the number of arrogant dog owners that let their pets off leash all along the beach. And we have not seen any rangers or know of any consequences for those that do this.

  3671. Long overdue. It is sickening to see dog excrement around the waters edge and young children playing nearby in the water. Plastic bags with dog excrement left on the beach.

  3672. this is very exciting and hopefully will happen.

  3673. Kevin Armstrong | August 27, 2024 at 12:32 pm |

    I worked at OST for several years, eventually in the role of Entertainment Co-ordinator. The development of the site would provide opportunities for education, entertainment and employment for local people. It has the potential to become a tourist attraction, and a resource for schools, of a high standard. The cost of development and operation would inevitably be high, but the local community would benefit in many ways.

  3674. Kay Lehmann | August 27, 2024 at 1:14 pm |

    Name withheld seems to be stretching the point in applying his views to Belinda Neal She was a councillor in 1991 with Gosford City Council which is 35 years ago, and the council was well run then. I think she has the experience but is not affected by recent involvement like others such as Lawrie McKinna, Doug Eaton and Jane Smith. The council election will mean we get a mixture of Councillors not all from one group and I think it is important to have a Councilor with broad experience but untainted by the events of the last decade.

  3675. Great revenue raiser when signs aren’t always where dog owners access the areas. Dogs off lead at the Haven also a money spinner as dogs are unable to distinguish the invisible borders between path and grass.

  3676. Graeme long | August 27, 2024 at 6:14 pm |

    Anyone who is paid $500k and is supposed to be managing the city for the benefit of the ratepayers – and neglects the essential service infrastructure such as roads water and sewerage
    – well what can I say
    At the very least he he should get 0/5 and his income plowed into those essential services

  3677. what a joke saying not heavily impacted,
    council have diverted the filth overflow into lagoon.
    The fish have bacteria and heaven knows what, its so infectious, Id be putting up signs..

  3678. cabbage tree bay the same no regard for the signs

  3679. Spoon Bay is the worst that I’ve seen. It’s clearly marked as a dog free park as it’s a national reserve park. A lot of locals who no better take their dogs for near daily walks there. They typically don’t clean up after their dog and they don’t keep them on a lead. This interferes with the native inhabitants and other locals that want to use that beach as a peaceful escape. the few times that I’ve said anything to people letting their dogs run wild, I’m met with something like “mind your F’ing business tourist. I live on the same street as the beach.

  3680. that’s peoples attitude today

  3681. Belinda Davies | August 28, 2024 at 2:55 pm |

    I just keep getting more Pissed Off !

    Truely don’t stress all you Dog haters
    The Sea Wall will make your Doggy problems appear insignificant .

    As you can say goodbye to our resident black swans and all other wildlife .

    This is certainly not the CC it used to be !

    I’m at this Beach everyday and Council You Will end up destroying the Very Reason we all Live here .

    CC Council be careful as right now your
    Very close to having Blood on your Hands 😡

  3682. Council signs do nothing these days as people know enforcement is non existent.

  3683. Surfers often open and drain the lagoon for an hour of fun. Is that good for this environment?

  3684. Wendy Stephenson | August 28, 2024 at 6:11 pm |

    a very large number of central coast residents own dogs – I think it is about 65% – they pay rates and I think council needs to provide good parks and spots for them to exercise with their dogs – if the facilities were upgraded and maintained it would lead to better compliance – you may not like dogs but a large portion of rate/tax payers are entitled to consideration – some people also complain about bird poop – want to shoot them down? 😒

  3685. John Dickinson | August 28, 2024 at 9:40 pm |

    Hooray!! I used to go there regularly back in the 80s, ,can’t wait to take the grandkids, I always wanted a job there doing the street theatre

  3686. Geoffrey Preece | August 28, 2024 at 10:40 pm |

    Things not mentioned in this article –

    This is in the hinterland of the Central Coast.

    This is a 120 hectare site.
    The Old Sydney Town component is 20 ha. of the 49.2 ha. Tourism part.
    The residential part is 38.4 ha.
    The Commercial part is 4.5 ha.
    The Conservation/open space is 27.6 ha (What that represents is anybody’s guess.)

    So this development proposal is about half the size of Kariong Township.
    It is not far under half the size of the Somersby Industrial Estate. (Business Park)

    It is 300 metres from one of the most significant Aboriginal Sacred sites on the Central Coast – the Moonee Moonee Aboriginal Place.
    It is 1 kilometre from the fantastic Central Coast Mega Cave.
    It is 2 kilometres from my home in Somersby and I have seen no effort at all to consult the Somersby community.

    It borders Brisbane Water National Park. It is capable of being home for all the same species that Mr. Cassar expresses concern for in Kariong. I know this because I have the same and similar species on my property and it’s basically the same Hawkesbury Sandstone country.

    I don’t think people realise the implications of such a massive development proposal for the natural environment, the Somersby plateau, agriculture in general etc. There are so many issues here that this should not just be accepted without serious thought about where this might lead.

    The community needs to think wider than a pet project that would have no guarantee of success and continuance, armed with the knowledge that it was a loss making venture throughout it’s past history.

  3687. My understanding is that the creation and purpose of local Aboriginal land councils (LALC’s) is to redress the loss of land and ongoing displacement caused by colonisation. I don’t know the specific forming of Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council (DLALC) and the people behind it. The idea that LALC’s have as their main creation point and purpose to “support Traditional Custodians in caring for Country” is wrong particularly when controversy exists over the authenticity of the traditional custodians. Issues between Guringai & DLALC notwithstanding, there are large communities of mob on the central coast from a variety of places. That’s the community.
    There’s a lot of hyperbole.

  3688. you should know who to vote for in May

  3689. Chris Firmstone | August 29, 2024 at 4:43 pm |

    Let’s hope that this meeting will produce good outcomes.

  3690. Brian Keating | August 29, 2024 at 7:18 pm |

    Good to see that CCM are giving local juniors a chance! (sarcasm font)

  3691. Jane Robbins | August 29, 2024 at 7:20 pm |

    Glad I no longer live on centrelink coast

  3692. Ian Carruthers | August 29, 2024 at 8:29 pm |

    Rosemary a well credential candidate to lead Central Coast Council

  3693. Wow, what great news. I’m 53 now, so maybe the first rail will be laid some time in my 80s? Honestly, this high speed rail line has been faffed about by governments since I was a teenager, maybe even longer.
    Until the rails started getting laid, this isn’t news, only a distraction or a placating puff piece for the masses.

  3694. the rail net work at present is sufficient for near future needs.

  3695. Patricia McCarthy | August 30, 2024 at 10:43 am |

    There are no resumes, either short or long, of any would be Councellers. Where do we go to find them?

  3696. Gail Mathiesoon | August 30, 2024 at 10:44 am |

    15 April 2021

    Amalgamation didn’t cause the financial collapse of Central Coast Council, which should remain in Administration pending a formal Inquiry, a Report says.

    Central Coast Council’s administrator, Dick Persson, released his final report on Wednesday, six months after being appointed by the State Government to steer Council out of its financial dire straits.

    In it, he urges Local Government Minister Shelley Hancock to “take whatever action is necessary” to prevent the return of councillors who were suspended last November (2020) after financial mismanagement left Central Coast $89 million in the red.

    Mr Persson also calls for the September 2021 election to be delayed “to allow a formal Inquiry to determine what is needed to achieve the successful merger of the two previous councils”.

    No evidence of corruption:- The report finds no evidence of corruption but says “there is absolutely no evidence that the financial collapse of the CCC was caused by the merger”.

    “My investigation has concluded that by far the greatest reason CCC became insolvent was due to mismanagement of their Budget over the years following their merger and leading to their suspension.”

    Mr Persson notes “unusual circumstances” that accelerated the collapse of the operating budget, including water pricing decisions, bushfires and flood.

    But he says “nothing excuses the negligence of those in charge for their relative inaction, which was manifestly much too little and much too late.”

    Central Coast – created via a merger between Gosford City and Wyong Shire Councils in 2016 which it had blamed for many of its financial woes – must remain in Administration to allow for the merger be completed, Mr Persson says.

    “I believe the best outcome for Central Coast Council and the community would be a further extended period under Administration,” he said.

