
Pelican Post hits the streets

Central Coast Newspapers is delighted to present the inaugural edition of the Coast Community Pelican Post. The newspaper continues a tradition of more than 20 years providing the people of…

Who doesn’t love a garage sale?

More than 45 residences on the Peninsula took part in last year’s Garage Sale Trail, with Central Coast Council hoping even more will participate in this year’s event on November…

Alleged code of conduct violation closed

The resignation of Cr Troy Marquart has closed the file on an alleged code of conduct violation against him. Marquart resigned in writing before the October 26 meeting. That meeting…

Swamp wallaby nursed back to health

Jirri the swamp wallaby has hopped to freedom after being fostered for 12 months by a Central Coast husband and wife from Corrective Services NSW. Community Corrections Unit Leaders Katrina…

Dredging program completed

Central Coast Council has wrapped up its dredging program at The Entrance Channel for the year, with about 25,000 cubic metres of sand removed and in line with its $1.2M…

New roundabout planned for Blue Bay

Residents are invited to comment on concept design plans for a roundabout at the Ocean Pde and Boondilla Rd intersection at Blue Bay. Design of the fully mountable roundabout will…

Administrator appointed

Newly appointed Administrator of Central Coast Council, Dick Persson, is committed to finding just what actions led to Council’s financial crisis, within 30 days. Persson was appointed Administrator on Friday,…

Messages of thanks

Officers at Gosford Police Station have received some special mementos from the children of the Central Coast. A delivery of cards, artworks and messages of thanks arrived at the station…