Petroleum Exploration Permit 11 – PEP11 quashed, again

Save Our Coast campaigners with the Anthony Albonese at Terrigal -

The Commonwealth-NSW Offshore Petroleum Joint Authority has officially refused both PEP-11 applications.

Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic cited public interest concerns, questions about the applicants’ cost estimates and doubts over their ability to secure the capital needed to fund the proposed works.

The decision marks a significant victory for the Central Coast community, which has been steadfast in its opposition to the project.

Dr Natasha Deen, founder of the community group Save Our Coast, said:

“We are absolutely delighted that the flawed PEP 11 plan that threatened catastrophic harm to our delicate coastal environment, climate and way of life, is finally over.

Natasha Deen, of Save Our Coast, has fiercely opposed more gas exploration off the coast since 2018.

“This is a win for the marine ecosystem, climate and communities and for the thousands of voices that joined us in denouncing the unacceptable risk that was PEP 11.

“We are humbled to have begun the Stop PEP 11 campaign in early 2018 and thank the thousands of community members and Members of Parliament who joined us to ensure the only just and fair outcome that we see today.”

Both of the Central Coast’s Federal MPs, Dr Gordon Reid (Robertson) and Emma McBride (Dobell), welcomed the decision by the joint authority.

Reid said he has supported the community’s campaign since before his election to Parliament in 2022 and commended the dedication and advocacy of the community.

“The Central Coast community has fought long and hard for this outcome,” he said.

He applauded the community’s resilience despite setbacks caused by what he described as mismanagement by the previous Government and secret ministerial appointments under former Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

CCN has followed and reported on the issue for 10 years.

See all the previous stories in our archive, and some of the latest stories below:

PEP11: The saga continues with Husic’s ‘Preliminary Determination’

PEP11 companies ask Federal Court to force government decision

PEP11 ‘dead in the water’

PEP11 one step closer to running out of gas

STOP PEP11 Bill may not see light of day

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