    Mr Persson said his would allow the new CEO, David Farmer, and a new administrator enough time to complete the merger and rebuild community confidence “without the distraction of elected representatives intent on playing out broader political agendas”.

    He said if Ms Hancock did see fit to allow councillors to return ahead of Local Government elections, performance improvement orders including the appointment of a financial controller should be put in place.

    The Financial Controller should be Rik Hart, who has worked with Mr Persson to implement a recovery strategy for council, he said.

    Time for healing, minister says:- Ms Hancock said the Report showed that not amalgamation, but the FAILURE of the former General Manager and the elected body, was the cause of Council’s financial collapse.

    She said the local community had a right to feel angry and frustrated at the “gross mismanagement” that had led to the situation and now was the time for healing.

    “I will now determine the future of the Council taking into consideration the Interim Administrator’s final report, his two earlier reports, the views of the local community and advice from the Office of Local Government,” the minister said.

    Ms Hancock said she would announce her decision on 29 April 2021, when Mr Persson’s term is set to expire.

    An interim report* released by Mr Persson last December found Central Coast was headed for a $115 million operating loss this financial year.

    Mr Persson said had already put measures in place to restored the budget and pay down some of its $565 million debt, including slashing senior and middle management and reducing capital works by $50 million.

    Comment below to have your say on this story.

    If you have a news story or tip-off, get in touch at editorial at governmentnews.com.au.

    Sign up to the Government News newsletter

  3697. Josh hasting | August 30, 2024 at 11:14 am |

    children have a say if they want to do sports or not.

    86 track deaths for 2024 so far.
    7540 track injuries. (all reported by racing Stewards and varified)

    not to mention the untold damage the gambling industry causes to families across Australia.

    id certainly stop my child playing that sport if it had a fatality rate like that. no sport should have a death rate.

    congratulations at doing the minimum standard of pet ownership of worming and feeding quality food.

  3698. Michael Hilton | August 30, 2024 at 3:37 pm |

    Why can’t I find any information about each of the nominated persons ? How do we decide how to vote ?

    • Michael, we are compiling a list and policy descriptions from as many candidates as we can contact, there are 77 of them. In the mean time CLICK HERE for full access to council election stories

  3699. Phillip Bross | August 30, 2024 at 5:55 pm |

    This high speed rail facility is understandably well overdue. therefore it is indeed fantastic that we are ‘on the move’.

    As a worthy attribute to our fast growth on the east coast, it will certainly provide many benifits, in terms of work, education and accommodation opportunities.

    Combine this with the excellent transport systems building up right across Sydney plus the opening of the Western Airport and NSW will be prepared for a very successful future.


  3700. Dave Harris getting points on the board otherwise he wouldn’t be there. Show pony.And yes you won’t post this will you??

  3701. thank you.
    about time

  3702. Absolutely correct- all animal racing is horrible and should be banned. Thanks for pointing this out Wal.

  3703. About time I have just returned from
    Japan their train network is amazing their Shinkansen service incredible
    Maybe Sydney to Melbourne would be an idea to have a”Fast Train” or it’s a 10 hour slow trip through rural NSW and Victoria
    Come on look at the size of this country and we have the worst in train services between states

  3704. So true Wal. All animal racing is terrible and should be banned. Thank you for making this clear.

  3705. For people voting early the policy description etc should have been already done!
    Goes to show nothing has changed , so slow in doing anything … So who do I vote for be forming going on holidays 🤷‍♀️

  3706. Lynne adams | August 31, 2024 at 10:55 am |

    How can anyone make a decision on the councillors if we have no information on them?

  3707. I believe Douglas Eaton has a conflict of interest

  3708. I only have huge bouquets for Gosford Hospital and staff. cannot get better treat.

  3709. Robert miller | August 31, 2024 at 3:47 pm |

    i was in ward C5 last year n they were fantastic it was a privilege to be treated by them.

  3710. this is long overdue. If only Melbourne could do the same to Geelong, we could see the start of a serious east cost fast rail system.

  3711. Gary Wallace | August 31, 2024 at 5:26 pm |

    It will never happen if Labor are in power. They are all talk and no action.

    • let’s see Gary.
      Get inland rail back on track, Check.
      Reform public service so political lackeys are replaced with career public servants, saving the county billions in consultants. Check
      Five heavily damaged foreign relations so improving trade and balancing budget. Check
      Fix grants programs so all electorates benefit ,not just seats the LNP need to win. Check.

  3712. Robert Pilon | August 31, 2024 at 5:27 pm |

    I would be happy with a limited stops train that can do 150kmhon the Newcastle, Central Coast sector to Sydney

  3713. Ashley Kaye | August 31, 2024 at 5:57 pm |

    very clear how they achieved the savings, the roads up near Bateau Bay have not been fixed for at least 10 years! Worst roads with gaping potholes. Ratepayers are paying twice, one time paying the rates and two the repairs to their cars!

  3714. Michaeljmcvicker@gmail.com | August 31, 2024 at 6:53 pm |

    good school good learning centre

  3715. John Attard | August 31, 2024 at 7:16 pm |

    I would love to re visit and re live our child hood

  3716. Jenny Williams | August 31, 2024 at 10:10 pm |

    I went to Gosford Hospital for a medical procedure. From the lovely cleaner who steered me in the right direction, to the nurse who took my details, the preop anesthetists, the Dr who did my procedure and all the staff in the operating theatre, and the nurses who took care of me after the surgery. I was asked constantly if I was warm enough. And they all kept repeating, “we will look after you” I felt so safe and the treatment I received was wonderfull. Cannot thank them enough.

  3717. Gary Blaschke | September 1, 2024 at 9:09 am |

    Hi Sandra, You are certainly saying all the right words, yet why haven’t I heard of you before?
    I have been very active in the region for over fifteen years and don’t believe in the type of Party politics that we have. Happy to meet with you as I am doing with Ken Kozak.

  3718. Craig Thompson | September 1, 2024 at 2:31 pm |

    ironic that this was achieved by penalising residents through multiple rate rises to cover the gross negligence & incompetence of the previous council. We will be paying for their mistakes for years to come while there is zero accountability. Hopefully the next era comprises of legitimate professionals from the private sector that are capable and qualified to manage this efficiently…not the legacy public servant punters looking to suck the coffers dry with the usual slacker mentality.

  3719. Let’s hope that the with financial success that council thinks it has, it reduces the rates for the central coast so it’s more comparable to rates in other council areas rather than being the highest.

  3720. how do I vote i am interstate during the election

  3721. John Rowland | September 1, 2024 at 4:38 pm |

    for a start stop the new library complete waste of money, also stop all handouts to bludgers

  3722. no one has explained what the $565 million was spent on not roads .Ettalong beach repairs .No accountability for spending money on what show us the infrastructure

  3723. Peter Wilkins | September 1, 2024 at 6:54 pm |

    I agree with Ashley Kaye it’s not just the roads in Bateau Bay but the majority of roads in Long Jetty and The Entrance all have been sadly neglected.With a high population of elderly people on mobility bikes and walking frames I would like to see a 5 year plan put in place to bring roads guttering /footpaths brought up to date and not looking like they belong to some 3rd world country,all have been neglected and forgotten by all previous Councils

  3724. Bruce Gurney-Mawby | September 1, 2024 at 7:29 pm |

    or a administrator

  3725. I’ve only watched one greyhound race, and the total lack of emotional connection between dogs and their owners was heartbreaking. All dogs had large sections of missing hair/raw skin (rear/hindquarters – was covered by their vests, was visible from a distance as soon as they were taken off). All dogs looked visibly gaunt. I asked why the dogs were all being “encouraged” to wee while on the walk back from the track, and was surprised to find out they’d also have been dehydrated to lower their weight. There was zero “joy” apparent in any of the dogs, none of them appeared to be passionate about racing. And the noise the rabbit makes; the frequency that’s higher than human ears can hear, that appears to be one of the antagonists needed to get dogs running faster and harder than they otherwise would. As well as the increasing speed of the rabbit right towards the end of the race, the sudden forced stop was super unsettling and jarring. overall, 0/10. Definitely would not be interested in returning to watch or bet on Greyhound races; I don’t believe anyone who genuinely loves dogs would! Dogs deserve (and need) more than the regular walks/quality food/vet checks, etc.. They deserve to be loved!

