Dismayed by ‘evil’ religious discrimination bill

Lucy Wicks MP - Championing mould related illnesses in parliament.Lucy Wicks MP in Federal Parliament at question time.

I hear with dismay the Liberal Party is continuing with its push to legislate discrimination against atheists, and others, with their Religious Discrimination Bill.

By the time this letter is published, the Bill would have probably passed in parliament.

In a world where we are trying to prevent discrimination, to break down the barriers of bigotry, I find it astonishing that the Liberal Party would be trying to encourage discrimination on this level.

There has been a lot of talk to adjust the legislation to prevent discrimination to some of the children, but quite frankly this is just tinkering around the edges of a rotten Bill.

This Bill is nothing but evil.

To encourage bigotry/discrimination is at best irresponsible and at worst dangerous.

The whole idea of legislating open discrimination is repulsive.

The Bill tells us a lot about the mentality of the MPs who would support such open and nasty discrimination.

While this is a Federal Bill, until it is ditched/rescinded, I will not vote for any Liberal in any level of government, be it local authority, state, or federal.

Just remember, atheists make up more than a third of the electorate.

If our federal government had any backbone at all, they would resign.

Email, Feb 8

Gary Russell, Kariong

2 Comments on "Dismayed by ‘evil’ religious discrimination bill"

  1. I never ever vote for any of the main parties! Together they have a monopoly and do whatever they like with disregard of the people they should be serving, that’s their job, to serve the people for thier benefit and that of the country.
    Don’t ever let them forget that.

  2. If Religious(or any) Discrimination Bill is so badly written that it needs to have explicit additions for entire groups to not be victims of discrimination
    it is actively evil and should never been submitted to parliament.
    luckily it was defeated
    we all need to be vigilant that this evil is not attempted again

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