
NSW can lead race to net zero emissions

[Ministerial correspondence] As a conservative, I have enormous faith in the power of markets. They unleash innovation, propel investment, spur jobs and foster prosperity. To function properly, however, they need…

The Week’s Local News 5@5 in AV format

Central Coast weekly video news. The ‘must know’ stories from around the region: Storm and flood damage wash up. Dredging monies secured. Calls for Mayor to resign. Mobile tower disagreement….

Call for Mayor to resign

As the clean-up continues following the devastating storms earlier this month, Central Coast Mayor, Lisa Matthews, is weathering a storm of her own. A motion going before Council at its…

Portaloos bring relief

Davistown Progress Association will approach Central Coast Council to provide a “big fix” to ongoing sewerage problems, after the township’s sewer service experienced major flooding following the storm event on…

Extra projects in capital works program

Council’s capital works program has increased by $1.07M for 2019/20, to accommodate an additional 21 projects across the region. They include: $23,625 for playground fencing at The Entrance Town Centre;…

Killcare residents query support for phone tower

Killcare Heights residents have challenged the Wagstaffe-Killcare Community Association’s claim that there is high level support for a new telecommunications tower proposed to be built on Wards Hill Rd. Association…

Power and pollution

Over 200 people from across the Central Coast attended the Power & Pollution Summit at Lake Macquarie over the weekend of February 8-9. Here are some of the highlights. A…

Weekly video news 5@5

The Central Coast’s top news stories this week: Wild scenes at first Council meeting for the year – Heavy rains across the Coast cause flooding and damage – Over 20…