Dense housing will have consequences

I was intrigued to read that our State Member of Parliament, Liesl Tesch, thinks it’s wonderful that Woy Woy, and other parts of the Central Coast, will now be subject to high density residential developments.

Apparently, this will address the housing crisis – which I might add, both major political parties have caused due to their ongoing fascination with permitting extremely high levels of immigration and perpetuating a legal framework that permits foreign investment in land and housing.

I wonder if she has considered the negative consequences of high density developments on the Peninsula and surrounding areas?

Very high population densities will lead to: traffic gridlock on Woy Woy Rd, Ocean Beach Rd and Brisbane Water Dr and the Motorway, during peak hour and on weekends.

(There will be) parking chaos at our local beaches, Deepwater Plaza and Woy Woy station carparks and along with this will come metered parking.

(There will be) worsening wait times for the sick and infirmed at our local GPs clinics and Gosford Hospital – it’s bad enough, already.

(There will be) overcrowding at our local reserves, libraries, beaches, Deepwater Plaza, local schools and council leisure centres, higher levels of water pollution, due to the greater quantity of sewage discharges into our waterways, and reduced water pressure and higher water rates (due to greater demand for drinking water, from a limited resource).

(There will be) more frequent, longer and more severe water restrictions during dry periods, severe crowding on intercity train services and local railway stations, higher levels of air pollution, due to more cars on our roads and, significantly, changes to the laid-back character, demographics and culture of the Peninsula.

So, what are the State Government and Council plans to mitigate each one of these readily forseeable consequences?

If comprehensive and effective plans and funding are not in place, then these developments should not even considered or permitted.

Don’t bring inner city Sydney to the Central Coast.

Email, May 3
Julian Richards, Kariong

2 Comments on "Dense housing will have consequences"

  1. It seems (there will be) a lot of mostly baseless assumptions made. If only more development, increased rates income, etc would result in upgrades to services… oh wait, it would.

  2. Kevin McDonnell | May 16, 2024 at 2:48 pm | Reply

    Forget traffic gridlock, has anybody even checked with the Fire Serices or SES if they can actually reach these to these new heights using their current tenders and fire engines, or are we addressing housing problems by burning the residents?

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