aged care

Aged care provider welcomes new CEO

Local aged care organisation Peninsula Villages has welcomed Colin Osborne as its new CEO this month amidst a national crisis in the aged care sector caused by COVID-19 outbreaks. Taking…

Aged care residents to have their say

Uniting Nareen Gardens has invited nearby residents for an update on its proposed redevelopment of seniors’ accommodation at Bateau Bay. Adrian Ciano, head of property development at Uniting, said the…

The Weekly News 5@5

Central Coast Newspapers’ Weekly News 5@5, January 21, 2021. Local stories from the region’s largest newsroom. Stories this week: The Mariners are on the way to the FFA Grand Final…

Aged care facilities welcome back visitors

Residents at local aged care facilities have been able to start reuniting with friends and family due to the easing of COVID-19 restrictions from Monday, October 11. NSW Health advised…

91-year-old to try skydiving

They say age is just a number, and that it is not too late to try new things, something that Berkeley Vale’s, Ray Holley, knows too well. The 91-year-old Berkeley…

Aged residents the first to be vaccinated

The rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations has finally hit the Peninsula after delays to the scheme resulted in disappointment from aged care providers. Some residents at Peninsula Villages were the first…