Cashless banks a growing problem
Many have wondered if the banks are trying to go cashless. A major Australian bank has canned over-the-counter cash transactions in some branch locations, in a move towards a cashless…
Many have wondered if the banks are trying to go cashless. A major Australian bank has canned over-the-counter cash transactions in some branch locations, in a move towards a cashless…
I wish the people of the Central Coast region would stop referencing Central Coast Council in all forms, due to the fact that there are no councillors and only an…
I pulled this balloon (pictured) and pieces of a couple of others from the field on April 10. My sheep had already been chewing on them. For those who let…
I refer to the article in the Coast Community News of March 9 about affordable rental housing at The Entrance. The Council has had to borrow large sums of money…
I’m afraid that I have to disagree with Sonnie Hopkins on the subject of nuclear submarines (“The time is right for nuclear submarines”, CCN 385). There is a fundamental difference…
An old adage for investment management is: Do not put all your eggs in one basket -diversification reduces risk. This applies equally in regards to the options available for replacement…
Sonnie Hopkins makes an arguable case that the manufacturing sector could make a bigger contribution to Australia’s economy than the basic support I suggested, in my letter of March 23,…
After visiting the Central Coast Council display in Kibble Park and talking to employees several things were quite clear. There are two sides in Council and they do not agree…
Both Richard Pryke and Paul Corkeron pour scorn on Australia having nuclear-powered submarines (CCN 384). The former dismisses them as a threat to China while the latter implies the present…
Three nuclear-powered submarines is the best use those geniuses down in Canberra can come up with for $368B (yes, billion) of government spending? With those we’ll “threaten” (ha!) the world’s…
Central Coast Council is to be congratulated on the presentation of the draft Strategic Housing Strategy for comment. This is the finest compilation of Central Coast data that I have…
At the last Federal election pre-poll voting was available at the deserted National Australia Bank branch in Blackwall Rd, Woy Woy. Woy Woy is like Rome; all roads lead there….
The poor old wheelchair users and people with disabilities don’t seem to be getting much of a look in. Many millions have been spent on upgrades to parks; Bouddi National…
I feel the need to respond to your correspondent (Time to re-appraise nuclear power, CCN382). The correspondent claims renewable sources of energy (solar and wind) “do not constitute a full…
It seems any mention of cheap, clean renewables gets the dander up some areas, whether they be advocates for more coal and gas burning or, over the past two Forums,…
Recently I watched a program on TV about Asian high school students being taught about politics. Each student was asked to take on the role of being a politician and…
Charles Hemmings (CCN332) ignores the problem with nuclear power more fundamental than disposal of waste. It remains a fact that Australia has no nuclear power station, not one. Furthermore, there…
FORUM: We have to turn inward and start to look after ourselves instead of depending of other nations to help out with manufacturing. The trouble started with the Whitlam Government…
I would like to support the comments of Mr Fell (CCN381). Blind Freddy, Mr Fell and I are in agreement about our present energy policy. It is an inconvenient truth,…
At the end of this month we are expected to go to the polls to vote for a new government in NSW and the big decision is whether we vote…