    • Noni Kay, You went to a Greyhound racetrack and watched one race. You say the noise that the rabbit makes is higher than the human ear can hear, yet you heard it? The rabbit makes no noise. The rabbit speeds up towards the end of the race so as the Greyhounds won’t run into the barrier that blocks them, allowing the trainers to catch them.
      I have owned and raced Greyhounds, and worked as a penciller for a Bookmaker at the Greyhounds for many years, and in my experience the races and care of the Greyhounds is exceptional. You do not know what you are talking about.

  3726. so debt is now only less than 200M. ONLY. This is considered success.Wow bet they never ran a private company.

  3727. So We are going to have a communist brainwashing madrasa in Gosford! How wonderful!

  3728. Don’t let the people back into council who caused this debt that has cost us the ratepayers .

  3729. i wish we could keep the administration accountant.
    we know the replacements are ready to pounce

  3730. Patrick Aiken | September 2, 2024 at 1:23 am |

    Sure you reduced debt but only by bleeding us dry with multiple double digit percentage increases in rates and the introduction of a whole lot of new charges like paying for a new sewer usage charge based on how much water we use. The Central Coast Water Corporation with the assistance of IPART is now used to suck us dry. This is not good financial management when a council just increases its employee numbers and belts its ratepayers with huge rates increases way above the CPI and far greater than any increase in the income of residents.Its unsustainable and eventually will result in a revolt by ratepayers. Council sold land it owned for $30 million dollars which was then resold within 6 months for $410 million. This is the new Warner Business Park. Council estimated development costs at around $100 million – almost $300 million return for the developer. That could have been used to repay the debt of the previous council instead of reaming ratepayers.

  3731. Don't let this fester! | September 2, 2024 at 5:41 am |

    This sounds bizarre. surely an hour of effort should clear this up. Why allow such a situation to fester in the community unnecessarily?

  3732. I am please to know the big improvement of Gosford. Unfortunately, drugs dealing and taking activities are active around.

    The footpath at the corner of Bent Street and Watt Street had not been repair over 20 years. Tge foot path is sloping and 2m long, flooding at rainy day. If one day someone tripping over or wheelchair turning over, then whose responsibility who get hurt? ( I reported several times to the council in these 15 years and even I went to council to complain one month ago).

  3733. has parking facilities been put in place and why isn’t the imperial building opposite tafe being used to extend tafe and all is well with new buildings in Gosford but planning with parking is atrocious

  3734. I agree with many of the comments already made. Individual costs up unfairly and so little done on roads etc. Much good work on bigger, important projects but more balance with community’s needs required.

  3735. Rob King, I think many of us echo your sentiments. Let’s hope commonsense prevails and they don’t get any support.

  3736. If the council is in a better financial position, maybe they should look at the construction projects that have been approved. Especially the eyesore in front of the Wyoming Caravan Park, of cause it s not a caravan park anymore is it. Still trading as such. Needs Administrators to look at the dodgy practices that have been going on these past 3 years.

  3737. I’ve been living on the C/coast for most of life yet our roads are third world. no kerb and guttering, open drains etc. the person who shows some desire to fix this will get my vote.

  3738. Michaeljmcvicker@gmail.com | September 2, 2024 at 12:38 pm |

    give the man a chance

  3739. Finally! Someone with some common sense! Joy Cooper, I wish you the best of luck! Anyone who believes this won’t help should take a look at Singapore. That country is immaculate, largely due to its efficient rubbish collection (as well as harsh penalties for littering). Australia has a long way to go when it comes to implementing harsher penalties in all aspects of the law.

  3740. they cant be more venomous than the greedy selfish politicians of all levels

  3741. What a load of BS. Rate payers bled to death and tehn just walk away. If this was in the real world people would be jailed. This has been and still is a massive cover up. WHO was in charge?? Put your hand up and take responsibility you whimp. The roads are some of the worst in Australia still. So administration. Stop crowing how good you’ve been and give ratepayers what they want. JUSTICE for the crap we have put up with for years. We deserve better.

  3742. Hi Bill,

    People who love their greyhounds don’t force them to race… they let their dogs be pets, not bets.

    The ongoing mistreatment of greyhounds and the failures of the industry’s regulation were made clear in the recent report by the ex-Chief Vet of Greyhound Racing NSW. This industry has lost its social licence to operate.

    Over the first eight months of 2024, GWIC, the NSW greyhound racing industry’s own regulator has laid 139 charges against 64 NSW participants. These included: Misconduct/improper conduct/abusive behaviour (50 charges), Substances (drugging) (46 charges), Breach of rules and regulations (24), Failure to provide adequate care/vet care (9), Failure to keep health/treatment records (7) and Failure to maintain clean/sanitary/safe kennels (3 charges).

    Not a lot of love there.

    Responsible dog owners should have the freedom to enjoy time with their beloved pet greyhounds… but an industry which forces animals to race in order to create footage for gambling should be shut down.

  3743. Cheryl Zabow | September 3, 2024 at 7:49 am |

    The multiple charges laid by GWIC against multiple participants every year as well as the horrific contents of Dr Brittan’s report confirms my views that this “industry” stinks.

  3744. We do need to look at youth crime and domestic violence as you point out, Wal. However, using animals for racing is horrible and cruel and is driven mainly by on-line gambling which, together with alcohol consumption, ultimately results in youth crime and domestic violence.

  3745. Typo on The Entrance Ward Group D “Independents”

  3746. What this report fails to tell us is that in the original report it was stated that the action of the previous administration was found to be “unlawful”.. That means illegal and against the law. Still no one has been charged or even held accountable. Start looking after the people who give you the money in the first place or soon we just might stop paying.

  3747. Thankyou Joy for tackling this ugly issue. it is hard for commuters to rid themselves of rubbish when there are no rubbish bins. This rubbish becomes an environmental problem when it gets into our gutters and stormwater drains. rubbish is a danger to our wildlife as well. For a cleaner coast vote for Joy in budgewoi.

  3748. We were far better off when we were two (2) councils. It would be easier and more effective to manage. We need to split the councils again back to a more manageable size.

  3749. Good on you councillors. Stop me from saying what I really think

  3750. Yep typical. Councillors running rough shot over the ratepayers. Nothings changed.

  3751. Wonderful news Joy I’ve been asking council for years to do something about the bus stop across from the Catholic Church in Woy Woy. Rubbish cigarette butts. Worse since Council put a seat there years ago. Food left everywhere I been cleaning this up for years. I also asked for a non-smoking sign. Nothing happened. Joy Cooper will be a wonderful candidate on Council. What you see is what you get. A Genuine good Decent honest, caring candidate indeed. That cares about our Environment, Wildlife, All our beautiful, mature big trees on the Central Coast.That are shade for us all to Survive the heat here. Give Safety for our wildlife to live now. Residence want green planet to Survive, not a barren one Concrete, hot one Wildlife Protected saved now. For all generations to see in the years ahead. She has all the qualities to stand tall in Council. If I lived in her area Joy would be my choice. A Candidate That has a wonderful track record for helping save our beautiful green spaces on the Coast. Empathy and compassion for people always. Will help keep Wildlife Habitat protected. Not stressed every day as we are seeing now. on the coast. As an indigenous mother grandmother and great gran mother I would choose Joy. To protect what we can save now. Joy has Compassion and empathy for all gods creatures.

  3752. Malcolm Hill | September 3, 2024 at 2:39 pm |

    I know my thinking is somewhat different to the norm but I cannot get my head around the fact that I shall only be voting for a fifth of the people who are going to make up the Council. I can only vote in my ward, so ultimately I have no say in who the other 12 councillors will be. To me it makes no sense.

  3753. An excellent proposal to reduce pollution of the environment : Litter left by people waiting at bus stops adds significantly to the pollution problems in our waterways.

  3754. she seems on the money with most issues. if she’s number 2 must be a humdinger for their number one candidate…where is this champion of us ordinary folk?

  3755. Peter McTaggart | September 3, 2024 at 4:39 pm |

    Do you support the mater plan for the development of the central coast airport?

