
Please interpret interpretive

[Forum] I note in your article on the Gosford CBD Strategy (edition 223) that the new in-word is ‘interpretive’. This is referred to nine times in the article. I understand…

Headline was both fair and balanced

[Forum] Contrary to the opinion of John George (CCN Forum edition 222), I am sure that many readers will agree that the headline “Prime Minister makes a flying visit to…

Expensive roundabout will cause delays

[Forum] When I first read about council’s plan for a roundabout at the Maitland Bay Dve and Picnic Pde intersection, I thought: What a waste of money! Now that more…

Headline seen as unfair criticism

[Forum] Your headline “Prime Minister makes a flying visit to the Central Coast but has nothing new to offer, ” (edition 220) is, by inference, unfairly critical of the Prime…

Mike Gallacher article appreciated

[Forum] Congratulations on your recent article (‘Allegations of corruption found to be unwarranted’ edition 219) detailing ICA dismissal of any misdoings and corruption charges against Mike Gallacher. Mike’s ‘Gosford Honest…

Let’s use our food resources

[Forum] I was watching a programme on the ABC about waste of meat and our resources. A young Australian is now leading the way in which farmers can harvest deer…

Call to action over Coal-ash dam legacy

[Forum] The Coal-Ash Community Alliance (CCA) welcomes the announcement of the Legislative Council’s Inquiry into the costs for remediation of sites containing coal ash repositories , including Eraring and Vales…

Meeting closed to the community

[Forum] As a long-term resident of the Central Coast, I was interested in attending the NSW Government’s so called Community Cabinet meeting at Mingara on September 30. I have attended…

Bravo Councillor Jilly Pilon

[Forum] It is so important that the State Government move quickly to establish the Local Planning Panel so that the Central Coast can begin to move forward. For far too…