Coast loses two of its best

Bob Puffett - Anne Brack

Last month, two of our most giving Central Coast community members died.

Each practised the conviction that learning and its expression are at the heart of a fulfilling life.

For Anne Brack it was drawing and painting.

She could have spent all her free time producing wonderful pictures but instead, she gave much of it to work unpaid through local arts groups, advising and critiquing to the benefit of others.

For Bob Puffett it was learning on a broader scale, but especially technical skills and their application in the workforce.

Though retired from leadership in TAFE for two decades, Bob maintained his involvement both locally and nationally, encouraging young people to explore their interests for possible careers.

And they had even more important qualities in common—gentleness, warmth and modesty, and a love of the Central Coast as home.

Those of us who knew Anne and Bob well have lost two dear friends.

At the same time, our Central Coast community has been deprived of two of its best contributors.

Email, Jun 2
Sonnie Hopkins, Tascott