
Look at candidates’ qualifications

I empathise with Graham McGuinness (CCN 448) in that we need people with corporate experience to head our corporate-size Council. But, naturally, democracy wins over in this case. Imagine the…

Get rid of those weeds

Our current Council is well meaning but unfortunately out of touch with the Central Coast’s needs. While money is spent to encourage tourism, which is laudable, the small details are…

Say no at referendum

Currently, only the Central Coast Council is categorised under the Local Government Act as being responsible for a ‘Major Strategic Area’. The Local Government Remuneration Tribunal judged that our population,…

Council needs management overhaul

After reading a letter to the editor recently in Coast Community News, I was relieved to see someone other than myself express concerns over productivity at Central Coast Council. I…

Vale Kincumber tip

The COVID-19 pandemic made a significant impact on the lives of residents across the Central Coast. One resulting issue which (unsurprisingly) is never talked about was the closure of the…

Little hope for new council

I’m afraid the upcoming council elections give me little if any confidence things might change for the better as far as service delivery is concerned. Ever since the Wyong and…

Sewer usage fee a rort

I would really like to know how Central Coast Council can justify including a sewer usage fee on our water and sewer rates. I can understand water usage on water…

All details should be available

Recent articles in local newspapers contain reports that the Peninsula Residents Association (PRA) was unable to obtain details about Central Coast Council’s latest operating budget as it was considered “not…

Will we get our $2M back?

In a moment of exuberance after the Mariners won the 2023 championship, the Administrator of Central Coast Council announced that he had authorised the expenditure of $2M to kick-start the…

Time to rethink nuclear power

Over the years I have had swayed for or against nuclear power. Technology has advanced significantly to warrant a re-look at this. Costs are saved by using old coal sites…