Renewables not bringing down prices

Readers' forum letters

Does our Federal Government really care about the average Australian?

We had a failed referendum costing $450M while we have a crisis in funding aged care and housing.

We now have natural disasters in Queensland and are told it may take more than a year to repair the damage.

We were also told before the election that our power bills would go down by about $275 a year on average.

What we have instead is increases, with no end in sight.

We are told when we have more renewables the price will come down.

Given world experience, it is almost certain that prices will go up rather than down and continue to do so.

At the same time we are wasting millions of dollars on renewable energy which is NOT cheap and will not save the world from carbon emissions.

It is a public fraud to say that “renewables are the cheapest form of energy” unless you have the data to back it up.
None of the figures presented by the renewable enthusiasts, or even the nuclear enthusiasts, can be taken seriously unless the methodology and the underlying assumptions are made clear.

Blind ideology has the same effects as dictatorships; full of ego and virtue signalling and control of the population, the latter being the main game.

Finally Hanrahan is right; we are all rooned, thanks to the morons in power and our own stupidity.

Email, Jan 8
Charles Hemmings, Woy Woy

1 Comment on "Renewables not bringing down prices"

  1. The design of Emerson control on coal fired power stations has not changed much since day one. The scientific adaptation has never created the intellectual ability which is there but the willingness is not.

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