  3756. I love the high speed train. This carrot is so old even Buggs Bunny won’t look at it. This thing rolls around every election cycle for th e past 30 plus years with the only winners, consultants who take the government for a fool and spend the money on a new Ferrari. The beauty of a true high speed train is to link capital cities quickly. Given the topography of the coast, the train would either need to go completely underground or way out west before returning to Newcastle. The type of train would have to be a metro style with no frills. Anything else would create a serious cost and therefore unaffordable. Personally, I feel it’s a waste to invest heavily in a trip that’s 2.5 hours in duration and think a high speed link to Canberra an d Melbourne and Brisbane a much wore worthy exercise.

  3757. Mike Baird was ironically shouted down by the left when he attempted to shut down the industry. Now the left want it shut down. They should of swallowed their pride and got behind him.

  3758. Kevin Brooks | September 3, 2024 at 9:37 pm |

    I don’t see how Team Central Coast Council can promise to support a draft airport Masterplan while technical studies, costings, and financial feasibility studies commissioned by Council remain outstanding.

    A business case also needs to be presented to councillors before an informed decision can be taken.

    It is odd that Team Central Coast Council, one of whose candidates is George Paterson (President of an aero club that would benefit from such ratepayer subsidies), can promise such support before financial studies, costings and business case are available.

    Yet, when asked their position on the Wamberal Sea Wall, where all the information has been public for some time, they refuse to be transparent with voters claiming they need more information.

    An inconsistent approach to say the least.

  3759. Jenny newbury | September 4, 2024 at 7:27 am |

    hi Sandra could you please let me know what is your stance on wind farms off shore

  3760. Keith Cashman | September 4, 2024 at 10:30 am |

    The airport precinct has to stay and be developed as this team propose. The asset has been continually held back for decades by people moving to the Central Coast well after the airstrip was originally recognised by local people as an asset to the area. Some people are just stuck in a continuous negative mindset. They never fail to turn up to block any progressive proposal put forward. All they achieve is an escalation of costs and the time projects take to be achieved.

  3761. Time to leave, no infrastructure and traffic chaos. Doesn’t inspire me at all.

  3762. Can you please give a list of the previous Central Coast Counsellors? They shouldn’t be allowed to run.

  3763. Where are all those visitors / tourists going to find parking places?
    Gosford hasn’t had enough parking places for many, many years.

  3764. All great and love the style of the building, but parking is and will be a major problem for anyone visiting, especially if and when there are events happening at the football stadium…I suppose council will rake in a fortune with parking infringements

  3765. Yarhoo it’s about time. I’ve lived in Gosford for nearly 25 years waiting for council to do SOMETHING. As always it takes private business to take the lead. Well done and thank you to the owners for dealing with and winning against such a inept bunch of no hopers. Gosford and surrounding suburbs can only benefit from your efforts.

  3766. lindsay cunningham | September 4, 2024 at 8:42 pm |

    Hi Rosemary We think you have a lot to offer Maybe call me Lindsay Cunningham at Avoca Beach on 0418973315 look forward to a chat regards Lindsay C

  3767. Brad Walters | September 4, 2024 at 9:37 pm |

    Kevin let’s put the president aside.As financial gain seems irrelevant.I have always thought that if the council could get rid of the airport, they would be able to build another Westfield’s. I hope I’m wrong let’s wait and see.

  3768. the state had a huge housing crisis – said the premier. how much are these apartments? who will be buying them? not the people who are “in crisis” I wager. total misunderstanding of the housing crisis! total!

  3769. Unfortunately some of my comments were left out for example that they are wormed regularly they are vetted before every race, The idea that that particular writer wrote regarding large sections of patches of missing hairs,etc ar highly exxagerated If this was the case they would not be allowed to race They are wormed regularly and checked for injuries by highly accredired greyhound vets they are fed the best of diets .The reason the baird ban was rejected was because most of the lies told about the industry were exposed In the MCUGH REPORT AND PROVEN to be blatant made up lies some were for incidents that never ever happened in australia,so please do not tell me that greyhounds are being badly treated of course there are some remote incidents which are quickly attended to and participants are heavily dealt with even life suspensions,There is more but it obviously won’t be believed because some people cannot or will not believe the truth about the care taken by greyhound people for their greyhounds,and by the way why is’nt horse racing ever mentioned about cruelty ,Racing , use of the whip, gelding etc, I tell you why because only the wealthy can afford to race a horse,

  3770. Here we go again! delusional empire builders and the self interested that want to use other peoples money for their thought bubbles and think a few sightseeing flights and hangar storages will make us into an aviation hub! what exactly is that apart from those evocative words they have used. The ratepayers of the Central Coast will receive no benefit but will have more noise and carbon emissions to contend with. The upgrade will be expensive and as Kevin Brooks has said there are no costings, only a report on the upgrade that has already cost $400,000 of ratepayers money in addition to the $500,00 annually to maintain the airfield for the benefit of a few who own their own aircraft, this is about 250 homes that contribute all their rates for a few. We are still in debt, only fools spend money on a new car when already behind in their mortgage payments. How about we vote for some prospective candidates that want to keep costs down and provide services to benefit the people that live here.

  3771. Why is this being imposed Supposedly we will have a fresh set of councillors (I hope)If we cant trust them to make decisions for the first year why even have an election They are being punished for the previous misadministration .Sounds like they will have absolutely no power to make decisions. Why isnt this being imposed on all local govt areas. This is geographical discrimination. This will make me vote informal. convince me otherwise

  3772. Gary Blaschke | September 5, 2024 at 5:17 pm |

    Yes Malcom Hill, I totally agree as councillors from other wards make decisions on our ward and most have no idea what the local issues are. Having three minutes to tell them in the chamber is a joke and certainly not democratic.

  3773. Is it just me, or do others recognise some of the names above being the same as those who put this council into administration several years ago? This deadwood should stand aside and allow those who are more qualified, more responsible, not to mention financially, to run for council. If those above are voted in again, we’re all screwed (again)

  3774. Chris O' Malley | September 6, 2024 at 5:31 am |

    I would encourage Kariong and Somersby voters to seriously consider voting for their local candidates as nothing gets done by this poor excuse for a current council unless you live in Terrigal, Avoca or the Gosford waterfront. Our roads are a complete disgrace. Please leave the political party candidates completely out of the running.

  3775. Peter Clouston | September 6, 2024 at 6:05 am |

    Central Coast Council should not be singled out by LGM Ron Hoenig.
    Any new strict conditions imposed by State Govt should newly be applied to all Councils immediately following the elections this month.
    The State Govt should also note that the elections will not be held democratically for electors, as AEC has refused to allow the Liberal Party candidates to be considered, under any conditions.
    So, electors will be confined to consider only one side of political thinking which is not democratic.

  3776. Geoff Robertson | September 6, 2024 at 7:31 am |

    Why would anyone vote for Jane Smith, with her dismal performance as Mayor on the worst council in the State’s history. What a hide.

  3777. Brian Dickinson | September 6, 2024 at 8:30 am |

    It’s heartening to hear Kevin Brooks tell it as it is. The state government forced merger of Gosford & Wyong created many problems that it (NSW gov.) failed to fix. Kevin is spot on when he says throwing more money at a disfunctual council is only going to make us poorer.

  3778. Michaeljmcvicker@gmail.com | September 6, 2024 at 9:09 am |

    well done for local work

  3779. Kevin Chaloner | September 6, 2024 at 9:27 am |

    Don’t vote for any of the groups, they will just be playing their usual party and business development politics. For them, improvement for the Central Coast means overdevelopment. More high rise and cramming in more people, destroying the natural amenity we enjoy. Vote for a real local person who is more likely to concentrate on the things that matter like rates, roads, water, sewage, drainage and garbage services.

  3780. Experience has shown that smaller Councils can be more effective for obvious reasons. It depends also how the individual Councilors organise themselves. We want doers not politicians!

  3781. Kevin Chaloner | September 6, 2024 at 9:34 am |

    So many Councils behave badly and they are left for far too long without intervention. The performance of all councils should be on notice ALL the time and they should be regularly audited and subject to performance improvement notices. The Office of Local Government is part of the problem and they should take a much more active stance in governance.

  3782. Margaret Key | September 6, 2024 at 9:37 am |

    The previous council were incompetent in reading and understanding financial reports. So much so the CCC created a debt of enormous proportions. What I want is representatives who understand how to read financial reports and make decisions based on sound money management.
    If our councillors can achieve financial literacy then the Central Coast will thrive.

