Out & About

Grammy Award nominee at Girrakool

2016 Grammy Award nominee, Cedric Burnside Project, all the way from Mississippi, USA, will perform their only NSW show at the Girrakool Blues Festival at Mount Penang Gardens on March…

Avoca author to launch new book

Avoca Beach author, Mr Warren Henry, is an expert in a topic that concerns so many people who are around retirement age: How do you pass on what’s been important…

Persian film and food tasting night

Each month a different cultural group of the Central Coast hosts a free film screening, food tasting, with various entertainment, talks and insights into their culture. Film Global, a partnership…

Book launch at The Rhythm Hut

Local writers Flavia Ursino and Dr Kevin Coleman launch their new book Monkey Business at the Rhythm Hut in Gosford on February 27, giving attendees a chance to pick up…

Giant Heart event on Valentine’s Day

The Multi Arts Confederation continues its campaign for Gosford’s cultural precinct to be located on the waterfront with a Giant Heart event on Valentine’s Day, February 14. The event is…

Church offers sanctuary to refugees

Central Coast for Social Justice held a peaceful gathering on the Gosford waterfront calling on the Federal Government not to return children to Nauru. The gathering was held at 6:00pm…

$2,500 grant for Kincumber Men’s Shed

The Kincumber Men’s Shed will receive $2,500 from the Australian Government to continue to promote and support men’s health and well-being on the Central Coast. Federal member for Robertson, Ms…

Gosford to host music festival

GosBlues 2016 is the first ever free, three day festival presenting quality Blues, Jazz and Roots music in multiple venues in the heart of Gosford city and surrounds. GosBlues 2016…

Australia Day Activities list

Australia Day Celebrations kick off in Gosford on the evening of the 25th at Kibble park and continue all day across the city until night fall with fireworks and the…

Summer art exhibition to be held

The Central Coast Art Society (CCAS) will hold its summer exhibition, including a people’s choice award, in the Community Gallery and Studio 2 at the Gosford Regional Art Gallery from…

Brackets at Kincumba returns for 2016

Brackets and Jam returns to Kincumba Mountain on Friday, January 22 after a two-month break. The lineup includes Josh Watkins, Johnny Devilseed and Old Man Rubes, Duncan Woods and KingRhythm…