
Petitions started on social media

Opposition to the ATO site announcement came from as far away as the United Kingdom where local resident, Mr Noel Plummer started a petition for locals to support the promised…

CCRDC thrilled with the decision

The Central Coast Regional Development Corporation (CCRDC) announced that it was thrilled by the Commonwealth Government’s decision to build a new facility on a portion of the former Gosford Public…

Family Drug and Support Program

The Family Drug and Support (FDS) program will host its Stepping Stones to Success Program at Lerida House in Gosford throughout October. The FDS has been providing support to families…

Matched savings program helps people save

People in the Gosford area have managed to save $108,065.45 since 2006 using a matched savings program and the Smith Family is looking for new participants. Since 2006, more than…