  3783. Geoff Robertson | September 6, 2024 at 12:17 pm |

    I don’t think it is the sole responsibility of CCN to publish the resumes of the candidates. Surely this should be on the Council’s website in the first place.
    We have to be thankful that CCN go to the trouble, and it is incumbent on the candidates to get their resumes complete well before the week before elections.

  3784. The correct spelling for Joan’s surname is Pavitt !

  3785. Virginia Stalenberg | September 6, 2024 at 12:49 pm |

    Well done Rick Hart, you did a fantastic job getting council back on track 🙏🙏
    I have watched your work with amazement!
    Only one criticism, I want the new council to care for what’s left of our natural environment and national parks. These are what makes our shire beautiful and looking after the native animals is what makes us different and significant!

  3786. Philip Work Heydenrych | September 6, 2024 at 1:37 pm |

    Let it not be forgotten why an administrator was required to fix the mess the last council left behind some 4 years ago.
    I’d rather put up with an unpopular administrator than an incompetent democratically elected council.
    I wish the successful candidates well and look forward to driving on pot hole free roads amongst all the other benefits we will no doubt be promised by a newly elected council.

  3787. Party politics has no place in local Council! Council’s job is roads, water, footpaths, parks, sewer etc in the interests of local residents. That’s it! They should not serve any other agenda, nor should they treat Council as a stepping stone to a career in politics. I refuse to vote for anybody who represents any political party!

  3788. Information sharing on these council elections has been pathetic! Prepoll starts the 7th & we have been given no information on who the candidates are, what they hope to achieve, what relevant experience they have to run for public office.
    If this is an indication of their skills, I’m not sure I want any of them representing me.

  3789. Gosford has had a parking problem for the past 40 years. With all this new development, where will you put all the extra cars?

  3790. Ray Shoesmith | September 6, 2024 at 3:49 pm |

    That would be right, sounds like our council !
    We are not even on the map at Mooney Mooney !

  3791. we do we have to this for? We have been going good without councillors especially Eaton & Best. You failed once you should not be allowed another go at it!

  3792. Gary Blaschke | September 6, 2024 at 7:46 pm |

    How dare the previous Councillors be allowed to run again, as they were part of the reason why we ended up with an Administrator. As for many of the others don’t actually live in the ward and in many cases don’t know what is happening in the ward, as those in the southern wards most probably don’t know where Budgewoi is or ever visited the region and visa versa. Vote ungrouped independents as they don’t have hidden agendas.

  3793. I have no doubt that Chef Daniel, would be a great addition to Cc Council!

  3794. I think the instruction wording above the line and below the line is sooooo badly worded! Consecutive numbers? Many people will not understand the wording. The text is so wordy and confusing.

  3795. Absolutely agree we need fresh new faces without the big party, developer interest or one trick agendas. Councils focus should be public services such as health, roads, drains, sewage, water and waste management which all seem to have been forgotten by this lot.

  3796. Brian Cotterill | September 7, 2024 at 11:07 am |

    Some closer attention by the Minister for Local Government in an oversight role is welcomed as it would have been over the previously elected council but was sadly lacking. It may be, however, that the Central Coast Council will not be run by the newly elected councillors but by the NSW Labor Government.

  3797. Fred Spindler | September 7, 2024 at 11:13 am |

    I may have missed this item being covered already, but while I applaud the revitalisation of the Gosford precinct I am quite concerned that there appears to be no plan in place to manage the increased traffic flow generated by this development. I live in Avoca Beach and commute to Sydney a couple of times a week and can see the increased traffic congestion getting through the Gosford area and wonder what it will be like once this development has been finished. I wonder if this will be another project that fails to consider all aspects and finds out too late if the overall consequences.

  3798. Thank you for your letter Bob. We will be be dedicating more space to reader’s letters in the special edition before the council election. In the mean time all of our letters can be found here: https://coastcommunitynews.com.au/forum/

  3799. Dianne Moloney | September 7, 2024 at 12:57 pm |

    Hi there! My mum is in this class! She does not have any contact details. Is there any chance this could be forwarded to the organiser? Her details are below:

  3800. Ross Fleming | September 7, 2024 at 3:08 pm |

    Thankyou Rik, as the current Administrator, you have left the Central Coast Council in a much better condition than when you first took on the job. The State Government (on both sides) made a shambles of the amalgamation process, and you with the help of some dedicated staff were left to get the Council back to working more efficiently. While we have left the Central Coast and are living in Queensland, we still have property on the Coast so have an interest in how the Council is performing. Best wishes, Ross

  3801. That is a load of rubbish.
    Wyong Shire Council was Fit for the Future and forced to amalgamate with an Unfit Gosford Council which absolutely precipitated the financial woes.
    Just have a look at the cost of the I.T. department alone,not to mention the massive inclusion a whole new tier of management that was totally unrequired. The whole thing was a shambles and still is.
    This is a democracy and we deserve representation. I agree those who were suspended should not be allowed to run again. But the way this election has been formulated is a disgrace. Most people have no idea who the candidates are or what they stand for. There has been no campaigning to speak of as the candidates were announced about a week ago, we no longer have a hard copy weekly newspaper, so people HAVE to spend their precious time surfing the web to find out about any local news at all.
    What a debacle!

    • There still is a local print paper Coast Community News . 27,000 printed and distibuted each week – and this week as last a full run down of candidates to read through.

  3802. Frank Augustyn | September 8, 2024 at 8:54 pm |

    Hi Lisa,
    I’m on the same page as you and still can’t believe no-one was held accountable. I’m in the Wyong electorate. How can I check if any of the current candidates were in office at the sacking of the council?

  3803. The Returning Office at Pioneer Ave Tuggerah is NOT a prepolling site.

  3804. too all my friends at grifco I miss you all I hope you all enjoy the new site as it’s a lot bigger then the old site hi boys wish you all well Shane look after the boys as they are a great bunch of guys many thanks Laurie

  3805. jill keuning | September 9, 2024 at 7:57 pm |

    no WAY I’ll be voting for Belinda Neal or any of the affiliates. I remember too much.. and there are times where that cannot be ignored.

  3806. Allan Cooper | September 9, 2024 at 9:45 pm |

    Hi Team,
    Pleased to be able to contribute, kindy note the runway at Warnervale Airport is 1200 Mtrs long not 200 Mtrs

  3807. Thanks for at least posting a readable current ward map. Council posted unreadable miniature ones at. Not sure if intentional obfuscation or just standard council competence.

  3808. Why is the suburb of Narara in the Ward of Wyong when it takes me 25 minutes to drive to Wyong as opposed to 5 minutes to drive to West Gosford.
    Why would Councillors’ who are elected to represent Wyong help me at Narara?
    Will the elected Councillors’ even care about anyone who lives in Narara as opposed to those who live in Wyong?
    Do those who nominate themselves for election even know that Narara is part of the Wyong Ward?
    To the NSW Electoral Commission, you can’t be serious (or have any idea) if you put the suburb of Narara in the Ward of Wyoung when the suburb of Narara is next to the suburb of West Gosford.
    You wonder why people lose faith in Local Government; and like me, have a preference to remain under “administration”.

  3809. Other interesting facts: Budgewoi Ward has 2 OAM recipient candidates (Doug Eaton and Paul Wade). Budgewoi also has 6 candidates that do not live in the Ward, including some from as far aways as Green Point (Joy Cooper – Labor/CEN). In total, there are 16 candidates who do not live in the Ward they are running for.

  3810. I can already taste that first drink at the sky bar.

  3811. This whole saga needs to be settled in an amicable manner.
    FOI should allow all claims made by council re. Complaints, be made public.
    One person trying to bring community together against all odds. Not a fair go!

  3812. Patricia Denise Warren | September 10, 2024 at 11:48 am |

    It is a basic human right in the Western World to have the right to defend oneself. This has been denied to this man whose history of involvement in veteran affairs, including the conduct of Anzac Day and Remembrance Day services stands. Who is exerting undue influence over Council’s decision-making? There are no fairies at the bottom of the garden, they all have identities and those staff involved in decision-making need to be made accountable. And worse, is Council’s improper decision making been driven by an element of racism by a small group within the Copacabana community?

  3813. Yeah nah. I’d have voted Labor in the upcoming elections, but Belinda Neale? Even though she’s not standing in our ward, no way I’d vote for the party that invites her back in.

