Central Coast Council

Viva la anti-plastics revolution

[FORUM] After viewing the ABC Four Corners episode “Plastic Wars” (August 10) with mounting anger and embarrassment, I hereby announce I am now a plastics recycling apostate.

Libraries are much more than books

[Forum] I write in support of the forward thinking proposal to build a regional library in Gosford. Modern libraries are about much more than books. They are resource centres, study…

Debt and deficits

[Forum] And we are supposed to be surprised; no way; but yes, it was to be expected; the Central Coast Council running up a huge multi million dollar debt. And…

Let’s paint the town red

Visual artists and creative groups are being asked to share their ideas about adding some flair to vacant spaces in town centres around the Central Coast. Central Coast Council is…

Community events granted $42,000

Community events including festivals on the Peninsula have been allocated about $42,000 in the latest round of Central Coast Council’s grants program. Other grants brought the total for the Peninsula…

Weekly Video News 5@5

5@5_26 June 2020 – The latest news from around the Central Coast. Council Rates Rise – Darkinjung Development pushback – More mountain bike clashes – Malcolm Brooks passes – Women’s…

2.6 percent rate rise adopted

Councillors at their ordinary general meeting on June 22, voted to apply the 2.6 percent rate rise allowed by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal. Rate notices will include an…