
New $45,000 bike trail to be opened

Mountain biking Ourimbah Mountain Bike Park’s newest trail will officially open on Saturday, August 22. Spearheaded by park custodians, Central Coast Mountain Bike Club (CCMTB), the new $45,000 1.6km lower…

Semi-trailer jack-knifed

Police are investigating an incident on the M1 Motorway at Ourimbah, where a semi-trailer careered down the off ramp and jack-knifed into bush on the side of the rest area,…

Historical war memorial may be saved

Ourimbah RSL Sub-branch has met with Transport for NSW staff in a bid to save the historic war memorial from removal as part of the railway station upgrade. A meeting…

$70m road upgrade, now complete

Motorists on the Central Coast can enjoy improved traffic flow and safety with the upgrade of the Pacific Highway, between Lisarow and Ourimbah, now complete, as of October 9. Parliamentary…