
Accolades for Marine Rescue volunteers

Two members of Central Coast Marine Rescue have been honoured at the Central Coast National Volunteer Week ceremony. Unit Commander, Ian Morrow, was presented with the Volunteer Manager 2023 award,…

Time to stop and reflect, says Harris

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty and Member for Wyong, David Harris, has urged Central Coast residents to stop and reflect during Reconciliation Week (May 27-June 3). The dates of…

Ladies learn to do it themselves

A three-hour do-it-yourself plumbing workshop for women was held at Mingaletta in Umina Beach on Friday, May 19, co-hosted by Benchworks founder Jenn Rochford. Participants in the workshop learnt essential…

Plugging those potholes

As complaints regarding the many potholes throughout the region continue to pour in, many are asking why Central Coast Council keeps filling holes on the same road instead of doing…

Exciting news on World Turtle Day

Aussie Ark and the Australian Reptile Park have announced the first ever mating within their population of critically endangered Manning River turtles. Appropriately, the announcement came on May 23, World…