
Liberals claim dredge victory

Liberal councillors and Members of State Parliament have claimed victory for the community following the decision by Central Coast Council to apply for 50-50 dredging funding. East Gosford Ward Liberal…

Chamber calls for urgent beach repair

The Peninsula Chamber of Commerce has called on Central Coast Council to urgently allocate funds to maintain and repair beachfront accesses including the disability access well ahead on the next…

Council goes for 50-50 dredge funding

Central Coast Council has agreed to apply for 50-50 funding to dredge Ettalong Channel following a fortnight of sustained community and political pressure, which saw 400 residents attend a meeting…

The War and Peace of Warnervale Airport

The Central Coast Council has resolved to step back from the former Wyong Council’s masterplan to build a Regional Airport at Warnervale but pro- and anti-airport campaigns continue and Council’s…