
The Esplanade is a ‘speedway’

The changes by the Council to the Esplanade at Umina Beach are dangerous. The police response is disgusting. The local driving community, not much better. The Council put in a…

Bullion St carpark more disposable than wetlands

While it is encouraging that the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce is joining the protest against the Administrator’s application to IPART for a rate increase (‘”Sell more assets instead” – Chamber…

Support for Chamber’s rate rise opposition

The Peninsula Chamber of Commerce is right to oppose Central Coast Council’s latest rate hike application (“Chamber says NO to 10 year rate hike,” PP047). Those who earn their revenues…

Still waiting for mobile phone coverage

Often one hears of remote areas of Australia dealing with poor mobile phone reception. Here at Killcare, part of Greater Sydney and a bushfire prone area where reliable mobile coverage…

Keep Trumpisms in America

In the past there have already been some contributions in the Forum putting COVID vaccinations in doubt. But what I read today in the Community Coast News from February 11 made…

Mega city ‘inevitable’

Whatever Gary Blaschke’s views might be on the Newcastle/Sydney/Wollongong megacity (“Community won’t support mega city plans, CCC 275), in the end they will be of no consequence, because this megacity…

Questions about asset sales

I was extremely interested to read a letter in the Coast Community Chronicle on February 9 from Debbie Williams. Quite recently I received a notification from Rick Hart Administrator with…

Mask best protection available

I am 76 and wear a face mask over my mouth and nose, and not just over my chin. I know there are people out there like Tim Bark who…

Hold on to what we can

One wonders by what criteria the Local Planning Panel judges development applications, if it can refuse the proposed development in Ocean View Rd, Ettalong Beach, while apparently being satisfied to…

Woy Woy or Roy Roy?

“Hey Grandad, what’s the story with that old barn?’ You pretty much have the history of most things around Woy Woy.” “Well now” and the old man took a long…

RATS fiasco a ‘disgrace’

Amongst the many shortcomings of the Government’s approach to COVID has been the total lack of any advice about what to do, if you are unfortunate enough to get COVID,…

‘Superficial’ survey

I was grateful to Liesl Tesch, our local State Member, in PP045, for drawing my attention to an online survey “seeking the views from Australians living in regional, rural or…

Sign confirmed promise

I am pleased to accept the polite apology from Bruce Hyland (“Listing the ’manifest shortcomings’”, p. 12) regarding his memory lapse about the fatal accident at the Rawson Road level…

Why cut back Council meetings?

I see that our Council is planning on cutting back on meetings in order to save ratepayers’ money (“Three meetings in two weeks then dropped to monthly”, CCN328). As if…

Social media comments don’t count

I am baffled by your correspondent’s facts on COVID (“Check the figures and listen to the experts”, PP 045). On the one hand he writes “It is a deadly warfare…