
Central Coast Video News 5@5

Central Coast Video News long weekend edition from June 5, 2020: Tourism on the Central Coast set to rebound – Wage Freeze proposal for nurses defeated in parliament – Leagues…

Kibble Park re-think

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Central Coast Council has temporarily moved all community consultations online to obtain feedback about upcoming projects and strategies. The latest project up for comment…

Commuters “dudded’ by Council parking plan

[Gosford] Central Coast Commuters Association says the region’s commuters have been “dudded” by recommendations in a major parking study set to go up for public exhibition following consideration at the…

Free hearing loss information session

The Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (RIDBC) will host a free hearing loss information session in Gosford, where locals can hear directly from a cochlear implant recipient and…