Out & About

International speaker at Erina

Gosford Council hosted two free sessions on Thursday, August 20 at The Hub in Erina with renowned author and trainer Mr Cormac Russell. They are part of an ongoing series…

Future of Money seminar at Narara

The Narara Eco Village will present the Future of Money seminar on Saturday 5 September. Have you ever wondered if there are better ways of organising society than through the…

Controversial film screening

Avoca Beach Theatre is set to host a controversial film on Thursday, August 6. ‘Evolution’s Achilles Heels’ follows 15 PhD scientists who put their careers on the line as they…

Free screening of ‘Earthlings’

Central Coast Vegans are hosting a free screening of the multiaward winning documentary film, ‘Earthlings’ and a free supper on Friday, August 7 at the Rhythm Hut in Faunce St,…