  3814. Imagine that an incoming Council being told to be accountable.
    Given what happen in the past with Council this PIO is great safeguard for rate payers.
    I only wish it stayed on forever.
    They are disappointed the Minister thought there was a need for a PIO, are they kidding.

  3815. Hard to believe the hide of these former councillors nominating themselves again.
    Do they not acknowledge the mess they left behind that an Administrator spent years cleaning up.
    Showing up at polling booths smiling. Obviously, they think voters are mugs.

  3816. I am standing as an INDEPENDENT candidate for the 2024 Central Coast Council Election, Gosford West Ward.
    I know from first-hand experience that Council’s approach to local law enforcement is quite reactive at best, and non-existent, at worst.
    I have observed, crazy and on-going illegal parking in and around my children’s school, being regularly approached by dogs off lead in public places, have noticed unsightly and long-term illegal camping in parks, etc.
    I have a genuine election commitment to strengthen Council’s law enforcement teams. If elected and with the support of other Councilors, I would like to conduct a review of these teams, including their enforcement capabilities, priorities, resourcing, procedures, visibility, operational performance, etc.
    I suspect that this review will probably identify the need for more law enforcement personnel, but also, the need for regular and methodical foot patrols, by Council Rangers, of all areas of the coast.
    I am quite comfortable with Council devoting more resources to this important local government function.

  3817. congratulations the best Indian in woy woy

  3818. Why is it that we are governed by minority groups. Recently 2 restaurants have been closed due to a small number of complaints. I should think that the kudos of these restaurants could only have been good for the area and businesses around them. Fix the problem and don’t just close establishments

  3819. Congratulations Nelson and Team. A very commendable job once again.

  3820. where is a Map ?
    I live in Sydney.

  3821. Michael Conroy | September 12, 2024 at 1:18 pm |

    The former Councillors have not been banned from nominating for the Council election. There was an Inquiry into the Council’s financial management after the Councillors were suspended. The Councillors were not held responsible for the Council’s mismanagement. The biggest problem was that the Council did not have a professional financial manager in a position that was responsible for the overall management of its finances for at least a year. The other problem was that money was transferred between the CC Water Corporation and the Council’s General Fund to fund Council’s operating costs.

  3822. There are some missing.

    • Simply because they did not reply to our requests, rest assured we made every attempt to contact candidates. We suspect some are too busy campaigning and/or don’t value the opportunity in being profiled. This is regretable.

  3823. I am very opposed to the takeover of the recreational area in Ettalong by C. C. Council. This is a COMMUNITY USE area and not the councils playground.

  3824. Anyone that has experience in business would know that the airport will never be self sustaining. It has always been a financial burden on the ratepayers, about 200 ratepayers already contribute all their rates to maintain the site. Grand ideas combined with financial illiteracy is how councils accumulate debt that then becomes a permanent financial burden on ratepayers. Already the one off increase in rates 2 years ago to reduce the Central Coast Council debt is now likely to be made permanent. If the airport is to remain then it must pay its own way just like any other business does. How about those that support the upgrade put their hands in their pocket and not expect others to pay for their ideas.

  3825. Lots of people turning up to the Pioneer drive prepolling station as stated above only to find a sign on the door stating it is NOT. Please remove it from the list above.

  3826. This is 100% incorrect. The Tuggerah location is not a prepoll location. The amount of people going to this Location because you’ve published it is ridiculous and such a waste of everyone’s time. As journalists you have a responsibility to publish accurate information so please do better.

    • Thank you Amy, you are correct, we apologise for causing trouble. We corrected this as soon as we had the tips we had from the public were confirmed.

  3827. I wasn’t expecting to see liberal candidates. I thought they had failed to register their candidates.

  3828. Christian K Peterson | September 14, 2024 at 9:45 am |

    Thanks Roque Hammal for your open letter…and for your long-standing and continued efforts in veteran’s affairs.

    To echo other commentators’ points; transparency, accountability and due process are necessary to conclude this matter for as it stands and without transparency around accusations and complaints this has the hallmarks of anonymous character assassination and defamation…and clearly is not the Aussie way.

  3829. I would rather vote for an inanimate carbon rod than Doug Eaton. How’s that Chappy Pie?

  3830. So the man who xxxx the Mayor’s desk in Wyong Shire Council chambers and negotiated a flawed, corrupt Theme Park deal and who was resoundingly voted out 7 years ago has the audacity to run again? Shame Doug Eaton. Shame.

  3831. Kuntious Maximus | September 14, 2024 at 10:27 am |

    xxxx xxxx. Moderate that. You woke pieces of xxxx.

  3832. That’s great news that Government can fund such infrastructure upgrades for everyone to enjoy. Now the Council needs to make the boat ramp at Darks corner safer for residents and visitors. The ramp needs some additional cleats to tie to and some rails to moor to while retrieving your tow vehicle. Past requests have been ignored.

  3833. Seems another example of the administrators approach that community assets/public use land is up for reallocation no matter the consequences or if it is even valid 🙁

  3834. Can someone clarify about the ‘gender pay gap’? To those not a nurse, we understand that nursing positions are set at a grade level (e.g level 1, 2, 3, 4 etc..) as is standard across government agencies, and the grade applies whether male or female. So how is that a gender pay gap?

    Also keen to learn what resources nurses are buying/paying for?
    Worst case, majority of directly related workplace purchases can be tax deductions to receive the money back.

  3835. Peter Faehrmann | September 15, 2024 at 8:35 pm |

    Let’s do something with the dunes at the entrance north. Losing our beach and more dune yet again.

  3836. Kristina Visser | September 16, 2024 at 3:48 am |

    We were very disappointed to find out at the venue Pearl beach 15/9/24 that the harp Recital had obviously been cancelled . There was no sign up but the hall wad locked. The brochure was still on the notice board but I saw the advertisement in our local
    paper a few days ago. I had left a message on line prior with my ph number but didn’t get a response. Thinking we could pay at the door we arrived at 2.45 but there was no one there. it shows poor organisational skills on your part ! Kris and Dorothy

  3837. About time Sarah

  3838. It will beneficial for the station but I hope that she doesn’t: displace our regular announcers. Greg Willmette is a great breakfast announcer and Lance Godman is great on the mornings ( should get more days )
    There is a saying that you can’t fix something that isn’t broken

  3839. you want to clean up the Haven,get rid off Dog Shit Hill,it stinks and has been destroyed by dogs and there owners,also dog shit on the Board Walk, sorry so derect,but it’s a shit fight on that grass hill

  3840. more backhanders for the developers. stinks. need new councillor

  3841. What legends you all are, you go girls!

  3842. Nobody really scrutinised Belinda Neal expelled by ALP in 2017 and now unusually given life membership

  3843. The desalination plant is Sydney is a disaster. What hope is there that this will succeed. Follow the money trail

  3844. Christine Furner | September 18, 2024 at 7:13 pm |

    You are all amazing and a credit to the game of soccer.
    Winners are grinders.

  3845. Jeannette Green | September 18, 2024 at 7:26 pm |


  3846. You are all amazing and a credit to the game of soccer.
    Winners are grinners

  3847. Concerned resident. | September 19, 2024 at 12:14 am |

    Doug Eaton could get elected as Mayor with the help of Central Coast Heart, the Liberals and maybe a few faithful independent mates. Heaven help us all.
    My guess is Central Coast Heart preference votes go to Eaton.
    And by the way does anyone know what is an “Independent Liberal? Only something Doug Eaton could come up with I think.
    He managed to get himself onto the Liberal ticket as well as classing himself as an Independent. Smart moove.
    I have memories of a Save Tuggerah Lakes Party and a Chinese Theme Park.

  3848. Guess we can just gloss over his high range drink driving offence. Funny how that was buried due to his celebrity status. Ridiculous.

  3849. Congrats Tim! We need organisations such as Aussie Ark with ambitious visions.

  3850. Well done Pleased for
    From a Yorkshire Cylathine lover

  3851. Agree with the above. There is zero progressive thinking when it comes to our beautiful towns by Eaton. How rude to run again, you are a disappointment to our local communities as is your buddy Best. Get your hands off our towns, let a fresh, progressive newcomer take it on and show interest in our towns

  3852. very concerned resident
    those who were part of the former council that took us into bankruptcy should not have been allowed to stand again….it is outrageous to think they could be back around the table to make decisions about our future.

