We don’t want another Chernobyl

Readers' forum letters

Your correspondent still appears to be Araldited to the noxious notion of nuclear energy (Mix of nuclear and renewables the way to go, CCN 430).

We can have free solar, wave, wind, water and geothermal power.

Or we can have Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima all over again (and those are just the ones that we know about; remember that the Russians clammed up about Chernobyl until Sweden detected it).

To coin a couple of phrases: think of the next generations, because this is above politics.

Email, Mar 18
Dave Horsfall, North Gosford

1 Comment on "We don’t want another Chernobyl"

  1. David Horsfall continues to believe that his cherished ‘renewables’ are free. The inconvenient truth is they are not free. The sun and wind is free but the equipment required to capture the diffuse energy, convert it to electricity and transmit to the points of consumption is far from free. Life of ‘renewables’ is 25+ years.

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