
Gary Murphy Council CEO

The Central Coast Council amalgamation is a “ship still hitting a few waves”, but the merged council is headed in a clear direction, said Council CEO Gary Murphy. Appointed in…

Paula Martin

Paula Martin is the recently appointed head of the Central Coast Business Chamber. She speaks with journalist Terry Collins about the Chamber’s role and what they see as the needs…

Tesch on fines & election

Flushed with success after having hundreds of parking fines issued to residents parked on the grass verge at the front of their homes waived last week, Gosford MP Liesl Tesch…

Power station pollution control licence renewed

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has renewed the five-year licence without significant change to pollution controls at Delta Electricity’s Vales Point Power Station at Mannering Park. The licence renewal…

Council’s proposed Pile Burning Policy labelled

Chair of the Community Environment Network, John Asquith, has labelled Central Coast Council’s proposed Pile Burning Policy a “very bad policy”. The policy which has been on exhibition will, according…