
Volunteers should have their insurance paid

[Forum] Australia is a nation that needs volunteers, but most of them will not come forward because of insurance. Under the Howard Government, our then Local Member, Jim Lloyd and Larry…

Smokers treat no smoking signs with disdain

[Forum] Cough, Gasp, Splutter, Splutter. There have been many functions in Kibble Park. The first one I went to was last year. It was Christmas time. There were Ambulance officers present,…

MP or councillor, but not both

[Forum]  I write in response to the article in Coast Community News (Edition 187) that Cr Jeff Sundstrom will stand for the seat of Terrigal at the next State Election. Cr…

High rise housing wanted

[Forum] When is the former Wyong LGA going to start sprouting high rise housing like the rest of the region? It may be controversial and out of character to some, but…

More money to be spent on Gosford CBD

I refer to Minister Roberts’ recent fanfare announcement that $42m was earmarked by the NSW Government to fund infrastructure, such as water and sewer, in Gosford City centre. I have…

Much more can be done for the homeless

[Forum] It is not enough to provide even a massive increase in transitory housing for rough sleepers who wish shelter. As things remain, the number of homeless will just keep…