The Voice will enhance our democracy

forumLetters to the editor must now be sent via email

I refer to John King’s comments (CCN 387) regarding The Voice (to Parliament) and share his concerns that “every Federal Government has failed Aboriginal people miserably”.

However, without berating or arguing his other comments I just wish to refer readers to the legal advice handed down by the Solicitor-General, Stephen Donaghue, to Parliament on Friday, April 21, in which he confirms “The Voice will not fetter or impede the exercise of existing powers of Parliament” and “is not just compatible with the system of representative and responsible government prescribed by the Constitution but an enhancement of that system”.

I wish to reiterate and highlight the reassuring words in that advice – The Voice is not just compatible with our system of government but an enhancement of our democracy, hopefully with the aim of bridging the gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Email, Apr 30
Marliene Byrne, Point Frederick