Civic duty to vote

I was taken aback by Jeffrey Tildesley’s letter on having to vote (Why should we be forced to vote? CCN 408).

Does he not realise that people have died in order that he has the right to vote?

Does he not understand that the price of living in a democracy is your civic duty to vote?

Just take a look at shambolic countries such as the USA and the UK, where voting is optional (and it shows).

Of course, if voting is such a burden then perhaps he could take up residence in Russia or China, where they don’t bother with such niceties.

Email, Sep 24
Dave Horsfall, North Gosford

1 Comment on "Civic duty to vote"

  1. Iam a British citizen and have never got naturalised. Have lived in Australia for over 30 yrs.
    it has been my choice not to get naturalised. I have worked here, paid my taxes like everybody else. I married an ozzie have 3 children born here.
    I Do not believe ANYBODY should be forced to vote. It’s a personal CHOICE.
    When people are forced they will write anything.
    I feel the Pollies just want to get numbers up…..End of story.
    and yes if I even want to go leave country to go for short trip or cruise outside Oz I have to get re-entry visa.
    so who’s business is that, im the one that goes through the bother of doing this – again MY BUSINESS, MY CHOICE!!!

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