Out & About

Social group donates to Coast Shelter

A social group for Central Coast residents over the age of 45 gathered just before Christmas to donate gifts to local charitable organisation, Coast Shelter. Central Coast Savvies is a…

Free pet microchipping day

Central Coast Animal Care Facilities at Erina and Charmhaven are having a free microchipping day on February 24, from 10am to 4pm. Pet owners are encouraged to take their pets…

Community music classes at Rhythm Hut

The Rhythm Hut in Gosford is running community music classes in African djembe drumming, Japanese Taiko drumming, didgeridoo (for men only), ukulele and, new to this term, is The Rhythm…

Fountaindale fire trail upgraded

Central Coast Council has completed an upgrade to the Pleasant Valley Fire Trail in Fountaindale. The trail provides safe access for Council and the RFS to manage bush fire risks…