
Why don’t we have our own Peninsula Council?

While council plans for new waterside developments and the revitalisation of Gosford township, the millions of dollars Peninsula residents pour into the council account is doing precious little to improve…

Over-population cannot continue

Many items in this paper refer to the increasing population on the Peninsula which is obviously good for some but there is a lack of any mention of the quality…

Five-year street plan needed

In built-up areas like the Woy Woy Peninsula, you would expect the streets to have kerbing and footpaths. The kerbing designates where vehicles can drive and park, plus controls the…

Outrageous variations of 75 per cent

In response to the article in Peninsula News edition 440, Construction certificate issued for multi-dwelling project, the item raises questions about council’s assessment and public information. At the time the…

Liesl Tesch was respected and acknowledged

I am writing to respond to Ms Genny Murphy’s accusations against me printed in Edition 439 of Peninsula News (February 26), following last month’s official opening of new social and…

Key questions remain unanswered

Why would Transport for NSW opt to develop a site zoned E2 and E3 (rural and protected), when an alternative site zoned industrial is available? Why would Transport choose a…

No room for luggage on busy trains

Over the past few weeks, we have seen on the local news bulletins, coverage of the fiasco that is Sydney trains, and all of it has been concentrated on what…

Planning democracy? Not from this council

Mathew Wales’ claim that reducing the number of DA objections required to trigger a referral to Council will “impede the orderly development we need” is, of course, patent nonsense. Orderly…

Too much investigating and not enough doing

Politicians are flooding the media with stories about how they’ll be investigating to learn whether we should be investigating, to see if we need an investigation. Supposed “major” problems include:…

Article was self-fulfilling prophecy

In your January 23 issue of the Chronicle, you published an article and photo of the Wyee Probus Club’s induction of 19 Foundation members under the heading “Probus club thriving”….

Change needed to the Australian flag

The Union Jack on the Australian flag is a symbol of a colonial mentality and superior military force to the original inhabitants of this country. Indigenous people were here first…