  3853. Eaton will use any means to achieve his goals. What ever they are. Please rest the red vest. Hopefully he doesn’t manage to be mayor!!!!

  3854. We need our children to look to people as you Tim as a real hero who cares about saving our environment and especially the wildlife that is in peril .keep up the great work mate.

  3855. you may not be happy with Eaton he wasn’t part of the council that lost millions of rate payer dollars

  3856. This is a great project ! How does one get involved as there was no contact details provided.

  3857. Sydney desal plant build in 2010
    and yet to be required with ratepayers paying additional water costs, indexed yearly, just to keep maintained. How much more will coasties
    pay in additional water costs for another white elephant. Get priorities in order. Pacific hwy through Wyong is a disgrace and still waiting for action.

  3858. what do mean when you say my comment is waiting moderation.

  3859. lm a volunteer driver for CTCCL and Shirlry Shuttle, this announcement is very distressing for all our clients who for some we are the only contact they have, every person who has used this service has commented that they just would not be able to get out with out us. We must find a solution quickly. Not only for the community and the drivers who love doing what we do.

  3860. The Government has to do something immediately
    I and probably a thousand others rely on this transport of volunteers to get to medical appointments
    Two of which I have booked for next month
    If I hadn’t turned my phone on at this precise moment I would be totally unaware of this horrible situation
    And un prepared
    Following a bus accident which has left me house bound for over 8 eight years now.
    I’m terrified of ever getting on a bus again.
    They don’t wait for you to sit down
    Even when you ask them
    I have no other option and need my medical appointments which was mind boggling just to get them.
    Getting taxis home from Gosford hospital costs over $60.00 one way
    I Thank Community Transport for their love, support and selfless acts in this community.
    Please fix this

  3861. Shirley’s Shuttle and the overall community transportation system is such an important community resource for so many people in need . I truely hope a solution for this situation will be found very soon . It is of extreme urgency that it is resolved quickly.

  3862. Where is labor government in this
    , we need the service , Federal government took away a $250.00 travel pass which helped pensioners and concession card holders ,!!!

  3863. Don’t be conned about Councillors that were there when the Council allegedly went broke.
    It went broke because of the ammalgamation of the two councils forced on us all by the previous State Liberal Government. Guy

  3864. Well I’m not surprised! I was talking to Ben the owner of Corsia at Fountain Plaza Erina this morning, when I started talking to him about the Council elections. The first thing he said was “why did we vote for?”. I explained to him about the political parties, their views and if he wanted to know more then he should join one, get involved and make a difference. Too many people are just too busy or don’t care about their obligation to vote. However, in many other countries where they struggled for democracy, voting is a privilege not to be taken for granted.

  3865. Oh So TRUE. We need our local Journalists to keep us informed not the algorithms of Meta.

    Thanks for your great coverage of the return to democracy for the Central Coast.

  3866. will be soooo good to hear you again
    will you still be selling homes

  3867. This is an absolute disgrace that this has happened. They have left many people on the coast stranded. Not everybody can afford taxis or drive or have family members to drive them. This will make many frail and elderly people not able to get to appointments for doctors or hospital appointments.

  3868. Anyone who thinks the formerly dismissed Councillors were responsible for the financial state of the previous Council clearly have not paid attention to the enquiry that took place into what happened and are lamentably light on the facts. I support anyone formerly dismissed by the Administrator who wished to run again.

  3869. I have needed to use the services of CTCCL and the Shirley Shuttle for over 7 years, mainly to attend medical appointments. The drivers and office staff have always been very accommodating and professional in performing their duties.
    This situation is going to cause a lot of stress to a lot of people, myself included. Please, can the someone solve this problem as quickly as possible. Particularly for patients attending Gosford Hospital Cancer Day Centre 5 days a week.

  3870. Vilma McMahon | September 24, 2024 at 10:05 am |

    Good luck with finding a replacement service the geographical and financially disadvantaged can use.Here in my area we now have a service the average pensioner/ disadvantaged cannot afford unless they have an Aged Care package.

  3871. L ynne Humphreys | September 24, 2024 at 10:08 am |

    thanks for this article I am affected by this and living in a village in Chain Valley bay am isolated how can this happen 😢

  3872. william tweedie | September 24, 2024 at 1:30 pm |

    how on earth could something as huge as the service suddenly close down, or has it been kept quiet, I don’t use the service,

  3873. Geoff Bromfield | September 24, 2024 at 2:23 pm |

    I realise alternatives for people are needed first, but there are many questions that need answers. The main be one is who is responsible, there has been no one standup to fill in the holes of this mess up. Surely someone saw this coming a while ago, I used to work in Not for Profits and always knew what was happening at monthly meetings. Somebody stand up.

  3874. I relied on this service in Canterbury for Chemotherapy appointments and found it invaluable I had no other options available to me. I applied to the government for half price taxi vouchers and was rejected because “cancer is not a permanent disability” surely I could have been accepted for twelve months during my treatments. So you can imagine how important this service was to me I live alone and had no alternatives available. Community transport has been invaluable to my life not only with consultations but the love and friendship given to me on social outings also. Its has given me a joyful life and helped immensely with my mental wellbeing. No more loneliness.
    My heart goes out to all the clients, wonderful staff and volunteers up in the Central coast. They have been treated disgracefully. Please please find a way to reopen now. Many lives depend on it.

  3875. As a driver of 12 years for CTCCL, I and my fellow drivers were gutted by the news. I was given 2 hours notice of a meeting and told our jobs ceased immediately. Having a mortgage has only added to the stress of trying to find another job asap. But the biggest heartache for me is our wonderful clients that we helped everyday are now stranded until they can sought something else out.
    Mismanagement of funds are the real reasons the organisation folded.
    Editor’s note: Minor edits made to avoid legal issues.

  3876. The effect of the closure is going to be an absolute disaster for those aged residents of the Coast suffering disabilities and/or inability to drive etc, who have to rely on the services which have been excellent to date. Personally, I believe a majority of them would have accepted an increase in their contributions if they knew of the negotiations with the TWU were faltering. I have always found the contributions to be more than reasonable (in this day and age) and would willingly accept an increase of some substance. If the income to the Company was not covering their outgoings then the management are to be held responsible for the non action to save the company.

  3877. Strongly agreed.

  3878. Lies, lies and more Trumpisms. The EA was moving along smoothly until something went wrong between the board and management, the latter resigning. The a mercenary human resources crew were brought in an everything started going wrong. Board members even assured our reps, the door would stay open and we were totally solvent. All Lies.

  3879. Marion MacGregor cardinal | September 25, 2024 at 10:37 am |

    I would like to get in touch with The Secretary or President of The Long Jetty Hospital Auxillary as I am a past member,

  3880. What a huge, inconvenient loss for the Central Coast community. I ask our newly elected council to please step in and rectify the situation. Could NSW transport introduce Keoride, as seen on
    Northern Beaches,or Easylink.

  3881. Community Transport is so necessary for a lot of people, me included.Our local buses don’t run frequently and are hard to get on and off as there are a lack of decent pavements, our volunteer drivers
    come to the door and kindly help you into and out of the bus or car.Most people would be prepared to pay more for this incredible and much needed service.Shame on the people who shut it down with no warning!!

  3882. l really like and Relied on this service The drivers are great l would have been happy to pay more now lm in 4 a 3 hour bus ride So worried But thank you for your help

  3883. it was a good service now it’s gone l got to get a bus 3 hours so worried l hope l can find another lift

  3884. Rather not say | September 25, 2024 at 2:57 pm |

    The TWU representative here says staff were seeking a reasonable pay offer in EBA negotiations. The TWU were seeking 15% over 3 yrs & 3.5% additional super, despite management stating the business was having difficulties. Majority of staff were happy to take 3% offered and help the business thrive again.

    Yes previous management has a lot to answer for, but the TWU approach was nothing but blocking attempts to fix the business. No the TWU aren’t to blame, but they didn’t help either. I trust the handful of TWU members within that organisation are able to sleep well. A lot of people are hurting because of this.

  3885. “re-imagine”… someone should get fired for this immense mess-up.
    What an insult to the taxpayers.

