
New course for aspiring female engineers

The first female-only engineering program Girls of Steel, designed to get more women into the engineering labour workforce, will begin in February at the Kariong trade campus. The program, to…

Have your say on housing

Central Coast Council is encouraging the community to contribute to discussions on housing across the region, with community consultation on the Central Coast Local Housing Strategy Discussion Paper now open….

Annual Magenta Shores Women’s Day lunch

Retired detective Debra Wallace, known as the ‘Gangbuster’ will be the guest speaker at Magenta’s Annual International Women’s Day Luncheon on March 8. She will talk about her work bringing down Cabramatta’s heroin trade, bikie gangs and organised crime.

Fresh food growers doing all they can

Freshmark, the trading name of the NSW Chamber of Fresh Produce Limited, has described the current COVID situation in NSW as having decimated Australia’s labour supply. Freshmark is a member-based…

Iconic pie bakery to open at Ourimbah

A new Heatherbrae’s Pies outlet under construction at Ourimbah is expected to open in April and bring 50 jobs to the region. Heatherbrae’s Pies has been operating at Raymond Terrace…