Council needs to be accountable

forumLetters to the editor must now be sent via email

Central Coast Council Administrator Rik Hart, CEO David Farmer and senior staff do not provide the community with public services that are either of acceptable standards or that meet the reasonable expectations of the majority of the community.

Further, their deals with developers involving community assets and their decisions on development projects are, at best, questionable.

Council’s job is to provide basic services to the local government area.

(Council senior staff) are employed to represent the residents and ratepayers by providing what the community needs and where possible doing some of the extra projects that the people want done.

They are not employed to do what either NSW government politicians or bureaucrats (or businessmen) want.

They, along with the Office of Local Government, should have done due diligence and applied the checks and balances of governance to prevent the elected councillors from stuffing things up.

They did not.

So why are they still getting away with spending ratepayer and NSW taxpayer money without being held to account for what they do or how they do it?

Whose best interests are they serving?

All we get in response to questions and requests for information is obfuscation, delay, denial and deceit.

To our elected MPs – how will you do your duty to the community to pursue these matters of accountability?

Email, May 12
Ian Weekley, Umina Beach