Airport expansion a win for region

For the past 60 years, Warnervale airport has only been open to general aviation such as pilot training and emergency services, but the precinct now has the potential to be our region’s single biggest driver of economic growth over the next decade.

The latest Central Coast Airport Draft Master Plan is seeking to transform the site, putting the gears in motion towards an airport that incorporates broader business and commercial operations.

All aspects of the community should see this as a win for the region, as it will create tourism, business, freight and employment opportunities.

It also serves as a promising example of how Central Coast Council can utilise its assets and abilities to drive economic growth, which is fundamental as we continue to pay down the debt and prepare our budget position for the future.

That is exactly what this project does – prepare for the future.

With the new Western Sydney Airport and expanded Newcastle Airport only years away, it will ensure greater connectivity and opportunities both directly and indirectly.

As Central Coast Council embarks on a new era, these are the sorts of projects we should be looking to, those that will kickstart our economy and encourage investment in the region.

Email, Feb 2
Jared Wright, Avoca Beach

1 Comment on "Airport expansion a win for region"

  1. Fine for those who don’t have to put up with all the noise and other pollution. As well as an increase in the number of joy riding fools in ultralights buzzing dare I say: Avoca Beach. Really quite annoying how this makes any sense given how destructive airports are to local communities and the environment. All for the benefit of a very small minority. The only consideration should be to facilitate the emergency workers, particularly those that are going to be needed to put out the fires that are coming.

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