
Why was this drivel published?

[Forum] I’m writing this letter because I’m frustrated being served up drivel such as the alleged effort by Mr MacDonald in Peninsula News edition 444. How tripe such as this gets…

Kangy Angy is a problematic choice

[Forum] I am an aesthete, and I regularly view the site of the proposed rail facility at Kangy Angy when commuting via the railway there. Following on from previous articles…

Advertisements confuse readers

I wish to draw your attention to two full-page advertisements in issue 181 of Coast Community News, found on pages 7 and 11. The first claims a funding cut of…

CBD announcement politicised

I read with interest your front-page article, Planning Minister welcomes recommendation for Gosford City centre, Coast News ed.180. What a shame that the NSW Government has so thoroughly politicised this…

Heart-warming Anzac Day story

I write to share a heartwarming story for Anzac Day about my pop, Mr Ronald FitzGerald, who has had the same home at Empire Bay Central Coast for over 40…

Parliamentary Secretary overhears conversation

An imaginary conversation: Tiesel: “Davo, whatcha doin’ right now? (sic) Davo: “Not much. “Sitting in my office playing solitaire on my computer.” Tiesel: “Are you up for a stunt?” Davo:…

Cheating is a national sport

In response to the ball-tampering scandal, (of which this publication has never reported on) please don’t just single out cricket players. We are a nation of cheats. Husbands cheat on…

Dream on and keep talking

In regards to Coast Community News edition 180, re: The Planning Minister viewing the revitalisation of Gosford Township, my first reaction was: What a load of “Bunkam” in saying that Kibble Park has…

Record crowds for Regional Show

The Central Coast Regional Show Committee of the Gosford Showground Trust extends sincere appreciation to Central Coast Newspapers for your valued support of this traditional community event. Our annual event…

Latest planning recommendations heartening

It was somewhat heartening to read of the latest set of planning recommendations for Gosford CBD (Coast Community News edition 180), given the many false promises given to the community…

Kibble Park attracts all the wrong people

I am truly shocked that Kibble Park is being considered the focal point for the revitalisation of Gosford. Has the Government Architect even been there? Has he spent an afternoon…

Traffic lights not requested by community

The recent Peninsula News (edition 442) article concerning the long anticipated works at Melbourne Ave made welcome reading in the recent issue of Peninsula Community News. However, as part of…

Brisbane Water Cruise still operating

Great article on the channel silting, however, the headline attached to the front page photo (Peninsula News, issue 442, April 9, 2018) has confused a large number of our passengers…

Obscured road signs are dangerous

[Letters to the editor] I have recently driven numerous NSW roads and believe that hidden or obscured road direction signs, speed signs, locality signs and safety signs are causing many…