Overpopulation affects global warming

Letters to the editor are best received by email.

In response to G Cameron (CCN 388) – Urgent action needed on global warming.

Yes, most of your comments are correct – however you overlook the most important issue in relation to global warming (as indeed most countries have), which is overpopulation.

You cannot keep inventing ways of living cleaner and greener for the environment while stamping out species of plants, animals and fish on an almost daily basis, just so we can house everyone.

We let the ” skilled” migrants come in their millions despite our lack of roads, schools, housing infrastructure etc just to appease big companies which will flourish and pay taxes to governments and make them look good – all the while destroying the planet just a little bit more.

Email, May 23
Campbell Black, North Entrance

1 Comment on "Overpopulation affects global warming"

  1. Tom Davis | June 13, 2023 at 4:22 pm |

    Brilliant, thank you. Yes, this IS the Elephant in the room: world over population. We cannot keep doing the same thing over and over again. Shortages of water, power, fuel and materials plus environmental degradation are all due to over population. We need some global leadership to tackle this issue urgently.

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