
Reclassification considered

The 2015 NSW Local Government Conference has been asked to consider reclassifying Gosford as a metropolitan/ urban council and not a rural/regional council. According to a Mayoral Minute considered by…

Rescue teams thanked

On behalf of my daughter Cheryle and myself, I would like to thank all rescue teams and witnesses in regard to Cheryle’s accident which occurred on the evening of March…

Foster carers shortage addressed

The Central Coast has a shortage of foster carers so representatives from a range of local foster care agencies are joining together to hold a foster care information night. Those…

Historic Australian ship models on display

    Large-scale models of historic Australian ships, including one that lies at the bottom of the Hawkesbury River, have been added to an exhibition at the Marine Discovery Centre…

Frederick St intersection upgrade underway

Changed traffic conditions will be in place as part of the Central Coast Hwy and Frederick St intersection upgrade at East Gosford. Continuing storm water drainage and utility relocation work…

Six storey building at Pt Frederick approved

Another major development on the edge of Gosford’s city centre, worth around $9.5 million, was approved at Council’s Tuesday, May 12 general meeting. The six storey mixed use development, comprising…

Rezoning proposed for Lisarow land

Two large lots of land on Taylor Rd, Lisarow may be rezoned from Conservation and Scenic Protection (rural small holdings) to Low Density Residential. At its general meeting on Tuesday,…

Further investment in sewage pump stations

Gosford Council will invest around $1 million to upgrade two sewage pump stations at West Gosford and Narara this year. The upgrade works are part of Council’s extensive Sewage Pump…