Speak up for the ABC

Forum –

This additional Senate Inquiry into the ABC is in fact not a routine majority Senate Inquiry as we are led to believe by the Morrison Government.

It has no majority support in the Senate even.

Another Inquiry is also already happening instigated by the Chair of the ABC, Ms Ita Buttrose, appointed by Prime Minister Morrison himself.

The Robertson MP, Lucy Wicks, may be able to explain the reason for this additional inquiry to the community.

I know for a fact that Ms Wicks “loves the ABC” but, regrettably, this Liberal Government clearly does not.

They suffer from the privatisation syndrome thinking that public broadcasting is inherently bad.

The reality is that 80 per cent of the Australian people support the ABC which continues to do a very good job in spite of major funding cuts.

The Robertson MP should speak up for the ABC instead of following her party’s policy.

Her silence is a problem, especially in an election year.

Email, Nov 16
Klaas Woldring, Pearl Beach

1 Comment on "Speak up for the ABC"

  1. Anew charter and dismiss all the board cut funding x 50 percent

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