Please interpret interpretive

Gosford's Heritage Strategy has been developed by Council during 2019.

[Forum] I note in your article on the Gosford CBD Strategy (edition 223) that the new in-word is ‘interpretive’.

This is referred to nine times in the article. I understand that we are going to have signs put up all over the CBD explaining to us the latest ‘interpretation’ of our history. However, please could you explain how ‘Interpretative shop fronts will activate Mann St’?

And how do you ‘reinterpret fountains around the city?’

Does that mean that they are going to make them work again? It would be good to see the Fountain Plaza fountain working again. I have not seen it functioning in the last 10 years, then the sign could explain how the plaza got its name.

Email, Dec 20 Valerie Clifford, Green Point