
Sewer usage fee a rort

I would really like to know how Central Coast Council can justify including a sewer usage fee on our water and sewer rates. I can understand water usage on water…

All details should be available

Recent articles in local newspapers contain reports that the Peninsula Residents Association (PRA) was unable to obtain details about Central Coast Council’s latest operating budget as it was considered “not…

Will we get our $2M back?

In a moment of exuberance after the Mariners won the 2023 championship, the Administrator of Central Coast Council announced that he had authorised the expenditure of $2M to kick-start the…

Time to rethink nuclear power

Over the years I have had swayed for or against nuclear power. Technology has advanced significantly to warrant a re-look at this. Costs are saved by using old coal sites…

Protect our forests

Not so long ago the world was up in arms over the logging and deforestation of the Amazon. We are doing the same thing to our forests and bushland in…

Speed humps unnecessary

I could not believe, with all the potholes on the Central Coast, that the Council would waste money putting speed humps on the access road to Terrigal. The have put…