Out & About

Men’s Shed to hold trivia night

T he Erina Community Men’s Shed will be celebrating Men’s Shed Week, with a trivia night on Saturday, September 30. President, Mr Bob Miller, said the Erina Community Men’s Shed…

Healing with Horses talk at Ecovillage

Narara Ecovillage’s, Ms Scilla Sayer, and founder of Watagan Windhorse, Ms Jedda Britten, will talk on Healing with Horses at the Ecovillage on Saturday, September 23. “I have witnessed the…

Linda Burney spoke at Mingaletta

Around 100 community members gathered at the Mingaletta Local Aboriginal Corporation in Umina on Monday, August 21, to listen to Ms Linda Burney speak about constitutional recognition for Aboriginal and…

The Kingdom of Gosfordium revealed

The Youth Arts Warehouse (YAW) will present its latest production, The Kingdom of Gosfordium, a rich, comical, quick-worded play. The Kingdom of Gosfordium has been developed by the minds of…

Spring babies will be centre stage

Spring babies will be centre stage in the daily show line up at The Australian Reptile Park in the Spring school holidays (September 23-October 8), with the Central Coast award-winning…