Search for Reg the dredge is over

Reg the dredge has been found safe and well floating in Swan Bay, Lake Macquarie

The search for “Reg” the dredge is over.

Reg has been found safe and well enjoying the waters in Swan Bay, Lake Macquarie.

Back in July 2024, Tuggerah Lakes Care (TLC) ran a campaign to have The Entrance Channel dredged, so as to remove the large amount of sand shoals which contributed to holding back the escape of floodwaters from Tuggerah lakes (Lake Munmorah, Budgewoi Lake and Tuggerah Lake). 

The removal of sand shoals from The Entrance Channel was usually conducted with the use of a Council-owned dredge, until it disappeared, and dredging was carried out by contractors.

Since the disappearance of Reg the dredge, questions were asked including what happened to Reg and where did the dredge go?

A TLC spokesperson said the location of Reg remained a mystery, until recently, when one of the members, with a bit of detective work, managed to locate Reg happily floating in Swan Bay.

Lake Macquarie Council has recently been awarded $10M Federal funding which will be used to design and construct a dredge and sand transfer system with NSW State government contributing $6M to run it. 

TLC is a community group focused on the rehabilitation of the Tuggerah lakes which aims to engage council, state and federal governments to undertake wrack management works, flood mitigation and to facilitate stormwater management in the Tuggerah Lakes Catchment.

The spokesperson said with large sand shoals once again building up in The Entrance Channel impeding the exit of water from the lakes, it was hoped something is done before the arrival of another adverse weather condition that could result in another “disastrous” flood event.

“We at TLC note that five floods in seven years have impacted every member of our community to varying degrees,” he said.

“Those residing near the lakeshore bear the brunt, facing property damage, emotional strain and soaring repair costs.  

“The entire community feels the ripple effects as insurance premiums rise across our postcodes due to these flood related issues.

“Adding to this burden is the damage to roads and infrastructure, prompting the Council to raise rates to cover repair costs and causing delays in normal operations.

“Local businesses and clubs also miss out on tourism and the tourist dollars that trickle down into the community.

“It is crucial for all of us to work together to mitigate the damage caused by floods.”

TLC meetings are held bi-monthly at Wallarah Bay Recreation Club, Wallarah Rd, Gorokan, on the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm.

7 Comments on "Search for Reg the dredge is over"

  1. So is the dredge going to be used in conjunction with the Lake Macquarie project and how did it come to be up there?

  2. Jennifer Collins | February 3, 2025 at 9:49 pm | Reply

    l live on Tuggerah pde and so sick on be flooded in we can’t get out cars out because it could flood of night when you are a sleep and when we can’t go to work they need to put a break wall there

  3. do you honestly think that insurance will come down because you move some sand

  4. The lake has been in a low level flood since the rains of a couple of weeks ago. The build up of sand in the channel east of the bridge is massive. The role of the groyne built south of the channel in changing sand migration needs to be properly investigated. I wrote to council requesting information such as hydrological surveys etc that informed the construction of the groyne, but was told it was state government decision. At the moment, a moderate rain event will be sure to lead to flooding.

  5. Very lacking in detail.
    Why was it there? Was it stolen? Who moved it and why?

  6. So I can see nothing happening unfortunately once again. this council area for years has been to hit the boss in the pocket year on year. And why has their been a police enquiry as to why and where this dredge went to. you didn’t report it possibly . Is the dredge going to be returned to the coast. and will we have to pay for all of this. remember “yes minister” and the episode of “Open government”. Or are we on replay. replay. replay.

  7. so why is reg the dredge in lake Macquarie? the story kind of trailed off from the subject and ended up talking about TLC?

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