Major planning documents deferred
The development industry has slammed Central Coast Council, after councillors voted at their March 23 meeting to defer public exhibition of its Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement for as long…
The development industry has slammed Central Coast Council, after councillors voted at their March 23 meeting to defer public exhibition of its Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement for as long…
Community groups and residents who use community facilities are urged to check out a new draft Facilities Leasing and Licencing Policy which is on public exhibition until May 14. The…
Central Coast Council deferred a decision on its draft consolidated planning controls at its meeting on March 9. The finalisation of the draft Central Coast Local Environment Plan (CCLEP) and…
Central Coast Councillor, Bruce McLachlan, has labelled a Bill tabled in State Parliament which would ban property developers and real estate agents from being elected to local councils as “undemocratic”…
A performance snapshot shows that Council failed two financial indicators but passed four other State Government mandated benchmarks in its 2018-2019 financial reports. Outstanding rates and annual charges did not…
Central Coast Council finished last financial year with a budget surplus of $62.4M, $14.9M more than it had budgeted for ($48.5M). The council received more grants and contributions than expected…
Council failed two out of three performance indicators on the Infrastructure Asset management scale. The rate at which Council is renewing its infrastructure is above the benchmark by more than…
Central Coast Council is cracking down on security, with all future meetings to be held at the Wyong chambers. A confidential report was discussed behind closed doors at the February…
Central Coast weekly video news. The ‘must know’ stories from around the region: Storm and flood damage wash up. Dredging monies secured. Calls for Mayor to resign. Mobile tower disagreement….
[Forum] A review of your December 23 publication (edition 485) made me wonder why do we bother with Council and-or its elected officials. The front page article was all about…
I wish to comment on the article on the front page of edition 485. The article related a meeting of Gosford Council where Council approved the construction of nine three-storey…
Some National Parks and all Central Coast Council bushland reserves, picnic areas and walking tracks are closed due to the current bush fires and weather conditions. Additionally, all Council Cemeteries…
[Forum] This is an open letter to all Central Coast councillors. Due to a number of private issues that have grounded me for much of the last 12 months, I’ve…
[Forum] Central Coast Council’s decision not to impose water restrictions until our dam capacity has dropped to 50 per cent is the equivalent of a patient not going to the…
Central Coast Council is searching for funds for emergency dredging of The Entrance Channel. Councillors decided at the December 9 meeting to lobby the State and Federal governments and they…
A new Gosford CBD Heritage Strategy, adopted by Central Coast Council at its meeting on December 9, will draw on the city’s industrial past and Aboriginal culture, using heritage interpretation,…
[Council] Councillor Greg Best called on Central Coast Council to release a summary of the last financial year’s last quarter’s figures, saying councillors were flying blind without the numbers. His…
Central Coast Mayor, Lisa Matthews, intends to put together a slideshow highlighting councillors’ “disgraceful behavior” at Council’s November 11 meeting and show it to them. The meeting saw debate often…
Central Coast councillors have decided that their privacy is an “overriding public interest reason” why their pecuniary or financial interests register should not go on the Council website for public…
Central Coast Council doesn’t need an integrity and ethical standards unit, says its Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee. Instead, Council just needs to clarify and promote the role of its…