The great Woy Woy car park mirage

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A car park for Woy Woy … sounds like déjà vu.

Does Lucy Wicks or anyone  in the Federal Coalition really think that we are going to fall for that, again?

The big cherry this time, it will cost an extra $8.2M – gold plated and diamond encrusted.

How can they put a price on something that has not even been designed yet?

‘Don’t you worry about that.’

Also what an eyesore if it is built above the tracks on the south end of the station.

Imagine two or three storeys blocking views and creating a wonderful traffic jam every morning and every afternoon.

There are already empty commercial premises all over Woy Woy.

I thought we wanted to encourage businesses and tourists to our wonderful village not frighten them away.

The reason there is no design or start date is because for a second time there is absolutely no intention of ever building it.

After we have voted in May (if the Coalition is returned) the car park will go the way of the forty odd that were promised all over Liberal electorates only to disappear immediately thereafter.

Email, Apr 1
Laurie Powell, Woy Woy

2 Comments on "The great Woy Woy car park mirage"

  1. Well said, Laurie. With any luck the party Ms Wicks “represents” won’t get back into power.

  2. Margaret Jeffrey | April 8, 2022 at 6:04 pm |

    It would be an eyesore if high rise parking was built. Think again

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