  3886. disgraceful Obviously the administrators have failed the workers and the clients

  3887. Denise Miller | September 25, 2024 at 10:37 pm |

    I have just recently lost my husband who drove me everywhere I don’t drive , now I have been relying on CTCCL for all my transportation. I am 81 , have lots of health issues including not been able to walk properly . going on Scenic Trips and nice lunches , mixing with people, gets me out of the house after spending weeks on my own.
    Surely this Company should have been subsidised by the Government, or some sort of grant given to such a vital organisation . Where were the Auditors?? So this happens just after the election. The Government must be obligated to do a decent thing and help out. People’s lives are at risk..

  3888. Update on Community Transport/Shirley Shuttle.

    A Current Affair is interested in joining our fight to get these services restored asap. If you have a personal story or a point of interest please email it to SHERI or just send a message to her with your phone number to please phone you, as you may be not well enough to do a lengthy email. She is particularly interested in hearing from users of these services. But if you feel you have other relevant info she would like to hear from you too. I have seen this program achieve results before so lets express our voices through it.


  3889. I am 73,legally blind my wife has been diagnosed with dementa. We relied on this service, please fix it or offer an alternative

  3890. Hazel Bambrick | September 26, 2024 at 12:37 pm |

    This is a seriously poor outcome – with less representation residents reduce their access to information and at the same time the size of each area will make effective coverage by a councillor in the hours for which they are remunerated impossible. This outcome increases the motive of the State Government to reduce participation by genuinely concerned residents whose on the ground knowledge is always the way to the best outcomes in local government.
    It is to be hoped that the new Council will go ahead with the introduction of precincts which in turn should provide better transfer of information in both directions – residents to councillors and reverse.

  3891. Re: “Desalination plant proposed for Noraville”, Coast News 19 September 2024

    One wonders what Central Coast Council is thinking with their proposal of a desalination water treatment plant at Noraville with an extraction pipeline at either Pebbly Beach or Jenny Dixon Beach, with the leftover brine being discharged at Norah Head ocean outfall. This area is one of the most significant beauty spots on the northern sector of the Central Coast, with high tourist attraction during the summer season popular with both locals and tourists enjoying holidaying and swimming at the beach and the safe swimming enclosure of the Norah Head Rockpool, as well as enjoying the natural beauty of the surrounding area. This is all put at risk with a desalination plant in this location. The increased size of this proposed plant located in what is a residential coastal area is of concern together with the detrimental impact of discharging toxic brine and other toxic chemical contaminates into the ocean at this location impacting the marine environment, coast ecosystems, and swimmers alike. Central Coast Council need to seriously reconsider the location of this desalination plant.

  3892. K. M.Liberal0709 | September 27, 2024 at 12:30 am |

    Nuclear power provides continuous electricity thanks to its robust production system, able to adapt to variations in electricity demand.
    Nuclear energy is sometimes referred to as a clean energy technology as it produces nearly zero carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions.

  3893. Was his name Russel? Or Leaf?

  3894. in Australia, desal plants are extremely hard to justify from eitheran economic or environmental perspective. To avoid a waste of funds,
    ratepayers are entitled to see the analysis underlying the decision to build desal plant on the Central Coast. Is it the result of a thought bubble or of a rigorous benefit-cost analysis?

  3895. Brian Dickinson | September 27, 2024 at 8:43 pm |

    When these man made seawalls fail & fall into the sea, is council(read ratepayers)liable after granting DA approval? If you think you can overcome the power of nature, you are just kidding yourself.

  3896. Brian Dickinson | September 27, 2024 at 9:00 pm |

    There are no drop-in sessions north of Gosford. So much for forced amalgamation.

  3897. This is madness

  3898. Glenys Haswell | September 28, 2024 at 10:28 am |

    Welcome Sarah. Listening live today, as I suspected Sarah is promoting real estate first and foremost. Mike Kennedy has been axed, what about the disgraceful fishing show Saturday mornings, all we get is gabble and ah, ah!!

  3899. God the council are wankers its a fabulous day ruined by way to many rules as for the police put more people on the nanny state killing every one’s fun unbelievable

  3900. why don’t fix these problems shore is an easy fix Sydney gets all the glory fix it maybe cancel football

  3901. Having recently moved back to CC after 7 years(lived here all my life prior) I was astounded to find The Entrance so dead… such a beautiful area just wasted. Long jetty trying so hard to pick up the pieces, but this cancellation is heartbreaking… we have become a nanny town. No live music venues, markets have all but become boring, Gosford waterfront the most WASTED beautiful site.. VERY disappointing

  3902. How typical of Central Coast Council. We are not surprised at all by the anti- fun police dictating what is or is not allowable. Obviously based on “public consultation” of whom? The pedestrians traffic safety, they say that they are concerned about, are the same people who have ( or at least, would have) chosen to attend. Another opportunity to promote the Central Coast as a premium tourist destination destroyed by the liars who espouse to be the promoters. The Central Coast continues to encourage tourists to visit, spend their time & money anywhere but the Central Coast. It’s shabby, run down, vacant & empty shop fronts are obviously not enough incentive for any Central Coast Council, moving forward, to change their decades ingrained inability to progress our area into an region where holiday makers & tourists might actually find anything to do. What a disgraceful wasted opportunity. Shame on all of you responsible.
    I also don’t expect to hear from anyone responsible. Frankly if I were one of you I’d hide too!

  3903. this is outrageous. been looking forward to this since last year. an alternative date should be considered.

  3904. Events like these bring much needed economic injection into the community.
    It is a shame that council and police aren’t supporting the event.

  3905. So Happy your going to help.lam so relieved l need to see my Dr and it’s a long trip by Public transport it would be painful
    Thank you

  3906. So Happy your going to help.lam so relieved l need to see my Dr and it’s a long trip by Public transport it would be painful
    Thank you

  3907. With Rick Hart in control of Council and the Government controlling his office it’s only one of many problems he is causing. Look at the rules he has set for the incoming Council. Please read about the unconstitutional rules and removing our democratic rights.


  3909. Peter Ireland | September 29, 2024 at 12:52 pm |

    Just allow all residents to install rain water tanks and reduce the demand on council supply.

  3910. just received first delivery could not be more happy
    thanks Lyn lovely to meet you

  3911. Micheal Robinson | September 29, 2024 at 5:56 pm |

    The quicker Ric Hart leaves the better.

  3912. Conway Martin | September 29, 2024 at 9:14 pm |

    I completely agree with Eileen Williams. The whole idea of a large desalination plant at the northern end the Central Coast is complete madness. It is another great example of some bearucrat wanting to waste millions of ratepayers hard earned money on another hair brained scheme. We might be quiet folks up here in the north but we’re not stupid. Dump it in someone else’s beach.

  3913. Yes Rick Hart is the biggest disaster that the coast has ever seen.This guy has destroyed our great area in just four years of his control over our council with his actions and his policies that have cost all rate payers money which a lot of people don’t have . He is a disgrace and I for one can’t wait for him to move on and destroy some other council.

  3914. Deirdre Jones | September 30, 2024 at 11:15 am |

    Fantastic news that HKCT will take over CCCT & Shirley Shuttle Services. A much needed service on the Central Coast.

  3915. can’t wait for Rick Hart to leave as he is only there to cover up for the lost money. He can’t allow an event that has been run hefore. I look forward to having a real council.

  3916. How old are the xxxx people making these dessions
    i bet there young and have no wisdom this stinks ….

  3917. Why is new Independent councillor Corinne Lamont not mentioned in the main story?

    • Thank you Janet. A little closer look will see she is named and refered to. Rest assured all the councillors will be profiled as we move forward.

  3918. Margaret Lamacraft | October 1, 2024 at 7:05 am |

    Am I alone in feeling a little uncomfortable that the likely candidates for mayor were councillors or held the position of mayor in the previous line ups that got into us into such an appalling mess that the administrator was appointed?

  3919. I was of the understanding that previous Councillors, before Administration, could not stand?

    • Thanks Denise, many have wondered too. FYI: They were no adverse unlawful finding against them in the inquiry.

  3920. Sidney Palmer | October 1, 2024 at 11:03 am |

    How could two people already suspended for incompetence get reflected.
    Same old names return.
    Seems the electorate have have learned nothing.
    Back to the future!!@

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