Key: CCN = Coast Community News
NOTE: Booking and the material deadline EOD (end of day) Tuesday on the week of publication.
The only region-wide weekly print newspaper
20,000 copies are distributed each week to over 100 distribution spots across the Central Coast region from Woy Woy in the south up to Lake Munmorah in the north.
The estimated weekly average print readership is over 62,000 *. This includes the readership of the weekly full facsimile digital flip-book version of the newspaper (See online editions here – coastcommunitynews.com.au/coast-community-news)
* An industry estimate based on the number of adults in the household. This estimate is based on the assumption that once a newspaper is in the home/business, the adult members will read it.
- PEW Research Estimates 2016
- Economy ID Census 2016
NB: From June 2022 the Pelican Post and Coast Community Chronicle have been incorporated into Coast Community News. The distribution is shared across the entire region.