
Opening of greenfi eld developments opposed

E1 and E2 zonings must not be reviewed, particularly in light of recent development applications for over 50 dwellings at Killcare Heights and the significant conflict of interest a number…

A nod of hope for farms?

What great news to read that coal seam gas is off the agenda for farms on the Central Coast and further. This news gave me some hope that the wheels…

Is a smile too much to ask?

Being of a certain age, I was brought up to be courteous towards the fairer gender when meeting in the street. This normally garners a smile in return. Lately, however,…

Terrigal carpark could remain in situ

I was interested to read the article about the sale of Terrigal carpark which appeared in Issue 109 of Coast Community News. Why couldn’t the carpark remain on site and…

Greenhouse gases explained and quantifi ed

Mr Guy Caruana (Coast Community News Forum, June 3) should perhaps stick to playing marbles with his bucket of marbles. Straightforward physics demonstrates that a bare rock at Earth’s distance…

Previous letters raise many questions

I was interested to read in Issue 109 of Coast Community News that the designer of the Waterside proposal wants citizens to sign on to a petition pushing the project,…

First past the post recommended

I want my vote to count! I would like to see the system of preferential voting replaced by first past the post – one vote, one value, one clear result….

Complaints have some success

It appears as though my regular complaints about the state of Glennie St (The Street of Many Pot-Holes) have worked. Some of the more egregious holes have now been filled….

Race defined

I refer to my education on the word “race”. It is well known that there are only three races on earth: Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasion. However, there are 213 nations…

Holstein accused of dummy spit

Wow, what a major dummy-spit from the former member for Gosford. He doesn’t seem to understand how the preferential voting system works, and instead blames factors cited by some anonymous…

NBN not planned for Erina after all

“NBN progress now extends to Erina” was the headline on page four of the Coast Community News (April 22). Well, it’s not really now but maybe September 2016! That is…