
Water rates to rise

Central Coast residents can expect their water, sewerage and drainage charges to rise by 2.2% for the next financial year, which Council estimates will see a rise of just over…

Whither the HMAS Adelaide’s mast?

A second development application to place the HMAS Adelaide Mast at the Haven at Terrigal has been withdrawn from Council after an independent assessor would not recommend the plan. Council…

Central Coast Video News 5@5

Central Coast Video News long weekend edition from June 5, 2020: Tourism on the Central Coast set to rebound – Wage Freeze proposal for nurses defeated in parliament – Leagues…

Operation Soap in Public Toilets

With regional travel restrictions recently relaxed and more visitors arriving on the Coast, a small but dedicated band of residents is determined to take personal hygiene into their own hands…

Recycling a feature in M1 upgrade

One of Australia’s biggest concrete recycling projects has helped turn more than 200,000 tonnes of the old cracked surface of the M1 Pacific Motorway between Tuggerah and Doyalson into a…

APL England held in detention

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has laid charges against the Master of the APL England cargo ship which lost about 50 shipping containers overboard, causing debris and mangled shipping…

Kibble Park re-think

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Central Coast Council has temporarily moved all community consultations online to obtain feedback about upcoming projects and strategies. The latest project up for comment…