Toasting the demise of PEP 11

Community group Save Our Coast (SOC) celebrated the rejection of the PEP 11 permits for offshore gas exploration by the Federal Government at Ocean Beach Surf Club on Saturday, March…

Will this really kill PEP 11?

The Central Coast is one step closer to a PEP 11-free future with the recent passage of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Sea Bed Mining and Exploration) Bill 2024…

The Weekly News 5@5

Central Coast Newspaper’s Weekly News 5@5, the lead stories of the week from across the region. In the bulletin this week: Dog Plan draft fires up community Ex-PM’s Terrigal announcement…

PEP11 ‘dead in the water’

The PEP11 permit for offshore petroleum exploration has been officially cancelled, although the licence holder has already signposted a possible legal appeal against the decision. Prime Minister Scott Morrison took…

PEP11 one step closer to running out of gas

The Federal Government has taken “the next step” in formally rejecting the application for renewal of the PEP11 permit, which expired 12 months ago. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said, following…

Seeking less talk and more action

FORUM – I refer to your article of December 24 and see that Asset Energy’s Executive Director David Breeze is enthused by the potential of gas reserves off the coast…

Election to fix all ills

FORUM – Given that a politician’s promises are not worth the paper that they’re written on (“Seeking proof of intentions on PEP-11”, Forum, CCN 324), it would appear that the…

Election may come before death of PEP-11

The Federal Government announced last week it had taken the first steps towards cancelling the PEP-11 permit for off-shore gas exploration over an area stretching from Newcastle to Wollongong, with…

The Weekly News 5@5

Welcome to Central Coast Newspapers’ Weekly News 5@5 December 17, 2021. This week’s themes are COVID – Christmas and its election season. The Prime Minister was in town on Thursday…

PM says he’ll kill PEP-11

The Federal Government has taken the first steps towards cancelling the PEP-11 permit for off-shore gas exploration over an 8,200 square metre area stretching from Newcastle to Wollongong, with the…