
Council goes FOGO

The region’s weekly red bin collection is safe, with Central Coast Council voting to keep the bin schedule as it is, while it hopes to reduce waste going into those…

Time now to Get Ready for bushfire season

With the 2020-21 bushfire season fast approaching, the NSW Rural Fire Service is calling on Central Coast residents to spend this weekend preparing. Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and…

Council removes asbestos from beaches

Central Coast Council has ramped up its inspections of Wamberal beach as material fragments which potentially contain asbestos continuing to be sighted following the major storm event in July which…

Weekly News 5@5

Central Coast Weekly Video News from across the region: Dredging at The Entrance commences. PM visits the Coast. Airport report released. Green shoots in home care. Rental market under stress….

From combat to wombat: Scomo visits the Coast

Against a backdrop of a controversial commitment to increased gas-fired power, growing angst over Chinese data mining and a combative week with State governments over border restrictions, Prime Minister Scott…

Warnervale Working Group report released

The permanent protection of Porters Creek Wetland is a step closer, with the Warnervale Working Group progressing a Biodiversity Conservation Trust Agreement. The biodiversity agreement is one of a number…

Positive Ageing Strategy on public exhibition

Community members are invited to provide feedback on Central Coast Council’s Draft Positive Ageing Strategy 2021-2026, which outlines how Council will deliver services that support older residents to age healthily,…