
Mow the median strips, Catley

Member for Swansea, Yasmin Catley, is calling on Transport for NSW to clean up median strips along the Pacific Hwy on the Central Coast, saying grass on the strips has…

Candidates forum with few candidates

An election forum with a twist, held at Tuggerah’s Red Tree Theatre on Sunday, May 1, attracted over 100 community members and high-profile speakers – but not the Liberal or…

Weekly News 5@5

Welcome to Central Coast Newspapers’ Weekly News 5@5, May 6, 2022. The lead stories from across the region in a quick and easy audio/video format. This week: Things are heating up…

Biggest Morning Tea at The Cove

The Cove Village at Daleys Point is set to host a Biggest Morning Tea on Tuesday, May 10, and is hoping to better last year’s effort, which raised more than…