
Dredging of Lobster Beach next

The dredging at Half Tide Rocks will soon move on to Lobster Beach says Wagstaff-Killcare Community Association president Mr Mike Allsop, who is also chair of the Peninsula Waterways Committee….

5@5 Video News Oct 11, 2019

The Central Coast’s lead news stories this week: 1. Coastal Twist LGBTIA Festival “It’s a wrap”. 2. Mardi Dam upgrade. 3. Coal ash dam inquiry 4. ING Call Centre expands…

New inquiry to assess coal ash impacts

A Parliamentary Inquiry by the NSW Public Works Committee will examine the legacy of toxic coal ash from power plants. The Inquiry will accept public submissions until May 2020 and…

Koori Cup a Knockout

More than 40,000 spectator saw 164 teams compete in the Koori Knockout over the long weekend – the first major sports event at the new Regional Sports Complex at Tuggerah….

Premier’s Community Cabinet at Mingara

Mayor, Lisa Matthews , deflected criticism levelled at Central Coast Council last week by NSW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, by renewing calls for the State Government to commit funding from overflowing…

Council has failed to bow to bullying

Central Coast Council has failed to bow to what one Councillor referred to as bullying and meet with Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, who has claimed the Council is in…

5@5 Video News October 4, 2019

The Premier’s visit came with money for music education, though midwives are not happy, a major development in Gosford is set to start, the Koori Cup starts and local Rugby…