
IPART recommends Gosford Council amalgamates

The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has announced that, on the basis of Gosford Council’s proposal to continue operating as a stand-alone local government, it has been rated…

Art installation at Imperial Centre

The Imperial Centre in Gosford has partnered with internationally-renowned Australian street Artists Ghostpatrol, and Carla McRae to create an art installation in the centre for the community to enjoy. Ghostpatrol…

Kibbleplex sale decision defended

This article is available in audio: CEO of Gosford Council, Mr Paul Anderson has defended the decision to sell Kibbleplex as the right one for the future of Gosford and…

Avoca Beach Theatre redevelopment refused

Following extensive negotiations with the developer and over 1,500 public objections, Gosford Council refused a contentious proposal to redevelop the Avoca Beach Theatre at its Tuesday, June 9 ordinary meeting….