Cancer Council

Daffodil Day for vital cancer research

Erina Fair will be the flagship site on the Central Coast for the NSW Cancer Council’s Daffodil Day Appeal on Thursday, August 25. The appeal is being held throughout August…

Sew what?

Central Coast-based sewing groups and home sewers have dedicated their time and resources to making headwear for cancer patients, with local organisations joining in on the cause and providing funding…

Doctor Do More helps raise $100,000

Local emergency doctor, Ash Bowden, also known as Doctor Do More, helped raise over $100,000 during September for Cancer Council Central Coast. Bowden’s #MoveAgainstCancer initiative aimed to encourage people to…

Walk your way to a healthier life

A local doctor is putting the call out to get moving this September in a bid to raise funds for research, prevention and support services for cancer patients across Australia….

Stars of the Central Coast

Cancer touches everyone – a reason why eleven Central Coast’ stars’ have raised over $125,000 for the Cancer Council and bravely put up their hand to perform in this year’s fundraising campaign, Stars of the Central Coast.

Cancer Council campaign revs up

Three Central Coast mates have started a campaign to raise $1M for the Cancer Council, by raffling off a custom-made muscle car. Ned Restom, Deane Poile, and Adam Barnes, who…