Cuts to palliative care heartless

“Mingy Minns” has done it yet again.

It seems like taking taxpayers’ money, and therefore support, for the older generation and those who are dying makes for easy pickings.

I have only just heard about the staggering amount of money taken from the palliative care budget.

This apparently happened last year at budget time; not many of us knew about it.

Palliative care affects not only the older people in our community.

People in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s also need this care.

Of all the things to cut, why would a government cut help for these people and their families?

It is devastating for them.

I know this because my own family and I have been through this with the loss of my beautiful Joanie, my wife and the mother of our children.

This is not what we elected this government for when we put Labor into power in NSW.

Where were our local Labor Party representatives, David Harris, David Mehan, Liesl Tesch and Yasmin Catley, when this decision was taken or were they not even consulted or present?

They are the ones meant to represent us at the state level.

How could they let this happen?

Come on, Premier Minns, how about getting a heart.

Email Mar 5
Barry Freeman, Killcare

2 Comments on "Cuts to palliative care heartless"

  1. what do you expect from a labour gov, i voted labour till nifty nev abused his power never again

  2. what a low blow if this what to expect.macquire s.t.wake up

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